100 Hours to realize you can do THIS in Spider Man 2

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let's just not run right into it these passengers are lucky I'm not homelander this many hours in Spider-Man and I this is a thing sup chaos here and yeah it took me almost 100 hours of playing Spider-Man 2 to realize that you can do this I think I broke the bounds of the world and much more crazy things that I'll be showing throughout this video I've been spending a lot of time online trying to figure out if these things actually work so in this video we'll be seeing if they work or not but before we start quick shout out to all you guys who are before 1 hour gang it means a [ __ ] ton all right for the first one you can apparently change the weather in the game you know in previous Spider-Man games there there's icons and places where you can actually change the time of day this game um not so much unless you do exactly what I do here you want to make your way all the way to a mysterium oh the fast travel so clean as you're walking to the mysterium and it's loading open up your map go directly to the mysterium that you were just at press triangle this will launch you straight into the mission which I mean I'm hoping it works oh it works okay so Press Start abandon Challenge and this should work as you can tell it was daytime now it looks like ooh that sun setting that's kind of nice not sure about you but just playing at night time as Spider-Man just makes more sense to me dude look at this this is Central Park at night seems like people are still outside though you know just chilling right before the sunsets been a while since I've been in New York but I think people just do this you don't have the option just to do nighttime you can always go to chinatowns mysterium to get yourself a whole new time of day as well wait hold on we got to we got to grab this real quickly wait who the yeah I thought something crazy was going on inside there you good okay remember all I got to do is press the map go directly right back into the mysterium which will launch us into the mission boom so abandon that challenge and it kind of just locks in we're playing God right now and as you can see we have a nice golden hour Sunset oh my God okay I didn't think this was going to be this nice so hey this one worked it's perfect bro dude look at this the way it bounces off the water oh this game next next gen we love we love you PS5 but you can apparently try this with all the mysterium on the left side of the map which changes the weather or the time of day which apparently this one Midtown will give you a midnight Vibe so hey let's see if it works perfect and it does very perfect for Peter Parker's black Ramy suit God midnight Vibes who doesn't love it all right for the next one we all know about the whole launching yourself with your webs just pull yourself back all the way and launch the best feature but apparently you can make this even more cinematic you can create yourself a zipline which oh my God I always forget that this is a thing and while on the zipline you can pretty much launch yourself um I think I need to change my suit for this so it's more moviees oh yeah best suit right here oh my god it works it actually works yo what the [ __ ] wait no no wrong way wrong way okay hold on but I'm going to try and find a better angle to do this at hey convenient two towers and no those aren't the towers you're thinking of um maybe not from here though uh let's see if it works wait what am I holding on to wait wait wait can I pause yes dude oh yo this is [ __ ] insane spyy being all spider like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yo blur that [ __ ] out dude's got a little fing foa or whatever funny enough I'm pretty sure he did this in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie if I'm wrong correct me on that all right and as soon as I unpause I will probably launch myself let's see oh yeah oh that's clean right into the wing suit too and we the amount of speed you get from this insane real question though how are they supposed to make a Spider-Man 3 game cuz like they've added so much in this I'm going to say it number three is going to be dog [ __ ] just like that movie oh yeah by the way you pretty much press L2 and X okay yeah these angles they don't make sense but it's going to work clean um this lady is not stretching but she's definitely having a good time she's watching the game but there's nothing on on TV and speaking of some weird NPCs in the game I found something very concerning if you come to this location um this door is made for the dwarves oh they heard me whoa hey buddy hi it seems like uh they've got no knees and the fact is that they they keep coming out I don't know how many people are like kind of hiding out in this building but it's a bit concern why you hiding my dude I'm just trying to say hi Oh it's a it's a girl I'm so sorry I'm so anyway we're going to fast forward this to see what happens you know as Spider-Man I'm just happy to see everyone coexisting like this all walks of life just coming from the one building and they seem happy but it seems like this guy in front is the ultimate leader for now we're going to call him [Music] Robert and yeah it's a bit concerning how many followers Robert has most of them were wearing plaid you can just see it you um which one which one are you talking about Spidey uh guys listen to me disperse we don't like Colts in New York oh no there's more hey nonf flanel gang yeah oh my God it's like they've sunken yeah uh developers you might want to fix the height of the door hell yeah another spiderbot yeah I might be checking out one of those little Easter eggs later on but the random spawning of NPCs doesn't stop there if you come to this location in downtown Brooklyn you can find the spawning of some other NPC who just need some fresh air uhoh here they come here they come the ritual the doors don't even work my god do you guys think Robert's behind this and they're all wearing plaid bro what is up with the not really sure if they sorry guys I did not mean to scare you but yeah I I think this will be fixed eventually I just kind of don't want it to be fixed if you're ever feeling lonely in the game you can kind of come here and just say hi to people give them all names wait that didn't scare anyone how about this gu guys be be afraid I'm I'm like tentacle dude wow they're only afraid of black tentacles never the white ones this is looking like a camp uh you know like this is definitely uh some concern here can blame Robert and for the next feat we have a Max height glitch you can apparently reach the stratusphere by doing a few little glitch tricks button mashing if you may thing is like it's it's a little difficult to even do so so it's pretty much holding square and spamming triangle over and over and over until you get your specials then pressing L1 triangle L1 X to get you some hyp and if done right I can pretty much touch the edge of the world or maybe even some planes I mean that's definitely a thing I can do this I think wait I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it yeah baby dude it's actually working dude I'm not used to this I'm holding the controller upside down bro I am going the distance and I'm pressing the wrong buttons on accident I can't be doing that no no no why did I press I pressed the wrong fing button dude my finger was slipping on the L2 button on accident but just a little idea of how far I went real quickly that building way over there that's I'm doing it baby I'm doing it and I'm leveling up holy this is like an XP hack oh my god dude this looks amazing with this whole weather change that I did I can see the soccer fields from here and maybe my house I I I don't know to be honest holy [ __ ] I can't believe I made it this High all I got to do is find an airplane and be good I pretty much mastered the button combos it's like muscle memory at this point I'm getting really dizzy though oh my God plane yes oh my God holy [ __ ] this is insan okay well let's just not run right into it these passengers are lucky I'm not homelander dude that is insane but realistically though where's the plane going I see how high I can go I'm leveling up too I'm doing this mostly just to give us some skill points honestly [ __ ] it looks like a goddamn painting out there a painting by God I think broke the bounds of the world like seriously I am out of the map oh there's there's New York I oh and now this guy's looking very copy and paste yeah no none of this is detailed I don't think yeah they did not flush this part of the map out at all I wonder what happens if I get close enough not falling in style this is Peter Parker doing the stunt and looking at the buildings that are photos they're they're literally just photos I guess what happens if I oh yeah I I can't web out here that's not my good bro I'm stranded Why didn't it like not kill me or anything I'm trapped out here in the abyss help standlee someone where the am I what the no shot I mean I guess I could fast travel my way back to the yeah and for the next one apparently you can play as any character you like in free roam kind of seen this I teased it with Venom in my previous videos playing as him in free roam the best thing to ever exist W wo don't don't try and fill up your cut with my cut but for a character that I think is interesting to play as would be MJ listen she is a 10 out of 10 okay no matter what we all think from from before she's got gun gun good so if you go to the mission wake up and get to the second Alleyway where this car is driving by after you get cool web gun take out that first enemy and book it all the way to this garage over to the right side don't get caught just John Wick the hell out of this dude and slowly make your way over to this fountain area you don't want to go through that gate but you want to try and glitch your way through the fountain and the bushes here squeezing your MJ ass into the area and slowly but surely it it might be rough but you can slowly run across the frence into open territory and then from there you're home free to free roam the streets of New York as Miss Watson with gun yeah of course NPCs and cars are still here but you can't shoot them unfortunately there's some cool animations though MJ can swim well I mean kind of it looks like she's drowning and she's got emotes which I had no idea was a thing for like the video she says like the I love you guys and of course you can ride the bike with any NPC especially like Venom but with MJ kind of surprised like this kind of looks pretty sick in the rain no no no no what camera camera why are you zooming in on the the bike seat stop zooming in all right for this next one I don't know what I was once gun in the old Spider-Man game but now we have gun what in stands green earth oh we we Spider-Man but we kill and for the next one it's pretty damn gamebreaking there's some pretty weird things when you switch from your regular suit to your symbiote suit which allows you to skip pretty much any objective instantly um again this can definitely be a problem but we're going to test this out on the Symbiote nests where honestly is the ones that I hate the most so this will come in perfectly yeah ma'am ma'am the bathroom is that way ma'am where the what am I playing cyber Punk so first all you got to do is place the bomb down on on one of these disgusting looking pimples and then go over to your suits swap the suit to whatever one you want to let's try this one it's been a while oh okay yeah maybe close your eyes because yeah look at that instant objective complete and when I go to my map it's no longer there not too sure of why this is a thing and why this happens but I'm pretty sure because as this character I don't have like all the cool animations like the Symbio suit does you know like jumping and having my tendil come out like that these tendil were robotic symbiotes all goopy and tentacle like oh yeah no worries you can pretty much do it from this suit to the symbiote suit and it should still work yeah like it gives you this weird black screen and oh yep and I did I get nuked yeah complete oh hey ma'am I'm sorry you need me to stretch her out I can I can definitely help excuse me and yeah if I haven't played this game for about 50 hours or so I would have never realized this is a thing pimple popped my eye he got out my eye and also if you do complete all these symbios Nest you do unlock pretty awesome suit for miles oh my God this is clean this is insane oh dude the white one is pretty much like an anti-venom suit for miles oh oh yeah no I I need you guys to like rate this suit out of 10 if only miles had the Symbio suit during the story mode oh man and it looks so good in white too look at this oh oops I was trying to do tricks here apparently there's another symbiote looking suit I think it might be the Carnage suit that you can also unlock yeah it's going to take me a lot more than just 50 hours to do that and the fact that I've got this one too oh wait I might even make a whole video for this wait let's just uh let me little take a quick little peek at the oh yeah yeah this is nice this is good Wolverine game in the future who knows I would play the [ __ ] out of it the hell is this thing no we're good we're going to pass in this one dude with so many suits I feel like I should do one of those Spider-Man 2 but I have every suit sort of videos where I showcase them all leave a like if you want to see me do that next the next one is pretty sick but I think I need a cooler and better suit for it a suit that would look really good on TV with maybe a classic suit this is probably the best one oh the white detailing we're picking that one sup chaos here was I on my phone watching a who's chaos video crazy of me but if you were to come here on the map you'll be able to give yourself an amazing well not give yourself an amazing interview someone will interview you pretty sure this is City Hall but we're doing it for the big screen oh I might have ruined it hey get up hey no no no no no it disappeared God damn it well they were supposed to give me an interview in my new suit a [ __ ] this is where mil's Dad di yeah let's walk away from this area if you're just like me and you end uping it up too because it's it's still messed up go ahead and change the days with the mysterium once you change the days it should activate again Spider-Man New Yorkers want to know is a hot dog a sandwich no what no but it might be a salad think about it wait a minute Pete is on to something something I swear I mean what do you guys think hot dog salad guys I found Dylan he is back in my hands am I sniffing his armpit I don't know if this guy's impressed or just very confused how do you guys like my pet Dylan you with his Tims guys acknowledge Dylan he wants love does Dylan smell at least somewhat good come on lady hey whoa whoa whoa whoa don't don't try and catch his juices with your C everyone always trying to catch juices with the cup if she sips that I'm going to be that's fing nasty I'm only now just finding out that I can pretty much take an NPC anywhere if I need to save them it doesn't even have to be at the objective look how far away this [ __ ] is do you at least like the view Dylan he does not look like a Dylan but it's fine you're good I would never drop you unfortunately I I really can't drop him which is kind of sad [ __ ] up but hey oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God we're going to just smack oh yeah fall damage also doesn't like it doesn't work if you're holding Dylan I mean an NPC for this next one it's pretty sad whether you're in a different movie suit or you're the black symbiot suit the dialogues change when talking to Aunt May you know she's in the dirt there but if you go all the way up here to the map to a May's grave you can hear it for yourself wait Jefferson D that's not a May Parker lucks back with a vengeance this also changes when you're doing it during the main story hey may miss you really cool attention to detail as Peter when the black suits on becomes very stressed it seems no more heal one at a time not with this suit and for the next one the amazing attention to detail is insane in this game if I turn my audio all the way down like at least my music but you can pretty much hear miles footsteps like he such a heavy boy yeah very loud I mean I don't know how he was doing those stealth missions earlier but I was super excited when I unlocked the wakan forever suit the black cat suit look at that clean I think I should put on uh this one it doesn't matter but now if we were to listen to his footsteps silent like a cat I mean the reasoning isn't because he's a cat or wearing a cat suit it's because this suit uh I don't know made of vibranium like come on dude we all seen the movies vibranium absorbs sound now if the developers understand this and knew this props to you guys wait hold on spiderbot spiderbot spiderbot where are you I will collect you all like I'm a goddamn Pokemon trainer there you are thank you yo this one's the coolest heyy gy can you hang up please I want CEO of sex instead but no seriously I just want to hear like my non-existent footsteps you can't hear [ __ ] and last but certainly not least we have the final little Easter egg thing that of course took me a 100 hours to realize you can do in the game once you collect all the spiderbots you are met with a cool cutscene here right here random brick oh oh no they didn't y you seeing this oh bro what the hell is happening dude for them to add this in the game look at this a spider hero hi that's me they're all safe me I have no idea who she is I'm just a bartender from the movie never seen them let me take those off your hands I wait no no no no no I literally gathered them all just thank you Spider-Man and if Miguel comes looking for these tell them find her Keepers oh wait who's Miguel yo who's Miguel yeah that is insane what the hell was that who the hell are you you're not a CEO of sex hang up to the amount of stuff that you can actually do in this game is insane and I feel like there's going to be a lot more so hey if you guys want to see a lot more from me click here on screen because I definitely got a lot more things planned for Spider-Man 2
Channel: Whos‎ Chaos
Views: 1,479,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider-man 2, spider man 2, spiderman, ps5, Marvel Spider Man 2 Gameplay, Spider Man 2 Ps5 Gameplay, Spider Man 2 Reaction, Spider Man 2 Trailer Reaction, Spider Man 2 Lizard Fight, Spider Man 2 Black Suit Gameplay, Spider Man 2 Part, Marvel Spider Man 2 Review, Marvel Spider Man 2 Expanded New York, Marvel Spider Man is Hard, spider man 2 ps5, spiderman pc, spider man mods, spider man pc mods, whos chaos, spider-man 2 gameplay, spiderman 2, spiderman 2 suits
Id: t6c0Kt0JrjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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