Spider Man 2 PS5 - 6 Of The Best Hidden Secrets That Take Too Long To Discover!

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all right so let's talk about even more secrets and glitches you can do in Spider-Man 2 including ways to level up to 60 in minutes if you want to get the first stacked already at max level but there's some other advantages in there too plus many more cool tricks that you can pull off during traversal to just make everything a lot better but to start things off the vertical Loop spin is not the only speed gaining trick you can pull off in this game there's also a horizontal version of it though you will need corner teing for this to work as well as to pay attention to any of these pointy spires or anything similar to them at the top of buildings as whenever you pass them at high speeds you can simply press and hold the circle and Spidy will start just spinning around them continuously gaining increasingly more speed you can essentially use these to also launch yourself and Traverse the skyscrapers a lot easier when you don't have anything else to grab to and this is something that you can combine for example with the loop-de-loop and create some really awesome results like going from a loop-de-loop to a horizontal spin that then to Vertical one so on and so forth essentially just traversing the skyscraper scene a lot cooler than before now this is exactly as you would with the corner teing on buildings except that since there's no obstacles to break the line you can continuously hold that button and Spidey will just circle around those spires very easily it's by far one of the coolest New Tricks I played around with so totally check it out it's definitely worth it and number two a very cool attention to detail during combat is that certain enemies will react differently to certain abilities and this is especially true for Miles camouflage so for example if you use it against human enemies even in the middle of combat they will completely lose track of you and they will no longer see you nor detect you case in which you can just use your abilities against them or attack them freely because generally they will not see you however if you use the same ability against symbiots this will completely not work as they have other means to detect you Maybe by sound or maybe just by body heat I'm not entirely sure but in every single encounter against symbiots I had to immediately pop out of stealth or use the prowler strike otherwise they would immediately detect me so yeah that's a hard counter against them but there's other cool things you can pull off with the invisibility for example if you do ground slams usually it's not going to break stealth but you can also cause that Prowler strike to appear on one of the enemies and still have a chance for example to do takedowns or yeah silent takedowns against enemies even though you just entered combat this can be especially devastating because takedowns usually one shot targets so you can still use takedowns while technically in the middle of combat at number three another amazing attention to detail is that your web lines are fully physics enabled not only will they Bend as they support your weight and you move along them but things in the environment can also interact with them or destroy them it's one of the best examples is that if you set a bunch of these lines in front of some train tracks any incoming train will absolutely destroy them so for example if you were to stay on one and the passing by train just comes by they will destroy that line and you will also fall down as usual which I think is really nice they could have totally just not done that and let them completely go through objects but no they are completely physics enabled that's pretty nice another one also combat related is that those Sandman enemies are not the only ones that are completely weak to water symbiotes are too and you can one-hot symbiotes by just throwing them in water so whenever you find yourself near the river or any other such place simply use especially the ground strike since this is going to cause enemies to just like get thrown back and what this does is that it immediately extracts the humans out of the symbiot as well the Symbiotes I guess get dissolved in the water and I've done this over and over with multiple types of symbiot it seems that every single one of them is completely weak to water damage I'm not sure how lower accurate that is the only thing I know is that symbiotes technically should be resistant to fire According to some Comics at the very least moving on to number five as if the ability to place the charge jump on shortcut wasn't ridiculous enough you can now also do a continuous ground slam effect to completely destroy groups of enemies regenerate your focus bar as well as some of your other abilities and it's by far the the best way to completely throw enemies off buildings oneshot them and immediately deal with any rooftop crime activities it's completely ridiculous to look at but it is quite efficient at doing what it does best which is just throwing enemies in a 360 radius all over the place so if you want to throw them off buildings in water or in other hazards this is the best way to do it however there's one little disadvantage is that some enemies don't get interrupted like the elites or the bigger brutes you might fall straight into a very big swing that might throw you all over the place but otherwise a really fun Bunny Hop kind of ability and while we're on the subject of abilities certain costumes do have their own that can only spawn very rarely however they do look very cool and a couple of them are a return from the previous game so one of them is the programmable matters suit for Miles what this does is that it has a chance whenever you do finishers to also spawn some of these spider arms instead as well so this is exactly as speeder does in some of his ultimates but it's also the only way to get the spider legs on Miles essentially um Unfortunately they don't seem to change color when you change the outfit style so it's always going to be that black and red kind of tint with the Glitchy effects going on but I'm going to take it it looks really awesome and it's nice to see these abilities on Miles too yeah and Peter also has one by the way there is a chance for him to also spawn this type of ultimate though in his case the animation is slightly different plus it seems to trigger a bit more often though it's still rare by Design and there's another outfit that does similar another return from Miles Morales the bodega cat suit so this comes with that cat finishing animation whenever you're in the air especially that's because when you do these Air Attack tricks against enemies and then immediately follow up with one of these finishers it seems that it gives you the highest chance for the cat finisher to also spawn now there are also some ground ones too but this was the one I was able to trigger most often but it doesn't stop here because there is an XP glitch in the game that lets you pretty much level up in minutes all the way up to Max well technically it's 10 minutes per 10 levels depending on your speed and mostly it's after level 21 and that's because you will need the aerial escapades as well as the aerial Dash and the Dodge plus you're going to also need this ability right here called the active spider so that it increases the height of the spider jump and the spider Dash it's exactly the same one as the one we used to get close to the airplanes in the previous video so you will want to hold down square and forward on the thumb stick so that you do this forward spin with Spidey and during that spam triangle to interrupt the animation and regenerate your air Dash and air jump a lot quicker and once they are off cool down you will want to pop the air Dash first followed by the jump so that you can gain a lot more height I found this to be the easiest with Peter because his jump ability especially is a lot more vertical it just goes straight up compared to the same variant from miles but it should work in both of these situations however every two rounds of popping up the air Dash and the air jump will give you roughly 370 to 400 XP which is almost as much as a mission but you're basically doing it in just a few seconds so simply do the tricks with a triangle spam once the cool down is up immediately go go into air Dash and air jump immediately do again the tricks do another air Dash and air jump and then stop for a split second so that the XP counts and you see it popping up on the bar above and I'm saying that because it's not going to give you any extra XP over 400 however just two Loops of going from Air Dash to air Dash is going to give you enough for about 370 sometimes 400 depending on how you pull it off you also don't want to do any other trick than the whole Square and forward because this is the best that ties in with the animations you also don't want to interrupt them at any point and do them as fast as possible so that you also benefit from those multipliers when all of these combined together come into play you're looking at that amount I was talking about 370 to 400 XP now this is so fast that you can literally get one level in less than a minute depending how efficient you are mostly after level 21 once you get all of these abilities but from 21 to level 60 you're looking at no more than 45 minutes in total and getting max level there's another outcome however besides just leveling up fast and having enough skill points to dominate everything and that is the fact that you get some components of the Symbiote Powers before you even get to reach that part in the story when you do get the Symbiote Powers so for example at level 50 you can unlock the black classic symbiot suit which by the way also brings you those black black webs as well as the black wings suit plus the tend drills whenever you use air Dash and air jump so it doesn't really make any sense but you do have portions of the symbiot abilities before even reaching that point in the story at this point I did not even get to contact Harry just yet and especially did not even start that mission with him but this can be pretty cool in the later on Mission that you can do eventually with Agent Venom and kind of run with a Duo symbiote kind of yeah setup over over there you're not going to have any symbiote abilities besides the dash and the jump because mostly they are going to still be locked because of the main story so even your paries will be the default one with the yeah spider arms you're not going to get the tendril ones until you unlock that part of the story I guess and at least the other symbiote suit but yeah that's pretty much it with all the glitches and you stuff totally let me know Down Below in the comments if there's any others that you might have found there seem to be a ton of them Spider-Man 2 this time around thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 112,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khraze gaming, khraze, khrazegaming
Id: XfKHs_0bZO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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