Almighty battle between Guy Sebastian and neighbour comes to an end | A Current Affair

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these neighbors don't exactly see eye to eye on one side of the fence isn't just any old guy it's Guy Sebastian and on the other side is Philip their dispute has landed them in court and turned into a bit of a circus so how did it come to this [Music] everyone knows Guy Sebastian but had you ever heard of Philip hanslow you know it's like a castle too yeah if I came to this court I had no no one to support me and in no way of getting to want to work this issue out he'd leave in his eyes a winner beating charges of threatening to kill a celebrity and Murphy's lawyers got behind me and without them I wouldn't be here now where I am where I'm at it's for the little guy but The Sensational Final Chapter came after three long months that hanslow and Sebastian both regrets how is your health now I'm dying you know long terminally ill I've lost a lot of weight especially with all this going on in between trips to hospital Philip and his wife Carol dragged themselves out of their home okay it's not far yet now and headed to court Carol might only have months to live but she wanted to support Philip her husband of more than 30 years Phillips picked a fight with a pop star he doesn't like me and I don't like him his heads turn this big [Music] Guy Sebastian says he's been scarred by his 65 year old next door neighbor the 41 year old claims he's scared of him and had no choice but to call the police who sought an apprehended violence order against Philip that should have never gone this far it's the one thing Philip and Guy agree on I mean there was something that was alleged yesterday the stuff in the paper today which is just completely fabricated and and I think when it comes to do with safety and my family like I travel for work and it's something that I had to address and Sebastian admitting it descended into a circus no one's above the law Yer Brian wrench came to Phil's aid for free he labeled guy the bad guy in court and demanded he cough up footage of the fight or take the stand if it doesn't probably show The Brick over the top of my head it's just completely fabricated unproven allegations came from both camps guy even sent his own lawyer there was never any footage of this incident the cops called into court to explain why there's a lot that has been said I don't actually know where to start let's try what happened boils down to the bricks which separates Sebastian's huge home dubbed The Fortress and Carolyn Phil's modest house at maroubra in Sydney's Southeast Phil alleges I was just cleaning the bricks and Guy Sebastian came and approached me and asked me what are you doing I should what do you mean what am I doing and he uh and he said well it's a pretty simple question I think cleaning bricks he said well you've damaged my render police facts claim it escalated rapidly the police say you said to Guy Sebastian words to the effect of I'll smash you that's that was not said at all I have diverticulitis herniated just sent me back sciatica a bucket wrist Army meniscus and knees are gone I need nude Replacements and I've got fibromyalgia which is constant nerve pain and and and brain fog now why would I say that to a fit 40 year old person who I would have no chance against did you say I'm going to put a bullet in your head I said to him you're such a nasty it's a wonder someone hasn't put a board in your head we approached guy for comment multiple times I've got one of those neighbors and he's just sort of he's bit filthy at everyone this is him on radio in 2018. this over the fence Feud really started long ago the latest incident on January 23 came after construction of Sebastian's dream home shut down the streets Council and work cover were called to investigate the three-year build and Phil claims a beam crashed into his house would have been heavily delayed about 100 kilo it would have been freaking heavy enough to have killed her in the condition she's in the last one we talked we had a massive blow up so he so I've knocked on his dime like mate what do I what have I got to do like we're going to live next to each other like let's just you know Bargains be bygones here's my number any issue just give me a buzz but like parking the cranium and stuff mate it's just immature like let's just move on and be harmless I'll fix your fence for free you don't have to do anything like blah blah blah meanwhile I'm talking his dog comes up and bites me twice oh and then it ended up here thank you for letting me dedicate this fragrance but as Guy Sebastian tried to sell his new perfume embrace the court heard he'd also embraced a police proposal to bring this fight to an end and unexpectedly it ended are you happy it's all over no comment why this about based from guys Sebastian I'm feeling very well um because all charges have been dismissed and if it wasn't for Murphy's lawyers you're probably gonna sell somewhere Phil left court agreeing to keep the peace an Avo should guarantee that he's even fixed the fence with a bag of render but for now he won't return to his home next to guy and Ivo will Carroll I'm just an old man who's sick looking after another sick person I could have been happy there now but I'm too scared to stay there to go back there so I've had to come in here I just want to live my life personally now I don't need this drama
Channel: A Current Affair
Views: 429,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a current affair, a current affair reporter, a current affair australia, channel 9 news, 9 news australia, australia news, world news, australian news, channel 9, crime
Id: DOTvyduktgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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