Guy Sebastian's most intimate interview | 60 Minutes Australia

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if you believe the saying good guys finish last then you don't know guys Sebastian the enormous Lee successful Aussie pop artist thrives on not having any of the often seen fundamentals of show business no out of control ego no temper tantrums and no sycophantic entourage instead guy relies on hard work and a loving family being decent though hasn't been without its challenges when he was starting out he had to ignore the industry experts who insisted the young man with an afro didn't have the look to make it big but there was one thing they couldn't deny guys extraordinary voice it's hard to imagine life getting any better for guys Sebastian [Music] yes married to his teenage sweetheart Jules and now with the backing band seven-year-old Hudson and Archie who's five did the kids ever say or I love your music can we just can you played baby shark oh yeah well we were playing that on piano the other day and I'm trying to make their musical influences broad as possible soul music gospel music and there they're hearing this stuff and forming their own kind of passion for it's incredible to watch [Music] what can here an actual doll what is it sound like he may have fame and fortune right the house in Sydney's east and another one down the coast but these days it's all about family the guy you both came from pretty tight families yeah and I guess that means it's such a new priority for you to look after these guys as much as you can of course yeah I mean the kids are everything to us you know it's it's sort of the kids really are everything be quiet daddy's being a standard shake you got two beautiful young boys now yes we do yeah adorable take after me of course when guy knocked on your door all those years ago two kids down the track absolutely you know I could not have for a second even dreamed of this life never yeah and I mean around the time we met that was around the time I was you know I I couldn't afford to put petrol in my debts and 120y and and and I remember leaving it cuz I ran out of fuel and I walked for hours to your house and and and I was in tears this one time and I dared to ask tools I think for five bucks or something too you know lend me some money so I could put petrol in my car and then you know Australian Idol happened and it was I felt I felt from where I was sitting it felt very overnight it was 16 years ago when guy was one of 2,000 hopefuls to audition for Australian Idol in his hometown of Adelaide he was brave if nothing else having already been written off by the music industry you know recorded demos and I went across to Melbourne I caught this train over and saved up my money and I've dropped my demos off to all these labels and that the the thing that came back was we love your voice you don't have the right look that must hurt it did yeah cuz I mean I can't change my look you know as I was a weird-looking guy with a strange haircut he hadn't even opened his mouth and yet he already looked like being rejected is that bad hair or did you design matrix of it okay and then he started to sing quite literally a star was born there's a ribbon in the sky for us may not have had the look but he sure as hell had the voice Guy Sebastian blew the judges away hadn't showed us the best voice we've heard today I really do think Idol was part of kind of tearing apart the notion that you have to look a certain way and it really made music a lot less superficial even though it was done through a reality-tv process and dico still had a bit of a dig at your outfit that day he did he said I look like crap and I in my head I was like have you seen your mullet terrible haircut but it worked for a bit and I loved it go he's a great fellow hello there to congratulate him after his audition was Jules Guy Sebastian go I went on to beat Shannon Knoll in the final and by then was already a national celebrity I mean it's the little things and so I'm sitting at Macker and and I'm eating off my face so McDonald's in Adelaide they printed these go the fro you know placemats feather for the trays and these go the fro cups and stuff and then Auguste wanted a Big Mac in peace it was insane and at the time I did this Pepsi commercial so I'm on the billboards and bus stops and it was it's very odd it was very strange is there a stigma that comes with winning Australian Idol in terms of some other musicians like I know he didn't go about it like we did working the smaller venues in working our way up um well that I mean I I have my truth you know I I gig tonight did sessions and I I didn't wake up on on you know in a TV audition and go I can kind of sing you know I know I can sing I'm not arrogant about a lot of things but I know I've got a hot wife and a good voice - pretty big ticks they're very big achievement Guy Sebastian is now one of Australia's most successful male artists of all time [Music] selling more than seven million singles and albums and while his voice remains the same his look has completely transformed the fro is long gone red replaced by the punch metrosexual grooming the tattoos and the muscles but by his side for nearly all of this meteoric rise has been Jules the instant stardom did force them to break up for a while before guy realized how much he needed her in his life I went back you know I guess to to Jules because I knew she loved me for who I was and and I said to you know like I'm famous now could be with supermodels and that but do you want to get back with me and she said yes of course I mean what an offer come on again what a puppy dog do AG crawling back there was one confession guy had to make though and that was about his fellow coach on the voice Delta Goodrem he dated a young lady called Delta during that period yes sort of I mean I think datings a strong word for two people who sort of sat and watched Harry Potter a couple of times and and it was actually the first thing that I said to Jules when we got back together wasn't it I said just so you know I went on a few dates and and and the weird thing about it is right I probably shouldn't say this because it's sort of embarrassing for Delta but there was there was a point in our lives when we were dating early on well you know you do your Hall Pass and Jules's was Heath Ledger and then she goes who's yours and I hadn't really thought about that and at the time I remember are these that hot girl on neighbours she's pretty she's pretty cute Delta Goodrem she's mine and then later on I end up going on a few dates with us so that's it's a chance of your hope of actually becoming your reality but I think a me and Delta realized pretty quickly we would just goodnight and I think that's why we're so close now because it was just never anything that was gonna result in anything right mangie we were just two kind of nerds that were chickens first one first one and she's great she's actually been amazing through the voice for me like is because she she's sort of like a bigger sister that's been helping me navigate through this kind of show that that has a lot of challenges and I'm really grateful to her actually she's been unreal coming up a mess today the moment that made guy cry that I talked and the secret that keeps this show B's coupled strong but you too honestly seemed still besotted if ever there was a performance Guy Sebastian wants to get right it's this one the most personal area and painful song he's ever composed I know it's me to say this I've been thinking about it lately reminiscing invited some pain streaking like with famous panel says our crazy book went out of pages and I wish some never played it to tell you out of all the moments in battle life the ones I had to sell you were probably my favorite new songs called quiet I am I was overseas I was in LA and got a phone call one of my friends passed away and so we are a mess today you getting the personal stuff how do I talk um it's obviously someone it was so close to you yes oh yeah it was a mate of mine who who passed away and he lost his life to see you Bravo be powerless [Music] so this song is a lot more than just his latest single choir is dedicated to his great friend and musical collaborator Luke Liang who recently lost his battle with mental health when I started writing this song I wanted it to be something that reflected him so I wanted it to be fun you know but I also wanted to get across the fact that he he's not alone anymore you know even though he might have felt alone and especially in those last moments he he he's now singing with the choir we don't make we got some more soundcheck time voices singing mansion party [Music] guys always been a practicing Christian something he's never preached about for hidden but he's hoping people really think about the message in the melody here that's the point of this song really is just to act as a reminder to look after each other and and in especially in this industry there's a lot of people who feel very alone and and judged and so I hope it's a reminder for all of our peers to just come together to stop judging to stop segregating and for us to all just realize that we're we're part of something pretty incredible music it is an incredible healing beautiful thing and we should be in it together so this combination of talent experience and compassion perhaps makes him uniquely qualified to be a coach on the voice [Music] it was possibly the reason why one time teenage music sensation Jack Regent [Applause] turned his back on the industry five years selected guy to be his coach for his comeback all your team's but guy I would sure like the voice is the beauty of that the coaching in terms of you actually get to mentor and and try and I guess steer young talent mmm just like what happened to you absolutely yeah I've been through this process and and so to be able to actually be part of someone else's journey through a show like this is it's pretty special and on Idol we didn't get that we sort of had to just choose our own songs and you were sort of steering the ship yourself and here we get to actually mentor them we get to you know I've got obviously people like Jack and and you know people who are unique and going through challenges and and and I get to help them so this is one of the many places and it's not just performers guy looks out for we've been involved in seven shelters now and this is yeah this is one of them he enjoys have started the Sebastian foundation this is a counseling room which provides support for women seeking refuge from domestic violence one in three women have experienced violence from the age of fifteen there's one murder a week at you know from from a ex or current partner a week just in Australia and it's just mind-blowing these centers are overrun there's there's no budgets and and so it's nice to be able to come in and just I guess do things that they they just wouldn't be able to do themselves in the women that you guys help out as so appreciative another because this stuff we're saying here the biggest reward they get is the hugs yeah yeah that's right I know and it's happening all around us it's everywhere and so for us we just want to do what we can we can't do everything because it is a big issue but we we most definitely can do something and these what seems like a small thing but it really does have such a great impact yeah you're helping change people's lives for the better under this roof yeah and it's and it's just where we're starting as a foundation come on you gotta sing it for us one last song under their own roof the Sebastien's are the epitome of a happy family in an industry renowned for turbulent personal lives going Jules really are a breath of fresh air you two still look at each other like the smitten teenagers from Adelaide hmm that's cuz I can see my reflection in your eyes I don't like you you chat to some couples in there like oh yeah he's nice and you know we've been together this long and over the years you know it just becomes this comfortable knowledge that of the person next to them but you two honestly seem still besotted no I like him I think he's really cool okay yes the kaepa oh no whoa no crash um no I just I don't know just have a lot of respect for him as a human being I just I just love how he does life I really do Wow if you or anyone you know need help with issues raised in this story contact lifeline on 13 1114 hello I'm Liz Hayes thanks for watching to keep up with the latest from 60 minutes Australia make sure you subscribe to our Channel you can also download the 9 now app for full episodes and other exclusives 60 minutes content
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 1,034,024
Rating: 4.8912873 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Charles Wooley, Tara Brown, Liam Bartlett, Allison Langdon, Ellen Fanning, Ray Martin, Jana Wendt, Jeff McMullen, Jennifer Byrne, Mike Munro, Richard Carleton, Tracey Curro, Peter Harvey, George Negus, Ian Leslie, Gerald Stone, Sarah Abo, Guy Sebastian, the voice, the voice australia, australian idol, delta goodrem, boy george, kelly rowland, singing
Id: zjQpl3BmgB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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