Ally 400 | NASCAR Cup Series Full Race Replay

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will be exciting to watch kyle busch a two-time champion of the sport work his way through the field again first time for this car at nashville what's in front of us we don't know but we're looking forward to it hamlin logano great flag in the air at nashville [Music] know [Music] camel is going to lead lap one and tucked in behind him kyle larson logano suarez chastain the track house racing drivers back there in fourth and fifth to start this race something unique to this racetrack and unique this year we're seeing shifting at racetracks sometimes just on short tracks and even here at the mile and a third is concrete oval we've seen drivers shifting here as well a lot of patience up front pretty calm between the eleven and the five of carl larson for first and second but deeper in the field you see side by side action drivers know the best big wiggle wow yeah up to the third lane saved the ride we're talking about how aggressive you have to be with this race car a lot of that is on corner entry speed really driving deep in the corner chase elliott tried to get all he could and carr just not didn't grip for him chase hillary right now in this seventh position take a look yeah that's a that's a big moment inside the race car nice save by chase la that going to get better and better on that upper groove pretty dirty right now just starting this race out i think ultimately that's where you're going to want to be and i think too with these cars that rack and pinion steering it's a lot quicker these drivers wouldn't have saved something like that at the beginning of the year they're getting more and more comfortable and understanding the inputs they need to put into this car when it does get out from under them concrete race track has a lot less grip the tires really kind of chatter it has a lot of content a lot of bumps little tiny bumps in the surface of the track and it's really hard to get a hold of a few of the younger drivers stacked up here austin centric in the two moving to his inside that 42 ty dillon on board the kyle busch cam accomplished car with the toyota camera had to start at the back after that accident and you can see aggression at times patience at times oh the seventh car lejoy up the racetrack way back in the pack man the racing is fierce and dicey cars moving all over the racetrack guys catching a lot of problems let's listen to the 19 car 2x3 [Music] [Applause] greasy front tires that tells me he goes down to the corner turns the wheel the front wants to go up the track not kind of wrap around the corner like he's looking for good feedback from the driver but early in this race this concrete surface will change a lot throughout the day yeah the one thing that i've noticed steve is the track does have a lot of rubber from yesterday's yesterday's xfinity race still on the racetrack and they've not really drove on the track in this condition so it's actually a lot tighter balance wise than what they were in practice so if they had a good heart good car in practice probably a lot of guys out there right now talking about front grip love the options you see the 24 around the bottom of the racetrack the 19 moves up just a half a lane just enough up the racetrack to get more air to his car making it corner a little bit better [Music] now a half a lane lower there's 23 of bubba wallace back there in a little bit i guess unique position in the fact that he was 26 he was fastest in practice so had a really terrible qualifying effort put him to the back but he's trying to follow that 18 up to the front right now he has ty dillon on his outside party eric they were so quick in fact fastest of the fastest lap second fastest in five lap average and fastest in 10 lap average on practice so that qualifying lap caught him by surprise but his owner denny hamlin said listen you simply made a mistake when you qualified you know the car you have booty barker told him listen we can get to the front let's just make it happen but be patient on your way up through the field as daniel suarez makes a pass for third rig daniel's car looks really good right now early in the race his teammates just another spot or two behind him track house showing some strength here as they have all year long we've seen so much parody and hot and cold from all these teams guys running good one week and bad the next but one team that runs good every single week is track house i don't know how they do it as drivers how much confidence goes into now feeling comfortable running up front after he gets that first win how confident is he to run up front well you have to learn how to race in the front you think that driving a faster race car just all of a sudden makes everything easier and it does make it easier but executing on fast race cars is very difficult that is one of the things that people don't give enough credit to the great race car drivers you know take a great race car and maximize it all day long and that's what these young drivers in the cup series are figuring out how to do it and they're starting to put all the pieces together junior every single week putting themselves in position to win we know these teams have been shifting at a lot of racetracks we're not used to seeing them shift atlas we're out of longboard here and watch kyle down in the corner comes off the off the wheel downshifts one some drivers talk about maybe not shifting at all when they move up the racetrack carrying more momentum watch watch the rpms when he does downshift how immediately it goes up what that does with this car and this drivetrain if obviously those rpms go raise up the engine but they also make the car drive better it's more than just having more engine when you accelerate it's about how the car drives in the middle of the corner even off the gas with more rpms this car really likes rpms now shifting gives it to it and it's another thing that the drivers have to do well it's the nascar cup series ally 400 from nashville [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nascar drive that's your live race day companion you get access to high definition in-car cameras current position trackers as well as pit stop data you can visit drive or you can download the nascar mobile app [Music] 111 degrees inside the car here as we see it temperature rising as we look down on this mile on the third race track our aerial coverage brought to you by geico this is the first time perhaps all weekend we have had some thick clouds just roll in the track mostly in the shade now and that's another thing between the surface changing color because of the goodyear tires putting rubber down on the concrete and the shade will continue to move the balance around this just becomes even more difficult parker for the drivers to give good feedback not to mention the conditions yes i'm talking about those conditions obviously coming this weekend everyone was very much worried about the heat it was super hot yesterday remember we saw real field temps 107 at some points and just before the race ross chastain had an interesting moment with his cool suit a lot of these drivers are running cool shoes to try and stay cool in these temps some running for the first time so here you see he's actually putting on that cool suit and actually it's just a shirt so it's only the top side and that shirt has a bunch of tubes running through it that connects to a box inside the race car that it runs a water and fluid through and basically cools you on your body and it can pull your temperature a tremendous amount when it's working but a lot of drivers had issues with these cool suits there's a couple manufacturers out there and they can get messed up from either having just particles in the fluid it gets clogged and so his shirt before was not playing the fluid go through he took it off changed it got in the car and it's working so far well we heard daddy hamlin say in the pre-race that this will be the first race in this car that he has chosen to run that cool suit he loves to run without it he likes to think he's tough enough to do it but his crew chief and him had a conversation and i think his crew chief convinced him not that not today is not the day to prove your toughness joe logano wore one at sonoma and he says he's not going to run the rest he won't run the rest of his career without one it's such a massive difference the cool it cools your entire torso a tremendous amount a massive difference and very very comfortable and it really makes you so much better mentally to the end of the race advanced auto parts camera ryan blaney's car great shot back to ryan playing you see that hose on the top of his helmet that's bringing cool fresh air into his helmet also cooling him hugely important people wonder why would they not wear that cool suit all the time if it makes the driver better there's weight involved in it and crew chiefs do not want to add weight to the car that can hurt the performance of it so they don't like that but it makes the driver better good battle here for second as we see kyle larson just in front of daniel suarez kyle larson a driver who was begging his crew chief to put in a different type of cool suit but the reason that cliff daniels was a little bit hesitant was because it weighed six pounds more and steve as a crew chief six pounds in a car that's a lot to have to deal with yeah listen it's all it's all a competitive advantage the light of the car typhoon is just a reminder not here today kyle larson loses that wheel at sonoma so cliff is on suspension i'm sure he's watching and calling this race from the control center back at hendrick motorsports daniel scores goes by you saw the hand out the window for larson kind of waving suarez by tale you mentioned it earlier trackhouse i mean i don't i'm running out of accolades i'm running out of reasons why they're good they are just consistent in a year of inconsistency this it first started with the one but now it is great to see the 99 of swords kind of join his teammate being up front dave hey steve maybe it was the fact that the pep talk from cliff daniels had to come from afar and the one from travis snack to driver daniel suarez came from right here at the speedway listen all right guys coming off a win i'll make it to the road you felt good uh not too weak so let's do it again why not right we have the car capable of doing it you guys already did it work so let's go i guess the pep talk was from the driver as well why not do it again you see on the tootsies can there he's gotten by kyle larson now trying to put some distance between himself and the driver the five and trying to reel in denny hamlin he has a 3.3 second advantage 27 laps complete out of the 90 lap first stage fuel window 65 to 70 laps for these cars so if we continue to see green flag racing we will have to see green flag stops in the first stage none of these stages today will be able to run on one tank of gas so a lot of pit stops and perhaps see some green flag action behind daniel sores we see kyle larson learned in third place dominated this race last year he's kind of pushing that groove i've seen him really moving higher and higher trying to see if he can make lap time trying to rubber that race track in up top see how high he is yeah the only problem i'm seeing is that really a lot of guys have moved up the race track but i don't know a lot have found speed up there they're only going up there because the balance of the race cars in this first run is a little bit tight marty but you got on 18. well junior the toyota driver update will tell you that kyle busch is quick look at that 36 to 15 for kyle bush and yes proving what ben bayshore told me before the race i don't see any reason why the car would be any different friday in practice coming up through the field as you ride on board with kyle busch jeff i think that's a testament to how hard this car is to drive you've mentioned it throughout the weekend when kyle bush is wrecking and qualifying that says something about this next-gen car well it also says something about it this is the same car they wrecked they didn't have to get the backup out last year that's the backup car they were able to fix this car and it's still fast and all those drivers are going to say that it's difficult to pass don't tell kyle bush he's passing a ton of them that's right kyle busch started at the back of the field he's all the way up to 15th now we're seeing mark trex jr trying to get by julie logano here on the outside yeah and a huge week for martin tricks junior a lot of conversation all year long what's he going to do was he going to return was he not and very simply three words right rick i'm coming back i'm coming back as well said for martin trex jr excited to see the champ back in the 19 again next year on board with joey logano another champ of the coca-cola on-board camera yeah this is a great camera shot to really show us as martin was going by the platform of the car and the rear diffuser and how close to the ground they try to get that for that rear downforce still out front he's led every lap denny hamlin dominant early [Music] welcome to nashville super speedway race fans i'm jesse punch i'll be bringing you live updates all race long from down here on pit road you may have just heard of the broadcast kyle busch he started this race dead last in the 36th position he's up to 15th already early on in stage one no surprise to see kyle gaining that position though given the amount of experience he has on this racetrack and not only experience but wins two wins in the truck series and two wins in the xfinity series now granted this is a new car this is a new series for kyle when it comes to racing here so having that bit of track knowledge is definitely helpful i should also note when it comes to track conditions we're seeing a lot of different changes down here with heat with cloud coverage i want to mention there was not a re-application of traction compound last night either the traction compound was applied pretty much from the base to the top of the racetrack to start the weekend and we've seen two races on it already so definitely something to keep an eye on as track conditions are actively changing down here quickly early on in the race [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to nashville and my home state of tennessee hope you're enjoying nascar on nbc run run run run run run run run run come on run run run run run run run run run run run that's dolly parton's hit song run we appreciate everything dolly has done for nbc as we see the one going by the five so now ross chastain in front of kyle larson so it's hanlon suarez chastain larsen the top four christopher bell has moved up into the fifth spot now see him in the 20 back there and parker how's the 45 doing see kurt busch here running trying to get by kevin harvick here with ninth place and i spoke to kurt before the race he said we have a solid car we showed that in practice we didn't quite nail it in qualifying but we feel like we have the race car you see him make a huge amount of ground here on kevin harvick that monster energy card he also had this recently to say on the radio take a listen i heard wheels taught me how to drive from back in the shop i got it therefore so i think he's mentioning uh mike mueller general manager at 2311 race team there telling him how to drive i'm not sure to go with that one guys you take it away trying to decipher that one for me it tells me that kurt bush has had a lot of conversation he told jeff and i on nascar america motor mouse about how he had to drive this car differently right jeff how he had to attack the corner and then it took him a few weeks to kind of believe what danny hamlin mike wheeler competition director had been telling him but it worked at kansas what i heard right there jeff is a conversation they have been having week in and week out and he must have almost reminded himself and gave wheels credit who's not on the radio by the way but kurt's hearing it in his own head that's a good sign when the driver remembers the conversations on his own well there's so much data that the crew chiefs and engineers can look at to relay back to that driver and when they see another driver up to see trouble right here with the 77 and josh belicky yeah slow on the racetrack josh belicky goes down to the apron looks like all the tires are up cycle the whole power took them off and then back off talking about the power so i don't know if he's lost electrical power or the engine just to shut off we'll have to see this is off turn two i'm not sure he's gonna make it all the way back around this could be the caution that some of these cars have needed to get on payroll to make adjustments there it is there it is caution number one has come out that's a big break for harrison burton who was about to get lapped cole custer the first car a lap down more likely cole custer will be that free pass recipient putting 28 cars on the lead lap i think whatever issue the 77 had they he resolved it by cycling the the engine or the power there were some teams excited that he didn't resolve it good news is it's fixed bad news is uh we're not sure what it was so now it's fixed so hopefully it's not an issue that will continue but now 42 laps on this set of tires you're inside your fuel window to make it to the end of the first stage pit road is going to be a busy busy place 27 cars on the lead lap as you pointed out cole custer be a little bit of a lucky break maybe get his lap back but 27 cars pitting at once a little bit of patience in and out of the pit box so the seven and 77 out of the same uh shop they're spire motorsports is there a nervousness there as far as will the seven be in the same situation thinking there might be an issue there oh and we're just hearing a lightning strike within seven miles of the racetrack and we learned obviously from a lot of the nascar officials earlier it's a this is a universal thing across sporting events and venues around the country lightning strikes anywhere inside of the eight mile radius of any sporting event calls for a mandatory 30 minute delay 30 minute stoppage in action and so that will have to take place now we told you at the top of the show there's weather in the area they were expecting it to be raining hard there thankfully as we were looking at the radar it somewhat split the race track but there is you know a lot of thunderstorms in the area there you see a look at the radar it looked like it was going to split and miss us but a lightning strike did happen within that inner circle and so we will have a red flag condition they bring the cars down onto pit road yeah for all we know that might have been the reason for the caution i i just was thinking a 77 car okay now we're here and the caution was for the 77 didn't think he was going to be able to make it around but did get it fired up in turn three this is just unfortunate but yeah we all we're anticipating this weather to delay this race entirely so i feel like we're really fortunate that we've got sort of the weather's went around us but we'll have a short delay here and hopefully be back to action yeah 41 laps completes already denny hamlin has led all 41 of those but a red flag condition now for lightning here in nashville drivers back inside their cars they're about ready to fire them back up as the crews are making sure everything is right with those drivers when they get in there want to take a look at the scoring pylon on the left side of the screen and get you caught up as to what is going on you see that they're all obviously on pit road but the comers and goers have already started to happen here in just 41 laps yeah jeff mentioned it the toyotas look strong and uh bubba wallace kurt busch kyle busch truex all those guys moving forward some guys though dropping back jeff yeah several fords half amarola legato cole custer they've lost 14 12 10 spots so those guys going the wrong way you mentioned bubba wallace so we talk a lot about stars right no big surprise kyle bush has driven up to 15th but a tip of the hat to bubba wallace you're going to keep up with kyle bush at the track like this working through traffic an impressive maneuver out of the driver of the 23 all the way up he's right accomplished his heels in 16th so that's an impressive run he had the fastest car in practice and then with the issues in qualifying we wondered whether that speed was real looks like it is cole custer will be the free pass after we get going here nascar has everybody have their pit stops and so forth so now what's important is that you got to get your mind back in this racing you have been out of this car for a long time it's been hot you got to get yourself refocused what's the first thing you got to do you're going to come on pit road here you've got to do everything right we talk a lot about pit crews you just show the lug nut how they've had problems the driver getting the car in the box out of the box there's gonna be still a lot of cars on lead lap a lot of cars are gonna be on pit road at the same time you gotta get your brain back into this race and get this pit stop done and if i'm a pit crew coach i'm or a crew chief i'm getting my pit crew together because the other thing aluminum wheels still lug now these cars have satin kind of heat soaked so you're kind of getting the rhythm of how tight these lug nuts are this might be an 80 percenter guys go nice and easy get the lug nut off and get it on let's not trip up here at the first pit stop of the race after sitting for a little bit of time let's make sure we're ready to go the crowd hasn't left the ricket no they're back in the grandstands they were asked to leave obviously when the lightning strike happened but they're back and they are raucous right now because the engines fired back up here in nashville and they're looking forward to hearing not only the roar of the engines but also the fans cheering for the drivers especially guys like hamlet and suarez who are top two right now hey rick as you mentioned engines have fired i talked to denny hamlin before he climbed in the race car he said our car was so good but once we hit traffic it got way different he said i know though we are going to be racing our teammates very soon what stood out to him is what you guys just mentioned a moment ago kyle bush coming up to the field bubble wallace he said it's not going to be long in the race in my opinion it's going to be between us toyotas this afternoon but steve here's a question a lot of drivers were wondering about how much is this track going to change usually concrete tracks don't change a ton with the weather but it is drastically cooler now with this cloud cover than when the race started well we continue to talk about what makes this track difficult one big thing is regardless of the car you can make up all stories it's still only the second time the cuff cars have been here so your notebook is just it's just not very thick you know you go to the 600 the track changes a lot but you run it every year so you have a lot of notes to lean back on here at nashville not a lot and you know the other high-speed concrete track being dover doesn't really have lights so it you know i'm not sure where you're going to search to answer that question steve it's a totally different car a totally different race car i mean they did race here a year ago on this surface but the car is completely different so that notebook that they had from a year ago you know really how much of it can you use you see denny down on the apron and working his way back up onto the track but as soon as everyone is rolling and in position they will open up pit road and allow them to come down to the service of their crews rick one thing that we saw in yesterday's race and in the truck race is these tires pick up a lot of debris tire debris that's on the racetrack so one of the things you got to do as a driver we talked about being ready is you need to get those things cleaned off the best you can so when you get on the pit road you can you can brake as hard as possible those tires are dirty have that rubber built up on them they're not going to stop and they could slide through a pit box crews getting ready for the cars to come back down to pit road and come into their pit boxes and you see them i mean they're working these tires just like you said jeff they're cleaning tires knowing they're going to come down pit road and take these off but they are aggressively trying to clean the tires so they can get into those stalls and get get a pit stall a pit stop done quickly you never see them weaving when they know they're getting ready to put a new tire on but this car is so different there's all kinds of new things that we're gonna be seeing very fortunate to have some great onboard shots today this one's with ryan blade of the advanced auto parts bumper cam he hopes that thing stays on there all day well here's the ford performance onboard camera chase brisco in that 14 car another great look right down along the surface aj omendinger goldfish casino camera got his thermostat in there thermometer we'll be checking that out throughout the day we can switch to celsius she's going to have to do a conversion for us kyle bush in the toyota camera dale jr i'm assigning you celsius to fahrenheit conversion i'm on it hold on okay joey locators coca-cola cam again one of these great low shots ricky stenhouse and edmunds this is a great helmet cam and uh surprisingly rick has eaten every donut they delivered to us the other day and then daniel suarez with his tootsies cam back on the right rear quarter panel by the spoiler well we talked about the pit stops here they go off the banking onto pit road parker coming at you right and ross chastain will pick from the third position and that american flag looking good at the top of your screen he complained of the car just being too tight on that run but he said i'm able to get to the throttle harder than i have all weekend and you saw him moving forward you see that adjustment of the right rear four-figure tire stock fuel tank his teammate daniel suarez overshot his marks just a little bit but he is in the pit box four goodyear tires in sunoco fuel party of how far you go with the adjustments that was on the mind of interim crew chief sam mccauley for denny hamlin so they're going to go really conservative here make no changes to the car clearly up front leading all those laps and hamlin it'll be a tight race off pit road but he wins it and that was close it looked like they were working a little bit longer on the right rear of hamlin so the field will line back up and we'll go back to racing here at nashville super speedway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the race is back underway here from nashville super speedway and that 99 of daniel suarez the second coming off pit road will restart on the front row next to denny hamlin that 99 team is coming off their very first win two weeks ago with sonoma and i talked to daniel after that sonoma win he told me he said the first one is always the hardest but now that it's out of the way he absolutely expects there to be more we have seen a stellar performance from both track house teams all season long both drivers finding victory lane and with daniel suarez having finished this race seventh last year and coming off the momentum of a win we can definitely expect to see a strong run today from that 99 team [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's the nascar cup surrey's ally 400 from nashville super speedway we've talked about pit road being a busy place and short on real estate watch this right here you're on board the 18 turns in jackman kellen mills vertical that's over the hood over the right front fender it was either get hit or get up in the air it was crazy you see some laughter let's listen in what they had to say on the radio dicey it was nice work i agree dicey that right there some athleticism on display rick you and i where did that hit i'm pretty confident they're in the jackie did that yeah all right fans on their feet once again as we get ready to go back to racing field approaching the geico restart zone it's hamline and suarez make it up for one missing from the front of the field to one of ross chastain had to pin a second time lost all that track position great start for hamlet and the 12 of ryan blaney trying to hug that yellow line on the inside tracks jr making a lot of spots on the outside there in the third groove he's got to try to go for some more there junior still three wide i think you know that first restart was really calm really tame a little contact there between teammates chase elliot in the nine car in the middle of the sandwich the 24 byron still a little bit out of control could be an issue with that car that contact stop here play top way top just staying up there remember we talked to him earlier and he had an issue before the caution said it felt funny down the straightaway they hoped it was a tire the left side tires look aired up i can't tell on the rights maybe that issue guys i can't drive it this way it's really bad okay broke so if that's either that contact junior you mentioned or before the delay he said he had an issue william byron one of the drivers with two wins already this season so he's still in the playoffs big crash in one and two the 48 of alex bowman alex bowman had just been on pit road all right dead center stayed on pit road a long time trying to make changes to this car to improve the handling on it lost some track position because of it now they're in a wreck and in two minutes henry motorsports loses two of their four entries in the race he's gonna try to drive that one back but look at all the [Music] damage the right front tire coming apart shredding the body pieces on that car oh and byron takes the left-hand turn into the garage remember he said he had an issue earlier i'm not sure if it was that contact debris continues to come off the 48 let's look at this 24 junior so a little bit of contact not sure if this is what gave him his problem because it looked very minor right there but then as he gets down the straightaway and goes into one there's a big wiggle the car the steering right there you can see him out of the gas see that wobble right there not sure exactly what he's feeling or what's going on with the car yeah i have to believe this is what he was feeling earlier you could see a little concern in that interview the car felt funny and then here's his teammate the 48 jimmy johns excuse me jimmy johnson going back five years of alex bowman got the right sponsor ally can't tell if there's contact that's correlated behind him i can't tell if there's contact either i think the first look we had a better look at it as they went down into turn one he said he was he stayed on pit road for a long time with the hood up making some adjustments they were really struggling falling back to the field before that caution right front tire tearing the right front fender off as it's coming apart what kind of thing bounces up and down how rough it is in that car all right so let's just take a look at as we roll in here we're gonna see him so if we freeze it he's already backwards as he comes into the picture it's too hard to tell so look at the truck the sevens going up the track i don't know if he's going to avoid or the contact he's correcting from the contact that might have happened we'll keep listening on the radio maybe have a little bit of an insight there parker oh guys you were correct he came down and did that shock adjustment in the front end of that car that was a long stop that put them in the back there because he was not handling happy at the handling car but as you saw there you were sort of paying attention to the seven take a listen what alex had to say on the radio pretty cool well corey lejoy is a really good race car driver the sarcastic comment about cory i guess alex feels like corey had a problem with that let's listen to what what the seven has to say uh sorry does not mean to do that he was committed to the second lane stanford that's corey's side of the story he said he thought he was committed to the second lane what that tells me is he drove underneath of bowman and bulma started coming down and corey wasn't expecting them to be there so here's a good look at it we'll be able to see exactly what happened yeah that's that's corey just didn't think he was he thought he was going to run the second lane so corey drove it in the corner deeper bowman comes down the racetrack they make contact and that's right around that area you don't want to speculate too much but right around that area where they're downshifting hand off the wheel a lot going on in the car so quickly things have changed for hindered motor sports the 24 out and the 48 a lot of damage [Music] [Music] back under caution here at nashville super speedway quick note you may have heard earlier on the broadcast the five team missing in a very important member of their crew this week the crew chief cliff daniels is out for a tire penalty last week but one team that's happy to have their crew chief back on the box is the 31 of colic racing as you see justin brings it in here to the pits right now calling the shots back on the box from a four week suspension trent owens is back as crew chief for that 31 team again that's a tire penalty that'll bring you back to this race so given the small notebook that these teams have for the track like nashville having that crew chief back here today is definitely big for the 31 team [Music] nascar on nbc is brought to you by sonic this is how we sonic toyota let's go places and by ally do it right [Music] another great crowd on hand here at nashville super speedway just the second time that the cup series has been to this mile and a third concrete oval and out of the car now in the garage is william byron dave's with it yeah i reckon just catching up with william that was weird was it the same weird thing we talked about in the rain delay and the lightning delay yeah i mean it was exactly the same thing i i was having issues with the steering right before the caution uh for the rain delay and thought it might have been a tire uh but right when i started getting strapped in before like the steering was something was off and the steering rack was broken so uh went off on the restart was trying to do like stay off of guys on the restart and literally the steering was just like there was nothing so i was just kind of going where the car naturally was going so definitely uh not ideal but we'll get this valvoline chevrolet fixed up and try to go make some laps unfortunate that that happened but you know we'll learn from it up for the moment nothing we could do yeah tough day so far parker right dave and we saw ross chastain had to go to the back there for that last restart it was a loose right rear wheel for them so they came down and tightened that up we've seen a lot of these wheel issues throughout this season you don't want that wheel falling off luckily enough for them they're able to get on pit road tighten it up and we'll see how fast that one car is he's right now and 24th gonna have to drive through the field to get back to the top five once again the choose rule in effect here and denny has chosen that inside line once again and suarez will be on the outside we noted the changes to harvick's pit crew they had the fastest stop on that last cycle and now he's in third place running up front you see the four kevin harvick on the outside of him will be brian blake and the field approaching the geico restart zone once again hamlin has had great restarts all race what a run though on the outside look at martin trex jr in the 19. just like the restart before he's found some confidence up there on the restarts to go where the clean air is at see what he does down here he gets a little tougher when you get closer to the front to really make that work plenty out of the gas [Music] trex with a run on suarez for second more contact back here sell it man he's been busy on these restarts mark trex jr uses that high line keeping the momentum up and he's going to try to get second away from daniel suarez as he goes to the outside the toyotas are hot tonight counting the three just about clears the 99 should have the momentum off the corner flores fighting back though gonna maintain this battle down the front straightaway [Music] you can see the fire coming out of the exhaust pipes on these cars that shows you when they lift off the gas pass completed by martin trex jr he's up to second suarez back to third [Music] hamlin two wins already in 2022 but his teammate martin shreks jr still looking for his first win of this season we see the side-by-side racing here kyle larson just to the outside of christopher bell yeah larson started up front and he's trying to fend off another yes toyota that's driving up through the field this 20 car christopher bell these two guys have raced each other their whole lives all through the ranks phil's going to take the spot see what larson has to say about it on corner x that he tries to get down in front of his teammate here chase elliott ducks in behind the 20 and marty what's the communication like on the 19 team right now i want to know who's behind the wheel of the 19 junior did you give martin truex jr a lesson on the high line because throughout his career he has never liked to run the high line he's always been a bottom feeder on the racetrack but he told james small as crew chief before this last restart i think i'm going to do that again meaning go to that very high line make some passes you know what junior 2x has never been known to go to the top but he's made it work early yeah you just have to imagine the the concerns about his future and what his decision was going to be with that in the mirror and everything out front he's here to race and feeling good about it got a wreck two cars caught up in it one of them chase frisco in the 14 the other ty dillon in the 42 and the caution comes out once again damage to the nose of the 42 car see if you can fire it but this is the kind of thing that ty dillon that 42 has avoided most of the year very consistent i don't know how much damage either one of these cards has a mr team quickly on the scene those both these guys able to drive away see right here they enter in turn one ross chastain making a move remember he had to start in the back with that lug nut problem he made the 14 sort of block that move down the front straight away and the 14 enters shallow and the 14 frisco loses the back just a little bit as ty dillon's kind of coming down the racetrack ty's doing nothing wrong but ty is coming down the track the 14 needs a little room when he starts to chase the back of that car and up into the door of the 42 he goes so this is a very very shallow entry only to block the one behind him oh i'm too bad i'm too fast i'm too fast i'm spitting out up into the 42 he goes i was trying to listen on board there you had mentioned a couple times you know was his hand off the wheel we keep talking about the shifting i think the act of shifting isn't that difficult with the lever forward and backward but now you're down in the middle of the corner running 150 miles an hour trying to judge this you have to take your right hand off the wheel it gets to be very difficult i'd love to know if he was in the middle of a downshift at that point that whole idea of downshifting into the braking zone i never loved it we did this at pocono for years and downshifting with your hand off the wheel and breaking into a corner all of those things like patting your belly or rubbing your belly and patting your head i mean you can't do it i could never do it i always try to downshift early but you cannot do that in these cars you have to drive the car down into the corner marty boy georgano not the speed they expected today started on the front row and he's kind of gone backwards he said that last run they fired off tight but the car started coming to him so paul wolf kind of making a call to do something different than everybody else bringing legano down pit road and i believe the only lead lap car that came down pit road admitted everyone you're all trying to rub your belly and pat your head right now that's you know breaking into the corner plus downshift there's just a lot going on right there for these guys and every single one of them's doing it down in the corner i mean they're they're getting used to it but it's definitely throwing a new element in we saw the 22 of logano and the six of kozlowski both make their way on to pit road this was the reason for the caution chase briscoe ty dillon getting into it turns 1-2 [Music] [Music] [Music] back under caution here at nashville super speedway that 12 of ryan blaney starting fourth here on the restart now ryan's still looking for his first win of the season but he does have two top ten finishes in the last two races so again still a number of playoff spots to lock in as we have 10 more regular season races before the start of the playoffs and that 12 team hoping to officially lock themselves in not have to worry about points but consistent runs will get them where they need to be start the playoffs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] time looking back off the coca-cola pace truck cam and the field lined up behind him getting ready for a restart only 25 laps to go in stage one again there was a lightning delay that put everyone on pit road for about an hour the 11 car of denny hamlin has been dominant he has led 64 laps up to this point but now martin trex jr on the outside and he has been having great restarts can he do it again here he's been having great restarts on the outside hanley gave him i think exactly what he wanted now he's getting a big push by blaney down into turn one [Applause] look at him go my goodness that zips around flew by the eleven of denny hamlin and hamlin back to second for the first time in this race hamlet was gonna be racing as teammates tracks junior without a win in 2022 denny hamlin has two wins just behind him ryan blaney another driver without a win yet harvick running in fourth also hasn't won in 2022. moving to the inside you see the nine of chiefs eliot trying to get by the 99 of daniel suarez three wide nine almost on the apron was running out of real estate quickly he's gonna come back to the inside of the 99. [Music] dave what's happening with chase elliott good things and the good thing is that there was no real damage from that contact with his teammate william byron the car has been pretty well balanced all day and you can see he completes that pass on daniel suarez at this point putting him up into the eighth position so far so good marty dave look who's knocking on the door of the top ten kyle bush from last to 11th but a little concerned with his cool shirt that he's wearing listen so the cool shirt works good like my core is nice but my butt feels hot and the bottom of my legs feel hot from the exhaust of the cool shirt device it is freaking hot so steve i asked nate bellows the car chief about that and he said no we run it almost every week anytime it's over 80 kyle would like to have that cool shirt on and the box itself is in the same exact position it's always in he said i think this is by far the toughest test for this new car with this heat and that's really what he's feeling more than anything else yeah i don't think it's any doubt just ambient temperatures the highest by far all these drivers had so much history we talked about notebooks for setups well drivers had no books for comfort what they wanted in the car so they could feel comfortable over the course of the race they'll have some notes after this one as we see the one of ross chastain still trying to recover from that issue on pit road inside the 47 of stenhouse these are two tough race car drivers here look how that one car can wrap the bottom just by distance alone able to clear the 47. chastain had been running up in the top three before he had to come to pit road for a second time and lost all of his track position [Music] fighting to get that back now parker well guys if we go up to the top five and look at kevin harvick who's running and fourth just before this last caution he came on the radio and said i'm better than the 12th car i just can't find a way around and i talked to kevin under the red flag and asked him is that top lane coming in he said maybe we'll see if i can get up there and you see him following the tire tracks to plane he look for him to maybe start getting to that higher lane and see if he can make some speed up there and use the speed of that four car to get by the 12. what i'm starting to see is there's two types of good cars here in nashville right there are cars like the four of kevin harvick who says it's driving fine he just can't seem to pass then there's cars like the 19 of trucks who's currently the leader who has a good car but it's flexible he can go high he can go low that's like the next step that's the next step from your race car having some flexibility to move around that allows traffic to be much more manageable chastain up to 16th now as he just went by the two of austin centric and you can see cedric a little frustrated with how how the the one car chastain kind of pulled in front of him on the front straightaway thinking i'm clear well no you're not pal and i'm not real happy about it everybody seems to be uh you know even if nothing's happened between them and chastain they seem to be annoyed by the guy when they're around when he's around the world [Music] we mentioned that ross chastain has ruffled a few feathers on the way to two wins this is what you're just talking about so the one hey i'm not clear but the two gets in here behind him pushing him down the straight away but the wonder i mean there was they have raced against each other in xfinity series they could have a history from way back or the two could have just simply been pushing him down the straightaway eric jones way up the racetrack right there in three and four not sure that was by design i agree that was higher than i think he was hoping to be we mentioned the move of kyle busch after starting in the back well daryl wallace bubba wallace jr was also back there and he's just in front of kyle busch so bubba wallace looking pretty strong as he's moved up into the top ten in that ninth spot somebody with an opposite story daniel suarez restarted third he's all the way back to 11th good battle right here if you have told me on friday that kevin harvick will be racing ryan blaney for third place i said there's no way he didn't have 30th place speed in his car made some great changes to it qualified well and still running well today look at this harvick looking to the inside these two boards fighting fourth position blaney right now has that third spot harvick trying to move up and take it away from him parker you see kevin harvick dive to the bottom there and turn one and two what is blaney fighting as he falls on the touch of the fourth car tight really tight has come on the radio and just complained that he cannot get the front tires to grip inside that 12 car right now do you see him move up the racetrack just trying to find any way to get that race car to turn and hold off the four kevin harvick right now blaney's got third harvick fighting for it truex jr out in front of the field here at nashville [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] looking down on the mile in the third thanks to geico that's our aerial coverage brought to you by geico and the gap had closed to about two car lengths now martin sharks jr after passing a lap car has put about four car links between he and second place denny hamlin but hamlin has been chipping away at that lead dale jr this goes back to exactly what you and jeff talked about when we looked at the playoff standings and the lack of playoff points right a playoff point will be awarded for the stage win truex is just looking for a win for some sort of assurance to be in the playoffs hamlin with those two wins he is looking to fill that bucket up trying to get by his teammate these two have drove away from the third place battle of blaine harvick but right behind harvick and blaney christopher bill these two guys his teammate mr bell is driving up through the field as well joe gibbs racing putting on a clinic today marty well no offense to steve jr but sometimes it helps when your crew chief is a driver even the interim crew chief for denny hamlin sam mccauley former driver legends car drivers normal crew chief was a former driver too he heard martin trump's junior say he was loose he said take advantage of it immediately on the radio to denny his right rear is going to be too warm let's pounce now i like that take advantage you know you somebody has a weakness how do you take advantage of it that's the question truex is up there running in the top lane it's not like you're going to be able to get on the outside of truex to try to make him looser directly will make this pass really difficult marty that was a great point to bring up when a crew chief says pounce on him a lot of people are thinking well they're teammates wait a minute what do you mean pounce on him when they have on race day each team is on their own they are going out there to win for their team and so the 11th season opportunity they're going to try to take advantage of it danny changes his line to the top here trying something new that bottom was working he's able to close now to the top to create a low momentum down this straightaway slowly closing in and martin got that information about denny hamlin running higher so now what does martin do martin goes up the racetrack a little bit trying to keep denny from being out there a little bit of maybe a fake by denny going to the outside really wanting the inside making martin respond to his move i don't know how important this playoff point is to martin but we know it is important to denny's mentioned it in interviews this week he knows if he gets one he's in the bleed of you know as far as the playoff points in the state in the in the ranking of the drivers he would have the most even with the season he's had inconsistency for the 11th team two wins already but now just three laps to go in stage one that was a pretty impressive defensive move by truex corner ago gonna shut that door off of the air cost the 11 405 car lengths we'll see if demi can mount a charge dives back in to the inside trying to get back up to the back bumper the 19. they're coming up on just two laps to go in stage one [Music] and hamlet just doesn't seem to be able to get closer he tries that inside line he closes the gap but the momentum on the 19 side yeah that high line's a bit of a defensive line when you're struggling like this there he goes it's going to make denny do it on the bottom and it's just can get there he just can't quite defend the momentum that that 19 has down the straight away from the top one lap to go how aggressive will hamlin be here [Music] to the bottom of the racetrack again he's closed the gap tricks will have the drive though off the corner a great run here by denny hamlin he's got three and four to go to the inside will it be enough as they come off turn four for the stage one win it's going to go to mark trex jr fourth stage win already for mark shrek's junior bubble wallace getting by chase elliott in the middle of three and four to take that seventh spot [Music] kyle bush in front of brother kurt busch and the caution comes out after the top ten have crossed the start finish line so bartrex jr wins stage one but it wasn't easy a lot of pressure from teammate denny hamlin [Music] stage one is complete here at nashville super speedway and this cloud coverage that is rolled in has cooled down track temperatures significantly but we're still hearing drivers complain about the heat inside of the cars in fact yesterday we saw temperatures upwards of 140 in the driver's seat which puts into perspective just what some of these drivers are doing this weekend guys like a.j almandinger in the 16 team he ran the xfinity series race yesterday that's 250 miles in the heat and then strapped up to run this race today he actually got out of the car yesterday and was complaining of blisters on his feet because it was so hot there in the driver's seat got out fell to the ground put ice on those feet and returned today to run this race that's a potential 650 miles in this heat for aj almendinger definitely can't underestimate what these drivers are doing out here this weekend so you can download the official app of nascar follow the action with free live scoring in-car cameras as well as radio broadcast search nascar in your app store and download start a free trial [Music] another great crowd here at nashville super speedway and good finish there for stage one as martin trex jr was able to hold off denny hamlin has field about to make their way on to pit road now parker and ryan blaney did an awesome job to hold off kevin harvick there to finish third in the stage with a very tight race car he moved his lineup to the top so they're gonna hopefully make some adjustments here as we forgive your tires for the 12th car and get those adjustments in through air pressure and help loose them up marty marker this ought to be good head-to-head with the jgr pit cruise on pit road for martin 2x junior four-stage win of the year those are the only playoff points that he owns for them at this point really loose off turn four for his teammate denny hamlin jr's right he told me earlier this week second in the stage means nothing to me all we're after are playoff points in fact when it was over he said i'm sorry guys i didn't get that done for you he said they got the entry where i wanted it but the exit is really hurting hamlin loses a ton of spots here on pit road look i know two tires gained 17 positions remember rick they pitted in the middle of stage one there and a two tire stop strategy being played on pit road 17 spots gained [Music] [Music] we are moments away from getting stage two started here at nashville super speedway take a look at that running order as we get ready to take the green there's a number of drivers in the top ten that are still looking to get win number one this season the 12 of ryan blaney the four of kevin harvick who we know is definitely looking for that win he's on a winless streak of over a season now that 20 of christopher bell also win the top ten in the 23 of bubba wallace currently in eighth he's also hoping to get a win and of course a win would lock any of these guys into the playoffs as we have 10 regular season races left to go before things heat up at daytona getting ready for the start of stage two before we do that let's head back downtown in nashville and go to legends corner where with city view rick you can't talk about a correlation between country music and nascar without talking about this guy marty robbins marty robbins had 17 number one billboard country hits but you know what he also loved racing he raced in over 35 races 35 cup races in nascar but he loved racing at the nashville fairgrounds so much so that when he was scheduled to be on the grand ole opry they would move him to the last set of the night so he could go race change his clothes and then perform the coolest thing to me is when i asked my buddy kyle petty hey what do you really like jump out about marty robbins he said well obviously he was a legend he was incredible he said but the king richard petty made me call him when i wanted to race the 42 and ask could i have that number back and marty rum said oh of course that's lee's number i know you want to run it so yeah i'll just run the six unbelievable this guy loved racing loved country music so much and what a legend he was guys thanks rut and we appreciate all the hits from uh nashville the ten team eric almarola caught for speeding on pit road and you mentioned it the 22 took two tires he had pivoted a little bit later than most but still 25 laps on those left side tires we'll see how this works out for lagam the entire field we'd be watching yeah for sure mark trex jr will be on the outside legano on the inside for the restart here good push from ryan blaney on the 22 of logano and that gets legato out front way up the race track goes blaney chasing it now logano trying to block as the 19s making the move on the outside again truex was able to stay on that quarter panel carries that speed down the back straightaway clear into the lead now legano has his teammate on his outside he doesn't want to lose too many positions here we know he's got just two right side tires you want to get too far back in traffic and dirty air with just two tires against four tires surrounding him look how clean the race track is all the rubber got pulled up during the caution harvick jumping on the outside of denny hamlin making a three wide bubble wallace continuing his march to the front any hamlets first time he's been back this far his car is going to drive completely different than it has all day long in this dirty air he's had clean air all day but in second it really at the worst now he has a completely different animal he's dealing with you mentioned the 11 back in traffic and how it's going to change his car the other thing is you know we had that little bit of delay the clouds have come over it's 10 12 degrees cooler out that's going to change the balance on some cars which the field looking forward to change the 19 man he is unbelievable on his restarts but you see it's all the way down to a chilly 84 degrees if you've been in nashville this weekend look at laney keeping pace with truex in the 19 short run speed on this 12 car they seem to be improving this car with each time they're down pit road why not the 19 and the 12. the two guys just outside of the win column might not have a run one two yeah two guys two veterans that have wins under their belt but not this year so they haven't locked themselves into the playoffs [Music] martin trucks junior out front delaney and it's logano christopher bell and kyle busch the top five listen into trex's radio just trying to manage your right right here feels like when i i backed it off you know my only worry right there he was falling back into the pack he was had a good restart but immediately started falling back obviously a problem the 19 radio manage the right rear that tells me that the 19 builds loose they feel it either wear or heat on the right rear tire so some direction of his team to try to not abuse that tire early we'll see if he's able to do that while he pays in front of the 12. watch his 18 car for third place ben running the top he's going to go to the inside here on the 22 legano try to wrap the bottom four tires on that 18 car down low two new right side tires on the top here here comes the 20 his teammate christopher bell is going to try to help with an assist on kyle bush kyle dives down into the corner legato struggling to try to find pace with these tires is probably an experiment they might not repeat the rest of the race he was struggling before though he did not have a fast race car and fallen back into the field so it's hard it's hard for me to say right now that it's the two tires or just his car is it the way he wants it to be marty well and jeff just keep in mind they they were running ninth when paul wolf made that move middle of stage one to come down take on those four tires and steve that really set up the two tire stops so if you're going to experiment in a race of the crew chief steve you want to do it in stage one now they'll have all this information to go back to later in the race yeah and kerchief it isn't just you know ten years ago it was one move at a time now these crew chiefs are truly playing chess two or three moves ahead so paul wolf put those tires on because it opened up the playbook he was probably thinking two tires the whole time and even if this doesn't work he was 18. he's now fifth even if he falls back to say 10 before the pit cycle it's still net gain and information as marty points out good battle with eric jones and kyle larson eric jones went to the bottom larson wanted that bottom took the air away from him and way up the racetrack larson goes look how many spots it lost him gap continues to close now between race leader martin trex jr and ryan blaney we'll see if blainey has any better luck when he gets to the back bumper of mark trex jr that denny hamlin did at the end of stage one there you see harvick going by the 22 of legano harvick takes that position from joey in the 22 and behind them the 23 of bubba wallace 11. all those guys trying to chase down joey's we see the battlefield lead as you mentioned rick continue to tighten up martin continues to run that high defensive line he likes the pace in the feel of the car up there plane he's going to try to go even higher [Music] a little bump over the tunnel right there the shift it's trex junior up front here at nashville super speedway [Music] [Music] strong run right now for jgr as you see the 20 of christopher bell up there with his teammates he's currently running fourth christopher is coming off a tough run at sonoma he finished 27th there which ended a career-long five race top 10 streak he finished this race ninth last year and is still hoping for his first win of the season which of course would lock him into the playoffs but strong run right now in stage two for christopher bell and his teammates as well over there in the jgr camp [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's nascar cup series the ally 400 on nbc and as we're closing in now on the halfway point of this race let's get a few updates we'll start with marty rick let's get some credit to bubba wallace what a run you guys mentioned earlier 30th to 6 for wallace and he told me earlier this weekend i've been working really hard to carry over a positive attitude not only race to race but stage to stage where he can take a lot of positives out of this early run for wallace knocking on the door of that top five dave marty taking a look at eric jones who when you start 23rd on the day you just hope to go forward and make up spots and he has done that including this last restart where he reported back the fire off was much better restarted 17 worked his way up to 13th so jones having a good afternoon in the 43 car after the five of kyle larson well he's been dropping back restarted 11th there fell back to 16th we showed you that whoa moment where his car got out of shape but he's just been talking about not having pace in fact when he drove the car harder to try to make it happen the car got two free on him so the driver just saying not a lot of pace in the five this afternoon parker well dave in an unfortunate turn of events for austin cindrick in the two car about 10 laps ago we saw him make an unscheduled dream flag stop he thought he had a loose wheel they changed all four wheels and passengers looked them over and told them unfortunately they didn't see anything jeremy bullins as crew chief said we'll talk about it after the race marty parker one thing all the spotters are talking about and drivers are starting to notice some rain drops around the speedway starting to fall certainly picks up the sense of urgency a little bit but we have 70 to go in stage two so a long way to go here to get to halfway well today though marty would be 150 laps would be considered an official race so 34 laps until the 150 mark that would be an official race if rain does come but when i look at the radar it's a small little blip i'm not saying we won't get a shower rick but it would have to change dramatically if i thought it was going to end the race and the gap still has not closed between ryan blaney and the 12 and the 19 to bartrex jr yeah i'm a little surprised guys that mark look where martin truex jr is running really solid third lane fourth lane sometimes most of the field though is still pretty much wrapping the bottom of the racetrack surprised more people haven't tried to run where he's running and we see this lead really unchanged over the last several laps but when we look in the back of the top of the screen there that 18 car dropped from the back of the field kyle busch he's closing in on these guys a little bit at a time talking about rain on the windshield some drops we don't really see anything outside the window here but caution's out yellow yellow for rain you know for rain watch it does come out for the precipitation and i applaud nasca you know it's so easy to say we need to stay under green and get to 150 and do all those things but this place is slick i mean you're running 130 40 50 miles an hour you just can't have a downpour in one corner and yesterday right during qualifying we we had a perfect looking day and then instantly we had a massive storm dumped a ton of water so they've had issues in the past where they've had some quick showers sneak up on them and that's kind of what type of weather we have today telling me i was down on the peacock pit box it rained quick hard and quick all right guys so let's go back and tell the joy loganos story put on two tires right fell back fell back to ninth but he was running 18th before he put on two tires so a net gain of nine position so you know you can say the two tires didn't work but it gave you some track position right here yeah i think they need to work on the balance a little bit to improve just overall pace in that car but turning it off and on saving a little fuel so so rick this is a little awkward for the crew chiefs right you look at 29 laps complete so 67 basically to go in the stage 66 you have to ask yourself if we're running the whole race this is a this is a fuel window opportunity fill your car up you can run to the end of stage two you you know that would be the call to make sure you don't lose a lap have to pin under green what's your radar say right do you believe this rain is going to build i don't believe it is but we we see what a win can get you it could be playoff versus someone going to try something crazy you see it's just a little spot that's jumped out so i think pit road will be busy but you know i just put it out there that maybe somebody might think different than than us up here is this where crew chief gambles and you think okay i might know the weather better than others and i'm gonna do something different it would be a big gamble but you have to ask yourself you know what are you willing to risk if you look towards the bottom of our pylon we have harrison burton in 19th uh brad keselowski and 20th those are two cars that when you look at the points it would be a tall task to think they're going to point their way into the playoffs so maybe they they gamble but this would be a uh you know this would be instead of taking an extra card blackjack this would be more like one chip at the roulette table you're gonna have to get super super lucky um but we've seen it before so we'll see what they do marty well steve i think i think crew chiefs are thinking they're gonna pin here because when they look at that radar that you guys showed a moment ago there's nothing behind it so everyone kind of thinks that this is going to pass very quickly to your point you made a moment ago so they're going to go and make stops here because you can make it to the end of the stage from this point yes here all the crew chiefs say now bring it to us yeah that would be my choice we saw yesterday infinity series race some chose to stay out and they ended up having to pin on the green to really hurt them there's still a lot of racing to go so now it's back on the pit crew let's see who can perform parker ryan blaney will pick from the second position here they told him he slid a little too far in his box last time so back it up don't go quite as far to the side they called for red so we'll see what this is it looks like it'll be four goodyear tires for planing you ask for a little bit more turn the center marty martin directs junior saw blaney in his rearview mirror and kind of reassured the team i'm running the pace i need just trust me here again trying to take care of that right rear as he mentioned a moment ago kyle bush said the car is all over the track in fact in one radio transmission he said it's loose it's tight i'm on top of the racetrack i have no idea what to tell you to do for fresh goodyear tires for kyle busch and a few changes as well good stop for the 19 team fellaini also holding their position as does kyle bush a spot for harvick and three for hamlet on pit road [Music] [Music] the caution is out for weather but it does seem like that little bit of precipitation that we were seeing fall has stopped completely we are still under caution though and it's important to note i mentioned earlier the heat that we're seeing this is when drivers start to feel the heat the most they're very vocal about being able to really tune it out until they have to slow down and ride around under caution laps we saw earlier about a 64 humidity at the start of this race well with that little bit of rain that we saw in the area humidity is expected to rise we're already feeling it get even more muggy down here in pit road so we can expect to hear a lot more let's call them their complaints from the drivers in the cockpit the heat is definitely playing factory here today so it's something to pay attention to [Music] so [Music] [Music] with a guaranteed championship opportunity on the line your favorite superstars will do whatever it takes to seize their moment don't miss wwe money in the bank saturday at 8pm eastern 5 pacific streaming live on peacock and catch wwe raw every monday at 8 7 central only on usa speaking of superstars how about wwe superstar sheamus he's with marty hey rick you never know who you'll find at a racetrack sheamus is here hanging out so summerslam is coming to nashville later this summer right that's right yeah july 30th at the nissan stadium home of the tennessee titans or if there's a roof in that place you blow it off but as i said this is my home away from home here in nashville tennessee i'm enjoying the race right now there's a lot of a lot of change going on the leaderboard and open kyle bush or at least when you make corey the joy gets on the uh gets across the checkered flag all right before the trip back to nashville money in the bank's coming up too i know you look forward to that yeah the only thing is ladders man i'm not creating ladders when it's going up the weight the green flag just brought a bit of a flashback from all those matches they're some of the toughest matches you've ever had but yeah that's this saturday it's going to be in vegas but both there but winning the back at summerslam are going to be on peacock [Music] hometown guy loving the nascar race here today and that was up of course moments ago when marty was able to catch up with sheamus the uh grand marshall honorary starter he was up on the flag stand for the start of this race and rick there's a lot to unpack in that entire pit cycle we saw the 23 of bubba wallace have some sort of issue came back down pit road worked on the corner of the car it sounded on the radio like they were cleaning up the threads for perhaps the wheel being loose yeah i was gonna say then he didn't leave pit road in time and he lost the lap so the the issue got multiplied and then we had the nine on pit road dave it's busy down there a whole lot of things going on steve the nine of chase elliot will be starting way far back they had a slow stop on the left front so after that happened ellen gustafsson called chase elliott back down pit road to make a big adjustment on the right rear which had been building too much and freeing up the car way too much so took the opportunity to do that daniel suarez on the other hand was leaving pit road when they called him to stop because the left rear was not sorry the left front was not on tight they came back tighten it up send him back out but he'll start back in i believe 22nd once the choose is done marty let's chat with booty barker so what exactly happened there you guys had just gotten to fourth i had a loose left rear had a loose left rear so we had to come back and put it tight and then you had to do the chaser nut to make sure that the thread was okay yes because if it puts it on we don't get it cinched back up and come off later there you go so they lost a ton of track position as you mentioned gone down a lot bubba wallace not very happy booty barker reassuring and much like he did after qualifying we are not out of the game porn tricks junior on the outside blaney on the inside for this restart five kyle larson had a speeding penalty right there he's got to start in the back crosstalk yeah in the middle three wide zinging by them grabbed a couple spots real quick right there i mean these these guys are so aggressive on these restarts it's such a great time great opportunity to make some spots up hamlin has worked his way by the four of kevin harvick he's running fourth now blaney trying to hang on the side of this 19 car true extra except landing down low shallow entry to one from laney truex arcs it off in there it's gonna have great acceleration on corner exit did he handle it up to third now as he's past the 18 of kyle bush and still they race for the lead a little bit of side draft still works in these cars you can see blaney trying to get some of that right around the bottom at 12 car look at this here one car sliding up the track a little bit into the side of the 20. slows them both down kurt busch trying to help christopher bell back here still battling for the lead and now fellaini with the nose in front of the 19. but not enough room to complete the pass the slide job just didn't work out it slowed them down both so much here comes hamlin and hamblin fighting for the lead once again gambling up the racetrack a little bit he's going to take away the line for the 12-car blaney here comes truex with the runs it was out to the outside of his teammate great racing right here after this restart [Music] hamlin saw how different his car was back there in traffic he wants this clean air wants to get this lead back yep and blaine thinks he has the better car of any of them he just needs to get get another chance to get up there and take the lead look at this slide job wow he just drove so far into the corner here comes trix though back on the inside two out the back that's brought everybody behind them up into this mix side by side kyle bush and the 12 of blaney is the two leaders still battle two teammates battling down the back straightaway almost contact though truex love the outside he's having to learn how to drive his car down here on the bottom junior you almost used the right word you were going to say mess and you threw out the word mix it has definitely been a mess up here in front and still undecided as truex junior fights on the inside trying to hold on to the top spot denny hamlin working the outside perfectly three out the back again still in there it's your left rear three out the back no run no run these two stay side by side for the lead and right behind them ready to pounce is the 18 of kyle busch kyle's way high of the racetrack gonna have a pretty good run here down the straightaway three out the back with no run you in the 19 here see what hamlet's doing he's jumping really deep in the corner to keep 2x from trying that slide job as long as hamlin carries that much speed in the corner truex can't overdrive the entry and try to slide up in front of you hamlet taking that option away from him slowly but surely let's bring the 18 car into this he's going higher and higher trying to get clean air up the race track keep his car turning he might be able to get to the outside at 19 here down the straightaway not quite big enough run hamlet clears the 19. a little bit of a run here out of kyle busch now what will he do with it truex is going to climb the banking and kind of play a little defense i've been coming to nascar races since 1995 and i have never seen quite this style of racing like that pass from the 11 he just drives in way farther than the 19 up the track before that would have killed your momentum and he just takes the air it's fascinating marty and uh steve jeff nailed it that was a battle more than anything else for clean air under the last run denny hamilton said wow that was way different back in the back this clean air means everything today 2x had it kept the lead hamlin's now got it and he's checking out that's what he did at the beginning of the race as well uh led the first 70 laps of this race see at the bottom of the screen christopher bell trying his hardest to get by this 12th car up the racetrack lady's going to stay there on the outside down the front straight away right behind him ross chastain with a good run who's he going to help where's he going to go to the top of the racetrack side by side off of two one thing that's happened with these cars junior is these cars can run side by side better than any cars we've ever seen in nascar's history they they're able to run side by side without pulling the air off of that inside car in the past christopher bell will be sideways loose right here but you can see how tight he actually got [Music] oh man really close there yeah a lot of trust between the guy besides you when you drive up the track to him to get the side draft and now here's chastain working to the inside trying to get by the 12. i think chastain has you know he might not be as quite as good as again he's one of the better cars in the field and i think he's suffering from that dirty air we're talking about he can clear these guys get back up in the top three i think he has a car to win [Music] he's worked hard after some issues on pit road to try to drive through this field we mentioned the issue for bubba wallace but it actually got tyler radic involved bubba wallace stops look right here smoke front tires redick runs into him has to pit a second time for damage currently 25th we'll have to see how much that damage hurts the 8th car [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] caution has come back out this time for another lightning strike and so they will be bringing the cars back onto pit road here in just a moment again a mandatory 30 minutes waiting period after a lightning strike and so we've experienced this once already it was in stage one after 41 laps of racing were complete and now after 139 laps have been completed they will bring them back onto pit road for the second time for lightning this evening it's a nascar cup series from nashville super speedway the ally 400 about to get back underway from this mile in a third concrete oval as the drivers are strapped back into their cars firing the engines up now crews stretching back out getting ready to go after a lightning and rain delay almost two hours and now with the track dry they're about to roll off of pit road they'll then dry that portion of pit road where the cars are currently and we'll be back to racing here shortly and alongside steve lettar jeff burton dale earnhardt jr all right guys this kind of a delay you've got you know almost half of the race under your belt what have you learned and how confident do you feel that your car is going to handle the same way when you get back out on the track yeah it won't handle the same way this is definitely conditions that they haven't practiced or raced in all weekend it's been really really hot they've practiced throughout the afternoon raced earlier today the track rubbered up all the way to the wall put a lot of rubber down in that heat and i'm just not sure what type of race track we'll have going forward with those lower temperatures cooler temperatures that should feed the race a little bit closer to the bottom of the racetrack and change the handling of several of these race cars so some of these teams are gonna have to work hard under the future pit stops to try to dial those cars back in with this added grip because of the cooler temperatures the cars are going to travel more and that completely changes the way these cars drive attitude of the car is huge the drivers are going to have to pinpoint very quickly hey here's what my car is doing they're going to have to get very aggressive old pit stops about making changes to keep up with this racetrack aggression's going to be key rick jeff burton just said it i believe you know we still have 160 laps to go the radar looks like it's clearing out we're assuming we're going to run this whole thing so these crew chiefs at some point you can't completely give up a track position but you may pit like right now we're only been about 20 minutes or excuse me 20 laps since the last pit stop you may come down just to get ahead on those adjustments you've been talking with your engineers talking with your driver you have at least a guess on which way the first guy to get there soonest with the correct balance and the correct adjustments will have a huge advantage i also think that we shouldn't assume that these guys are thinking we're going to go all the way to the end you get one rain shower this late in the night we're almost halfway so some of these guys might have this mentality as soon as they drop the green flag we might be racing for the win so you you can expect to see a very aggressive restart we basically just listed all the reasons i do television because these crew chiefs down here they got knots in their stomachs i mean this is you know the playoffs are coming the pressure is here there's a lot of teams that aren't where they want to be and flip it how about danny hammond had a great race he's led 78 laps now you don't want to be the guy that gives away what was the most dominant race car so it's pressure packed let's get a few updates we'll start with parker ryan you guys were talking about the weather just listening to rodney childers talk to kevin harvey here they ran about 15 laps on these tires and they were just discussing where the pit or not although it is clear right now it is dry there is still weather in the area there's pop-up showers and so he basically was asking kevin if he felt like on a green track with those 15 lap tires if they really needed tires and if if we're only what 10 laps away from halfway here and once we get past halfway this race could be official so some decisions still being made on pit road in uh with this reign in the area dave parker the youngest joe gibbs racing driver christopher bell running fifth right now talked to us during the rain delay about seeing his teammates up there motivating him to do what he knows he can do which is run as fast as them and after working on this car all weekend they have it drivable for christopher raceable for christopher and now we'll see what he can do with the veterans up there to that point about adjustment so parker they may need to go in that direction as well and see where the track is going come down pit road make those adjustments and again try to be the ones who guess the best marty to see where this place is going to head in the next several laps dave you mentioned christopher bell sitting in fifth the worst of the joe gibbs racing drivers i mean they have been dominant in the first part of this race the other drivers sitting one two three with denny hammond martin truex jr and kyle busch but that was in temperatures way different than they are right now as junior mentioned it was 102 with the real feel when this race started now it's 75 i talked to denny hamlin right before he climbed to the race car he said i have no idea what to expect so to that point steve a lot of teams even the teams up front in the top 10 top five maybe are thinking about coming down and pitting making some drastic changes because nobody is prepared for these type of conditions because it was so hot in practice earlier this week and as you go down the running order someone's going to say good for you right is it michael mcdowell in ninth i know he doesn't want to you know get on the wrong side of the strategy but we mentioned the pop-up showers did you know is he the first guy that stays on the racetrack we saw you know a daytona race be one with lightning we've seen pocono one in fog so you know someone's gonna stay out and try to i don't even wanna call it steal a victory but get a victory that perhaps we didn't see coming when this race was running earlier today drivers weaving back and forth you take a look behind the pace truck here the pace cam coca-cola cam they have to drive pit road where the cars were sitting and want to be able to open pit road up for the teams to make some pit stops but can't do that until we have a very safe outside groove down pit road and as this happens the magic number is 150 laps we're at 142 right here 150 laps are complete this race is official that's halfway can be officially correct it's not the end of stage two anymore it can be official so therefore uh that puts a little bit more pressure on all of these decisions we're discussing uh why does that change i mean i guess if it's not official you can you know you could pit and lose that track position but if you think that we're going to roll past that point before we get back to green right well while we wait on this pit road to dry and then pit road opens up there is rain in the area steve so then what do you do do you give you probably stay out if you're one of those teams in the top five on those 15 lap tires with rain in the area this late i think it depends on how many winds you have on the season baby let's dive into a race recap as to what took place getting us to this point well you mentioned it joe gibbs racing has dominated this race started right at this drop of the green frat flag denny hamlin jumps out to a big lead lightning strike follows the red flag yeah the delay the first delay and when he came back racing it was the 19th of mark trex jr wide showing his dominance the 24 of william byron though had a mechanical issue he had to go to the garage they were able to repair it but now they're many laps down his teammate alex bowman contact with the seven of coiler joy heavy damage to the 48 14 and 42 cars they get together todd hillard feels like they've made their call a little bit better it feels like they're somewhat competitive mark truex jr fresh off the news he's coming back next year win stage one and then our friend the weather came lightning and then rain and then track drying but here we are now the track is looking good pit road getting closer as we get going here the big movement actually on pit road as i look out the window getting dry there that's you know people asking why is that important safety right i was one of these crew members that jumped over pit wall you don't want to go head-to-head with a 3 500 pound race car and you can't ask these drivers to not compete even on pet road it's a competition they're trying to optimize everything so nascar needs to get it in a more i'll call it comfortable or confident situation that everybody can be in control of their cars you see that dover dryer right there they brought in some extra equipment from across the series anticipating the necessary work to be done to drive the track so that's good again they're now just working on pit road where the cars were parked they had dried the rest of pit road when the cars were still parked on there as they had dried the track and so just a small little area a pit road that they're working on to get dry as the cars work their way around the mile in a third hamlin trex junior kyle busch and christopher bell the joe gibbs racing foursome currently in the top five right now only separated by harvick who is looking for a win it has been for two years now have the opportunity to check in with denny hamlin who's out in front of this field jeff hey denny's guys up in the booth how you doing let's try it one more time denny hammond guys up in the booth how are you doing good over 80 laps led tonight looks like you got a fast race car how do you feel about the rest of the night with this track changing yeah i mean ideally uh when it was hot and slick it's probably where we're at our best it's just kind of our usual trend but we uh we all got a new track now so we're going to uh adapt to it hopefully keep this ground camera up front that's uh i think it's fast enough that adaptable enough that it's got some speed in it that we can handle so denny we were discussing the track temps and how they've changed so much tell us and the fans what your role is in understanding what this car needs to do different and get that information to the team as soon as possible i mean we definitely got to do that it's going to be important for us to kind of give the feedback uh we haven't really had this situation on the concrete track this year where we had a rain delay we're coming back and uh you know from day to night and let's see what the balance change is we know what it was in the old car but trying to predict it for this new one to be a challenge so we're gonna guess and see how it goes well dean we appreciate you letting us ride along buddy have a good rest of the night thank you you see right there in the bottom of the pylon exactly what denny's talking about not just a clean race track but the temperature 94 degrees now while the humidity's gone up the temperature has dropped nearly 20 degrees that is a major shift both in car balance mechanical expectations pace as jeff talked about even if your car drives the same it's going to be going faster so will that tax the front or the back or will you perhaps over travel and where these things are fine-tuned i mean to the you know eighth of an inch of travel or 100 000 of an inch so a big pickup at pace can be a challenge it was an interesting conversation i thought junior with denny hamlin right there and he's hey we haven't been in this situation before we haven't been on a concrete track where we're running then we get a rain delay we got to make changes they don't know i mean they're learning on the fly right here check back in with dave on the nine car yeah rick while chase elliott was buckling into his chevrolet had a chance to lean in and say so uh you had a chance to make a major adjustment on your race car earlier and then run some laps before the rain and folks will remember that they had a they had a pit stop snafu so they pitted again to make the major adjustment in the right rear of the car to try to get that right rear out of the air a little bit make it not as loose the right air was just the right route was just kind of up in the air i said did that help even though the track is changing now did you get it balanced then he goes uh no it was still very very loose so we'll see how that works steve i don't know if a car that was so loose earlier is going to automatically grip up a little bit with these cooling temperatures how does that usually work uh you know not necessarily the new car but how did it traditionally work well to go back what danny said we don't know about this car my gut and my history would say that the cooler the racetrack the more grip but normally in the front so loose normally would be worse at a place like the 600 when it cools um we're all going to learn together though when we see the green flag right here this isn't important for everyone but uh the tendency would be in my mind to get freer it's been an impressive night already for joe gibbs racing especially kyle busch who started at the back of the field he's all the way up to third let's see if we can dial him up on the radio jeff hey kyle it's burton you got us yes sir well i think it's fair to say you've probably passed the most cars on the racetrack tonight what do you need to get by those two teammates in front of you uh yeah a little bit of help in uh three and four just feel like one and two not bad pretty easy uh but three and four have a tight spot there right down in the center have to slow up too much and those guys seem to be rolling through there a little bit better so if we can find out what uh what trick that is we'll uh we'll have something for them kyle appreciate it buddy have a good rest of the night thanks for taking some time thank you we got off the radio because it looks as though pit road is cleaned up enough that they will be sending them down pit road we didn't want to be involved in communications when they're calling him onto pit road yeah decision time a lot of conversation up here we'll see what teams decide to pit 39 laps to go in this stage uh they should all have enough fuel to make it to the end of the stage so that wouldn't be your decision it would be adjustments or if you feel new tires are an advantage a little bit of question mark about the weather so there's gonna be uh few assumptions and a lot of guessing and what the right call is here you know if you're looking at the radar second ago i was nervous about pitting now it's looking like it's a little bit better like we might actually get several laps here finish this race so anybody's guess but i think that we're in good shape so these guys probably come down pit road and work on these cars you never know with pop-up showers on such a very warm evening as the few cars are making their way onto pit road parker and it was a super late call for kevin harvick from rodney chillers he first said just follow the two in front of you and then just said let's come let's come so he comes down here to pit road they will decide if they want to pit or not with the weather in the area it's going to be four goodyear tires for kevin really split decision oh a little contact on pit road yeah for bill the 78 yeah b.j mcleod coming in christopher bell trying to go out and contact was made between the 78 and the 20. how much damage was done to christopher bell that'll be the question 20 was running in the fifth position when he chose to pitch let's take another look at it junior right here the 78's trying to get in his style 20's leaving his stall there you see bj trot you know bj thought christopher would just slow down boom there's the contact now they're both trying to go forward christopher knows that was a hard hard hit guys he radioed in he says i don't think i hit too hard and then from up above they've looked at a little bit and said i don't think you're that bad off so the 20 appears to be okay yeah many months ago that would have probably uh snapped the toe link bent the toe length they have since re-engineered those beefed them up a little bit just made them bigger and they are taking better hits now when they do hit they bend mounts and bolts and things like that but at least it's uh it's it's a little bit beefier than it was at the start of the year so you should be in good shape pit road is a dangerous place and it's a good thing look at this three team what if they were one pit stall further up those guys are actually into the side of that car with guys all over the pit walls that that shows you how dangerous pit road can be you ask yourself how that happens well if both cars were on the lead lap i would say the car entering has the right away the car leaving has to concede the position i think right there if i'm the crew chief of the 20 calling him out of the box i'm assuming the 78 is going to concede because he's a couple last down now doesn't mean he's in the wrong i'm just saying that would be my mentality if i'm the crew chief of the 20 i'm assuming the 78 is going to get give way to us and i'm going to probably make the same mistake and call my car out of the pit box and probably have the same issue so the field bunching back up again [Music] and we'll see when they go by this next time if they will begin to choose which line they want to restart in again denny hamlin martin trex junior kyle busch all staying out saw kevin harvick who was in fourth he came to pit road yeah so basically ten cars have stayed on the racetrack hamlin harrison burns so the front i'm calling five rows but we haven't done the shoes you'll have a little bit of movement around there and we'll just see how it cycles around uh between adjustments and new tires and aggressive how you know we saw a truex go to the top three wide and make moves here's the choose right here so teammates top bottom 18 goes to the top pretty even decisions and on the left side you see that last pit and kind of where they line up so you get you're counting in jeff what do you think i mean that's a lot top to bottom and the spotters and where you got to line up it's really an easy easy thing if you if you're a spotter you're basically picking one side or the other inside or outside you're telling your driver how many are in the only that line and then he can choose knowing how many are in that one side whether he wants to go to that lane or the other one so if you're in 18 and your spotter says seven on the inside well that means you're gonna gain a few spots if you go down there and there are times that you may be willing to give up a row because you think the row in front of you is faster or that your car is better in the outside or the inside lane there's other times you would no matter what you want to just get up as far as you can with 36 to go in this stage i think you just want as much track position as you can the shortest road when they get the green flag it will be officially halfway of this 300 lap range they will have completed 150 laps denny hamlin will restart on the outside martin trex jr on the inside he has been great in that outside line we'll see what he can do on the inside back to racing in nashville [Music] this part right here is what has always impressed me about race car drivers it's been two hours the track is completely different and they are wide open here at the mile and a third and still side by side for the lead still battling side-by-side tricks trying to stay on that quarter panel it's going to keep him even down the front straight away he moves away to try to not allow him to side draft takes a really shallow entry how in the world can that car stay on the yellow line like that with that shallow entry a little bit i think right there danny is clear you can hear the spotter go where you want to go here i think with the low you know with low temperatures must be so much grip jeff that they're able to you know shallow entry these corners let's see we heard kyle bush say that he felt like his weak point was in the middle of three and four was a little bit tight here's the one car chastain's been fast all night and new tires jeffy was one of the cars that pitted so he has newer tires of the car in front we'll see if that benefits an aggressive move right there from harvick to block the 16 the 16 did find his way to the inside of the four [Music] really tight there between aj almond digger and kevin harvick and still very tight between these two couple hard-headed drivers right there aj and harvick they're kind of similar in this position oh man aj right up in front of harvick almost with a cross over there trying to get to that left rear aj's gonna block a little bit down into one irving's not gonna like that not at all he takes his airway though and look at the difference he gives aj a little bit of breathing room [Music] and pulling away so almond dinger getting by the floor and then pulls away to about a three car length advantage about four car lengths separating the top two hamlet and trurex jr kyle busch blaney and kurt busch top five chastain mcdowell chase elliott buscher logano the top 10. as the field settles in rick great battle here between the five and the 16 on board with all the digger kyle larson gets to his outside those new tires have settled in right so they kind of made a little bit of an advantage maybe on the restart but old tires continue to lead as green as this racetrack was thought to be because of the rain uh it's actually putting rubber down rather quickly or there's still some good rubber out there from earlier and these guys aren't using more than just the bottom of this racetrack i was thinking this thing might get right to the bottom as cool and as late as it is but there's still some some grip in that second groove maybe even the third groove all madinger has lost a couple spots he lost that spot that he was fighting with harvick with and now to larson also a position yeah larson went down and took his took his air and you saw him have to lift and the 21 here burton he's underneath him going to the corner aj just trying to stop the slide here back to the field a driver that came down to pit road and got four fresh tires harrison right there trying to take this position for 13th harrison's had a had a difficult year this year trying to find his footing but a good run tonight in this wood brothers number 21. they had good speed earlier when chase elliott had his problem on pit road they got blocked in lost all their track position been trying to earn it back ever since speaking of chase he's on the inside of mcdowell there for seventh chase clears him and moves up the racetrack has that seventh spot mcdowell back to eighth a little further forward fellaini and kurt bush fighting for the fourth position hamlin back out front he's led 99 laps it's the most slaps denny has led in a race this season [Music] [Music] 163 laps complete here at nashville super speedway which does mean this race is technically complete if we were facing any more weather issues but as i mentioned earlier the radar is looking pretty good right now and the action on track is looking even better hey take a look at that top 10 right now and you'll see the 34 of michael mcdowell running eighth stellar run for mcdowell now you may remember michael from his career defining moment winning the daytona 500 two seasons ago this season though has been a standout season for mcdowell as well six top ten finishes which is actually the most he's ever seen in a year he's led 38 laps so far and which again is the most he's ever led in a season so michael mcdowell currently running eighth hoping to hold on to another top 10 finish here today in nashville [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 163 laps led between the two cars on the screen denny hamlin has 105 and mark trex jr 58 and once again they're fighting for the top spot searching for grip and fresh air and so the two continue to battle for the lead marty how about these toyotas one two three four right now the battle for the lead top of your screen the battle for fourth on the bottom of your screen and i asked martin truax jr and denny hamlin both about racing each other hard then he told me it's worth it the clean air means everything tonight and truex said in that first run when i let all those laps i pushed my car too hard but if i have an opportunity even though i have to push my car a little bit harder than i would like i will go grab the lead trying to do that right now parker and marty one of the few cars that seems like he could contend with the two the toyota's in front of him was ryan blaney there in the 12 cars you look a battle for the lead martin trex goes to the bottom guys truex is trying to find a way around he gets the run off the high side but denny yo goes defensive and says well you're gonna have to pass me on the bottom and that's tough for trixx to do you can see his tricks back to the top of the racetrack and let's try the same thing over again try to get that run off of a two faster than denny right now but then he wants to stay out front we talked about the clean air he's not going to give this spot away to his teammate gave him the high line once again and mark trex jr has taken it we've seen him make some great moves on the outside tonight martin just one inch at a time right just a little bit of the time on that outside right here yeah gets right to the quarter panel he's in the gas right by and he is now leading here at nashville as denny hamlin fights back on the inside oh yeah i'm surprised then he's able to hang right there oh not a great corner for 2x then he back to the inside a little bit lower for martin trunks junior this time interesting he's not just drove away and cleared him easily you know i thought trek's car was neat we'll pull away coming back to 13 you go coming back to 13 to go when he was beat so they're hustling denny to try to remind him about oh then he had a little moment right there a little tight off the corner but they're hustling him to try to fight try to stay up here and try to hang in there and try you know win this stage he gave up a point finishing second to truex in stage one marty hey junior one of the things that factored into the factor that uh martin truax jr was willing to push his car a little bit more on this one with so few laps left in this stage remember when he pushed the car hard in that stage one he got very loose and the right rear went away very quickly but there's only 13 to go in the stage so he felt like he could be a lot more aggressive here it paid off he's in the lead trying to win stage two like he did stage one i thought was really interesting right there is they were given information about hey when he runs the outside he's able to get in the gas wide open sooner that's they're looking at the smtl data giving the drivers information so he understands exactly where the speed needs to come from marty i'm sorry parker well jeff as we were saying earlier ryan laney looked like one of the few cars that could contend with those toyotas but he's been dropping like a rock here in the last couple laps all the way back to 70. he was running fourth earlier and just far too tight in that race car they were tighter earlier today even when he went for the lead at one point in this race but they've been just trying to loosen up he hoped the core temperatures and less rubber on the racetrack would loosen that car up for them but it has not been the case as they get later into this stage falling back to the field right now out of the top five coming up on ten to go in stage two those of you that are playing nascar fantasy make sure to check your lineups because you'll have to move your garage pick out of the garage prior to the conclusion of stage two dave ricky might have had michael mcdowell on the borderline of your garage there because he was one of the cars that stayed out trying to limit the damage it's tough to do michael's been fighting he restarted fifth but he's fallen back to 10th remember did not pit they'll look for adjustments to try to keep this 34 up in the top 10 and further later on tonight we questioned who's going to make adjustments which car would maybe find more speed as the track has cooled this is a car guys early in the race i didn't think anything special it's definitely not kyle larson in five car esque not what we saw a year ago here in nashville but since this restart this five of kyle larson is continuing to run top two and three laps dave and steve he didn't have anything special he said it to his team over the radio but just think about how this crew is operating now crew chief cliff daniels suspended from the races for four weeks he's operating electronically to the team they had all that time to talk about what was happening with powell's car during that break they've gotten it together they made an adjustment on that pit stop and kyle larson is coming through the field now may have something to say before this night's over that is great information we knew he wasn't here but i just never thought about just going in the truck picking up the phone getting on zoom having a face to face with your crew chief looks like it's working for the five as he's attacking ryan blaney now although the battle for the lead rick is definitely not dwindling that 11 will not go away well and we saw this at the end of stage one it looked as though martin trex jr was going to pull away but then denny kept just chipping away at that lead and he's doing it once again and he did it the exact same way he goes to the bottom of the racetrack closes the gap up and then he will try to get a little bit closer and potentially even try the slide job on martin trex jr we know that truex had gotten looser earlier in the race and that's how denny was able to run him down martin does look like he's struggling with the balance on that car what's the uh what's the talk about the 11 car marty we were talking about this over on nbc we'll tell the usa audience denny told me earlier this weekend second place in the stage means nothing to my race team we've thrown in the towel on points all we're worried about are playoff points and the crazy thing is denny's denny hamilton's had a very up and down season he gets one more playoff point he would be the number one seed in the playoffs unbelievable but then he doesn't care about second right here he only wants to win in this stage chase elliott with a big move around ross chastain bottom of the screen as he moves into fifth place the hinder cars seem to like this this this uh nighttime racing's cooler temperature look at this move got a big run he's like spiders clear just hangs it left takes that position from ross the gap staying about the same between the 11 and the 19 and coming up on four laps to go truex a little bit of traffic here but after he passes this car should be about a straightaway in front of him if it's clear denny looking for that playoff point you win a stage you win the playoff point i wonder if it's you know a big balance shift for truex when he's behind denny versus out in front of me because as soon as he passed denny i thought he'd drive away but he had a real hard time did he hung right on his quarter panel and he's really you know not been able to shake him i like that position for denny hamlin right there a groove higher i just think that gives you more opportunity to find a run it's just so hard to make any time on the bottom of the racetrack larson and chastain battling for that sixth position on the bottom of the screen larson's grabbed it back a little bit right here look at the gap closing once again on the top of your screen for the lead hamlin within a car length now of the 19. coming up on two laps to go in stage two and he follows almost in his tire tracks that's got to be difficult for denny hamlin now i want to say the tricks almost chose after he tried to watch denny choose in the mirror forcing him to try to get a lane higher as chase elliott continues the march forward yeah that's pretty smart for a driver if you're if you know that you're disrupting the downforce of the car behind you don't be too predictable about where you're going in the corner as far as going to the bottom of the track or the top of the track one last attempt for denny hamlin here as they go down the back stretch for the final time in stage two gap just a little bit too wide through three and four and martin shrek's junior looking to sweep the stages tonight at nashville super speedway he will win stage two [Applause] 14th time that martin trex jr has swept stages most of all the drivers and he's gone on to win six of those times that's a big moment for the 12 of laney off turn four [Music] caution comes back out end of stage two watch blaney harvick playing he's right on his right rear thinks he's going to be out there but when harvick crosses in front of him it changed the whole downforce on that car stage one and stage two winner mark shrek's junior now the important stage he hasn't won in 2022 but we know he's coming back to joe gibbs racing can he get the win tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] two stages complete here at nashville super speedway martin truex jr wins stage two that makes two stage wins now for the 19 team hey look at that top five finishing order though you'll see the 45 of curt bush rounding out the stage top five there as we come to completion and kurt busch you know he's got top three into the last four races this season one win at kansas which means he is locked in to the playoffs and in this race last year in nashville he finished eighth so one more stage to go here at nashville super speedway definitely some big players up front some guys looking for a first win some guys looking to lock themselves into the playoffs and some drivers looking to just have a consistent run and finish out this race strong so a lot of racing action premiere to go from nashville super speedway enjoy it race fans get ready for world-class speed at southern charm in usa's newest reality series it's austin dillon's life of the fast lane new episodes of thursdays at 9 30 pm eastern only right here on usa dylan has made his way up to 21st that's about the best they've been running this evening yeah small gains definitely not the car that they want but still some racing a whole stage to go to be interested to see here i expect everybody to be on pit road the question is will anybody gamble for two tires we saw a net game for joey logano earlier in the race we'll see if it happens again parker kurt busch will not be one of those gambling as he pits out the fifth position he said it was hooking the right rear tire on the long run which means he's just abusing that right rear too much as he goes through the laptop before goodyear tires it's enough to feel for him dave chase elliott's biggest concern is getting four fresh goodyear tires because after he passed ross jason he said i thought i had a tire going down that's why i eased off marty coming into the day mark jr had only three stage wins gets two today sweeps the afternoon on that that is a knife edge after a couple laps just so loose meanwhile's teammate denny hamlin said he's still tight in the center which might not be a terrible thing for that race team because that's what he was earlier on the 11 with another rough stop though they lose a number of spots here on pit road in fact six of them rick yeah six spots on pit road and that team is not going to be happy about that stop shrek's junior holds the position and kyle busch gains one [Music] moments away from starting our final stage here at nashville super speedway take a look at that 21 car of harrison burton the rookie he's currently running 13th his first time driving in the cup series here at nashville super speedway he did race in the xfinity series race here last year and finished third and a little fun fact about that infamous wood brothers 21 if harrison could pull off a win this season or whenever that 21 car finds victory lane next it will be win number 100 for the wood brothers nascar's longest standing team so keep an eye on harrison burton as the remainder of this season stand out here for this rookie so far [Music] so visit and download the app for free for a chance to win race tickets original racing gear and more yes that's goldfish now 2x danny halen run one two in the stage come to pit road 2x holds the lead danny hamlet loses spots here's their comparison right here look at that 13.2 that is over three seconds slower than martin trex jr what does three seconds look like on a pit stop it is very very small watch denny hamlin pull in and i want you to look at the front tire changer he's gonna drop lug nut off but watch him pull and pull and struggle to get that right front tire off now the difference is because of their choreography he has to go all the way around to the left rear so an issue on the right front the time gets multiplied it's an advantage that way when it goes smooth they have great pit stops but if you have a hiccup on the right front it slows it down let's not forget this team is still missing a tire changer a jack man and a crew chief so you know so many moving parts in that replacement tire changer doing his best but a little bit of trouble on the right front tonight cost danny hamlin six spots and normally joe gibbs racing some of the best pit crews in fastest times dave and just an update reported that chase elliott was saying perhaps he had a tire going down wasn't sure all four came off and all four were up at the right pressures so the question remains is there anything going on with the nine or is that just an anomaly parker and garage chasse remember he was so fast earlier in the race he was running third when he had an actual loose wheel in the right rear they went all the way back and it's taking him this long to get all the way back to just about the top three there in fourth position he's had a really fast car he could be a real contender to get in this third stage marty and parker to magnify the point c was talking about with the 11 pit stop a moment ago it also slows down the jack man right steve because he can't put down that right side of the car until the right side is completely done so that adds to it as well not only is the right front guy going to the left rear the jack man has to wait as well it's like building a house rick there's an order you got to put your foundation then your walls then your roof and with this sort of choreography everything has to happen in order let's listen in the 11. obviously the dirty air sucks just trying to get cleaner on the nose at all costs try to use the top as much as possible to get momentum on the street here's the feedback you know you can't go back and redo it we still got a lot of racing clean air on the nose use the top trying to coach him give him some opportunity it's going to be frustrating though he's what on the looks like the fifth row on the outside yeah still in the top ten but he was fighting for the lead at the end of stage two now he's got quite a few cars in front of him and martin shrek's junior he'll be on the outside kyle busch on the inside and back to racing [Applause] off the racetrack goes the nine just a bit there for chase elliot as we see the one of ross chastain dropping back here comes the 45 of curt bush and on the outside once again a very strong number four of kevin harvick three wide two rows two wide for the lead three wide for two ghosts is crazy around that all the way around the corner they settle it out oh ross almost a little contact left quarter panel of harvick but helps him move on in in front of those two guys still side by side up top for the lead here comes the 18. kyle busch to the inside can he clear the 19. just not enough to get in front of him not only do they want to race really hard to keep the clean air keep the lead but there is still some weather building north of us that moves south you've got to believe that there's some pressure and intensity we're racing toward that weather could get here could affect the end of this race bush was able to clear the 19 of mark trex jr so now kyle busch who's out front let his first lap just on that lap this is back in the pack man they've been racing really hard on the restarts for many many laps back here in the middle of the middle of the pack 10th and hold back christopher bell there in the 20 on the inside that devol dewalt yellow paint scheme almandinger in the 16 out in front of these guys it's kind of holding them up a little bit christopher bell the 20 on the inside there trying to get by mcdowell in the 34 on the outside behind them the 17. eric almarola also coming into the picture there in the 10. these two stay side by side bell not able to clear mcdowell real low in the front straightaway trying to get away from that side draft a little bit just wrapping that yellow line now he's clear mcdowell [Music] good hard racing gal had a pretty good you know top 10 run going he slipped out of the top 10 now in 12th place halen trying to work his way back to the front after the issues on pit road he's had to do this before in this race now knows how difficult his car is to drive back in traffic and you see him lose the nose and have to lift a little time to kirk bush in the 45 car in front field stretching out just a bit now and steve i'll ask you 188 laps is where they came to pit road the last time in a 300 lap race where and how far can you go before you have to come down pit road for fuel well i believe that you know tires don't seem to be a huge advantage so you're going to run probably as long as you can you don't want to lose laps by hitting early so you know you we think they go about 70 laps green so they'll run into this run they're what 10 laps about 50 or 60 more laps so it'd only be about 30 or 40 laps left in the race when they come to pit road we saw that good battle between the three and the 43. and eric jones and austin dillon austin was no good at the start of this race but they have improved car over the duration of the event had a lot of opportunities to work on it [Music] mcdowell and this team they do such a good job do not have the funding of all these people they race with but every week they find a way to get in the battle really strong here for these guys marty jeff nice run for chris busher as well up there in the 12th position after the second place at sonoma talked to him earlier this week he said man after me being out for a week with kovid i thought it before we definitely have to win a race but he was so encouraged by what happened at sonoma they could have won that race next week wrote america he says i know i can go there and win the thing i don't know if he expected a top 10 run today but some nice speed out of the rausch fenway keslowski cars tonight yeah as disappointing as brad keselowski might have been in his car in practice yesterday he has to be happy with what he's seeing in his teammate the pace they have if it was both cars running poorly all the time that would be really frustrating you know you've got some serious issues but you can look forward and see that 70 car know that some games are getting made and things are getting better for roush as they continue to soldiers through the season brad also he spoke so highly of chris busher at sonoma how he is having such a major impact on this team thought he's the most underrated driver of the entire sport talked about how good he was how fast he was how good he was pushing the team to make the right changes as well feels like he's a great teammate chris busher with the momentum coming off a second place finish at sonoma two weeks ago parker [Music] as we go on board here with ryan blaney the night time is not the right time for the 12th car if you remember earlier back in the daytime he was challenging for the lead of this race he restarted the top five in that last run fell all the way back to the back of the top ten and then they had a slow stop under the stage two caution they had a hang up on the left rear all the way back to 20 50 restarted now only made it up to the 20th position but things going seriously wrong for the 12 car here they showed so much speed earlier in this race they're gonna have to fight back from that bad pit stop yeah right behind you you see daniel suarez he had ran all as high as second earlier in this race today we thought the track house cars they were second third early we thought they were going to have a really great run he's also had some issues oh the 12. he's going to hit the back wall the track into the grass and the caution comes out ryan blaney what a ride that was a great save to be honest with you i thought that that car was definitely going to fence with the right side he almost did that same thing about ten laps ago in three or four tried to carry so much speed on quarter entry and that thing started getting around on him well the wall saved him i don't know if it's a great save but the wall was there for him parker and guys we've heard about how sensitive or not how sensitive how sensitive this car is to changes he has been talking about how tight that car is all day and even on that last run said it was plowing tight so they made some big changes of air pressure and some adjustments and obviously maybe just went too far of the loose on that 12. yeah i thought that he was going to over correct and right front first into the wall that was what i thought was so impressive is right there i thought he was going right front into the wall but he somehow was able to to keep that from happening right here brings the back around nobody makes contact with him coming back across the track very fortunate situation there when it looks like that i mean with the with the with the rack and how quick the steering is we've seen a lot of these guys over correct he almost gets his teammate right here that would say major difference now syndra watch how far he drives in the corner trying to get on the outside of the 21 and what just not the grip he needed look at cedric go by here's it's a game of inches syndra went from having his night over to be in the first car lap down and getting back in the lead lap on that exchange right there more cars on pit road uh including that 45 of kurt busch parker right he was complaining of loose earlier in the last run they seemed to made the car a little bit better you see an adjustment there now on the right rear ford kurt bush trying to get slightly tightened up tires for him chase elliott gave a good report to his crew he said i can keep the control in my hands as far as the build goes in these tires so just give me four new ones let's do money handling was so frustrated by being back in that traffic he's had clean air all night long he did not on that run and drastically changed the handling of the race car for fresh goodyear tires and steve this certainly opens up the playbooks for the team topping right now maybe for later stops in the race a lot of opportunity a little fire on pit road in the 43 but you're right marty now options are open always scary when you see fire rick yeah big fire there for the 43 team eric jones only the way they put that out [Music] [Music] 206 laps complete here from nashville super speedway moments away from taking the green flag once again but hey take a look at that running order the one car of ross chastain he's currently in the fourth position excuse me i believe he's now re-racked here in the third position as we've reset the lineup but this is chastain's first season with track house racing and in just year number one he already has two wins with the team has locked himself into the playoffs and he leads the series in top five finishes with seven already this season now he finished second in this race last year when he was driving for chip ganassi racing so he knows what it takes to have a strong finish here at nashville super speedway that one car definitely expected to hold on to a good run here and finish strong in nashville tonight [Music] [Music] go inside the headset with access to nascar scanner for only 2.99 a month you can listen in on pit strategy and spotter communication crew chief calls and what your favorite driver has to say during the red plug into the app used on mobile devices visit scanner welcome back nascar cup series racing the ally 400 from nashville super speedway out in front now kyle busch martin trucks jr running 1-2 as the shoes cone has been passed by these two and the rest of the field so kyle has chosen that outside line a big split decision basically 12 cars stayed on the racetrack everyone else came to pit road a couple two tire changes mostly four so that's where you no longer see denny hamlin you don't want to see chase elliott they were some of the first cars to come to pit road we're going to see if this opportunity helps their chances or hurt their chances it's hard to see where it plays out i don't think they came for new tires because i think it's going to improve their car speed to drive back to the front this is more of maybe having a little bit more fuel on board into the next picture that fire on eric jones's number 43. they put it out in a pit stall but the fire continued to burn on the left rear quarter panel all the way around the racetrack the guy grabs the air gun to change the tires to use the compressed air coming out of me joe gibbs racing one and two in the front row kyle busch mark trex jr great flag back in the air big wiggle out of truex has to catch it he's three wide for second now he slid up the track and chastain had some great momentum but had to slow up a little bit when he saw the 19 coming up the track thing's getting very tight here on this restart larson trying to make the move he's falling back now still three wide for second [Music] perfect down there on the bottom really has his car pitched off three wide hard to get it to rotate the middle really good exit for him though and they gotta do it again we know truex in the middle there feels like if he can get clear he's faster here i'm making that easy task chastain with the momentum on the outside gets really wide to try to get away from him and then it tightens right back up again here's a pretty good run by martin shrek's junior he's able to clear the one but he still has the four of harvick on his inside i think chastain got up there in the dust on the outside of the front straightaway just couldn't hold the grip in the middle of one and two but now he's gonna try to put it three wide here back to three wide ross chastain what a move i mean this guy's got some guts tricks with the momentum on the high side and that will shuffle chastain back out but right there on the inside is harvick kyle busch loving this he's out two and a half seconds up the racetrack goes to 19 again here comes chastain harvick has taken the spot away chastain gets in front of the 19 and back two spots goes martin trex jr x got upset over the bumps of the tunnel in the middle of three and four [Music] side by side of teammates the hendrick teammates back there chase elliott the nine on the outside goes by kyle larson in the five down into turn three chase elliot moving forward in this field first time we really seen him up in the top five he had to have a great restart i mean we were so focused or i was so focused on that three wide i wasn't quite sure how he got there junior but all of a sudden he just showed up plus six or seven spots from where he started truex is trying to find a way around chastain he's going to the high side here to try to get a run chastain's going to give him the room marty what you got well that was unbelievable what was that three straight laps three wide for second place there drew x came on the radio said i'm just sideways when he gets back to the gas middle of the corner off car just gets way loose on him but somehow he was able to hold on to it and still fighting there for third rick yeah bob jeff dane has made the move to the inside here trying to hug that yellow line the shortest distance around the track but the momentum goes to the 19 of mark trex jr as he has now cleared the one again here comes the nine of chase elliott chase takes advantage of that opportunity the slowed momentum of the one car on the bottom of the racetrack takes him another position into fourth place now could truex get away and get it get into a rhythm chase probably sees that bart's struggling with the balance big move right there big slide on the 19. chase tries to zero in on the back straightaway [Music] watch chase drive down into the corner really deep trying to be able to get right to the quarter panel here great battle for third position carving about a second ahead of these guys in a season that has seen a mix of veterans and first-time winners young drivers getting to victory lane right now it is veteran drivers up front the top five as kyle busch harvick tricks junior elliott and chastain chase elliott fourth position as we see another battle back here we mentioned the restart remember he came to pimp road restart at 14th well look at this move out of the nine of chase elliott they go down into the corner they get a little stacked up on the bottom and he goes three wide by not just two cars carries the momentum finds his way to the outside of chris busher in the 17 the 20 of christopher bell all of this momentum down the front straightaway turns left gets all the way to the inside of kyle larson when you talk about big moves five six cars a lap that's about a big move as you're going to find here at nashville and for that reason chase hillary right back in the mix dave and steve remember i reported before we went back to green after the rain delay the chase told me they hadn't made much headway when they were adjusting during the race earlier but all that time they had as well just like their teammate kyle larson they had a chance to talk it over and make things right for this or did they even share as an organization did hedrick motorsports all get together and say we think this is the direction to go because both the five and the nine have come to life marty and how about denny hamlin he was right behind chase elliot restarted 16th he's up to six so hamlin knows i don't want to be in traffic anymore he's had to do it three times today hamlin making similar moves to chase elliot it's kyle bush out front at nashville now kyle busch has led 27 laps [Music] so [Music] 221 laps in the books here from nashville super speedway when you take a look at that top 10 you'll notice the tin car of eric almarola currently running ninth eric had a pretty stellar race here in nashville last season he earned the pole position and ultimately finished fourth and right now this season he's looking to have a really solid run because he's the last driver above the playoff cut line right now only seven points above now eric did mention at the beginning of this season that this would be his final season of full-time competition so this could be the last time that we see erica marola racing here at nashville super speedway with 10 races to go in the regular season and of course 10 race playoff run we've got 20 more opportunities to cheer on eric almarola full time in that tin car once again catch that 10 running ninth right now on lap 223 here at nashville [Music] [Music] [Music] to the outside of the four here comes martin shrek's junior as he's looking to take second away from harvick bart's been running really high up the racetrack battling with a loose race car but as this track starts to river back up after the after the rain delay that track balance should come to that 19 car seems to get a little bit better let's listen to the four cars see what harvey's dealing with that's about a halfway with a car with wider than you and one or two i'll wreck if i do that temporary i'll just let you know and that's something kevin harvick has been fighting all this race as you see chase elliot get to the outside of him is that right rear just getting abused too far too much on the long run not able to run the high line you think what kenny rodney children kevin harvey pulled off in this race falling outside the top 10 times of working on it getting up to second place and when he got that clean air he ran his fastest lap of the race just a couple laps to go but that's how quickly he can change where the four has gotten too loose to run the top side right now as he falls back guys so when you're when you're too loose especially when you're running the top junior so hard to carry the speed because you need to be in the throttle so quickly running that outside lane and when you're too loose and you go to the throttle the back just doesn't hook up and now you lose all that momentum on the corner exit so you're better off even though you see truex under the top he's fast harley can't do it so you you have to put your car where it's the best no matter what the people around you are doing in this situation you just got to go wherever your car drives the best and make the laptop i think that's what impresses me about the nine of j sally jeff is i think he can make lap time both the top and the bottom as we see the 11 of danny hamlin past ross chas state denny hamlin had to do all this work to get that track position back after a bad pit stop so frustrating yes the car can win this race but you cannot keep coming down pit road losing spots hamlin continues to fight back as he's in fifth harvard dropping back he's back to fourth now kyle busch trying to join the two win club only a few other drivers have done it this year now martin trex jr has the nine of chase elliot that is trying to take that spot away from him i know that kyle bush is leading this race by a very comfortable margin but i'm most impressed probably by chase elliot the pace this car has versus where they were at the first half of this race hung around the backside of the top ten most of the day but now has really top three speed we're gonna drop back here though just right at the edge of the top ten bubba wallace has worked his way all the way back up to 11. he was a lap down when we had the last caution or a few cautions ago he's able to get the free pass fast fast race car he was fastest in practice yesterday didn't qualify well but he's had a really quick car as has all the toyotas he's moving back forward eric amarillo as well has been through the back of this field i remember last year when we came this racetrack shr wasn't having that great of a season this was where one of the one of these races this was the race last year where they had a great run eric had a great run at harvard too no surprise to see amarola running well tonight see on the bottom of the pylon that final pit stop window is open i don't believe we're going to see anybody peel off and hit under green but if you see a yellow it's going to be busy because from this point to the finish a full tank of fuel would get you there marty let's give credit to drew blicken surfer and eric almarola they were not good at the start of this race in fact on the first stop stayed extra long to make some drastic changes to the 10 car while at work he's in the top ten but maybe about to lose that to bubba wallace nice call out junior they have come from the back and remember what happened in early on they couldn't get the lug nut on the left rear for bubba wallace he went down a lap in the process got very upset with his crew i think the rain delay steve really helped bubbawala sometimes he has a tough time kind of letting things go but that rain delay allowed him to kind of refocus get back in the race car knew he had a quick car and he's driven it back up through the field now into the top ten yeah and now he's back to where he wants to be inside the top ten i think bubba knows you know he sees those toyotas leading laps as we see almost some contact between the 45 and the 10 you know bub is passionate he believes he belongs up there he knows this car is good enough so when the execution does trip him up you know he's passionate you got the 23 11 cars here running nose to tail and remember earlier in the race bubba wallace got hit in the back he stopped on the access road got ran into from behind so it's been a frustrating race for bubba wallace even though such an incredible car in practice on friday knows he has the speed that he can contend for a win here at nashville just needs the track position when we see that contact with a 45 car in the tent he's trying to side draft and we heard the drivers talk about this car early in the season it only had about 30 percent of the side draft the old car had but if it's even just a little bit they're going to try to get there and the closer you can get to that car the more excessive it is so you sometimes you'll see that contact see kyle bush right here has led 43 laps tonight talked about his car need to be a little better in three and four to beat his teammates they made some adjustments and things have gone well remember kyle bush does not have a contract for next year they just announced mark truex jr he's in for next year still no word on kyle bush and what his plans are i know they want to get that behind him i know joe gibbs wants to sign this guy and this is why we know he can win races he's won a ton of one of the best ever in this sport they need to get this thing done with kyle bush it's not been all easy for kyle as we watch him lift down into turn three here it's really loose right there that is a that is a huge moment inside the car looks kind of small from where we're sitting but watch inside the car watch his hands on the steering wheel how much he has to move the wheel here wow well it almost deja vu to what happened in qualifying about the exact same spot where he ended up backing it into the wall but now it's kyle busch out front leading laps here at nashville [Music] [Music] 60 laps to go here at nashville super speedway and kyle busch is currently your leader still a lot of racing left to go here in stage three but as the laps take down here are some stops to keep an eye on because things could definitely get interesting here in the final part of this race we look at the season as a whole 12 of 16 of the races have seen the final pass for the lead come with 10 laps or less and those 10 laps or less we've seen the final green flag stretched four laps or less in nine of 16 races and i know it's been a long night but why not remind you that this season so far we've seen six overtime finishes so if history repeats itself there is still plenty of action to happen on the racetrack [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] coming up on the final 56 laps of the nascar cup series ally 400 from nashville super speedway out in front it is kyle busch but he has been run down by the nine of chase elliot now it's a matter of can chase elliot get by him kyle's a big trouble the balance of the race car chase coming quickly i don't know that kyle could put up much of a fight as loose as the car has gotten find a few more laps on kyle busch's tires versus chase elliots yeah you ask yourself is that finally showing as the nine turns to the bottom and relatively easily drives by the 18. now listen this car behind him the 19 of truex he has the same number of laps on his tires as kyle busch so truex's tires are not falling off like kyles are accomplished close to that looks all access there she's got a main pain bring it forward so they can still hammer the gas on exit and drive off hard yeah they're putting it down all at once kind of they're waiting a little longer to put it down yeah i can't do it spin it out that's incredible information you know you've mentioned it jeff the other crew chiefs can see what the other drivers are doing so he can tell his you know his driver hey man i can see exactly what the nine's doing with his throttle and this is how he's beating you and that way not that you know this time nothing kyle can can do with the knives he understands how he's getting beat you hear those guys talking kyle is coming to pit road as fast as they can wow he is trying to get that thing down so is the 19 both of them coming to pitt road so this starts off the green flag pit stops and it's two joe gibbs racing cars that were very good in this stage that's a great call by both of these toyotas they got to find a way to get back to the front marty i think fresh goodyear's maybe mean a little bit more here in the evening in nashville than they have during the daytime in these cooler temperatures you've heard kyle first talk about how loose he is same for 2x although he was quicker than his teammate kyle bush steve the one thing you haven't wanted to do with this new car on the early side of the window because the possibility of a caution so a little bit of a risk here for the 18 and 19 but that fresh rubber could help dave marty no risk here for the nine teams they knew that as soon as they got to the lead and the others responded that they had to respond so chase elliott will get four fresh goodyear tires sunoco fuel to the end they basically cut this run in half so they got the good out of those tires they get the best out of these tires and also on pit road was ross chastain and the one car i've been told by so many drivers and crew chiefs you only want to go about 40 laps on a set of tires in this new next-gen car where that right rear starts to go away like we saw for kyle bush and kevin harvey we're seeing that that's why these drivers and pictures are on odd pit road right now all right here's the nine on the acceleration lane there's the 18 top of the screen behind them we're going to see right here welcome to chase elliot do it's almost side by side you heard the countdown by the spotter he knows this is the race for the win if it cycles through the 18 of kyle busch a little earlier one lap earlier makes a difference a great pit stop are we surprised kyle bush one of the best to get on and off pit road but chase elliott holds his own running an extra lap i'm impressed you've also got to applaud that team the 18 team an excellent pit stop by them as well as the 19 team but it gets kyle bush out in front now he's in front of the nine as the pit stops are going to continue to cycle through now it's about new tires who can make time who can work through traffic in a 50 lap run junior like you were talking about can kyle busch correct that balance and save that right rear tire if we do have to run 50 straight laps here yeah we never imagined that the drivers would have to try to conserve tire would have to try to maybe go easier on the front end as you see bubba wallace on pit road making his pit stop so maybe you maybe you do protect that tire a little bit on this first five or ten laps to be able to make it last to the end of this race so that loose condition doesn't get so severe at the end now we heard marty say that people hadn't been coming early on the cycle and here's why we're showing kyle busch because he's the first car with fresh tires but when you look on the left-hand side right he's in the 20th position a lap down to denny hamlin christopher bell kyle larson a caution right now and this strategy is sunk the guys that have stayed on the racetrack this is their way of trying to win this race dave and coming down pit road next will be the five of kyle larson his last report really good in three and four even when i'm making a pass so he's gotten this car right as we noted before came through the field so he'll take out four tires here and throw it for some elko fuel before the end the 20th christopher bell is on pit road as well his car was tight and then mid of the corner in the middle of the corner they wanted a correction for that a little bit of problems now finishing up for [Music] a larsen stop here for kyle larson you saw the 20 get out quite a bit ahead of him so rick denny hamlet was last on pit road to lap 206. the team must have just decided they're losing too much time if it does run green it's gonna cost them too many spots so now hamlin on pit road that'll hand the lead uh to the car he owns the 45 of kurt bush marty did jenny hamilton come down coming down pit road sam mccauley the interim crew chief said we're ready to go we got a car spinning oh officer for a huge save and a really close call there is the 47 oh he's got a tire off the wheels off the right rear wheel is off the car so chris busher [Music] and there you see the right rear and the caution has come out rick they had just stopped a moment ago for chris busher so you've got to think that that wheel lug nut did not get tight and that is bad news for scott graves the crew chief and it's also going to be bad news for the rear tire changer and that's a good example i think of why that penalty is so severe because that tire is rolling down the track in front of cars if it gets sent over the fence it could be a serious situation for the spectators that's why nascar wants to make it critical that these teams don't let these wheels come off look at the damage it's doing to the cars all of that under body work that rear diffuser is getting destroyed right here denny hamlin had just come to pitt road when this happened kurt busch was still out on the track see the wheel master will pick it up let's take a look exactly when this came off here guys so he was sideways in the middle of the corner somehow is able to save it will trying to come will's trying to exit the car and he saves it from spinning out and then ricky stenhouse comes on the scene he's not sure which way it's going all right we talked about loose wheels we've seen so many of them you talked about the penalties and the suspensions let's talk about how this happens we'll go on board the nbc cutaway car there's the socket you see the teeth it gets engaged you can't pull the trigger first it comes off the nut magnetically stays in the socket right here that can't fall off that's big trouble let's move forward and show exactly how the wheel needs to be installed those drive pins very important they locate the wheel on the hub but the red locking mechanism that's the key to this whole thing so as we gonna spin it forward we're gonna put our tire back on you're gonna see these holes right here have to line up to the drive pins that's the whole key it's not as straightforward as you may think you put it on you might have to go a little right a little left but we'll take it off one more time so you can see what a tire carrier sees he almost looks through the spokes locates it now it's time to put the wheel nut on remember they're doing this in a hurry you think this is tight but right there the locking mechanism hasn't popped up yet so that means it's not tight we're going to come in we're going to tighten it a little bit more and if we freeze it after this you're going to see right there look how that has popped up it's cleared the nut there's no way the nut can come off that's why if you take your time which you can't do on pit road it will assure the wheel not coming off but when you're trying to do eight nine ten second pit stops that's the difference between a wheel coming off and not coming off marty well you look at scott graves looking at and just think about the last few weeks for this race team right charlotte and the coca-cola 600 chris busher rolls over in that race took a while to get him flipped back over then the next week he gets coveted has to miss the race at gateway and now this for scott graves and the race team probably going on a four week vacation and all butcher said on the radio said man this stinks doesn't it not a good not a good few weeks for this race team so there's the car sideways looked like it was about to be a massive wreck he straightens it out now we're riding on the 47 here he's trying to slow down got a car and a tire to deal with here it's so unfortunate for the 17 team coming off of a second place finish two weeks ago at sonoma and now this happening jeff had a great comment more you know the biggest concern i think is how bad the damage is to to the under carriage of the car because they rely on that so much for downforce that's a big break for the 45 he was staying out for this lucky break he's going to come to pit road a few carts had unlapped themselves so he will have to restart behind a few but a great break for these three drivers parker right he looked very lonely he had a big gap between him and second place with brian blaney clerk bush very happy that handling that car especially when they get in clean air ryan blaney worked his way back to the field after they had that pit issue earlier just still a little bit tight in that car marty and joey logano with the lucky break as well paul wolf puts his fists in the air when that caution came out for fresh goodyear tires for them they've been struggling with a very loose race car and remember they made a move earlier this week to get track position we'll see if they can keep this track position that now they've been given after this caution kirk busch he holds that spot legano gains one and blaney loses one [Music] [Music] 258 laps complete here at nashville super speedway once again under caution this time for the 17 of chris busher unfortunate circumstances for that 17 team chris coming off a runner-up finish last race at sonoma his best finish since his first win back in 2016. i also should mention that is going to be a pretty big penalty for that 17 team as we talked about earlier that is a four race suspension for the crew chief and a loss of one crew member for four weeks as well that would put that reinstatement four weeks from now at the end of july at the indianapolis road course unfortunate for that 17 team of chris bush [Music] [Music] a huge fourth of july weekend for nascar on usa saturday countdown to green at two o'clock xfinity series racing 230 and then on sunday countdown to green and two and cup series racing at three o'clock so we showed how the mechanism works to keep the wheels on but let's show it how it really works under the speed of a pit stop 17 comes in watch the right rear tire changer off is fine i want you to focus on on as he tightens the next wheel on the jack comes down i believe the wheel's not tight so right here hands it in gun goes in jack down he's still tightening that wheel i'm talking a split second if the weight gets on that wheel before he tightens that nut it is not going over that locking mechanism we showed you you have no idea you go to the left side the wheel comes off it's speed versus danger now when we look at the lineup though guys kyle busch elliott truex hamlin they all got to do their pit stop and stayed in the lead lap as well as chastain and harvick great job by those guys big break for kurt bush and legano they have fresh tires right there in the third and fourth row kevin harvick still up in the top ten he's six looking for his first win of the season as is martin shrek's junior who's running in third kyle busch chase elliott making up row one 39 laps to go at nashville restarts gonna be aggressive here kurt bush around the outside gains a bunch of spots in the 45 car black monster energy toyota truex trying to make it three wide going very high almost contact for the leaders there chase elliott and nine car on the inside of kyle bush in the 18 down the front straightaway and hamlin underneath truex [Music] you're the downshift into one oh kyle with a little wiggle right there is going to get the lead up hamlet by truex and now he'll set his sights on the 18. here he goes to the inside trying to get by kyle bush chase elliott out in front joe gibbs racing two three and four kyle's struggling just a little bit right here on this restart hamlin slides up the racetrack in front of his teammate and he takes aim and tries to go after chase elliott that's three good scars chasing the hendrick car that's what diddy hamlin does let's see if he looks for clean air he's been happy running toward the bottom of the racetrack but that's where chase elliott historically likes to run he likes a yellow line yep any hamlet looking for some clean air going in that second lane truex now pushing on that 18 car trying to put a little pressure on his teammate he goes to the top of the race track kyle to the bottom kyle drives away that corner kyle right on the quarter panel of danny danny trying to make it tough on him then he must have had a really difficult corner in three and four kyle trying to fight back after losing a little bit of ground here early after the restart it seemed to be getting a balance back in that car accomplished back up to second take a look at how close this was between teammates then he had some had an issue off the turn two allowed kyle bush for big run turn four rather kyle bush ultimately cleared him now kyle bush is chasing chase elliott down chase elliott eight laps led tonight it's been a domination for joe gibbs racing you remember a year ago it was hendrick driver kyle larson who dominated this race he led 264 laps by himself at this race you see it in the column there on the left behind you these guys chastain kurt busch mcdowell back up to seventh brad keselowski harvick centre content and no shifting right now we've seen it all night long kyle busch right there did not shift at all and upshift did not do any downshifting in one trying to use the draft a little bit he's closing in a little bit at a time real quick loses the nose a little bit right here following the nine [Music] he's going to try to run a little higher so he gets in some clean air here and gets some momentum on corner exit so much speed on corner entry into three that time really made a big gain on him see if he gets more of that into one yeah look at that and he doesn't follow him but chase up the racetrack trying to run a defensive line now chase tries to run the middle again he sees the 18 go to the bottom he drives across the nose you see the the ground lost when chase did that [Music] some great homeboys right there for the truck letting us see these drivers work and understanding the challenges they're dealing with trying to catch the car in front of them chase back to the bottom 18. kyle bush trying to follow him 20 29 laps to go in this race is chase elliot has a three-tenth of a second lead about three carlings in front of kyle bush but bush now closing the gap as he takes that shorter line spotter's giving him information about where he's been running chase knows kyle's faster he has to try to take it he's going to come up to you here no where's that back everything up front stretching where's kyle go right here yep dude he's tricked him see if it's going to work out showed you something different than the last time ran that upper groove that takes away his advantage down there still a healthy one this isn't a calmness on the radio to chase elliot eddie to haunt it looks like when chase runs away there one and a half time chase runs the bottom he's he pretty much keeps 18 car at a good distance right there he really took the line away from from kyle bush kyle got really really out of gas there trying to gather his car up that spotter information was just so good it's more than about clear not clear right that that combination driver spotter eddie de hunt knows exactly what chase elliot needs to hear and chase makes those adjustments you guys are calling out just from that information from the roof and what he's seeing in the mirror chase elliott holding off kyle busch here at nashville [Music] so [Music] less than 25 laps to go here from nashville super speedway you may notice that sixth car black kozlowski currently running in the top ten this is his first season running for his own team rfk racing he's coming off a top ten finish last race at sonoma and interestingly enough he already has two wins on his resume here in nashville both in the nascar xfinity series so let's see if that six car can hold on to another top chain finish here today it would mark his third of the season [Applause] [Music] the gap between the top two still about four carling separating chase elliott from kyle bush chase elliott last four years most popular driver dave rick you just talked about how good the communication was between chase elliot the driver and spotter eddie de hunt but the key to this race could be in what he didn't say right before the restart listen to the radio and how eddie dehan lays out so that chase can hear leader kyle bush and the revs and his engine going all right here we go i'm gonna go quiet [Music] good all he said was i'm gonna go quiet and then good to let chase know that the green wasn't backed out but jeff burton you know as a driver you're trying to listen to that leader starting so you can match him that's great info dave it's really nothing eddie the hunt could do to help him at that point just put it in chase elliot's hands let him listen to the rebs of the guys next to him to help him understand when to accelerate good report dave marty rick mentioned a moment ago jeff paul tonight for joe gibbs racing right now two three and four in the field and talking to kyle bush and denny hamlin they both admitted to me sonoma the last race out was embarrassing the best jdr car was 17. we need to build more consistency but this week they're back to having all this speed and running in the top five so junior have you ever seen a time in the sport where things are just so crazy a race team can show up and be completely out to launch one week and then the next week be up front all of them in contention to win i've never seen it like it has this year where teams are hot one week told the next but i've certainly seen let's have rain delays and you know shift from a day race uh to a totally different atmosphere at night and teams you know come to life or cars come to life at a big shift like that don't really look at this track as a temperature sensitive race track but whatever has happened has really improved the car that chase elliot has and he's driving away from kyle bush listen listening to kyle he had to lift off a turn two a couple laps ago looked like it was getting a little bit tight on him there not sure exactly the balance he's dealing with but he's struggling to try to find a way to run this nine card down we've continued to say his name all night long and his great year continues the 34 of michael medal in the seventh position trying to hold off kevin harvick and even if he doesn't though a top 10 uh is a great run for this team it's a career type year for the 34 car i know he has been a daytona 500 champ before but never have we seen the consistency we have out of the 34 this year new crew chief on board blake harris over from the truax team and joe gibbs racing already making an impact him and michael mcdowell finding some consistency which as you just pointed out dale this has been a very hard year to be consistent so consistent top tens is a good run and even harvick i know eighth is not gonna be a line item that he's gonna highlight but man he has been running well perhaps better than we have seen most of the year here running in the top five a lot of the night the biggest comeback of the night is right here with this two-car boston center they had a problem early in the race and then to be quite honest they just ran bad like we watched them many times they were just really slow they caught a big break they stayed out on the track that caution came out he got his track position but once he got that track position boom he's also got speed now sitting here silently running in 10th place right here uh in 13th brack has alaska the six cars we watch this battle between harvick and mcdowell continue to play out now trying to hold on to seventh harvard right there to the inside gonna fight down into one and take that spot away but brad has struggled they weren't fast yesterday in practice they have used some strategy stayed out on that long run and caught that yellow was able to get a lot of track position but he's able to hold it here sending 13. he's probably not thrilled with the speed and the pace but to be able to have any kind of a decent result it's going to help this team to morale and morale in the shop is a key thing man it's a real deal you got guys in the shop in a good mood on monday uh you can build on that but everybody's down sad about the result it's hard to get guys motivated to go back to the racetrack the next weekend morale is a big deal and sometimes it's the race nobody else notices that makes the biggest difference for a race team the three of austin dillon started this race just not very close they started 20th uh they were up to second on a cycle but they ran well outside the top 20 most of the night it's been an uphill battle but they have continued to work on this three car and while a top 15 doesn't seem like much jeff you know when you think your day is going to be awful and yet you salvage something out of it gives you a lot of confidence in other days that you're always maybe just one or two adjustments away from getting exactly what you need so you know it's not going to make the highlight reel but it may be boost that morale that dale's talking about for the three car to think they can make their car better throughout the race i think a lot of people would be surprised if you told them that brian blaney was in the top ten because it was just 85 laps ago he was sideways sliding through the grass and bringing out a caution but ryan blaney has worked his way back up into the top 10 running in the ninth position daniel suarez running 14th in the 99. these guys were poised for a top five run really really strong when this race started drove up to second place at an issue on pit road they've lost a lot of track position daniels fought hard to get it back probably not going to love this result if this is where they end up tonight knowing the pace they had at the start of the race but still you got to really like the consistency just in this company across the board he's got a teammate up there in fifth place he got a fast car at the start of this race something to build on going forward got a rope course coming up which we know he's strong at all right so on the flip side of all these guys having good runs i'm gonna go the other way bubba wallace had a lot of speed tonight just caught a bad break caution came out at the wrong time late in the race had to take the wave around get back on the lead lap but he was all the way back at the back end of the pack and a good night gone bad just with some bad luck when the caution came out he easily had a top 10 car tonight and sit there running 23rd right above that you see the battle for third between teammates didn't hamlin in the 11th oh caution is out caution on the racetrack we got looks like a drive train or something on the 77 car here the lickey has expired the engine on that one he's going to make the hard left turn and head into the garage and so that brings the caution out all right steve do you come to pit road and and how far back do you make that decision i i don't know rick is why i'm here anymore no listen here's the truth if you're chase elliot kyle butch it's going to be a short run it is going to be really really difficult to give up the front row if you come you're thinking probably right side tires only the problem is there are 26 cars on the lead lap and they may not stay out but if they if no one stays out for track position i'm going to be so frustrated because we talk about being aggressive and trying to make something of your ear trying to have a come from behind win even with 40 likes tennessee titans there's a lot of teas in there i don't know if that would get you trying to try to get to guess what the codes are well i see tennessee titans that's tt2 tires let's see if that if tennessee decoder stand for staying out there crazy well that's they have got to stay out right here i'm going to stay out and elliott bush if they pit that's fine but we just talked about mcdowell i would stay out larson i would stay i would gamble someone would have to give me some sort of track position as you see right here the 77 with the engine expire remember earlier in the day that car had shut off mysteriously then restarted i don't know if those are connected but two definitely mechanical issues on the 77. we've seen cars stay out tonight multiple times and their cars are fast on older tires i just cannot imagine that these leaders will pit full split decision he comes to pit road gives up second and a lot stay out behind him this is going to be interesting party wow look at the cars that came down pit road and the lonely few that stayed out on the racetrack actually there's a number of them that stayed out on the racetrack so you heard the tennessee titans call for kyle busch's race team well he vetoed that and said m m's we'll see what that means meanwhile denny hamlin immediately came on the radio said we're pitting they consider the fact that if we could say on the front row that we would stay out on the racetrack four tires trading hamlin that two tire call for kyle bush that's what m m's means by the way all right so strategy being played a two-tire stop for kyle busch will it pay off [Music] [Music] final laps here from nashville super speedway and i mentioned earlier we saw some potential for this thing to get interesting here towards the end and it definitely did i want to reiterate that stat that i told you earlier in 12 races this season we have seen the final pass for the lead come in the last 10 laps so we are definitely in that window now and interestingly enough in the other two races that we saw this season affected by rain the winners were the nine of chase elliott and the 19 of martin truex jr both drivers are still very much in play here for a win today as we approach the green flag you're gonna have the nine of chase elliott on top with the 45 of kurt busch starting next to him although i'm waiting to see whether or not this pit cycle cycles through when we're drivers will be starting but guaranteed a fleet of jgr cars up front who have absolutely dominated this race with six laps to go coming up on five to go in this race kyle busch came off of pit road and there were 10 cars that stayed out he'll restart 11th but again we have the choose rule we don't know if he'll go inside or outside or how many cars will be in whichever lane dave with alan gustafson now who did not hesitate on his call to bring chase elliot down pit road but seeing what happened behind you how does this play out that's what we're going to see it's what we're here for you changed that car so well over the rain delay how impressed are you at how well chase has driven it yeah i mean he's capable every week we just finally got the car where he wanted it and got the track position we needed and you know did our jobs on pit road so happy really proud of the team really happy to be in this position and yeah it'll be fun we'll see how it plays out all right guys and they radioed to them they said chase all you got to do is clear and skate away we'll see if that happens we got a chillsword coming up here so watch the shoes and pay attention to kyle bush if you can back there and see where he goes i think his only shot to actually win this race would have to be to choose the outside line so he can jump into that third groove like he likes to do there's two cards he's now three cars up there four five up in the upside where so he'll be the sixth one back and so watch on the restart when they go into one they're all his him and his teammates in that outside line are gonna try as hard as they can to jump to that outside and get to the top of the racetrack and clean air and fly around this racetrack for that first lap and make as many positions as they can marty and i think there might be a little buyer's remorse on those that decided to come down to road even kyle bush who took two there denny hamlin sort of questioned the move and sam mccauley said listen we weren't going to win where we were we wanted to take a shot here so hammond with those four fresh tires we'll see how much ground he can gain parker already kurt busch feeling really good about this call his car was great the few times that he sniffed that clean air now starting on the front row he definitely could have the speed to challenge that nine chase earlier in the race put on new tires a lot of people didn't he went from 14th to six and one lap let's see if kyle bush can do that but his brother kurt busch on the front row with a chance i think it's all about real estate i'm with you dale it's not a question if the 18 is going to have speed will there be lanes available or will be clogged up is it going to be rush hour or is it going to have the express lane well and how chaotic will it be only four laps to go from nashville chase elliott kurt bush and a great restart for both is it good good push down there on the inside kurt busch is going to go down into turn one side by side kyle got blocked nowhere for him to go quickly 22 of lagano he clogs everything up from fifth behind jinx elliott has the spot kurt busch running second blaney has moved up to third and contacted into the wall brad keselowski gets into the wall after the contact from the 41 of custer they stay green stay up stay up the six is slow on the track can he get it going three car links separating the top two brad keselowski a tire rub an issue on the right side you see the black marks behind him slow on the racetrack as the field comes up behind him two to go keslowski down to the access road [Music] [Applause] it's four car lengths kurt busch up the racetrack chase elliott coming back to the white flag one lap to go presented by credit one bank [Music] [Music] chase elliott down the back stretch for the final time a huge lead over kurt bush running in second looking for his second win of the 20-22 season he'll get it at nashville super speedway chase elliot wins yo baby good job boys thank you guys [Music] [Music] hey the highest finisher of those that came to pit road on that last caution he finishes in fifth what a race though for chase elliott after a long afternoon here in nashville [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we're starting to see a favorite racing surface now for chase elliot also he won earlier this year at dover another concrete [Applause] over this checkered flag moment brought to you by advanced auto parts the crowd roars for the most popular driver and what a crowd that stuck around through the lightning delays the rain delay it's been some frustrating times for chase this year up and down as hendrick has tried to find consistency in all its cars he's remained patient he's got a great crew chief and a great team around him [Applause] wasn't really a top three car throughout the first 100 laps of this race turned it around elliott led 41 laps in this race but obviously the most important one the last one marty rick you made the point we've been calling the road course king in the last few years we might want to change that to the concrete king after another win on the concrete these nashville fans they stuck around they got a whale of a finish chase elliott winds up winning what were you thinking when that last caution came out i was i figured it was coming i was hoping not but uh just uh ryan gave me a great show appreciate uh him doing me a solid there and and getting us out front so just uh so proud of our team we had a you know kind of a setback there about halfway and was able to get her napa chevy dial back in and get back in the mix so it was a long day fun day uh thank you guys so much for hanging out and they're fired up i love it just just so proud of our team and we've had a pretty rough month month and a half so just nice to get back going the right direction getting the win is always huge uh to do it in a in a really cool city like nashville is even better so looking forward to that guitar thank you guys for coming out y'all have a big time tonight well you first took the lead at lap 245 how did this car come to life after the rain delay yeah we uh we were able to work on it there a little bit after our uh penalty and got it going a little better so just uh stuck with it thanks to everybody hendrick motorsports too you know they've been working really hard over the winter and and through the spring to try to keep up engines have been running great um you know obviously great uh great support from chevrolet so looking forward to getting home seeing my family say to mom and dad and uh hopefully uh you know enjoy this this week these things are hard to come by man you have to enjoy them and uh you never know when or if you'll ever get another one so super thankful and um looking forward to next week you know how to play a guitar uh not really but i'm willing to learn there you go because the trophy here in nashville obviously a guitar these nashville fans hung around chase elliot delivered the win for them what an incredible performance there by chase elliott appreciate you sticking with us starting on nbc earlier this evening and making the move over here to usa continued post race coverage will be on peacock the nascar america post race show where we'll have driver interviews and analysis that's coming up next and here on usa law order suv already in progress we'll pick that up chase elliott makes his way to victory lane again it's a second win of 2022 and what a win it was [Music] [Applause]
Channel: NASCAR
Views: 214,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, nascar, NASCAR Cup Series, nascar cup series, nascar full race, nascar full race 2021, nascar 2022, nascar highlights, nascar youtube, #nascar, #NASCAR, next gen, nascar next gen, YouTube shorts, nascar shorts, nascar on youtube, extended highlights
Id: Thsf1e4tjXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 32sec (13352 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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