ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND The Big House Museum - H & H Soul Food

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[Music] well good morning everyone we are in Macon Georgia and we are going to do what I would consider to be one of my mom's bucket list items mom would you say that's pretty accurate the one and only yes it is so we're going to a pretty famous house here in Macon days with Jordan the lion yeah my mom begins now well if you know your rock and roll you know what it means when you see a gate that says and the road goes on forever with a bunch of gigantic mushrooms that's right we are at the Allman Brothers big house so I'll tell you my mom is one of the biggest Allman Brothers fans the she's the biggest Allman Brothers fan probably in the world and my introduction to the Allman Brothers Band was when I got my very first guitar and I started taking guitar lessons I came home from school one day and on my bed there was an Allman Brothers CD with a note that said listen to the whipping post and then when I started taking lessons and the teacher said make a list of some acoustic songs that you'd like me to teach you and my mom said learn Melissa so we had to come see the big house together today let's do it well here it is the big house the band moved from Florida up here to Georgia and how they started was interesting Dwayne Allman was one of the great guitar player session players for the Muscle Shoals studios and decided to start his own band so he called his brother so the band needed a singer and Dwayne Allman called his brother who was living in California and said come here and be our singer so he came here he's actually a guitar player when he got there they locked him in a room and said don't come out till you can play that organ and the first song that he wrote while learning that Oregon was the Allman Brothers classic dreams they all lived in this house and it's been restored into a museum now that is one excited mom to be here and my mom was telling me that Linda Oakley was the one who found this house for him and sadly when Duane Allman would pass away it was actually here was his last stop he was visiting Linda for her birthday and then took off on his motorcycle you can see it says the big house built in 1900 served as the communal hub from 1970 to 73 for the Allman Brothers Band 1993 Kirk and Kirsten West made the big house their home with the dream of preserving it and their extensive memorabilia collection for fans far and wide to enjoy 2009 the Allman Brothers Band Museum at the big house opened and all their dreams came true and now your dream gets to come true doesn't it look at that my mom says she knows exactly where Greg's room why she's a big big Allman fan and look at the front don't wear when you come in they put this stained glass there let's go on in now Dwayne was an incredible guitar player too because he used to use like a an old pill bottle for a slide [Music] like that that's awesome they're signed by Butch and chimo so right now you can hear they're playing the whipping post my momma saying they Greg wrote that in this house he was hearing the beaten he said he kept going to the kitchen table tapping the beat and then wrote it take a look at that butch trucks drums [Music] now boots trucks nephew Derek Trucks became the guitar player in the Allman Brothers Band later on and that's his guitar and there he is look at that great painting of Duane [Music] he passed away on a motorcycle and the whole family wear motorcycle riders his mom Greg all of them there's Greg Holman's jacket from laid-back black velvet oh nice look at the turquoise belt look at the address book this is like a who's who I see right away bill grant chef Gordon Joe Calkins yeah boss gags who my mom made me listen to loan me a dime last night because that's her she says that's like the greatest song ever and who plays on that mom Duane Allman Kraig almonds key to the city on The Tonight Show check this out handwritten lyrics for midnight writer it's all signed by Greg [Music] and his lyrics from please call home [Music] look at this we are seriously going back in time it literally goes from present all the way back and look at all that that is incredible and all the costumes and the instruments and the guys from government mule at one point we're in the Allman Brothers Band and boats he'll who's in the dead and company he was a bass player in the Allman Brothers Band and in fact that is Oh Till's right there when I first saw them live he was the bass player that was playing with them and there he is I love this stuff this is amazing look how much stuff they have here and I asked I said did you borrow anything from the museum I said nope most of the things here are privately owned by the museum or they're on loan for our personal collection which means you're not going to be able to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and and see this stuff you got to come here there's Johnny Carson the demand looking at and they this was during the time at JMO was African American so there's a lot of times he couldn't stay where the band stayed [Music] especially myself that's signed by Greg Holman down there in the bottom and Dickey beds if you look at this picture of the band with Jimmy Carter and you looked at Jamie over here what he's wearing actually have that right here with an Allman Brothers shirt look at that guitar strap it's got the pot leaves and the a BB on it Red Dog was their roadie you see Red Dog on the jacket now if you look at that jacket that crushed velvet jacket that's the same one that Greg Allman is wearing in this picture right here with the car [Music] that is awesome that's Dickey Betts guitar I've never actually seen one that said Richard Betts like that before Kolka tar though oh I didn't know if you look at their amps they covered them all in these pinto bean bags actually have one of the amps right down here below us and that's their concert or brave stadium which we kind of went there kind of turned the polti was just loaded with old press and all-access passes and notes and all kinds of things sign checks can see these bills still say almond on them this is funny it says a limousine service bill to the Allman Brothers Band picked up by Allman Brothers wives there's a pay stub from them being paid in 1969 $28 and they really were the first southern rock band technically I mean even Lynyrd Skynyrd used to say they got their start by finding out what the hottest Allman Brothers song was out at that time and they learn it and then they would be the first band to be playing it in the area to gain a crowd and of course at one time Gregg Allman was married to share my mom just said oh geez and you heard her if cher sees this Cher's gonna hate me because my mom and that is Dickey Betts shirt from when they played Woodstock 94 there's actually a picture of I'm wearing it and from the pool table room with all that great memorabilia there's the front door that's where we walked in my mom was telling me this is this was Gregg Allman's favorite photo of him and Dewayne together that's Barry Oakley good point my mom was just telling me she said they were also kind of famous for being cutting-edge and having to lead guitar players and two drummers Grateful Dead kinda did that as well but a little bit different way Jerry was always kind of lead all right let's move on oh I see a Les Paul Goldtop who did that belong to this is dickey betts Les Paul honest as I knew what I wanted to do but I couldn't quite find it when I did Jessica then my little daughter Jessica crawled in the room and I just started playing to her trying to capture the feeling of her crawling and smiling and that's why I called it Jessica if you look up there where he sounded it says dickey betts good medicine that says I wrote ramblin man a berry oakley's kitchen about 4:00 in the morning everyone had gone to bed but I was sitting up once I got started I probably wrote that song in about 20 minutes but I've been thinking about it for a year or two it just happened like that so this is great they have a table from H and H soul food diner who used to feed the band early on and it's still in business and we're gonna go there after we go here they have an original copy of the one of the original bills there's the band eating she's still alive it still goes into the restaurant as well so maybe we'll get lucky and we will get a meter today who knows and up there with that picture of Duane there's a bill also from H & H even though there's a lot of dickey betts stuff in here my almost tell me he didn't actually live in the house because he was already married and he and his wife lived somewhere else I always loved dickey betts playing over here by the kitchen where they may have a bit of a gift shop because the band pretty much lived upstairs so that's where we go see their rooms well tour guide would you like to go look at the bedrooms now check this out this is a picture of very ugly sitting on the side of the steps with his daughter and look at where the front door and everything is that is right there all right let's go upstairs and take a look and that crazy no the childhood photos of everybody these are all you know these are the families that would have lived in this house and that's why they call the album brothers and sisters cuz it really was a brother and sisterhood so here on the far left that's Greg and Duane's mom and then right next to her is mama Louise who owns the restaurant we're going to go to take a look in that closet just nothing but guitar cases I love that it's a great touch so this room that we're entering now that we've been looking around in this was Dwayne's daughter's room glad reales room originally it says and it became later known as the road crew room where the roadies wouldn't sleep look at all the memorabilia old unused backstage passes old guitar strings pigs now here is Gregg Allman's room that he shared with Barry Oakley's sister when he was dating her so this was Greg's room holy cow mom what do you think you're in Greg's bedroom you feelin it and is he here they've had somewhat a Mohs stage we're here as well as a letter from Jimmy Carter and those are master recording tapes from the Allman Brothers recording sale away and can't take it with you in 1978 look at Dickey Betts guitar not only is the guitar cool but then this is kind of a strange thing to have in here he's got a necklace of teeth wacky and the display inside the closet is from Warren Haynes of government mule and he was he was originally before their trucks came in to play Dwayne's parts in the Allman Brothers Band it was Horne Haynes take a look at that that is awesome and Allman Brothers with Grateful Dead concert shirts whoa in 73 Wow look at that would have been the time to be going to concerts back then the Bill Graham was setting up I mean come on crosby Stills and Nash the Allman Brothers Band Pink Floyd Gordon Lightfoot Black Sabbath Alice Cooper Led Zeppelin Donovan Grand Funk Jeff Beck oh my gosh The Who yep and Jimmy Carter was a fan a big fan Craig's fireplace and my mom has told me she said you know it looks really nice now but when they lived here it was not it was not as nice and fixed up it was kind of a an affordable dump they could all live in here we go we're gonna go to Duane's room right here as soon as you walk in and go to the left where the closet was you can see some adrene's original clothing with the whole shrine to him and one of his it looks like to me a Les Paul jr. I think called little red his guitar a little red and look at that case nice and worn out some of his shoes down there in the bottom and the reason that picture is but if they're in the back of duane fishing is because he's wearing those shoes that I just showed you right there and as we look around the room this is where Duane would have slept there's Dwayne holding his daughter and that was his girlfriend at the time Donna look at this it's a new year's resolution card says this year I will be more thoughtful of my fellow man exact more effort in each of my endeavors professionally as well as personally take love wherever I find it and offer it to everyone who will take it in this coming year I will seek knowledge from those who wish or who are wiser than me and try to teach those who wish to learn from me I love being alive and I will be the best man I possibly can Dwayne Allman Wow sorry about my stumbling but wow that's pretty powerful I love being alive and I'll be the best man I possibly can this is really neat they have some of the awards to Dwayne as well as a statue of Dwayne right there but I love this they have his four sidon bottle and no rain yet the more the more I looked into it this is not just doings guitar that's Dwayne's first guitar that is rad know it's crazy as if you look at the case it says Delaney and Bramblett doing actually pawned this guitar and got rid of it and Delaney bought it not knowing that it was not knowing that it had been doings and he used it so that's why the the keith has his band sticker on it that's really cool so this was Linda and Barry Oakley's daughter's room and they said one of the interesting things about this is if you look in the closet the little yellow dress is the one that she's wearing on the brothers and sisters album and then look right above and they said that this room was actually completely recreated by Linda and Britney Oakley so it's a as exact as it probably could be for the time now let's check out this so this was berry Oakley in Linda oakley's bedroom and you can see pretty much right out to the street from here and of course like the last one we saw Linda recreated this exactly and the the jeans that are in that closet that we're gonna see our various jeans that she customly created for him so those have been those jeans right there a lot of their clothes a lot of his clothes look at his other jeans they have like a heart on them I think she did a lot of his custom stuff he created all that for him and that's Linda really little desk in here man they did a great job at this especially I love that the fact that they got the actual people that lived in this house to come back and help recreate it for the fans so here we've got the shared upstairs bathroom that connects the two rooms so connects Barry and Linda's room to the next room we're gonna go into so that room that connects from where the bathroom was right over there and to here I look and I said this is the smoking pot room I'm guessing then I looked it up and if it was called the meditation relaxation room music listening room so they basically came in here listened to records hit that bad boy and and they said you'll take special note of the shower with seven heads so holy cow look at that full body blast and then from sitting here on the sofa this is what you would have had a cross room you know and they'd have a little balcony out here too right outside the music room probably smoked a lot of cigarettes out there and this is an e - peach tribute guitar it's kind of interesting check this out there's a picture of Greg and his son Devin that's a really great watercolor Duane as soon as we make our way out we're gonna go down and we're gonna check out all the memorabilia in the front room there's Greg standing on the steps and if you're wondering about how Duane and Barry died we're gonna go into that tomorrow that's what we're gonna vlog tomorrow look at all that great painting from live at the Fillmore take a look at that as Greg's organ there he is playing it same one that is really me with it and then this is incredible look at all this tribute to when they did live at the Fillmore East see the band name on there making Georgia and I was asking my mom I said why did they move here if like the brothers and the mom and everybody they lived in Daytona she says because she thought it was because the they went and joined capital or not capital capricorn capricornianas here and that's where they recorded a lot of that early stuff so makes sense Jamie Oh Johnny Johnson and those are butch trucks drums picture him down there on them and then this is really cool this is on the letterhead of the Fillmore Management and it's from signed bill Graham and it's Bill Graham's introduction in 1971 to the Allman Brothers Band since the last few days you've had the privilege of working with this particular group and in the past year or so we've had them on both coasts a number of times and in all that time I've never heard the kind of music that this group plays and last night we had the good fortune of having them get on stage about 2:30 3 o'clock and they walked out of here 7 o'clock in the morning and it's not that they just played quantity and for my amateur ears and all my life I've never heard the kind of music that this group plays the finest contemporary music we're going to round it off the best of them all the Allman Brothers Band and that was actually berry oakley's Fillmore East shirt from the concerts yeah check this out they have a lot of different memorabilia including our glass and my mom was saying when they were in high school they went by the almond joys the Romans Phil Walden his name down is down here at the bottom he's the guy that ran Capricorn and then of course because of Dwayne's contribution at Fame that's where they nicknamed in the sky dog see there's an old flyer for the almond joys it's in Greg and Dwayne even playing together their whole life and this contract really great it's a an agency contract at the bottom it's signed Howard almond of the almond joys Howard Dwayne Allman it's kind of a rarity and then here's a signed eight-by-ten of when Dwayne was in the escorts in Daytona Beach you can see at the bottom it says the area code and everything and you can see Dwayne and Greg right up there looks like Greg and Dwayne both were guitar players in that band check out all these old 7-inch records the almond joys the second coming in our glass that's really cool check out the glass is playing with the real movie great a love movie great so this room that we've been in was the band rehearsal room I figured I'd show you around first and then let me in on where we actually work how cool is that you're standing in the room where they wrote Hotlanta you feel the magic of Greg is so cool that was very Oakley shirt and then check this out this jacket right here was Duane Allman's jacket and his Goldtop Les Paul and that jacket take a good good look because he's wearing it up in the self-titled album cover that is really cool to see so I mentioned that Duane used to play slide with instead of actually buying a slide or using a metal and you would use a quarter sidon bottle and that's what those are it's funny when I was learning guitar my teacher was telling about this and he gives you it's crazy we used to have those laying around the house all the time grown up now they're collectors items there's Dwayne playing his gold top and there's that same exact gold top Les Paul right there there's an early Allman Brothers press photo and them I guess taking a bath in the river along with a postcard written out to Jerry Wexler from Duane so I don't know what that part was all about but here says dear Jerry thanks for your help guidance confidence but most of all your friendship love to you and yours always Dwayne Allman and there's a check written out to Howard Duane Allman signed by Gregg Allman from the own brothers account and it checked it very openly with a song playing right over top of us now is what's on the lyrics right in front of us here that are from their handwritten note book in 1970 that's the notebook that's not a copy or anything look at all the guitar picks and everything on top of email that is so cool love this kind of stuff [Music] look at that the shirt the Dwayne's wearing in both of these photos is this shirt right here back there are these and then look at that Les Paul that was also his Les Paul that he's playing in the same photo and that is rad see on the side of the drum who says Allman Brothers Macon Georgia there's a really bizarre story about this album cover and I don't remember all the details but a friend of mine sent it to me and the story behind this was that they were unloading things and I guess one of the members of the band had a bag of cocaine and he was kind of like sneaking it into his pocket or ever so that's what they were all kind of laughing about was was like I guess went over what's going on right before this now I think about I think what the story was was I think that they were waiting for their drug dealer to drop something off and he dropped it off from right before then so they went to take the photo and they snuck it in their pocket real quick and they were all laughing him out of there something like that I have to double check that this is so amazing this is the room when he first walk in amazing up take a look at that there's Greg and his best friend yeah chamber right there in front of those same beads that we started in front of there's Dwayne's daughter glad real they had one necklace left with Greg's guitar string made out of Greg's guitar string so I bought it for my mom what an experience now let's go to H & H I can't believe I had to fight her to let me buy her a necklace she's arguing about how expensive is literally the only one they had left so it's hers now well very appropriately located here on Duane Allman Memorial Boulevard is what we're looking for well we've made it to H and H and look at what their logo is it's the big old Allman Brothers mushroom mama Louise Hudson and Inez Hill fed rock stars within these walls Chuck yeah they did eat a biscuit for peace here it is not just the Allman Brothers Band also Otis Redding and many many others Johnny Taylor noticed writings from makin so the walls are covered this place is amazing look how they decorated it I mean come on it doesn't get any better than that not for us anyway there she is there she is wearing her Allman Brothers shirt well I'm actually called yesterday and asked if I could interview her and they said well even though she's a bit older she's got a pretty active social life so we can't guarantee she'll be there she'll be here so I don't think she is but look at this it says buying your own biscuits and life will be gravy all right we got our menu now I heard that they have some of the dishes named after some of the musicians let's check it out here you've got the Jimmy Hall you've got the Midnight Rider you've got the Red Dog up here the sky dog a JMO right this is kind of inadvertently bucket list number two because you've been talking about this place forever so I'm gonna break my diet pretty hardcore to try all this southern food in this place soul food now I told her when I ordered this I wasn't gonna eat it all but I wanted to try because this is like such a famous place so I got deviled eggs meatloaf and chicken and dumplings and macaroni and cheese they have like a thing where you can get like two two main courses and two sides so I'll take something to go lay the meatloaf it was amazing and in a total twist of irony Melissa one of our favorite Allman Brothers songs came on well we are done what a great meal it's cool they were telling us that this used to be back in the kitchen and that mama used to keep it there because if if people didn't have money to pay then they could wash the dishes all right my friends we're gonna call it a day on this vlog come back and see us tomorrow where we show you a little bit more Allman Brothers sad history unfortunately but now if you're ever in Macon Georgia you know exactly where to eat hope you enjoyed this have a great night we'll see you all tomorrow thank you mrs. Nelson for becoming my newest patreon and have a good night goodbye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 59,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily vlogger, travel vlogger, urbex, golden age, hollywood, travel advice, abandoned, old hollywood, history, tourism, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, los angeles, tourist, Macon, Georgia, eat a peach, Allman brothers band, Duane Allman, Greg Allman, dickey Betts, fillmore, the big house, museum, southern rock, rock N roll, H & H Soul Food, Fillmore east, berry oakley, butch trucks
Id: SS6tMXav-Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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