Allah is Near - Nouman Ali Khan - Quran Weekly

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mansoorz 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2012 🗫︎ replies
Salam alaikum Quran weekly once again I'm here to share with you actually my favorite iron out of the Koran but of the passage of Ramadan and the ayah is where dasa adhikari budyonny in the Caribe OG buddha wat da da da dong funniest AG bully well you know be not long your children and there's so many beautiful things in this ayah i want to share with you first of all it begins with a alaka'i body whenever your slave asks you about me the ayahs to the prophet's life salam and people used to come and ask about allah and they used to ask you know what's the thing Allah likes the most how do I pray to him the best way etc etc etc and you know in this ayah Allah is not talking to us he's talking to the Prophet but he doesn't say if the slave comes and ask to you he says when because it's like Allah his waiting you know if is if he comes he comes but when is it's like a lesson anticipation for the slave to wonder about him the master he's anticipating us to come and ask about him you know I were to inquire about him to get to know who he is that's captured in the world either then the slave comes and asks you a my slave comes and ask you about me i nee usually Allah says I'm not about us I need not about Allah he doesn't say us he doesn't say Allah he says me the word mean the Quran is expressed when Allah highlights particular unusual amount of closeness it still it says though Allah is so pleased it's so happy with someone who wants to ask about him that he comes close to him himself he's already taken an act you know take an initiative of closeness by saying me your slave asked my my slave asked you about me now I'll translate what's not in the ayah here's what we expect to read when my slave asks you my slaves ask you about me then tell them that I am near because the entire conversation is with the Prophet they're coming and asking the prophet sallallaahu I said them so they should expect a response from the Prophet so the Allah is going to teach the Prophet what to tell them but that's not what happens what happens is incredible the rest the next words in the IR for in the edebe then I am near it says though they came and asked a prophet but the messenger said sallallahu our lives alone I respond myself to them I'll talk to them myself in nuclei that I am near no doubt about it I myself am near in other words you don't even have to ask the Prophet I thought of Salam or wait for the Prophet to give you the response I will give you the response I'll draw in gage with you directly so Allah shows his intent his want of dealing with us directly Subhan Allah it's so beautiful the words we learned from the prophets I saw them teach us to connect directly to Allah that's the essence of our Deen we have a direct relationship with God many of us have messed up in life we've made a lot of mistakes none of us are an exception I'm no exception you're no exception we've messed up plenty in life but that's no excuse for us not to have a direct relationship with Allah and Allah says if you just inquire about me that's enough for me to want to engage with you directly in conversation nobody should wonder about a line by the way that's the spirit of Doha right Ramadan is the month of dawn when we make dog we should just deal with elan directly don't just recite words that you've memorized know what they mean and mean them as a conversation with Allah like you're talking to him and it's totally fine for you to make duaa in English it's okay whatever language you know talk to a line that language it's nice for you to memorize the doors it's great but the spirit of door is that you're talking to Allah if you know what those dollars mean that's nice that's beautiful and don't just recite them don't you celebrate in effort dunya has no velocity no Kannada but now you're holding your hands you're regurgitating the words but there's no conversation happening between you and Allah you're missing the point you asked about a lot and a lock em so near and then he said something even more beautiful Mooji would not let had an da da da and actually he said I respond I respond immediately would you actually means I'm I respond immediately and I will respond it carries the present and the future you know what that does it gives us hope now you meet some people sometimes like Allah is not gonna answer my prayers bro you don't know I'm super messed up Allah says o ji boo I do and I will there I wanted but you know not my prayers you'll answer the prayers of the Imam the khadi the guy who's leading thought are we if the guys got nice recitation and the guy was much more religious than I am the girl that wears hijab etc etc those are the good Muslims unless gonna answer them Allah says he would are what a diary I will respond to the call the caller he didn't say the call of the believer the call of the Muslim the call of the one who submits the call of the righteous to call him to slave the call of the worshiper he didn't use any of those descriptions he said the call of the caller anybody who calls qualifies to be a caller you don't have to be a special person to be one calling on Allah so by using the word there is the call of the caller Allah opened the invitation to anybody who just wants to engage in the act on call of calling on Allah he didn't put any other criteria in this ayah except just be a caller and then the additional thing that's that just makes me just so amazed in all of alonzo of them is that you know imagine I know it's gonna be a hard example to follow but I'll do my best to make it easy imagine you have like you're the CEO of a 500 employee company and you know you meet some secretary some like you know reception is some cleric some intern you're the CEO you have to make big decisions but these employees you know maybe you have had a conversation with them once in a while but you don't remember because you're too many things to deal with you there's too many bigger things on your mind so you don't remember them and if they make a request of you they send you an email or whatever it probably gets buried because it's not that priority for you the more important someone is and the more people under them the harder it is to get to them and make individual requests right it's just difficult imagine who's gonna be more important and who has more people under him than Allah and top for a lot to know each one of us and know our entire personal situation and then to appreciate us so much that he doesn't just say I appreciate or I respond to the call of a caller any caller by saying any caller we would be anonymous right any any caller he said the caller it says no Allah knows us personally you are a v2 him not an a you're not a caller you are the e-collar that one over there yeah I know that one I know what he's going to know I know what he asked me it says personal Allah is expressing his personal closeness to you so much so that he can distinguish you from the millions and billions of others that have made on to him at the same time but he's making very distinct so you none of us gets to think yeah when are we good when is our requests gonna get processed Allah didn't hear that or Allah is you know he's got bigger things he's got a universe to run Subhan Allah would you would not let that Valley then the next thing the more important somebody is the harder it is to make time with them it's a logical fact they're busy doing so many things so if you say I want a one-on-one meeting with the CEO you might have to wait a year six months eight months whatever you know you can't just go meet with them in our society for example you want to meet with an important scholar you can't just walk up and just meet them you're gonna have an appointment you got a schedule a time etc etc because they've got tons of things to do Allah says when can you talk to me either Don whenever he calls night and day I will be available Allah is making himself incredibly available to this person all of this is in the context of Ramadan by the way we are given these motivations in Ramadan you know what that teaches us may go crazy with joy in Ramadan get really really close to Allah and get used to being close to a line Ramadan break the barriers between you and online I'm alive in that I'm then he says this is the my favorite part of the ayah fun yesterday bully and they should try to respond to me too they're asking me for things they're asking me Allah make the exam easy Y Allah let that marriage proposal go through I really like her I want to marry her y'all love the house let me get an approval on that house let the immigration paperwork come through whatever whatever people's requests are people make requests and Allah says yes you made your requests and I will respond whenever you call I will respond but you should try to respond to me too I have made certain requests of you - from yesterday buddy but he doesn't say if I'll Yuji bully they should respond he said they should try to respond yes stagy bully at least make the effort Allah wants to see effort from you and me that we are actually making effort to respond to what his demands on us are and he didn't ask us for much he didn't ask us for much fun yesterday bully well you mean we'll be and when they when they when they when they respond to me then they should believe in me you know these words are really important they're not just extra words in the ayah and in the wisdom of this ayah this is of paramount importance they should believe in why you would say obviously the one making dua to Allah already believes in him why even add this phrase because when you ask Allah for something and it doesn't come right away it starts shattering your faith so Allah says keep the faith believe I heard your dog I know the best way to respond to it I will respond to it in a way that is better for even you couldn't imagine how good my response will be you may have asked for something that's not good for you and I will respond with something way better than what you even asked you may have asked for something if it came to you right now it would hurt you so I held it back from you and I'll give it to you when it's best for you Allah Azza WA JAL says just believe just trust believe in me well you me newbie and finally he ends the ayah that I love Rumer the line last two videos we've talked about Dada so that perhaps hopefully this is the climax the end of the surah or the ayah yup sure don't so that they may be set straight they may go the right way we're learning a very deep secret of Islam here we're learning people who really really learn how to make Dora who really connect to a lion conversation that is enough for them to be to leave live a straight life to live a life of righteousness to be guided because their relationship with Allah their recognition that Allah is always listening always ready to listen he's constantly watching makes them so aware of Allah that it becomes very difficult for them to live a crooked life to live a deviant life to live a misguided life du'a is the key you know and the prophets are some total mahalia bada it's the essence it's the brains of worship it's at the heart of worship the fatiha is the heart of the Quran and in that heart of the quran the essence of the quran half of it is a door half of allah says allah teaching us to ask him directly me allah so it'll make us people of du'a so that we can be set right this Ramadan and may Allah Azza WA JAL cleanse our hearts so we feel closer and closer and closer to Allah in in in this Ramadan my last point in shallower I will let you go when we make dora we're talking to allah right well me make dog we're talking to allah but in a conversation they're supposed to be two ways you know the a talks to b and b talks today we're talking to allah we're also expecting a lot of talk to us that's why this is the month of the Quran we are conversing with Allah Allah and Allah is conversing with us through the Quran so the conversation is complete we allow the rigid make us a people of conversation with our master Marik Allah he will echo assalamu alaikum Quran weekly assalamu alaikum Quran weekly the prophesy sallam told us a dollar on Delhi caffarelli he the one who points to something good is gets the same reward as the one who did the good itself do me a favor and do all of yourselves a favor and share in the goodness if you benefited from these talks in these videos make it a point to share them with friends and family and get the word out this is such an awesome project I really really appreciate the effort hold on weekly folks have made and I pray that Allah blesses them even more and brings even more and more good from them these kinds of efforts you know we Allah tells us whoever doesn't think that people hasn't thanked Allah know the hadith of the Prophet SAW Sodom teaches us that so we should do that we should appreciate the effort that's being made here and the best way to appreciate their effort is to help them get more reward and get yourself more reward at the same time by spreading the word echad o Allah thank you again Salaam alaikum
Channel: Quran Weekly
Views: 358,949
Rating: 4.9405975 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman, Ali, Khan, prayer, dua, du'a, duaa, Quran (Book), Allah (Deity), Muhammad, Quranweekly, Bayyinah, tafsir, Islam
Id: LKLz52dL1v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2012
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