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[Music] well that's pretty hey guys good morning it's Mike Chen here in Miami Florida today I'm heading to an all you can yeat Michelin brunch buffet before doing that I just want to give a big thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this videos surf shark VPN of course I've been talking about using surf shark VPN for a number of years now it's one of the only apps I make sure is running all the time on my phone my laptop and if you are currently not using a VPN service right now I highly highly recommend that you do there's just so many benefits and the most important it protects your digital information because nowadays of course there's so much of our personal information online and there's all sorts of people trying to gain access to it you got marketing companies you got data aggregators trying to get your information to sell to marketing companies or people with more malicious intent trying to get into things like your email and you're especially vulnerable if you travel around connecting to different Wi-Fi hotspots like hotels for instance or cafes airports the security for those hotspots are usually every week so these present a really good opportunity for people to gain access to your private information so what a VPN is is a virtual private Network and what surf shark VPN does and this is why I keep it running all the time it encrypts and secures your personal information before it goes over the Internet so people who you really don't want having access to your private info they're not going to have access to it you'll be able to hide your IP change your digital location and if someone is trying to gain access to your email surf shark does have a tool called surf shark alerts and you'll be notified right away also changing your digital location is not only helpful for security if say you're traveling abroad and you want to gain full functional access to a lot of us websites or us streaming services so you don't miss your favorite TV show or a movie you can change your location from wherever you are back to the US and you can access those sites like you never left I mentioned this before but when you are traveling abroad a lot of major US websites they just don't function properly or sometimes not at all so when I'm traveling a brought even just to pay my bills I use surar VPN for that so if you want to give it a try go to my link down below use my promo callede dumpl playing and you'll get four extra [Music] months right now I am at the Intercontinental Hotel here in Miami I mentioned before in the Vlog video when arriving here sorry my throat's a little croaky if you come to these nice hotels during Hurricane Season which it is right now it's a really good deal so my stay is about 200 a night and I get free breakfast and the breakfast Buffet here I think runs about $45 let's go see what they [Music] [Applause] [Music] have first glance is not a big breakfast buffet let me double check yeah actually the price is $43 a person is not a very big breakfast buffet at all it's got all the typical breakfast items scrambled eggs bacon sausage the only thing that looks pretty unique is they have chicken CET the pastries look good there's yogurt there's cereal there's an omelet station so far just looks like a very typical Hotel breakfast buffet at a pretty steep price this better be one heck of a chicken CET it's creamy and savory flavor is good pastries are good [Music] bacon otherwise eggs bacon Tomatoes eggs are fluffy I mean it's a quality breakfast buffet but for $43 I don't think I would eat here if it wasn't included tried the pancakes though so took a look at the pancakes and waffles pancake look at the and the waffle looks very floppy it's okay pancake's not bad again overall the food's not bad and I guess we are in downtown Miami so the price is what it is but typically a buffet like this I say maybe around $20 but I'll say it again if I had to pay for this Buffet 43 bucks wouldn't do it there's so much good food around Miami and there's so many places open early in the morning I will definitely get something else instead maybe it's also a good thing because I do have another Buffet coming up at about 12:30 p.m. today the primary reason I'm here in Miami for the brunch buffet at the manderin Oriental [Music] what is this wow you can just order flowers that was a little delibery robot that was pretty [Music] cool so I'm here at Lamar located inside the Menin Oriental and like I said I've been want to come this brunch for a long long time this is a perubian restaurant I'm expecting a lot of grilled Meats so this Buffet is 135 all the cocktails included all the wine beer soft drink that's what I'm going for you get a choice of a main course there's K wud there's Lomo Salado there's bante de Mani there's El aado that's going to be a tough choice definitely going to skip out on the udon though and then of course there's a buffet [Music] okay I picked out the main entree and I got my first plate off the buffet this is so exciting so anti cucho are pretty much these misor which I Remember Loving when I was in Peru and these are grilled over charcoal and they have been engulfed in flames so got some shrimp some chicken and ve Hearts also got an empanada and their signature whole fried red snapper oh yeah shrimp is good plump juicy sweet I love the Char on the grill meat every single bite you definitely taste that [Music] fire it's so freaking good the mix of spices they use to marinate the meat just Splendid it's tingy and savory spicy and Smokey I remember the hard be my favorite cup that is still very much true today that was by far the best skew that thing is so incredibly tender that's a bite that will transport you to the street of Peru everything about it the seasoning the smokiness the burst of herbal brightness the heart has a slight chewy textur it's a bit firm at the same time wonderfully tender and juicy yeah I'm going to have to go back for a a lot more of those [Music] Snapper this is great outside nice and crunchy inside tender flaky meat and the stiffing sauce just really fresh and vibrant and spicy a little bit of sweetness oh that goes so well together so impanata is dipped in traditional WKA sauce [Music] awesome these are absolutely stuffed empanadus toasty Outside Inside juicy chicken tons of herbs and spices the sauce is creamy rich little bit of heat and I'm really excited about this mushroom Lomo Salado oh there's a lot of heat in there Russell Sprout is so good as well the flavors are absolutely explosive also eating here or when eating in Peru got to get an ink of cola I miss this this first plate is green bag of whole lot of good memories the main entree has arrived so I got the pante Deion so this is crispy pork belly with AI panga which is a very traditional mild Peruvian chili there's papaa which is a potato Dish and also peanut cream in this dish is served over rice This Is A Feast for the ice look at all the colors you can see all the toasted popping skin on this pork belly oh this is going to be crispy and this is all sitting on top of bed of mole sauce oh my gosh look at how juicy this pork belly is right below the crispy skin there's a layer of fat and all that juicy meat cover that with the mole sauce put it on top of the rice [Music] that's freaking incredible it's so so good I don't know what I like more the crispy juicy pork belly or this mole sauce is sitting on top of it I would want to jump into a pool of this moly sauce and just eat my way out and it's so good on top of rice it's super thick and rich and creamy and decadent it definitely tastes that ritual mommy from the chocolate it's a little spicy it's Savory you would think something like that with the crispy belly which itself is very rich and you think with those two together might be a little too much I mean yeah it is a little too much a little too much in good flavor this is absolutely fantastic I love this this is really interesting This Is Peruvian chaa so it's Peruvian fried rice this is great they brought this over in a sizzling cot Stone Bowl so kind of tastes like a Chinese Clay Pot rice with a little bits of crispy rice in here I think there's some pork Sprouts carrots little crispy noodles that's awesome and this is the dish I've been waiting for Lomo saltado this is the quintessential Peruvian dish and is something I absolutely fell in love with when I was improv I think I ate this dish about 10 times when I was over there is chunks of be sauteed with onions peppers tomatoes scallion over french fries in this case potato wedges and a gooey runny Sunset looking of an egg on top and as soon as you break the egg open you mix the ingredients you smell that tiny Savory Mammy filed sauce right away oh this smells so wonderful I love every single thing about this the crunch from the onions the rich gooiness of the egg the fries the beef is tender and [Music] juicy you definitely taste a searing the smokiness on the steak so they cooked the steak separately chopped it up stir fried with all these ingredients covered it with that rich soy sauce based sauce which just has the perfect amount of vinegar and acid to balance out any of the richness is from the dish there's that beautiful tomato flavor as well this is just absolutely wonderful I mean this is a Michelin restaurant so the dishes is coming out of their kitchen it definitely lives up to the hype this Lomo salato it's done just perfectly the beef is perfect the sauce is more than perfect this tastes like pure happiness in a bowl [Music] so went to the seafood section there's a ton of fish dishes this is the classic saiche inside there's fluke cornnuts sweet potato cilantro onions all sitting in a Peruvian citrus marinade the fish is as tender as can be and this whole dish is just incredibly light and refreshing especially with the nice crunch from the onions so good this next dish is saich chilo and inside there's grer there's shrimp there's octopus sitting in a slightly spicier marinade yeah I like the gima more this is a really interesting one this is called saiche olivo so this thing has octopus olives bacon and cured egg yolk I love this so much it's right out my alley it's got so much of the flavors and textures that I crave a little crunch from the herbs and the Veg it's very rich and creamy it's just so aromatic when you take a bite of this the aroma just passes through all your senses plus the octopus he can get more tender than that wow my favorite so far my absolute favorite so far all the seafood items here oh my gosh that so good yeah there's a ton of dishes at the seafood section this is a giant scallop C is some sort of AI sauce and AI is a Peruvian pepper if you ever come here get like 10 of these right away one thing about proving and seafood every bite it tastes like fireworks in your mouth it's so vibrant and refreshing there's so much depth and complexity because they use a lot of different herbs peppers and chilies there just so many amazing flavors and when you add all those flavors to a Mel in your mouth sweet piece of scall that's going to make you really really happy this is a grouper sitting in the AI sauce as [Music] well oh yeah that's one of the best sauce you can use for fish not as tender as the scallops but anything touching that sauce it's going to be good trout m the trout little sweet really nice Sesame flavor little bit of a richer flavor profile very nice of course eating Peruvian cuisine you're going to encounter a lot of different potatoes there's so many different types there's over 4,000 different varieties of potatoes in Peru and this is a CA salad so I think it's like a different varieties of potato salad that's awesome little beet mix in there as well potato is one of my favorite ingredients of all time I love it in pretty much everything and that bite was smooth creamy little spicy and look at how pretty this is this is the KSA crab and it's so pretty I think they makes beet with potatoes and then there's crab on top a little bit of tomatoes yeah this is so wonderful just I love I love the crab I love the mushy potatoes I love the flavor of the beep again the flavors are so bright and Lively it really just helps makes the potato shine another classic bruan dish this is Fred Yuka on top is wakina again that classic Peruvian sauce 10 out of 10 that's a perfectly fried you Club so crispy on the outside and soft inside the sauce is warm it's vibrant I love the smokiness and a tiny Touch of heat from the AI there's so much classic comfort food here I feel like a lot of Peruvian food like the Lomo salato the fried rice a lot of it it just makes you feel so good this is interesting pork belly bun that's a fatty fatty I'll say it again fatty pork belly delicious the bun is light and fluffy the pork belly absolutely melts in your mouth and the sauce is good use that word again it's so bright and vibrant I feel like Peruvian sausage those are the words that com to mind when you bite into them so it go so well with that rich fatty pork belly and also this cow has troud mixed in awesome this is really really good there's little bits of crunch from the shallots the potato is so mushy and nice it's got a good amount of heat in here the shoud is so tender and delicious yeah that was uniquely [Music] fantastic explain how to get some more mushroom salot some Deo hearts and what looks like some fatty brace beef over rice with some very spicy chili sauce on top oh yeah very very spicy chilies also this special spell like I said amazing unfortunately there is a 2-hour time limit about to reach the end so I think they're about to bring on the dessert it's like the yummiest mashed potatoes ever oh man this is such a uniquely delicious Buffet everything from the main dishes to the buffet to the seafood so incredibly delicious I mean I'm not a good judge of how authentic the Peruvian food here is but I think it's absolutely delicious Miami of course I've said this many times is the absolute Buffet capital of the US these brunch buffets are just incredible and this one really stands out I think if I drink the whole experience would have been more worth it for me but overall love it oh I think dessert is coming dessert is here it is a giant dessert Tower so apparently though if you have a lot of people here they give you a beautiful box I see someone else floating around this looks beautiful wow I don't think there's a menu for this it tastes like a very rich caramel cake that is super milky oh good this looks beautiful this looks like a little ecl lemonade clar with a lemonade filling [Music] awesome there nutty chocolate layer cake as superb dark chocolate a lot of nuts the cake is more moist this is delicious little carrot cake oh carrot cake is my favorite I love carrot cake and that is a good carrot cake like I said I think overall Buffet is fantastic if you love Peruan Fu or if you never have Peruan Fu this is a must try when you're in Miami again this is a Michelin restaurant the price for this brunch buffet is 135 it includes a main dish and all the wines alcohol drinks beer all that is included and just talking about value I took a look at their regular menu so all the ciche listed on their regular menu is on the buffet so if you're just here for dinner or something and you order a Ceviche it's about $35 per dish if you got the Lomo Salado like I did 45 bucks so for me Buffet is a much better deal you get to try all the dishes you get to have all the drinks you want you get awesome dessert at the end this place definitely worth a try some of my favorite things on the buffet the scallops the vo heart the different saiche the dishes I think everything tastes incredible I think I only have about 5 minutes left on my time limit I'll see you in a [Music] bit it's dinner time and for dinner I'm at South Beach and there's an Italian restaurant that I've been really curious about for a while this is one of the most highly reviewed Italian restaurants I have ever seen 9,896 six reviews 4.9 out of 5 it is called lemon cello all right so got an appetizer couple pasta dishes really curious is that nobody else here and this is dinner time 6:30 get some more food for me first thing they brought out balsamic olive oil and some fresh bread this thing is already glistening from olive oil there's herbs on here I can't believe this is free oh my God this is so good I feel like I'm taking advantage of this place I cannot believe this just comes with a table this bread is miraculous I don't know I feel like this thing could just perform Miracles or something is that good oh my gosh it's toasty on the Outside Inside soft and Airy trenching just the most delicious olive oil the herbs are fantastic perfect amount of saltiness it's incredible I will give them a five star review just for the bread alone this is so freaking good I can make a meal out of this bread little balsamic even better yeah it's like a thinner fasha bread oh my gosh I can't stop eating this I'm so happy I got muscles because now there's something else I can dip the bread in appetizer muscles and white wine sauce little tomatoey muscles definitely fresh yeah this is delicious very garlicky this will be a great place to dunk my bread M yeah everything's tasting awesome so far so got a couple pastas one is their specialty they Linguini scoglio it's Linguini with shrimp muscles clams squid and lobster forgot how ferocious the Flies here are ingredients good lobster I wouldn't say is the freshest pasta is very well cooked very El gent you definitely get that nice burst of Briny flavor from the different seafood elements that's in here the zesty tomato sauce not overpowering at all you get a good burst of seafood flavor in this that's tasty calamari's grip shrimp is plump and juicy I think my least favorite element of this dish is the lobster yourself otherwise that's pretty hhy this is actually what I really like papad Del bolog this was my favorite pasta when I was in Italy this thing is just swimming and meat sauce There is a lot of meat in here they give you a nice big helping with this pasta look at that white pasta covered in cheese and meat sauce I mean I like seafood pasta but I'll take a bowl of pasta with meat sauce any day this is good yeah I like this pasta more this is right on my alley they make all their pasta here and this thing is beautifully chewy and the pasta is phenomenal and this is a make your mouth water meat sauce like I'm eating this in my mouth is still watering between bites the sauce is Rich and thick you taste a little zest from the tomatoes but again I don't like sauce it's too tomatoey this is not at all perfect amount of sweetness and zestiness and it's just so freaking meaty yeah this sauce is worthy of my last piece of bread dunk my bread right in this meat sauce this is an awesome ball pasta and they are very generous with the bolog the pasta is practically swimming in it there's so much meat on this plate I love it I think overall my favorite thing here love the bread bread is incredible papadeli bones I think it's topnotch pric is overall a little on the highend muscles not bad overall it's a very solid place I never seen a restaurant reviews so highly before and that wraps up another fantastic food day here in Miami as always all place I went to listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 58,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peruvian cuisine, La Mar Miami, Michelin star brunch, brunch buffet, Miami foodie, Gastón Acurio, Peruvian food, ceviche, Miami dining, food adventures, all you can eat, Miami brunch, Peruvian brunch, gourmet food, luxury dining, Miami restaurants, Miami food tour, seafood buffet, Peruvian dishes, fine dining, brunch experience, foodie in Miami, best brunch in Miami, Peruvian gastronomy, culinary journey, Miami food scene, upscale dining, must-try restaurants
Id: N1k6QsFMoYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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