MEMPHIS Street Racing + Fast & Furious Meet

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[Music] check out this scene it's like a scene straight out of the Fast and the Furious the barbecue at the house our friend here in Memphis invited us out to see some Roll Racing we're doing some dig racing with some big wheel cards tomorrow you'll see another video on that later tonight we're going to go see some roll racing on the highways but for now we're checking out some of the cool cars that showed up here at the barbecue just meeting some new people here and having a good time take you along with us who knows what we're going to get into today let's do it got a big wheel Caprice out here a little preview what we're going to see tomorrow clean interior damn this typhoon though I think 104 mm turbo on this thing just got it done look how big that thing is wow and then the dino speed Corvette that we've seen a lot of street car takeovers it's been a couple years raced but this thing's run I think High sevens if I remember right and then there's the Cletus giveaway car we got to check that thing out real quick all right we're going to hear this thing in person [Music] [Music] she sounds good got the race slicks in the back and ready to rip if you want to this thing sounds amazing love it we got car he's got the Viper here and the Turbo GTO this thing's sweet especially it's on the twostep roll racing twin turbo LS under of there seeing this car on the internet blown LS big old blower on there and apparently he almost pulls the wheels on on the highway from a roll drift car we got another big wheel Mustang over here oh oh yeah the Continental rolling Ino with the red guts hell yeah oh it's it's going down nice little fast and the furious car meet I love it i' I've never really done something like this before leading up to some street racing oh damn look at this turbo truck holy turbo LS and C10 pretty freaking sweet it's such a cool Vibe here hanging out at's house cars in the grass cars over here in the street just look at the Abus from the sky here with the Drone it's it's definitely a Vibe so I guess we're going to regroup at a different spot and find out who's going to be Roll Racing so it'll be interesting to see who shows up who lines up we'll be hopping on some cars having some fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the sun has set it's time to go to the meat spot and do some Roll Racing here in Memphis here we go [Music] this is my first time in your GTO oh man I've se you videos and pictures of this car for like know at least 2 years now on the rolling anti-le everywhere oh yeah let it get up the tip and be able to see the plane God damn so yeah that's ripping pretty good yeah what engines in here so it's a gen 353 with just a straight up eBay 102 uh intake and throttle body and it's just a kit that myself and a couple other guys made eBay headers cut them you know welded vband clamps on them and just two VSS racing 78 mm h it hooks up pretty good sh a little FL I love it and the other day on E85 just on 10 lb which is way less than what my tuner says it'll hold it made 540 to the tire so not bad so heading over to the meat spot to see who shows up and see if we can get into [Music] [Music] oh we got some serious bikes too the Harley Quinn bike that's cool hello from the Memphis streets tonight we're going to be getting into some Roll Racing action I think this is our first time ever being in Memphis to film street racing we got some dig racing action tomorrow some Big Wheel racing you'll see that on another video but tonight we're going to be hopping in some passenger seats to give you a front row seat of all the action going down right here we got cars ranging anywhere from 400 to about 1,000 horsepower we're going to get some cars matched up and see what happens here we go all right man it has been a while since I've been in one of these and it's everything I remembering more Yep what's all done with this bad boy uh it's just a stock motor K20 A2 it's got head studs in it but stock other than that uh 6262 turbo it's on E85 uh stock trans oh dude I like to party too man I'm excited man like I said it's it's been a minute since I've been in one of these so that's what be the best I will down [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready that's a that's a that's a good match up who would have thought man nice race yeah man that was sick that was such a good race holy oh I love that wheel to wheel brother that was such a good one ready 1 2 3 dang that was sweet that Honda is R the sign said Slow Down Memphis [Music] nice dude hell yeah that was a good race man this thing takes off yeah on it stop spinning dude it's rocket after that yeah it is holy ready 1 2 [Music] woohoo yeah I didn't stay on the twep he went as soon as I touched he need to build a little more boost that was a good run though you guys are really evenly matched I I love this 1 2 [Music] sweet that was some badass racing that was a lot of fun nice work good run bro how you good that was badass how's it going rowing gears too I'm trying I'm learning how much power does that make oh 6 about 640 I figured it right around there pretty similar power my brother would drive and make 700 all right who's itching to race they got some races lined up so we got the typhoon and the regular cat pick up here figuring out 50 60 do you want to do a test it first see how it's yeah I want to do a test first cuz I don't know how it's going to act so we'll see yet another vehicle that I'd really like all wheeel Drive typhoon this thing is sweet ever since I've been seeing videos that has been sending me I've been wanting to check this thing out 107 mm turbo LS all-wheel drive still on a street Tire a hard tire at that be interesting to see how this thing goes he hasn't raced it yet so cross our fingers that was good [Music] yes sir this thing sounds healthy what you got done with this puppy uh it's got a 370 um it's a 8096 turbo okay that's a big old turbo yeah yeah it does all right yeah you know how much power you're pushing with this really have no clue no clue no never been on dno enough yes well we're going to hope all right all right thing is are you taking yeah there it is comes up spaceship tell me that's not a spaceship see there's spaceship Ducks damn just a stock McLaren or it's a DME stage 2 okay so how much power do you think you're working with like 870 870 all righty so what do we got done to this thing uh it's a 53 pretty much stock ham uh Big Turbo yeah it's pretty 53 with a massive turbo yeah Big Turbo how big 107 how much boost you on right now it's on like 24 lb really so it should make some power yeah what transmission turbo 400 okay don't see how it act yeah see if we can do like a little test we're going to do a test TI first yeah this break up man yeah it's like breaking up a little bit I was going to count it down but he just went yeah not worth it it's not exciting right now he not happy yes sir hell yeah 1 2 3 that was sick what a great race I didn't think it was going to be that close hell yeah dude yeah that was awesome wow 1 oh my god dude holy we just beat the Corvette in the truck we ped [Music] [Music] it see God damn dude hell yeah yeah he's ped too you can't be mad when you lose to a big truck no sir 1 2 3 hell yeah that was good wo a little squirly a little squirly yeah don't go on that one no it is not it's not spun that bad tonight yet yeah your Hong Kong H 1 2 3 [Music] damn dude yeah not going to happen no but it's soing impressive that this thing is keeping up with that [Music] Holy oh dude you got a draggie absolutely hell yeah we sell those go to 1320 get you a dragy it's all the information you need from the track off the track or on the track good stuff next group out we're I'm going to be hopping in this mustang right here uh he's going be racing this other blue Mustang over here as well as a BMW uh supposed to be pretty damn fast like 700ish horsepower apparently this blue Mustang is almost 1,000 horsepower and then the C10 pickup turbocharge right around 6 to 7 750 I don't know um is going to race the Civic and whoever else lines up I think the bike's going out claring as well so we get some more runs in see we get some close races all right here we go back in the [Music] hatch thank [Music] you 1 2 3 yeah that was a good race truck boo dude you got a little like spury up there but God damn just Tor staring a little bit wow holy [Music] sh that was a great race he said he pulled like a 1300 cc bike by a bu so oh he was pretty confident he was going to brag anything 1 2 [Applause] yeah holy sh he's told the H yeah yeah yeah now you can tell yeah you got like you got a head second Head Start cuz you couldn't really see her going but you were pulling on him that was a can race this thing's just like a little bit faster than that car what a great matchup D his car blew my ear drums I know I was I was holding my ear closed the whole time I'm like oh my God I own Mustangs but God I hate them I know 1 two you want to take the hit by brother let SC the out of me oh did he didn't pull away as hard as I thought he was going to no a little better than I thought but we spun our ass off there yeah we did yeah it does you think he knows his Bumper's about to come off yeah he was asking for T oh oh that thing's loud and Fast yeah it is damn what a night here on the Memphis streets we didn't have any like crazy 1 1200 1500 horsepower cars like we do in Texas but sometimes that's the way to go and here we had side by side racing just so close like a Half Car a fender a car distance for the finish it was amazing racing here we really we really appreciate all the cars that came out thank you guys for putting on a show for us if you guys haven't already hit that subscribe button cuz we'll be bringing you plenty more street racing this year plenty more other videos you never know what we're going to bring you next we'll see you next [Music] time oh my God this this look freaking [Applause] epic this is so ridiculous
Channel: 1320video
Views: 84,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1320video, 1320
Id: IkQ4QTMtEqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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