ALL The Sims 4 Cheats (Updated for 2020)

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Hello YouTube. Let's take another look at cheating in Sims 4, but this time we're going all out. If you already know this stuff, stick around because we're also going to investigate some weird but useful commands you can take advantage of if you're willing to use a mod. While the cheats The Sims developers have given access to don't change across platforms, how you open the box you'll type in does. If you're on a PC, you'll use Control + Shift + C to bring up a white box. Mac users would replace Control with the Command button. If you're on a console, just hit all four shoulder buttons at once. You should see a white box appear, and from there, you can start typing. Nearly all cheats are used in live mode. A few might work outside of it but this is the foolproof way of doing things. Money is the easiest cheat in the game. Yeah, there are a few well-known commands that have existed since Sims 1, like rosebud or kaching, which both give you $1,000 Simoleons, or motherlode, which gives $50,000 Simoleons.. But nah, we want Jeff Bezos money. A more powerful cheat is to just type money and the amount you want. The reason I emphasize this is because it can be used to reduce money as well. The game will automatically do the math and set your money to the amount you specify. So if you wanted to make the game harder, knock $10k or more off the starting balance. If you own seasons and win the lottery, you can deduct that when it destroys your fun. Testing Cheats are the next category I want to get into. They do a ton of things, so it's much more useful for people with short attention spans to know this one than all the other little ones. Type testingcheats on, testingcheats true, heck even testingcheats 1 and you can enable these. Once you get confirmation, you can start shift-clicking things. Yep, hold shift, and try clicking something. The mailbox is the first thing you should know about but there are many others. Shift-clicking the mailbox will let you fill needs for your household or the entire world with just a couple clicks. You can also disable need decay, or turn it back on. In my original coverage of this, I said it was too long for a video but I should've gone over a few other things you can shift-click. Shift-clicking the ground will let you teleport. Shift-clicking plants will let you modify their growth states - yes, you can turn that seed into a fully grown plant. You can then evolve it to perfect if you're patient and don't mind repeating this process 4 or 5 times. Objects can be made dirty or clean by shift-clicking them. Doing this to Sims themselves gives access to a more handy version of the traditional resetsim firstname lastname cheat, with reset object (debug) being the one to pick if your Sim gets stuck. If you own Discover University, shift-click your Sim to get the debug menu. You can instantly enroll, skipping the entire application process. You'll also find a lot more depending which packs you have installed. If you own Get Famous, you can change celebrity levels or change the Sim's good or bad reputation by clicking the Sim. Next up, free houses. This is the only cheat that works in map mode that I know of. If you type freerealestate on, you can move into any house regardless of the cost. This doesn't mean you can afford the bills, but you've already established yourself as a filthy cheater so I think you can handle that with another cheat. It's a slippery slope, friend. You can promote your Sim in their current career track with careers.promote and the career code, which is usually something simple like doctor or astronaut. I have a list of these I'll link to but they are usually something you can figure out for yourself. Something you may want to know is that careers.demote works as well, but you still can't go back to before a branch if I remember right. I want to note here that if you have just entered a cheat, you can press the up key and the console will automatically go up to the previous code you entered.. so you can press up enter over and over and spam the cheat to whiz through multiple promotions. Next up, cheating Skills! Stats.Set_Skill_level will let you set the skill of a currently selected Sim. It'll give you every benefit for rank up. For instance I'd type stats.set_skill_level space major_gardening 10 to get to level 10 of gardening. Note the underscores , which are found on the top right side of the keyboard. You press shift to use that key. There are a few weird ones that don't follow this convention, but most of the skills start with major_. Unless it's a skill with 5 levels, which would start with minor most of the time. It's imperfect, so I maintain a list. I'll link it in the description. Aspirations can be cheated with aspirations.complete_current_milestone This will automatically complete the current aspiration stage and move you on to the next one, which is vital if something bugs out. If you just want the reward points for finishing aspirations, you can type sims.give_satisfaction_points. This is more effective as you can set the amount you want. To unlock all areas of Create-a-Sim type cas.fulleditmode. The cas.fulleditmode cheat is used with shift-clicking a Sim and picking edit in cas. This will give you access to everything here even if it should be off limits, like changing traits. Be careful that this will change your bonus trait if your Sim is using one from a different category. Using fulleditmode isn't a safe way to remove traits and have them truly gone. The buffs they give can stick around and make your Sim act like they still have that trait. However, it is safe for changing a Sim's physical appearance as well as the muscle and fat sliders. The truly safe way to add or remove traits is with the traits.equip_trait and traits.remove_trait cheats. To do this, you need to know what the name of the trait is, and I've compiled a big list of them on my site at an address I'll link in the description. Even this is not perfect for removing a trait, because you also need to reset their buffs and EA has locked us out of that for good reason. If you won't use the AllCheats mod which we will get to, then stick to adding Traits with cheats. This is the most common usage anyway. If you want to fill just one need to let you finish something, you can use fillmotive motive_hunger for example. The names of the others are exactly what you'd suspect. Next up, relationships. This'll seem hard at first but follow along and it'll come together for you. I promise. You can cheat relationships with the modifyrelationship cheat. All one word. It's used like this - modifyrelationship firstname lastname of Sim 1, then then firstname lastname of the second Sim, the amount, then the type of relationship. So we could use it like this - modifyrelationship bob pancakes eliza pancakes 100 ltr_friendship_main - this would make them actually like each other. The other type is ltr_romance_main and there also exists a LTR_SimtoPet_friendship_main for pets. So it seems hard at first, but you just need to remember that track at the end, the rest of it makes plenty of sense. You can level up your occult with cheats. Stats.set_stat is the cheat used for doing things like giving caster xp. Stats.set_stat rankedstatistic_witchoccult_witchxp followed by a numbber will give you xp for the witch occult. It takes 2,350 points to be at max rank. But I would just probably type 9999 (laughs). RankedStatistic_Occult_Vampirexp is the one used for Vampires and it works similarly. These do not require allcheats, they are just kind of hard to remember. You can unlock build mode by using the bb.showhiddenobjects to tell the game you want it to list out all the collectibles and other normally unavailable items. From there you're able to search for things, like pomegranate will show me a pomegranate which I can then plant to grow a tree. Once you're in that show all area, there's tons of stuff to be found... even premade mixology drinks. Every crafatable is in here pretty much. But there's more. Use testingcheats on, then bb.showhiddenobjects and you can now go one more layer deep. Use bb.showliveeditobjects and you can get access to the special things Maxis unlocked for builders in a patch. Search for Debug to get started. This includes things like the steamboat from willow creek, cars, and various rocky textures and other things that might be used creatively by someone with big ideas, who isn't me. They're all $0 and named debug so, you'll know them when you see them. If you tried moveobjects on and it wasn't working, the code's been updated. You can type bb.moveobjects to enable the ability to place objects where ever you want them, even if they overlap. This is super handy at times for decorating but you should still be aware of the area Sims might stand in when using an object, or any doorways you might block. Nobody wants to download a house from the gallery and find half of it is unlivable. By the way, when you're using this you can use the alt key to fine-tune where you're placing things. This is something you can do without cheating, but it's even more effective so worth bringing up. The Sims 4 developers have disabled a bunch of the commands we used to have access to, but TwistedMexi's AllCheats Mod linked in the description will let you take advantage of them. Everything I talk about past this point is using AllCheats. Here's the thing about commands. They are used by the game, but you can type them in manually. careers.promote and money x, everything else listed here, is a command... and there are a ton of them in the game that can be used by modders or are the functions the game uses to make stuff happen. Players can enter these directly. They disabled certain cheats that were found to be a bit too dangerous. For instance, we used to be able to use sims.remove_all_buffs... what this does is remove all buffs, and I'm sure that is shocking. But the thing is, the game tracks tons of things like pregnancies with this command. So you could unknowingly terminate a pregnancy using it or cause some other error by removing them. Something that AllCheats does that I really like, is if you are close on a command, it will give you an error message. If there's a partial match it'll spit back a ton of potential matches, and you can go from there. It's really cool. With that in mind, we can play with some commands. Something practically useful is the outfits.generate_outfit command. Especially if you want your Sim to look like they were dressed by a drunk 5 year old, or ya know, just look like a townie. You need 2 numbers after this.. the category, then the slot. So 0 is everyday. By typing outfits.generate_outfit 0 I can cycle through them until I get something hideous enough. Remember that push up to redo the command thing, because it's really useful for this. CAS lets you randomize outfits, but one area at a time and not across the whole Sim. This leaves hair and things like that alone, which is the best part. And yeah, I expressed in my last video a desire to get to copy outfits. Can I just say, it kills me knowing this command already exists and just needs to be put into CAS somehow? outfits.copy_outfit destination then source, so outfits.copy_outfit 1 0 would copy outfit category 0 - everyday to the formal category. 0-4 are the first 5 categories you see in CAS. Because swimwear came AFTER the game launched it's 9, and 10 and 11 are the hot and cold weather. Because of the way this adds them to the category and doesn't replace the first outfit, I need to first go through and remove all her outfits in the first slot which should be done paused cuz who knows what'll happen. So I can hit outfits.remove_outfit 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and remove the first outfit in each slot. My Sim should mostly be wearing the outfit in all categories. Another cheat you can use with allcheats is weather.start_weather event followed by a weather code, which lets you change the weather. Now, there are tons of weather codes and they're hard to remember. But I use weather_sunny_cool. this works in every world, it'll make it cool but not cold and it's sunny and that's all we want if we hate clouds in Sims 4, because we think it looks horrible because it's too dark. If you want to test something, you can use clock.advance_game_time hours minutes to do that. The trouble with this is, time really does pass.. so your Sims' needs will be tanked if they aren't frozen, and they may do all kinds of things and need reset when you're done. But I'd rather do that than waste my life waiting for 30 hours to pass until the next shift testing some career. So I do it, then reset the Sims. When cheating it's sometimes necessary to know the Sim's internal ID, this is a long string of numbers that identifies your Sim. Sims.get_sim_id_by_name firstname lastname is the cheat. So I'd use that code followed by Daniella Teach and now it spits back this long number. Now, something I can do with this is actually give her the loot she'd get if she completed the snaggle fluster career opportunity. All this stuff is found in the game's xml, the loot is the name of the file it's in when you export name only. So loot.apply_to_sim loot simid is how this cheat works, so you'd find the loot code for snaggle fluster which is loot_buff_career_10_newrecipe FURTHER evidence this recipe is not meant to be level 9 but 10.. but anyway, put in loot.apply_to_sim loot_buff_career_10_newrecipe and her id, and bam, she knows how to make snaggle fluster. You can do this with any loot in the game, just be aware doing this type of cheating can be a bit dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, and even experienced people should maybe save before making extensive changes. It's also possible to create an artificial pregnancy, but this one is better explained in another video. I will link to that in the description as well, if you'd like to know how to force a pregnancy or make twins or triplets. If you have changed a Sim's trait, or got stuck with an alien pregnancy you don't want, you may attempt sims.remove_all_buffs. This will take ALL buffs off, even things like hidden buffs for having a particular fame level. If you travel, those vital buffs should reset while the ones you don't want will be gone. This is the most dangerous cheat to use because it can break things, but in the interest of completion I've brought it up again. Definitely save before using this cheat. Cheats was one of my first videos for The Sims 4, and it's got about 500k views at this point, but I've come a long way in the last year so I feel it needs revamped. I'm not going to delete it, I'm just going to name it something like Old Cheats Video so no one will click it. Because when you delete them it takes views off your public view counter. Anyway, I hope that some of you find this useful. There is a lot of stuff you can do with cheating in the Sims 4. The rabbit hole goes much, much deeper than this. But this is what I felt people could digest in one sitting. I'll link to the text versions of all these things so that you can reference something much more concrete. Thank you all for watching and have a great day.
Channel: Carl's Sim Guides
Views: 2,035,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sims, Sims 4, TS4, The Sims 4, sims, Sims 4 cheats, sims 4 base game, sims 4 beginners, sims 4 how to cheat, sims 4 money cheats, sims 4 skill cheats, sims 4 career cheats, sims 4 career, sims 4 money, sims 4 ps4 cheat, sims 4 xbox cheat, sims 4 xbox one, sims 4 ps4, sims 4 pc, sims 4 mac, The Sims cheats, sims 4 testingcheats, sims 4 trait cheats, sims 4 guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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