All the Presidents' Children

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You know what? (dramatic pause) I’m Mr. Beat Joe Biden will soon be the 46th  President in American history.   Biden has had some major tragedies in his life. On December 18, 1972, just weeks after he was  elected to the U.S. Senate, his wife, Neilia,   was Christmas shopping with their three kids,  Naomi, Beau, and Hunter, when their vehicle was   struck by a truck pulling out of an intersection.  Both Neilia and Naomi, who was just one year old   at the time, died in the accident. Beau  and Hunter were injured, but survived. However, on May 30, 2015, Beau died at the  relatively young age of 46 from brain cancer. Perhaps a parent’s worst fear is to  lose their own children. Joe Biden has   had to bury two of his four children. But throughout American history, it has been more   common than you probably think for American  Presidents to outlive their own children. In this video, let’s look at every single son  or daughter of every single American President.   Some of the presidents’ children were  famous. The vast majority of them,   however, were not. Heck, they don’t even have  Wikipedia pages, and we don’t even know the   names of all of them. The average number of  children for all the Presidents is 4.1 Now,   keep in mind that I am also going to mention  some “alleged” children throughout this video. Before we jump in, this video is sponsored  in part by the game Conflict of Nations. Conflict of Nations is a free military themed  PVP strategy game set in recent history with the   objective of just um….yeah taking over the whole  world. Hey I’ve always wanted to do that. Anyway,   you choose a country first and basically just  build up your military, but in order to pull off   world domination a game round usually takes  weeks to complete. It features a real time   tactical combat system, using real weapons, and  allowing players to command a modern battlefield.   You can declare war on your neighbors or forge  alliances with other players. Conflict of Nations   is fully Cross-Platform. And I got a special gift  for you. Click the link in the description to get   13,000 gold and a 1 month premium subscription  absolutely free. That offer only lasts 30 days,   though, so act fast. Thanks to Conflict  of Nations for sponsoring this video. Ok you ready? Let’s do this. Here  are all the Presidents’ children. George Washington Yeah, um, he didn’t have any biological  children. The father of the country   couldn’t apparently father any children  due to possibly getting tuberculosis,   although him getting smallpox as a teenager  quite possibly could have made him sterile. However, Washington did have two stepchildren  after he married his wife Martha, who had them   in a previous marriage. Their biological  father, Daniel Parke Custis, had died when   they were both very young. Washington’s stepson,  John Parke Custis lived only to the age of 26,   dying probably from dysentery shortly after the  surrender of Charles Cornwallis in the American   War of Independence. Washington’s step daughter,  Martha Parke Custis, died when she was a teenager. John Adams John and his wife Abigail had six children. Two of  them died very young. Susanna died as a toddler,   Elizabeth died during birth. Two of their other  children also lived relatively short lives.   Charles died at the age of  30. There was also Abigail,   nicknamed Nabby, who died from cancer  when she was 48. There was also Thomas,   and finally John Quincy Adams, who is the  most famous son of John Adams due to a   distinguished career in federal politics  and he was also...ya know...President. Thomas Jefferson Ok, so nobody really knows how many children  Jefferson actually had, but it’s probably 14. Uh,   I mean...possibly 15, I think. Ok, so let’s  run through his six children with his wife   Martha. First, there was Martha, nicknamed Patsy.  There was Mary, nicknamed Polly, who died when   she was 25. Jefferson had four other children  with Martha that all died very young. Jane and   Lucy Elizabeth II died as toddlers, and Lucy  Elizabeth I and an unnamed son died as babies. Jefferson also had alleged  children with Sally Hemings,   one of his slaves. Ok, so there’s DNA evidence  that basically proves it. After Martha died,   Sally was pretty much Jefferson’s secret lover  yet still as a slave. Some historians claim   that Jefferson may have had sexual relations  with Hemings when she was as young as 14. What the heck, Jefferson. Anyway, so with Sally, Jefferson had Tom, Harriet  I, Edy, William Beverly, Thenia, Harriet II,   James Madison (yep!) , and Eston. Harriet  I, Edy, and Thenia all died very young. James Madison Madison and his wife Dolley had no children  together, and he was possibly also sterile. He   had a stepson, though. John Payne Todd, who  was Dolley’s son from a previous marriage. James Monroe Monroe had three kids with his wife Elizabeth.  Eliza, James, who died as a toddler, and Maria.   Maria was the first kid of a President  to get married in the White House,   in 1820. Yeah she married her  cousin. Pretty common back then. John Quincy Adams The first son of a President  to become a President,   Adams had five children with his wife Louisa.  George Washington...uh George Washington Adams,   that is. John Adams. Uh John Adams II, that is,  Charles, and Louisa Catherine and an unnamed son,   who both died shortly after birth. Charles  had a distinguished political career as a   U.S. Representative and U.S. Envoy to the United  Kingdom in the Abraham Lincoln administration. Andrew Jackson Jackson and his wife Rachel had no  children together. Jackson was also   possibly sterile. They did adopt three  kids, though. There was Andrew Jackson, Jr.,   who was Rachel’s brother’s son. Today, Jackson  has a horrible reputation among most Native   Americans for signing the Indian Removal Act,  among other things. However, Jackson adopted   two Native American boys. There was Theodore and  Lyncoya, who both apparently died young. Andrew   and Rachel had saved Lyncoya’s life when he was  a baby, as his parents had died and no one wanted   to take care of him. Jackson probably had a soft  spot for orphans since he was an orphan himself. Martin Van Buren Van Buren had six children with his wife  Hannah, who died at 35, 18 years before Van   Buren became President actually. The six were  Abraham, John, Martin Van Buren Jr., Winfield,   Smith, and an unnamed daughter. The unnamed  daughter and Winfield both died as babies. William Henry Harrison Harrison and his wife Anna had ten children.  Elizabeth, nicknamed Betsy, John, Lucy,   William Henry Harrison, Jr., John Scott, Benjamin,  Mary, Carter, Anna, and James. All of them except   for James reached adulthood. John Scott grew up  to become a U.S. Representative and had 13 kids   of his own. One of those kids? Future President  Benjamin Harrison. Yep, John Scott Harrison is   the only person in American history to have  both a father and a son who were Presidents. William Henry Harrison also allegedly had a  daughter named Dilsia with one of his slaves. John Tyler John Tyler had more children than any other  President in American history. He had 16 children   in total. 8 with his wife Letitia. 7 with his  second wife, Julia. Wait, I’m pretty good at   arithmetic, and that’s just 15. Well Tyler also  allegedly had a son with one of his slaves.   John William Dunjee. All 8 of his kids with  Letitia except for Anne reached adulthood. His   other children with her were Mary, Robert, John  Tyler Jr., Letitia, nicknamed Letty, Elizabeth,   Alice, and Tazewell. All 7 of Tyler’s kids with  Julia survived to adulthood. There was David,   John Alexander, Julia, Lachlan, Lyon,  Robert, and Margaret Pearl. David was   later a U.S. Representative. So here’s something crazy.   John Tyler’s son Lyon had a son named Harrison  who is STILL ALIVE TODAY. HOLY CRAP WOWZA. James Polk Polk was also sterile, likely due to an operation  where he had urinary stones removed when he was   a teenager. Polk and his wife Sarah were  the only presidential couple to never have   children while together, biologically,  adopted, or from a previous marriage. Zachary Taylor Taylor had six children with his wife Margaret.  They had to bury three of their children,   all three dying from malaria. Octavia and  Margaret died from malaria when they were babies,   and Sarah died from it when she was 21,  three months after marrying Jefferson Davis.   Yeah, THE Jefferson Davis, who was the only  President of the Confederate States of America. Anyway, Taylor’s other three  kids were Ann, Mary, and Richard. Millard Fillmore Fillmore had two children with his wife Abigail,  Millard Powers and Mary. Mary, who served as   Acting First Lady due to Abigail’s poor health,  was brilliant. She could speak at least five   languages and played many instruments. Her  sudden death from cholera at the young age of 22   particularly devastated Fillmore. Fillmore  had no kids with his second wife, Caroline. Franklin Pierce (The tragic life of a doughface) The tragic life  of a doughface, indeed. All three of his children   with his wife, Jane, did not live to see  their dad become President. Franklin Pierce,   Jr. died as a baby, Frank Robert  died when he was 4 from typhus, and,   most tragically of all, Benjamin, aka Bennie,  died in a horrible train accident just weeks   before Pierce was to be inaugurated. Pierce  and Jane nearly died from the accident as well,   and witnessed firsthand as a train car  smashed Bennie, nearly decapitating him. James Buchanan Buchanan never married and  never had biological children,   although he did adopt two  nieces, Mary and Harriet. Abraham Lincoln Lincoln had four children with his wife Mary, all  boys. Three of them died young. Eddie when he was   three, Willie when he was 11- that was when  Lincoln was actually in the White House by the   way- and Tad when he was 18. When Tad was younger,  he famously was known as the crazy, impulsive kid   running around the White House. He reportedly  interrupted important meetings, collected   animals and set them loose around the house,  and charged visitors to see his dad. Smart kid. Lincoln and Mary’s other boy, Robert, lived a long  life and notably was the U.S. Secretary of War   in the James Garfield administration and  later U.S. Minister to the United Kingdom   in the Benjamin Harrison administration. Andrew Johnson Johnson and his wife Eliza had five children:   Martha, Charles, Mary, Robert,  and Andrew Johnson, Jr. aka Frank. Ulysses Grant Grant and his wife Julia had four children:  Frederick, Ulysses Grant, Jr., (nicknamed Buck)   Ellen (nicknamed Nellie) and Jesse. Frederick  ended up being a military governor of a province   in the Philippines after the United States  occupied it in 1899. Oh, and before that   he was U.S. Minister to Austria-Hungary  in the Benjamin Harrison administration. Rutherford Hayes Hayes and his wife Lucy had eight children: Sardis  Birchard, James, Rutherford Platt, Joseph, George,   Fanny, Scott, and Manning. Manning died as a  baby, and Joseph and George died as toddlers. James Garfield Garfield and his wife Lucretia had seven  children, five who lived to adulthood.   Eliza died when she was 3 and Edward died  when he was just 1. There was also Harry,   who was a president of a college, James Rudolph,  who was a U.S. Secretary of the Interior in the   Theodore Roosevelt administration, Mary, Irvin,  and Abram, who was an accomplished architect. Chester Arthur Arthur and his wife Nell  had three children. William,   who died when he was just 2, Chester Arthur II,  and Ellen, also nicknamed Nell like her mother. Grover Cleveland Cleveland was a bachelor until he was 49 and was  in his first term when he married the then-21   year old Francis. Before Francis, back  when he was running for President, rumours   circulated that he had an illegitimate child named  Oscar with a woman named Maria Halpin. In fact,   Cleveland’s opponents even chanted “Ma, ma,  where’s my pa?” to attack his character.   Cleveland acknowledged that Oscar was possibly  his, but Maria also alleged that Cleveland had   sexually assaulted her, though he was never  charged and she may have made this up. Regardless, Cleveland made payments  to Maria after Oscar was born,   and the public mostly  believed Cleveland over Maria. With Frances, Cleveland had five children:  Ruth, Ester, Marion, Richard, and Francis.   All of them lived long lives except Ruth,  nicknamed Baby Ruth, who died when she was 12.   The makers of the candy bar, Baby Ruth, used to  claim they had named it after her, but we now   know they really were probably just capitalizing  on the star power of Babe Ruth and were just   saying they named it after Ruth CLEVELAND so  they didn’t have to pay BABE Ruth royalties.   Ester Cleveland was the first and only child  of a president to be born in the White House. Benjamin Harrison Yep, I mentioned him earlier.  The grandson of William Henry   Harrison and son of John Scott Harison had  three children with his wife Caroline and   one child with his second wife Mary,  who was Caroline’s niece by the way. What the heck, Benjamin. That is weird. With Caroline, Harrison had Russell, Mary,  and an unnamed daughter who died in infancy.   Harrison’s daughter Mary was acting  First Lady after Caroline died.   After Harrison married Mary, they were  so horrified and upset with their father   marrying their cousin that they did not attend  the wedding and never spoke to him again. With Mary, Harrison had one more child, Elizabeth. William McKinley McKinley and his wife Ida had two  children. Both tragically died very young.   Ida McKinley II died when she was a baby,  and just two years later Katie died when   she was three. Ida was never able to have  children again due to various health problems. Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt’s first wife, Alice, died two  days after giving birth to their daughter,   also named Alice. Roosevelt was a mess after her  death, giving his daughter to his sister to take   care of her until she was three. By that time,  Roosevelt had married Edith, his second wife,   and he never talked to Alice about  her biological mother. Alice later   became one of the most famous children  at the White House in American history.   The press followed her around and she was always  making headlines by doing controversial stuff. Anyway, with Edith, Roosevelt had five more  kids. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., or Ted, Kermit,   Ethel, Archie, and Quentin. Theodore  Roosevelt, Jr. served as a member of   the New York State Assembly and later  as Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy,   Governor of Puerto Rico, and  Governor-General of the Philippines.   Quentin died in World War One. He remains the  only child of a U.S. President to die in combat. William Howard Taft Taft and his wife Helen had three children:  Robert, Helen, and Charles. All three kind   of kicked butt. Charles became the Mayor of  Cincinnati. Helen was a history professor. And   Robert, well Robert ended up being one of the most  influential U.S. Senators in American history. Woodrow Wilson Wilson and his wife Ellen had three daughters:  Margaret, Jessie, and Eleanor. Eleanor,   who was married to William Gibbs  McAdoo, the U.S. Secretary of the   Treasury in her dad’s administration,  also wrote a biography about her dad. After Ellen died, Wilson married Edith,  but the two had no children together. Warren Harding Harding and his wife Florence  had no children together,   although Florence did have a son named  Marshall from a previous marriage.   Many argued Harding was sterile, but that was  before we knew that he likely had a daughter   named Elizabeth from an affair with Nan  Britton. DNA evidence confirmed it in 2015. Calvin Coolidge (Calvin Coolidge and his wife Grace, opposite  in every way) Coolidge and his wife Grace had   two sons, John and Calvin Coolidge, Jr. On June  30, 1924, when Coolidge was President, his sons   were playing tennis on the White House tennis  courts. Coolidge Jr., who was 16 at the time,   played barefoot, and got a blister on one of his  toes. The blister turned into sepsis afterward,   and tragically Jr. died from blood  poisoning just over a week later. Herbert Hoover Hoover and his wife Lou also had two  sons: Herbert Hoover, Jr. and Allan. Franklin Roosevelt Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor had six children:  Anna, Jimmy, Franklin Roosevelt Jr., Elliott,   Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. II, and John. First  of all, Franklin Roosevelt Jr. died as an infant.   All the other children lived long lives with  lots of accomplishments. Here’s a weird thing I   noticed. All five got divorced a lot. Both Elliott  and FDR Jr. II got married five times. Anyway,   Anna went on to become a well respected author and  newspaper editor. All four boys served bravely in   World War Two. All four boys except John also got  into politics. Elliot was a mayor of Miami Beach,   Florida. Both Jimmy and FDR Jr. II were  U.S. Representatives, among other things. Harry Truman Truman and his wife Bess had just one daughter,   Margaret who was pretty famous due  to quite a career in entertainment. Dwight Eisenhower Eisenhower and his wife Mamie had two  sons: Doud Dwight, who died of scarlet   fever when he was three, and John, who also  had a distinguished military career. He was   also a military historian and U.S. Ambassador  to Belgium in the Richard Nixon administration. John F. Kennedy Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline had four  children. Two died at or right after birth,   an unnamed daughter and Patrick, who died when  Kennedy was actually President. There was also   Caroline, who is still alive today and served  as the U.S. Ambassador to Japan in the Barack   Obama administration, and John F. Kennedy,  Jr., who probably could have also become   President if he really wanted to, although he  died at the young age of 38 in a plane crash. Lyndon Johnson Johnson and his wife Lady Bird had two daughters-  Lynda Bird and Luci. Both are still alive.   Lynda Bird is actually the oldest  living child of a U.S. President. Johnson also had an alleged son, Steven, with  Madeleine Duncan Brown. After Johnson died,   Madeleine claimed she had an affair with him  while he was married for nearly 20 years. Richard Nixon Nixon and his wife Pat also had two daughters,  both still alive- Patricia and Julie.   Julie married Dwight Eisenhower’s grandson,  David, who is one of John Eisenhower’s sons. Gerald Ford Ford and his wife Betty had four children:  Michael, John, Steven, and Susan,   all still alive. John apparently helped start the  magazine Outside. Steven had a career as an actor,   appearing in many big movies and TV shows. Susan  has had a distinguished career as an author,   and served as Chairwoman of the Betty Ford  Clinic, the organization named after her mom   that her mom co-founded, aimed at helping  folks struggling with substance abuse. Jimmy Carter Carter and his wife Rosalynn, who are both still  alive, also have four children: Jack, Jimmy   Carter III, nicknamed Chip, Donnel, nicknamed  Jeff, and Amy. Jack ran for the U.S. Senate   in Nevada in 2006 but lost. Most of the Carter  kids have kept a low profile in recent years. Ronald Reagan Reagan had three children with his first wife,  Jane Wyman. Only one, Michael, is still alive.   They actually adopted him, and he had a  long career as a political commentator.   Reagan and Jane also had Maureen, who died  in 2001, and Christine, who died at birth. Reagan had two more children with his second wife,   Nancy: Patti and Ronald Prescott, both still  alive. Both Patti and Ronald are known for having   different political views than their dad. Patti  has been vocal criticizing Donald Trump, and Ron,   well heck, he’s a left-leaning political  commentator for MSNBC, for crying out loud. George H.W. Bush Bush Sr. had six children with his wife Barbara.  Oh here’s one you may recognize. That’s George   Walker Bush, who later on served as President  himself for a couple terms after serving as the   Governor of Texas. And here’s everybody's favorite  Jeb! Jeb Bush, who was the Governor of Florida but   didn’t get the Republican nomination running  for President in 2016. Bush Sr. and Barbara   also had Robin, who tragically died of leukemia  when she was 3, and Neil, Marvin, and Doro,   who are all still alive and kicking it. Doro is an  author who wrote a biography/memoir about her dad. Bill Clinton Clinton and his wife Hillary have one daughter,   Chelsea who is also an author and involved with  several different humanitarian organizations. George W. Bush Bush and his wife Laura have two daughters,   Barbara and Jenna. Hey they’re my age. They’re  fraternal twins, the only twins of a President. Like Chelsea Clinton, Barbara has been an  activist for various causes and organizations,   and Jenna got into journalism. She currently hosts  a show on NBC called Today with Hoda & Jenna. Barack Obama Obama and his wife Michelle also have  two daughters, Malia and Sasha. Malia   recently graduated from college and has  a big social media following. Sasha,   who is currently attending college,  recently went viral on TikTok. Donald Trump Trump has five kids. He had three with his  first wife Ivanna: Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka,   who is also my age how about that, and Eric.  There’s also Tiffany. Her mom is Marla Maples,   Trump’s second wife. And finally there’s  Barron. His mom is Melania, Trump’s third   and current wife. Donald Jr., Ivanka, and  Eric, have all been very active with their   father’s businesses and political campaigns.  Ivanka has also been Trump's Senior Advisor.  Coincidentally, my daughters  are also my advisors as well. So Joe Biden has two surviving children- Hunter,   who has been a controversial  figure due his struggles with drugs   and possible shady business dealings, and  Ashley, who is also my age how about that. But that’s it. No more kids. Boy, girl, this  video was longer than I expected it to be.  But yeah, that was all of  the Presidents’ Children.  Did I miss any? If I did, please provide DNA  evidence to back up your claims. So who was your   favorite kid? What President-type video should  I make next? I always love to read the comments,   especially the ones that attack my appearance.  Look, I look this way because of my parents, ok.   Thanks for watching!
Channel: Mr. Beat
Views: 1,539,003
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Keywords: All the Presidents' Children, All the Presidents' Kids, President kids, which presidents didn't have kids, presidential children, kids who lived at the white house, white house children, which president had most kids, what's it like being a kid of a president, famous presidential children, children of donald trump, children of barack obama, children of thomas jefferson, children of joe biden, growing up in white house, president sons and daughters, u.s. president families
Id: fEDVlrbClBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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