Every President's Favorite Food

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Who’s hungry? I’m Mr. Beat,   and I actually am kind of hungry right  now. Hey, does anyone have some food? Reegan: Here you go! (throws banana) Thanks! I love bananas! I’m sorry  to go bananas there for a banana,   and I’m sorry I just said. (starts eating bananas) So anyway, American Presidents get hungry,  too. In this video, we’re going to look at   the favorite food of every President in American  history. We’ll go chronological again because   I know some of you want to skip ahead to  Teddy Roosevelt because of course you do. That’s right. This will be the most  important video I’ve ever made. George Washington The first President and still my favorite   President loved roasted meats and apparently  only foods that began with the letter “H.”   Hazelnuts, hot chocolate, honey, and hoecakes. Reegan: Daddy you said a bad word.  No hoecakes are like pancakes.  Fried cornbread basically!  Now, Washington apparently also  really loved cherries. Overall,   though, he preferred simple  meals over big fancy ones. John Adams Adams also preferred simple meals over fancy ones.   Being from New England, Adams preferred New  England foods, of course. In particular,   codfish cakes and apple pan dowdy. Yeah, I had  to Google them, too, and they both look amazing. Thomas Jefferson Mac and Cheese. No joke. Jefferson apparently   found out about macaroni when he traveled around  Europe and, because he used to have it served   to dinner guests when he was President,  helped popularize it in the United States. I gotta say, I eat me some Mac  and Cheese literally every week. Jefferson also loved fried potatoes,  turnip greens and Virginia ham, of course. James Madison Well we don’t   really know his favorite food actually.  He was a pretty private dude. However,   his much less private wife, Dolley Madison, did  popularize ice cream when she was First Lady,   so sure let’s go with ice cream  as James Madison’s favorite food!  Oh, and specifically OYSTER ice cream,  apparently. I didn’t even know THAT was a thing. James Monroe Monroe was known for   having elegant dinners, but dessert was his  favorite! His favorite food apparently was   spoon bread, which is similar to bread pudding. Oh you don’t know what bread pudding is either?   Well, imagine everything that tastes good but  is bad for you and mix it with bread in a pan.   That’s bread pudding. John Quincy Adams Apparently Adams didn’t show much   interest in food. Meh, he had more important  things to worry about than eating. That said,   Adams loved fresh fruit so much that he planted  a bunch of fruit trees in the White House yard. Andrew Jackson Well ya know, since Jackson was   so opposite of Adams, he loved food, of course.  He served lots of it at parties. Famously, one   time he served a 1,400 pound wheel of cheese at a  White House shindig. Jackson loved to eat leather   britches. No, not literal leather britches. I  guess that’s a name of a dish containing green   beans cooked with bacon. For dessert, he loved  blancmange, a concoction of cornstarch and milk. Martin Van Buren Apples!   Van Buren loved him some good apples, but  not bad ones. And anything with apples in   it. Apple doughnuts and apple cake,  in particular. He also loved oysters,   and pretty much any kind of meat in existence.  Uh, I don’t think he was a cannibal, though. William Henry Harrison Well obviously Harrison loved   squirrel stew. Don’t be all weird. People  used to eat squirrels all the time.   And they still do in certain parts of the world.  Like Alabama. And apparently Harrison’s mom never   had to force him to eat his vegetables growing up  since he actually quite enjoyed fresh vegetables. John Tyler Puddin.’ Tyler   loved him some pudding, pretty much every  kind. And sugar pie. In fact, he served   sugar pie so much to guests that the treat  eventually became known as “Tyler’s Pudding Pie.” James Polk Not to sound all corny,   but James Polk loved cornbread. And if  Cracker Barrel existed when he was alive,   he would love pretty much everything  on it's menu. For dessert, he loved   vinegar pie, which sounds nasty to  me but I’m sure it tastes just fine. Zachary Taylor Taylor loved both Southern   and Creole food. Specifically,  he was a big fan of rice calas,   which I’ve never had but look amazing. Like  John Quincy Adams, he was also a big fruit guy.   In particular, cherries, which he apparently  ate lots of right before he died in office. Millard Fillmore The more boring of a food it was,   the more Fillmore was attracted to it.  His favorite two foods were apparently   soup and stew. As it so happens, those  are two of my least favorite foods. I   should add that historians credit Fillmore  for modernizing the White House kitchen. Franklin Pierce Pierce loved food,   but he didn’t host many dinner parties so we have  to speculate about what his favorite foods were.   Likely, they were New England classics like  clam chowder, fried clams, and apple pie. James Buchanan Buchanan DID have many   dinner parties with extravagant meals. That  said, his two favorite foods I sure as heck   didn’t see coming. Butter, especially from  Philadelphia, and…wait for it…cabbage. Ugh. Abraham Lincoln I smell bacon. While he didn’t eat much, the great   Abraham Lincoln definitely developed an appetite  for bacon. But also chicken fricassee, which is   basically chicken simmered in some sauce. He also  dug cornbread and gingerbread cookies for dessert. Andrew Johnson He also loved Southern food, often what   we call today “comfort food,” so yes he would also  love Cracker Barrel. Specifically, he loved a dish   called Hoppin’ John, which is a rice and pea-based  concoction. All these foods I’ve never heard of. Ulysses Grant  Grant was a simple man who had simple  tastes. His number one food? Rice   pudding. He actually had his own special  recipe for a lemon-flavored variety of it. Rutherford Hayes  Speaking of special recipes, Hayes loved  to eat, more than anything, his wife Lucy’s   cornmeal pancakes. Hayes was a disciplined  eater, though, who never ate or drank too much. James Garfield Garfield had a   difficult time being able to eat ANYTHING, but  when he did eat, he usually ate squirrel soup.   That’s right, the favorite food of not just  one, but TWO American Presidents, was squirrel. Chester Arthur No joke, Arthur’s favorite   food matched his facial hair. Mutton chops!  He had a single chop for dinner most nights. Grover Cleveland Oh Cleveland was   all about extravagant meals, and he’d eat  most of what was in front of him. However,   his favorite foods were corned beef and  cabbage, and pickled herring apparently?   Well that’s kind of gross. But we have our first  seafood President though so that’s exciting. Benjamin Harrison Harrison was another   corny President. Although we don't know  many details about his eating habits,   he loved corn and anything associated with  it really. His family often did enjoy huge   feasts while they lived in the White House.  At one feast, they served…uh…turtle. Yeah. William McKinley If it was an animal,   McKinley probably liked to eat it. Again,   there is no evidence that he was a cannibal. In  addition to meat, he was a big breakfast guy. And so am I. In fact, I eat breakfast for dinner,  which I call brinner. You got a problem with that? Anyway, McKinley even became known for  serving big breakfasts at the White House,   and a special kind of egg casserole that  became known as the “Mckinley Omelet.” Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt also loved meat, but especially   steak and fried chicken. He supposedly was known  to be able to take down more than a whole chicken   in a single sitting. The Colonel would be proud.  And I came across his 42nd birthday dinner.  First Course: Bluepoint Oysters Second Course: Green Turtle Soup,   Clear Celery Olives Sweet Sherry Third Course: Timbale of Peanut Ham  Fourth Course: Crab Flake la Newberg Fifth Course: Fillet of Beef,   Dickinson Green Peas Fresh Mushrooms  sous (soo) Cloche (kloash) (under glass)  Sixth Course: Quail & Bread  Sauce Salad Roman Punch  Dessert Cakes Confectionary Biscuit Tortoni Coffee Appropriate Wines with each Course  I’ve decided that I would like the exact same  preparations made for my 42nd birthday dinner. William Taft Steak and potatoes,   baby. Those are staples. Taft would apparently  eat a 12-ounce steak with breakfast,   lunch, and dinner each day, and sometimes  he’d have two with dinner. Right on. Woodrow Wilson  Like Ulysses Grant, Wilson had simple tastes  and he mostly ate the same type of stuff.   Due to ongoing health issues during his  Presidency, he ate two raw eggs and drank   a glass of grape juice for breakfast every  morning. He also liked to eat chicken salad. Warren Harding Another probable Cracker Barrel boy,   Harding loved what we often call “comfort  food.” In particular, he dug chicken pot pie and   knockwurst and sauerkraut. Come to think of it, he  was more of a pub-style finger food type of fella. Calvin Coolidge Coolidge was a unique dude, and   probably had more unique ideas about food than any  other President. First of all, he called all meals   “supper.” Second, he would eat at weird times of  the day, often sneaking bites of whatever he could   grab at meetings, especially pickles. Third, he  mixed random food together that…uh…should not be   mixed together. Fourth, he was one of the earliest  American adopters of eating Chinese food. I could   go on, but that’s a little sample there of his  quirks. In addition to pickles, his favorite   foods were his wife Grace’s Chicken Chop Suey,  chicken chow mein and apple pie made with pork. Herbert Hoover Hoover loved a Thanksgiving favorite,   sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows. He  even had his own special recipe. He often served   elegant meals at the White House, at least before  the economy went to crap during his Presidency. Franklin Roosevelt FDR loved the same   food as most American kids, apparently.  Yep, he loved grilled cheese sandwiches,   hot dogs, and scrambled eggs more than anything,  but he also regularly ate fish chowder. Harry Truman More than anything,   Truman loved his mom’s fried chicken, and  I have to agree, my mom is the best cook   ever. Truman also loved well-done steak and  Meatloaf, no not THAT Meatloaf rest in peace.   Yes, Truman liked THAT meatloaf, AS  LONG AS IT DIDN’T HAVE ONIONS DAD GOMIT! Dwight Eisenhower Not only was Eisenhower a food connoisseur,   he was also a pretty darn good cook. Eisenhower  and his wife, Mamie, may have been the first   in the White House to regularly eat their meals on  TV trays while checking out the tube. Speaking of   Mamie, Dwight’s favorite dessert was her Million  Dollar Fudge. He also enjoyed corn pudding. John Kennedy Like any REAL   New Englander, JFK loved clam chowder.   I mean “chowdah.” Kennedy always loved seafood  for dinner, but similar to Abraham Lincoln,   apparently never ate that much. There I go again  with all those Lincoln and Kennedy Coincidences! Lyndon Johnson LBJ loved some of that extra-spicy   deer sausage, heck yeah. But really, if it  was anything spicy, he probably liked it.   He also loved barbecue, chicken fried steak  with mashed potatoes and gravy, corn bread,   grits, and pretty much all Mexican  food. Dang I’m getting hungry now. Richard Nixon Nixon famously had a weird   habit of eating cottage cheese and ketchup for  breakfast. And of course, there was also Nixon’s   secret Meatloaf. THE Meatloaf. No, not that  Meatloaf. (rest in peace) Yes, that meatloaf. Gerald Ford  Ford’s favorite dinner was  pot roast with red cabbage,   followed by his favorite dessert of butter pecan  ice cream. He also enjoyed English Muffins. Jimmy Carter Like LBJ before him,   Carter loves grits and has eaten them nearly  every day of his entire 97 years on this earth.   Carter even had a dog named Grits, born  on the same day he was elected President. Ronald Reagan Reagan famously loved   jelly beans. Specifically, Jelly Bellies, which  he always had a jar of on his desk. In fact,   three and a half tons of red, white, and blue  Jelly Bellies were shipped to Washington, D.C.   for his 1981 inauguration festivities.  At one point during his Presidency,   more than 300,000 jelly beans were bought each  month to be placed all over the White House,   Capitol building, and other federal  buildings. And that’s it. He only   liked jelly beans. Ok he liked other food,  too, but jelly beans got all the attention. George H.W. Bush We know that Bush   Sr. loved pork rinds and, similar to Reagan  increasing the popularity of Jellie Bellies,   Bush helped increase the popularity of pork  rinds. Apparently Bush was MORE vocal, however,   about his LEAST favorite food. Uh yeah, it’s  quite well known that Bush HATED broccoli, once   saying “I am the President of the United States  and I am not going to eat any more broccoli!” Bill Clinton Clinton famously loves cheeseburgers,   or at least he used to. Specifically, he has  been a fan of McDonald’s cheeseburgers and   even went there when he was President. He also  loves their Egg McMuffin breakfast sandwich. George W. Bush Cheeseburgers? How   about cheeseburger pizza? That’d be a favorite of  George Bush Jr. Yep, while in the White House his   favorite request for dinner was a simple  margherita pizza topped with beef, bacon,   tomatoes, cheese, pickles, ketchup, and mustard.  Bush also loves Tex-Mex food, as he should. Barack Obama While Bush Sr. hated broccoli, apparently Obama   LOVES broccoli. But he also loves cheeseburgers,  too. That said, he prefers the more sophisticated,   higher quality burgers over McDonald’s  burgers. And nachos. Obama loves nachos, too. Donald Trump Well let’s keep this   burger trend going. Trump not only loves burgers,  but fast food in general. He digs the Big Mac   and Filet-O-Fish at McDonald’s, in particular.  But no fries. No fries. Here is one of my   favorite pictures of him, by the way. Oh, and  here he is with a wonderful bucket of chicken. Joe Biden Finally, it’s well-known   that our current President loves his ice cream  .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHHLXKVORJI.   But apparently he likes fast food  just as much as his predecessor. So that’s it. That was every President’s favorite  food. And perfect timing because I just finished   my banana. Hey, can I get another banana? CAN  ANYONE PLEASE GET ME ANOTHER BANANA? PLEASE? Do you use Facebook, ok sorry Meta, to log in to  every new website or app just because it’s faster   and easier. Well, have you ever wondered what  could happen if your Facebook account is hacked? Enter NordPass, baby. This video is, in fact,  sponsored by NordPass, and it can protect you   from hackers. It’s the essential cybersecurity  tool that will make your life easier and safer.   And it’s more than a password manager that  stores all your passwords in one place.   It has an autofill feature. It generates complex  secure passwords. 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Also,   which Presidents themed video would you like  me to make next? I've been making more of these   lately because they do pretty well and speaking  of which, the next presidential themed video   will be a livestream with Vlogging Through  History. are going to collaborate to combine   our presidential tier lists and make one  that we both can agree on that will be   on President's Day live so be sure to check that  out. You’re tubular for watching. You really are.
Channel: Mr. Beat
Views: 3,528,633
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Keywords: Every President's Favorite Food, favorite food of Presidents, what did every president eat, us presidents facts, random facts about us presidents, what us presidents ate, Mr. Beat presidents, every us president ranked, every us president ranked worst to best, facts about american presidents, white house food, donald trump favorite food, joe biden favorite food, obama favorite food, george bush favorite food, presidents favorite meals, what american presidents ate, Presidents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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