All The Babies

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[Music] time to load the eb we are headed to the desert we had a little old tail-end of heifers up here after we got done prank testing that need to go down and be exposed to a bull they're open so we're gonna haul them down there's only six of them really a bigger trailer than we need but we're gonna need this trailer down there so all right open that up we're gonna need this trailer down there so we're gonna go ahead and run these cattle down inside this trailer yeah that's the best knot right there for trying to trailer shut watch you take it you take it folded in half rope stick it through there and do that now you could tie it this way just you know tie a knot but the best thing to do is take one tail stick it through there pull it down tight tie that against there nothing nothing is knocking that rope open and it's easy to untie when you're done that's the best kind of knot for tying a gate shut alright let's bring them up I want you to tie this gate shut just like I showed over there now let's not square not they're not that there you go come on heifers hey I love it when a plan comes together so yesterday I worked for Kyle and drove his truck and was down here at that red barn right back over there at that load and shoot loaded a load of cattle it went back to st. John's well in the process of doing that tossed in here told me that he was looking for about six head of cattle that they could use in their cut and pin I told him I had some done on the desert well lo and behold today I load six head in snow flake that our heifers that are open we tested them the other day they aren't pregnant and I was taking them down to just turn them out and anyway as it turns out we are gonna make a deal right here and I think these are work for him so we're gonna unload them right here but I can see that I need to back up a little bit further so I can hit that gate a little bit better don't you think nice and okay I'm gonna do that so stand over there so I don't hit you come on girls come on okay so where are you from Minnesota Wow yeah so like last year maybe okay so these guys train cutting horses breathe raise train cutting horses hang on so tell us in a nutshell what the program is here well we they have a select few mares probably I think we're 210 right now mares that have all won a lot of money and they're bred well and then they cross them on some of the best sires in the business and we pull them out right there and a lot of babies up there was yeah and we we start him right here we train him right here and we how old's this horse this horse is nine he's actually not the ranch's but friend of Mines he's a stud horse he's by smoothly cat and he's under duel that mare I've been showing him all year he's been off for about 45 days cuz we haven't been able to go yeah right so I've just been jogging back and forth here getting them back in shape and so you're from Minnesota did you do this there did you do this in Minnesota roped you wrote team room you guys wrote here at all no I haven't do you miss it yes I do it was a blast probably haven't roped in over a year well you need to come to my house and we wrote no I need to you got anything here you grope on yeah I loved roping and I kind of fell into it because I needed a job so I started loping cotton horses and pretty soon Here I am here you are top dog yeah try and be okay we're gonna get on the other side of your flag that won't match you up Lola okay all right Mason come over here watch your string right here we're gonna go under it I'm gonna get right over here we're gonna watch now he controls this flag you control this flag from that horse right yeah yeah same thing as roping a sled is that is that flag doing a pattern or you stopping it right if you got a problem you can stop and fix it work on it how much of that are you doing nothing they know they know the deal don't they so now like those heifers we just dropped off you'll you'll do with them what this is simulating do you do it with one of them you put them all in here yeah wanting to want back out yeah yeah yeah so how many horses can you stall here there's 220 stall show barns do you guys take outside horses yeah I do you taken right outside horses it's it's a great place to work and now kind of expose them to everything it's starting to warm up here a little bit how hot will it get here in the summer time it'll be about 10 degrees cooler than than the valley yeah we been started this morning we started at 5:00 or 4:30 so what time do you get down Oh try to be done by 2 1 2 3 you know the heat of the day yeah cuz you can't really work so yeah it's a beautiful little place pretty cool yeah that's great that's great we could you guys wanna go over and check out the babies yeah let's go do that let's go do that so you have a lot of horses tied up here what's the program with them they've already been ridden today make them stand tied they don't need to be in their stall for 22 hours they'll get turned out sometimes after I tie them up before we put them away pick them in these round pins what AMRO yeah yeah those are three-year-olds these are younger or older horses five six nine this is another three-year-old here but I try to tie them out all over the ranch I'll tie them up down there I got one down there yeah good form yeah okay so they said they have to twenty stall barns here we're gonna walk through one of them right here and go down to our pickup and then we're gonna go look at some babies so this barn looks like it's fairly empty but it's a nice barn what do you think Mason should we build one of these at the old ranch oh there is no plate yeah this is a pretty cool place isn't it alright let's roll out there and look at some babies hey so we talked about this barn yesterday when we were here it's how old do you think it is early 1900s no madlyn it's all wood I better stays pretty cool in here too even on a hot day the way it's set up put a new roof on a couple years ago painted it up yeah brands up there and this is where all the babies are made so these mares will they foal right here yeah you try to you try to separate them off when they fall yes light them by themselves they'll come in every night and they're under cameras so yeah they'll come in when they start showing signs of being close and never know how gentle are these cults pretty gentle really smart yeah we'll keep them kind of segregated boys girls young old now you guys ever plant this no used to right this seems to me like there used to be some winter weed or something so how many babies have you got down here last year we had 22 yeah in 1812 do you guys try to have everything full out like it within a yeah 30 days 40 days whatever 45 days when will these Mary breed well we've been rebreathing him and her and they're full heat yeah like some of them were born three weeks ago the upper four weeks ago or what and we'll read them right then but a couple of them they're a little trickier yeah now these mares mares that you've competed on and that have done a couple yeah some of them are other people have they hold this one through the open she's 100 and probably hundred and a quarter that mare has right there yeah disco crap that's her the one in the middle with her head up there yeah and kind of the round there yep and then their son showed this one here so they've all proven themselves yeah then what these are yearling yearlings here when will you guys start like at what age will you put a horse under saddle and start trying to do something I start them usually around December these work these will start in December yeah so they're gonna grow quite a bit between now and December once you start working stardom I might put 60 days on them and then kick them out yeah you know and some of them taking a little better I might just keep rotting them but you try not to rat them too much right away yeah you know yeah I don't like to do it much earlier they're a little too young yeah so these horses I mean do they do any of these smarter type horses that are performance type horses do they ever have any kind of buck in them whenever you get to go under to that order they pretty much is that you know what they are pretty much bred out of their caddy yeah if they they might take off and whip around or some yeah but not just a bad now log bury its head there they're pretty good they're pretty smart you know they're for the most part they're all willing yeah I want to help you so that kind of gets out of there Yeah right not just a big ol jug head that's trying to hurt somebody there they're quick yeah well they gotta be for what you're doing with them right yeah we're cool [Music] you [Music]
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 57,483
Rating: 4.9476638 out of 5
Keywords: the rodeo video, reed flake, flake out, rodeo video, cowboy, cattle, cattle farming, ranching, ranching cattle, family, trucker, roping, roping cattle, roping pen, resistol, resistol hats, resistol cowboy hat, wrangler, wrangler jeans, cactus ropes, horse, horse video, riding, horses, blue rooster cattle co, roping steers, boot, arizona
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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