All Sung Jinwoo's Forms In Solo Leveling (S-Rank, Shadow God...)

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out of all hunters in the world of solo leveling s jinwu is by far the strongest one his insane power and abilities leave destruction wherever he goes and even the strongest S-Class Hunters freeze in Terror when facing him but it wasn't always like that so in this video we'll be explaining all of sun Jin Wu's forms in Solo leveling and his Unstoppable transformation from the weakest to the strongest for example at the start of the show s jinu is the weakest Hunter of the e rank which is the weakest rank there is imagine having the worst possible stats in the video game yeah that's him however despite being the weakest he somehow managed to survive being a hunter for 4 years until that fateful day when everything changed you see one day Jin Wu and his team entered what seemed like a normal d rank dungeon however they soon discovered a second hidden dungeon inside this secret dungeon turned out to be way more dangerous than they thought and Jin Wu quickly lost his leg fighting the Monsters Inside considering he was already injured he decided to stay back and buy time for the rest of his team to Escape right as he is about to die to the monsters he gets a message saying that he has completed some kind of secret Quest and that he can choose to become a player being a player means that he will start at level one and then slowly level up and grow stronger from completing quests and killing monsters having nothing to lose s jinu accepts sometime later he wakes up in a hospital with all of his injuries mysteriously healed since he is now one his Mana points are still the same as they were before he became player which is 10 to put it into perspective other e rank Hunters have at the very least 70 Mana points which proves just how far behind Sun jinu really was but this was quickly about to change as from this point on his power will Skyrocket and he'll unlock many different forms eventually reaching his final monster form in the end the player in order to start leveling up he first has to do his daily quest which is pretty pretty much saitama's training routine 100 push-ups 100 sit-ups 100 squats and a 10 km run Jin Wu brushes off the daily Quest since he is still hospitalized and can't be bothered to do any exercises so he just goes to sleep however when the clock strikes midnight he gets transported to a penalty dungeon for not doing his quest in time here he has to survive against giant centipedes for 4 hours which is a lot harder than the training routine this taught him a lesson and he started training every day after that in chapter 12 s jinu is instructed to do his first solo raid where he successfully defeats a few giant wolves and levels up to level two after defeating a bunch more wolves his level eventually reaches five increasing his Mana points to 90 due to the number of wolves he has slain s jinu gets his first job title as the wolf Slayer and officially becomes an average e- rank Hunter B rank Hunter moving on to chapter 17 s jinwoo finally clears the dungeon by defeating the dungeon's boss a giant snake called Blue Phenom faint kasaka upon exiting the dungeon he hears that a group of hunters are struggling to beat a dungeon boss nearby so he goes to help them from a safe distance he throws his Broken Blade at the boss's head and defeats it in one blow with this his level reaches 18 and it's evident that he is now much stronger than any e or d rank in the world after defeating the boss Jin Wu continues to train at home until he gets a call to join a c rank raid but little did he know he was going on a raid with a bunch of lizards who planned on scamming and leaving him to die so they could take all the loot for thems elves eventually they locked Jin Wu in the boss room alone but when they came back they were surprised to see the boss Dead s Jin Wu killed it all by himself defeating the boss increased his level to 21 and immediately after he effortlessly defeated all of the hunters who trapped him although jinu is already many times stronger than he was at the start this is all just the beginning and there are still 10 insane forms left to cover and you'll be surprised by how strong he actually becomes a rank Hunter after accidentally completing a secret Quest jinu obtains a key for an s-rank dungeon and pretty much says screw it let's see how it goes he enters the demon Castle dungeon where he is immediately confronted by hell's gatekeeper Cerberus jinwu struggles at first but manages to defeat the Beast thanks to the status recovery item he had on him this Victory boosted his level all the way to 25 but it also helped him realize that he was still not strong enough to complete this dungeon so he made a promise to himself to return to it once he got strong enough fast forward to chapter 34 s Jin Wu meets with Jin CH from the hunter Association and he instantly understands the difference in their power commenting on how he is currently much weaker than jyn and that's fair since jyn is a top tier a rank realizing he is still not strong enough Jin Wu starts going to more and more raids and by chapter 36 he reaches level 40 upon reaching this Milestone he gets an important notification that he can now go on a quest to acquire a job this Peaks his interest and he accepts the quest going into an instant dungeon there he easily defeats the undead Knights and magicians and obtains some nice loot however the problem was that after he defeated the dungeon boss for some reason his quest was not complete this is when an infinite amount of Undead soldiers start attacking him with more coming each time he kills some jinu was getting overwhelmed but he was thankfully saved by getting sent to the Penalty dungeon since he didn't do his daily training that day this time the penalty dungeon was a piece of cake for him and he killed all of the giant centipedes inside it which gave him 4 hours to recover Upon returning to the dungeon and witnessing that there are even more Undead soldiers now Jin Wu notices that The Magicians in the back seem to be the ones who are summoning all the soldiers so he rushes to kill them first after getting rid of the last magician he notices that the quest has been completed and is excited about what job he will get maybe a Warrior Assassin or maybe even a tank well he gets Necromancer which greatly disappoints him but just as he is about to refuse this job the system tells him that the Necromancer is a hidden class which makes him reconsider after accepting to become a necromancer the system evaluates his stats and upgrades his class to Shadow Monarch which unlocks Shadow extraction a powerful skill that lets him bring back the dead and use them as his own soldiers he immediately uses this skill on the undead soldiers he fought just now but then realizes that he can do much more with it this is when he turned the defeated dungeon boss igis into his first named Soldier by the time jinu leaves this dungeon is level 51 with a few dozen Shadow soldiers on his side having a shadow Army of his own significantly boosted Jin Wu's strength but this was only just the beginning and his army would soon get much much stronger top tier a rank there is no doubt that sun jinu is already an A- rank but in the context of the Shadow Monarch he is still at the beginning anyway soon after this jinu goes with his sister to an average C rank dungeon in order to show her that being a hunter is a very dangerous job and that she shouldn't pursue it however things take a turn when the gate to the dungeon turns out to be a Red Gate red gates seal off their entrance once a group enters so in order to leave the group has to fight through the red Gate's crazy climate and defeat the dungeon's boss and only then will the gate open again while everyone else is scared of getting killed by the Ferocious Ice Bears Jin Wu goes on the offensive and hunts the Bears instead he summons his shadow soldiers to test their strength and is surprised by how powerful they are with igis being even stronger than himself this fight boosted his level to 52 and also let him get more Shadow soldiers from the defeated Ice Bears expanding his army after some time Jin Wu engages in a battle against the dungeon's boss but realizes that even with all of his shadow soldiers it's not going to be an easy battle in order to strengthen his army further Jin Wu kills one of the A- rank Hunters nearby the guy tried to kill Jin Wu before so I guess it's fine and turns him into a shadow soldier named iron with iron's help jinu eventually manages to defeat the dungeon boss upon exiting the dungeon he is greeted by the SR Hunter bake yunho who threatens Jin Wu to answer his questions however jinwu intimidates him and the hunter steps away thinking to himself how Jin Wu is very close to his level this is the first time in the story we get confirmation that jinu is really close to being an S-Class Hunter despite officially still being rated as the weakest E-class you may be thinking that jinu can't really get that much stronger than he currently is but that's completely wrong as there are still eight forms left to cover and he will soon become an absolute monster srank after the Red Gate incident jinu went back to grinding Dungeons and by chapter 56 he was already level 61 with over 1,600 Mana points oh and you remember when jinu went to that s-rank dungeon where he barely defeated the gatekeeper of the castle well now that he's stronger than ever he decides to head back there and attempt to finish the entire dungeon he clears the first 50 floors easily and even defeats the ruler of the lower floors the AAR icious Vulcan there he also finds a recipe for the Holy Water of Life at this point we don't know how much he has leveled since entering the castle but it's evident that he is much stronger than he was when he left the Red Gate even he himself is already aware that he has reached strength levels comparable to an S rank Jin Wu decides not to go further into the dungeon right now and instead considers going to official re-evaluation to see what his rank truly is sadly when he touches the Mana meter which was supposed to calculate his strength it breaks due to his immense Mana capacity so his re-evaluation is scheduled to take place in 3 days with a stronger Mana meter but still news spread and everyone knows that s jinu is about to become Korea's 10th s-rank however before he officially becomes an s-rank he goes into an a rank gate to see for himself what they're like and also see how other Hunters deal with these highlevel dungeons but as usual everything instantly goes wrong it seems like the dungeon was incorrectly measured and it's actually very close to being an s-rank dungeon meaning the hunters present were quickly overpowered by the the first few Orcs that attacked them everyone was taken to the throne room where they met the Orcs leader and saw the full size of his army meanwhile A- rank woo chinu and srank Cha haon went into the dungeon to help the others after finding out that it's actually much more dangerous than it was supposed to be but when they arrived they could just stand and watch as Jin Wu summoned over 100 Shadows to his side and cleared the whole dungeon completely alone this also made cha fall for him by the way anyway after the fight was over Jin Ru turned mini Orcs into his new shadows and even made the boss into another Elite Shadow named Tusk so if we combine all of his shadow soldiers right now he has 123 regular shadows and four Elite Shadows top tier S rank a day passes and the time for jinwu to get officially registered as an s-rank Hunter is finally here he is asked to show off what he can do and while three s-rank Hunters are observing he summons around 20 of his shadow soldiers and also shows off his incredible speed which terrifies bake when they met after the Red Gate incident he was sure that Jin Wu was much weaker than him but now he felt like he was miles behind Jin Wu he thinks to himself that it's almost as if Jin Wu can keep leveling up or something H what a silly Theory having attained his s- rank Jin Wu returns to the demon Castle to get the final ingredient for the Holy Water of Life which is being guarded by a boss 25 floors above him clearing these floors gave him a ton of XP and by the time he reached floor 100 his level was already 93 on the final floor G has to fight against Demon King Baron despite how strong jinu is Baron is really tough and almost kills the hunter however after channeling all of his strength into one final attack he manages to finally overpower and defeat the demon king after this win jinu unlocks a new ability Shadow exchange which lets him swap places with one of his Shadows no matter where it is and also turns the Demon King's Dragon into another elite soldier now that he has everything to craft the Holy Water of Life he rides his new dragon straight to the hos hospital where his mother is and gives her the potion to his surprise the potion actually works and his mother wakes up from her 4year long sleep which is a huge load off his chest being an official s-rank is cool but this is not where Jin Wu's growth stops as there are still six forms even stronger than this one strongest s-rank in Korea at this point Z jimu is the strongest s-rank hunter in Korea and one of the strongest in the whole world we can confirm this by looking at what happened when he fought Japan's strongest srank Hunter Goto ruji jinu only dodged and blocked goto's attacks and just as he was about to punch him for the first time other Hunters jumped in to stop The Spar jinu was congratulated for being able to keep up with Japan's greatest while goto walked away looking well not the best he knew that if that punch hit him he would be dead anyways almost every s-rank Korean Hunter is in Japan at this point to help with the incident of evolving ants on jju island what's weird is that jinwu does not want to participate in the raid because he feels like 16 srank Hunters are more than enough to deal with it it however just in case he hides a few Shadows with the hunter so he can teleport if something bad happens and as usual something bad does happen because soon after the raid began many Hunters quickly got killed with even goto dying jinu realizes that he now has to help his Korean comrades and he quickly teleports to the battlefield since this whole raid was being broadcast worldwide it meant that the entire world was about to recognize jinmu as one of the strongest hunters in the world he immediately showcased his healing skills by healing his s-rank comrades except for for Chaw whose injuries were a lot more serious and needed treatment from a real healer this is when the ant king arrives and the two get into an epic one-on-one battle with jinmu overwhelming the ant king in every field killing the ant king levels jinmu to level 99 with his Mana points nearing 10,000 but he still doesn't know what to do about Cha's injuries if he wants to save her he has only one option and that's to revive one of the srank healers that died during the raid Min as a shadow soldier and have him heal cha he does exactly that but but after Min heals her Jin Ru gets rid of him because it just doesn't feel right to keep him as a shadow soldier everyone goes home to recover while Jin Ru stays behind to get rid of the remaining ants so this doesn't happen again and so in chapter 105 while finishing off the ants he finally levels up to level 100 National level Hunter of course before leaving the island he makes sure to turn the ant king into a shadow and it becomes a general ranked Shadow named baru anyway now that s jinmu has reached level 100 he obtains another key this time for the double dungeon the one where got his abilities at the start of the story but before entering the double dungeon he had a few very important things to do like saving his sister's school from an orc Invasion and flirting with cha of course also there's a rule in Korea that only a group of 10 or more can enter the gates which kind of bothers jinu as he wants to do solo raids this is why Wu jinchu was sent to observe Jin Wu's first official solo raid to see if he is truly capable of clearing an A ranked dungeon by himself even though we already know the answer the raid was over quickly and woo could only describe describe what he saw inside as a massacre so needless to say jinwu was permitted to go on solo hunts from now on with all that out of the way the time has come for jinmu to go against the system itself at level 103 he enters the double Lair dungeon once again inside he meets the architect of the system who wishes to test Jin Wu by putting him in an arena against the same giant statues he fought at the start of the series to make it interesting he also took away all powers jinu earned by being a player like his summons the shop status recoveries and similar so jinu could only use his own strength to win this fight defeating the smaller statues was no big deal but the architect turned out to be even stronger than the unbeatable Jin Wu however Against All Odds he exceeds the architect's expectations and actually defeats him which lets jinu watch the memories of the previous Shadow Monarch his mind is getting the answers to everything that has happened while his body is asleep waiting for the previous Shadow Monarch to take control of his body however that doesn't happen and as ashborne the previous Shadow Monarch decides to instead transfer all of his powers to jinwu making him his Heir jinwu soon wakes up and pins the architect to the ground he also gets the previous Shadow Monarch's heart which makes him the single most powerful human ever like he wasn't already his Mana points increase from just under 10,000 to over 100,000 but the most epic moment in this Arc has to be when jimmu denies the architect access to his own system before killing him okay Jin Wu has pretty much completed the entire game at this point but this is still nowhere close to his actual potential which he will achieve very soon the administrator of the system after killing the architect s jinu becomes the new administrator of the system and now that everything is over he falls unconscious due to fatigue and sleeps for three whole days while he's asleep a new s-rank dungeon opens in Japan he gets there as soon as possible to fix things up and kills the huge giant that was rampaging in the streets of Japan before entering the gate inside side he meets with the monarch of the beginning Leia also known as the king of giants he explains that jinmu may be a monarch now but soon other monarchs and rulers will come to kill him so Leia proposes that the two of them team up Jin Wu doesn't seem that interested in this and instead ask Leia to become one of his shadow soldiers which is just absurd however that's not even possible since Monarch's bodies are different so jinmu just kills him gaining an abundance of XP and leveling up to level 122 monarch level jinmu decides to take a break from all these monarchs and ruler stuff and heads to America to represent Korea at the international Guild conference where the strongest hunters in the world will meet now jinwu is clearly stronger than everyone there but there are still some people who arrogantly believe that they are stronger one of these people is Thomas Andre the current strongest hunter in the world who gets into an argument with Jin Wu Jin Wu is pretty pissed for a few reasons so he pretty much breaks every bone in Thomas's body and forces him to surrender after news broke broke out of Thomas's defeat Jin W was officially recognized by everyone to be the strongest hunter in the world with everyone being aware of his true power other top tier hunters start to look up to jinwu with even Thomas giving him kamisha's wrath a pair of incredibly powerful daggers much stronger than jinu's previous ones before we cover jinu's strongest form in the entire show let's first quickly cover his transformation into the true Shadow Monarch soon another massive gate opens up in Korea and three monarchs appear out of the Gat the Beast Monarch the frost Monarch and the plague Monarch with their goal of course being to kill jinwu when they started wreaking havoc around the city Junu was actually far away on a date with cha so other Hunters had to try and hold back the monarchs but were not very successful at it as things start to feel hopeless for the hunters jinmu is forced to abandon his date and save the day it's funny that instead of running as far as possible people realize that the smartest option is to just stay close to jinwu because he's their only hope jinwu with his army fights the three mon monarchs all at once and manages to kill the monarch of plague just as he is about to defeat another one he was stabbed in the Heart by the Beast Monarch his black heart activates and he starts transforming into a true Shadow Monarch but this takes time so his father who was thought to be dead for over 10 years suddenly jumps in to defend jinu while he transforms the strongest monarch of all time jinu is revived as the new Shadow Monarch and as that happens the system is automatically deleted since its purpose was fulfilled the Beast Monarch teleports far away to escape but jinmu instantly catches up to him and kills him in just four attacks then he comes back to finish off the frost Monarch and have a heartwarming reunion with his father also when he became a full-fledged Shadow Monarch his Shadows became much stronger as well but if that wasn't enough the original Shadow Army was also added to his numbers at this point there's only one final enemy jinu has to face the monarch of Destruction also known as the king of dragons their fight is an epic one and Jin Wu uses the dragon's fearsome Roar which renders most of the Dragon King's troops useless as they continue to fight Jin Wu recalls a badass skill armor creation which creates super strong armor for him while also making him look like the shadow Monarch the fight keeps going until jinu gets help from the rulers they finish off the king of dragons and thank him for ending the war by defeating the monarchs however when they ask if he wants any reward jinu asks them to send him back in time he asks for this because he wants to defeat all monarchs and Monsters by himself this time so none of his loved ones have to die the rulers Grant him this wish and he spends the next 27 years killing all monarchs again eventually succeeding in the process he rids the whole world of dungeons magical powers and beasts and goes on to live a normal life as the strongest monarch of all time
Channel: Yeagerists
Views: 312,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, sung jinwoo, sung jinwoo shadow monarch, sung jinwoo s rank, all s rank hunters explained, sung jinwoo explained, solo leveling explained, solo leveling anime, solo leveling manhwa
Id: XbaAU5vjM1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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