Every AT-Walker Type and Variant in Star Wars Canon (2020)

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[Music] it's been two years since I put out a video covering every canon all-terrain Walker used by the Republic the Empire and the first order since then there have been some additions to the list so it's time for an update the all-terrain tactical enforcer was used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars it was first deployed at the Battle of Geonosis it had six legs and carried six laser cannons and one heavy projectile cannon its legs could be magnetized or even adapted to climb up vertical surfaces and they were considered to be the precursor to the 8080 the all-terrain open transport was similar in design to the ATT II but had eight legs instead of six and its primary function was troop transport as such it was less heavily armed the all-terrain attack pod was a three-legged walker used for long-range artillery the front leg was meant to help stabilize the primary cannon the all-terrain recon transport was a small one-man walker used for reconnaissance despite being much smaller their design inspired the 80 DP and the 80 s T the self-propelled heavy artillery turbo laser was a twelve legged walking tank outfitted with a turbo laser for bringing down larger enemy targets it's technically not an all-terrain Walker but it is in the same family and it does have 8c and its abbreviation so they're the all-terrain defense pod was one of the earliest walkers used by the Galactic Empire they were crewed by one gunner and one pilot and armed with one heavy laser cannon they were a direct predecessor to the ATS T visually the a TDP was very similar to a Legends Walker called the all-terrain advanced Raider because both vehicles were developed from the same concept dart originally done by Joe Johnston for the Empire Strikes Back a prototype version of the a TDP was outfitted with an art cannon the weapon designed by Sabine Rin that could specifically target Mandalorian iron nicknamed the Duchess it was able to annihilate entire armies at a time but it was destroyed and a joint effort led by Sabine and Bo Catan cries the all-terrain defense turret was used for mobile artillery it was slow moving thanks to its very large main cannon they could be briefly seen in solo a Star Wars story being delivered to the ground by Y 4580 haulers that aren't walkers but are still worth a mention since they are at least affiliated with 80 units the all-terrain armored transport was the first walker we ever saw in the big screen it was a four-legged technological terror and was one of the most recognizable symbols of the might of the Galactic Empire standing nearly 23 meters tall it was armed with two heavy laser cannons to medium laser cannons and could carry 40 troops into battle between Episode five Star Wars rebels and Star Wars Jedi fallen order we've actually seen two versions of the 8080 the model seen in rebels and fallen order goes by the same name but it was larger than the ones seen later in the Galactic Civil War also according to Lucasfilm both 8080 and a DAT are correct pronunciations for the vehicle there was also an elite 8080 that had heavier darker armor and more powerful blaster cannons the all-terrain armored cargo transport was also larger than the standard 8080 they were not built for combat and as such they were less heavily armed and armored their primary purpose as the name implies was the transportation of heavy building materials or combat munitions their legs were required to handle far more weight than other walkers so their knee joints were reinforced with an electromagnetic tensor field an ion blast to the field would bring an 80a CT down the all-terrain scout transport was a bipedal Walker used against enemy infantry they were equipped with two laser cannons a concussion missile launcher and a side mounted weapons pod while relatively quick and agile it was lightly armoured and could be knocked off balance the ATS team mark 3 was built with experimental armor that allowed it to be better protected as well as faster and even more agile it was darker in color and carried two heavy laser cannons I don't know that this counts as a new variant but the Mandalorian did show us the a TST Raider a scout Walker that had been captured by Marauders on the planets organ it was covered in war paint and may have had some extra modifications the all-terrain personal transport was manned by a single soldier but carried the firepower of an entire squad they were meant to neutralize especially intense combat zones they originally appeared in Star Wars legends material but they were made Canon by Star Wars commander the all-terrain missile platform was a two-legged mobile missile launcher was more heavily armed than the a TST but far less maneuverable it first appeared in the legends game the Force Unleashed 2 but was also made cannon by Star Wars commander the all-terrain missile platform mark 3 was a more beefed-up version of the standard a TMP where the a TMP and a TST mark 2's are I have no idea moving on to the first order the successors to the galactic empire built updated versions of both the 8080 and the a TST the a TST specifically was built with better armor and improved gyroscopic systems that made it more stable the all-terrain patrol droid could be seen on star killer base used to protect important components of the weapon the all-terrain mobile artillery was another walker briefly seen in the force awakens as part of the factions arsenal the all-terrain mega caliber 6 was the next-generation inspired by the Empire's 8080 design it was much taller carrying a mega caliber 6 turbo laser on its back which meant it brought the power of a Star Destroyer to the ground its front legs also came equipped with cable cutters to remove the threat of being tripped up by something like a snow speeder the all-terrain heavy hauler was used to pull massive weapons across the ground like the siege cannon seen in the last Jedi 31 legs allowed for incredible power even if one of the legs were disabled the Walker was protected by patrolling stormtroopers as well as mounted laser cannons on each corner the urban assault tripod transport was used by the first order for pacifying cities it was the successor to the 80 AP of the Galactic Republic but its third limb could be used as a stable in leg or as an arm that could tear into buildings or grab and detain prisoners the all-terrain heavy scout was created for the last Jedi but its design was not used in the final cut of the film so little is currently known about it a first-order mobile assault Walker was also released as a toy but has yet to appear in any actual story content and that's gonna bring our cannon list of walkers to a close if you like this comprehensive style video here are a few more you might be interested in watching and if you have any suggestions for other lists you'd like to see please leave them in the comments if you haven't already please like this video subscribe to the channel follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook and consider checking out our patreon page as always thanks for watching may the force be with you
Channel: Star Wars Explained
Views: 504,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All Terrain Armored Transport, All Terrain Scout Transport, AT-AT, AT-ST, AT-TE, at-dt, Galactic Empire, Galactic Republic, Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, Imperial Walker, Imperial Walkers, Ships, Star Wars Minute, Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Rebels, AT-DP, AT-PT, Star Wars Explained, at at walker, every at walker, star wars at at, at-at walker, atat walker, at at star wars, all walker, at-m6, first order at-at, first order at-st, first order heavy scout, at-hh
Id: -tVWezHdenQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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