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it is time for part two of this 100% absolutely unique original special exclusive concept of a video that has never been done before in the history of YouTube I think you know the drill check out my pre- time skip ranking if you have yet and subscribe we're starting with the return to Saba OD Arc man how good did it feel when all the straw hats reunited after being a part for so long now in terms of what makes an arc great right World building driving the plot forward character development emotional beats those elements weren't really featured prominently in this Arc but you know what that's okay and that's because this Arc simply has another function namely for the stro heads to Simply Flex a little bit I mean in the one piece world it is a massive event that the crew got back together and we the viewers needed to get that feeling that you know the time skip wasn't wasted that the crew is ready to conquer the new world and I feel like this Arc achieves that purpose Luffy dodging the pacifist as attacks and then simply noing it Soro and Sanji working together and showcasing their hockey even the other members of the crew had some uh upgrades The Arc doesn't do anything spectacular in my opinion but it does what it needs to do so nice deer now the infamous fisherman island arc which is an arc that is Infamous for mostly the wrong reasons I really have a LoveHate relationship with this Arc at its best it expands upon the wonderfully immersive world of Fishman Island it featur some lore reveals such as joyo and Poseidon and it hits real hard with the flashback of shirahoshi's mother but unfortunately those moments are quite shortlived as at its worst The Arc is featuring some very slow paced action and some absolutely atrocious villains I mean let's be real we have this guy Hy Jones who's just a steroid loving freak and is literally the opposite of an intimidating villain like he's supposed to be and is simply an inferior version of arlong like I get that he wanted to continue the legacy of ARL along and and discrimination in his own way but yeah he has a proper motivation but if you had a villain that had the same motivation and was more cunning cooler smarter and more of a threat in every single way then it gets really hard for me to think of this guy as a good villain because in my head I'm timatic comparing the two and then we of course have this goofy EDP imitator that I couldn't stand like yeah some villains are meant to be hated look at do Flamingo for example but what makes him a great villain is that he has proper reasons for becoming the guy he is now am I supposed to sympathize with this guy because he got rejected like look at him of course he's going to get rejected he looks like a hobo combined with a furry or something now the ark did expand upon the yonko system and how they basically protect territories which set up big mom's and Luffy's rivalry and of course jimbe says he's going to join the crew I think I do not like this Arc more than I love it it's not necessarily on foxy level either but I'm going to place it into the not it tier this Arc is honestly solid in other tier lless rankings it gets placed quite low and I think that the reason for that is that the arc is in kind of a rough place as this is the arc before we get dress Rosa zo hake and wano in those arcs the crew has to overcome their biggest challenges yet do Flamingo the warlord and big mom and kaido the yonos in this Arc we get Caesar now don't get me wrong I do not hate Caesar I actually think he's quite a good villain that's funny and has a pretty op devil fruit if you think of about it but in hindsight it's easy to compare the stakes of this Arc with the arcs following this one and thinking that this Arc was mostly set up for those arcs I mean I don't think the arc is bad on its own we got some proper law actions smoker finally had something to do although he still was mostly fod and several important characters were introduced but that's the thing the arc is really at its best when considering how it fits in the overall story this Arc established so many important plot elements that will become relevant later on you know do Flamingo is about to play play a larger role aiji shows up L and Luffy form an lines to overthrow kaido MOS and kimon are introduced etc etc nice deer let's talk about the bad first the pacing that's it now for the good of course at the center of the Ark is everybody's favorite villain doflamingo it's not difficult to understand why he's such a good villain he's cruel yes but the environment that he grew up in made his viewers sympathize with him turning him more into a victim than an actual villain of course his actions are still inexcusable which is why it was very satisfying when Luffy defeated him with his newly attained gear 4 but doflamingo wasn't the only character who got some much needed shiny in this Arc no pretty much all of these straw hats especially Zoro who cut down Pico with his hockey cated swords and Uso with his Godly status and newly unlocked observation hockey all of them got their moments in this Arc but not only already established characters there were a bunch of solid new characters in this Arc as well which we got the entire story of Kiros and Rebecca and although their flashback was repeated way too many times in the anime the story was still very compelling moreover we got the Goodwill Admiral fujitora and of course Sabo is revealed to be alive carrying on Asus Legacy and how can I not talk about L's backstory I swear his backstory could make even the most evil cold-hearted guy out there cry and the beauty of dress Rosa is that its structure is actually pretty simple it takes the quote unquote standard one piece form of there being a threat that rules over an entire Kingdom then Luffy and the Gang each face opponents that belong to that threat and then Luffy beats the main threat and everyone has a banquet dress Rosa uses this formula but UPS the stakes introduces some of the best characters we've ever seen including a great villain expands on the World building and one piece lore honestly if the pacing was better this might have been the best Arc in the series but it either way sits comfortably in the top tier compared compared to some other post times skip arcs I think that zo Pils a little bit in comparison it's by no means bad but that just speaks about the level of quality of some of the arcs surrounding this one we get a couple of important plot elements such as the reveal of Riso being alive the crew finding their first row Pon G and the crew reuniting again without Sanji zunisha itself is honestly very cool in my opinion especially the mystery surrounding it including the voice of all things but overall a pretty decent Arc in my opinion oh okay it is time for one of the most critically acclaimed arcs in one piece hake island is of course mainly centered around one character sonji now while I'm personally still a bigger Zoro fan I cannot deny that sanji's backstory his character development and motivations in this Arc cemented him is one of my favorite Straw Hat members I also like that Brooke played a big role in this Arc he was for sure the MVP I mean this guy literally F big mom broke the picture of mother carel and managed to steal a copy of for RO bliff this Arc also showed why Luffy is a captain worth following his unwillingness to abandon his friend and his unwavering resolve when fighting category which was reflected in his conqueror Hy all of it was amazing and speaking of category I hope we see him in the story again soon because he really was one of the best antagonists in the whole series I don't know many people that do not like this Arc I also see it ranked pretty highly almost Ste lists and I mean it's deserved The Arc features too many Great Moments with actually decent B for once to not be in the goated tiar okay this Arc is short but very and I mean very very sweet as I've mentioned in my previous ster lless video I really enjoy arcs where we get bounties we get a big lore dump and the gears that drive the story forward start turning at a high Pace this is the best Arc in this category we get a better look at how marija actually functions and of course we get the shocking reveal that emu was the ruler of the world all along also The Rock Pirates get name dropped God this Arc is just jam-packed with content honestly I don't care what you guys say it's going into the top tier we have arrived in the land of wano this Arc is controversial to say the least for me it's really a mixed back it features some pretty disappointing elements but some moments are simply one piece at its best first up the main battle was way too long I feel for anime Watchers because they had to watch roof piece for like 4 years I also don't like that some of the straw heads didn't get their much needed shine so and that okay mang spoiler incoming skip ahead like 10 seconds that yam didn't join the strw heads I will never forgive Oda for this but on the flip side there are so many simply incredible moments the main one of course being gear five I understand why you wouldn't rank this Arc high if you don't like gear five cuz it's a major part of the plot but I enjoy gear five a ton I like that both kid and LOL has something to do including Awakening their de fruits and kaido was a very solid villain in my opinion better than big mom this Arc tied up so many plot elements and journeys of characters together it truly felt like the story up until now was coming to an end which is granted part of the reason for why so long now in some arcs like Fishman island or thriller bark for example the bad simply overshadows the good in my opinion in this Arc I truly believe that the highest outshine the lows by Miles yes it has its flaws but those flaws aren't enough to draw away my overall great enjoyment of this Arc okay if you are an anime only Watcher you can skip to this point in the video to see the full tier list and hear my final thoughts if you are a manga reader or you simply don't care then stick with me through this Last Arc Egghead Island Egghead island is speak fiction okay I honestly don't think that I've waited for each chapter every single week so eagerly that is because first off the island we're on right now it's too fascinating this island even feels unique in the one piece world with all its technology and of course especially in the latest chapters the stakes have been insane the Marines have never felt this threatening before and with Saturn's recent arrival in the manga I'm sure that shit's going to get real wild listen the ark isn't even done yet I mean the Blackbeard Pirates have yet to arrive but this Ark is already in the top tier and there you have it every one piece Arc I have ranked now we wait for like 10 years to cover all of the arcs that are still left now but either way I hope you enjoyed and if you did subscri subcribe let me know in the comments what your favorite and least favorite arum one piece is and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Heavenly Animanga
Views: 37,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, tier list, one piece arc ranking, heavenly animanga, simple d fitness, one piece timeskip, luffy
Id: DujMG8C-Jyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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