Ranking EVERY One Piece Arc (Tier List)

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wano recently wrapped up its main story and okay that took a lot longer than expected and so in celebration I thought it could be fun to rank every single one piece Arc in a tier list a good idea is a good idea forever that's right the guy that turned into a meme for saying that every Arc was the best is gonna try and rank this incredible collection of arcs but first a small disclaimer I'm not a super fan of this series I enjoyed the story and these rankings are based off of my own individual experiences which given that I watched very little of the anime and experienced it through producing weekly reviews it makes my experience with this series somewhat unique I'd say you may agree you may disagree you may find my ratings rage inducing but look we're all friends here we all love one piece and the detail with one piece is most animes a tier anyway so with that disclosed let's jump into the list [Music] romance Dawn online with The Last Dragon Ball video This One Piece One presents a unique challenge how do I rank story beats that build off of each other the early arcs of One Piece are largely set up and astronomically more straightforward and simple than what comes later on in the series and yet without these valuable short arcs the cataclysmic moments that occur later in the series lose a lot of their value this is the reason why I'm ranking these based off of my enjoyment when I first read them rather than how they make me feel today in retrospect well at least for the most part Roman Stone has a very strong opening chapter that achieves a tremendous amount in its short seven chapter run establishing cornerstones and plot lines that to this day have yet to be delivered upon from which the entire story has spawned it's simple but even when I was reading it way back when I could still appreciate the characterization and setup not to mention it pulls off some really strong payoffs like Luffy learning the difference between being courageous and looking straight up for a fight and of course Luffy allowing his actions to speak for themselves to win over Zoro when he was tied up this stuff is a massively underappreciated I think people might say that you can start reading at the parade or arlong Park arcs but to me that misses the point of one piece and moreover cuts the soul out of this amazing series I really enjoyed romance Dawn when I was reading through it the subtle hints the sort of emotional writing Oda would become known for really cemented as an a-tier candidate for me next up it's Nami and buggy the clown in the orange Town arc when I first thought about writing this video my initial thought was that I would be having difficulty ranking the early East blue material but to tell you the truth I love these arcs and orange town is no exception acting as the first on what chunky Arc to contend with a villain for a prolonged stretch of time or his town manages to achieve a lot more than many might realize outside of the obvious establishing characters like Nami and buggy that both become Mainstays in this Pisces Adventure without this Arc fan favorite stories like the variety and arlang park would be nearly as good as they end up becoming we care about these arcs and the moments that Spawn from them partially because Oda is so considerate and meticulous with how he constructs and paces his stories leveraging the time the early arcs offer him to make something spectacular and even if we stop looking at what orange Town offers the later arcs it's still incredibly fun bogey is hilarious and his fight with Luffy is surprisingly memorable furthermore it's the arc that made me cry for the very first time that little dog trying to protect his treasure to this day drifts into my memories with all of that said for me orange town is again an easy a-tier entry on this list next up syrup Village Arc this Arc is very solid introducing us to the character of usop and offering us up a nice chance to see a more Sinister villain along with a team a moment at the end it's very good but it's not my favorite part of the East blue material and that's honestly because I personally didn't find it as easy an arc to cover compared to the rest of the arcs in this Saga while it does act as usaf's introduction as well as establishing all of his idiosyncrasies and moral code it does so through an arc that drags on a tad too long unlike Zorro and Nami who have their origin largely drip fed over the next few arcs and sagas usop gets explored a lot more in this making it feel much more like a conventional or should I say cliche Arc and it's not really helped by Captain Kuro I like his reveal I like the surprise he's involved in but he's not nearly as fun to watch when compared to Buggy and this Arc is much longer than that with all that said while more conventional than other parts of the Saga in execution it succeeds in pretty much everything he sets out to achieve looking back I like this Arc fine it's by no means something that should be skipped either I think I'll slot this one in tier B yeah that sounds about right [Music] well it's time for some grub now as we try to rank the Marathi a Arc this boat looks like a fish and let me tell you something fishy is certainly afoot specifically sanji's feet because he does the kicking stuff okay yeah whatever hilarious jokes aside when I started reading one piece I was told to read up to the variety for the first video and I'm really happy that I did out of the arcs covered in the first review video I made Link in the corner it's easily the best and I'm not just saying that for the memes in addition to this Arc establishing Sanji perfectly and delivering the best final battle the series had seen so far this Arc also builds the world of one piece in ways more significant than anything that came before it establishing a trend in delivering story beats that not only keep us at the edge of our seats with nami peasing under the end dragging us into Ireland Park but also gives us our first taste of just how massive and imposing The Wider world of One Piece truly is with mihawk's introduction re-contextualizing the initial chapters of the one piece's story itself and setting expectations that this story absolutely knocks out of the park in breathtaking fashion later on down the line packaged all within a simple story that absolutely doesn't outstay its welcome it also has one of the most badass lines that to this day I still think about [Music] I'm not gonna lie I really want to give this an s-tier ranking I love it so much most probably won't rate it so highly but this is the arc that hooked me to one piece I love this Arc but do I like it more than what comes next no no I don't because what's next is arlong Park this is where I introduce you all to the hidden tier on this list because Arline Park is God's tier if broughtier was the arc that hooked me then arlang Park was the arc that convinced me that this little heisis Adventure was something genuinely special there are a few moments from my time reading manga where our story has delivered so perfectly in a way I as a reader never saw coming what had been a kid-friendly story with Luffy and his Pal's journey across the East blue suddenly and without warning becomes a much more mature story of trust betrayal and the single best friendship moment I'd ever seen committed to the pages of any manga up until that point the entire Narrative of the Ark had been built around that one moment and you definitely know the one and it's delivery of that narrative beat squeezed every last tier from my face in ways that to this day I still feel a little bit comfortable talking about it benefits from all the build up over the last few arcs and on top of that bonds us to these characters in ways that both make sense in the moment and surprise me completely with how Oda approached it our Long Park is god tier end of story enough said moving on to low Town log town is a weird one it's a brilliant Arc that without us knowing sets up so much for later on in the story highlighting oda's writing chops and I think that out of every Arc in the East blue material it was the one that made the least emotional or intellectual impact on me personally in hindsight it's amazing offering up questions the answers of which we won't know for a damn long time all wrapped in a short tail that is filled with more symbolism than actual story and that's not necessarily a bad thing but you see that's the thing in the moment it's somewhat exciting but it's fleeting and with the grand line immediately after this I was eager to press onward past it which was probably exactly what Oda wanted me to do Lord knows what happened later in the story surprised me following this so I'm sort of up to two minds about this on one hand I could view it through the lens of me reading it for the very first time I liked the story this had which presented some conflict and was ultimately a stop off before something bigger or on the other hand I could rate it based on what it achieved in the story in hindsight one's a b tier and the other is a for me oh okay I think I'm gonna have to go a it's very good a tier for loc town and now we press onward to the Grand line [Music] God this is gonna be a long video the reverse Mountain Arc much the same way the East blue Saga was structured the alabaster Saga is composed of effectively four stepping stone arcs each more story driven than the last before climaxing in the finale of The Saga in spectacular fashion however I'd argue that while this has a stronger finish than the East blue Saga does in some respects it starts out in a comparatively less enjoyable fashion in my opinion notice also how I said less enjoyable not bad it's still super enjoyable with reverse Mountain pulling off a satisfactory introduction to the Grand line complete with appropriate levels of mystery suspense and action there is something of a story contained in this act however but feels much more like a First Act compared to other opening arcs in this series it's filled with secrets and hints towards the future and the moon story is always a sweet and tragic one however I need to make a decision and while there's plenty in this that I like I think I'd personally give it a b whiskey Peak Arc I'd argue this one is worse again not bad please don't kill me I have a family I just like it less than the others put your pitchforks down of all the arcs that make up the alabaster Saga this one I found to be the weakest when I was reading it in 2020. with Luffy taking the word of a random stranger over his ally Zorro effectively choosing to try and kill him based entirely on a single stranger's statement against Zorro's character was in my opinion a rare example of odor writing Luffy out of character and the worst part is that this very Choice Is Fundamental to the continuation of this Arc and therefore the greater story outside of this the story itself is fine in the characters on display are cool getting the chance to learn about and spend more time with Vivi but I think out of all the arcs so far for me this has to be the weakest it does have this incredibly intimidating scene with Nico Robin that to this day is still stuck in my head but I don't think that's enough to save this Arc from becoming the lowest ranked thus far C tier thankfully however the back end of this Saga is much stronger than its opening foreign thank you so much to athletic greens for sponsoring today's video they were kind enough to send across their wonderful comprehensive all-in-one greens powder called ag1 by athletic greens I've already run a marathon this year and I have one more to come so joining up with athletic greens made perfect sense and I'm glad to be able to work with them once again their ag1 powder has made keeping up with nutrition really easy there's no need to manage all these different Health tablets when this stuff has and bear with me here there's a lot 75 vitamins minerals Whole Foods Source superfoods probiotics and adaptogens all within one single easy to make daily serving you just mix one scoop with water and your favorite smoothie or juice shake it up and you're good to go it's got a fairly earthy taste with a sweet Edge the intensity of which is really easy to control based on how much liquid you add and what type which is being great for someone like me who is usually horrified by green looking stuff it really is a simple all-in-one option and has helped me feel a great Boost energy throughout the day especially off the back of workout sessions where quick recovery is a blessing if this sounds healing then you'll be happy to hear athletic greens have been kind enough to offer you guys a whole year supply of vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase so if that sounds good be sure to click the link in the description now again there's a year's supply of vitamin D3 K2 and 5 travel packs for free with your first purchase ag1 provides your body with everything it needs for Optimal Performance every single day this is a game changer for supporting your immune system and I can't recommend it enough it is really great now [Music] little garden little garden is a delight and really captured my imagination in a big way one piece on its face is already a story that feels like it was tailor-made for me what with every island effectively acting as a new mystery for me to uncover the secrets within and let me tell you with little garden Auto leverages that two wonderful effect the jungle environments are brilliant the story of the two giants fighting was both humorous if not somewhat sad and the fight with Mr three and his wax wax fruit abilities created some of the most memorable moments out of any fight for me to this day zoro's striking that cool guy pose in case he can't get out gets me good and Sanji side quest answering the phone to folks way higher up on the totem pole is the cherry on top every choice feels true to the characters and overall it's just a really fun Arc to revisit it's an easy a tier entry for me drum Island earlier in the video I mentioned that I had largely not viewed the anime safe for perhaps one or two moments where I needed to take a look either because the animation was so good or because my perspective seemed to be so disconnected from The Wider public this was the latter drum island is wonderful touching and moreover offers a wonderful introduction to the character of Chopper that to this day captures the hearts of millions but strangely it didn't have that effect on me as stories go this is brilliant with a Salient and touching message in keeping with the ethics and morals of the series in general the polar environment offers a nice contrast to the tropical island hopping and again offers plenty of moments for me to latch onto as a viewer to many this is easily an S tier story and maybe even god tier but honestly for me it's an a at best where others would choke up upon hearing Dr hiterduk's dying words reach Chopper it was for me that very character that I had a near impossible task of learning to love while I can't see and appreciate that he has some endearing qualities in the manga he's depicted as much more nefarious and dare I say selfish forcing himself into the homes of innocent people terrifying them and ultimately either doing them more harm than help at best and I understand that the message is you need to love what you do and then pursue it earnestly and that he really wanted to help these people but if what you're doing is having the exact opposite effect on these people and traumatizes these little children then maybe stop doing what you're doing huh hidden Oak's situation is presented as this oppressive misunderstanding and there is truth in that but hiriduk honestly came across as utterly insane to me in the manga whereas in the anime he's much more likable by comparison I admire his passion and the closing words of his speech are perfect for a character like Chopper who thankfully isn't a terrible doctor like this guy was despite this however the story has some breathtaking moments like Luffy protecting hiriduk's flag from what was unfortunately the most annoying and uninteresting villain I had seen so far in the series but the more I think about it the more I want to put this in the beat here it's got some really high Highs but the lows for me are rather pronounced too I think I'll be charitable and put this in the a tier foreign piece comfortably sits atop the god tier much the same way arlong Park offered a ton of catharsis and payoff to everything that was set up in East blue Alabaster so too benefits from this same narrative Advantage delivering payoff after payoff emotional gut punch after emotional gut punch not the least of which to this day remains as iconic a manga panel as any other in history but even outside of that the scale of this Arc feels immense and like a really natural progression with villains desert the crew and indeed Luffy himself he loses badly in this Arc but manages to come back from adversity showing his Innovative mind commitment to his team and the real grit and tenacity that a leader like him needs the small story of the old man in the desert with Luffy really speaks to who he is as a character furthermore this also gives everyone in the cast plenty to do given that Luffy is effectively sidelined for a decent chunk of the runtime The Arc is action-packed touching and filled to the brim with tremendous World building also Mr two eat I say more Alabaster is an easy god tier entry it's stupidly great even to this day the giant Arc these next two arcs I got the sense while I was reading and reviewing them weren't exactly favorites amongst the one piece Community however Jaya and skypier felt like they were made for me however I will say that Jaya feels less like an arc and more like a short setup or First Act there's not much of a story although it is utterly gorgeous in how the island is depicted in the manga with the story of knowing the liar acting as the framework and lens through which we understand the story moving ahead into the comparatively much longer and detailed skypier Arc as introductions go this has a lot of mystery and suspense with plenty of World building and character much of which I still think about to this day I really enjoyed it while I was reading it too I think I'll give this one [Music] this was such a cool idea for a story for Moda taking clear inspiration from stories and historical events that have interested me throughout my life whether you think of it as some Fantastical or fairy tale-like approach with this mystery land in the clouds or whether you think of it as a rip roaring adventure of Discovery like the Voyages into America all those centuries ago this Arc also delivers in Spades with one of the most memorable and humorous villains in the series Eminem I've heard a lot of people complain about how this Arc is slow however when it came to my experience with the manga while it was longer than the other arcs that came before it by no means felt belabored or slow maybe the anime has a lot of filler in this section I don't know the revelations and closure we get from this Arc through either the map being completed the mystery being uncovered or even Robin's little side quest further hinting to an underlying story that only the eagle-eyed and attentive will fully appreciate the only question is whether I should put it in s tier or god tier ironically containing the Rap God himself I think I'd still prefer to keep God tears somewhat exclusive fit only for the best of the best I love Skype yes so let's say it rests comfortably at the top of s tier right now long ring long land Arc this one surprised me not by how good or bad it was but by how many people online either thought it was a filler Arc or absolutely hated it and again that wasn't my experience long ring long land is a fun and cute Arc with a challenge and some fun moments for characterization mostly silly but there are some serious moments towards the end too there's not really much to be angry about or much to even comment on I have no idea why people give King wapple a pass for how annoying and terrible of a character he is but give foxy all of his criticism long ring long land is a perfectly fine B tier Arc totally inoffensive come on [Music] Water Seven Ark all right people get angry at me over this routinely but again I'll say it for now I'm a much bigger fan of story than action and despite any zlabby being everyone's favorite part of these two arcs water 7 was and remains to be this day the one I found to be the most enjoyable first of all the World building in this part of the story is next level and honestly the strongest in the series up until now the way the city itself is conceived of and plays into the narrative in fundamental ways through the C train was genius and on top of that weaved into the fabric of the very Arc itself are a Litany of colorful and Sinister characters veiled behind the mystery that steals away Robin from her allies thus setting up the battles of any zlabi perfectly and despite my saying that water 7 was more story focused than action-focused it plays host my favorite fight in the series Luffy versus USA less a battle of Brawn and strategy and more so one of emotions and morals this fight pushes both of these fan favorite characters to their emotional and physical breaking points respectively and it's incredible the dialogue surrounding that aspect of the story might also be the strongest and most natural of its kind in the series too there are other points in the story that hooked me greatly but this is up there as a contender for my top three easily furthermore words cannot describe just how much I adored this overarching story concerning the going Mary's ultimate end it's so well conceived of and thought through this Arc just about has everything I could ask for in a story it has just the right amount of mystery and character in pretty much every way I can think of we get to meet Frankie for the first time and that ending with Sanji being the one waiting at the C train for Robin was the perfect hook to drag me into the fabled Annie's Lobby section s tier doesn't do this one Justice for me this is easily god tier I loved quarter seven Annie's Lobby Arc it's okay oh this Arc is so damn good too though talk about an arc Head To Toe with suspense and drama if water 7 was the act one and two of the story that anys Lobby is the climaxing finale naturally due to it dealing primarily with a considerable amount of payoff there isn't a lot of wiggle room here for newly introduced Concepts or story beats however that also helps this Arc remain focused and I would argue that's the strength it possesses with the primary goal being that of rescuing Rob and everything else the Gang has been dealing with suddenly becomes secondary leading to this tremendous section on the C train as well as their eventual infiltration into enes Lobby against one of the scummiest characters in the entire series cp9 gets some great shine in this also with all of them becoming these strange devil fruit users the giraffe one is my favorite however the Highlight for me has to be Luchi versus Luffy and of course Robin's Declaration of what she truly wants in life to live it's an exciting turbulent and satisfying ending to an incredible section of this manga with the going Mary receiving her swan song amidst her final rest Rescue of the crew that she granted safe passage across the grand line while I can say I enjoyed it more than water 7 it still is a comfortable s tier candidate post any Lobby Arc the post and his Lobby material is extremely difficult to rank on this list in any sort of meaningful capacity even if you account for my own subjectivity in my opinion there's too much that happens in this section for it to be considered uneventful and far too little Story meets the beginning and ending in this section to be considered substantive I think the best way to look at this Arc is as an epilogue wherein we get the conclusion to usop's conflict with the crew in Luffy that might be also my favorite part and a strong focus on new material like Luffy's family situation with dragon and his grandpa GARP there's also this crazy encounter between Ace and Blackbeard to round out the drama of the occasion also it's certainly a memorable section and one that offers a character appropriate conclusion to some of the lingering storylines concerning the crew their ship and of course as I mentioned usopp's relationship with them all the while expanding the scope of the series by offering answers and adding new questions to the back of her Collective minds I think all in all somewhere around a tier is okay for this one Thriller bark I don't love Thriller park and if you've seen my review you'll know why although I think it has some of the coolest ideas for an environment in the series what was it effectively being a Giant floating Ghost Ship the size of an island there are also some great comedic exchanges in this with a large part of the humor only being possible in this very area with that said I wasn't massively entertained by the villain of this Arc at all and I found that in Parts particularly towards the end the pacing suffered quite a lot in the action sequences with that said I will say that it does have its stronger moments too the nothing happened moment with Zorro is again one of those moments from the series that enjoys a well-deserved iconic status but with that said overall Thriller Park just didn't Thrill Me many might disagree with this but I'd give it a c personally [Music] and so Begins the greatest stretch of one piece in my opinion kicking things off in superb fashion through shibaudi archipelago what a way to kick off this story I mean come on as mentioned prior I try to keep it in perspective what the goal of each of these respective arcs is when I make my final subjective ranking at the end and while I was reading this I was relaxed intrigued and attentive until boom suddenly everything goes to hell and my brain starts scrambling trying to make sense of what just took place they all lost they all died what what now the mystery the despair the chaos this Arc leaves us with is nothing short of remarkable creating for this upcoming story perhaps the best set up the franchises ever managed easy S2 Amazon Lily Arc Amazon Lily managed to achieve something I had specifically been waiting for this series to focus on since I started reading while there were moments here and there that highlighted the strengths and utility of the crew for sure the very purpose of this Arc is to point out and draw attention to how limited and in need of his team Luffy truly is right off the back of everything that happened in water 7 in his lobby with the likes of Luchi Luffy someone that had clearly been singled out as the leader we're reminded in this Arc is still just one of many just one part of what makes his crew so effective Together made evident by his sheer inability to look after himself and find his way around the jungle of Amazon Lily furthermore the battle with the snake ladies was brilliant and highlighted the intangible faction that makes Luffy the person worthy of leading the straw hat pirates in the first place it's all so brilliantly handled focusing our attention specifically on what Luffy lost and now he has to go and save his brother from being executed uh okay I think if this and this about the archipelago abide into one Arc together I would consider them God tier but alas they are separate and so s tier shall be the verdict for both s tier for Amazon Lily loved this Arc [Music] impel down Arc this is a crazy suspenseful Arc has the funniest set of panels in the one piece story I believe and above all else bills the mystery and suspense around the world even more all within the confines of the deep and dark impel down prison system no more are the open and Lush jungles of Amazon Lily coding our Pages we are instead trapped within a dark and gritty place now within which Luffy uncovers the hidden tortures cultures and circumstances of the prisoners that lurk in the depths of this prison it's such a fascinating choice for an arc and one that demonstrates Luffy's strengths as a main character yet again proving his real power is his ability to get people to cooperate with him to believe in him this is another easy s tier entry for me Marine [Music] fighting for me the best part of one piece is its World building the frenetic and chaotic energy that helps to populate the world with life culture civilians Pirates politics and Navy personnel this sense of generational power and reputation that exists in one piece even outside of the mystery surrounding Goldie Roger is enough to enthrall me in this epic conclusion to this trend setting Arc that raises the bar that one piece had itself previously said I think the helpful thing about concluding my decision or placement pertaining to this Arc itself is that I don't really need to justify it this Arc is so spectacular in grinding scope and yet manages to deliver a very focused in human story surrounding Luffy and his brother as well as the passing of the Taurus to the Next Generation and surprisingly I managed to read this moment completely unspoiled as Oda intended and boy did I feel that page turn there's no question that Marine Ford is god tier you know it I know it it's not the most controversial take in this video let me tell you foreign [Music] if you thought the post and these Lobby stuff was great this takes everything that epilogue offered up multiplies its Effectiveness by 10 and creates a cliffhanger so brutal I needed to start reading what followed right away despite it being the time that I was supposed to take a break for a number of weeks getting to see some backstory for Luffy was both tragic and engaging and watching on as he struggles to find the will to go on following the harrowing events of marineford are difficult to sit and read through even knowing where their story continues on to there's not really much else I can say about this Arc that you all don't already know and that I haven't already gushed about in another video Simply put this is a god tier entry God tears kind of getting crowded might have to invent a new tier soon next up return to shaboudi all right guys we're finally on the home stretch only uh eight more to go God one piece is so damn long the return is about he hinges largely on the reintroduction of the straw head Pirates after their two year long training stint I think if I condensed all of my feelings about this Arc into a single word that word would be surprising and not for the reasons you might be suspecting if reviewing this taught me anything about the review process or how I should or should not approach a critique is that I need to account for the context within which my viewers or fans of the material might have experienced that material compared to me I stressed this a number of times in my review series but I'll never be able to grow up with one piece the same way that you all did watching it today I'll never be able to share that experience and have that same nostalgic flavor to the series that I'm sure a number of you routinely enjoy how we digest media when we digest media the mood with which we digest media in and the context within which we read or watch it helps to create a specific experience for us as fans of the story this is why I say that my experience with one piece is more than likely totally different to 99 of the people out there watching as I experienced it in the context of sharing it with an online audience it completely changes things however when a story can bridge that divide if just for a moment I think it's worth pointing out and despite my only taking a week off from this series while I was reviewing it the strange feeling of nostalgia I felt while reuniting with the straw hats was something I never expected and won't soon forget either I had only known them for a few months at that point and for whatever reason in this moment it felt like I had known them my entire life the ark is largely reintroductioned and set up but I really enjoyed it nevertheless I'll give this one was man island arc Fishman island is one of those arcsa Series has that a large portion of its fan base doesn't seem to resonate with or enjoy that much personally I found it to be way better than Thriller Park and quite entertaining from start to finish give or take a few instances where I felt like it might have dragged to here and there in terms of World building and placement in the universe of One Piece Fishman island is up there with some of my favorite locations in the series it's such a wonderfully creative idea for a civilization ripe with Secrets new challenges unique to Dela fruit users coupled with a fight that has a lot of social commentary within the world of one piece that becomes relevant in later arcs like the reverie it's got tons of exciting fights insightful flashbacks and so so much more I think I'd like this one a lot more than most that's why I'm giving it an a tier ranking on this list [Music] Punk Hazard Arc this is where I think I'm gonna make some enemies I said it in the video review for Punk Hazard a while back and I'll say it again this Arc just did not click with me when I read it and I swear I don't have anything against Snow Islands I just happened not to resonate that much with the two snow islands that there were in this series there are of course aspects to the story that I enjoyed much is the case with every story arc in one piece the Mysteries associated with the narrative are some of my favorite Bits And if the World building of that story could help to facilitate that mystery and Intrigue then all the better the First Act of this Arc I personally found to be the most interesting and enjoyable learning of the history of punk Hazard as well as the Battle of snow and fire that took place there was awesome and some of the sequences inside the lab facility were cool too Momo to name but a few it's an arc that has a lot of components of what make a great one piece Arc work but whether it was my disinterest in the goal of the story or if it was perhaps bogged down in setups for later arcs down the line what with dressrosa being directly connected to it and right around the corner as well as the early setup for the big reveal Trader eduano with this being of course the introduction of the Samurai also I just felt like I was waiting more than anything for Punk Hazard To End while I was reading it and that's a shame it does a great job of establishing stuff for later but the things that are local to this Arc by itself that I liked became fewer and farther between as the arc went down I think this one is a seat here for me dressrosa Arc dressrosa is oddly enough another one of those arcs I hear people complain about online but I really had a lot of fun with this one from the side quests with the dwarves to the tournament Luffy takes part in towards the beginning to the core story of this land featuring doflamingo's Corruption of this land's royalty and that's not even to make mention of the surprise return of Sabo nabbing for himself the objectively coolest devil fruit in the one piece Universe the flame flame fruit foreign they made me not hate Fantastic Four in 2005. dressrosa does have its downsides however the sheer number of times Daffy is thought to have been bested only for him to come back again and again and again became very annoying very fast however between the flame flame fruit Sabo the new scary Navy guy and the giant bird cage set piece in the finale also God usop did I say more I think dressrosa for me is an Easy A [Music] so Arc Zoe is a really really interesting and cool idea and I'll tell you from the outset that is on the border between god tier and S tier for me this is a brilliant Arc that achieves so much in such a short span of time and talk about an interesting Island idea I thought Thriller back was creative this is next level in every sense of the word big elephant has big animals on body that do big fight under big moon again this is Oda just flexing his creative muscles to the absolute Max in ways that expand the world's scope considerably and those are always the elements from an arc I love the most whether it be skypius Sky civilization water 7's water Metropolis or indeed the dense jungles of those Hidden Treasures the child in me that awakens always has fun in these scenarios and that's also ignoring that there's a really sweet story told in this one too I think because I'm unsure which tier this should go in I'll put it in Esther to be safe God to your picks need to be solid picks from the start [Music] [Applause] [Music] whole cake island arc whole cake island is a whole lot of story a whole lot of fighting a whole lot of plotting and a whole lot of characters and jokes aside has the best Sanji focused story since the baratier which at this point in the video feels like literally years since I've last spoken about it here's a fun fact halfway through this video I discovered I had coveted so if my voice has sounded hoarse at any point in this video and suddenly sounded better that's why but I digress regarding whole cake I think my favorite aspect of it is the VIN smoke family and sanji's relationship with them through this we learned the source of all of his insecurities and walls that he puts up to others we get pretty much the exact opposite interaction Luffy had with usop in water 7 but in all the best ways and Luffy slaps the heck out of him at the end the entire section with sanji's heartbreak and then making a Resurgence is in and of itself 10 out of 10 material then we have of action and Luffy's fight with katakuri is on another level the likes of which has more depth than most single mangas have in their entire run so it's an easy god tier entry right well it would be if not for the fact that I just found the paneling in this section to be extremely difficult to get through at times to say the least unlike series like Dragon Ball or chainsaw man one piece Cannon often does find itself quite wordy and busy on each individual page and that can be fine for some people it's just not my preference I'd prefer to read a book than have to try and figure out a complicated series of small panels any day and for that reason alone I'm giving this Arc an S tier the Reverend and so now we have made it to the reverie and the big just got to say that again this much like all the other Segway arcs in the series left me with so many questions the likes of which I couldn't even begin to make sense of naturally I have questions concerning the big chair but there's also this weird pointy guy with a weird eye and this this giant Frosty straw hat like what what a significance of that I ask you does anyone have any idea because I don't I'm gonna give this one an S tier for how much it screw with my mind and how cool it was getting to see everyone from Vivi all the way to the mermaid princess and finally juano country Arc finally we are back at wano and those of you that paid attention to my reviews in 2020 will remember that I said that wanna was my favorite Arc so far but has my statement changed since then when will I finish my review series on this Arc will it be soon wouldn't you like to know well wano is clearly an arc that Oda cares deeply about it has a rich sense of identity tons happens in the story and the battles twists turns and developments that occur within this Breezy 144 chapter short Arc are eye-catching to say the least fun fact the Raider nonagushima which I didn't cover in my review series because I thought it was going to be over soon has on its own 77 chapters that's longer than most manga ever get the chance to be not even arcs it's longer than most manga that are ever made get to be and because I haven't given my opinion on what turned out to be essentially the second half of one or proper my ranking in this video will be based on my impression of The Arc in 2020 so as not to spoil the review when I do make it shortly so as of right now wano is God too and that does it for this video we will be taking a short break from uploading next week and following that will be a once off special review of death note I love that series and I can't wait to share that video with you all a ton of work went into it and after that who knows perhaps the one review is coming sooner than you think until then I've been totally not Mark and thank you all so much for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: Totally Not Mark
Views: 752,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I9s3Zy6C7uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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