PHOTOS for Proof of Relationship - SPOUSE PR CANADA

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hey welcome back to the disturbingly ambiguous world of spousal sponsorship for canada you know this process of sponsorship for canada is almost like peeling an onion you peel one layer you get a bunch of forms you fill them out and then as you keep peeling more and more layers you still keep getting more and more forms and you know what else is common between these two you always end up in tears cry no more because weeping photos make for unconvincing proof of relationship which is exactly what we are going to look in this video photos to prove your relationship we look at the right photos to select how to label them how to provide context or description whether to combine them or upload individually how to compress them to the right size and then finally how to get your permanent resident photo your personal photo which you need to get from your photographer and then scan it to digitally upload to the online portal my name is i live in toronto and i make youtube videos in my spare time which ironically these days leaves me very little time to spare but i always find time for a horrible punchline let's peel the onion all right so the instructions for photos can be found under section 7 of this document checklist 5533 i'm going to link it in the description below on how to download this document by this time you should be familiar with this document you have to submit it along with your application packet all right so for the purpose of this video let's get to page eight section seven proof of relationship to sponsor all right so if you keep scrolling down all the way until you get to section 7e this is where you'll have instructions on photos of your wedding customary celebrations engagement outings it talks about the number of photos you can provide and what context to provide for those photos all right i covered this section on which photos to select for your marriage or customary celebrations along with all the other proof of relationship documents you must provide so financial transactions joint address proof government issued ids past cohabitation merit certificate all that i cover in my proof of relationship video which should be showing up on the cards here also linked in the description below so go check that video out if you're looking to get the documents on proof of relationship all right so now that you've procured your photos let's look at how to prepare them for the upload to the online portal all right so the first step is to log into your permanent resident online application by this time you should be familiar with this new portal if you still aren't then there's a video that should be showing up on the cards here it's linked in the description below go check it out i explain everything about what this new portal is and how to use that all right so once you log into your application just scroll down you'll see a bunch of forms and if you keep scrolling down you'll see the instructions for document labeling we'll get to labeling in a second but let's first look at digital photos the accepted file types are pdf jpg jpeg png doc and docx so pdf is obviously adobe reader and doc and docx are microsoft word so we are going to look at how to prepare these photos next all right and then how to compress them so that the quality doesn't get distorted and the file size is still less than four megabytes so that we are allowed to upload them here all right all that coming up okay so let me give you an example so if i show you a photo from my wedding reception as you can see if i zoom in this photo is pretty clear the faces are easily identifiable and it has other people present public acknowledgement one of the requirements of proof of relationship documents all right so this is my mom my wife me my dad and some random guy who attended the wedding but other people are present and this photo is pretty clear so the first thing i want to do is i want to check the size of this photo so you right click go to get info if you're using a mac if you're using windows then right click get to properties and as i see here this photo is 11.3 megabytes so clearly i'm not going to be able to upload this photo in this portal because the maximum size allowed is 4 megabytes so the next step would be to compress this photo so what you can do is simply go to google type compress jpeg because it's a jpeg type if it's a png you can type compress png but right now we are working with a jpeg and this link will pop up compress you can use other tools also there's a bunch of them online but this is what i found the most valuable so click this link scroll down and upload this photo all right and as you see it's going to upload and start compressing so just give it a second before it finishes compressing so now that you see it's compressed the photo to only 20 of its original size it's compressed the photo 81 all right so now you just download this photo [Music] open that and when you open the photo you'll still see a pretty decent quality faces are still identifiable but now if i right click and go to properties you'll see that the file size has been reduced to 2.1 megabytes and this is clearly within the limit that is allowed also the pixel size is still 6720x4480 which is way above the minimum pixels required so we meet both these standards this is a good photo you can upload this all right okay so let's go to the next set of instructions so if you come back to the document checklist section 7e it says you have to write your name and date of birth on the back of each photo and provide a brief description of the context on the back of each photograph all right so let's do that so i'm going to be working on the same photo that we just saw earlier and what i'm going to do is i'm going to close it out and open it with the preview tool this comes pre-installed on a mac or a macbook all right so if you're using windows what you can do you can use microsoft paint to do the same thing so now this is what i did i just wrote the context inside this photo on a small text box and i just put that text box right here which you can do that in microsoft paint also you don't have to do that you don't have to follow this you can actually have this photo copied and pasted inside a microsoft word file and then provide the context there but because in the instructions it says jpeg and jpg files are allowed and this is a jpeg which we are working on it just makes sense for me to just put the text right inside this photo and i'm providing the complete text so we are going to look at how to do that in word next but if you want to do this way this is what i did you are free not to use that but let me show this to you anyway so in preview there is this tool with a pen inside a circle this is a markup tool so you click on this markup tool then you will select this text box here all right so you select this text box and then what you can do is you can drag it to the corner lower right corner of the photo and then you can just write name date of birth and context here all right and i'm just going to extend it so that it looks pretty and under name you just provide your first name and last name date of birth of the applicant by the way this name and date of birth should be of the applicant which in this case was my wife okay i was the sponsor now under context what you can do is you can either just write that this is a wedding reception photo so i'm just going to write wedding reception now this is completely your choice you can actually provide the names and details of the other people present in the photo also i didn't do that and i don't know if it's acceptable or not but this is just what i did based on the instructions that really say you have to write the name and date of birth of the applicant on the back of each photo all right so that's what i did and under context it's completely your choice you can experiment you can provide the details of other people or you can simply provide the description of the event and one more thing that you can provide is the date this photo was taken so you can write date of photo and let's just say december 15th 2020 all right so this completes the context then just drag it towards the lower right corner and you can obviously arrange this to make it look pretty i'm not going to do that here that's up to you and this should complete the photo so now if i click on save go back and open that photo i have a complete photo with all the details required the size still within the limits and the description name and date of birth provided all right so if i click on properties or info then i can see that the file size is increased slightly because i added text but it only increased to 2.4 the previous size we saw was 2.1 it's still acceptable because the instructions are for four megabytes maximum all right so this is definitely an acceptable photo another thing that you can do is go to your google drive click on new open google docs to open a online microsoft word document and simply copy that photo and paste it in the word doc so now you have your photo and then you can simply provide name date of birth and context below the actual photograph all right so now if i provide that let's label it photo one and i'm simply going to download this as a microsoft word document and if i look up that photo open it i should see a photo with the context and description and name and date of birth all right and the next thing you can check is to see if the file size is still less than four megabytes so again right click go to properties or get info if you're using a mac and it says 430 kb so 430 kb is way lower than the maximum size of 4 megabytes so this photo is acceptable and as long as the contents inside the photo are easily visible and identifiable this photo will also work personally i would always prefer the method that i just showed you to provide context and description inside the photograph that just reduces the hassle and tediousness of this process and makes it simple and organized but again feel free to choose this is completely your choice as long as you meet the criteria you should be okay alright so now let's look at how to label the photo that we just prepared so if you come back to the online portal at the same place recommended document labeling there are instructions so it clearly says that please use the following naming convention when labeling last name first name document type and then document number all right so for instance you're uploading proof of education and you're uploading five documents from proof of education so your naming convention would be wong last name first name john proof of education one if you have seven such photos then you will have long john proof of education one through seven okay so let's look at how to do that for the photo that we just prepared so this is the photo that we just prepared and because this is a wedding reception photo i am simply going to rename it as last name first name wedding reception one and if i choose to upload five such photos from the wedding reception then i will have five photos last name first name wedding reception one last name first name wedding reception two wedding reception three and so on and so forth all right now this is just one type of photos let's say i wanted to upload engagement photos or wedding ritual photos also so if i open this photo this is the wedding ritual photo again i will have to provide context either inside the photo or using the word document google doc method that we just saw earlier once i have all that prepared i check the size it's less than four and then i label it all right so the way to label it would be right click rename and last name first name wedding ritual 1 and i uploaded seven eight photos from wedding rituals so i had seven such photos from one through seven so that's how the labeling is going to work all right and by the way you have to provide similar labeling not just to photos but to the other documents you are going to upload here also so let's say you are uploading a identity or civil status document let's say aadhar card or passport then you'll have the same naming convention so last name first name passport and because it's only one of a kind you don't have to provide a number all right it's not the passport number that they are asking it's the number of the document within that group all right so do the same thing for confirmation of nomination if you are applying for a pnp do the same thing for passport letter of explanation all photos translation or certification documents document checklist d5533 checklist that we are working on and all the other documents that you upload for your proof of relationship all right so a lot of you have asked me if you should upload all these photos once you've prepared them combined or individually so that is actually completely your choice as long as your combined photo document is less than four megabytes or equal to four megabytes because if it's more than four it's not going to allow you to upload it what i did was because we'd hired a professional photographer throughout our wedding functions to shoot photographs and each photograph that was taken was very high quality high resolution upwards of 30 megabytes then for me to compress each individual photo from 30 megabytes using the free tool that i showed you to two to three megabytes and then combine them all was not possible what i could do was compress each high quality photo into less than four megabytes using the compressed jpeg tool that i showed you add context add labeling and then simply upload them one by one so when you get to the photos section there is no upper limit as to how many photos you can upload you can choose to upload as many photos as you like so why not upload each photo in decent quality one by one but if you can find a software that can compress all your photos combined into a size which is less than four megabytes then feel free to upload that as well so let's say you compress a 30 megabyte photo into a three megabyte photo then if you combine it with like 10 photos your size again exceeds the allowed limit four megabytes here your size becomes 30 megabytes which would not allow you to upload the photo here so what you can do is you can upload those photos in groups then try to find five photographs combine them compress the size to less than four megabytes then upload them and you can then do this for like let's say five or six groups of photographs so that you still meet the number of photos required but now you can combine and upload so it's completely your choice upload them one by one convert them into groups and upload them as groups of less than four megabytes or if you can find a software combine everything all together and upload it all right it's your choice okay so next let's look at the permanent resident photo your actual photo of the applicant that you are asked to upload so the online instructions are not very clear because first of all they are very limited in what they talk about the back of one photo must contain the following and must be uploaded bear the date the photo was taken the name and date of birth of the subject which is the applicant and the name and complete address of the photography studio all right so that much is clear the photographer may use a stamp or handwrite this information so this is not a problem but when you go to the permanent resident photo instructions that are mentioned on your guide the picture kind of changes so if you look at the photo specifications it is very clear what dimensions photo size you have to use what should be the spacing the way shoulder and the head should be arranged the background the posture that you must have and the expression that you must give it's all listed in this instructions here so when you go to the photographer to get your photo taken you will definitely have to take the print out of these instructions to give to your photographer so that they know how to get the physical photo so while taking the physical photo is pretty easy you get the front and then you get the back and then you write the details mentioned on the back doing the same thing online is where a lot of us get confused so there is a couple of ways you can do this and this is again completely your choice i'm just going to explain what i did i don't know if it worked or not i haven't received an aor yet once i do i will let you know this is what i did i got my wife to get this picture taken in this exact format following these instructions that are mentioned here and get a physical copy of that photo all right that is good now what she did was she scanned or had the photographer scan the front and back of the physical copy of the photograph into a digital copy all right which then she was able to combine and upload to the online portal so this is what the digital copy looked like this is the front side and this is the back side all right with name date of birth date the photograph was taken and the address and the name of the color lab or the digital photography studio so the thing about digital photographs is you are not going to have the same dimensions that are mentioned on the physical photograph why do i say that because every online software which you use to open a photograph whether you're using a windows or a macbook is going to either scale it up or scale it down based on the way it's been built and if it scales it up or down its size is not going to stay consistent all right so right now if you see i've opened this in adobe pdf and i've combined the two pages and it's at 160 zoom so while this is a good file it's within four megabytes and it's ready to upload the physical dimensions don't really agree with the dimensions that are mentioned here i personally feel that this is okay because you're not going to be able to get that so if i zoom down let's say i zoom to 75 i can make it look like the scan of an actual physical photo but i can zoom up also and then the size increases i personally think this should not matter because ultimately they are going to take the printout of this photo that you submit compress it and reduce its size and shrink it down so that it can fit the permanent resident card okay and the way i know this is because i did my own permanent residence through express entry i simply submitted a digital photograph of myself which i got taken in a studio i didn't even have to do all this dimension thing there i just got my photograph taken from a studio and i simply uploaded the front and back of that photograph on my permanent residence portal the ircc express entry profile and it was accepted when they responded back to me with a passport request then i had to send the physical photo that i got taken in the photography studio all right and that is when these dimensions will really matter all right so based on that experience this is what i did for my wife's permanent resident sponsorship i just got the photo from the digital studio i combined it with the front and back photos and i simply uploaded this pdf file into the permanent residence portal right here under the photos section all right and i'm yet to find out if it gets accepted or rejected i don't know but this is the only logical thing that i could come up with another thing that you can do if you're really particular about getting the digital photo in these exact formats is that you can go to these links there's one that i found that says there's another one e passport it says free but it's not free once you get to the final page it's going to charge like six seven dollars canadian dollars so let's go to this link and see how it looks like so you select the country as canada you select permanent resident it agrees 50 by 70 millimeter the instructions are 50 millimeter by 70 millimeter then what you do is you click on start then you browse to select your photo so let's select the same photo that we looked at and then it will ask you to arrange your face within these two blue lines so i tried doing that but my photo is scaled to a resolution that doesn't really allow that but as you can see my photo already is in a pretty good format as requested under the permanent resident photo instructions so i'm not going to alter it i'm simply going to select the entire photo then i'm going to scroll down and click on next it will process it and then it's going to give you a couple of options a couple enhanced options and one original i would go with the original and then you have two options again you can either download the physical copy print it out or you can simply download the digital version so for online you will download the digital version and then once you click on download it's going to give you an option to purchase it so this link works like this and there's another link that i showed here which also will ask you for payment eventually so this e-passport is also going to ask you like five or ten bucks i could not find any free links but if you actually find free links and websites that can do this for free then definitely use that so proceed with caution but ultimately choose what you feel is the most logical option for you all right okay quick psa i started this channel not as an immigration consultant or lawyer in any way shape or form i just wanted to document my journey of bringing my wife into canada and help as many people as i could so rest assured i have not heard anything yet i'm also still waiting still hopeful still recording and still thankful for your response so take whatever i say with a healthy dose of skepticism there's other youtubers out there who are making amazing content and very informative videos so always check their videos also and double check your information on the ircc page do not proceed unless you completely understand the instructions on the cic website because that is your guide that is what you should follow all right that's been it for this video i hope you found some value in it hopefully the next time you watch my video you are fighting with your partner not on the phone about which forms to fill but actually over the remote on which netflix showed watch while you're snuggled up on the couch sharing a warm cozy blanket and a cup of hot coffee good night [Music] you
Channel: Hit Submit & Canada
Views: 105,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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