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so this is a video a little more difficult to make the strong argument can be made for both sides whether or not the Targaryen madness is real it's an interesting thing to talk about I'll leave it up to you guys to decide on the end of this in the show we've been introduced to the alleged hereditary insanity - viserys and through glimpses of the Mad King Aerys a second his father who died years before the start of Game of Thrones because I'm nerdy and I've read these books I know a few more Targaryen that it may also be nuts let's talk about these guys allowed Targaryen are products of incestuous marriages it's not surprising there are more crazy than your regular family remember the dragon was of Valyria the Targaryen originated from his marrying within the family kept their magic bloodline pure and powerful so let's start in the beginning able to conquer to marry both of his sisters and United Westeros becoming the first king get one son with each sister and with his older sister for tenure he had his son make or he was known as megalithic rule so you can imagine why he's considered one of the mad Targaryen he was built stronger and taller than his weak-ass brother a niece who was born before him he became a talented warrior doing well amazed and tourney's from a young age he even single-handedly edited rebellion in the Vale with his dragon his older brother was King by this point and he named Mable hand of the king but they can care of the trouble in the Vale the faith of the seven was never cool with some of the Targaryen customs so when made war took a second wife the faith freaked out Ami's was always a weak King so he exiled Meg work thinking it would keep peace niggler had always been violent but his sanity was only questioned after task father dies and mejor returned to Westeros Mabel along with his mommy for Sonya plotted and succeeded in taking the iron throne for himself instead of passing it down to a knee in the Sun when the grand maester protested this move Mabel decapitated him personally with the Valyrian steel solid black fire Visenya told anyone what a problem with her son becoming King to step forward and prove themselves one of the faiths religious Knights challenge may go to a trial of seven which is just a seven verse seven trial by combat megalith was the only one to survive what was hit on the head and left in a coma for three days after he woke up he hopped on his dragon to engulf the second dragon fire arrow and sighs was killed the faith continued to fight with neighbor even after he kept crushing them he tried to end it by making a law that the face of the seven couldn't have his own army and anyone caught with a weapon would have a balancing on their head the faith would never stop opposing him but this law would hold them back asked all the fighting he continued building the red cape in King's Landing where all the kings went from then on lives she wanted secret passages and tunnels those within the castle but it wouldn't be much of a secret if all the workers knew the ins and outs of it she rewarded the workers with a huge feast and had them all killed shortly after but his cruelty would only grow had him two wives one enough for Meg or so he married the mistress he had one exile tyanna of Pentos for years she wasn't able to have a child with any of his wives and finally his second wife became pregnant what was burst was only an eyeless monstrosity the grand maester midwives and SEPTA's were all killed after this tiara of Pentos convinced Meg work that's the silh birth was due to his other wife's affair his wife the mother of the stillborn was then also killed along with her entire family he married three more women on the same day who had children in the past to prove the fertility but still no children for Meg or all he got was more stillborn the Strasse teased diana eventually admitted to being responsible for him not having any children by poisoning is otherwise she literally cut her heart out with his sword after all his actions it was hard to find people to support him he was found dead on the Iron Throne with his wrists cut open his nephew and the rightful heir was then crowned a lot of people considered him mad who can also be said that he was only angry and violent no compassion it wasn't until a hundred years later after his death another religion mad Hungarian would be born real or had a couple of nicknames rather than beloved or Miller the Blessed it's pretty funny knowing the most unloved King might have been insane his extreme devotion to the faith makes him seem like a game of Thrones or Gandhi she was married for one of his younger sisters when he was sixteen but never consummated the marriage he became the king the next year when his brother died fighting for Concord Ornt both sides of this war had hostages and everyone expected the Donis hostages to be killed in King's Landing and says the Pirates bailer let them all go and decided to walk the dawn to free his cousin aiming the dragon knight who was captured while in Dorne walking barefoot through the desert was a death wish but he made it to speak with the Prince of Dorne they arranged two marriages between house Martell and Targaryen and finally made peace Baylor's cousin Amon was still locked away in a cage however when the Prince of Dorne offered him a ride back Beyla refused Shima God instructed him to walk by foot when he walked to where his cousin was imprisoned his captor handed him the keys to a man's cage the cage was above a pit of vipers he believed the gods would protect him and walked into the pit to free his cousin and of course he was bit over and over again but he did manage to reach the cage and unlock it before passing out it took months but he did recover from the snake bite when he returned home he ended his marriage with his sister since she was accepted and second like priests don't marry or have any children he then placed all three of his sister's into a type of imprisonment people would start to call the maiden vault bail or wants to preserve their innocence from the evil of the world but others believed she locked him away with him their Castle to avoid temptation of the beauty himself he also began claiming to have visions mega-cool may have burned the old set to the ground but Baylor saw a great set they'll be built on top of Virginia's Hill except that he said he saw in a vision people would constantly question his decisions but he only listened to the high stuff she would regularly empty kings landings Treasury to help out the poor he also attempted to provide tax exemptions for those who ensured the virtue of their daughters by actually using chastity belts this change decisions only got dangerous when he began burning books it wasn't long before he was spending and allowing a lot of time praying and fasting after the High Septon who influenced a lot of his decisions died he had another vision of who should replace him and this is where his sanity such to really be questioned he convinced people to elect just a random guy who couldn't read or write or even recite a prayer this guy who became you I accepted quickly died of a fever King Baylor quinta obscene an 8 year old boy speaking with doves that answer back to him in the voices of the 7 this kid became the next High Septon during a 41 day fast he finally went too far and better end up killing himself like Meg or it's hard to say if he was truly mad she was helping a lot of the common people out but his actions were just not based in reality and he has happened to be a king after years after bear the Blessed died another strange Targaryen was born wriggled very little was written about him other than that everyone believed him to be crazy and he would be seen dancing around naked he died choking on pie but would have three children that I'll get into with the next created character ray goes nephew was aerion brightflame there's not so much of a debate with his sanity you really get to know his character in George Martin's short story the hedge knife impressive his father King mejor Aryan just a normal Prince but everyone else saw him for the monster he was Aryans little brother Aegon said he threw his cat into a well and once came to his room in the night holding a knife up to his older brother's crotch he joked about moving his genitals so he would become a sister he could marry during the joust instead of aiming for the night he impaled a horse she was challenging during that same tourney he broke the fingers of a girl performing a puppet show because she showed a dragon dying in her performance he was married today knowledge Hungarian one of ragel daughters together they would have one son but the same year that his son was born Aryan was psycho enough to drink wildfire and kill himself believing it would turn him into a dragon he named that son mag or not very surprising a cruel monster would admire another cruel monster when a great council was trying to decide who shoe the next king after Aryans father died his son Mabel was passed on even though he was next in line to rule people were worried she would inherit Aryans madness he was also a small child at a time Plus who won another king named Mabel a meme that represents pain and death the last two I haven't talked about yet is the Mad King and his crazy stunts the series a strong argument for these two is that their madness was a result of extreme circumstances the windy the first Targaryen driven mad by tragic events Raggles other daughter a Laura married her twin brother a lawyer but accidentally killed him somehow and it drove her into madness under example is Hellena Targaryen she was driven mad after witnessing the murder of a son during advance of dragons she eventually left into some spikes killing herself the Mad King airs a second went to some traumatic stuff but took things way too far his parents were siblings which complicates that argument he grew up as a regular prince with some bad traits like being vain and jealous he became the king at age 18 I wanted to be the greatest King that ever ruled she would keep thinking a weird schemed to make the realm better but would quickly lose interest in them and do nothing buries marriages sister Rhea Ella which was arranged by the father after they had Rhaegar together they had trouble having any more children for years there were miscarriages stillbirths and babies died shortly after being born ares too suspicious of his wife and believed all their pregnancy troubles would because of her being unfaithful his paranoia grew and he became surrounding himself with informers just went him and his wife had a child sanity started returning but unfortunately the baby died and Ares lost it the wet nurse was beheaded his mistress and her family were tortured to death eventually they would have a successful childbirth and the fairies was born Ares is paranoia would only grow again he feared for the series his life constantly believing someone could harm him but where became truly lost this was when he was kidnapped and dusk until the Lola does Camille want to negotiate terms of Tywin Lannister about money and when Tywin who is the hand of the king refused he has King Aerys captured the Defiant abduction Vale lasted half a year sir Barristan was able to stealthily free Aerys from his confinement the people responsible and their entire family were killed and the woman rumored to be responsible for his abduction had a tongue and private parts ripped out when she was burned alive area is no longer allow himself to be touched even by his own servants uncut and unwashed his hair grew even longer and more tangled long fingernails lengthened and thickened into a grotesque yellow 9 inch talons his judgment became more and more harsher and crueler he trusted no one not Tywin his old friend not even his wife Rella or son Rhaegar she believed they all wanted him dead so he brought Varys King's Landing to be his master of whisperers can evilly want to drag him to return but when he failed he looked to wildfire instead of hanging or beheading Ares began burying people alive for crimes he became aroused by watching people die from the flames and became abusive to his wife she had Ned Stark's father burned alive because of his paranoia and while all Kings I'm destroyed by wildfire until Jaime Lannister killed in a time of his death because of the fairies and wife Arella were taking shelter on Dragonstone Briella always protected the series from his father's madness so we always considered them all lies after the events of Robert's rebellion the fairies was declared king by his mother the Robert sat on the Iron Throne while he and his sister Daenerys had to flee to Braavos the series was always abusive and somewhat delusional he never understood the situation he was in he truly believed he was a king even though he had nothing he may not have been as cruel as his father but he was just as foolish he got himself killed not understanding the situation he was in like always Daenerys believes the series was driven mad by the stress of his exile and the lack of respect but that doesn't seem like a valid enough reason for his actions when Sir Barristan explained to Danny why he chose to observe her before serving her he tells her Targaryen have always danced too close to madness your father was not the first King jaehaerys once totally that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin every time a new Targaryen is born he said the gods tossed the coin in the air and the world hold his breath to see how it'll land now obviously 50% of Targaryen are not crazy but the crazies just happened to get so much attention the only one I can say without a doubt was mad was Aryan the rest can be argued either way in my opinion I'm sure a lot of you guys have strong opinions on this topic and I'll be interested in reading them if you want to hear more about Targaryen you can click on the screen to watch my video on their connection with fire or if you want you to entire family tree hope you enjoyed this one and I'll see you guys next time with another Game of Thrones video you
Channel: whycreate
Views: 1,432,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, of, thrones, asoiaf, finale, trailer, theory, teaser, episode, game of thrones, season 7, season 8, ending, end, theories, prediction, mad king, targaryen, house targaryen, family, dragon
Id: a7GGRxK1S60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2017
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