All NEW Surprising Products for RV & Tiny Living From IKEA

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so I am super excited about this video because  in this video we're gonna head into Ikea because   Ikea has some of the greatest stuff that we have  found for RV storage organization small living   and they've got some new stuff that is coming  out right now and we're gonna check it out and   probably pick up some more stuff for the RV so  you're going to want to stay tuned everything so we are here at Ikea and I have got some  stuff on my list today there are newer items   for Ikea that I want to pick up while we're  here and I've got something that I'm going to   show you a little bit more towards the end just  because of where it's located in the store but   this is one thing that I've gotten from Ikea I'm  gonna pick up a few more today that I have found   really make our RV feel more like a home and less  like a camper so I'm excited to show you that too all right so this is the first time that I  have seen these at Ikea but we've kind of   talked about these before and that is having  some sort of shorter extension cord but with   multiple outlets in an RV the outlets that  they have placed in there are just kind of   few and far between and at least in our  experience they're always like in the   most inconvenient location and you don't  ever need something that's super long as   far as an extension cord so this is a two pack  for only eight bucks but you get three Outlets   with one of these and we actually use a short  extension cord like this for where our coffee   pot is in the RV so these are super handy  definitely pick some of these up for RV life so I know this is going to absolutely sound and  ridiculous at first but these little goals now   these are really meant for like kids they're in  the kids section of Ikea but what I have found   is we used to use these for our kiddos I got  rid of them as our kiddos got older where we   didn't really need the kid-proof stuff but  I found a few that we had just kind of as   stragglers when we first started rving these work  so well because they're smaller they have a small   footprint they nest together they're perfect  for like cereal and oatmeal and like fruit and   all of these things they're plastic they're not  gonna break super easy to store away because of   the small footprint so I'm actually going to  pick some of these up specifically for the   RV because they work perfect in there for all  of our eating stuff so where are the parklas   should be somewhere in here it's like  a treasure hunt on the hunt for parkla who's gonna win dinosaur a or  dinosaur B and the winner is dinosaur hey so one thing that we have for our RV  is this bath rug it's called the Toft   boat so these are ten dollars but one  of the reasons I really like these is   because they're so easy to wash so machine  washable they do have like some backing on   it to keep it from slipping but it's not  like super heavy rubber where it's not   easy to wash nice neutral color and  super good price for only 10 bucks so this is actually one of my favorite  things at Ikea and that is the skoob or the   skoob not sure how you pronounce it since it's  all Swedish but anyway I actually have three of   these that I use in our RV for all of the kid's  clothes and it slides underneath of their bunk   beds now what I like about this is it has a zipper  top and so with a zipper top it keeps out things   like animal hair since we travel with our pets  dust dirt when you are traveling in an RV you're   going to be going to different places and some of  those places could be more dusty and dirty than   others so it's nice when you have a storage system  especially when you're thinking about clothing or   blankets anything that you want to keep somewhat  clean and dust free to have that zipper on it so this is one of my favorite things about Ikea  and that is all of these bins now these are   definitely better quality bins than the ones  that you find at the Dollar Tree and we have   these bins from Ikea all over our RV so we've  got these smaller ones we've got these larger   ones these fit great in cabinets in the fridge in  pantry areas is just you name it these are great   for organization it keeps things from moving  around especially on travel days but it also   helps to keep things organized because I like to  use these in our pantry area pull them out you   can see what's there put it back just helps keep  things nice and organized now we have talked more   about these we've shown a lot more of these from  Ikea in a few other videos we have done from Ikea   so I'm going to put those at the end of this  video and you can check out some other amazing   Ikea finds so here is a new bin that I've not seen  at Ikea before but this is the grundvat net and   it actually says it's a rinsing tub but I think  this would work great is it been in the RV and you   could really use this for so many things Pantry  comes to mind with all of your boxes of crackers   or chips or something like that but lots of uses  for this and 10 bucks so that's a great deal Flame so this is a fun find I actually use this in our  RV so I have this sitting on the counter and I   put like our dish brush in here and our dish soap  in here and this keeps it from rolling around or   moving around on travel days I can take this off  of the counter set it in the sink for travel days   if I need to but in our RV this actually doesn't  really move once I set it on the counter so this   is only four dollars and super nice organized  way to just keep your dish stuff where it needs   to be so another thing that is great about Ikea  for RV life and just tiny living is some of the   furniture they have now this minky desk we have  seen so many of our RV friends actually put this   desk in their RV for a workspace and so we have  this exact same desk in an area at our Hideaway   home base because it works really well for a  small space there as well so one of the things   is just that smaller footprint and Ikea is a great  place to come find those types of furniture pieces   portable Mala case and I thought oh my goodness  this is great for travel families because this   is something where it has a zipper on the back  and you can put like just your coloring books   in here or activity books your pencils your  pens but then it has a hard surface on this   side so your kiddos have a drawing surface  why this sits on your lap perfect for your   traveling family on those travel days but also if  you're doing air travel just if you are a travel   family in general with smaller kiddos especially  this is a great idea I'm on the hunt for parkla it's not there parkless I need the  park list oh there's some more bins   oh 99 Cents for these bins wow look at how  cute how cute is a little cup fin things   you could even put the little cup bins in here  and then like organize your little your little   things and that's cute this is cheaper than  the Dollar Tree like with the Dollar Tree   increasing their prices to 1.25 you got to be  careful because like I've already found a few   things here cheaper than at the Dollar Tree so  just make sure that your price compare nowadays   but the park list we're still looking for the  park was I found them oh but first look at this   we actually use this torcus it's only 10 bucks  but this works so good for shoes so we have this   sitting by the front door of the RV and then  all of the shoes just go in here when you come   in the RV and it works great so shoe storage there  okay here's the parkless sparklers here's the shoe   parka do they have the big parkla please tell  me they have the big parklet they're supposed   to have it in stock so this is the new shoe  parkla but this is perfect because this is a   nice zipper pouch that you can use to put this  one's specifically for shoes especially if you   do travel by airplane at all this is nice to  keep shoes in but I am wanting the other parkla   let's see if it's on this side where is the other  parkla come on Ikea don't fail me don't fail me   oh this is new it's a dimpa it's like a  giant parklet in a way but look at this   blankets like all sorts of winter coats that's  the other thing when you're in an RV a lot of   times if you're full-time and you have things that  are seasonal for one season you will put that away   while you're using things for the other season  and so things like this that you can use to store   coats and hats and bigger things that you're just  not going to use all the time but has a zipper on   it keeps the dust off and everything this is super  handy oh my gosh Ben you have to come look at this   you have to come see this this is amazing look at  this it's an Ikea bag hat and look they have they   have like mini Ikea bags now you know how I love  the big Ikea bags well this is the bratsby and now   you can get your little mini Ikea this is like oh  it's like an Ikea lunch bag with your Ikea hat and   you can just go down to the beach with your little  Ikea see I keep my Quarters on this a little Ikea oh my gosh I I finally finally found it found it now I actually am using one of these already  in the RV for things like extra blankets and   pillows that I have stored under our bed  the last time that I came here these were   out of stock they were very very popular but  they're only a dollar 99 and they have a nice   zipper cover over the top so I'm picking  up a couple of these while we were here   because these come in so stinking handy and  they're so inexpensive so you just can't go   wrong using these for organization all right  this is kind of funny this is just like a shoe   thing it's for supposed to be for shoes  right but I like to think it's like it's   sort of hamster cage or something with the screens  on it I could see our kiddo putting their stuffed   animals in here and playing like that's their  enclosure or something like that it's hilarious so this is super cute this Little Traveler  sign and then I was looking at this it's   super lightweight so it'd be really easy to  hang up with just some screws or nails but   you don't always want to put screws in your RV  wall so these alfta adhesive hooks I'm going to   give these a try and we'll see how they work  but this little traveler's eye oh my gosh I   just have to put this in the RV because that's  really embodies what we do and why that we do it   so this is the one thing that I was telling  you about earlier that I feel like really   makes an RV feel more like a home and that  is when you can have some Greenery so I love   the artificial plants that they have here  at Ikea and I like artificial for multiple   reasons but probably the biggest one being  I don't have to worry about keeping it alive   trying to keep kids and pets and other things  alive I don't have to worry about the plant   keeping that alive as well but also if it gets  knocked over it's not full of dirt and water and   just all of those things that then complicate when  you're traveling so I'm going to pick up a few   more today because they just make the RV feel so  much more like home and they're really inexpensive   and they look great so I already have this exact  one and then I just have it in like a bucket thing   so I wanted to look and see I know that they have  some that are more like the hanging style so find   some that are more the hanging style these hanging  style ones are just so super cute so I'm gonna get   a couple of these and these are less expensive  than the ones that I've seen at Hobby Lobby too   and they're artificial I can't kill them so these  plant pots the bent G's these work perfect so you   can stick your little plants in here these are  only 79 cents now the cool thing about this is   you could get something similar like this at the  Dollar Tree but then it's a dollar 25 so 79 cents   and these look amazing just look how  cute this is going to be look at that   I just love how this is gonna look oh my gosh love  it so we'll get three bench G's for 79 cents and   then there we go this is going to Spruce things  up it's just gonna make it feel a lot more homey you have the somar flatter or this Omar Vinn  it's either the wind or the flatter those are   your varieties the flatter or the Vint but this  is genius absolutely genius so it's a pop-up like   wind shelter so look at this and talk about like  perfect for rving because this is nice and compact   fits in a storage area super nice and it literally  I can see there's like instructions in here   but it just pops up so it turns into this  which if you're wintering Florida beach   genius absolutely genius so one thing I  always like to do when I come to Ikea is   go look at the as-is or aka the scratch  indent section I have found some pretty   good deals in there before so let's go check it  out and let's see if they've got anything today nothing we needed today in the scratch and  dent section but it's always good to check   out I have found some Bargains in there before but  it can be hit and miss but I always like to look   where's the home oh Ikea bucket hat   Trinity's gonna love this too by the way I'm  just gonna think that's the best thing ever thank you guys let's do it all right Don't Mind If I Do treats cool thank you look at that oh so good what does it taste like cinnamony warm not  too chewy soft so not really doughy pastry like real good so you'll have to let us know in the comments  below what products that you have found from Ikea   that have been helpful for RV life or maybe not  even from Ikea but just products in general that   you have found help you to stay organized while  you're out there traveling and Living RV life   we want to know but you can also let others in the  RV Community know as well by leaving your comments   below we'll put a link up here for a couple of  other videos that we have done with great Ikea   fine stuff we didn't cover today but stuff that's  great for RV life if we don't see you out on the   road or around the campground or hey you never  know maybe at Ikea we'll see in the next video so it's like four bucks a piece but a piece we   have these literally all over RV we  have this size RV all over our feet   all over our RV say our RV five times  fast and then let me know how you do in a they're all fejka because seriously  they're all called fejka there's that Vega   they're all some sort of variety of fejka I wonder  if Vega means like fake plant and Swedish wouldn't   that be funny how they say fake so nothing that  we didn't need today nothing that we didn't need   does that sound right is that even how  you would say that nothing we needed ah
Channel: Grateful Glamper
Views: 281,604
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Keywords: rvlife, rvliving, gratefulglamper, rv life, rv living, grateful glamper, ikea, rv organization, tiny living, rv tips, living in a van, full time rv, full time rv living, rv storage ideas, rv travel, rv storage, rv tips and tricks, tiny home, fulltime rv living, rv mods, rv travel vlog, rv organization and storage, rv organization hacks, rv storage hacks
Id: peP3Nmx8NxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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