RV Gear MUST HAVES From WalMart! 9 Quality Accessories For Cheap

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So when we first started living rv life several  years ago we went to our local walmart to   stock up on supplies to equip our brand new  rig well in today's video we are going gonna   revisit walmart because we need a few things  for the rv so we're gonna take you inside   and we're gonna show you what are the must-haves  that you need for rv living that you can pick up   at your local walmart we are Charity ben dakota  and trinity we decided we didn't want to wait for   a life of adventure so in 2017 we bought our first  rv and set off to live a life of travel in the usa   we've visited over 38 states in  three years and have many more to go   follow along to learn all the best places  to see rv and travel tips and much more   so you guys we just walked in and if you've seen  some of our other videos we'll put a link above   but i'm a little bit of an rv organizational  junkie i don't know some people say i have ocd i   prefer to see this as a gift but anyway  look at this this is awesome these are   98 cents this is like dollar tree prices at  walmart but these like bins bins for rv life   awesome and i couldn't walk by this and not stop  and check this out because these are amazing   for anything shoes like clothes you name  it you've got it all and then 50 cents   for these plastic tumblers now i prefer using  plastic in the rv because you know let's face   it it's like a small earthquake every time that  you're driving down the road and so having things   that are plastic or if you drop it or if you  have a kid drop it it's not going to break so i'm   actually gonna pick up a couple of these because i  really like the color and we could use a few more   classic cups in the rig and then plates they have  plates for 50 cents so there's these cool plates   too for 50 cents like this is awesome plastic  so you don't have to worry about them banging   around in the RV this is definitely a cool find  now totally getting distracted this is not what   we came here for but i couldn't walk by without  at least like pointing this out and checking this   out because this is so great for RV living okay  let's go find what we actually came here to get so we came over to the automotive section because  that's usually where we find all our RV stuff at   Walmart and not at this one I guess it's over  in sporting goods which if I would have checked   the app we would have known that because Walmart  has one of those apps like home depot and lowe's   where you can see which aisle the things are  in so we're going to go over to sporting goods what is that noise the heck is that   well we're next to the auto center maybe  they're deflating a tire or something but   you've got to be kidding me every time  every time we try to make a video the noise   seriously it keeps going what is it one of the things that we came here to get  today is our RVTP now if you have an RV you   need to make sure that you're using toilet  paper in the tank that is a rapid dissolve   or something that's designed for RV's and  boats so our pre pandemic tp stash is waning   so now we need to get some more so we're  going to pick up some RVTP while we're here so another item you can pick up at  your local Walmart that we are going to   grab today is an extra sewer hose so  if you check out our last video on   uh dumping with out on RV dump and using a  macerator to dump in a moochdocking situation we   had a need for more sewer hose so we actually  use the spare that we normally carry with us   and had to make a quick repair on the fly and  so we're going to pick up another sewer hose why   we're here today they have several different  lengths and styles and so it's a great place   to be able to pick one of those up if you  end up at a campground and you don't have   the length of sewer hose that you need to go  to where the dump is and you trot your little   happy body over to the camp store you're gonna  find that they've got those marked up pretty   significantly so it's always a great idea to have  a spare on hand in case that you find yourself in   that situation where you need extra length on your  sewer hose at a campground it's the boy hello son oh yes you can go play and  but I think that you should   humble yourself and apologize  for what happened earlier okay   another thing that is a great  must-have for our RV living   is this rubber seal conditioner now this works  great for your slides and anywhere that you need   to have this conditioner on rubber seals so this  is a must for maintenance to prevent water leaks   so you definitely want to pick some of this up  and use it often to keep those seals conditioned so when I saw this in the RV section here I was  super excited and we're going to be picking one   of these up but these clear 2-0 water filters  versus the traditional style these actually have   a solid core on the inside and so they filter down  to one micron which is some of the best filtration   that you can get for water so we've been using  the traditional blue style ones that have just   a charcoal on the inside but we're going to be  picking one of these up today because they provide   way better filtration and I have checked they're  way more expensive on Amazon because they're not   sold directly on amazon through clear2o so we're  going to pick one up while we're here at Walmart so and speaking of water filter and that  whole setup a few things they have here that   are absolute must-haves are one of these hose  elbows now this is great because what this does   is it reduces wear and tear on where your fresh  water inlet is in your RV so that you don't have   anything kind of pulling on that connection so  this is a great buy when you're living RV life   and then another thing that we use when we hook  up to our water is actually one of these y valves   now the reason we do this is so that we can have  one going to our fresh water but then we can also   have another one if we need it to you know spray  down muddy kids or a muddy dog or if we've been   at the beach and everybody has sand on them and we  want to spray down the boogie boards before that   they get put away so to have kind of an extra  hose that you can use for your water but then   have that hose that you've got going straight  to the RV this is a great tool for RV living   so another must-have for RV living is to get  one of these dog bone adapters so this is a 50   to a 30 amp we carry one of these with us because  you never know if you're not going to have access   to 50 amp in so we have one of these in case  that we need to convert our 50 amp to a 30 amp   they also have adapters that can be available in  a reverse situation but these are here at Walmart   and then another must that we are actually  using right now in our mooch docking setup   is to be able to go from then this 30 amp to  just a regular household 110 situations you   always want to have some of these adapters on hand  keep them in the you know storage area of your RVs   so that you don't find yourself in a  situation where you wish you had them so another thing at Walmart that you can get  are these step rugs now we've replaced these on   our rig a couple of different times over the last  couple of years because they're going to wear out   especially when you have steps like ours that go  up underneath and they're exposed to the open road   as you're going down the road but these really do  help to keep like dirt and sand and things from   getting tracked into the RV by covering your  steps with these and you can replace them as   needed and they're pretty inexpensive they're  just 10 bucks and i will pay 10 bucks any day   to help keep our RV interior cleaner so this  is another great find at your local Walmart so another thing that we're going to actually pick  up here today and now this is a find that we have   not seen at Walmart before so I don't know if  this is a newer product or maybe this particular   Walmart in colorado carries it but this is filters  for your RV acs now we've just been picking up   some fabric stuff at lowe's and kind of modding  our own but this is specifically for the RV ac   filter so we will be installing these because  we're definitely running our ac so going in the   cart so i had to like totally show you guys this  because i think that this is a hilarious example   of like rebranding or repurposing but this is  being sold as an RV awning stabilizer kit now   let me know in the comments below is this  really not just one of those things that   you stake your dog out with because it's like  what this looks like to me it's just like the   dog stakeout things instead  of a RV awning stabilizer kit so another product you can  find at your local walmart   is this Camco self-leveling sealant now this  is great if you're in a pinch and you snag a   tree branch or something like that on your RV  roof and you need to make a repair on the fly   we usually use the dicor brand on Amazon and  I'll put a link below for that but it can take   a couple of days to get to you so if you're in  a pinch this is always nice to have on hand look I am not sure how we can incorporate this  into RV life but I'm pretty sure we've   got to figure out a way right like ah those  times where you just need to resolve conflict   here you go this is how you're gonna do it  I'm gonna teach conflict resolution next   so you will have to let us know in the comments  below what are some of the items that you have   found for RV living at your local Walmart we're  always interested in hearing what you guys are   finding out there when you go shopping for your  RV supplies let us know in the comments below   I like this cruiser bike they're too big for that cruiser bike i don't  know just breaking in the seat a little bit wait this wasn't on the list I put it on the list I'm a responsible Walamart shopper it's come to this dancing at Walmart  this is what we do for fun on a Friday night you too can live the RV life and have  fun on a Friday night at Walmart dancing   thank you so much for watching and if you found  this video useful please give us a thumbs up and   hit that subscribe button and feel free to share  it maybe in a social media group with other people   that you know would find this content valuable  if you would like to see more videos like this on   different places that you can pick up products for  RV living you can check that out right over here   and if you would like to see more  videos with RV tips and tricks you can   check those out right over here  until next time we'll see on the road
Channel: Grateful Glamper
Views: 64,181
Rating: 4.9249172 out of 5
Keywords: rvlife, rvliving, gratefulglamper, rv life, rv living, grateful glamper, rv gear 2021, rv gear must haves, rv top gear, best rv gear, best rv gear 2021, rv living full time, rv living tips, rv living for beginners, rv supplies, rv tips tricks and hacks, rv tips for newbies, rv tips and hacks, rv tips for storage, rv tips and tricks for storage, rv tips for first timers, rv camper must haves, gadgets for rv living, rv accessories, rv accessories must have, rv accessories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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