All NEW Pickups In Fiend Folio Explained!

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hey guys this video is a Showcase of all the new pickups added in the fiend folio mod I will show you all the hearts coins bumps Keys batteries and packs let's go starting with the heart fiend folio comes with a simple addition that is missing in the main game for some reason half black hearts they work just like you would expect the mod also adds Blended black hearts which work just like their Sword Art counterparts in vanilla Isaac they either fill a full red hot container grind the full black heart or do a half of both depending on your current health situation when you pick them up first complete the new hard type is fiend signature immoral heart it needs two hits to be destroyed and takes priority over your red heart just like Soul Hearts do getting a hit on one of your immoral hearts in an unclear room causes all adjacent ones to drop down and turn into friendly purple Minions that assist you the minions did 20 of your tier damage per tick in a rather fast rate clearing the room or leaving it will cause all of them to turn back into immoral hearts for you to pick up Memorial Hearts will be placed next to your soil and black hearts and the older you get them in this means you can influence how many of them drop down and you get hit keep in mind that this mechanic doesn't mean that you don't take any damage you will lose half an immortal heart when you get hit and the transformation happens afterwards just like for the stolen Blackhearts fintfolio also adds Blended Immortal hearts that look exactly the same make sure to pick them up when your red hat is full the other completely new hard type in the mod is The Morbid Hut it fits one of your red hot containers on pickup and takes three hits to be fully depleted as soon as the morbid Hut is depleted it will spawn a black Orbiter that deals contact damage and blocks shots for You Until It Breaks after tanking too many hits the orbital deals 7 damage per tick at the moderate rate this damage is not tied to your own tear damage and is thus fixed it can only be boosted with the BFFs item starting in chapter 4 each hit will remove two-thirds of a morbid's heart at once however they can be refilled with red or rotten Hearts as long as they aren't fully depleted the last of the new heart types in finfolio is the full Eternal heart it can only appear if you hold a red ribbon trinket which converts regular Eternal hearts a full Eternal heart will instantly Grant you a new filled red hot container without the need to find a second one or making it to the next floor unharmed avoiding the Red Ribbon trinket with Mom's box or obtaining its golden version will transform them into double Eternal Hearts which point two red hot containers at once next up are the two new key variants in the mod the first ones are the spicy Keys which can only be obtained if you have the chili powder trinket the spicy keys will grant one more key than the usual key or keyring versions but you will take half a heart of damage per additional key when you pick them up getting the golden version of the trinket or mums box will add yet another key to the keyrings but the damage you take will be kept at one pull heart even if you are in chapter 4 onwards oh the other new key type isn't the usual one that goes into your inventory the puzzle keys will instead transform into a key ghost that can be used to open a key Block in its color they come in blue red or green and are mainly used in special rooms like treasure rooms or secret rooms as a way to create fun little puzzles to reward the player however not all of these rooms are designed for you to get everything some layouts will give you a choice between multiple rewards which one would you pick in this room [Music] if I would have to choose a block in this room I would release the subscription beggar he would be really happy if you could subscribe to the channel if you haven't already it is also Worth to note that there are ways to bypass the key blocks if you want to add some extra support next up on the list is the only new bump added in finfolio the copper bump remember bumps have been buffed and repentance to deal 100 flat damage that ignores armor the copper bombs to 185 damage with an increased blast radius just like the Mr Mega item bombs however they have a 50 chance to malfunction and not detonate at all the Fayette copper bombs will stay on the ground without being able to get picked up but it will actually still detonate if they get caught in another explosion the next type of pickup to cover are the coins starting with Finn's favorite currency the cursed Penny picking up one of them will trigger one out of 8 possible effects the current can either do nothing at one to two cents or subtract one to two cents from your inventory two of the negative effects will also make the coin explode or spawn a toxic fat but there's also reward to be found next to the risk the positive effects can also Grant you plus one luck or a small permanent all stetza will you take the chance here [Music] fintfolio also comes with a golden version of the cursed Penny it has the exact same effects but each time you pick it up there's a 66 chance for it to respawn keep in mind that the stat boosts are permanent you might be losing some money if you are unlucky but it is probably worth the risk if you don't need it anyway the next new coin type is the haunted Penny it simply grants plus one cent as well as one basic wisp up to a maximum of eight another simple new coin is the honey Penny it also grants plus one cent and causes Isaac to create a trail or slowing creep for the next 17 seconds the last new coin type added in the current version of finfolio is the Lego stud it grants plus one cent and will deal fake damage to the player when picked up the Lego stud will also deal heavy contact damage to enemies that walk over it make sure to make use of this before you pick it up [Music] the fake damage of the stud will remove the holy mantle but it will not be able to kill the lost you can make use of it to trigger undamaged effects like the ones I have right here the next pickup type I want to show are the new sex starting with the trash bag which will always spawn blue flies through spiders or blue scars when it is opt on top of always getting one of these three you will also have a chance to find a random heart or to find a random one trinket or consumable fin for your object the other new sect type in the mod is the blood deck which will mainly be found in sacrifice rooms open it to get a random amount of one to three random hard drops the possible types you can find in this SEC are half full and double red hearts Blended scared and Bone Hearts so basically anything that grants red hair the last of the new quote-unquote SEC pickups isn't really a sec but classified as such the 52 deck can be opened to spawn a random amount of two to five random playing cards these playing cards can either be the when the loved ones as well as the new ones added in finfolio itself don't worry I will also show you all of them in a later video too hard when it comes to batteries fintfolio has only added one but this one is very creative the storage battery will actually be put into your card slot when picked up you can then use it to transfer up to three units of charge from your active item to the battery or back to the active item this can be used to form extra energy if you don't need it right away foreign the storage battery can be used as often as you want but only on the floor you've found it on as soon as you go to the next floor it will turn into a corroded battery the corroded battery works the same way as its fresh version but it will drop down and explode as soon as you use it to charge your active item the next time this was all you need to know about finfolio's new pickups I hope you enjoyed the video and I will see you in my next Isaac showcase bye he's the number one Isaac God's favorite son is reach down from heaven
Channel: SlayXc2
Views: 147,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiend folio, fiend folio pickups, fiend folio hearts, fiend folio bombs, fiend folio coins, fiend folio pennies, fiend folio sacks, fiend folio battery, fiend folio wiki, SlayXc2, fiend folio slayxc2, slayxc2 fiend folio, fiend folio guide, fiend folio showcase, fiend folio new pickups, wiki fiend folio, new pickups in fiend folio, new items in fiend folio, fiend folio new items, the binding of isaac, isaac mod, repentance mod, isaac repentance, repentance, tboi, isaac, mod
Id: OfymjSDXJyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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