All Marvel Superhero Armies Fight Each Other - Who Wins? - Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator

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I know what you guys are thinking welcome back to ultimate an epic battle simulator but I know what you guys are thinking you've always been wondering could fan o's and an army of Sekar and mercenaries defeat group in a thousand baby groups we've got an army of baby Gertz and aren't they adorable oh my god they're so cute and we got a Hulk in a bunch of where these things are I don't know they did that they put me a lot of fun and then we've got Iron Man The Hulk Buster edition and then a thousand Ironman so each one has a champion and a thousand warriors and we mean to determine who is gonna win this battle so whoever gets the first hit here is gonna be pretty all Hulk oh they're mine Hulk punted the Hulk buster and then Thanos punted the Hulk and Groot just stuck with his boys and so let's see what's going on here how are the mini groups doing are those arrows being fired who's shooting arrows the arrow they're just randomly firing arrows okay so who looks like they're winning it looks like Hulk's army is not very strong the many groups are definitely winning there and the mini groots are over here destroying the Sekar ins which are Santos's mercenaries iron man versus of Carens who's winning here it kind of seems relatively fair but maybe in to the benefit of the Armen Wow Thanos look at that I was just kicking all of these big ol Hulk buster alright so right now hopes still doing pretty good against all the little mini groots they're firing arrows at him it looks like they're punching kicking in able to fire arrows so I'm not sure what that's about but as a result it looks like I'm thinking the group minis are the best soldiers but actually let's see how they go up against the Iron Man soldiers who's winning here I think it's kind of fair it seems relatively even but the problem is that there's a Hulkbuster oh my god Hulk went down look at it many groups are walking over his body here's an Iron Man like man about a bad day whatever with all these random quotations going on it's funny to see the bodies just just flying off in the distance here so basically what we're doing right now is we're making each Marvel character his own army and we're having them battle now the top two guys it looks like Thanos obviously his army of Sekar ins was pretty weak groots doing pretty well an Iron Man so we got to determine who are the top two here it looks like big Groot is down so it's gonna come down to Iron Man Thanos but I think I really think that poor Hulk had no chance I wonder if we just made like an army of 500 of each of them what would happen but I think it would just take ages in eternity so now it's clear that Iron Man it really would come down to if the Hulkbuster can hit Thanos enough times and it looks like he's got the range oh he just got punted back and then his Iron Man soldiers will distract and then Hulk Buster should Oh Iron Man wins but I guess that makes sense when you consider like look at this guy look at this guy he's freaking ginormous we need more mods for ultimate epic battle simulator all right so we're changing up now we've got spider-man in his army of spiderlings which are mutated I'm not sure what planet they're from but man this spider-man model looks fantastic then we got Thanos in his Sekar and since he you know did pretty good and we got Hulk and instead of like his little guys we've got black panthers for him and then we've got Colossus and his group of Cybermen yeah it's from Doctor Who but still look how cool they look and it just seems fitting that Colossus with his like metallic looking body has an army of metallic bodies to fight his battles for him oh that's good oh let's get ready to rumble and bam Colossus just got punted 70 yard punt a collegiate football record and then there goes Santos just freaking out now who in the cards are Cybermen it looks like Cybermen are winning they're doing pretty good they've got some pretty good capabilities oh man Black Panthers look like they're absolutely tearing through the Cybermen what's happening over here oh my god the spiderlings just got absolutely destroyed by the Black Panthers there's a few over here it looks like they're okay poor spider-man had no chance maybe we should do an army of spider-man's and who would lead them oh I got an idea in mind I've got an idea so now we got thin O's doing his thing Davis is just like borderline indestructible he's really really really good oh no Colossus has been defeated I regret everything he's not having a good job who doesn't have a good job because he got fired he's not doing a good job that's for sure yeah so it seems Black Panthers can beats Cybermen and Cybermen are really gonna beat in Sekar and mercenaries look at what's going on over here oh there's a fuse two cards left Hulk is still leading his army he's got the most soldiers left for sure and now they're gonna flank so we're gonna get in above ground view or what would you call it a bird's-eye view they're getting concavity so they're definitely gonna roll through that army really quickly oh they're surrounding them and then it would just come down - can they defeat Thanos in the circle oh yeah they're all dead now I'm at two times speed I wish you could go faster so let's see can ho get a hit on or will hope get hit hook got a hit off he's gotta do that probably three or four more times I would guess judging about how many times to tilt the Hulk Smasher man look at danos go and Hulk get your head in get your hitting big boy this is Ghana Ragnarok II oh you know we need maybe we need for my gosh look at that just trail of strawberry jam where Thanos has just made his way through all of the black panther clubs he keeps coming retreating tactically he's not allowing himself to get surrounded as much and look at Hulk Hulk is like the Hulk smash he's finally trying to figure out maybe he's not gonna get any hits in from the back of the group alright Hulk is up near the front again Hulk you gotta get dairy out him so that's only two hits I think you may have punted one of the Black Panthers as well Hulk's just not good at waiting his way through his own soldiers and Thanos is just ripping everybody up come on Hulk get a cake Oh Hulk got kicked himself where is he is he dead if Hulk is dead oh wait a minute I've got bad news Hulk has been smashed his armies falling in quicksand right now so as a result it looks like Thanos is probably gonna pull a way with another bigger it just can't be defeated without like when he has the Infinity Gauntlet and I can't help but wonder what ultimate epic battle simulator could be like if heroes could even be given just not only one attacks but like two different attacks or the option to have two different attacks Thanos would be so much cooler if he could do a snap in half the units on the map would be destroyed or maybe he could just like you know maybe Cyclops could fire lasers maybe you know Black Panther could do some jump kicks or something like that but yeah as a result I really think it's over and these are the last few warriors BAM boom and that's all she wrote Santos is victorious what if Captain America turned to the dark side he's got these Necron warriors they're huge they've got like these laser blasts are looking axes so if if once again ultimate battle simulator was given the ability to have to attack values and we've taken Thanos out of it because we kind of know what's gonna happen oh my gosh the necrons have blasters luckily they don't have knocked back or else this would be a pretty but look at them they're just on these hills just unloading on the units down below I think they have a pretty good chance to see what happens here how strong are these necrons they're actually really freakin strong the first neck round finally went down the spiders spider or spider-man needs to get taken out cuz he's just got no chance and now pretty much it's Hulk in Black Panthers versus the neck round warriors the necro Moors are going to do a lot like look at how many units have fallen it doesn't look like too many black panthers is fallen when you try to look beyond or between the units actually have any of the Black Panthers been killed by the lasers so where's Captain America I'm looking for his body and I can't find it there's Hulk yeah I think Captain America got Hulk smash man Colossus is down hahaha we need more supporting units I'm hoping that you modders an ultimate battle simulator can come up with some cool stuff because we need more units let's play now how's this gonna work if they don't if they don't decide to flank around these necrons the necrons are gonna win even with fast forward this is this is a war of attrition oh look at these guys they're stuck on the mountains that doesn't seem to bear alright so they're gonna have to walk their way up this mountain and then around it luckily there's kind of a chain of them so it should attract the pathfinding of the Black Panther units we're gonna be gonna walk up walk around and maybe maybe just maybe maybe just maybe they're gonna go up there and kill the rest of them and then maybe again a big maybe let's see this at work a few of them are getting up all right now I need now you guys need a flank from behind oh my gosh it's working they're like a bunch of ants once one finds a way they can all find the way and then the snipers on the hills here are gonna get taken out and then oh that's what I was hoping would happen the Black Panthers charged down the hills and get the units that are kind of isolated now if there's this guy right here it doesn't look like anybody's going for them so that's gonna be a problem there may be a few left there's just the ones in the isolated parts and then this battalion over here so I really think that there's just like two necrons left oh just one it's this one right here let's see are these guys smart enough to deal with them I think they're running around so this guy could in theory kill all of them but we're not gonna stick around for that yeah there's one remaining from Kavanagh bears America's force in Black Panthers only ten died is Hulk still alive jeez Black Panthers dominant no Hulk is down so only nine Black Panthers and Hulk died all right so we definitely changed know we've got Captain America with American modern soldiers we've got Groot with the mini groots back again now we got spider-man he's like you know I'm sick of losing I've got 1,000 Venom's I don't know how this is gonna work and then we got Wolverine with a thousand Colossus this one should be pretty ridiculous now it doesn't look like the modern soldiers have kicked back but man Wolverine is just getting rekt right now so let's see Captain America's still holding his own the soldiers are just firing away Wolverine surrounded spider-man surrounded Spider winds down let's see how the Venom's do against Colossus it looks like venom has kick back and it looks like he's definitely kicking the butt of the Colossus units there is the Wolverine still in here I wonder is he I wonder how much health he has some of these Colossus units are running up on Captain America now who did die in this fracas now where's all the bodies I guess they do disappear after a while looks like venom is kicking butt man too many Venom's let's actually see how many Venom's have died right now none well maybe one no spider-man died Venom's haven't died yet all right so we're gonna speed it up who wins the Marvel infinity Wars now here's another thing I've got Star Wars I've got Lord of the Rings and I've got Marvel and DC Comics mods that I can do for ultimate epic battles similar oh no here's group brutes brutes facing the end of his existence man he's getting surrounded he's trying to get out of there Groot run run away Groot don't be brave and fight to the death it just won't work out for you friends let's see how all man groups just getting ping-ponged now it's the Colossus versus the venoms there's only been maybe two Venom's that have been defeated and they're starting to go down in the Wolverine to the Colossus there's actually an even battle they both have around nine hundred ninety seven nine nine hundred ninety six units uh-oh Wolverines are starting to taking advantage and the enemy's killed goes in the favor of Wolverines Colossus units so let's see what's happening they get knocked back oh my gosh it looks like we've made like we've made art who we're making art and ultimately epic battle simulator so place your bets look at this man modern soldiers all fell in one spot the groots kind of spread out and the venoms and the Colossus are mostly intact so that goes to show you which ones are better looks like the edges slightly in the favor of the Colossus actually I thought Spiderman would finally get a victory here by having Venom's supporting him but it does not appear to be the case look at this it's a bunch of ants what is this a battle of ants we've also got the units that are in that game I think I found some giant spiders I'm surprised no one's done any green army men mods it'd be cool to have like a raven field mod like what if you had like the Reds and blue guys and you could make a hundred thousand versus a hundred thousand and there was a map of an aircraft carrier but unfortunately there's no mounted maps in ultimate battle simulator which seems a little silly because if they were if there was an ability to use mounted maps imagine what kind of custom battles we could do there'd be so much more so now there's a differentiable about 40 almost 50 between Wolverine and spider-man's team the Venom's are scattered to the high winds man like look at this this battles absolute nuts it's kind of funny how there's a few packs of Venom's isolating the different Colossus oh man it's just nuts I'm trying to think of other cool you know there's not even like classic World War 2 units there's really not a lot of modded units I wonder should I Commission some now there's only a differential of 30 I wonder if Venom's might be taking the lead here and just like that that script has been flipped Venom's are now knocking out more Colossus than Colossus knocking out Venom's at this point there are over 100 more Venom's then Colossus guys this landscape needs a sunset doesn't it now with lack of a Sun we need to make a Sun well we know what's gonna happen here mmm oh my gosh that killed almost everybody I don't know why that surprised me that totally altered the landscape nukem nukem there we go Wolverines Colossus beat the venoms due to nuclear ordnance being dropped in because people humanities like there can't be this many mutants someone needs to stop cloning these mutants anyway let me know what custom battle you'd like to see next in ultimate epic battle simulator and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 4,572,737
Rating: 4.7776942 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, uebs, uebs army, uebs marvel, uebs superheroes, ultimate epic battle simulator, ultimate epic battle simulator armies, ultimate epic battle simulator marvel, ultimate epic battle simulator superheroes, ultimate epic battle simulator who wins, uebs who wins, dec18
Id: QlpMH9ug8mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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