The Best Upcoming SUPERHERO Movies 2020 & 2021 (Trailers)

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this world is not yet ready  for all that you will do   the time will come diana and  everything will be different citizens of the world i'm here to change your life anything you want anything you dream of you can  have it look like you saw ghost diana lucky you it's like now one day has passed i don't want to be like anyone  i want to be an apex predator you've always had everything while  people like me have had nothing well now that's my turn get used to it i've never been one for rules  the answer is always more the way i fly they will never  find us i forgot to tell you what   radar will they will they shoot at us barbara what did you do you know i'm not so keen on this one i figure  uh you are but you know what i'm ready to go i   think we can do better parachute pants  yeah um does everybody parachute now from your secret friend let's play a game just me and you any of this mean anything to you  you're becoming quite a celebrity   why's he writing to you if you are justice please do not lie what is the price for your blind eye the hell are you supposed to be i'm vengeance whoa this guy's crazy you're part of this too how am i part of it you'll see i tell people my sister moved  out west you're a science teacher your husband fee renovates houses you're thinking about moving but you're  gonna wait until the interest rates go down   that's not my story before i was an avenger i made mistakes and a lot of enemies his call signs taskmaster he controls the red room  they're manipulated fully conscious but no choices i should have come back for you  how many others are there than us we have to go back to where it all started  so they never do that to anyone again we're family we fight with you you won't win i've always found  the best look to look into the past okay you got a plan or should i just stay  dug and cover my plan was to drive us away   where your plan sucks   at some point we all have to choose between  what the world wants you to be and who you and be my are i'm done running here's what's going to happen natasha don't slouch  i'm not slouching you're going to get the back   hunch listen to your mother oh my god all right  enough all of you i didn't say anything that's not secret fair that david played and it pleased  the lord but you don't really care for music do it you like this the fourth the  fifth the minor fall the major lift   the battle king composing hallelujah i did my best it wasn't much   i couldn't feel it so i had tried to touch  i've told the truth i'll stand before the lord i oh this guy's probably fought hundreds of  thousands of other super beings on the   other planets he's destroyed right and  we have to assume he's won i don't care   how many demons he's fought in how many  hells he's never fought us not us united you know the deal successfully complete the  mission you get 10 years off your sentence welcome to ask force x these are your  brothers and sisters for the next few days turn around and oh oh michael i've known you since you were a child you have a gift you always have if there's an answer to  your disease you'll find it i should have died years ago why am i still here if not to fix this i have a  rare blood disease and i'm running out of time this could be my last chance you're up to something what  is it that's not exactly legal i want to see you get hurt more than  you already have this would be a cure at what cost i feel like more alive than ever  increased strength and speed the ability to use echolocation and an overpowering urge to consume blood how far are we allowed to go we'll fix something that's broken until the remedy is worse than the disease michael morbiel   got tired of doing the whole  good guy thing what's up doc 5 000 years ago kondok was a melting  pot of cultures wealth power and magic yet most of us had nothing except for the  chains around our necks conduct needed a hero instead they got me i did what needed  to be done and they imprisoned me for it   now five thousand years later i'm free and i give you my word no one will ever stop me again what's the last thing you remember danny he said we had to run the reason you survived  is because you're a very uncommon girl you're not alone not anymore  do you know what mutants are would anyone like to share their first  time rain i was 13 i thought it was a dream   i just lost control sam i started panicking  people got hurt roberto my girlfriend i burned her iliana i killed 18 men one by one   this isn't a hospital it's a cage it's important we find out your  power so we can help you get better i saw something i don't think she wanted me to see i don't think we're here to get better this place takes your greatest fear it  makes you live through it until it kills you who's there we can get out of this together you
Channel: KinoCheck International
Views: 10,215,356
Rating: 4.7789359 out of 5
Keywords: KinoCheck, trailer, 2020, 2021, Best, Top, Upcoming, Superhero, Wonder Woman 1984, The Batman, Robert Pattinson, Black Widow, Justice League: The Snyder Cut, The Suicide Squad, Suicide Squad 2, Morbius, Spider-Man, Black Adam, Dwayne Johnson, X-Men: The New Mutants
Id: zr9E5-k4oug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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