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classified families here at fire and welcome back to canon excels today i'm going to be answering a question that i have received a lot in the comments and that is about what you get in the lay shrines so how to get things that you got on the previous map such as you know how you got your purges and your purge fraules in there you got dogs of the desert ones miriam ones veneer ones northern ones all those kind of favorite fruits you had before i'm going to be showing you a way you can get something similar or something very the same actually before we do that though i need to get something very clear with you there are actually five levels or you might have heard of them being tears in this thing so there's five different ingredients you can put into the lay shrine to get five very different results and in those five you can get another lot of different results depending on what altar you choose so i'm gonna get out the basics first we have level one which is a low tier light shrine and that is if you put zero of the question mark stuff in which is going to equate to zero swelling chaos which i will be referring to as sc if you do a level two one which is a medium tier it's gonna be 200 swelling chaos which equals to four greater question mark or a hundred unstable question mark or 200 lesser question mark if you want to do a level 3 so the high tier you need 400 sc which is gonna equate to eight greater question mark 200 unstable question mark or 400 lesser question mark now we go to level four a powerful surge which is going to cost a thousand swelling chaos to actually be a thing this is equaling to 20 greater question mark 500 unstable question mark or a thousand lesser question mark and then we have the final one level five a calamity chance i say chance because a lot of people have seen this get absolutely completely wrong in their videos it is a thousand plus swelling chaos but it's not guaranteed to be a calamity if it is over a thousand okay it's a chance so let me just get that right and clear to you if it's red on the dial that means it's a powerful one and then you have the chance for a calamity chance okay not 100 percent so please bear that in mind i've seen so many people get that wrong so yeah and we'll explain what you see in a calamity actually so you won't get it wrong but ideally you want a powerful surge because that's that's the best of the best the nicest stuff you can get kind of thing let me quickly get this out the way as well to make you understand this too greater question mark equals 50 swelling chaos lesser equals one swelling chaos so it's one for one unstable equals two so that means you know you have to multiply it by the amount you get the amount you want for the chaos so that's why i've given you the previous values on how much you should put in to get said product out of it you know but for time sake and to save me spawning in like a bajillion of these different things i'm just going to use the greater because that's the easiest to measure off i'm going to start with the focus ultra at the center where we're going to do a t1 so t1 will look exactly like this you do this you don't actually put nothing in it and you just crank the lever and that is your tier one or level one lowest here so with this one you can get up to tier three and combat people so you can get some tier free fighters or archers or bearers so you can receive that from this kind of purge but you can only get up to a tier one crafter on a no swirling chaos shrine the tier one so you can get some nice perhaps dancers but the crafters are going to be hella low and it's gonna suck that way now we have our level two so we're gonna do the same one the center craft that that's gonna give us jeb or sag followers so if i want the one out of this one i'm going to have to split my amount into four so this might take there we go we've got four graders this will give me a nice medium tear and they give me 200 swirling chaos there we go now i can crank the leather and a good indicator as well is seeing this loading bar go around that's how you know you've gotten to the next level so here we've gotten to you can see two bars so that's level two here we go you can see we've got some creatures coming out some normal people coming out as well and you can also get some babies in this one as well so keep an eye out for that but pretty much this is going to give you combat up to tier 3 and it's also going to give you t2 crafters and now we get to our level 3 so same thing you're going to make the same alter make that craft at and this time we're going to need to put eight of these graters in so we're gonna have to split it up to eight so if we can get a single one out of that that would be lovely there we go seven eight pop that in that should make us 400 swelling chaos so sc and there we go 400 in the bag now we're gonna crank the lever now this one's quite nice because you can get t3 combat out of this one so fighters bearers archers and you can also get t free crafters out of this one too and then we come to one of our last tiers the level four craft the same altar we're gonna get something different out of this one this is the one you kind of want to aim for now we're actually going to need a full stack of 20 for this one at the graders because we want to get all the way to a thousand swelling chaos just make this clear this is 20 bosses in the storm just to get that absolutely crystal clear to you so it can be a bit rough but yeah that's the kind of process you need to go through now i just wanted to show you this bit because i want to get it absolutely crystal clear to you that this does not mean calamity because it actually bothers me all right so you should see it all going like this and it will go red just because it goes this color does not mean you have a calamity i repeat just because it's red does not mean it's a calamity [Laughter] it means it could have a chance to be a calamity but if you have a thousand it will most likely be a powerful one because having a thousand in there and being calamity is an extremely rare occurrence most powerful surge level four so let's have a look what we get we should get children of jebel sag out of this one so let's watch them drop down and you can see you're gonna get quite a few ruffians out of this one as well so you got quite a few of these going out here some nice arches as well uh you'll get a lot of high tear stuff in this one so it's very nice to have actually you already see we have a named bearer there already a named dancer already as well now these guys can come out as combat t4s or crafter t4s so this is why i say this is the one you want to do the von's on cloak you see this he has no weapon he's hitting me with fists right this is why this is a good powerful one to do at the moment because it will be very easy for someone that is solo since all of these guys just punch they don't have no weapons they're actually broken so yeah it's a really good one to do but again the ones that you want so the crafters or the fighters will have the weapons so just be careful with that all right so let me try and do a calamity now these aren't really easy to spawn at all since their percentage base the idea was when funcom put these in is to desensitize you for doing this to not do a calamity so it's supposed to be like a way to put you off putting loads and loads of this in to get the calamity if you get what i mean so aka the more of this i put in the bigger the chance i get to get a calamity it's going to take you know in anything over a thousand you could do a thousand and one a thousand and twenty a thousand a hundred and your chance will keep going up for a calamity but to be honest it's not worth doing a calamity let me just tell you that right now okay so i've put absolutely butt loads in let's hope we get a calamity out of this one hopefully it should give that to us with the stinky amount of stuff we've put in this one so let's stand back get this to crank one out for us fingers crossed people because it could still give us a powerful surge and not a calamity with that amount surprisingly like i said it is chance based it's not 100 the amount you get is what you're going to get out of it if you get me ah i think we got it though hang on i think we do all right yes we have the calamity here's the calamity so this is a altar of the center calamity what this will give you is whites and gorillas that's what it gives you so it's going to give you horrible things like really hard bosses or things that perhaps are really difficult to kill that's what it's going to give you and that's why you don't want calamities because it's going to give you things that perhaps you don't really want like would you ever want this many gorillas for that amount of costs no you would not you would actually be very pissed off if you had to farm out 20 bosses or more and then get a thing like this or monkeys do you want some more monkeys for your monkeys sure you do there you go have some more yeah but you're gonna see even this is just like your standard boss it's gonna give you a skeleton key it's not gonna give you anything wonderful so it's it's really not worth it it it it's not worth it okay so now we got that all out of the water and completely explained i'm gonna show you all of the rest of the altars and what they give you and remember the same applies so the level one two three four and five all apply to these as well in what you're gonna get so what we talked about t1 to t3 crafters to see four crafters and fighters is exactly the same throughout these levels okay we're gonna start with our first here we have the t1 so you can get some specialist cooking x jaguar cubs flawless medium and light armor here as well as relic hunter armor so cheap armor as a tier 2 the only additional thing this drops is buccaneer armor that i've seen and then the three can give you a chance to give those previous frisbees tiger cubs and epic singing around free buddha armor and then you move on to your tier 4 which you can get the previous and you can get a chance to get some epic lamorian armor and weapons and yeah that's pretty good that way and some legendary weapons as well and if you harvest the fishermen some scales if they're gone well so that's pretty nice uh and that carries over for the calamity of course as well with those fish scales if you just wanted a bunch of those well there's tons and tons of fish man you can get that off now the northern light shrines are really good at dropping specialist cooking recipes three and five is two i've seen and some other ones and vanilla settlerama for the first one and boil you can get from this one as well when you go up to the t2 you get a chance to get a bear cub the same things come from the previous when you get up to the tier 3 you can get a chance to get epic sumerian armor and wolf cubs when you get up to the finale so the tier 4 you can get a chance to get frost smithing which is really really good those previous cooking recipes and even more of those cooking recipes actually there's absolutely tons and tons to also get a saber kitten which is nice as well and then of course for your calamity you've got some white sinking scourge so there you go nothing too special there now moving on to the northeast this is a lot of black hand kind of thing so you got your black hand banners and tents you can get you can also get specialist cookie free from this one as well and specialist cooking seven i've seen and some foreign spawns when you go up to the tier two it's the same kind of thing uh but you can get hyena whelps from this one too then you go up to this here free where you can get some epic sumorian thief armor dropping as well which is pretty nice and some jailbacks and then as the tier 4 one so your very special one with all the goodies in it you can actually get some legendaries dropping in this one you can also get some epic flawless akalonian armor as well and you get the previous kind of uh recipes that it drops and the crocodile hatchling as well you can get from this one so there's some nice bits and bobs throughout this one as well and then you move on to your calamity which of course is the well you know lizardmen you can probably get some serpent and blueprints with that good stuff for this one well just those normal things uh not too special on the calamity honestly then we go to the south where we have our cannibals so you get a chance to get ostrich chicks and tafari skin armor the very banners and weapons and the skulltaker scroll then we have man hunters this is your tier two you get the same really kind of thing so it's not really worth doing the uh t2 of this one then you go to the tier three where you got a chance to get some lamorian weapons for this one epic dafari alma and some specialist cooking one and six and some safari weapons and then for the final really good one to your powerful search you got a chance to get some flawless epic deferring armor flawless obsidian weapons and supposed tools epic yoga chosen mask as well and then your witch doctor scroll i've also seen from one of these as well which could be worth picking up if you do want some let's say well you know undead pets because that's going to allow you to do that all the previous as well from this one including jafari banners moving on to our final lot we get some camel cuffs that can actually drop out of this one and some relic hunter armor that also could drop as well as the scroll to learn to make that as well and banners and specialist cookies who i have also seen come out of this one then on the next one you get a chance to get scorpion egg sacs i've also seen and some exceptional stygian armor as well i can also come out i've seen and then for the third one it's a bit weird you can get quite a lot of uh well big snakes coming out of this one so of course you can uh harvest some skeleton keys and demon blood from their actual boss and then there's a chance to get all the previous stuff out that one too and rhino calves actually and then on the finale so the powerful one you can get elephant calves you can get all the previous and legendaries silent legion armor as well and some stygian soldier armor too and then you get some skeletons for your calamity apart from that that's pretty much it for today thank you for watching i love you and i'll see in the next one bye [Music] mushrooms
Channel: KiahOnFire
Views: 104,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kiahonfire, Kiahonfire Youtube, Girl gamer, conan exiles, conan exiles guides, conan exiles isle of siptah, isle of siptah, conan exiles leyshrine, conan isle of siptah all leyshrines explained, conan exiles leyshrine guide, conan exiles leyshrine levels, conan exiles greater ????, conan exiles unstable ????, conan exiles lesser ????, conan isle of siptah named crafters, conan isle of siptah t4 crafters, conan isle of siptah named fighters
Id: LwtHYuUI0Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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