How To Farm The Judge Easy Conan Exiles Isle Of Siptah

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[Music] this is your one and only fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and welcome back to another exciting conan exiles video today i'm going to show you how to quickly and easily beat the judge on the syptomap let's get to it okay so if we take a look at the map here here is where i am the judge is over here at new luxor well actually he's in the chamber of scales all the way here in the back you can see where i am here on the map this is going to be your easiest way to get to him because you don't have to run through a bunch of stuff you could just run straight through here to the back but then you're gonna have a bunch of things following you if you do this it's going to be a lot easier so as you can see there's some things over here fighting so you're gonna have to run through a few things we're gonna run back here just a little bit i'm gonna take cloak off and i'm just gonna show you how to run in here so basically just run through there's some wolves and spiders in this forest here but you can just run right past them jump up here regain a little stamina jump through here and then we're going to have to get over this wall here so we're just going to run up like this run past that guy who apparently just doesn't even recognize i'm here and then we can get up here and you should be relatively safe from most of the things that are down here just getting on this little ledge and then we want to climb up here and then we want to climb up again and then we want this gap in the wall right here and what we want to do is we want to run right up this this is going to save us a little bit of stamina well maybe let's try this again there we go it's going to save us a little bit of stamina and then we can just climb up here stand on this ledge get our stamina back and then climb right up here and then there is the judge now to do this you're going to need any bow any bow at all it does not matter the bow is not important because the damage that the bow deals is not important then you are going to need snake arrows or the fire spark arrow now to get the snake arrows if you want to do this early game i highly advise starting off with the set religion because otherwise getting the other religions on this map is kind of a pain in the butt and involves the lay shrines so your best bet is to start with the set religion that way it gives you access to the snake arrows rather early and easy the other thing you can get is the fire spark arrows and you can get those in the vaults they have a chance the specialist ammunition whatever it is i don't even remember has a chance to drop in the final chest of any of the vaults there's a lot of stuff that can drop in that so your chances of getting this are you know completely random you may already have it you may not if you have it it will work just in case you did not pick the set religion okay so anyway once you're on this wall it's pretty simple to do we're just going to drop down here be careful we don't take any fall damage run straight to this pillar right here jump on it climb it get to the top here to the point where you start to climb you see how we angled there and then now we're we're lined up with it again now we can fall down and we can stand on this little ledge right here now you want to go to you see this little marker right here this is what i use as my marker see how it's like got that divot you want to stand right there and the reason i'm pointing this out you should be all right standing anywhere on this side but the reason i point out this marker is because it works for me every single time standing here so that's why i'm pointing it out anyway then we're going to equip our bow we're going to change in the first person just so we can see to shoot him easier and then we're gonna make sure we have our snake arrows equipped and then we're just gonna start stacking poison on him yep that's right it's been a while since we brought out the old snake arrows uh it's been uh it's been a hot minute since it's been anything other than just get a throw and let thrall do your work but uh in this case we're we're using the snake arrows and the reason is is because this guy has a butt load of armor you see he doesn't have a lot of hp he's only got 5250 but he has an insane amount of armor so and that combined with the spear makes him a bear to just take down normally so doing this it's a heck of a lot easier now you can see we're taking where he is getting 32 points of damage per second which is what we want and then we just want to keep the poison on him now you have to do this here uh there may be some other places that this will work but the reason that it works here is because he doesn't move from his original spawn point and you'll watch he'll do this and start to regen some hp back but then immediately get back up again and stop regening if you do it anywhere else that he can't get you like over there or something like that and you kite him he runs all the way back to this spot and wastes time running all the way back here while he is running back there he is regening hp and you don't want that you want the time that he regens hp to be as short as possible and that's what happens here he doesn't try to come over here to get you because he knows he can't get you so he just crouches regens a little bit of hp and then immediately goes back into trying to hit you again and he can't so you should be able to bring him down with one stack of arrows i've been spamming them a little too much you just want to kind of hang there for a minute um count to like 10 and then shoot some more you see a lot of information with hozab's ui mod that you don't get in the normal game but you know just hang out for a second just spam one about every five to ten seconds and you should be fine and that's what we're gonna do and then it'll slowly kill him now you can also use the fire spark arrows i'm not gonna we're gonna just say here for a second i'm gonna let this run out and i'm gonna show you the fire spark arrows i don't need to kill him for you to know that this works it works you can see it working okay so we've swapped over to the fire spark arrows now and uh we're just going to well try to hit him there we go uh he didn't regen all of his hp but that's fine uh you can still i'm still getting the point across here so we're just gonna stack a bunch of these on him as quickly as possible here to get up to 20. and then it's the exact same thing he will bleed over time you just want to slowly keep them on him and uh that's it so there we go we got 20 on him and now we just kind of hang here he doesn't take as much damage with these you can see he's only taking 27 i think it was 32 with the poison but it'll still do the job now if you really want to kill him super fast and you manage to somehow have both of these you can stack both of them on him you just kind of rotate back and forth between the two arrows make sure that the poison stays on him or the bleed stays on him stack a bunch of poison and then just bounce back and forth between the two and you'll bring him down even faster and then now what i'm gonna do is just alternate back and forth between the two just keeping the stacks on him and you can see he's taking 59 damage a second and uh we're bringing him down really quick so we're just gonna do this here and uh finish him off so you can see him dead and the reason you want to do this and the reason you want to start farming this guy as soon as possible he drops an insane amount of recipes he can drop a bunch of the uh delving table recipes he also drops bags weapons he drops just so much good stuff he is definitely one you want to start farming as early as possible we'll see what he drops here he also drops the bloodstone bloodstain bloodstone sword something like that i don't know you'll see here in a minute he'll probably drop it it's uh it's this one right here bloodstone sword that's the word i'm looking for all right he's almost dead should take and die there we go kills him and uh now what we want to do is just drop down here and if we're careful we won't aggro the skeletons and he didn't drop anything good this time but he does so we'll grab that and what i'm going to do is i'm going to cloak and i'm just going to kill a couple of him to show you what all he can drop okay i've got a nice pile of bodies here let's do a quick clean up command pop all those into some bags here and we're just gonna go through and loot all of the bags and i don't think any of these have anything in them no i think we're good there anything in those that one nope oh we got some stuff in that one let's loot that well maybe let's take all no am i full can i not hold anymore okay apparently i can't hold anymore anyway let's take a look at what we got here you go you can see we got the night stalkers garb from him bunch of executioner stuff the axe and the sword we got the coup de grace the bloodstone sword a bunch of legendary repair stuff and a ton of the supply material steel steel sickle but yeah um he drops all kinds of goodies all the executioner stuff we didn't get any of thag stuff oh yeah actually we did mesa thank right there so there you go got some of thag stuff yeah drops all kinds of good stuff he's definitely something that you want to farm as often as possible to just to make life easier and get a bunch of uh cool items from him all right and that's pretty much it for this one hopefully you found it helpful and if you did find it helpful consider hitting that subscribe button if you haven't already alright that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you like what you saw considering that sub button i want to give a big thank you to my patrons for making this episode possible y'all are absolutely amazing people if you'd like to join my league of patreon supporters please check out the link in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave 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Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 56,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, conan exiles isle siptah, Conan Exiles isle of siptah, Conan Exiles delving bench, Conan Exiles, Conan Exiles 2020, Conan Exiles guide, Conan Exiles siptah guide, Conan Exiles siptah dlc, Conan Exiles tips and tricks, Conan Exiles The Judge, Conan Exiles Siptah Bosses
Id: smTUq6qVwp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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