All Legion scenes in Young Justice S4 so far

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[Music] engager mode [Music] they're off to mars and yes that's another thing i never thought i'd say all right everyone time to get to school [Music] [Music] that's a lot of hostility now helped him again ah thanks we are done sightseeing let's head straight for my folks place recognized martian again i'm fine but you're on i can't feel his mind touch [Music] [Music] uncle john you're zeta tube all right it exploded but no one was hurt dude you had us worried we weren't sure you made it out before the blast locking in on this signal [Music] hey bring it back someone's definitely trying to cut mars off from earth in the justice league and who would do that and this guy is no idea prince gem those explosions they couldn't have been his play could they no but he's up to something he wanted to make sure the league couldn't intervene so what now imra nothing's changed we watch we wait we stay ready what are you up to i thought we might check in on bioship why you'll see oh good another mystery i suppose the trip has been slightly more eventful than we planned uh aren't all our trips but this is a good surprise i promise we're getting awfully close i put up a psychic screen they can't see us well that's not good [Music] i need to investigate will you be okay you can't leave now the squad's under attack no it's all right we're good go i'm clear it was a psychic signature but it's gone now disappeared as quickly as it appeared a signature of whoever attacked us we all agree that was an attack right nothing on infrared conor you're bleeding it's not a big deal how is this even possible we're farther from the sun and underground there's not much solar energy for me to absorb down here and less oxygen than i'm used to so my cells aren't fully charged but it's just a little cut i promise i'm fine no you are not fine you could have died that's more than a little disturbing also disturbing i think someone tried to kill us [Music] sure it's just amazing another person really takes a lot out of me [Music] perimeter's clear [Music] no sign of the enemy i can't believe he thought that would work he wasn't trying to kill anyone he was trying to out us and he succeeded miss martian got a momentary read on me i put the screens back up but we'll need to keep our distance from now on if we get too close she'll recognize my mind touch but he'll be back how can we do our job if we can't stay close i honestly don't know but come on need to go [Music] brown isn't here garfield he isn't real when you turned into a maalapa ak beast during the riot you scared the mob they lashed out at you with multiple brain blasts leaving you psychically bruised no i failed them i failed them all you're the leader of the outsiders a family that you built you're afraid of losing that family like you lost your mom and rita and wally breon was the first loss of your new family so you feel responsible but no leader can control everything and brione made his own choices to the extent he was making choices at all please gar let me heal your mind [Music] i'm repairing the psychic damage but this is just a start the mental and emotional trauma is still there and requires treatment which you must seek [Music] out i didn't do anything i feel horrible about it but i i didn't even realize you were hurting but if if you didn't fix my head then checking whoever it was did repair the psychic damage and left no nasty surprises behind either what i recognized the mind touch it's the same signature i sensed at yesterday's cave-in so whoever tried to kill us saved me nice work cam they might not have found superboy in time without you and this boy i thought we weren't supposed to intervene on anything except you know the one big thing history books don't mention this incident one way or another maybe we always intervened garfield was hurting i had to help or else why do we do this you did great today [Music] thank you now if you'll excuse me i still have much to prepare before tonight we have to go but you psychically camouflaged us miss martian's coming we can't risk her recognizing my psychic signature from the cave-in i still don't understand how we're supposed to complete our mission if we can't stay close i'm really not sure but what choice do we have come on so how did it go about as well as i thought it would that path for embracing full equality for all martians if we allow our society our culture to hold on to old prejudices then we are all to blame for my father's death together we must all find a new way he forgets himself princess rush pose of god i must embrace this no can i give the prince credit guy knows how to make a speech stay alert don't forget why we're here my eyes are opening to these words of common sense this dialogue will continue it must but enough about death today we are here to celebrate the birth of my son your prince gem son of saturn [Music] he's here hurry i'll mask our flight [Music] there's someone below us i'm picking up the same mind signature from the cave-in meaning i know i saw someone something with this what is it it's definitely apocalyptic it's a bomb i'm guessing we've only got minutes before it blows it looks like there's some kind of virus in the containers it tastes of mccomb you can say goodbye to mom and tell dad i'm sorry this was his plan that's why he did what he did in new genesis trading favors with apocalypse to get this this viral bomb my guess is it'll target and kill all the grooms in the arena maybe the blood ends as well or worse we don't know the explosive yield or how far the virus will spread three need to get out of here you're all in danger but i'm honest you're biracial we don't know how it'll affect you or gar he has your blood in his veins i'll get rid of it great except you haven't seen the sun in a while right now you're not as tough as you think it has to be me i'm the only one who's immune there's a heat source below a lava flow i think should be hot enough to fry the virus now go clear the area be careful connor always don't see him miss martian's blocking my telepathy i can't pinpoint any of them attention everyone you must evacuate the arena now get the queen to safety lieutenant dear child re-rob power to the command council and use the last of our beryllium crystals to boost our taser beams we may be a billion light years from home and stuck in the middle of a clamulon civil war but the crew of the engager does not know how to quit we'll get captain bender back and take down that zombie cyborg it's a valiant cause face it i didn't journey all the way from mars only to cut and run and i bet you didn't trade an easy life on plenum prime just to bail either doesn't matter how many friends we've lost or how many ships they throw at us we don't give up on the mission and we don't give up on each other now fire taser one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Proteus Chris
Views: 53,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legionofsuperheroes, superboy, phantomzone, dccomics, hbomax
Id: B-QPZhXnlV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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