All I want for Christmas is..the CRISPIEST Crackling Pork Belly | Ep1 Marion's Very Merry Christmas

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the crispiest crispy crackling stuffed worst pork I mean that crunch can't argue with that drizzled with a five-spice cherry gravy it's Christmas time my friends let's make the best roast pork ever its holiday season time and let me just take the burden off that stress about what are you gonna make will it turn out how am I going to impress like aunt Mary and Uncle Joe all of those things we can take care of all of those things in this one video we are gonna make the crispiest crackling pork roast you've ever seen I love this one it is so good I'm so happy I can share with you guys let's get started on the stuffing part first I'm gonna do a rice bass stuffing one because you know like I'm half asian so you pretty much have to have rice in your Thanksgiving Christmas holiday season dinner lunch whatever you're doing but it also means that we can make it gluten free so if you've got two people that need gluten-free this is a good stuffing for them all right the rice and a whole piece of star anise and it's all these little details these little bits and pieces of flavors and aromas that are really gonna make the difference here so in that goes and some chicken stock [Music] just stir that and then once that chicken stock is bubbling away nicely to turn the heat down put the lid on and there's not much rice in there so it's literally going to take like five minutes so one of the things about having a whole bunch of people over family friends friends of friends someone's second cousin is that you never know when allergies are going to be an issue so one of the great things about this stuffing is that it just happens to be gluten free as long as you make sure that you're using gluten free soy sauce also known as tamari so in the meantime let's do the rest of our filling flavorings and I'm going to start off with some very thinly sliced pancetta that I have here now I just want to see how much fat comes out of that pancetta for adding any oil now I'm not getting too much fat out of this I'm going to add a little bit of oil and some onions and some garlic [Music] now just get that mixture a few minutes that onion to get really nice and soft and sweet that pancetta to impart all of its porky goodness so this is looking good do that out to a bowl now let's have a check on our rice Stoney's it's already making my kitchen smell beautiful now just take stir nice out just use a fork to fluff up that rice and now tip that in with your bacon I'm gonna season with some soy sauce give that a good mix I need to let this cool down before I add the rest of my ingredients so I'm gonna pop it into the freezer for a good 10 minutes or so so in the meantime let's talk about our pork crispy crackling now it is one of those pressure points for a roast pork at home and there is nothing worse than having a really soggy piece of pork skin on your roast pork particularly when you're celebrating and you try to impress people and you know you want cousin Martha to think you're the most amazing cook ever so whoo break it down follow all the steps everything is really crucial here now for me pork belly is like the ultimate piece of pork it's juicy has beautiful skin that's just waiting to be crisped up I want you to have a look at your portho when you're buying it so you want a really nice hefty piece it's about 2 kilos and have a look at the fat not all pieces of pork belly are created equal you want a nice layer of meat just a little bit of fat in there okay so that's your pork belly I want 1/2 kilo piece and then I've got just a smaller little strip of pork belly that we're gonna put inside that's the other piece of pork belly you'll see what I mean first off we want to create the kind of base for getting our really super crispy crispy crackling to do that gonna need a ruler and then my weapon of choice here is a Stanley knife so I find even my knives at home just on kind of sharp enough to get in there and really get some nice score marks so I always use a stanley knife for that and before you cut into that skin I want you to have a look at the piece of pork belly that you've got and have a look at which way you want to roll it now I want a nice long piece so I'm gonna roll mine this way and that means I want the score marks to go across like this all right so get that set up it's going to take my ruler and what you want here is a score line that runs through the skin into the fat the scoring make sure you're getting lots of tight score marks like I'm talking what's this a centimeter a centimeter along don't leave it up to the butcher or your supermarket which usually only puts about like a score every inch of the way along that's not enough trust me on this one the whole idea here is that scoring the skin and the fat means that we're gonna get a better render of the fat so the fats gonna render out underneath the skin the skin is gonna get crispy and you're gonna be left with just crispy skin and beautiful pork belly meat and you want a thin enough separation that when you go to slice it's very easy to slice into thin or thick pieces you'll see how that works at the end but a centimeter of my friends that's what you want okay so I flip your pork over and then take that little random long piece of pork that I've asked you to get and just measure it out and here to see if it's long enough to fit the length of that pork belly mine's a little bit too long so I'm just going to cut this mixture off and then I don't want the skin for this middle part so I'm going to just make a little cut in here just wiegel that skin alone your knife to take it off now the other crucial element to making a success of this roast pork is salt salt and time I would say the two most crucial things so I want to be properly it's a big hunk of meat so I really want to be making sure I'm getting a lot of good seasoning in here so when I season the meat side of the cork so there are times probably when you want to be trying to avoid salt this is not one of them if you want crispy pork crackling you're just gonna have to deal with the salt okay so my stuffing is nice and cool I'm gonna add in an egg and the egg is gonna act like a binder for everything it's kind of the job that you know the breadcrumbs are doing a regular kind of stuff just mix that through now to amp up the flavor completely I want to add in some hips I've got some coriander some spring onion and then one little ingredient is gonna add a whole bunch of Wow you'll see it's perfumes the whole pork and that is some lemon zest and already that mixture is smelling so amazing YUM now the other thing you'll need here are some lengths of string which is twine before I do anything else I want to get my string all set up an imposition so I just hook that under and about there will do I want to make sure that string is really giving our piece of pork a lot of support so I'm going to use quite a few pieces here now you want to get this tasty stuff all over your piece of pork spread it out make sure you've got a nice even layer [Music] and then that little piece of pork belly is gonna go into the center and by using these two pieces just this the little piece here is gonna make all the difference with how tight your roll is going to be also how the filling looks that little look that sort of like a round circular pattern in your pork so all of this is not just about flavor but also aesthetics now this is going to get a little messy but don't worry we'll get there in the end so just kind of lift up your pork belly on the side here and roll it over and you want to make sure that you're getting a really nice tight roll here and then what I like to do is flip the pork belly back over because I like to tie it on the underside because I find that's the part that really needs a lot of help and now just lift up that string fold it over a few times and then pull too tight [Music] I just tidy all this up by cutting off that excess string would you look at that already at work about just such a joy making beautiful things in a kitchen now transfer that to a tray noted said its salt was one of the most important things for the success of this dish and the other thing is moisture or lack of moisture so I really want to get that skin really nice and dry cut it down moisture it is the enemy of anything crispy crispy chicken skin crispy pork skin anything so actually you get it really dry so get in there like towel dry with some paper towel and make sure it is super bone dry I can't even ever get it up dry and then salt goes all over that skin I really want to get in there and rub it in all of those cracks I can to give this salt time to work its magic we need at least two hours or overnight in the fridge would be even better uncovered because that air all around the outside of that pork is going to dry the skin out the salt is going to draw out the moisture as well it's all gonna work to help us without crispy crackling so now the gravy and what I love about this one is that we're not relying on that last minute getting the pan out the pan juices and all that kind of stuff and then everything goes lumpy and then what are you gonna do it because like grandma's waiting for lunch so let's make our gravy ahead of time a day before two days before or good I'm gonna start off with some chicken wings [Music] right so a big giant Asian cleaver is like not totally necessary here any knife will do obviously but you do want to cut those wings up into smaller pieces because getting that gelatin out from near the bones or in the joints is really important to getting a nice thick glossy source at the end I'm just gonna add some oil into a pan to get everything started and in goes my chicken now a piece of salt here look at these chicken pieces and that's sort of golden brown color you could roast these in the oven as well those find around like Christmas time when I'm entertaining other spaces at the premium so let's keep that free once I can see a little bit of golden color here I'm gonna add in some onions [Music] now if usually stop to make things a little special with some Asian Flair and add in some syndra and Starly we want some Chinese five-spice and just this the little dash of spice here is really gonna give us a beautiful background flavor in this gravy - wait [Music] and then to add some sweetness and a little bit of an interesting flavor I like to use a dark cherry jam any kind of jam is good here but secretly like a carrier of plum flavor here and for some color and some extra points I'm going with a Chinese Cassiel sauce you can have it in the Asian section of a lot of supermarkets now or from your Asian grocer all got a mix deglaze the pan with a little bit of Chinese cooking wine this adds a really lovely fragrance and aroma but of course if you want to leave this alcohol free just leave it out season with some soy sauce again if you're doing gluten-free make sure you're using tamari or a gluten-free soy sauce and now you want some chicken stock here too we're starting off with quite a lot of stock here a lot of liquid but we're gonna reduce it down so it gets really nice and intense now bring this up to a gentle simmer and then let it do its thing for about an hour and a half [Music] all right so it is smelling amazing in here and while this stock has been reducing I've just been skimming it every so often just the kind of gunky stuff that comes up to the surface so this is what we're left with and you can see just how much that liquid has reduced and intensified there and looking good so let's strain it out and then press down on all of those solids we don't want to waste any of that liquid in there so good now we're not quite finished yet pour that into a smaller saucepan let's bring that to a little bubble and now to thicken everything up make it really super glossy I'm going to add some corn flour just whisk that in okay and then just like magic look at that we have a beautifully thick deep colored gravy and let me see how it tastes [Music] Wow the complexity of flavor in that is so amazing you have that beautiful hint of Chinese five-spice a little bit of sweetness from the jam and the char Sieu sauce just perfect well not quite perfect I'm add a little bit of salt here and that can be just kept in the fridge until you're ready to serve just heat it back up on the stovetop and you're ready to go so growing up in a half Thai half Australian household meant that traditions kind of got a little bit confused fused and whenever we're cooking special occasion dishes in my house tends to be a little bit Australian a little bit Thai little bit Asian we don't discriminate we're happy to have everything in the one dish so that's why of course my roast pork has things like star anis and the stuffing soy sauce Asian herbs and I'm flavouring my gravy with things like jasiel sauce and ginger I think it makes something really beautiful you guys tell me okay so thyme and salt and the fridge have worked their magic and let's have a look here you can see the moisture literally sitting on top there that's come out of the skin and we want to make sure we get rid of that so give this guy really good toweling down now pop your beautiful specimen here into the oven 20 minutes really high heat and then an hour and a half and a slightly lower heat times and temps are on the recipe on their website okay now take a look at this piece of art that is this pork belly Oh [Music] this is one beautiful piece of artwork here hmm completely joyful now let slip that out onto chopping board I can't say let's take the string off before we get too excited here just pop that out so now let's get in here and slice this guy open now because we went to the trouble of doing our school lines only a centimeter apart we've got plenty of opportunity here to slice Wow look at that beautiful little pattern in there we've got beautifully cooked pork and if you have a look at the top here all of that fat has rendered out and we're just left with crispy crispy skin and some beautiful juicy pork meat I mean that's pretty much perfect I am one very happy camper right now that looks beautiful Aunt Mary is gonna be very impressed I don't have a knop Mary but if I did she would be very impressed now don't forget our amazing five-spice cherry gravy [Music] let's have a look and see shall we such a good sound [Music] even the smell you know that little bit of lemon zest so we've put into that stuffing and how I said it would make all the difference oh it really does beautiful I mean that crunch can't argue with that Wow crunch just never ends and the flavor never end I mean the stuffing with that smoky pancetta flavor and in that beautiful sauce as well with that cooking - sweetness and the Chinese five-spice this is one very Merry Christmas I can say that right now all right so I just had to eat some more pork again because one of its geese eat more pork but you know what I love about this it's like it's a total mashup of like Asian crispy roast pork which you find in you know Chinese restaurants and a really beautiful home style English pork roast I guess I mean it doesn't really matter Asian Western English a little bit time I don't know just tastes really good and create listen to that crunch that never ends hey friends I hope you enjoyed that very Merry Christmas special and the good news is that I've got more delicious holiday stuff to cook for you guys so come back next Saturday and watch the next very Merry Christmas special episode see you then
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 661,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christmas food, roasting (culinary technique), roast pork, christmas dinner, marions kitchen, marion's kitchen, marion grasby, marion grasby recipes, marion kitchen, marion’s kitchen, crispy pork belly, pork belly, pork belly recipes
Id: mP-DrYIxogw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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