All Bloodborne Bosses Ranked Easiest to Hardest

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hello everyone and welcome to sunburn da bono ranks all the blood-borne bosses from easiest to hardest you may have seen other scripted videos of mine with a bunch of Steel images in the background purporting a third grade slide show like this but not this time I did something heroic just for you guys I started a new game of blood-borne and in 14 hours and 20 minutes I collected footage of me beating every boss in the game including the super secret one a few of the fights you see will be cut from the character I built for my let's play series of the game but most will be my ultra badass blue haired top hat wearing dagger wielding destroyer of worlds prepare yourself starting with the easiest boss in the game and then working our way up number one which is of hem wick this phosphide looks mildly intimidating from the get-go because of those sight werewolves that continue to spawn throughout the fight the ones you probably had some trouble with leading up to this area because they only stagger when they want to but this boss fight is actually the easiest in the game because at no point during this encounter do you ever have to actually attack one of them the witches of hem which must be getting rusty with their conjuring spells because these wolves are blind as bats and even if they do see you the quickest way to lose a mister jog about 10 feet away before they forget you ever existed but witches themselves are pretty frail creatures who have to rely on invisibility to stop you from consistently collaborating them now this fight will have you running back and forth multiple times across too big of a room so what may take a while to actually finish them off but very rarely are you ever in any actual danger even when a witch catches you with a weird galactic donut spell the werewolves tend to ignore their prey helplessly struggling within arm's length kill both witches before one can respawn the other one and the boss is done and if a witch does respawn it only has 1/4 of itself so they have succeeded in extending the fight by about 30 seconds number 2 the one reborn this boss is basically a nightmarish mega evolution of luck it's a weird sentient pile of zombies and garbage skeletons that have conjoined together Power Rangers style to create what can only be described as a mutant slimy bone orgy the reason it's the second easiest boss is because it has real trouble putting out any kind of offense it's got a sewage dumping attack that could be easily dodged by moving at any speed in any direction an AoE blast you've got a couple weeks to identify and evade and other than that and mostly just occasionally Serrano tried to kick you with his centipede legs the main issue with the fight is that perched atop the towers surrounding the encounter area are a bunch of flaming Bell [ __ ] that shoot fireballs constantly to interrupt your attacks the thing about that though and something I didn't realize until the fourth time I helped someone with this fight is that you can actually go up there and kill them by finding one be obscure spiral staircases on either corner of the map very helpful now let's just sit here in silence for a bit and watch how the last five seconds of this fight goes magnificent number three celestial emissary you know those bulbous glowy aliens that I'm pretty sure are the result of Yusef cos experiments you know how we usually they are to kill the boss of them is a much harder at the end of the upper cathedral ward and the beautiful if you like weeds lumen flower garden you'll find a never-ending squad of rogers from american dad as you mow them down with absolute ease you'll notice the boss's health go down every few swings that's because the boss is one of those small pathetic extraterrestrials and once you single them out you can wail on them until half as health expires but after that though something truly terrifying happens that alien grows to over three times its size and keeps the same attacks ah what are you gonna do the same [ __ ] you've been doing kill it and then feel slightly uncomfortable with how simple it was number four blood starved beast i concede something we're going a bit out of order here because i have to pay special mention to the blood starved beast for being scariest boss in this entire game the way its face reminds me of a broken condom spurting out juice constantly really gets under my skin this boss is not to be taken lightly he's an extremely formidable opponent and the second you underestimate his power and abilities the second you've lost i could go on for minutes about how unprepared you are for this fight how completely oblivious you must be to the danger you've just walked into oh is it over already that was easy number five cleric beast the cleric beast is one of the first bosses you can fight in blood-borne so it makes sense that it wouldn't be too much of a strain to beat even though the game expects you to die your first time around because when you do you respawn at the hunter's dream with a doll now activated yet no blood echoes to level up with because you left them all on the boss fight a nice blatant middle finger in the face by the way and then they add a second middle finger to your face by giving you the beckoning bill is it to say you can't do this on your own shove it up your ass from software I ain't a quitter this boss is an imposing first boss because of its size but all of its attacks are hugely predictable especially the grab which takes literally a full two and a half seconds to execute if you can't get out of the way of that you need to get out of the way of this game take advantage of the attacks that leave them wide open wail on them a few times and back the hell up that souls gains 101 numbers darkbeast parl of all the beats bosses and blood-borne this one is the coolest it's a big electric type Pokemon that likes to use charge and thunderpunch this boss might seem difficult but only if you're fighting in the wrong way don't lock on to him and only use overhead attacks if you've got him this boss is easily stunned by heavy weapons so if you're packing a Kirk hammer or a little bit great sword you're golden if you're packing dueling daggers like myself in this video you might notice me getting my ass slightly kicked but pay that no mind I'm just trying to put on a good show and make the Beast think it has a chance I'm a tease number 7 vicar Amelia rounding out the beast boss quartet is vicar Amelia who was a vicar turned giant undead Fox this boss is the bulkiest of the four and is a big fan of healing herself like an [ __ ] which is what makes her the hardest and biggest pain in the ass hole her attacks are easy to dodge but the bulk on her is seriously like striking iron with a toothpick if your weapon doesn't do enough damage to offset our constant rejuvenation I had a fight with her the last and 25 minutes before she finally fell over and died the most annoying part of this fight is her constant shrieking so I guess she's still a woman at heart no but we have-we have fun here all of us here at me riding this grip number 8 myrrh goes wet-nurse you know for being the second-to-last boss in the main story you would think this weird elephant crow would be extremely difficult but she's just not maybe it's a he guys can be nurses too they just prefer to be successful some of the sneeze attacks can one-shot you depending on your vitality those would involve most attacks where she uses all of her blades in the same motion but they have pretty long reflex times a few minutes into the fight she'll start coating the area in a Jimi Hendrix song where you basically continue the same fight as before only with your vision obscured by weed and a terrible rendition of the national anthem once you've reduced the nurses health to about half she'll spawn a doppelganger of herself that appears next to you does one attack than vanishes before appearing again and doing it a different attack basically just keeps you on your toes even though one mistake could cost you the fight this encounter just doesn't have a lot of urgency associated with it I was never really afraid that I would fail even when I did but maybe that's because the background music is a lullaby performed with soft Japanese instruments keeps the thoughts of death at bay number 9 Mikkel osh host of the nightmare I hate this boss it has a pretty significant cheese factor for beating it which I'll get to in a minute but this guy is such a [ __ ] the fight takes place in a labyrinth of foggy stairs and dancing puppets it's a cool setting to fight a guy with a birdcage on his head but it's just so frustrating to try to figure out where to go if you didn't look it up online the first half of this encounter happens in a single room unless you have a co-op partner in which case it's very easy to screw with his AI and make him run all over the goddamn place but actually dealing damage to him is very easy as he only has one attack the augur of a breed is which is that tentacle attack that does so much damage to you but when you try to use that enemies health cards don't even flinch once you're not the first half of his health out he'll act like he died and disappear at which point good [ __ ] luck finding him if you don't know exactly where to go then you do find him and what does he do run into another room while you chase after him thinking yes okay no more [ __ ] running around this ends here until boom the gate crashes down behind him and you're stuck on opposite ends I feel like this boss fight was meant to be extremely psychologically taxing to break your will and make you give up ever beating this game it took me 20 minutes to figure out how to get into that stupid closed-off room and once you do drop down into there make a Lodge host of the [ __ ] has another magic attack you might be familiar with if you killed the NPC Hunter and Bergen worth that cheap-ass [ __ ] of a meteor shower that is a really fun habit of one-shotting me and what happens if you hit my collage before he finishes launching it he launches it anyway seriously you can't make this stuff up and even if you do interrupt that attack in time which requires almost an immediate pistol shot you'll just do it again and again and then also again he never runs out of Quicksilver bullets it cost me eight every time I do that spell but this guy's just way too cool to have limits but that brings me to how you can stick it to him hard and strong and feel really good about doing it with no shame whatsoever the cheese factor after you take half his health you chase him for a bit eventually you'll drop down through a hole in the ground do not follow him stand right at the top of the hole and throw poison knives at his [ __ ] ass he isn't programmed to move unless you follow him down there because otherwise you'd lose track of him before he closed himself off with the gate 3 poison knives we'll start the slow cycle of victory and you'll have to poison him three separate times to win it may feel cheap but if you went through what I did you will laugh maniacally as you watch his health bar dwindle down to nothing integrity be damned Mikkel ash be dead number 10 amygdala so there's like 7 ah McDonough's in this game apparently but unfortunately you only get to kill one of them I'm starting to think the blood-borne really exceptionally rewards people who use heavy weapons because this is another boss that gets destroyed by them an overhead attack with the rate sword can hit two arms at once for double the damage and staggers the [ __ ] out of amygdala which is how I like to pronounce it it only takes serviceable damage from attacks to its arms or head so if you want to kill it by swiping its ankles you'll be in that fight for a couple years staying directly in front of the giant spider Mon is a great way to get smashed to death so you want to hang out to the sides of its feet and wait for those moments where his arms are resting on the ground eventually he pulls a dark souls2 last giant move and rips a couple of his arms off to use them as weapons still not a tactic I see is being beneficial in the long run but whatever all that does is increase the range at which you can hit in front of himself but you're not supposed to be standing there anyway so it turns out that dual dismemberment serve some no actual purpose who would have thought number 11 shadows of yharnam this is the first and only true multi enemy boss fight and it takes place in the forbidden woods at the end of the biggest area in the game this is where co-op really comes in handy but if you prefer to fight boss as solo as I do this test can be a daunting one there are three shadows with three different attacks one just has a sword walking around and swinging it like a dink sees Samurai Jack or something another has a sword and the ability to breathe fire through a candle which I assume means his breath has the same components as aerosol and the last one has a Morningstar but prefers to hang back and shoot slow-moving fire balls because quick moving fireballs aren't his style I prefer to tackle Samurai Jack first as he attacks the most often it likes to chase you down but once you almost kill one of the shadows they perform some kind of snake ritual and start sprouting Vipers from their heads I don't know about you but I would not give a nest of snakes free reign over my body in mind just to kill a guy being controlled by mambas means every shadows melee attacks have greatly increased range which is why when that stage happens the one who could be the most dangerous with his melee attacks should be dead after you kill two shadows of yharnam the last remaining one starts a process I'm not a big fan of apparently the ground you're walking on is hollow and filled with the biggest Dan of giant Rattlers anyone has ever seen and when the last shadow bends over and cats a red circle on the ground they will pop up from everywhere and bite the [ __ ] out of you there's no telling where they'll spawn and they seem to have an infinite reach which is why you need to not let the dude do this attack murder the last ringwraith as fast as you can and the fights over number 12 moon presents so you've heard a lot about getting three umbilical cords in order to fight this boss after German right what they don't tell you was you need to actually consume the items for it to work I very nearly missed my chance to fight this guy because it was 3 a.m. and I briefly forgot all the knowledge I ever knew about anything as the super secret boss I have to say that while he has a few trump cards the fight is largely uncomplicated and easy to pull off his physical attacks aren't much different from squaring off against a garden-variety werewolf and it gives you lots of time to wail on him when his combos have finished the kicker is he has a sin harvest s attack that no matter what brings you down to 1 hp making you frantically heal before he launches another tirade thankfully he likes to just sit there and let you use three vials in front of his face to get back to full health and then he likes to sit there a bit longer for you to pay him back another attack he has that I haven't really pinned down is the ability to block your blood vial usage which is a load of crap and it lasts for about 30 seconds or so when he uses both those attacks am i close together that's when you can find yourself on a rough patch but this video is my very first time ever facing this boss and anything I can kill on my first try must not be insanely difficult number 13 martyr ligarius martyr ligarius is the boss of a relatively secret cainhurst castle area unlockable by finding the cainhurst summons in yosef cos clinic and then traveling the witch's abode and approaching a big obelisk near the broken bridge outside the area that apparently doubles as a bus stop for horse-drawn carriages his first order of business is constantly shooting giant balls of AoE damage at you while you desperately zigzag trying to make some progress towards reaching him then he enjoys shooting dark red magic skulls and Rose at you and when he's not summoning an endless barrage of flying swords at you which he can do while he's using other attacks against you he likes to wreck your face with his sights once you get him down to half health he enters a rage mode where it becomes harder to stagger him and he doesn't leave himself open too often so your best bet to beat him is to be really really patient and amazing at this game for beating him you get his crown which if you wear behind his throne opens a hidden path where you can meet the Queen and join a covenant unless you don't bow in which case she will never speak to you again and your NPC quest line is ruined also don't do what I did and sell the crown for blood echoes you'll regret it number fourteen father gasps : you've been waiting for this name the entire video haven't you like did he skip the first mandatory boss of the game nope this is where this man deserves to be for where he's in the game father gascoigne or Gascoigne yay or gasp Coligny or whatever the hell is one of the hardest bosses to fight I'd come off a four-month hiatus inside last plague Dark Souls 2 a game I invested hundreds of hours in so I was rusty but serviceable coming into blood-borne I defeated the cleric beast my first attempt to Pat myself on the back like I still got it then I met father Gascoigne who probably kicked my ass four times in a row it's true what they say that this game rewards aggressive play and punishes hesitancy hesitance was the name of the game in Dark Souls 2 you were never really penalized for taking bosses one hit at a time and backing off but when it comes to the NPC Hunter fights if you don't crush them as fast as humanly possible you were gonna down all your blood vials like you got a drinking problem and have no damage to show for it father Gasca weird is the first boss that forces you to adjust to this play style and with no shields and blood-borne except the shitty shield whose purpose is to let you know there are no shields and blood-borne you must amp up your reflexes and going for the kill another mechanic of the game you're not used to at this point is the firearms shooting into the right moments to open up enemies for visceral attacks was a tactic I almost refused to learn and to this day haven't totally mastered but it is vital to these kinds of fights father Gascoigne serves as a wake-up call to those who think their Dark Souls mastery has completely prepared them for blood-borne and can no longer be challenged by this type of gameplay also when he turns into a wolf as combos becomes a straight-up or [ __ ] and he never leaves himself open long enough to land more than a single hit yeah you can use the music box but it's a crutch that I prefer not to rely on and you only get about five hits out of it so to sum up father gascoigne era is the noob killer of blood-borne and is probably single-handedly responsible for 90% of the players that abandon the game number 15 gear Minh the first hunter you know the very first person you see in the very first cutscene of the game he's the final boss not a big surprise but he does sit in a wheelchair the entire game so it's weird to think that he can just get out of it and reap the [ __ ] out of you you only get to fight him if you refuse his offer to kill you and what a tough choice dear Minh has a big-ass sight that allows him to do some very quick long-range attacks he also has a magical firearm that when it hits you puts you in visceral attack State regardless of whether you were arming an attack or not screw the scythe I want that gun as the third hardest boss fight in this game germán is entitled to some very strong attacks for what he is not entitled to is an AoE that can one-shot you out of nowhere because I guarantee the first time you see it you won't know what's coming German will look up at the sky and just stand there for a good 5 seconds maybe more and all the while you'll wonder yourself should I be attacking him right now you can probably get a few hits at the start but then back the hell off for your own safety gehrman can be discouraging at first without quickly he can dispatch you but once you learn the combos and can reliably visceral attack him the fight becomes about the same as father Gasca why 9 - the wolf transformation and the rosy butthole vagina creature was slain that day number 17 and the hardest boss in the entire game rom the vacuous spider there's a good chance that there are a lot of people out there who can't fathom why it would name rom the vacuous part of the hardest boss on blood-borne well the reason is because rom the [ __ ] spider [ __ ] is the most [ __ ] boss with most [ __ ] attacks in the entire game for one I didn't even figure out how to get to this boss without looking it up online sure there's this old decrepit man in an oddly placed rocking chair pointing his staff off the edge of a balcony into a seemingly bottomless ocean but does a game really expect you to jump off without having some doubts about the outcome maybe the old geezer just wishes he could jump off and end it all that's what I took it to mean I saw a barely living man wish for death with one shaky and tired gesture and I felt something but that feeling wasn't an urge to go for a swim I'm going to narrate this upcoming fight in real time because the footage doesn't match any of the jokes I had previously written I know that's a bummer for all of us I'll try to sneak some in there so here we are up against the boss himself and as you can see he is surrounded by like 35 billion of his minions now he's pretty docile in this stage which is good for business so what you would typically do is you know fight all the spiders before you do this to him but I'm a little gung-ho about it because since he doesn't attack here likely he's going to teleport eventually so you would want you know free rein to be able to whale on him until that happens and I think I have no idea what you know passed me at this fight is doing right now but I will try to get inside my own head see just how far we can get so we're gonna leave all those spiders behind but as you can see ROM spawns about five miles away like seriously is there a taxi I can call to drive me to this [ __ ] boss oh he's gonna do those Oh both oh I'm dead oh oh my goodness oh we're dead already I really thought that one was gonna go a little further but I guess no that's okay because I have a second attempt just on lockdown here ready to go and if you're wondering if I'm gonna be nope the forward thinking and delete this loading screen the answer is no because this is all off-the-cuff improv and I'm just gonna be sitting here calling out what I see and that would require extra work I've already worked so goddamn hard video like yeah if you know I mentioned 14 hours how about the five hours it's taken a cobbled all this [ __ ] together so that's fun and we're gonna walk down some stairs and get right back into the thick of things it's gonna be a great time for all of us you stick around it's gonna be really fun and then we're gonna talk about more about how rom the vacuous spider is rom the [ __ ] spider [ __ ] [ __ ] I hate school I hate I hate I hate him I hate him so much I hate him so much that my usually apt descriptions of things my very superb English of describing is extremely taking a hit right now because you know what do we do when you're faced with such aggression that is just an obstacle you cannot overcome and an old man is still telling me to jump right down there is like hey go get killed by the spider again but I have no choice but to oblige unfortunately because this game is a cruel mistress very very very cruel I've even got my bone marrow ash like that's gonna help me like if I had get to a part where he's really close I could but I can't get in there I'll just shoot him this is not the boss for that there's gonna be 50,000 spiders just walking around you know waiting for you to spend one second not moving and so it looks like this time I am gonna take the time to kill all these spiders because that extra damage right after right when he starts to teleport that can make all the difference and so yeah daggers you know it's up heads or tails whether you think that okay yeah I hate that those stupid that jumping ahead attack like what these spiders are literally like mentally [ __ ] and I do not know unfortunately it works for them so you know you may not think that anymore but it's too seriously but this kamikaze [ __ ] they're pulling needs to go very far away and the damage it does like well how hard is their head I understand that it's armored but I wouldn't think like the blunt force of that impact would be enough to nearly one shot me I'm in this video I think I think I've got twenty fatality twenty health so for that to do that much look I'm gonna confuse it now Oh which way were they going I'm going that way see this is the part of the fight wherever they like rom the vacuous spider because he does not attack back and he's just very still and he just takes it you know he takes it and then eventually he's had enough and I really just can't stand him when he's had enough he starts to dish it back out and I'm Bri I really I can't I can dish it out but I can't take it back so like I assume I was hoping he would be the opposite because then we'd be the perfect fit like he can take it that he can dish it out that would be my preferred thing and taxi taxi yeah I need to get to five miles away from here please and stats gonna cost me 18 bucks more fit I cannot cook this anymore I'm walking on water here but it doesn't make me like Jesus I don't feel like Jesus right now because Jesus would not be getting destroyed by these bolder attacks right here and the one time I've actually managed to dodge those and it's caught on camera well what a moment I really I'm really glad that we could capture that and immortalize it in film for the rest of eternity so he's gonna lay on his back like a darling little kitten and then shoot boulders out of the goddamn ground which is an attack that totally makes sense for a giant spider that kind of looks like an armadillo as well so that's cool for him good that he has all these things that he can do all these tactics that he can employ my tactics really are non-existent they're just run around and hope that he doesn't teleport and hope he doesn't do any of the taxi has ever so as you can see it's not really working out for me so far we're doing okay but now he's gonna start flopping around because he's getting pissed off now he's like I've had it with this guy and that's how that's working out for you gonna do oh you got me with that one and that's the really unfortunate part is because he'll hit you with one attack and it'll just start a chain reaction such as there right now where you know all the other spiders join in like a frickin harmony and a chorus and they're just the teamwork that they have is just so infuriating that I can't put it into other words than that all right there's the AoE attack which he really likes to do as soon as you get up to him I got sort of lucky in that time period and it looks good for me right because he's like the only as 1/4 of his health left and when you know we're just hanging out waiting from the finish is flopping and this should be over in like 10 seconds right we're gonna hit him and oh well oh oh would you look at that this one 3 punch one swipe from one spider I believe a jumping attack from the other one and it culminated in a head smash literally all three of the spiders attacks in unison created this ensemble of a magnificent kill that I just have to a Toa it was beautiful it was beautiful can we see a replay no because I don't want to actually put that in the video that would take more effort all right well you know you can always just rewind the video and see for yourself in multiple occasions such as that yet again so uh yeah dad that's that that's that and we're gonna go back to the scripted version where I say goodbye and thank you for watching this video well thanks for watching this video everyone yes there's a third attempt at the boss happening right now in the background don't worry it doesn't end well I would like to extend my gratitude to those of you who watched far enough to listen to this part because I worked way considerably harder on this video that I have on anything in my whole life which is both a prideful exclamation as well as an indictment on the lazy qualities of my character and that's why now more than ever I would greatly appreciate if people who enjoyed this boss compilation would move their Mouse's over to click the like button because it serves as a validation that I do in fact deserve to be rich and famous thanks again and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Sunburned Albino
Views: 2,349,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloodborne, Video Games, Video Game (Industry), Action Role-playing Game (Video Game Genre)
Id: ydw6YDaN0IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2015
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