OnlyFans Model’s Parents Shocked When Getting Arrested in Daughter's Murder Case

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you don't have a weapon on you do you I know you got your CHL so oh yeah yeah no weapon on you no thing been right I'm with Travis County Sheriff's Office we have a couple detectives that are up the road they're want to come down here and talk to you and your wife is your wife home today yes okay not a problem um and then they'll kind of explain a little bit about what's going on I mean obviously I think it's related to your daughter's case in Florida but that's about all we really understand there are warrants for you and your wife are what I know I'm going to let them explain that to you real quick and so we can kind of get behind all that um and then we're going to try to make this as easy on you as possible right I mean while they have warrants for your arrest y'all aren't criminals we're going to try to work through this as you know lowkey is possible today they're going to explain that to you I don't really have all you know I don't know enough about the case to understand how this all works together um but they'll be here in a few minutes and so can I call our attorney um in a moment if that's what you'd like to do and I understand that way is your phone in the truck yeah do you want to you want me to go talk to your wife first or what do you want what do you want to do how do you want to handle that as far as Tru back up in here and let me go tell her okay if you let me hold on to your phone I don't want you to making any phone calls we can let you put your truck up I think that's reasonable um or actually I don't have the choice on that let me let me hold off if it was my case that's exactly what I'd let you do let me let them get here I'm not going to talk to detective I think that's fine I mean I don't have any I I don't have a dog in that hunt so can't imagine why there's a warant for our R out we we get it we're from Texas we're from Austin here this isn't our case they'll talk with you about it I completely understand and before any questioning about anything pertaining to the case you'll have your opportunity to speak with whoever you want nobody's asking you anything any specific right now anywh we're just visiting with you yeah I'm just trying to let you know that this is what's happening today and by all means we're get your truck put up we get the house locked up whatever we need to do in order to kind of de Tak Us in today yes so I know it's hard to wrap your head around just this is insanity yeah whole thing is bullshit I don't have a I have an opinion on that I don't get to have an opinion on that right professionally they've ran this through the you know they have a legal warrant for your arrest we're helping facilitate that um because you are here in our our jurisdiction but we were trying to do that as lowkey as possible um and which point when they get here maybe we we'll move into the house we'll do whatever to kind of keep it what's in the house I don't think there's anything in the house that warrant search the house uh there is not a warrant to search the house currently there two dogs in there oh yeah no no so I'll let them explain I don't know enough about the case I think when they explain it to you you'll know what they're talking about right and then the question of whether what your involvement and all that is that I think you're on the right track so um anyway that's just what this is It's unpleasant it's unfortunate but we're just kind of insanity we're at the mercy of that currently so um let's make sure they're they weren't far okay they're on their way we just had them parked a little further away um yeah they're detectives from here they are not they're detectives from myam so that's that's how come their understanding of they they have a better understanding of the case than we do um yeah I I want you to watch her face oh she's going to be just as shocked as you are when they tell you I'm shocked you want to go down here we can just sit with her can I pull the car back in let's hold off on that I will probably let you pull the car in or I'll get you to give me permission to pull the car back in whatever that looks like here at the end but if you want we can just go sit on the porch um I'm not I'm trying to be reasonable but at the same time I want to make sure that you believe that okay I have to cancel the supposed to be there in 30 minutes okay nobody I'm not okay nobody's going to hurt you I understand what I mean physically whole deal is fucking bullshit certainly understand nothing to do with the the case I believe she was persecuted by that motherfucker and she's getting where she's getting persecuted now and now we're getting persecuted you're going to have your opportunity she has she has a court dat this week doesn't she right yeah so she'll have believe me I we're both parents we understand I'm not talking to that detective Frank right completely understandable do we need why we would be getting around so um all right well we'll cross those bridges after you talk to them make a three- R circus I know I'm I'm sorry for y'all's inconveniences here this is okay we just hold on to that we'll get it back to you and just as long as y'all stay calm we don't need to handcuff anybody or anything like that right this moment so we'll let this conversation go but I know that your temper I understand it um but we'll respect that right so right now we don't want to detain anybody with the handcuffs even though there are felony warrants we certainly I know I know they're going to explain it to you and you'll have your opportunity to speak with whoever you want and then yeah absolutely however that looks right we're just going to go through let me ask you this will we really because I don't have I don't have our attorney's number memor going to call him I going to say I'm going to get a so worst case scenario I will get a phone number for your attorney you can give it to meure just hang on one second let them do their part and then we will work we'll facilitate the second end of this gentlemen this is Mr Clean how you doing wife pz from Miami day police how you doing today are you good good um can I get you real quick yes one second I me just let right so last of all his attorney okay we just said that he'd be afforded that right after he spoke to y'all um if that's what he wanted to do we've explained to them that there is a warrant for their arrest um and that you guys are the ones that could be able to kind of explain what any of that's about and so that's both of their phone his phone's in the truck and her phone's in her hand so that should be easy okay yeah just let him know he invoked already he invoked already all he ask is if he could call his attorney and then my guess says he will if you ask him about it but that's a conversation you can ask we told him we're not asking him any questions he doesn't have to that's something between the all that he can discuss um and then of course they have all the you know Logistics of dogs and all that kind of stuff which will work out after um I told him as long as they stay calm we won't need to handcuff them however he is you know upset that this is occurring he does aware that he is they are being arrested today so if he gets Rowdy then we'll we'll go ahead and cut him up but I'm not expecting that at this point if you guys you know okay all right I just was telling them the exact same thing is that um you know no warm for the house or anything like that as long as as long as you stay calm you know we're not going to handcuff you or anything crazy like that we'll give you an opportunity to call and take care of dog sitter whatever other we we'll figure all those Logistics out to make this as in you know it's inconvenient no matter how you slice it as least intrusive as we can so anyway I'll let you talk to you and then you guys might have questions about what this is fine okay so as a detective W you already spoke to I think you've been informed that you guys have a couple of arrest warrants issued out of the state of Florida okay so uh so you will be booked today um under those arrest warrants okay um we are conducting an investigation out of there out of the state of Florida um we would I'm sure you guys have a couple of questions for us as we would have a couple of questions for you um if you would want to we'd be happy to talk to you um if not uh you know do have the right to an attorney well what are the warrants forr but what is the charge the charge is uh it's called 81506 out of the state of Florida it's unauthorized computer access okay so it's basically a hacking charge out of the state of Florida it's a computer crime a computer crime computer again those are details of the case that that we'd be happy to discuss if if it gets this isan um but it is involving a computer as well as other property there's there's a subset of property that uh that has come up okay we want to thank Morgan and Morgan for sponsoring this body cam video I mean I think it's pretty clear from the body cams that we cover that it's not always safe out there when you're hurt it can be confusing it can be scary you don't really know where to turn well Morgan and Morgan is actually the largest injury law firm in America and in a time when you already have so much to think about they're going to make it super easy for you they have completely modernized the process because you submit your claim you sign sign contracts you upload documents you talk to your whole legal Team all on your phone that's it an attorney is going to review your case in just eight clicks also they have 4,000 support staff that can help you too which is just amazing to think about and in terms of price well you only pay them if you win there's no upfront fee so if you're injured and you want to join the over 3 million people that call them every year you can submit a claim at www. elcam or by dialing pound law that's pound 529 on your phone well I'm not a hacker but I don't know whose computer you're talking about okay okay um all right uh you said we have the phones right oh yep okay right perfect um all right so would you like to discuss this a little further no I'm not going to talk to you about anything talk talk to our tury may I I asked him may I go put some shoes on so there we'll handle that here in a second yes we are going to get you shoes we'll figure out if the dogs have food and water we're going to take care of all those things right yes we're you're being arrested but this isn't a violent offense the same charge on her yes sir it is the same charge that's Insanity I know so yeah I mean I don't whose computer are we supposed to have hacked for somebody's account I'm sorry who whose computer are we supposed to have so basically it's on authorized access to an electronic device right so who's the electronic device device well you when you get book and you talk to the judge it'll give you a copy of arrest warrant and you'll see all the details I so I think that I'm not talking to these guys then that that's the ultimate answer right so if you were talking to them then they' probably give you more information but if you're not then then we just get you booked in and what have you um okay so I'm going to see about a patrolman yes thank you oh I have a phone number for the one I'll take care of it okay okay um so just be patient just have a seat we're going to have somebody that will transport you guys we're going to figure out your shoe situation um make all that happen my truck get my phone and you come in with us to do what we need to do that's the idea is and so I don't know that I'll let you drive your truck just under the circumstances if you would like I can drive your truck in May I this is your phone no they are going to be seizing your phones both of your phones are part of this I can't tell her and actually if you want to place that are you kidding me yeah you already took mine you want take yours no his is in his truck so but it will be seized as well um before they run off with your phones if there's some phone numbers or something like a your attorney phone number whatever we can probably work out getting that I've got a piece of paper and a pen we can write those numbers down so you can make that call from the jail I know are there any phone numbers that you do need soy phone numbers okay and they're in here my bus there's number on is all right if I get your phones we get the phone number I need a number online you going to se it we're seizing your phones so I'm just I'm just getting to get it out of your truck okay up that all right since I'll let you hold the phone and then I'll write down you can say names or no or you can write down you want to borrow my notepad can I just look at the phone to I don't think he'll hand well that's his decision if he wants to let you handle it that's fine I you know so what we can do is let you unlock it and then I'll get the phone for you I'm not unlocking the shit for you okay is her phone locked is your phone locked yeah her phone is locked then so we need to look Frank's phone number up okay I'm not all CRA for him then we can figure that out I have no idea all right let's talk about shoes for you jacket anything like that where would that be we we'll probably let you go in to get it I'm just asking so I can get a decide you know versus rewards and I like to change a shirt I'm going leave you where you are you you're you're sufficient I know it's not great but it is sufficient coordinate that now um we will we'll facilitate that you can't text her from this phone right now okay have a phone number for her okay I'm a fucking like your fucking president definitely not I would not be here sir honestly that the case I'm leaving this stuff what do you need from me if you just want to take your driver's license that's probably that'll make it the easiest and then we'll set the rest of it either in your truck or in the house whatever works best for you pull my truck in lock the house I will do that if you don't mind me doing so I won't search your truck I will just move it in or whatever there's nothing that I think those they they only thing that they are going to run warrants on or is the two Foams so and actually the way it works in the state of Texas is I'll actually end up writing a paper for the two phones that allows it to be trans transferred out of state um but the District Attorney's office has already been apprised of all of this and has already said that that's fine so um they actually authorized if we were need to search the house I I did not want that to be the case otherwise we would have just knocked on your door this morning we wanted to wait till you left because that we're trying to avoid making this into bigger than it is you waiting I left yeah we were just waiting for you to leave we actually uh you know we we thought that you left town or left the house around the same time uh yesterday so we thought maybe that you'd be leaving again today um anyway neither here nor there it's just a ongoing this problem from the whole I guess from even begin you know all related to your daughter's event which is you know I I'm a homicide detective so I asked a lot of questions about that event just trying to wrap my head around it or whatever and you know I'm 50/50 at not seeing the crime scene and hearing all the evidence I don't really know where I stand on that I know the court of public opinion is out there um and then we've seen I don't know we' I've been doing this 28 years so I've seen a lot I mean you know the defense does say a whole lot yeah and now you're convicted in in the public opinion lot of people could not crap I think this has to do with something that Bel belongs to him is the is the computer or the whatever laptop iPad I don't know what it is something um related to that but it's something that I think her attorneys I think something her attorneys were kind of working with y'all on her attorneys her attorneys is my guess I don't know I don't know everybody's name I'm not aware of that yeah so ultimately so that's just my understanding is that it was something to do with that there's some device out there that y'all help access that's not y'all's and that's what this all stand for now it is a felony offense in Florida it's a misdemeanor here in Texas for the same crime so that's why we're kind of afforded a little more leniency whether we don't just cuffs and putting you in the car and saying tough tough luck right we certainly are trying to be as it's not our it's not our case um matter of fact I actually spoke with the detectives and we I was like so if this was us we probably wouldn't be arresting maybe we would just come and seize the phones and explain what the situation was but their state attorney is the one that's yeah she a fucking C is that what the problem is so the language they're all I listen I understand your frustration system selfdefense week one and four weeks I'm sorry goad no if you guys are in the middle of something he venting which I can appreciate I get it how about I take her inside and get her her shoes and I'm going to have to escort her sorry I mean it's just am not going to be able to go to the bathroom and no I guess put this in the bathroom ni it's going to take us a few minutes to go anyway if you just want to have a seat and then I'll take her in there and let her you can stay standing if You' like it's not a big deal it's going to be a minute before we can go so I'm sure we can I was going to say think about dog water whatever the Bond's only 5,000 well when he comes back then we'll coordinate that but I can't leave you unattended um I mean I could handcuff you put it here but that sounds we're trying to wait till the very last moment for that right so we don't create more drama for neighbors or anybody else right um but yes so that's a $5,000 Bond so very low Bond um it is a extraditable warrant meaning if y'all didn't bond out they would take you to Florida but but $5,000 Bond I would hope that you would be able to the two of youall be able to bond out relatively quickly it's not going to it's not going to solve the whole this is what's happening thing um but for what that's worth what was your name again Ben wri and I'm with the Travis County Sheriff's Office we got our supervisors got contacted by um Miami day Police Department saying this they had these felony warrants um detective Helo or Deputy h is actually a member of the United States Marshall's task force um so I elicited his assistance uh today versus having patrol cars and everybody else uh in your close up not that this isn't a little weird as it is but um as soon as every H comes back out here I'll pull your truck in and that'll look a little less weird am I going to need a um credit card or a bank card I don't know how that works I'll be honest I mean if you have an attorney then your attorney would probably handle that for you like getting your bond and stuff set but I don't know if you've got a credit card that you might want to just put your because ultimately I don't know if you're familiar with bail and bond system or whatever but if you put up the the let's say for you and your wife $10,000 worth of bond and then you show up at whatever court date is assigned well you get your money back if you go through a bail bonds company or whatever they're going to charge you 10 15% and you just never see that money again right so it depends on where you are financially if you have that money then I would recommend yeah maybe put it on a credit card or whatever ultimately as you go to court down the road you'll get that money back but those are your decisions if you do want to do that just think about it I can have them grab um I can call him right now and just say hey grab a credit card to throw in your pocket as well it doesn't hurt anything to have it um you might need an Uber on the way home I don't even know what that'll all look like right it's out of phone huh it's out of phone well they'll give you well yeah okay listen it's to another but I'm not opening the phone for anybody I'm not mad at you to hide but I'm just not going to give the fucking satisfaction sorry about the language that's okay Len all Insanity all you have rights money I we exercise our rights if it was us in the same boat so I I'm not mad at you at all um that that woman doesn't shouldn't be going anywhere but this is how they tell you dirty I'm telling you yeah this is this is this old Dam I am so sorry that you guys are going through it it's stressful enough to have a child in the situation that your daughter's in and then just to add this on top of it is is unfortunate and I just don't have a I don't have any control over that I understand you're just in your job but I appreciate you've been here but see you want me to take yeah thank you that's kind of lot onol yeah well we'll get that taken care of for you nothing else I know just you may leave whatever you want I'm fine with that um you know I'm trying to be as lenient as possible on that I mean um I don't expect you to be down there too long but yes I don't know if I I mean it's it's our jail like so theoretically probably never been arrested which is a great thing no um it's like a little bit like a bus station or a doctor's waiting room right you're going to go they're going to do the whole take your picture get your fingerprints or what have you um and then there's like a big seating area where everybody just kind of sits and waits for and so for magistration which is where the judge will read to you what the charges are that's not going to be super um helpful Illuminating for you right now because he's not reading the entire charging document he's just going to read what the warrants are for which they've kind of already told you your attorney will get a copy of the entire arrest warrant with the PC affidavit which is the probable cause affidavit which will explain what they're investigating ation revealed um you know and how they came to this decision to make this arrest um on paper I see it I don't like I said I don't know if I necessarily agree with this being the direction I would have gone if it was my investigationes over here what this one that one's M okay the tanid one if they don't get it right we'll figure it out for you is there any plan you're supposed to be meeting or anything that you need to re readdress I know that's all tricky I'm just cuz then even if there is I'd be willing to maybe send a text message on your behalf but that doesn't help me because you probably don't know their phone numbers or if you I don't know so I'm just thinking outside the box on things I can do to kind of minimize the impact this is going to have on you today um anyway it's it's where we are this is all about fun see now I think my wife would laugh at me if I wore my Rolex and my but I get it I like my so I have I pick and shoes family events nice place you know but uh my daughter Courtney gave us all watching so yes I uh my wife we we gave our hand-me-downs to our kids um very convenient to have yeah I don't know how parents did it back when we were young um I'm only 53 but uh yeah not being able to know where your kids were and I mean now we pull it up on our phone I can see how fast they're driving and everything else did you want to decide about the credit card I'm going to need a couple of cards I have I put my Apple in my should I put a different one I mean in my pocket should I go get I was explaining to him about the bond being $5,000 might take just kind of I need to get a credit card should I keep this one differ I yeah no problem go with oh you want to go instead can I go and get my card and this the bathroom yeah that's up to you I I just going to run an thereon and come let's go let's Do's oh yeah that's yours in your pocket if you want to have a seat I'm going to move his truck into the driveway for him he asked me to do that okay are you calm you good no I mean as calm as you're going to be into this weird deal all right he and I were're just discussing it it is what it is going have to go shit is what it is I can't my heart goes out to y'all this is I I can't imagine I'm a homicide investigator so I recognize what collateral damage in these type of Investigations and we try to limit that as much as we can um that's just not in this case happening so um yeah I'm just going to pull his vehicle down it just goes on the other side of yours is that yours is correct I'm going to lock it I'm going to bring the keys do you'all have a way to get in without keys or did he just take his keys with him um you can think about that I'll I'm going to lock his truck and bring the keys to you okay hey I'm going to move his truck forward she's just going to sit right there and wait um he's going to the restroom and then we're going to transport when Patrol gets here go [Applause] I will'll let you help out any way possible this is a deal out of Miami not us maybe can I um if I gave you Morgan's phone number would you call her okay here you want to write her phone number down and I'll give it to him all right take a deep breath it's okay she's going to freak out is Morgan your other daughter M okay oh that's my number that's okay take a deep breath um tell her that they said we'll probably be out by the end of the day I got a longer arm does she need to call no she doesn't need to do anything but if we're not back by like 6 she'll need to come feed the dogs okay give to have a your have do you want do you want R to hold the key has a key okay and and the code I can give you the code if we need to here I'll just let him write it down and I don't need put in I locked your truck up Windows red up uh yes patrols here um I say that hang on did I I've got both oh yeah the other driver's license is the one yeah thank you got to look at it I'm glad you came home yeah a little bit better just hand it to him that way I don't have to worry about it I don't want to know what your password is yeah she she knows it oh okay all right well I don't unless you want me to do something no but it can't hurt the thank you for calling her well yeah no no that's problem put the in the house yeah we'll just set them inside and then lock the door I just the do is there anything else just need some phone numbers everything I know um you haven't done anything we can look it up you give me the put your attorney's name well phone number Frank Frank but we also have an attorney here in town that you um you can think about it and give it to us let me know and we'll see if we can't find you ultimately they have a list of phone numbers down there they can help you with like we try to you know I really need Frank cell phone because he's not going he's not going to know is he a criminal attorney I can call his office I talk to his secet I'm sorry I ask I tell da I don't know so they're going to the Travis County uh booking facility which is downtown oh the one downtown yeah like right by the courthouse 12 Street so and they have a really so I'm not going to tell your business but yes they should okay that's fine I'll give you a DA call well they say we have somebody's computer so yeah it's and it's felony in there in Florida apparently think they're out to persecute us maybe well twist our arm it's probably arm twisting that that is an understatement okay thank you I'll give tell her going to be okay it's will be an inconvenience but it will be okay Ron will you also tell her that if Morgan tries to call or courtne tries to call her please answer oh yes yes I okay cuz they wouldn't let me answer courtne call this okay okay all right give each other some hugs and stuff right because once the patrol gets here and what have you so give each other some hugs and stuff and some peer support you're going to go to the exact same place you're going to see each other but they probably won't let y'all speak because they don't let men and women talk in the in the booking facility for the most part so I was explaining to him why you were in getting your shoes this the whole weird take your picture get your fingerprint um on theu so yeah so yeah give a I was on my way to get um brows and lashes died so I had no makeup on whatsoever you're going to transport together right absolutely let's go ahead and get you guys I'm so sorry they're going to cut you guys up there's no way to avoid that we're going to try to make that as lowkey as yeah there's no way to avoid it that's because that's transport rules so we've done all we can to he get the right trash can yeah he knows it okay thank you I've locked your truck yes I even made it honk to make sure I roll your window up as well this Deputy Weaver be Uber Mr Weaver I've explained that you are going to have to handcuff them up as per policy so they're they're prepared for that um and that's it you'll transport them okay cool thank you I appreciate your assistance keeping low key this morning yeah no problem I know as lowkey as we do in law enforement I apologize thank you okay and I'm going to with you for a minute here we will have our ID yes yes he does are we going to see you again or me you probably won't see any of us again yeah if you'll be addressing the courts in Florida regarding this so um he didn't have Frank's number and he didn't really have a real solution for that um what do you think if me if they give you their office number okay so if I Google that we should be able to get there P give me one second I'm old you don't have any problems with your should get to Google yes I do yeah we actually I have I go to the I go to the C every week for okay he lorda is that what you're trying to get a hold of okay let me write this number down and we'll put it in your pocket in that with you yeah okay we got this watch too so no worries um you look honest oh yeah get I'm going to patch you down real quick right here okay um they are I mean you can just either front pocket whatever pocket you want to put it in doesn't matter to me okay all righty but I do understand I okay just pop in right there my right shoulders okay I'll help you as best I can all right any way you can on I'm stuck here so if you sit this it's kind of that's not I feel like it'd be more comfortable if you try to put your legs up a little bit and just kind of oh I see what you're saying the seat belt's blocking there you this is you know um could you tell my neighbor that I changed my mind maybe tell tell Morgan uh not to answer Court's call this is what's wrong the um that is what's the it's okay it's twisted up give me just one second I'll fix it for you I mean is this really necessary that uh unfortunately yes just it's just the way that the uh policy is Sir would you do me a favor and tell tell my neighbor I changed my mind I don't want him to tell Morgan to answer for his call you don't want to tell Morgan I don't I was going to I asked him to tellan to report me I don't want him to answer I don't want her to answer Courtney's calls so he called and of course it went to voicemail cuz it's probably a strange number so I just I said why don't you text her and tell her hey I'm your parents neighbor please call me he know she knows who he is okay good but but just don't should not answer Courtney's calls this is going to be a very short ride there's no traffic right now so we'll make it quick can you you sit forward no no can you can I help you over wor back going a c on these people now this is some type of arm twisting is what I'm convinced this is close is there any way I can grab you no but my it's too tight it's too tight me off the phones taking the phones yeah about to go buy two new phones thank goodness I didn't get a new one oh God got a cramp in my left shoulder now is there anything I can do that thirsty too sorry this is more shit m not a word not a word without having an turning right right is that the one that tested come on let's go we're going to go like no it's not if that helps
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 2,583,773
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime
Id: VKLc8TnA4kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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