All Day Work On Etsy Orders With Me | Getting It All Done

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[Music] okay so we just got to the school pickup line and it is almost an hour early for some reason it has been taking it's like a two hour ordeal every day waiting in line um i'm hoping it settles down soon but i got my little one in the back seat um she is actually home today she only goes to daycare or preschool three days a week um so mondays wednesdays fridays so today is tuesday and we are about to pick up my oldest so we're gonna be sitting in this line for a while but um we're gonna get it done this is how over it caroline is are you over it tell them how overt you are you just want to be done with this don't you you want to go home and play huh don't you smile don't you smile don't do it don't smile now there's a little [Music] smile okay we're home now and before i do anything i need to clean this disaster it is so messy in here so we're gonna go ahead and get started on that now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right and it is all clean it looks much better this wasn't a deep clean but it definitely is freshened up now so it looks much better okay so i got all finished cleaning and everything like that so now i can get to work so the first thing that i need to do which i did not do last night and i don't really like to do that the day before but i'll do my computer work so i have to design all of my decals and all my stencils and things like that so that's what i'm going to be working on now on the computer and then we will get to cutting all the vinyl out and i do need to cut some wood tonight so i'm waiting till it cools off because it's honestly really hot today i know it's almost um september and it's still really hot here so i'm gonna head outside and then we're gonna get wood cut and sanded and stained and get that done um but all i'm actually finishing from start to finish is just decals and stuff like that today so that's what i'm going to go ahead and get started on [Music] okay so i just finished my computer work and over here we have the two wood signs they're eight by twenty fours and then i also have some stack books i think i have two sets of stacked books that we have to do that are wood um and then we have some decals so these two are decals and then over here i have all of the sublimation stuff that i have to print out so we have two garden flags a shirt and one two three and and ten mugs to do so okay so all the computer works done so now all we gotta do is get started [Music] okay so i already had my stack books pre-cut so i think these are let's see five inches long by um almo a little about three quarters of an inch thick and three and a half wide so that's the size i do they're kind of like mini stack books but i have two sets of those cut and now i need to go and cut my signs so i'm going to get that one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] good morning everybody so it is the next day um i got my daughter off to school i was supposed to send my youngest daughter to school today too but she last night started having a little bit of a sore throat and i know strep was going around last week in the classroom so i wanted to keep her home but no fever or anything so far but she wanted to keep her home better be safe than sorry so she's home with me today so she's hanging out in my office with me and she's on her tablet and stuff while i'm gonna get some work done and i have a couple calls today i got the reason i kind of cut off the camera last night kind of early is because i had to prepare for my calls today i do like one-on-one calls so i have a couple of those today so i have one coming up here in just a few minutes and then i have the next one this afternoon so i'm gonna be doing that today so i guess right now i'm gonna get everything kind of set up for my call and then i'm gonna get to work because i have a lot to do today as you can see i didn't really get as much done last night as i wanted to but at least i got my computer work done along with my um all my woodworking so now i'm going to be able to get everything finished today and luckily none of them have to be shipped out until tomorrow just some of them so i'm kind of like on track and good to go today hopefully i can get them all done before i go get my daughter from school but if not it's okay but we're just gonna get them all done today so let's go ahead and get to work okay so the lighting looks really bad in this view but um when i'm doing my one-on-one calls which today i have an etsy shop critique and then i have a learning call later this afternoon so for my etsy shop critiques what i usually do is i have like a spreadsheet um that i want on a spreadsheet i guess a word document where i kind of put everything on there that i'm going to go over let's use an example like somebody gives me their shop name and on their social medias and things like that so i'll go and research them and look at them and i have a couple things that i look at so for instance the shop layout go over like the about page policy shop announcement section shop updates we go over branding which is like logo shop banner and the overall aesthetic of their shop products and listings so the niche or niche however you say it's style images variations customizations add-ons i look at all this um seo so titles tags descriptions pictures all of that and then um we look at marketing and their social media accounts um and i get them some additional tips for girls to things that like i noticed that maybe they could you know work on that are not related to that kind of thing and then we have action steps so then i give them a list of things that they can work on to improve their shop that i noticed like i said i'm not an etsy expert but um if i notice things that they can do to help and to fix their shop then that is what i do so um i usually fill everything out on my word document and i print it out and then i'll also i'm going to send her a copy two of this as well um so she can look at it while we're having our call so we kind of just go over everything and um kind of help out however i can so that's done i got that one ready and then the one for this afternoon is ready to go as well and that one we're going to be kind of talking about sublimation um she's having some issues with um her sublimation so we're going to work on that today too so that is what i'm going to start off with this morning and then after my calls i've got to get to work i have to go finish those wood signs so i need to take them inside get some polycrylic on those really soon um and then we're going to work on the stacked books and then we're going to do decals and all of those mugs and i actually got some more orders so i'm going to go ahead and throw those in with today's orders at least a few of them and then yeah so we're good to go today it's going to be busy day but we're going to get it done but yeah that's what's going on today um it's time to get back to it i guess [Music] all right i finished my call and now i'm making some lunch i forgot to put my um taco soup in the crock pot this morning but i am making it now and i'm making it on the stove i'm just just gonna take a little bit extra time but i'm gonna make some taco soup and maybe some cornbread and um yeah that sounds good today it just sounds like a good comfort meal right caroline so we are making that now [Music] okay so just got done eating lunch um and now i'm gonna get some poly acrylic on the wood that was stained yesterday afternoon and then we're gonna paint these stacked books so i'm going to try and get at least that done before i go pick up my daughter from school so that is the plan and that is what i'm going to start with and then when we get home that's when i'm going to knock out decals and we'll see how much time i have let's see yeah we're probably only gonna get the staining or the um polycrylic done before i go and then we have the long trek of waiting to pick up my daughter which takes forever and then as soon as i get home i'm gonna get everything else knocked out so it is gonna get done today and i was gonna i was hoping to get this video up today so i don't know if i can get it done but we will see [Music] foreign [Music] i don't know if you guys have ever used these but they're these little um things that you can pop on the top of your paint cans and it's honestly really helpful because it um you can pour your paint into things without it spilling all over the sides which you know that's definitely helpful so i like to use these whenever i am doing projects and i'm about to pour these we're gonna first start so i'm about to make my stack books and so i use white watered down um orange watered down and then black water down so i'm going to just try and get this over the top and the reason why it's having a hard time is because this paint can had paint already over it so i'm kind of struggling to get it on but i like to use these so i just thought i'd mention that in case you guys are looking for something for your paint cans to keep the paint from drying out and to be able to pour easier okay i'm using um these mugs that are actually either damaged or they were mess-ups i'm just going to put some paint in them and now i just add a little bit of water not much and then i'll just stir it up and that makes it kind of like a white wash or watered down paint for the stack books [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so here are the designs that i have tonight to do for my mugs this one is my favorite so far it's so pretty on the mug so i have all of these to do so i guess the first thing that i'm going to go ahead and do is tape all of these to the mug and get the butcher paper taped on and get the heat press turned on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so um [Music] crazy away [Music] so [Music] look at these crisp lines there is nothing better [Music] crazy [Music] all right so i'm doing my final look over and everything is finished just kind of checking over everything making sure everything looks good so um yeah everything's done and i did go back on the bottom two of the stacked books and made them a little smaller and i don't know for some reason um i don't know why i made them so large to begin with so i just went back and replaced that and also the lighting in here is not showing up the bottom wording on that but um in person it does show up a lot darker but everything looks good everything's finished and now i'm going to go ahead and package everything up [Music] this is why i need an extra room for my packaging i'm running out of space in here but they're all put inside and all i have to do is tape them up put the labels on on top get these um decals packaged up labels on these package the signs up and then i'll put some kind of filler and the ones with all of the mugs and then everything's ready for the post office so i'm gonna go ahead and hustle because post office closes here and then about 30 minutes an hour so i gotta go [Music] you
Channel: Simply Sallie
Views: 15,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all day work on etsy orders with me, getting it all done small business, etsy studio vlog, studio vlog, work on etsy orders, etsy shop owner, etsy tips, successful etsy shop, vinyl decals, wood signs, sublimation, sublimate mugs, work on orders, behind the scenes of an etsy shop, work on fall orders, day in the life of an etsy seller, small business owner
Id: BgJsweD8elk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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