All Classic Battlefront 2 Classes Ranked WORST To BEST

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Star Wars Battlefront 2 adds two new classes to each faction upgrading some and adding new ons to others they even update and streamline a lot of the standard classes for each faction so today guys let's find out what of the classes in Star Wars Battlefront 2 are the best and which ones are the worst we're going be ranking them from worst to best let's do this the worst class in Battlefront 2 would have to be the clo commander and I can't believe that I'm saying this because when I was a kid I thought he was the best class but he does not hold up well let's get into why his weapon to start off with can take out droids quickly but typically you can only take out two droids before it overheats and you have to be right next to them you basically be hugging the droids to kill them and you're dead when it overheats because again the range is just so bad and when you're shooting from afar it has a horrible spread and he has the the guard ability which is okay and he has the Recon Droid which is just horrendous in this game but he really is not very good like he's not a bad class by any means but he's definitely the worst class in Battlefront 2 if you know how to use him and take shots at a time do little burst with each shots you could be okay but you probably end up getting killed cuz again the range just sucks so worst class in the game next would be the Marines which were only used in Space Battles and are Sly across all the factions they seem like they' be good but they're basically pointless because with the Blaster is better than taking out enemies at Theory than the pistol but if you just aim for the head with the pistol you'll be fine right and the grenades and rocket launcher are just horrendous for destroying inside of the ship just just a waste of time takes way too long too many shots you're going to going back to the ammunition Droid too often it's just they're not very good and they don't even repair your ship you're flying it so what's the point the pilot is better than the Marine for many reasons to start off with they get a fusion cutter if you want to repair the ships from the outside if you're in GL conquest and use the sabotage bonus then you're repair it before you take off for one the other reason is that when you're flying you don't need the fusion cutter reward cutter rather to repair the ship you'll just automatically get repaired when you're flying the ship and the pistol is fine at taking out guys just am for the head if they're in your way most of the times you're smarter better or better off just running away from them and going for your objective inside of the ship therefore making the other guy useless the time bombs are great and just better than the the grenades and the rocket launcher so it just makes the pilot overall better than the Marine Imperial officer lacks in many ways for starting his Sonic Blaster is one of the worst weapons in the game potentially the worst it basically has no splash damage the damage is horrendous takes seven Clips to kill a wiie you got no ammo this thing just sucks but his Saving Grace is the grenade launcher it's fine and it is really good at killing all the guys in his way and his boost ability isn't bad as well and he also has the Recon Droid which is another Point against him but again the biggest thing for this guy is the grenade launcher we cannot express that enough how powerful grenade launchers are in Battlefront 2 they got a huge buff compared to Battlefront one they're not only used for support but they're also used for assaulting purposes and they're just very good on front lines you can almost always always one-hot enemies in front of you therefore making him an okay class right after that will be the Stormtrooper the Stormtrooper is just like the rest of the standard infantry classes they struggle to take out groups of enemies with anything but head shot and their shots spread too quickly uh especially for the Stormtroopers the Stormtroopers seem to spread even quicker and I guess it makes sense cuz the Storm Troopers have horrible aim in the movies right and that's the main reason that they are lower than the rest of standard infantry stand infantry is not great in this game not bad either for the most part but yeah just pretty weak class overall the Clone Trooper and the rebel Infantry Trooper are better than the Stormtrooper but have the same weaknesses again they feel like they don't spread as quickly as the Stormtrooper does so that's why I'm putting in just the point above them and maybe I'm wrong about that it was I couldn't find any facts about it online or anything like that but I feel like they spread faster than the other ones therefore making these guys better drus definitely received a Nerf in this game compared to the first although they are still good class they are faster because the boost ability Tech but I find their startup time seems a bit slower and maybe if is isn't slower the biggest thing is that in Battlefront 2 here they seem to get killed faster just because the way the game plays and everything like that and overall they're not a bad class they have the same benefits they did in the first game where you can hold the front lines and stay and stay behind them and that but they aren't very good for much more than that because a lot of maps are more open in this game than they were in the first but in closed Maps they aren't too bad and just stay right behind them make them hold the front lines like they did before although there's much easier ways in taking care of them with with Heroes and other classes and everything else but for the most part still a pretty good class clone Je pack Trooper are basically the same as they were in battlef one although their grenades are better as they stick to turrets and vehicles the EMP launcher is good it almost always One-Shots enemies and does a little bit more damage to the Eagles this time the jetpack is also easy to use making you get good Vantage points or making it easier and faster to get command post making him a great class for taking command post or getting Behind Enemy Lines the assault class or the rocket launcher class whatever you want to call it in this game is very good they deal huge damage to V Les and all factions have the same Troopers as in none of them are different like they are in B for one for example the rebels will shoot two rockets and the Droid and Empire ones are more powerful than the than the rebel and clone one and for this game they're great at taking out Heroes because Heroes aren't Invincible like they are in the first game so when you see one coming towards you you can shoot a rocket at it that's probably not going to work so what you want to do is just be a man and throw a mine down take yourself out you get them killed the mines can be a bit slow at times but you know what you can usually get one of those guys killed and it's pretty awesome when you do the both in spy is a hard class to use correctly but once you get the hang of it you can make some serious damage to the Empire their incinerator gun is deadly when it connects but it is lacking in range however you do have the camouflage which is very powerful when you know how to use it unlike me and his health booster is one of the most annoying boosters to deal with if you're playing as the enemy team thaning him a pretty good class the sniper class is a great class and is equal amongst all factions they have a very accurate and Powerful sniper as it should be and can one hit to the head on all factions with accurate shots and the cool down between shots does not last too long making effective at taking out multiple units the auto turret that they can place feels underwhelming and too easy to destroy but it takes almost no time no time to deploy so it's basically an upside for the glass super battle droids are the best standard infantry glass in the game as they should be they're not as good as they once were but still the best like I said the shot seems to be the most accurate amongst the standard infantry and the TR shot can one to the Head most times and the wrist Rockets don't even get me started they are even better than thermal detonators and they're just so fast so powerful and so deadly you want to have one for yourself dark Troopers are much better in this game than the previous the jetpack works better on all open maps making for a great unit for taking command post since it is much faster in this game than the previous it could even be used for sneaking behind enemy Lions to steal vehicles or to flank and not to mention it weapon it is a very good it is shockingly good one might say it is strong in almost every map but does take a lot of getting used to I take back what I said about him in the factions video the magnard although for some reason not having you know the staff he has is a very strong glass although the Rockets from his pistol thing are very weird with their hit boxes once you get used to them they're very powerful and they can even lck on the regular infantry they are good at dealing long range damage to walkers on Geonosis mostly because those things are very slow and they're very predictable his grenade launcher is a very versatile as it can deal heavy damage to clone vehicles and is great at taking out normal infantry and its poison ability is not bad it is a bit odd you get close and risk getting killed to use it and unfortunately he does have the Recon Droid which is his only real downside Wy Warriors received a huge buff in this game going from one of the worst classes in the previous game to one of the best their main weapon is more accurate and has better range plus the fully charged shot is very accurate and good at one-shotting and because of the huge Health pool this unit has they are great at leading the front lines and taking command Po in the top of all off they have a grenade launcher and grenade launchers are crazy every good class has one except a be officer the best glass in Battlefront 2 would have to be the engineer his shotgun is deadly at medium and short ranges almost always one shots it's very accurate all the shots always hit he also has one of the best if not the best equipment in the game being the dead pack when you learn how to use these they are insane they can clear out groups of guys and can be used to kill as heroes or other players that come out of nowhere and on top of that they can repair turrets and vehicles with a fusion cutter splice them and also has a health and ammunition pack he's just crazy well guys that's the list let me know what you thought of it down in the comments below if you disagree with me or if you don't disagree with me and let me know what your favorite class is in Battlefront 2 and I'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: brud brud
Views: 16,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tcS1eAdzUyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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