All Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier behind the scenes from the Captain America movies

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it's a buddy picking it's just that entire section of the film that's what will make a good movie bucky because he is the sidekick and it goes from he taking care of steve to being the other way around and so much like steve's transformation in the movie we were looking for someone like who's the good-natured guy that looks out for his friend and how can that also be the guy that you don't resent later in the film once he's kind of like hey what happened to me trained to do sort of the the stuff around the edges and i really liked that because i thought it added sort of a different edge to him what the hell was that that looks new we're sort of soldiers every scene they're in notion that cap is more than just the red white and blue and frankly cap looks cool when he's surrounded by these other and there's a level of action in this film he dictates the action doom some way we'll be able to do something and whether it's in this case i did not realize an actual woman asked them if we could have in a way that we could execute these things where they were really well planned out before somebody in spacing you know for the rehearsals and the fight training was just a sponge just whatever you guys want to do man i really just want to do good and i'm telling you the guy is amazing my friends were making fun of me i was just kind of like walking around the house for a while just sort of flipping this plastic knife i mean i was like driving in intersections and just flipping it in the car five was money you love it done james young who's mine third minutes that are a little incongruous nice save i gotta give me one of those we just have a pretty good line of communication open between us the captain america and his friendship we were fighting just for the hell of fighting there's a lot of story coming into these fights but not as much as he did on this one said put in so much work in pre-prep to train these see more of the actor you can shoot wider you don't have to hide anything when it's your real is doing this combat the bucky apartment sequence that was insane because that is like a kickstarter for action in this movie because it starts with the apartment goes to the stairwell goes outside the apartment and then into the second unit where they did that epic car chase we follow the continuing story of the winter soldier who captain america cares very much about and who believes he can get his best friend back bucky was the guy who's always been there he's always had his back and steve's a loyal guy i'm sure there's a certain sense of guilt based on what happened to bucky which bucky am i talking to your mom's name is sarah you used to wear a newspaper in your shoes as much as civil war is the trappings of the film it's really about steve making a decision for the first time that's personal over sort of a global version of doing the right thing i was really excited when i read the script i didn't really know where they were going to take it because the playing field was so open they could have done anything with the character what was fun about the script was that when you were reading him you didn't you never knew where he was going to swing which side of the fence he might become the winter soldier he might be bucky barr so there was a lot of playing room there and that was that was fun more kills than anyone in hydra history and that was before the serum you know my main goal over the past three movies has been to find bucky so now that i've found him is just trying to nurture a relationship between the metal arm guy and not just be running around all day so there are some and we've since you know we found bucky first we broke him free so we we in turn uh america's point of view a very um capable physical it's all been are we doing that yeah these are the real heroes i'm terrified i'm saying two sides lining up against each other more powerful characters we can see and getting everyone and bucky barnes the winter soldier is about to uh reveal his old personal acquaintance howard stark and you know it's sad because of each other is emotional no one on either side of this it's
Channel: Marvelite
Views: 1,181,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GT3a0dTNC_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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