Pyromancer: Everything You Need to Know | Backpack Battles

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here's everything that you need to know about the new class pyromancer so all the crafting recipes the synergies how to play it and how everything works if you want to know how to play this then see a bunch of BS with this make sure to subscribe to the channel because I'll be uploading a bunch over the coming weeks or check out the live stream on Twitch which is probably happening right now anyway you start with a very interesting looking backpack because uh what it does is once you enter the shop you spend one gold to generate a flame so you're playing the entire game with one less gold every single round well technically not really cuz you get a flame for that you can sell back so if you just sell back the flame you get every round you're basically playing with the same amount of money but you don't have a backpack effect but you do want to be keeping Flames around and that is because they craft into a lot of different things you don't know what a flame is it gives you a heat it's just you play it it gives you a heat very simple that's not the only thing it also gives you five maximum health for each fire item inside so this is incredibly strong early late game it's kind of ma you can get like a little bit extra Health but it's not very relevant so this is mainly going to be really important to position in the early game game you want to put as many heat items as possible inside this backpack which is flames you get a bunch of flames so you're going to be very strong early on now that we have this INF out of way let's take a look at the class items first so the first one this looks really fun uh friendly fire it is uh also the animation around it looks really cool the star items are just all around it it's very simple it's just a square and this guy looks like uh the little fire from house Moving Castle I don't know if anyone saw that anime or that movie uh but if you did you probably know what I'm talking about so every 3 seconds you Mana to gain two heat so if you have sources of Mana gain which is class I think can play some Mana builds then you could use some of that to just gain heat every 3 seconds to heat I don't know how fast or slow that is for this glass yet because there's so many things that work with heat and the skill heat we'll have to see but that is not the main reason why you would pick this it triggers 10% faster for each fire item so if you put a bunch of fire items around it it'll go a lot faster so those 3 seconds can easily go down to 2 seconds or even faster I don't know how much you can speed this up but so you can BAS will use man up pretty fast to generate a lot of heat and of course the more heat you have the faster this will trigger that's the beautiful thing of heat uh the more heat you have the faster things will trigger on Snowball so pyromancer as far as I understand this class starts a little bit slow because a lot of things want to generate heat and use heat and things like that but as soon as you get going and live long enough you should be unstoppable cuz you just you know chunks right you've seen enough chunks snowball that chonks need a little bit of warming up a little bit of scaling and once they are at like 20 30 heat it just start going in say you have no chance anymore so that's going to be similar for a lot of these items but once you reach 20 heat you gain five luck once you reach 40 heat you gain 15 regen both of those are not super relevant look this class again is not really about critting it's mainly going to be there for the accuracy or some items might want to use look the 15 regen also is mainly good if you want to do blood for so I guess this could be a setup piece for blood for with heat or with Hunger blades I don't know and now once you reach 80 heat which is the final threshold you deal 100 100 damage now 100 damage is a lot early on but later in the game it's kind of you can't rely on this this is just a bonus as well So eventually just deal 100 which is pretty big it's like a great sword hit that crits uh I wouldn't say it's irrelevant but this cannot be your build you can just focus on this this is kind of like an extra addition so friendly fire seems fun it just seems like a good way to generate heat with Mana and get some bonus effects along the way so very flexible I I think it's going to see play for sure next up now this is a very interesting one that I'm unsure of it's called The Burning Banner it has 25% chance to protect Buffs on you from being removed and debuffs from your opponent from being cleansed so like corrupted armor being able to prevent cleansing on opponents this does something similar and your Buffs not being removed like we saw in Berserker there's ways to remove Buffs from opponents there's purple gems there's other ways like Lotus deck of cards so this is kind of just you play it if you're scared of people trying to counter your Buffs or debuffs because this class does rely pretty heavily on it of course pretty heavily on the heat but also on the cold applying to others on your mana and things like that so in case you want to play it safe this seems like something fine to just slap on the board it does not need any conditions it already applies at 25% from the start but of course there's more to it uh you have like stars in a row as you can see the start holy item activates so those need to be holy items you have 30% chance to inflict one blind for 5 seconds so in case you want to be playing a blind build this this seems really bad still holy items are like very expensive if you don't have many of them they trigger pretty I mean they trigger pretty fast I guess on average but you only have a 30% chance which is pretty low to only inflict one blind for 5 seconds and then it goes away so it's just low percent low blind temporary now of course lightsabers can go really fast let's say you have like two lightsabers next to it and sped up they go really fast you will get some little bit extra blind um I could see it being okay again it's going to protect your debuffs as well so it's harder for them to cleanse that blind so I guess if blind land would be good or make a comeb back in um pyom mener this would be the item you play with it also lastly every 3 seconds you remove two Buffs from your opponent and gain two regen so you gain two regen again lightsaber Synergy so this just seems like a lightsaber item uh cuz that regen can convert into uh obviously blind temporary blind and removing the two Buffs is kind of extra so in case you don't play light with it this is more like a tech piece that just protects Buffs debuffs removes more Buffs gives regen things like that but that is about it then we have dark Lantern uh it has like a row with stars on the side and a row with diamonds on the other start a battle you lose 50% health so you start combat at 50 which you might think why why would I ever do that uh but then before defeat so if you are supposed to die you reincarnate with 50% life and become invulnerable for 2 seconds you go back to 50 HP but you get 2 seconds of invulnerability kind of like you're playing Crown so essentially you do still play the game with 100% Health but you get get a free Crown trigger which isn't great so just if this was dark Lantern it would still be pretty bad but on reincarnation you deal 10 damage for each stared fire item and inflict six debuffs for each uh dark item on the other side which you can only see four fire items so you can deal like 40 damage at most uh which is not insane like if you reincarnate ad 40 it's whatever but I think the debuffs are big six debuffs for each dor item if you do have four dor items that's 24 random debuffs that could be massive but other than that I don't know how this could work in a build like what with what build does reincarnating or being a load entire time have a lot of benefits there's not that many it's pretty hard to make work and I think the effects even when you come back to life aren't big enough for this to become really good but we'll have to see maybe I'm missing something maybe there's some synergies that are not you know coming to mind right now next up we have the Frozen flame uh which is an item that just like some other items that we've seen will'll put more items in the shop that you can otherwise not see so start with that ice items are offered in the shop I'm going to show you the items that it can create and offer in the shop uh after we're done looking at this but start a battle you gain 15 armor for each stored ice item seems MTH you can just play armor just play an armor piece you don't pick it for this right but yeah you can play Ice items around it and gain some bonus armor once you gain five heat though you inflict two cold so this is a way that you can like more reliably inflict cold on opponents in case you have synergies with it or in case you just want to play a cold build cuz generating heat as we'll see it's pretty easy there's a lot of sources a lot of ways that you can gain heat and heat skills on itself because again the more heat you have the faster things go so you can start stacking cold almost exponentially as well of course it's way less cold and you will inflict heat uh but for each gold your opponent has the item above in the diamond has plus 2% crit chance and plus 2% critical damage so this is a way that you can scale a weapon like if you have one big weapon or one weapon that you want to deal a lot of damage with gain a bunch of heed apply a bunch of cold maybe the weapon also applies cold somehow uh then suddenly it will start dealing a lot more crit damage and has a higher crit chance so what are these ice items this is basically it the first one is the spell scroll frostbolt every 3 seconds you deal five damage which is not good uh and you inflict four cold for three seconds so it inflicts cold but it's not permanent four cold is decent amount but yeah so every 3 seconds four gold then the cold wears off then you apply it again uh but important is that it has Max uses so it has free maximum uses off the free uses it stops working so for basically 9 seconds you're going to have four extra cold on your opponent and have dealt 15 damage but the maximum uses are increased by each uh ice item around it so if you put a bunch of these items around the scroll then it would trigger more now except spell Scrolls so you can't just tack spell Scrolls uh that doesn't work so you would have to put other ice items around spell Scrolls in order for them to trigger more uh maybe if you have enough Scrolls it could be significant for some bus again we saw uh what ice can actually do but yeah moving on we have Frozen buckler now this item can be both offered in the shop and crafted I think I've seen it in the shop uh but you can also create this by having a normal buckler like a normal shield and you put the spell scroll next to it and then the spell scroll will combine into the shield create a frozen buckler I don't know if all of these items can be offered in the shop like I know some of these are crafted as well I've only seen Frozen buckler being the only item that is both crafted and offered in the shop keep that in mind could be wrong about that these might also be offered in the shop I don't think so though these I've only been able to craft so far uh but what it does is once you're attacked like a normal Shield it has 35% chance to prevent damage and remove .5 stamina from opponent but it also inflicts a cold up to 10 so every time it triggers you're going to inflict cold this going to be up to 10 permanent cold which is really good if you play eyes uh Frozen buckler seems like a must like just like you play a spike BT where Spike Shields are decent or good cuz they give you like free spikes at most 10 cold this is a lot more than free spikes for a bol like this I think then you have the book of eyes so you can also find this in the shop every 3 seconds you use two Mana to inflict free cold so this uses Mana to inflict cold but the cold is permanent uh the speed is the same as a spell scroll but it does not have limited uses so this will be used as long as you want so you just keep applying cold it also has 10% chance to cast the spell scroll for free that is one of the star slots the star slots are next to it so if you have two uh Scrolls next to it you have chances to trigger them an additional time or for free yeah but then also this is next to an ice item so the Synergy it triggers a fourth time so you can play book with double scroll it works pretty nicely helps you uh build up a lot of cold quickly and skill cold if you have a monos source then we have ice armor this is created by leather armor plus another spell scroll uh which just fuses together start a battle you gain 45 armor same as leather armor and inflict four cold so from the GetGo you're going to get four cold which is better than using the spell scroll which is only four cold for 3 seconds for 9 seconds total um so I would always fuse this together every 5 Seconds you use a heat to inflict two cold and gain 10 armor 5 seconds is very slow though like this is a very slow trigger uh of course can be increased and it also eats your heat so you get a little bit less speed on everything uh heat is a good resource you could consume it and convert it into eyes instead one Heat two I seems like a good tradeoff though and the 10 armor is also just a bonus so even though it's pretty slow if you find a way to speed those up I think it's a pretty good effect now you have frostbite uh which is a weapon where you combine hunger blades together with a spell scroll as well the DPS is okay it's 3.4 per second uh stamina is 6 very very low it's like lower than a woodsword I I like comparing stuff to woodsword CU I think that's the easiest frame of reference for people cool down is 1.6 so it's a little bit slower than wood sword accuracy is 90 which which is fine on hit it has a 70% chance to inflict the cold so pretty high chance to inflict cold it's not permanent and guaranteed but it's still good enough to be kind of consistent and it deals Plus on damage per Vamp so there's like no real ways for pyroman to build a lot of Vamp as we've seen yet so it's a bit weird you'd have to find other sources like blood amlet or things like that or maybe you play a Hunger Blade with it that could work and you got to find regen still uh but also gains plus5 for each cold of your opponent so it's going to scale on cold debuff that your opponent has we've seen a lot of ways to instantly apply all cold this could be a lot of damage now it's 0. five so uh it's it's a little bit tuned down cuz I can see the snowballing really quickly but this doesn't seem bad if you're playing cold this is the weapon that is the payoff this is what you want to be playing and you're probably not even looking at the vamp the vamp is just a bonus also once your opponent reaches 30 cold you gain five Vamp so you just gain an additional plus five damage and plus five life steal whenever you hit uh which is kind of yeah it's a little bit extra maybe kind of nice cuz once you have 30 cold you already have 15 extra damage anyway so the five I mean the five is not irrelevant the life steal isn't irrelevant either but it's just yeah a nice bonus onto this weapon so if you play with Frozen flame I think this is just what you go for and last but not least we have ice dragon this is just offered in the shop and it's just a dragon that you can buy and play the damage is pretty high 8 DPS 15 to 12 damage is really strong stamina is zero as well so there's no downside to running this especially since it's a dragon so it's a range weapon it does not trigger Shields stamina drain and no spikes so it's always just a bonus and always just good to have this I don't really see why you wouldn't want this except for the space or the money maybe and also because it inflicts cold on hits so the cool down is 2.2 seconds it's not very fast but if it hits it inflicts a cold so it's kind of like a reverse chunk once your opponent reaches 20 Cold as well you gain 50 armor now this dragon is not unique to pyromancer you can also get this on Reaper I've talked about this uh dragon before once I was reviewing the new Reaper items and I think I remember saying that it's just a worse chunk because chunk uh will deal more damage to heat skills more exponentially cold does not really cuz you don't really go faster you kind of go compared to your opponent but it doesn't scale on itself so it scales slower than a chunk wood but because of cold being able to scale so well with weapons like this and other uh sources I think it's pretty good the 50 armor is also kind of just like a bonus it's pretty good survivability so I think this dragon is really strong uh especially stronger on pyromancer than it would be on Reaper on Reaper it's a lot weaker and Rhymes and that's also what I said like on Reaper it's it's just extra it's pretty good all right and then we have one more class item to go for and that is the Dragon Nest now this is a 4x4 square with some stores around it not a battle it does a bunch of random it gives you free luck to regen for mana and five heat I have no clue why those values and numbers I think it has something to do with the dragons that it introduces uh but what it does is also it offers uh dragon ax in the shop so a lot of these like uh class items for both Berserker pyromancer uh but also Reaper Ranger like they show different things in the shop that otherwise you wouldn't be able to get so we're going to take a look at the dragons in a second again as well um basically you're not picking this for the S of battle effect you're picking it for the dragons and also that dragons around it once they attack they heal you for seven so your dragons are a bit of bit of sustain if you put a bunch of dragons around it you're just going to heal a lot but also dragons hatch after one round so no longer waiting for two rounds you can buy an egg hatch it and have it active the round after now I will say this is all going to depend on how strong dragons are because the effects are okay right like healing for seven uh hatching EGS it's all okay but if Dragons themselves are not strong this is really bad and ice dragon is pretty strong the issue is you cannot play this with dragon nest because I don't think it is offered in the shop when you buy this it's only offered when you pick the Frozen flame these are the free eggs that are offered one of them gives you free Lu the other gives you four mana and the other one inflicts for random debuffs now the dragons that it gives are these little guys so you have the emerald welp which 3.4 DPS again not terrible 5 to 10 damage zero stamina cool down is 2.2 so all pretty standard comparable to the ice dragon as well toal combat you gain free luck which is mostly a cruy for this class not really crit on hit and inflicts free poison so in case you're playing poison on pyromancer which I have not really seen anything for uh this would be okay right poison could just be a bonus effect I guess uh or bonus damage you're mainly picking this cuz it's just a dragon that hatches for free deals free damage and heals you if it's next to the unique item that you got from the shop you also have the sapphire welp same stats as the other one s of battle against four mana and on hit it uses two Mana to gain five armor and another random buff so this does seem stronger though if you have a bunch of Mana gain and a bunch of sapphire Wells you're going to gain a bunch of armor on top of the healing on top of random Buffs which could be more heat could be and power for that matter the other Buffs are less relevant because Vamp doesn't work with range weapons um and then the last one is the amethyst well same St line again sort of battle it inflicts four random debuffs kind of a bonus and on hit it removes a random buff from your opponent so again this one is more techy it doesn't scale it doesn't deal more damage it doesn't do anything crazy all it does is potentially remove Buffs from your opponent that they could want to use so we see a lot of ways to like Mass up builds right now that require Buffs so maybe the mat is just going to be more like just pure damage on weapons less than relying on blood for and buff gain now I will will say I don't think these dragons look that good like they don't seem that strong but because pyromancer is a class againsts heat really quickly dragons are going to be naturally good because they don't use any stamina so dragons are probably the biggest pil for a lot of heat which is why chunk is so good now sadly with dragon you cannot play chunk uh only Reaper has the ability to play chunk you can also not play the ice dragon so you'll have to do with these dragons and normal welps but that is actually not true because there's one more dragon that we'll see later that this class can play but yeah I think you just want a lot of heat scaling with this and and then your dragons go really fast and then they will snowall enough you'll be able to heal enough and I think that's your win condition I don't think dragons on themselves are strong enough but if you can find the right tools with them um I think it could work now it's time to look at the items that you can find and craft uh so flame I've talked about already you also have chili pepper so the food item for this class every 5 Seconds incredibly slow cool down so it doesn't make it great you gain one heat and heal five uh so it is heat gain very slow heat gain again can speed up on heat and and the way heat works it could end up being fine but early on this seems pretty slow and pretty bad but it has another effect whenever you have at least 10 heat you cleanse one debuff also not great I don't think Chili Peppers are the easiest way to skill heat or stack H uh we'll see some other items as well but it's decent and you'll need Chili Pepper to make the goobert if you want to play it that we'll look at in a second you have molten dagger which is combining dagger with flames basically uh the damage is 1.4 327 kind of whatever it has zero Stam still it's a dagger right like the cool down is 3.5 pretty slow and the accuracy is okay but on hit it uses a heat to gain two damage so it scales damage with heat and of course like a dagger with stuns it triggers an additional time now I was actually really surprised with this the two damage scaling is a lot early on and because these are free it just free damage that scales up these have eventually got up to like 10 DPS at some point if you have heat scaling uh and I don't know if you really want to be doing a hammer with this like a hammer dagger on pyromancer seems tough to pull off maybe it's possible though but it seems like a strong dagger it seems like one of the stronger ones that you can play even though it's not like spectral dagger additional like instant burst damage this needs scaling uh it looks like scaling on pyromancer is good anyway right because of the synergies now we have an item which is uh probably one of the more interesting ones it is a draconic orb 15 heat is reached your next five hits are critical so this is a way to crit if you just reach 15 heat you don't consume anything it's just extra you can crit five times so it's a way to just deal a lot of damage at a certain point I feel like pyroman can easily start it at 15 need so you can start it with the crits not that you necessarily want that because some weapons probably need time to scale up or to get stronger so maybe you want to find a way to delay this anyway uh but yeah that's just the effect it has but on top of that every 2.5 seconds a removes a spike from your opponent and gains a heat per removed Spike so this can also be heat gain if your opponent and up playing spikes which right now mainly Ranger plays spikes sometimes uh against Berserker they could play spikes they don't seem likely to be playing spikes but it could have a few Reaper probably doesn't play spikes but there's a lot of random buff gain as well so if people gain random Buffs it could be spikes this is not reliable heat skill don't pick this because you want a lot of heat pick this because you want to hit some crits uh and because sometimes it can counter a spike bolt I guess but there's another reason to pick this and that's because it has some crafting recipes so the reason why this is probably nice to pick up all the time is because it can craft into uh pretty strong items next up is the molten spear this is spear plus uh Flames as well DPS is pretty high 4.7 is pretty high stamina is7 which is wood sword accuracy is 65 is really bad though so it has terrible accuracy cool down is still 1.5 but before miss this is something we haven't seen yet in effect before it is about to miss you use a heat to hit instead and deal plus three damage so if you're going to miss you're going to consume one of your Heats and deal plus three damage seems bad like a weapon that only hits after it consumes heat uh plus three damage is nice it's still a lot of like burst I think but you're just going to eat heat to to make sure this thing isn't going to miss with its low accuracy and on hit it still destroys armor but for each stored fire item in front of it so uh you can put flames in front of it or just fire items but you can also just play normal Spear and Destroy armor by having nothing in front of it uh it doesn't seem that great it seems pretty strong early but not something you want to keep around or something you want to rely on because it seems like a terrible way to use your heat now we have flame whip uh so another way that you can combine whip into something else this is again just with flames the damage is pretty high it's 4 DPS it's 6 to 10 the cool down is kind of slow at two uh the stamina is also pretty high just like most whip combines are just whip itself it is one stamina per second so it's really hard to run a second weapon with this if you don't have uh stamina solved somehow and on hit it uses a spike to gain free heat and deal plus six damage so if you can find Spike gain in pyromancer and you do some sort of Spike setup you're going to gain a bunch of heat pretty quickly like free heat every two seconds is quite a lot and also the plus six damage on the whip is pretty nice the six damage does not scale though the six damage is just per hit so this is more of a bursty weapon to help you scale heat it will get rid of your spikes I don't think this is that good though because I don't think you want to continuously fire of Spike belt just to make this weapon somewhat relevant but it's a good mid game I can see this being strong for a while but I don't see you building around this because again the stamina is so high unless again well we've seen that uh this class could rely heavily on dragons and things like that and low stamina weapons like the dagger so maybe that's how you look at it like you just have this as your bonus weapon and then fill in some things around it I guess then we have the chili goober so the goober that you make with the chili pepper five star item activations very standard you heal for 10 which is not a lot but you gain two heat permanently so goobert seems like a good heat scaler and that is why pepper I think is going to be good so if you play Peppers uh combined with Goobs you maybe have one or two of these some fast activators because guess what obviously heat makes things go faster so goers will go faster and faster and it just skills out of control like we've mentioned before it's pretty kind of exponential uh so I I think I like this it's also healing so it's not just heat gain it's also going to help you a bit with sustainability we also have the Phoenix which is actually really interesting you can just find this in the shop it has 7 DPS really high like 15 to 20 for zero stamina the range weapon doesn't trigger Shields or spikes or anything like that so it's just really good accuracy is not insane though it's 85% the cool down is 2.5 uh but of course it's going to have a downside cuz this would be too good to be true on attack you lose 10 Health but the downside is that you lose 10 you deal 15 to 20 lose 10 so you can kind of do the math is it worth to lose this much but deal this much like is it going to end up mattering but of course there's something else to it as well before defeat so if you're about to die maybe you kill yourself at the Phoenix right uh you use all your heat to reincarnate with 10 Health per heat so kind of like the class item you can pick this thing will make you just spawn again you're going to lose all your heat though so all the heat that you built up all the speed or all the other effects from it you're going to lose but you'll gain so much health from it like let's say you have 20 heat that's 200 hp that you spawn with this seems absolutely ridiculous I think Phoenix is a m have in almost any build like it might be expensive though and it's a lot of space so that might be the main downside but it's free so much damage even though you deal damage to yourself you can find Healing right play some gooberts with it and if you die you come back with like so much health if you don't really rely on heat as your win condition because you will use your heat to be fair you can gain heat again even if you come back it's kind of like going from from start again and you will just ramp up heat with certain items so I like Fenix a lot I think it's incredibly strong then we have burning sword now this is just a steel sword combined with flames as well uh the damage is 2.9 nothing crazy stabilize .5 the same as a steel sword accuracy and cool down also pretty standard on hit it has a 60% chance to gain a heat a little bit over 50/50 it is somewhat of a heat scaler that you can rely on and once you gain five Heat this and started weapons gain plus one damage which is not that good like compared to normal seal sword it gives two damage already at stored weapons this already more damage this is conditional less damage but you're mainly taking this because it gives you heat right it skills heat and because it still crafts into something else I guess that's another thing that you'll see in a second and here's the sun shield again it's just combining Shield of Val with two Flames Flames are just used for a lot of different crafting recipes uh it's very similar 35% chance to prevent 14 damage I remove point7 stamina from your opponent but it's a shield that deals damage like whenever stored items around it gain 10 armor you deal four damage so if you have um Vamp armor next to it or if you have just instant armor maybe like a sun armor or just Le armor you're going to instantly start dealing some damage which it's not a lot but it's still chip damage it could still be relevant I with Vamp armor it's continuous armor gain and you can put uh Shields of Valor next to it still to gain even more armor deal more damage it's kind of nice it's kind of a extra thing I don't know necessarily if it's better than normal Valor if you're relying on Armor though maybe it's better to just gain the bonus armor instead of the little bit of Chip damage but I was thinking what if you just put a bunch of stone skin potions around this and just a multiple triggers and you just deal a lot of burst damage at the start it sounds funny I don't think you can oneshot people like even if you fill up all the stores with stone skin potions with strong Stone skins maybe if you also put valers next to it and multiple triggers you got to get really lucky there might be some sort of otk here with multiple Sun Shields but hey that's for people to figure out I'm just the messenger okay but looks interesting there's also Sun armor again this is just holy armor plus two Flames uh so start fire items are also holy so you can turn any fire item next to it into a holy item for some reason there is some holy synergies but also this has holy synergies so uh it kind of works on itself start a battle you gain 70 armor which is quite a lot and you gain one heat for each start holy item so every fire item or holy item around it is going to give you a bunch of starting heat as well which is pretty good every 3 seconds you're going to use a heat however to heal for 25 and remove move to debuffs healing for 25 is a lot now you're going to start with armor so at first you might just be using heat for nothing also a moving te to debuffs is not bad like the normal holy armor only removes poison this can remove any debuffs including blind uh so I do think this is really good if you have consistent heat gain it's a lot of sustain I think Sun armors are going to be kind of a key piece for most pyromancers now we're entering the really interesting items that have kind of been teasing uh this is crafted with a little orb that I mentioned earlier draconic orb and magic wand so if you put those together you're going to fuse into the staff of fire St fire has a 3.3 DPS nothing crazy stamina is pretty low uh cool down is whatever same with accuracy uh so it also is going to use Mana to scale just like magic staff but also heat so you use two mana and two heat to gain plus five damage so it scals more but you have to use two resources so in case you think is it worth using one less mana and also Heat to gain plus five damage instead of the plus three damage from Magic staff uh then you can go for this which I'm not 100% sure it looks really interesting looks strong and probably fun to play with but perhaps it's just better to stack a bunch of heat and steal a normal magic oneand instead of use that heat and now the other Dragon obsidian dragon now this I think is actually really strong this guy seems nuts and how it's made is also draconic orb plus just a normal welp so you need to hatch a normal Dragon a normal welp and then combine it and putting these next to your unique item your class item is going to be strong because this deals 3.4 DPS uh same stat line as all of the other dragons kind of but once you reach 15 heat you gain free damage and trigger an extra attack you're going to trigger extra attacks you're going to gain plus free damage this is going to be like your main damage dealer in a dragon comp I think so you still want to be finding normal Dragon ax hatch them and combine them uh it seems pretty strong but yeah I like it I think this one is good it's not as good as a chunk obviously but hey we we cannot all have a chunk then we have the burning blades this is basically kind of like the hero long sword uh of this class so it's basically the burning sword with two more wet Stones so you would just turn this into a hero long sword you get this guy it is dealing 3.8 DPS stamina is still pretty low it's nothing crazy but on hit against a heat so nor more luck involved the other one has 60% to gain Heat this is guaranteed heat so in case you want heat scaling you want a good weapon for it this is it for heat gained this start weapons gain plus one damage so it's kind of a scaler uh it does give a lot more damage than this will but this is seems like a good way to gain heat so in case you want to figure out the early game I think it's just going to be bowling into this weapon most of the time it has low stamina as well so you can even still play a staff of fire with it it all synergizes pretty well I think and of course there is this classes rainbow Gober this one has the funniest face of them all um rainbow goober epic glob Uber vus I don't even know what the hell that means but yeah you can make this now that is most of it for pyroman there I think that you guys need to know let me know what you think of this class uh I think it's going to have such an interesting play style and again if you want to see games with this being played or different builds make sure subscribe to the channel or check out the twitch thank you for watching I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Ben's Backpack
Views: 13,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Backpack, battles, backpack battles, back pack, bensbackpack, bens backpack, ben's backpack, update, new, patch, pyromancer, new class, how to, crafting recipes, new items
Id: Hp6ZgIvAuYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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