All-Around Adventure Bike Tires: Heidenau K60 Scout Review

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hello everyone welcome to another boat okay adventure video today I'm going to be doing a review on the heidenau k60 scout tires one thing I always hear from customers coming into the dealership is that they want a tire that will get really good grip on the dirt have substantial grip on the road and get you know 12,000 miles out of a rear tire and this vendor tire that you're trying to find is not existed at the moment with curved tire technology however there are some good compromises that you can get Satie kcat tkc 70 heidenau k60 Metzler turin so these are all some pretty good tires that I can think of off the top of my head for these big adventure bikes that a lot of people like to get so let's kind of put those tires onto somewhat of a scale here I would say the mets or Torrance is kind of like a 90 to 95 percent Road the tkc 70 more like a 80% to 85% Road the heidenau k60 is going to fall somewhere around the 6040 range 60% Road 40% off-road tkc 80 more like 50 50 maybe even 40 60 40 percent Road to 60% off road so for me the kind of riding I like to do you know it took me two hours to just ride to this location so pretty much anywhere I want to touch dirt I'm gonna have to ride two to three hours sometimes to really do any intense off-road I'm not really intense but regardless the idea is that I don't want to get a tee kcat that's going to wear out of me on you know 3,000 miles if I'm going to do these kinds of trips all the time the reality is I have to ride to these locations right and so I'm not going to carry one set of tires change them out for another set you know that's it's just not time efficient it's not economical to have two sets of wheels so these K 6 these are kind of in a weird spot where they actually sort of have a good compromise between those three things that I first say to the video with you know on the road you get pretty substantial grip honestly for what I do I mean I can scrape my foot pegs on this thing going on corners I'll show you video at that I mean these things on the road are pretty excellent for what they are until you touch the wet that is exactly when they do not want to start working as a tire and they just want to slip around and you got to be really careful about these in the wet as soon as it starts raining in the city I will be coming from a stoplight and even just giving it normal throttle response just I get rear tire spin on wet wet pavement wet painted pavement you know you what have you with that said I mean off-road they're pretty substantial - you're not getting a full off-road tire in a sense but for me what I kind of do on these bikes you know you have to understand limitations of these you know this giant 1150 you know 500 pound bike it's not a dirt bike right so I mean if you want to go do dirt bike things go get a dirt bike go put some dirt bike tires on it you and I mean with that said these things are actually pretty capable - with the right riders but again if you want something that's more dirt oriented just go cheap ect now wear these tires really stand out is their longevity right so the Germans have these this very hard rubber apparently that lasts a very long time and so with that said you don't get the the wet pavement traction but you get traction and dry weather and everything and you get longevity now the rear on the rear on this tire has a massive center bar that goes all the way around the center I'll show you a video of that and that kind of helps with just it just has a ton of meat all around that center bar and that's really for the highway right so I mean if we're on the highway and you're just going to keep going and going you know you have all that meat on the tire it's a little more stable you know for me it's a lot safer than something like a TPC ad on the road I can cruise at 90 miles per hour I don't say I do that but I can and you know they're totally fine at that speed anything above that you start to get a little wobbly but not you're just going to be careful you know no limitations of the bike you can see the front tire has these kind of Chevron patterns that pretty well I find that I've never really lost traction with the front tire unless I had like a super worn down front tire which I really don't ever do I've never really had it lose traction unless I'm in you know some kind of thick mud I have been in a situation like that and these things just completely caught all of the mud and just turn into slicks and I was too little sliding and I eventually didn't actually drop the bike well I guess I dropped it after to pick it up later it's kind of complicated but really the I mean the thing is like these you know they have limitations of you don't really want to get caught in the mud so in terms of longevity again I weigh about 150 pounds you know my bike's super heavy so it kind of equals out in a sense I sometimes weigh this down a lot I keep my tire pressures you know in a pretty mid-range usually like 36 run maybe 38 rear or 34 front so really mu night I have it confirmed ten thousand miles on a rear I wrote down the mileage I put the rear one on and usually your rears are going to last a lot less than your front we'll just to compare I've heard of people generally speaking getting about 3,000 miles out of XC kcat rear out of the Anakee wild like a thousand apparently those are doing really bad the really good off-road apparently but that's kind of the balance that you have to you know expect I would say metro torrent so you can get about 12 K at of one I'm not sure about the tkc 70s I just don't have enough information something that's similar that I want to add is the mitis 0-7 one of my friends rides a f800 GS adventure you know he I mean I guess this is his suspension was kind of bottom hell and everything and the suspension was pretty bad recently so he was kind of going through a bunch of tires and he found that the Maite co seven actually lasted longer for him then the teeth the k60 scout so that's something to consider I hear that's a really good tire I don't have any experience with it we don't sell it at my dealership I really want to get my hands on some but again I I can't afford to just keep buying new tire the whole time so last thing is the rear will kind of square off highway use it's not really big deal I honestly when that happens I don't even really feel it when I'm going around corners and stuff it's not very obvious in fact it probably just makes me more stable on the highway so for me I you know budget-wise these things are kind of a little more expensive than some of the other tires namely like the Continentals however if you don't have to keep replacing them every two thousand miles and economically speaking in the long run it makes more sense especially for the kind of riding styles that I do you know I'm not doing crazy off-road these tires kind of just fit in that really good sweet spot of compromise for off-road on-road ability and you know ability wet conditions and you know longevity so again in the wet ride like your grandmother would if she does ride you know let she's the grandmother Rossi so but otherwise you know just that's why I think okay so that's one thing I want to say is that I would call this the California tire because it doesn't rain here as much it's very dry conditions it works perfect here for me all right folks thanks for joining me on another moto CAD venture video hope you like to review the k60 scout tires if you got any other suggestions leave them in the comments do you like this video please click that like button if you like this channel consider subscribing thanks for joining me you guys take care of ride safe
Channel: Motocamp Adventure
Views: 116,621
Rating: 4.7267079 out of 5
Keywords: Heidenau K60 Scout, Tire Review, Video Review, Motorcycle, BMW GS, BMW Motorrad, R1150GS, R1200GS, 650GS, best adv tire, adventure, adv rider, off road, 50 50, knobbies, mud, dirt, gravel, road, touring, sand, wet pavement, traction, ktm, dudio, motovlog, motocamp
Id: P9iV6sk9Yck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2016
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