All About Habitats: Kids' Guide to Tundra, Deserts, Grasslands, Forests, and More

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[Music] to fight the reason or the place 25.2 outer  traces got the truth of any case scenery you science in the real world hi I'm  Kirsten welcome to real-world   science in this program we are going  to travel the world and discover all   about the many different places where  animals and plants live ready let's go in Georgia habitats animals and plants live  in many different places all over the world   but why is it that some animals live in  warm places and some in cold why can some   plants survive with very little water and some  can only survive in water we'll answer those   questions and more but first it is important  to note that the place where a plant or animal   lives is called a habitat every habitat is very  different and the habitat meets the needs of the   plants and animals that live there all living  things need air water food and space to within   the space of a habitat animals need to find  shelter a shelter is a place or object that   protects animals from weather and predators  this tiny salamander finds shelter among the   rocks a bear may use a cave as a shelter while  other animals may climb trees for safety or go   underwater to protect themselves some animals  they find shelter by digging tunnels or burrows   under the ground and some animals carry  their shelter around with them habitats   provide plants and animals with the things  they need to survive plants and animals that   have similar needs live together in the same type  of habitat let's take a trip around the world to   discover the different habitats and learn about  some of the plants and animals that live there the polar habitat our first stops are to the  polar regions of the earth where it's very cold   the polar regions are found to the very northern  part of the earth called the North Pole into the   very southern part of the world the South Pole  these two areas have very cold climates and are   covered by ice and snow there are very few plants  and the animals who live in the polar regions have   developed so that they are able to survive in  this harsh cold habitat we call the changes   adaption for example and the northern polar  regions polar bears had developed insulating fur animals like seals have extra body fat  called blubber to help stay warm in the   southern polar region called Antarctica  penguins are birds that have adapted   to the harsh polar conditions they are  great swimmers and must swim to find food the tundra habitat the next habitat we're going  to visit is the tundra the tundra is found in   North America Greenland in parts of northern  Europe in northern Asia the word tundra comes   from a Finnish word which means barren land  it was considered barren because there are   no trees on the tundra the tundra is cold and  bleak however there is some plant life mostly   mosses grasses and dwarf shrubs even though  the climate is cold and the habitat offers   very little shelter from the weather some animals  do live on the tundra they include caribou seals   brown bears and a variety of unusual birds  some animals that live on the tundra have   adapted to the seasonal changes of the habitat  by changing the way they look for example the   arctic fox protects itself by changing to  a lighter coloured bird in the winter the   light color fur helps to blend in with the  ice and snow to protect them from predators the desert habitat the next type of habitat  we're going to visit is called the desert   deserts are found in North America parts of  South America Africa Asia and Australia some   deserts are hot and dry like the Mojave Desert  in North America others are cold and dry like   the Gobi Desert north of the Himalayan mountains  plants and animals that live in the desert are   adapted to life with very little water for  example cactus plants store water in their   stems or roots and snakes get water from their  food while camels are able to drink and store   lots of water in their bodies at one time  some animals have adapted to the desert heat   by living underground during the day and coming  out at night when it is cooler you'll also find   a wide variety of lizards that have adapted  to the harsh living conditions of the desert the grassland habitat grassland habitats are found   all around the world the great plains of  the United States are grasslands you'll   also find grasslands in South America  Africa Europe Asia and Australia too grasslands are typically large wide-open  spaces most plants about on the grasslands   are grasses there are not many trees found in the  grasslands because there isn't enough rain in the   grasslands of North America you'll find large  animals like buffalo grazing on the plains in   the sky you'll find birds scanning the ground  for small animals like rabbits rabbits that   live in the plains have adapted to become very  fast because there are very few places to hide   you'll also find a strange animal called a Marmot  that digs furrows for protection from predators on the grasslands of Australia you'll  find Wallabies a relative the kangaroo   while in Southwest Asia you'll find a  fast running but flightless birds the   ostrich in Africa they'll find  large grazing animals such as   elephants rhinos and wildebeest  and fierce predators like lions the forest habitats this habitat has lots and  lots of trees the forest there are three different   kinds of forest habitats and each are home to  different types of plants and animals the first   type of forest habitat is called coniferous forest  coniferous forests are found in the North American   continent parts of northern Europe and northern  Asia trees found in the coniferous forests like   furs and spruce have needle-shaped leaves that  stay green all year the word coniferous comes   from the word cones coniferous trees have cones  that hold seeds in coniferous forests you'll find   small animals like squirrels and beavers in the  branches of the trees you'll find a wide variety   of birds including owls on the ground you'll find  large animals like moose the largest member of   the deer family the next type of forest habitat  is the temperate forest temperate forests are   found on the North American continent South  America Europe Africa Asia and Australia to the temperate forest has four seasons spring  summer autumn and winter in a temperate forest   you'll find deciduous trees like maple and  oak trees deciduous trees drop their leaves   in the fall [Music] other types of plants  that live in the temperate forest include   wild flowers and ferns to animals that live  in a temperate forest habitats have adapted   to the forest seasons in different ways for  example deer can find food in every season   even under the snow Brits who live in temperate  forests fly or migrate to warmer places in the   winter squirrels store nuts and acorns to  eat in the winter animals like bears sleep   or hibernate through most of the winter the  third type of forest habitat is a rain forest   tropical rainforests are found in South  America Africa Malaysia and Australia tropical rainforests are hot and wet the plants  grow very quickly and they've adapted to the   large amounts of rainfall and the excessive heat  in a tropical rainforest you'll find plants with   very broad leaves and trees that grow tall  above the shrubs and vines animals living in   a rain forest have adapted to life among tall  plants there are small animals like tree frogs   large predators have body colors that help  them hide and the bright and colorful macaws   blended with the flowers of the rainforest  in addition the tropical rainforests have   the largest insect population in the world  including one of the largest populations of   butterflies there are temperate rainforests -  the largest temperate rainforest can be found   on the Pacific coast temperate rainforests tend  to be very wet but the climate is a little cooler rainforests are very what places  but there's only one other habitat   on earth that's wetter those are  the water habitats of the world water habitats the earth is covered by water 3/4  of the earth in fact there are two main types of   water habitats freshwater and saltwater freshwater  habitats include ponds swamps lakes and rivers each freshwater habitat has very different  kinds of plants and animals that live there   some have adapted to waters that flow very  quickly while others have adapted to waters   that remain still there are many types of  plants and animals that live in the ocean   plant life abounds under the sea providing  food and protection the animals that live   there animals that live in the ocean come in  all colors shapes and sizes there are tiny   sea horses sea turtles starfish sharks  and mammals such as dolphins [Music] well we visited just about every part  of the world and taken a brief view   of the animals and plants that  live in the various habitats I   hope you have enjoyed our journey and our  exploration of habitats in the real world [Music]
Channel: Harmony Square - Educational Videos & Activities
Views: 1,755,850
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Keywords: polar region, tundra, grassland, temperate forest, rainforest, tropical rainforest, temperate rainforest, saltwater habitat, ocean, habitats, habitat song, habitats for kids, animal homes, educational video, animals for kids, animal kingdom, environmental studies, animal habitats video, animal habitats for kids, science for kids, earth habitats, animals habitats, educational videos for kids, grassland habitat
Id: x7jwJ2bI9Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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