All 48 Countries in ASIA Ranked WORST to BEST

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this is Asia the largest most diverse continent and it's 4.8 billion people live in 48 completely different countries so let's assess who's worst and who's best based on each nation's economy safety cost of living corruption freedom and quality of life and let's hit 10,000 likes for a video ranking every country in the America's next number 48 Yemen home to the birthplace of coffee millennium of ancient history and one of the most unique ecosystems on cotra Yemen should be an extraordinary country so the ongoing Civil War is a real shame as it's led to one of the worst humanitarian crises and the second most dangerous Nation just since 2015 over 150,000 yenis have been killed 4.5 million displaced and an additional 227,000 have died due to lack of food water or sanitation number 47 Afghanistan just 50 years ago Afghanistan was fairly stable and an actual tourism destination but ever since a near constant state of armed conflict started in 1978 including three Civil Wars and the 20- yearlong US invasion it's become the most dangerous country and poorest Asian nation and ever since the Taliban regained control in 2021 the already deplorable living conditions have only worsened leading to the world's lowest life expectancy at just 54 years number 46 Syria you know know a continent's got some terrible countries when in comparison Syria in the midst of a 13-year Civil War that's already killed over 600,000 doesn't seem that bad but while its life expectancy economy safety and sanitation standards are much better than Yemen and Afghanistan especially in Damascus one of the most beautiful historic cities it's still the third most dangerous nation and 90% of syrians live in poverty number 45 North Korea don't get cocky North Korea literal war in the previous three nations is the only reason you're not last and because nobody truly knows what life in the secretive dystopian Society is like education is supposedly quite good but there's no reliable information on GDP poverty or human development index statistics citizens aren't allowed to leave and any tourists are only shown an extremely restrictive propagandized tour and not allowed to communicate with locals but what we do know is it's a complete totalitarian dictatorship with absolutely no freedom of speech and any criticism of the supreme leader resulting in labor camp torture or death number 44 Pakistan despite a Pakistani Economist inventing the human development index the current best way to determine a nation's overall quality of life Pakistan has one of the world's worst human development indexes and although corruption and nepotism in all levels of government are partially to blame the terrible education system and large amounts of extremely religious Fanatics are what's truly holding this nation back Pakistan actually has the world's worst blasphemy laws with any person accused of criticizing Islam facing a minimum 10year prison sentence and many of the accused are lynched by a religious mob while the police turn a blind eye so those were the five worst countries in Asia and before we get to the other 43 make sure you leave a like And subscribe and while the UN only recognizes Palestine as an observer State rather than a full member 139 Nations recognize its sovereignty so if you can consider Palestine to be its own country it'd be right here on the list now obviously Gaza is not safe now with over 30,000 Palestinians killed in onethird of the territory completely destroyed in just the past 3 months but despite a corrupt government in the West Bank and many cities under Israeli control with constant surveillance and checkpoints for Palestinians education and Healthcare is actually quite good number 43 Myanmar Myanmar is the only Asian Nation currently under a military dictatorship so although the decade of quasi civilian governments from 2011 to 2021 grew the economy and haved poverty from 48 to 24% since the military regained control 3 years ago poverty has shot back up to 60% and 45,000 burmes have been killed and 2.4 million displaced in the ongoing Civil War number 42 teor Lee despite housing the world's most biodiverse coral reefs teor Lee is one of the least visited countries because not only is it extremely isolated with Bali and Darwin Australia being the only destinations that fly here centuries of Portuguese rule followed by a 24 year-long occupation and genocide by Indonesia has left the nation hopelessly underdeveloped teor Lea has Asia's third lowest GDP per capita and with most Goods needing to be imported the cost of living isn't cheap number 41 Cambodia Cambodia has perhaps the most tragic recent history of Any Nation after the US killed between 2 and 500,000 civilians from 1970 to 73 completely destabilizing the region the cim Rouge and P pot Rose to power and committed one of the worst ever genocides anyone perceived to have an education or opinions against the fully agrarian society was forced into labor camps or executed altogether 1.5 to 2 million cambodians or 1/4 of the population were killed between 1975 and 79 but although the nation is still suffering from the effects of these atrocities with high poverty and 6 million unexploded landmines still in the country today cambodians are some of the warmest most welcoming people number 40 Nepal everyone knows Nepal is the home of Everest but the reason so many Sherpas risk their lives helping tourists reach the Summit is because of how terrible normal wages are for nepales Citizens so yes Nepal is the fourth cheapest country with an average cost of living of only $400 per month but it's also Asia's fourth poorest country with an average salary of only $200 per month number 39 La compared to Cambodia and Myanmar La is wealthy compared to the rest of Southeast Asia La is poor but it's not entirely its fault as it's been plagued by terrible geography while absolutely breathtaking La is the only landlocked Southeast Asian nation and nearly 34s of it is covered by mountains or Hills with few fertile river valleys to grow agriculture LA's corrupt government and large foreign debt have contributed to the current economic crisis to however with annual inflation at 31% and just 20% of roads being paved number 38 Bangladesh Bangladesh was blessed with the most fertile land on Earth yet due to rampant corruption in oligarchy it's the 11th poorest Asian nation and although its economy is developing with poverty cut in half just over the past 15 years since it's the most densely populated non- city state with 170 million people crammed into an area that's roughly the size of Alabama Bangladesh has the worst pollution on earth and its capital DACA is a litter infested chaotic Concrete Jungle with horrendous traffic number 37 Turkmenistan it's ironic that turkmenistan's former president banned makeup because the orwellian capital city he built is literally all makeup the X dictator had a fixation for white marble so instead of using the nation's vast oil and gas resources to improve the economy health care or education he built hundreds of large expensive White marble buildings that are almost completely empty since they're too expensive for local wages and while the lack of civil liberties here makes Afghanistan seem like a beacon of democracy at least poverty was low under his rule due to free gas electricity and water provided to all residents however the last president ended these Provisions in 2019 number 36 India just last year India became the most populous nation which has helped it achieve the world's fifth largest economy but although its standard of living living has vastly improved due to hundreds of billions of dollars invested in subsidizing food electricity health and education corruption is still rampant its cities are overpopulated and filthy and there's a huge division of wealth unlike its neighbors Bangladesh and Pakistan however India is a true democracy and its government plans to reach a $30 trillion economy by 2047 number 35 Iraq Iraq has come a long way since the eight-year-long US invasion which killed nearly half a million Rockies and yes it is still underdeveloped with 1/4 of the population living in poverty and 40% without access to clean water but the cities in Kurdistan region are actually quite safe the economy is growing and from its Landscapes to history to radiant residence Iraq is staggeringly beautiful number 34 Tajikistan with a GDP per capita of $1,100 Tajikistan is one of the poorest Nations but it's also cheap and safe its people and culture are vibrant and and the Landscapes are out of this world seriously just look at the place number 33 kyrgistan 93% of kyrgistan is covered by stunning mountain ranges which just so happened to house an enormous gold mine but although this in addition to its tremendous hydr power potential means the nation should be wealthy corrupt governance keeps it poor strangely enough however since kyrgistan is also the ninth cheapest Nation poor is actually middle class is Kyan has astonishingly low income inequality number 32 Lebanon one of the worst liquidity crises is occurring in Lebanon with annual inflation now at 264 and food inflation over 1,000% and considering they're incompetent corrupt government who's allowed terrorist groups to de facto control many areas Lebanon has Asia's second worst infrastructure fifth highest unemployment constant blackouts and a poverty rate over 70% so despite its beautiful culture culture and history and life expectancy of 79 years the Lebanese diaspora is now more than double lebanon's population number 31 the Philippines ever since martial law was enacted from 1972 until 1986 giving the then president who's also the current president's father sole control of the nation the Philippines near Perpetual corruption and debt have only gotten worse cuz rather than improve the awful infrastructure sanitation or education the government constantly overspends on contracts from unqualified cronies as long as Kickbacks are given that the politicians can then pocket so although Filipinos are incredibly friendly and the 7,600 islands are magical poverty is high life expectancy is low and the cities are some of the most polluted on Earth number 30 Jordan Jordan is an oasis of stability and peace in an otherwise turbulent Middle East Mally due to its strong relations with the West receiving $1.5 billion from the us annually but while Jordan pours enormous efforts into its diplomatic relationships its relationship with its residents is often neglected as a result the stagnating economy with Asia's second highest unemployment rate is actually weaker today than it was 15 years ago number 29 Bhutan Bhutan has historically been one of the most closed off Nations and until 50 years ago actually didn't allow any visitors but there's also a good reason for this is the nation deeply cares about sustainability due to its sitting in one of the the world's last biodiversity hotspots and although visitors need to pay $100 per day to visit this remarkably safe and breathtaking Himalayan Nation since Bhutan is almost no corruption income inequality is low and the local cost of living is pretty affordable number 28 usbekistan just like all the other stands usbekistan is incredibly authoritarian with limited freedoms but things are looking up under the current president with forced labor now abolished partial freedom of assembly now allowed and the economy progressively liberalizing and while the government is corrupt at least they value education as usbekistan is one of only Seven Nations with a 100% literacy rate number 27 Iran makavelli once said it is better to be feared than loved and ever since the Sha was ousted in 1979 Iran's authoritarian Theocratic regime has only gotten more oppressive today it's the nation with the fourth worst civil liberties with extreme censorship and thousands of peaceful protesters imprisoned tortured sexually assaulted or killed every year and as if that weren't bad enough us and EU sanctions have led to annual inflation over 50% but Iran is also full of beautiful educated people one of the richest histories and cultures in the world's third largest oil reserves number 26 Indonesia spanning 18,000 onsp spiring islands that stretch 5,000 by 1800 km across a multitude of climate zones Indonesia is the second most biologically diverse country but this also makes it exceptionally difficult to maintain good infrastructure outside the islands of Bali and Java and speaking of Bali and Java over tourism has made Bali overpriced while the cities on Java are overcrowded due to their disproportionate economic opportunities in fact Jakarta is now the world's second largest metro area as well as the most polluted city with the worst traffic Indonesia's stable economy is rapidly developing however and poised to become the fifth largest within the next decade number 25 Vietnam one of the poorest Nations just 30 years ago strong foreign investment and rapid industrialization have turned Vietnam into the new Factory of the world with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of manufacturing exports sent to the US China Japan and Korea every year as such Vietnam has had one of the fastest growing economies with over 7% annual GDP growth but while the future looks bright with an expanding middle class and plummeting poverty corruption and nepotism are still present and its cities are excessively crowded and polluted number 24 aeran our first transcontinental country aeran was one of the 10 worst nations in Europe and it made the top 25 for Asia well I guess that just goes to show how tough Europe's competition was but although aeran is safe and its vast oil and gas reserves keep poverty low it's also effectively a dictatorship there's a huge vision of wealth no freedom of expression no free or Fair elections and there have been countless human rights abuses with journalists and political opponents often imprisoned and tortured number 23 Armenia despite a 35- yearlong conflict with aeran Armenia is the world's fourth safest country and Armenians are some of the most kind genuine people so it's sad that the struggling economy and rapidly increasing cost of living have resulted in a 26% poverty rate leading to a net 40,000 Armenians fleeing the nation every year number 22 Mongolia with a mere 3.4 million people spread across 1.56 million square kilm Mongolia is the emptiest nation but many Mongolians love this is a combined with low taxes a cheap cost of living and the freedom to set up camp pretty much anywhere in the gorgeous Countryside means even poor people can live fairly comfortably especially since it's incredibly safe the infrastructure and banking system are highly Advanced and it's the only true democracy in the region number 21 Sri Lanka having been democratically run since 1931 Sri Lanka is Asia's oldest democracy but it's also proof that democracy doesn't always equal good is it's ridiculously dangerous and years of corrupt politicians' mismanagement of money and debt has led to an economic crisis with inflation reaching as high as 70% and the nation declaring bankruptcy in 2022 and yes things seem to have stabilized with food Fuel and healthc Care shortages slowly recovering but the cost of living on this jaw-dropping island is still far too expensive for locals resulting in an exodus of hundreds of thousands every year number 20 Georgia with magnificent mountains beaches and castles and delicious food and wine Georgia is one of the most fascinating Nations you probably know nothing about but while it's enchanting culture and history wild nightlife and year-long Visa free stays make it a fantastic place to visit local wages have never been good and the thousands of Russians who have fled here to escape mobilization in the war with Ukraine have caused rent prices to Triple in less than 2 years number 19 the malds despite consisting of 1,200 beautiful coral islands and atals most of the livable ones are just expensive private Resorts while over half of the 500,000 maldivians are crammed onto a tiny 2 square km Island Mal which is actually the world's most densely popul populated capital and sure the nation's GDP per capita is quite high but corruption lack of rank control and nearly every necessity other than fish needing to be imported means many locals struggle to get by while external corporations pocket billions number 18 Russia well 75% of Russia's population lives in Europe 75% of its land is in Asia and while it's European cities are dangerous and expensive its Asian cities are safe and cheap siberia's abundant some natural resources also makes it the wealthiest part of the country meaning if you don't mind the lack of freedoms or extreme temperature swings from 60 to positive 400 Celsius life could be worse number 17 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan has made huge strides in becoming more democratic switching from a super presidential government to a presidential Republic just this past year and although corruption is still a pressing issue kazakhstan's vast mineral wealth in addition to Rapid globalization and digitalization have made it by far the richest and most developed Central Asian Nation with exceptionally safe and advanced cities a great train Network and low poverty number 16 China China may be extremely authoritarian but this has also allowed it to become the fastest developing nation in history with poverty dropping from 89% to 1.7% in just 50 years cuz its massive investments in education Healthcare and infrastructure have not only produced the Highly Educated work work force and millions of good paying jobs but also connected every city by Highway and train in fact despite having no highspeed rail just 20 years ago China now has twice as much as every other country combined but there's still a huge disparity of wealth between the rich coastal cities and poor Western regions number 15 Thailand from magical Islands beaches and jungles to its diverse culture and history to its extraordinary animals and easygoing people who somehow always have have a smile nearly every part of Thailand is beautiful but Paradise comes with a price and while the price of goods is low wages are even lower is the corrupt government and concentration of wealth among just a few families have led to a stalling economy number 14 Oman due to the former Sultan's emphasis on peace and neutrality since 1976 Oman is incredibly stable and often dubbed the Switzerland of the Middle East in fact it's the third safest nation and its currency is is the third strongest but although ommani citizens have benefited greatly from the nation's vast oil reserves with free land education and Health Care given to every man the nation is the poorest in the Gulf cooperation Council and projected to run out of oil within 20 years number 13 Malaysia while Oman never truly moved away from its heavily oil-based economy Malaysia invested its oil wealth in educating its Workforce and diversifying its economy due to its attractive tax incentives in highly developed cities with with cheap labor costs Malaysia successfully lared countless tech companies to become one of the largest electronics exporters and with subsidized Fuel and electricity in addition to the excellent free health care System the cost of living remains low while incomes continue to grow oh and the capital has air conditioned sidewalks number 12 brunai with less than 450,000 residents brunai is the smallest Asian nation and a near total welfare state because while it's Sultan who's been in power for 57 years and is one of the last absolute monarchs left has pocketed over $30 billion of the nation's enormous oil and gas resources he's also covered nearly all basic needs with free health care education and highly subsidized almost Free Housing this has also backfired however as since even the unemployed can have a decent quality of life nobody wants to work in non-h high-paying Fields number 11 Kuwait are you seeing a trend many of Asia's best Nations aren't necessarily great due to good governance or a diverse private sector but by sheer luck of having exorbitant amounts of oil so while Kuwait may have been the most boring Nation with the world's worst geography if oil weren't a factor is 99.4% of it is non-arable extremely hot desert with temperatures routinely torching 50° C oil is still modern-day gold which gives Kuwait the strongest currency and seventh highest salaries number 10 Saudi Arabia imagine a poor man finding a dollar and using it to win the lottery now imagine that same man going to the casino to double down his winnings and hitting jackpot again to a tune of 2.3 trillion doar well that's basically what happened to Saudi Arabia the discovery of the world's second largest known oil reserves has given the king enough Fu money to do whatever he wants such as desalinating water for 8 million people before pumping it 500 km to the otherwise waterless capital and completely terraforming the desert with the line but while Saudi citizen are wealthy there are also extremely limited freedoms for women countless human rights abuses with journalists often tortured and killed and even modern day slavery with many immigrants having their passports confiscated upon arrival and then forced to work in terrible conditions for starvation wages number nine Bahrain a tiny island in the Persian Gulf Bahrain is famous for oil and is the place most Saudis party since its version of Islam is much less restrictive in fact an estimated 9 million Saudis vacation in the nation every year so although Bahrain has the lowest remaining petroleum reserves in the GCC its heavy investment in tourism as well as International banking has resulted in the least oild dependent Gulf economy number eight turkey yes Russia houses the geographic center of Eurasia but modern-day turkey and particularly eastanbul has been the world's cultural crossroads for two Millennia and although the European portion of turkey is much wealthier accounting for 30% of the nation's GDP despite covering ing just 3% of its land mass Asian turkey ain't too shabby either with the continent's most educated populace and bustling historic cities like ismir anara and antalia number seven Qatar 70 years ago a mere 25,000 people lived in the desert Peninsula that's modern-day qar and in just 50 years the capital went from looking like this to this because despite being a 99% inhospitable desert that's smaller than the state of Connecticut Qatar has been blessed with the world's third largest natural gas and 13th largest petroleum reserves so it's the third wealthiest per capita Nation as well as the second safest Nation number six Cyprus while it was part of Greece until the 1960s and is now even a part of the EU geographically Cyprus lies entirely in Asia and although there's a massive wall dividing the island and capital since turkey claims the northern portion the southern portions economy is booming due to its great weather and business-friendly laws attracting many tech companies and with a delicious healthy diet as well as one of the best Health Care Systems the average cypriot lives to be over 80 number five the United Arab Emirates yes the UAE faces many of the same migrant worker abuses that plague most Gulf Nations but its opportunities and tolerance for non-muslim immigrants are also much better than every other Gulf nation and its economy is the most diverse with Dubai and Abu Dhabi transforming into business transportation and tour ISM hubs number four Israel while every other Rich Middle Eastern nation attained its wealth from oil and gas Israel based its economy on human capital and as such they've invested much of the $260 billion the US has given them into its Universal worldclass education and Health Care Systems which have created one of the happiest healthiest workforces with high levels of innovation and Entrepreneurship Israel also has by far the best freedom of speech in the region the fourth longest life expectancy in Asia and prior to the ongoing war was one of the safest Nations number three South Korea with safe clean bustling big cities breathtaking Countryside and Asia's third best life expectancy infrastructure and schools as well as the world's fastest internet 10th strongest economy and third best health care South Korea isn't just Elite by Asian standards it's one of the best Nations on Earth but its culture of overworking combined with gloomy weather has also led to the planet's highest suicide side rate number two Japan from its vibrant culture and history to its mouthwatering healthy food to its welcoming people diverse Landscapes exceptional safety low corruption levels and incredible education transportation and mega cities Japan doesn't just offers something for everyone it offers the best for everyone and sure the economy's been stagnant for the last 30 years but that just shows how remarkable it was is it still the world's third strongest economy despite an aging population number one actually we're going to have another honorable mention Taiwan because while Taiwan is independently governed and very much functions as its own Nation only 13 un Nations agree since China claims to own it and most countries don't want to ruin their relations with China but if Taiwan were officially recognized it would have the world's 14th strongest economy due to 90% of the world's most advanced semiconductors being produced here and rank among the top 10 nations in most important categories but it would still only be Asia's second best country actual number one Singapore Singapore might be the most unique nation in history because while freedoms are heavily suppressed its government is also the least corrupt which combined with its strategic location and business-friendly laws catapulted it from a developing Nation just 50 years ago to the second wealthiest one today but although the government continues to invest in its people with the best roads healthc care education safety and cleanliness in the world did you know eight countries in Europe actually have a higher quality of life if you want to find out which there's a video on screen now go check it out
Channel: From Here to There
Views: 386,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best countries, worst countries, asia, every country ranked, Top 10, countries, moving to asia, every country in asia, ranked, best places to live in asia, top 10 countries, Relocate, Expat, nomad, best countries in southeast asia, cheapest countries, countries ranked, immigration, ranking, travel, china, japan, korea, north korea, indonesia, bali, philippines, vietnam, thailand, dubai, uae, singapore, russia, turkey, geography, mongolia, real life lore, asia pros and cons, safest countries, india, taiwan
Id: AwLIfo9DGR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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