All 50 Countries in EUROPE Ranked WORST to BEST

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the US has 50 states and Europe has 50 countries so let's put them to the test and rank them worse to best based on their economy safety cost of living freedom and quality of life Vos Alin and let's go number 50 Vatican City at 1/5 the size of Central Park Vatican City is the smallest Nation on Earth with its entire area located within the city of Rome and it's obviously last cuz if you're not part of the Vatican staff Swiss guard or a Catholic priest or none you're not even allowed to live here but why would you it's overcrowded a complete monarchy and its status as a country is mostly just an excuse to not pay taxes number 49 Ukraine Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe and also home to its second most corrupt government so despite its beautiful people landscapes in history it's Europe's poorest Nation with a GDP per capita lower than Iraq at $5,200 the current conflict with Russia has also made many parts of the country not safe with more than 10,000 Ukrainian civilians being killed in less than 2 years number 48 belus don't get cocky Belarus the only reason you're not dead last is cuz there's a literal war going on between your neighbors considered Europe's last true dictatorship belarus's president has been in power for 30 years and routinely invents laws that serve him not only is there an extreme lack of Human Rights where you'll be arrested and perhaps tortured for peacefully protesting or criticizing his government you can actually be arrested for speaking Belarusian yeah Russian's the official language here number 47 malova malova is Europe's least visited nation and also it's least developed with the lowest life expectancy second lowest GDP per capita and hardly any infrastructure existing outside the capital kisho which is often ranked as Europe's ugliest most boring Capital thrown in a corrupt government in high levels of organized crime and Mal divans are the least happy people on Earth no like literally when posters ask are you happy more than half of mivan say no number 46 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and herzoga has been through a lot after the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1991 over a 100,000 bosnians were murdered and 2 million displaced during the ensuing Yugoslav and Bosnian Wars and many ripples are still felt today with the worst pollution in Europe hundreds of completely destroyed buildings and extreme poverty and PTSD among its residents now those were the five worst countries in Europe and before we get to the other 45 leave a like And subscribe if we hit 10,000 likes I'll rank every country in Asia too and I also wanted to give an honorable mention to Kosovo which Serbia claims its sovereignty is recognized by over half of all un Nations however so if you consider it a country it'd be right here on the list Kosovo would be Europe's second poorest Nation with a terrible economy and the highest unemployment rate at 20.6% but since kosovars receive a lot of money from displaced family members living in wealthier Nations the quality of life isn't terrible and average life expectancy is nearly 80 number 45 aeran wait a second is it aeran in Asia well most of it is but 7,000 square kmers of it is technically in Europe in fact only 43 Nations lie entirely within Europe's borders but most organizations count 50 European nations and scientifically speaking Europe isn't even a real continent but rather a part of Eurasia so its boundaries are mostly just political and speaking of political although aeran has the most secular government amongst majority Muslim nations it's still egregiously authoritarian elections are not free free or Fair political opponents are often imprisoned and the president and his father have had complete control of the country for 30 years but due to its vast oil reserves the economy is decent number 44 Armenia geographically speaking all of Armenia lies in Asia geopolitically and culturally however it's very European and part of most European groups such as the Council of Europe but Europe or not 26.5% of Armenians live in poverty because despite the political system being more democratic than aeran it's still incredibly corrupt leading to little Economic Opportunity this combined with the Nations near constant conflict with azerbajan over the disputed nagorno kabak territory has resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Armenians number 43 North Macedonia after countless controversies with Greece regarding the name Macedonia and its former excessively long name Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the nation was a officially renamed North Macedonia in 2019 but unlike the vast Macedonian Empire Alexander the Great One sled the only thing North Macedonia is leading the continent in is unemployment number 42 Albania while it's likely the most beautiful European nation that you know nothing about Albania is not a great place to live but considering their tragic history it's a miracle Albania has recovered at all after being under one of the most impoverishing communist regimes for half a Century with the former lunatic dictator using the nation's money to build nearly 200,000 bunkers for an invasion that never came the new democratically elected government in 1992 proceeded to lure 2third of the population into a government-backed pyramid scheme which obviously failed bankrupting the majority of albanians and resulting in the 1997 Civil War number 41 Georgia Georgia is Europe's Most homophobic Nation with 84% of residents saying same-sex relation ations between adults is always wrong and this stubborn mentality opposing progress translates to all aspects of Life average wages have remained low Healthcare and education remains poor and its cities are among the most polluted on Earth resulting in a life expectancy that's lower than Syria number 40 Russia let's just get this out of the way Russia has extremely limited personal freedoms there's no right to Peaceful assembly and public opposition to the war with Ukraine or or even calling it a war is considered a crime but for all its issues including being Europe's most corrupt and dangerous Nation it's cheap and the economy and infrastructure especially in Moscow and St Petersburg is very Advanced with the world's sixth highest GDP at purchasing power parody number 39 Serbia Belgrade the former capital of communist Yugoslavia is now Serbia's capital and a party Capital with the Lonely Planet ranking at the number one Party City in 202 3 in this city of extremes with its beautiful historic Center and flashy business-oriented new Belgrade sitting next to destitute districts without proper sewage represents the nation at large if you have money it's great if you don't it's not most people don't number 38 Bulgaria Bulgaria is one of the most fascinating countries it's the only Slavic state to never join Yugoslavia the cerlic alphabet was invented here and it's home to the most archaeological sites in Europe other than Greece and Italy but it's also full of contradiction while its marab Bas schools are remarkable the majority of schools suck while it's 59 we paid maternity leave is the highest in Europe so is the mortality rate and while the GDP per capita isn't terrible 23% of the nation still lives in poverty number 37 Montenegro before 5 seconds ago most of you had never heard of Montenegro and even now some of you are probably questioning wait does Mont negro exist but although this unknown nation of 600,000 really tall people is the least corrupt in the Balkans which is a big reason why it's the non-eu member closest to joining it's also tiny with low wages and taxes resulting in severely underfunded social programs but hey at least Montenegro owns the domain do me which actually pays the nation $350 million a year number 36 Kazakhstan apart from being veras almost nothing in Borat about glorious nation of Kazakhstan was true but despite hardly exporting any potassium Kazakhstan is the greatest exporter of uranium which combined with the planet's 12th largest oil and gas reserves have led to a stable growing economy and highly developed cities and transportation number 35 turkey turkey's most populous city eastanbul straddles the border between Europe and Asia and has been one of the most important cultural centers for nearly two Millennia but while it in the European portion of turkey is wealthy accounting for 30% of the nation's GDP despite covering just 3% of its land mass most of Asian turkey is extremely impoverished number 34 Hungary Hungary receives one of the largest amounts of EU development funds but since its government is by far the most corrupt in the EU most of it is funneled to the prime minister's family and friends rather than used to improve the nation's infrastructure or economy add on the world's highest value added tax at 27% and the result is the worst inflation in Europe with the nation's currency being devalued by 20% each year no wonder Hungary has the most porn stars per capita only fans really do be saving lives number 33 Romania while Hungary is the prime example of a nation's quality of life suffering due to corrupt governance Romania is the opposite being the poster child for how quickly a nation can turn things around one of the poorest countries with a poverty rate of 42% when admited into the EU in 2006 Romania has had Europe's fastest growing economy ever since with its GDP growing by 650 per over the past 20 years cutting the poverty rate to just 10% today oh and Dracula lived here number 32 lvia lvia houses more women than any other nation and has prospered greatly since the breakup of the USSR but it's still the poorest and most corrupt of the three Baltic nations with the second worst inflation and roads in Europe number 31 Slovakia no not Slovenia that's in the Balkans and not suaki that's Greek and delicious but while few of you can pronounce the former half of Czechoslovakia properly and even fewer of you can locate it on a map Slovakia has quietly been improving its quality of life in large part due to producing the most cars per capita it's also incredibly safe education and Healthcare is reliable and free and it's Capital bris laava even as a UFO number 30 30 Croatia ever since joining the EU in 2013 and people learning that much of Game of Thrones was filmed in Croatia tourism numbers have skyrocketed doubling from 2014 to 19 but this in addition to the recent adoption of the Euro has also led to prices rising with the average cost of goods now being more expensive than Western Europe despite salaries being much lower number 29 Lithuania if I lived in Lithuania this video would have been uploaded at least 8 minutes sooner cuz it has the fastest internet on Earth which is a testament to how far this small Baltic nation has come since they facilitated the breakup of the Soviet Union but although the economy has evolved greatly many lithuanians as worldviews have not with most of the older generation being judgmental about anyone who expresses thems number 28 Greece compared to the Balkans Greece is wealthy compared to the EU Greece is poor and compared to musicals Greece is the word it's history language and scenery are beautiful the food is mouthwatering and healthy and its people are wonderfully warm and welcoming despite their corrupt government and struggling economy number 27 Andora skiing and duty-free shopping are the only reasons anyone ever thinks of this cheap 468 Square km Nation but you could also just go to Oregon for that where there's better beer and legal weed number 26 San Marino Endora seems massive compared to the this tiny 61 Square km micro state which is located entirely within Italy and relies on it for 80% of its economy but San Marino is also the oldest continuous country and exceptionally wealthy with no national debt and the seventh highest GDP per capita number 25 Poland Poland is the geographic center of Europe and also the center of this list because overall it's pretty much the most average European nation well aside from the fact that the Godly delicatess and known as The Bagel was invented here number 24 Italy Italy is a tale of two Nations while the northern part is very rich and developed with a quality of life similar to top 10 countries the south is really struggling with less than half the North's GDP per capita and more than triple its poverty rate not to mention it's got a real trash problem with Rome being named Europe's filthiest City number 23 Malta after having been called ized by 10 different Empires over the last 2700 years Malta finally gained independence in 1964 and ever since it cemented itself as a tourist haven due to its year- round warm climate on inspiring historic sites and worldclass beaches not to mention it's also become the I gaming capital of the world which has resulted in high wages and Europe's thirdd lowest unemployment rate out and despite being Europe's Most Catholic Nation Malta is also the most lgbtq friendly Nation number 22 lonstein lonstein is so small and irrelevant that even its neighbor Switzerland often forgets it exists having accidentally invaded the nation five times and up until a decade ago you could actually rent the entire country for just 70 grand a night but despite nothing noteworthy ever having happened here lonstein enjoys the world's second highest GDP per capita and third highest life expectancy number 21 Monaco Monaco's population is similar to Len Stein's yet it's 80 times smaller at a mere 2 square kilm making it the most densely populated Nation but while even lonstein doesn't take itself seriously Monaco is the most try hard country it houses the most millionaires and billionaires per capita the highest GDP per capita and a human development index over one which shouldn't be possible why because there's no income tax so wealthy people from all over the world move here to flaunt their yachts and supercars number 20 Estonia estonia's capital talin is less than a 3-hour faery ride from finland's Capital Helsinki and while it may seem amusing that countless Finnish tourists ride this Ferry simply to buy cheap booze it underscores why Estonia is the most affluent Baltic Nation trade and investment from Finland and Sweden Estonia has also mimicked many of the Nordic nation's best traits prioritizing education safety and Innovation with it now being the most digitally Advanced nation in the world number 19 Portugal you may have heard of Portugal being a top xack destination due to it offering all the food beaches history and culture of most Western European destinations while being a fraction of the cost but since local wages aren't great this has also created Europe's worst housing crisis with home prices rising 157% from 20120 to 21 number 18 Cyprus Cyprus has more billionaires per capita than any non-micro state Nation mainly due to its great weather and friendly tax structure incentivizing foreign tech companies to set up shop here the island is a hub for Forex fintech igaming and crypto not to mention the center of the online porn industry but it's not just the wealthy who Prosper average wages are similar to Western Europe and the healthcare is among the best in the world number 17 Spain Spain might have the best work life balance of Any Nation not only are 30 paid vacation days and 14 paid public holidays required by law many companies even close for 2 to 3 hours during the day for Siesta but while there's Splendid weather scenery history and culture in addition to some of the best food and drink on Earth it's not all sunshine and wine the 12.7 unemployment rate is the highest in the EU and the cities have Western European prices with central European salaries number 16 France when pulled on who the most arrogant Europeans are the French chose themselves because they have everything most people could ever dream of and they know it the cuisine is out of this world the arts and culture are unmatched and the laid-back lifestyle emphasizes life over work but that doesn't mean the French are lazy they produce the world's seventh largest economy and their healthc care education and public transit are all outstanding number 15 Czech Republic Czechs are the best at drinking beer literally the average Czech drinks 520 beers a year which is nearly double the next country but that's not the only thing Czechs excel at the Czech Republic is home to the lowest unemployment poverty and homicide rates in Europe as well as one of the fastest growing economies number 14 Slovenia if it weren't for Luca donic most people would have no idea where or what Slovenia is and that's a shame because in contrast to most Former Yugoslav republics Slovenia has had some of the best economic developments on the continent with the GDP per capita tripling in the last 20 years plus one in every 20 slovenians is a beekeeper because one slovenians love honey and two they prefer to shop local which is a huge reason why Slovenia has the world's lowest income inequality number 13 United Kingdom the UK's damp cold gloomy weather is a metaphor for the nation's current sentiment depressing the average quality of life has steadily decreased since brexit and the economy has been in stagnation for far longer but the UK is still the world's sixth largest economy and the free public Healthcare and education is excellent number 12 Luxembourg sure it's boring but stats don't lie and neither does the highest GDP per capita on Earth but Luxembourg is also outrageously expensive number 11 Belgium home to the eu's capital and bordered by the Netherlands Luxembourg Germany and France Belgium is a mix of the best parts of those Nations crunch in into a smaller more urbanized version well maybe not exactly smaller cuz Belgium has a province called Luxembourg and that alone is 71% larger than Luxembourg but similar to Luxembourg belgians are incredibly wealthy nearly 34s of the population owns their own home and the median wealth per adult is the third highest in the world number 10 Austria from schools to healthcare the economy to safety and everything in between Austria is among the top 15 nations in literally every category including the most paid time off plus it's jaw-droppingly beautiful and Vienna is often ranked as the best city on Earth number nine the Netherlands well many argue that Monaco the Vatican and other micro States shouldn't exist the Netherlands literally shouldn't exist 26% of its area is located below sea level but the Dutch's Ingenuity and resourcefulness of building dikes pumps and canals which allow 50% of its population to live below C level has also translated to its economy with the Netherlands having the third highest after tax net income of Any Nation number eight Germany Germany is the economic Powerhouse of Europe having just surpassed Japan to become the third largest economy all while Germans work Less hours than any other Nation how well they're highly educated and because they don't work as much Germans are much more productive in the time they do work since they know they'll have plenty of time to socialize and enjoy life after number seven Sweden Sweden is perhaps the perfect balance between capitalism and socialism with the Scandinavian Nation being home to one of the best economies due to low corporate taxes and plenty of innovative companies while also having an incredibly strong social safety net heck the government even allows swedes to take 6 months off in order to start their own business with a guarantee they can return to their job if their idea flops number six Finland less than 6 hours of daylight and brutally cold Winters might seem depressing but Finland has actually been the happiest Nation for 8 years running which goes to show how much a non-corrupt government that cares about its residents can increase a nation's quality of life cuz with the world's best schooling system and parental leave policy the cleanest air and water quality and highest level of food security fins have little to stress about number five Switzerland Nothing in life is free and there's a reason Switzerland is ridiculously safe with the world's best public transportation health care and after tax net income cuz it's also the most expensive Nation but boy is it beautiful number four Denmark Denmark may not have the best museums food or natural scenery but when it comes to the essentials such as good paying jobs cleanliness safety and great quality affordable healthc care education and housing few Nations do it better than the Danes number three Ireland Ireland has the highest PPP GDP per capita at $145,000 a full 65% higher than Switzerland the second wealthiest non-micro state but despite its already exceptional economy it's also the fastest growing with a 99.4% annual GDP growth rate how do the Irish keep finding massive pots of gold well it's home to Europe's most educated working class and corporate friendly tax loss resulting in nearly every large US company placing their EU headquarters here number two Norway Norway is a hypocrite it's one of the cleanest greenest nations with 97% of its trash being recycled 99% of its energy coming from renewable sources and more electric cars per capita than any other Nation yet a big reason why it has the world's third highest nominal GDP per capita is due to it being one of the biggest exporters of oil this also pays for Norway's superb social programs however with 59 weeks paid family leave a top five Healthcare and education system and a highly successful qualification program which pays unemployed people to learn new skills number one Iceland Iceland is the epitome of how incredible a non-corrupt nation can function having been democratically run for over a thousand years every penny the government takes goes back to helping its residence which is why the island leads the world in literally every statistic from being the safest Nation with the safest city to having the best gender equality and retirement pension plan to the lowest poverty rate and highest median wealth with the average owning 41333 Grand in assets and on top of that it might be the most beautiful country so while these were Europe's 50 Nations the US also has 50 states if you want to see how they rank up against one another there's a video on screen now go check it out
Channel: From Here to There
Views: 1,106,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best countries, worst countries, europe, every country ranked, Top 10, countries, moving to europe, best countries to live in, every country in europe, ranked, best places to live in europe, top 10 countries, Relocate, Expat, nomad, cheapest countries, countries ranked, immigration, ranking, travel, germany, france, spain, netherlands, england, sweden, finland, norway, iceland, portugal, prague, poland, greece, russia, geography, real life lore, europe pros and cons, safest countries, happiest countries
Id: Uvd-dGZ6PYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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