ALL 20 SUITS in Spider Man: Miles Morales Ranked WORST TO BEST | PlayStation 5

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how's it going everyone innovative j-dog here back again with yet another spider-man video some of you may know me as the spider-man ps4 suit guy you know the guy who made that ranking video for all 40 suits in spider-man ps4 and then i made an updated list ranking all 42 suits when the far from home suits were added but now i'm here to finally rank all 20 suits seen in marvel's spider-man miles morales from worst to best it's been a long time coming for this video i've had endless amounts of comments asking me to rank all the suits seen in this game and now the time has finally come for me to do just that so for those of you who have waited patiently for this video thank you for sticking around i hope you enjoy and before you comment yes i do plan on making a finalized and definitive ranking of all 45 suits seen in spider-man ps4 remastered so if you're interested in seeing that video when it releases make sure you smash that thumbs up button on this video so that other spider-man fans can see this ranking as well and also subscribe to the channel so you can stay up to date on all my future spider-man content i have loads of spider-man and spider-man ps4 projects planned over the next few months but before we dive deep into my list i think it's best that we keep that tradition alive of giving an honorable mention spot to none other than the character model for miles morales while he isn't directly a suit in the game you do play as miles several times throughout the game story so just like what i did with peter parker miles gets an honorable mention not only that but i wanted to mention that each suit in this game has its own damaged variation i decided not to mention them throughout this list however since they don't take up their own slots in the suits menu despite this i figured i'd still talk about them with that out of the way let's get right into my official ranking of all 20 suits seen in marvel spider-man miles morales number 20 the crimson cowl suit kicking off this list is my least favorite suit in the entire game and this choice may be a bit controversial to some of you watching the crimson cowl suit is cool in concept and while i did find myself wearing it from time to time it just wasn't my go-to pick for a suit choice so i often found myself forgetting that it was even in the game in my opinion i just feel like this suits design could have been done better and the color choices could have been balanced out differently to make it more visually appealing what i mean by that is i absolutely love the cowl attached to the suit it definitely gives it character and the overall sleekness of this suit's design is what makes it stand out to me but i just feel like there's way too much red on this suit but hey if the crimson cowl suit is at the very bottom of my list that just goes to show that there's plenty of other better costumes that this game has to offer one of these suits had to be ranked last and unfortunately this suit just couldn't offer as much as other suits number 19 the strike suit next up we have a bit of a controversial pick since i know plenty of you love this suit but it's ranked so low on my list simply because i haven't really played with it all too much i'll admit that the strike suit is visually stunning it's perhaps one of the most unique costumes in the entire game many of you love it just because of how different it looks but it just doesn't appeal to me as much as it does to some of you like i said this suit looks fantastic my favorite thing about the strike suit is no doubt those big gauntlets and golden looking spiders on them that glow in the night nighttime speaking of which this suit looks fantastic in the dark thanks to those glowing eyes and those pulsating lines running up and down the side of miles body it just looks like this suit is powered by his venom abilities and it's really cool to look at when you're swinging around just because it's ranked so low on this list though that doesn't mean that i hate this suit i love every single suit in this game but when it comes to ranking them from my least favorite to my most favorite there's just so many other suits that i prefer over this one and i found myself wearing them over the strike suit since other costumes seem to fit miles better as a character number 18 the spider training suit next up we have the original origin suit for this game's version of miles morales this suit is to miles what the wrestling suit was to peter and you know me i love a good origin suit except here's the thing we have so many other origin suits in this game so it doesn't really stand apart in comparison to those besides i like a few of the other origin suits better but aside from that i do like how this suit made a second appearance in this game after it was first shown off in the silver lining dlc from the first game i like that this suit bridges the gap between the first game and this game originally though miles was wearing a midtown high shirt instead but when the first game got remastered for the playstation 5 the shirt was changed to match miles going to brooklyn visions academy even with this change i think it's cool to swing around in this suit almost as if you're continuing right where the silver lining dlc left off the only thing that really sucks about this suit is that you can't unlock it until after you beat the main story and unlock new game plus for people like you and me who replay this game over and over again that's no big deal but i feel like if you're going to keep a suit locked behind new game plus make it a different suit that would make more people want to replay the game number 17 the winter suit now i know this suit is literally just the classic miles morales suit and the only thing that makes it different is the winter gear thrown on top but i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy wearing this suit while swinging around in the snow believe me wearing the winter suit and then setting the time of day to overcast with heavy snow the overall vibe you get from this suit just hits differently and it makes you feel like you're getting that true christmas in new york experience i just i love the fact that you're able to swing around in the snow in a spider-man game and this suit just makes that experience all the better it may be a bit goofy to wear while you're beating up criminals and it may look a bit odd in certain cutscenes but hey this suit is an absolute blast to wear around post game and if you're wanting to get into that christmas spirit number 16 the great responsibility suit so back when i made my top 15 suits wish list video for miles morales not only did i correctly predict the midtown high suit's return except it was reshaped into what we now know as the spider training suit i also predicted that we would see the origin suit for miles from his initial debut back in the ultimate comics while i was correct about this suit making an appearance in this game i only thought it was going to be a regular suit nothing too special about it but little did i know it was actually relevant to the overall plot of this game's story given to miles from peter before heading off to simcaria the great responsibility suit is 100 accurate to that original origin suit that we see miles wear after the death of ultimate peter parker everything from the knee pads and elbow pads to the big expressive eyes to the fact that this suit doesn't fit the proportions of miles's body this suit is lifted straight from the comics and dropped down into the middle of this game i love how amateurish this suit looks and it perfectly illustrates that growth of miles's character from the start of the game where he starts off as an inexperienced spider-man forced to protect the city by himself until we transition over into the classic suit design though we all know and love to signify miles growth and responsibility number 15 the homemade suit this is yet another suit i predicted in my wishlist video and i'm actually kind of surprised that it ended up making it into the game because it's yet another origin suit and it's one of the more obscure ones might i add some of you may be thinking that there's way too many origin suits in this game and let me tell you this isn't even the last one on this list but personally i think a lot of these origin suits fit miles as a character in comparison to the more advanced or bulky costumes like the strike suit it makes sense to me for miles to have more down-to-earth costumes that aren't as extravagant or detailed as peter's because that's just the character miles is especially in this game he's a person trying to find his place as the new spider-man so he's going to have a lot more costumes reflecting that sense of growth until we see more detailed costumes reflecting that growth in maturity however unlike the great responsibility suit which is iconic for miles morales debut as a character and unlike the spider training suit which is this universe's version of the origin suit the home mage suit only made one quick appearance in the mainline comics and was quickly dropped after a lackluster retelling of the character's origin so while it may not be the most iconic or recognizable origin suit the homemade suit is definitely one of the cooler designed origin suits i've seen not just for miles but for peter as well i think the darker colors of this suit mix really well together and contrast nicely to the brighter portions seen on miles's torso and certain aspects of the suit really make it feel homemade such as those goggles the tim's the athletic pants and that sweater this definitely feels like something a vigilante-esque miles would wear and i love that it was included alongside the several other origin suits that are more recognizable and beloved number 14 the uptown pride suit so i know the concept of the suit has a lot of significance to recent real life events so to a lot of people there's a lot of meaning behind this suit and what it represents because of this it's considered a fan favorite to many and perhaps it's even one of your favorite suits so right off the bat i want you all to know that i appreciate insomniac for taking the time to create this suit to create that connection to their audience it just goes to show that there's always going to be a web of support in this community for those who need it and it goes to show that insomniac puts a lot of care into the products they create for people around the world but just based off of how this suit looks visually and how it looks in comparison to other suits in the game i actually think this suit looks spectacular even for a recolor at the end of the day this is just another variation of the classic miles morales suit there are a few minor tweaks here and there such as pattern designs but the only real difference that sets this suit apart from the classic one are the red portions being recolored the gold personally i don't mind recolors i feel like if done right they can give off a different vibe from the original and can create something new altogether the gold on this suit works very well with the black color scheme of miles original costume so it definitely feels like it's something new but it's still bridging back to that original design that we all know and love since i feel like the gold and black work together very well i love putting this on from time to time number 13 the brooklyn visions academy suit this might be another controversial suit choice but not because it's ranked so low people are most likely going to ask why i have this suit ranked so high from what i've seen over the past few months a lot of people see this suit as underwhelming especially when we have other better suits that incorporate everyday clothing like the bodega catsuit while i agree that there are better suits in the game that fall under that category where regular clothing is worn over the spiderman suit i think that style of outfit fits miles which is something that i've said quite a bit throughout the video the brooklyn visions academy suit fits the laid-back and easy-going nature of miles character and i could no doubt see him putting these clothes on over his suit if he were in a rush to get to school there's a lot of personality behind some of the stuff he has on like the beats looking headphones around his neck the adidas shoes that he has on and of course that big backpack thrown over his shoulder they all give it that visual flair that keeps reminding me that this spider-man is still in school he's a high school student trying to find that balance between a regular life and a life as a superhero this universe's version of peter is well out of high school so we aren't able to experience peter deal with balancing his life like this he's dealing with balancing his adult life whereas miles he's in that stage of figuring out how to balance his life as a teenager and i think this costume helps remind us of that number 12 the programmable matter suit if you remember my suit ranking for spider-man ps4 i ranked the negative suit relatively high because of its ties to mr negative one of the main villains of that game i loved how the suit felt like it had story significance and the programmable matter suit is the exact same way this suit is stylized to look very similar to the tinkerer and the equipment used by the underground except instead of the suit being purple it's colored red to match miles's color scheme as spider-man the overall concept of how the suit was created through the underground cash collectibles and how it ties into the overall story of the game that's what makes me appreciate this suit so much not only that but i think its design is pretty neat and it looks incredible when swinging around in the night time because of how bright it is and it looks incredible in combat sequences speaking of which this suit is one of the few suits to have hidden finisher animations i love those spider legs that pop out when you use a finisher on someone it's a nice little surprise plus something cool i noticed about this suit was that the eyes looked fairly similar to spider-man's eyes from the 1994 animated series did anyone else notice that whether this easter egg was intentional or not i thought it was a pretty cool find number 11 the miles morales 2020 suit this is no doubt a fan favorite suit so i have a feeling a lot of people are gonna ask why i have it so low but just because it's lower than other suits that doesn't mean i love it any less don't get me wrong i love the overall concept and design of this suit it definitely feels like something miles would wear as a character especially since the bright neon colors make it feel like something a techno pop musician would wear you know sort of like daft punk because of those bright neon colors this suit looks absolutely phenomenal in the night time even more so than the strike suit it's just so fun to swing around the city especially in times square because it feels like you're brightening the city as you swing you're part of new york's bright lights plus not only does this costume reflect the game's upbeat soundtrack but it also reflects who miles is as a person since we learned throughout the course of the game that he has a history with music he listens to it quite frequently and he makes musical beats in his spare time since that's what he used to do with his father and his uncle aaron miles is a musically driven character and having a suit reflect that just fits who he is i could definitely see him listening to music while he sings around the city in this costume number 10 the sportswear suit alright everyone i promise this is the last origin suit on this list and i've got to admit it's surprisingly the best one in the entire game despite it being unlocked at the very start of the story i liked the sportswear outfit better than even the homemade suit a suit that was on my alternate suits wish list why is that what makes this suit more appealing it took me a while to figure out what made me prefer this suit over the other origin suits and i think i finally nailed it down the sportswear suit in my opinion is the definitive miles morales starter suit because it's a combination of all these different factors that make me appreciate these other origin suits and miles morales suits in general it's an outfit that you can barely clearly throw together within the matter of a few seconds and it definitely looks like something miles would wear at the start of his journey before maturing to the point where he gets his own unique spider-man suit since the spider training suit is canon just like this suit it definitely feels like the next logical step for miles to upgrade his vigilante appearance to fit his own unique fashion style before making that jump into creating his own suit his own personality i've said this several times already but when certain spider-man suits include regular clothing or throw regular clothing on top of the suit i'm a sucker for it if it's done right heck if i was spider-man this is something that i would wear when starting out a nice hoodie or a coat over the top of my suit it just fits my style and if miles has taught us one thing over the years it's that he can make a hoodie over top of a spider suit look cool and this suit is no exception maybe one day we'll see a sportswear outfit but with the black and red mile suit underneath you never know number nine the tracksuit serving as one of the pre-order bonuses for miles morales the tracksuit is an entirely original design that was created specifically for this game and i've gotta say i actually enjoy its design a lot more than i thought i would if you've seen my other suit ranking videos then you know that i'm all for original suit designs there's some that i love and there's others that just don't really appeal to me the tracksuit is definitely one of those suits that at first i felt like there was too much white and it felt a bit distracting but as time passed and after i used it extensively to free roam around the city this suit started to grow on me you see unlike the crimson cowl suit which has way too much red overpowering the black portions of the suit i feel like the tracksuit balances out its colors really well and because it involves three colors that all have good chemistry red white and black this suit feels like it would be a proper upgrade from miles classic suit design if it were to reference the white spider seen in peter's advanced suit while it isn't my favorite suit in the game i do appreciate how the tracksuit's original design does something new and original all while keeping the fundamentals of what a spider-man suit and more specifically a miles morales suit should look like number 8 the end suit hey alright another suit that i predicted from my wishlist video seeing this suit make its way into the game was definitely a nice surprise because even though the story that it originates from isn't all that good the end suit is definitely one of the better looking alternate miles costumes i've ever seen everything about this suit's tactical design just feels unique to me and every single aspect of this suit just looks so cool when you're swinging around and this suit especially works when used in stealth missions from the cool looking shape of the eyes to the cool looking hoodie with red patches on the arms all the way down to those red digital urban camo pants the design of this suit is just so slick and it translated over from the comics very nicely speaking of which i'm really glad that insomniac took a more realistic approach when designing this suit they could have easily lifted this suit from the comics and followed that wacky art style it came from making it into something very similar to what we saw with the mangaverse spiderman suit or the several different cel shaded suits from both games and while that style would have worked i much prefer the realistic approach number 7 the bodega cat suit you already knew that the bodega cat suit would take a top spot in this list i'm pretty sure this suit is one of the most well-liked costumes by the majority of fans so it shouldn't be a surprise that i like it as well i mean what's not to like you get a slightly different version of the classic mile suit one that has bigger shaped eyes you get a cool red hoodie thrown on top of the suit alongside those adidas sneakers that give it character and who could forget that backpack carrying your brand new sidekick the cat named spider-man who is even wearing his own spider-themed mask everything about this suit just defines miles morales to me it's easily one of the best regular clothing style spider-man suits in this game cause it's got that hoodie thrown on top that i liked from a few of the other suits and it even has that same backpack thrown in from the brooklyn vision suit so it's just a fun casual suit to swing around in not only that but just like with the programmable matter costume this suit actually comes with a few rare finisher animations where spider-man the cat leaps out of the backpack and attacks your opponent throw those animations on top of an already cool looking suit and it's no shocker that this is one of my favorites i just love that red hoodie design number six the advanced tech suit this is the newest suit to arrive in marvel's spider-man miles morales and as of now it's the only suit to be added into the game after its release we don't know if there's going to be more over the next little while but for right now this suit helped even out the suits menu to an even 20. and i could definitely see it being the final suit before the next game drops but what are my thoughts on the advanced tech suit as an alternate costume was it a worthy add-on to the base game to be honest yeah i'd say so i really love its design because it stays true to that classic design of the black and red suit but just like the tracksuit it builds off the foundations of that classic suit and feels like a proper upgrade i really love the armored style of this suit and i don't know if anyone else has made this comparison but the brand new spider logo reminds me of the iron spider suit from the comics a suit that we actually saw from the first game but not only do i like the armored aesthetics of this costume something that makes it stand apart from the rest of the suits i absolutely love the technical aspect of this costume the highlight of this suit to me has to be those glowing lights that make up the spider logo the webs the eyes and i really enjoy using this suit in overcast weather because that's when i feel like the suit shines the most overall this suit was a great addition and like i said it feels like a proper upgrade to miles's costume if he were to ever get an advanced suit just like peter's number 5 the animated suit alright so if you remember from my suit ranking video for spider-man ps4 the vintage comic book suit was one of my favorite suits in the entire game just for its aesthetic it wasn't really a vintage comic suit since it didn't look like any of the old styles of spider-man from the comic books it was just a cel-shaded version of that game's classic suit but that was enough to make me like it regardless i liked that suit so much that i wanted to see it make a return in miles morales where he would get his own cell shaded version of his black and red suit well we actually ended up getting another cell shaded suit but instead of it just being another rendition of miles as classic suit the animated suit was actually based off miles appearance in the ultimate spider-man cartoon this suit was lifted straight from that cartoon and plopped in the middle of this game and even though i never got around to watching that show i thought it was amazing that insomniac took that extra step to make this feel like a direct reference to something when it easily could have just been a cel-shaded version of miles's classic suit i'm sure plenty of you who grew up with the ultimate spider-man show loved this costume to death but for myself personally i just love the fact that it's cel-shaded because it makes me feel like i'm playing a remastered version of the ultimate spider-man game almost as if this is what a potential sequel could have been like with miles as the main character number 4 the miles morales 2099 suit this suit was probably the one that caught me off guard the most when i first saw it because i could have never predicted this making its way into the game nor did i even know that this suit actually existed before this game came out at first i thought this was an original design made by insomniac but it turns out i was wrong it was actually created for an alternate comic cover and insomniac just decided to take that idea and run with it adding in their own unique visuals to make a new suit altogether aside from the cool background for this suit the design for miles morales 2099 is no doubt one of the best in the entire game because it pulls concepts from other cool suits in the spider-man mythos to make something fresh it takes that built-in hoodie concept that we see with spider-gwen and it also references back to the design of spider-man 2099's original suit with that skull looking spider on the front it's very similar to spider-man 2099's design and i could definitely see this being worn by a miles morales-esque character in that year if miguel were to ever have a protege but no doubt the best part about this suit are the glowing eyes it doesn't matter what time of day you play in these eyes are constantly glowing and there's a cool mist surrounding them that makes this suit look menacing without a doubt the miles morales 2099 suit was the most surprising suit in this game for me and it's easily one of my favorites because of its ties to one of my favorite versions of spider-man number three the purple rain suit next up we have easily one of if not the coolest suit in the entirety of marvel's spider-man miles morales this suit is pretty straightforward if you take the design of the prowler and give that design to spider-man what would that suit look like well this is the final result and let me tell you having a purple and green prowler themed spider-man suit just looks so cool i love the glowing eyes and i love those claws that utility belt is pretty cool and if you're using gadgets in the middle of combat it would make sense to keep them in there but i just think the overall concept behind this suit is why i love it so much yeah the design is great but i could definitely see miles or at least an alternate version of him take up the mantle of the prowler one day to honor the legacy of his uncle should something ever happen to him i think it would be an interesting story for miles to take that prowler mantle and mix it with his spider-man personality to create something new altogether an amalgamation of these two personas and this suit is that perfect representation of that concept overall i just feel like there's way more to love about this suit than just its design it just feels like it has a lot of meaning behind miles's chemistry with his uncle number two the classic suit and of course we have the suit that i spent the longest time playing with in all of miles morales and that honor goes to none other than the classic black and red suit yeah even with all these other outstanding alternate costumes that stand apart from each other suits that have special traits unique to each and every one of them i decided to play with the classic suit for the entirety of my first playthrough of miles morales this suit deserves just as much praise as all the other suits on this list because insomniac took the time to redesign and make this suit into their own unique version like what they did with peter's advanced suit this suit while it is just the original black and red suit we've known from the comics it has so much meaning to who miles is as a character and it represents that final step of maturing into his own unique spider-man because of that i just couldn't help but rank it near the very top i love this suit to death and even after i unlocked all these other cool suits i found myself going back to put this suit on from time to time plus there's a lot of other suits in this game that are based solely off this costume the winter suit the brooklyn vision suit and even the uptown pride suit they all feel like dlc that add on to insomniac's fresh design and in my opinion that just makes this suit even better it makes you feel like you have more customization options when swinging around with this suit you know what i mean number one the into the spider verse suit finally my absolute favorite suit in the entire game has to be that suit from into the spider-verse this suit looks like it was ripped straight from the movie and dropped in the middle of this game and aside from the classic suit it was no doubt my most worn costume there were even certain points in the game where it felt like i was playing and recreating certain scenes from the movie because this suit just looks that accurate so i definitely had a blast wearing this costume around while swinging around the city plus not only was it one of my most worn suits but if you all remember from my suits wish list video the spider-verse suit was easily my most anticipated suit for this game so i'm very grateful that it ended up making its debut unfortunately we didn't get to see that hoodie variation of this costume at least not yet but to be honest there's so much love and accuracy put into this suit that i easily looked past it and fell in love with what this costume had to offer not only does this suit fit the comic book looking aesthetic we see from the spider-verse movie but insomniac actually decided to go a step further by throwing in suit mods and visor mods that make it not just look like you're playing a spider-verse game but makes you feel like you're in parts of the movie by slowing down the frame rate of character movement and throwing in comic book punch sound effects even though i didn't mind it i remember a lot of people disliking the drop in frame rate when this suit was first revealed and thankfully insomniac made that aspect of the suit optional but no doubt it's that extra care and passion that they put into this suit that makes it my absolute favorite in marvel spiderman miles morales and there we have it everyone that was my complete ranking of all 20 suits in marvel spider-man miles morales what did you think about my list were there some picks that you agreed with what did you disagree with let me know down in the comments and be sure to create your own ranking as well just remember to be nice to not just me but be kind to everyone else in the comment section we all have different opinions and it's my opinion that no matter how much i prefer some suits over others i loved every single suit in this game if you enjoyed today's ranking go ahead and smash that thumbs up button to help push this video into youtube's algorithm the more likes this video has the more likely it is that other spider-man fans will also see this video plus it gives me an idea of how much you enjoyed this ranking while you're at it click that subscribe button and turn on post notifications by clicking that bell icon so you can see whenever i upload new content as of now there are only 20 suits in the miles morales game seven of them i actually predicted correctly from my wishlist video however if insomniac decides to keep on adding suits as free updates or if they decide to create a dlc storyline for this game where more suits will be included i'll be back yet again to create another ranking until then thank you all so much for watching i hope you enjoyed and until my next video i'll be seeing all of you spider-man fans later see ya [Music] you
Channel: InnovativeJdawg
Views: 1,744,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man, Spider, Man, Spiderman, PS4, Playstation, Marvel's Spider-Man, Spider-Man PS4, Spiderman PS4, Alternate Suits, All Suits, All Alternate Suits, Top 15 Suits, Top 10 Suits, Best, Worst, Suits, All 40 Suits, All 40, Worst to Best, Ranking, Ranked, Countdown, Retrospective, Game, Review, Podcast, Spoilers, No Spoilers, Commentary, Breakdown, Showcase, Free Roam, Miles, Morales, All 20, All 20 Suits, All 19 Suits, Miles suits, Miles Morales suits, DLC, InnovativeJdawg, PS5, Playstation 5
Id: _PCwbR_gbDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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