EVERY Numbered Kaiju In Kaju No 8 EXPLAINED!

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with Kaiju number8 finally making this long waited anime debut you probably have some questions about the Kaiju that exists in this series so in today's newest video we're going to be taking a look at every major identified Kaiju in Kaiju number8 and explain everything you need to know and you might have overlooked as you gone through the story as always this video will contain some spoilers but I'll do my best to keep the spoilers limited to only what you need to know so before we go into each identified Kaiju let's go over very briefly what a Kaiju is in the world of Kaiju number8 is a quick Refresher and then we'll get into the meat and potatoes of the video itself so Kaiju they are monsters in this world that show up and lay waste to cities and people when they do attack they come in different shapes and sizes some of them can have more humanoid appearances than others each Kaiju has a core that is their weakness a vital organ inside of their body and due to every Kaiju coming in different types the location of their core it can change Kaiju they get their powers from the uni organ which is the organ that contains each of their specific Powers while there are some similarities in nature Kaiju each possess different powers and abilities so it's like looking through a needle on the Haack to find a similar Kaiju in that regard however there are some commonalities like having superhuman strength having high fortitude levels and proliferation abilities we even have some Kaiju who are able to fly and they can talk using human language and Kaiju have assigned fortitude levels which is how the Defense Force measures their power level and their Threat Level to humanity however given that there are so many different types of Kaiju what makes an identified Kaiju so special well their neutralization it takes longer and their fortitude level it isn't always say like it at 9.0 it does vary however this is what leads to the neutralization Bureau to give them a number a code name in order to identify them and make it easier to identify them so daiju like this they have always appeared in history the identification numbers they were only implemented after the fortitude observation system was established according to what the Lord tells us it takes multiple Captain level officers to defeat a identified Kaiju when they are killed and weaponized the corpses of identified Kaiju they become the core of the number weapons number weapons are provided by isumo Tech their weapon battle suits which keep the abilities and strength of the Kaiju however the catches at the user of the suit must be compatible in order to use them but so as to not get off track will save a more detailed explanation for a future video on the Defense Force for now let's go into each identified Kaiju and it should be worth noting there are only 15 identified Kaiju in the story in the history of the series that have been named which by now you've met Kaiju number eight so we'll look at some of the others before we dive into CF because there's a lot to get into his character so Kaiju number one is known as the future site Kaiju and was the first identified Kaiju to receive an ID number once it died it was turned into numbers weapon one and is currently being used by the first division Captain Kaiju number one was super muscular it possessed superh human abilities that were described as being nearly incapable as a Kaiju his powers of foresight allowed it to see through other living things locate their weak spots and it gains enhanced Vision this allows Kaiju number one to discern the impulses that belong to the observed part stimulating the type of combat precognition by being able to see what their opponent is about to do before they do it basically for the viewers who came from my Naruto explain Channel think of this a lot like the shingun a Insight which has a similar precognition ability this in turn May Kaiju number one one of the most dangerous Kaiju that we meet in the series because of how hard it is to combat a being with this type of power now as a numbers weapon it has the same pow as as Kaiju had before the user of the numbers weapon one was able to develop a more advanced variation of foresight some of the things that this suit allows it to do is the numbers weapon suit can also sense electrons moving temperature changes and terrain changes now at number two we have Kaiju number two which this is the second Kaiju identified a number its body is covered in Rocky plates it has a long tail of rocks and each of the arms are thick in size and it only had three fingers his head is very reptilian like it's got 14 eyes it's got a mouth filled with a bunch of teeth as a numbers weapon the appearance is one of a super scaly black armor with two white metal gauntlets that are reaching up to the biceps and has two pipes for the forearm back in 1972 Kaiju number two almost destroyed the largest city in North Tokyo and the largest city in Hokkaido and and was always remembered as a Kaiju of enormous destructive power his weaponized core was so powerful that the user of the suito that Kaiju was able to inflict massive amounts of damage on Kaiju number eight Kafka which as you're watching the anime you should see how impressive that is other notable powers and attributes of Kaiju number two are its high resistance it Sonic attacks that do heavy damage as mighty Sonic Blast his ability to use energy emission that comes from its mouth as a weaponized suit it can utilize super high level of electromagnetic energy next up we have Kaiju number four which is the fourth Kaiju that is given a number ID and his power has been used by the second division Captain and the first division captain during its lifetime Kaiju number four took on the appearance of a massive flying monster that had a flat face with three eyes and sharp teeth but its body it very much looked like a centipede with wings on the back as a numbered weapon it has a scaly light colored suit the suit it can also produce Wings on its back as a Kaiju it had multiple wings that allowed to fly it super fast speeds being considered as one of the fastest Kaiju we've seen in the series and it's the fastest numbers weapon in the Defense Force Arsenal as a numbers weapon it allows the user to produce multiple Wings to enter into that highspeed free flight moving its speed so fast that the human eyes struggles to follow Kaiju number six is known as the king of Kaiju and is currently being used by the fourth division officer it takes on the appearance of a enormous dark scale dinosaur with short arms and long legs and has two horns on the side of it head it has dorsal plates and four long tails it appearance as a numbers weapon is a dark blue combat suit with a beetle like texture that possesses pipes and cables to allow for cold flow energy it had a very impressive fortitude level of 9.6 when it was alive and it managed to guide a historic cataclysm alongside multiple hanu level Kaiju that it was still looked back at today as one of the largest catastrophes to ever exist it's viewed as a symbol of Despair which given its immense power power it makes complete sense its power was so immense that after it was converted into a weapon in the Defense Force it wasn't able to find someone for a long time who could match its power and it was viewed as the most dangerous and the most powerful weapon in the Arsenal based on what we've seen its powers appear to be a form of cryokinesis so isolated Powers which makes a lot of sense just given that it is strongly implied in the narrative that this Kaiju is responsible for the snowstorm that was caused during that time and it suit it does let off cold energy so it lines up for reference it's for2 level 9.6 it is only second to Kaiju number 8 which is a great segue into the next Kaiju Kaiju number eight or the main character that we all know and love kfka since we're mostly focusing on explaining his powers we won't go too deeply into his character instead I'll say that for another video cuz there's a lot to go over originally an employee for the Kaiju cleaning company monster sweeper Incorporated kfka obtained the ability to transform himself into a Kaiju when one entered his body his Kaiju form is covered in Black scales and plates energy at times can be seen glowing between the cracks when he's charging up for super strong attacks his powers and abilities are rather interesting we see him change parts of his body without having to use a full transformation which allows him to maintain a more humanlike appearance however we also see his Kaiju nature still there which makes it hard for Kafka to draw out more than 1% of the released power from the Defense Force combat suit that he wears his Kaiju form has the highest fortitude level recorded so far in the series at a level of 9.8 which arguably makes him the strongest Kaiju in history we see him with Brute Force overpower other Kaiju including the super powerful Kaiju number nine and he's even been shown surviving a powerful onslaught of attacks and still had the durability to continue fighting even Kaiju number 13 isn't above being overpower by Kafka which as we'll go into later Kaiju number 13 is pretty strong as we see at times this transformation it does wear down on him and does get the better of him which can cause Kaiju number eight to go out of control and most tragically he retains his sense of self and awareness so the whole time kfka is watching his body go on a rampage and is doing so against his will another thing of note is that due to his age his body it can't take the full strength and it will eventually get damaged if he abuses his power despite him being the only Defense Force member to only use 0% and 1% of his suits power he's still strong enough to tear through the bodies of Kaiju in spite of kafka's own physical attributes being inhibited by not being able to draw more power in short he's just him with immense and nearly immeasurable power with just one hit he dishes out serious levels of damage to identify Kaiju with a single leap he's been shown being able to travel insane distances and with only one part of his body transformed we see that he's able to lift up CS with ease his agility his speed his reflexes just downright insane being able to evade super fast SW swipes with utter ease and not even have to use a full transformation he's been shown being faster than some of the fastest characters we've met due to his thick skin he has the extreme durability being able to survive multiple combo assaults that would have defeated anyone else and his tank sword slashes like it was nothing when he Powers up his body with energy it raises the output damage and he can shoot off energy beings by concentrating energy into his spine and shoot it off through his mouth with blast so strong that even Kaiju number nine is left in shambles he's even able to use energy in tandem with his shape-shifting powers to have energy flowing out through his body's pores like thrusters in order to enhance his speed and strength which obviously he's got shape-shifting abilities being able to manifest tentacles and smaller limbs on his body and even use his tongue as a long range weapon we've seen him block weapons by changing a targeted area of his body into a jaw to grab hold of the weapons that are coming when he loses complete control of Kaiju number eight his body grows in size via GI fication he's also able to to regenerate and regrow limbs at the cost of his stamina but when he's out of control the Regeneration happens instantaneously he can even sense when Kaiju are in his vicinity and determine what type of Kaiju is coming if he's encountered it before this sensory ability can also be triggered when Kafka isn't transformed Now we move on to Kaiju number nine the main antagonist of the series Kaiju number nine goes around and revises the Kaiju who are killed by the Defense Force for the sake of taking back the Kaiju power that was stole by humans it has a humanoid appearance with spikes on one shoulder a hammerhead like shark on its head in its ant Kaiju form it has the lower part of his body replaced by an ant type Kaiju when he fuses with Kaiju number two it's larger than before and it has a long tail and a set of three eyes throughout the series Kaiju number two has taken on at least two human appearances while it's one of the strongest Kaiju in the series with a four2 level of 8.5 it is one of the most deadly Kaiju that we meet in the story and it's the main antagonist s reason because this Kaiju is your worst nightmare in battle it held off and nearly killed two Defense Force members and was able to hold off attacks from Kaiju number eight in battle when it absorbs the power of Kaiju number two Kaiju number n gets crowned as the new king of Kaiju as we discussed it has enormous power but its insane speed moving at superhuman speed fast enough to flee before the human eye can spot it and the reflexes are super insane as well being able to avoid bullets from automatic weapons like he of Flash and DC Comics in terms of durability as we discussed it's got Feats from withstanding attacks from super powerful characters including Kaiju number eight and it has the ability to shape shift to look like a human if need be which helps it further get the goal of Reviving dead Kaiju and take back their powers that humans have stolen and make those Kaiju stronger than before it's got the ability to stretch his limbs which makes it deadly in battle it can detach chunks of his body to shoot out from his index finger at insane speeds but the downside is that if someone is able to see the attack it becomes easier to dodge them another thing of note is that this attacks are less precise when they're being shot off in his human form and they aren't strong enough to damage Kafka in his human form as he consumes humans Kaiju number n doesn't just get their appearance but he also gets their memories as well Kaiju number nine is able to fuse his body with another Ka Kaiju to make it more powerful and make duplicates of itself that are as powerful as the original body and it can also grow wings to fly Kaiju number nine has the power to resurrect dead Kaiju bringing them back to life stronger than they were ever before but there is a limit to how many Kaiju it can resurrect before it tires out it has insane regeneration abilities even being able to regrow his head after it's been cut off is able to though as of this recording through unknown methods make a brand new Kaiju it can use its mind to move Kaiju around and it can create areas to block out radio frequencies and signs causing people on the outside to not be able to enter an accur Pinpoint location while also being able to trap those that he chooses after Fus on with Kaiju number two it can use energy like attacks shooting lightning from its mouth and create an energy shield to protect itself from attacks Kaiju number 10 was initially created by Kaiju number n and has now been weaponized and it's being used by the third division Vice Captain it has a humanoid appearance with dark armored skin and spikes on the back and it has a spiky tail as a weaponized Kaiju the suit takes on a dark gray combat suit that has a mechanical tail and has a cross-shaped eye and green energy lines on the arms and the tail is power it is absolutely nothing to play with being first identified with the fortitude rating of 8.3 before getting a rating of 9.0 when increase its size those who saw it power quickly came to the conclusion that it might be in the same tier of Kafka Kaiju number eight obviously Kafka stronger but that's something we'll get into later even after it was defeated in battle and having a head with no body kaij number 10 still registered a 5.7 fortitude with just one punch we see it shatter concrete and easily destroy tall building and send combatants flying several blocks away with a single attack it possesses some of the fastest reflexes we've seen in the series and it has insane durability it can heal itself after being damaged it can grow appendages and eyes from anywhere in the body it can grow large in size by large amount which also raises the level of its attacks and most importantly it has Kaiju control which can control other Kaiju using Sonar to guide them and it can fire projectiles its fingers strong enough to destroy buildings Kaiju number 11 is another identified Kaiju created by Kaiju number n it's a stocky humanoid Kaiju with a whale like head and a shark likee fin on the top when we see it it registers a fortitude level of 9.0 and it possesses hydrokinesis Powers which allows it to control water large bodies of water with other ease to use them in battle it's strong enough to send powerful Fighters flying with the single punch it can enlarge his muscles to increase the damage of attacks and it has shape-shifting abilities now Kaiju number 12 was also created by Kaiju number n and was meant to be the final version of Kaiju number 10 so basically Kaiju number 10 was a prototype and Kaiju number 12 is the final form in terms of its appearance it looks almost like a one to one to kaij number 10 to the untrained eye but there are some small differences like having two horns on the side of the head its red eye has two vertical openings and his mouth only has sharp it first registered a fortitude level of 9.0 and it possesses even more superhuman strength and speed than kaiji number 10 did with a single slash wiping out an entire Mass area and it can shape shift his arms into the blades so using combat and even detach them to use as a sword in a combat setting should it need to do so it is worth noting this Kaiju it isn't just strong it is also a master swordsman and even more deadly is the fact that it has the ability to learn and adapt in fights now k number 13 is up next and it's another Kaiju Kaiju number nine went out of his way to crates so Kaiju number 13 it shares some of its appearance and similarities to Kaiju number n but its powers are where it's really a threat its initial fortitude level was also registered as a 9.0 but it eventually became a 9.2 when it began to power up and is powerful enough to fight off first division members of the Defense Force but it's still scalable of Kafka as Kaiju number eight like his parents and sibling it has shape-shifting abilities namely being able to enlarge his muscles to boost his attack and it's been shown moving at high speeds being able to outrun cars and speed Blitz opponents with a single punch it's crack the ground and sent people flying in Universe Kaiju number 13 it has the highest fortitude level after Kaiju number eight which is number one and Kaiju number six which is number two so essentially is in third place in that regard now Kaiju number 14 was created by Kaiju number n also and it takes on the appearance of a head with four human faces and it's floating in the air and it has a creepy smile that will keep you up late at night after you've seen it it's registered fortitude level was 9.0 and it can shoot off energy beams and make force fields of insane energy levels it possesses the power to hover in the air via levitation and it can teleport between close locations which makes it very annoying to deal with in a fight and it can even manifest portals from his body even after it's dead the energy beams that get shot off they come out of his mouth each mouth on on its head and the force fi is durable enough to withstand impact from missiles now Kaiju number 15 is going to be our final Kaiju and was also created by Kaiju number n it's one of my favorites it takes on a more feminine appearance and it has huge brains on top of its head but it can also shape shift into a couple of human forms to blend in where needed it fortitude level when it first registered was a 9.0 and it has the ability to utilize flight and has insane physical strength fighting on par with several Fighters but even when they have number suits on and it's been shown cracking the ground in buildings with the attacks it's even shown having relative speed to numbers weapon four one of the fastest in the Defense Force Arsenal it possesses high speed regeneration and unlike Kaiju number nine which is really cool here it doesn't need to eat humans to take on their appearance it can shoot out energy beings from its mouth and the attacks they can either come out as a scatter shot or they can come out as a single attack when it touches a target with a beam of energy it can manipulate the psyche of the Target and it has telepathic abilities that can read minds it can pinpoint events and emotions and it can force the target to relive the most traumatizing memories of their past and it can use mind control to conjure spaces where the victims they can take any form that it wants and it can see any illusions that it wants to see through their memory as you can see the more that Kaiju number n has made more and more Kaiju the more broken that they're becoming gradually if you're wondering why I didn't cover say Kaiju number three Kaiju number five Kaiju number seven it's because as of the this recording they haven't been introduced into the series so there isn't anything to say regarding that make sure to subscribe for more kaij number8 content and more anime content as well like the video you see on the screen here
Channel: Kryptonian Saiyan
Views: 56,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kryptonian saiyan, anime, kaiju no 8, kaiju no 8 season 1, kafka hibino, kaiju powers, kaiju no 8 powers, kaiju no 8 story, kaiju no 8 explained, strongest character in kaiju 8, kaiju no 8 vs kaiju no 9, how strong is kaiju 8, every kaiju in kaiju no 8, every numbered kaiju in kaju no 8, kaiju no 1, kaiju no 2, kaiju no 4, kaiju no 6, kaiju no 9, kaiju no 10, kaiju no 15, kaiju no 11, kaiju no 12, kaiju no 13, kaiju no 14, kaiju no 16, numbered kaiju, daikaiju
Id: 8TayzgBaFrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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