I made the enemy team rage quit with AD Bruiser Alistar Jungle (Infinite Stuns)

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hey welcome everybody to a new video today we'll playing ad Bruiser all a star in the jungle here's the Rune page on screen and the plan this game is to get the Triforce for that ad bonage and then get the navori quick blades to get the CC lower cool down so we can keep them in place for longer again let me know what you guys want to see next in the comment section I'm reading all those comments and check out our second Channel night blue TV for more uploads I'm also posting daily there as well all right here we go ad Alistar here's the runes again in case I forgot to put him up on screen uh I'm changing up a couple runes from the other game um I was taking domination secondary but I was like What if I take hextech flash that would be kind of cool helps the gangs out a lot and then future Market just to build items a bit faster yeah let's see I mean the most important rune for ad allar is PTA you have so much crowd control that PTA is guaranteed to go off every single time you engage it makes it work PT PA is a beautiful rune for those that don't know what PTA entirely does after three attacks it does damage but then it also makes them vulnerable which increases your subsequent damage after that very strong Rune all right I'm thinking let's go for a level three oh let's go go for a level three early gank it would even be fine for us to blow our flash early cuz we have hex tech flash yeah let's see how this goes see if there's anything gankable that's kind of too healthy for my yank here how about mid H he might go in cuz y also is low I could see that rengar's there careful a we need a bait ping we need the bait ping you know I'm going to potion up and go into the river to see if I can fight Rengar cuz I think Rengar is going to be here cuz we saw him bot earlier here he jumps me I think I can St oh actually somehow Kenan got here first I thought I thought thought my yasu would be first but no he just let kenon walk right by yeah that's the thing with jungle man you never know like what kind of laners you're going to get they might leave you to die now I'm angry now he's angry it's okay we have flash that's why we take hextech flash here we go actually let's wait for him to go under tower all right hex Flash we got him nice the E got him that's so good that's why we take hex tech flash all right so he did 12 farm he probably did his old red side here yeah let's just do that Ward let's waste this see if we can help with this guy I'll save my ward in case she goes in the bush here yeah exactly all right now she secured her death Ally no no I didn't even get the kill has got the cannon I had to Smite that not attacks a I would have loved that kill but it's okay a strong Sho support is probably really good for our team anyway give me a fist bump guy I can't do why can't I do a fist bump there we go fist bump me no man man all right saraka you're next wait she's coming no no no okay no we're fine nothing can hold me back all so first item is going to be the Triforce so we got 21 CS really nice start I'm thinking what we want to do now is get Raptors for level four and then maybe head to the grubbies here oh yeah maybe head to the grubbies but before we head there we might want to gank so we can have some help that guy is looking to Triple Q somebody no you know what I'm actually going to have to meet I'm going to have to match whatever he does here because if I give him my entire blue side jungle he'll just be super far ahead it's not even worth to get the grubs for that all right level four oh looks like he's maybe coming mid 10 and six unfortunately oh nice he's going back to his jungle maybe we can gank this done with the hex tech flash he has no e also six so he can play off my w here we go theu there we go oh flash nice haki an En hey guys I got a joke for you all right got a joke for you you got you got to subscribe if you like the joke all right oh why couldn't he also be locked out of his own apartment I let I'll give you some time to think I'm sure you've never heard of this one before all right that's right because he always haki all right subscribe everyone subscribe quick quickly don't skip me we said if it was funny you would sub by the way if you uh are not contested at grubs oh what a go thank you my man know um you're not contested at grobs uh it's good to Smite The Shield actually I find that that's the fastest way I kill the Rob is actually smiting The Shield away and then killing it but that's only if you're not contested put a ward here and try to hex flash again here we go come on oh he actually went for it uh-oh I'm dead yeah you know in hindsight diving a level six Cannon it's not my best idea honestly it was not my best idea it's all good though it's all good haven't done my blue buff but that's okay we got a little lucky here we have a two games in a row we've had a yaso mid which works really well with um bangar I mean um allar knockup wow wow he's fed baby nice I I made that that's my son all right here you go fist bump I know the way wait this looks like he needs some help let's go he's dead dude why would you dive Towers come on man only bozos dive Towers all right let's get some camps going the clear speed is going to be a lot better once we uh finish Triforce but actually until we finish Triforce there's really no reason to save our abilities just use them all right as they come up and that's level six I could Farm kugs here but I mean kenon just honestly looks free huh maybe kenon and rangar hold on action is coming I win I win One V one versus Rengar now if he jumps me I'll press R immediately oh oh I I can't believe I've done this wait I got my e I'm going to stun him and this is why we do ad all a star for the PTA I uh it's too late too late you you already subscribed you you you you're you can unsubscribe there's no taky backies listen you're stuck with me now that's how it goes I don't make the rules it's just the rules I actually think I can win One V one versus this guy if he if he actually fights us um all right an ally has been slain W oh oh he tpd I didn't catch that I'm coming back in I have my ulti so I feel pretty safe here oh unless he dies oh he died yeah we got to go we got to go that's too many people we can kill her she's separated from the rest of the team brilliant I see I see I'm kind of committed now now I'm I'm kind of committed it's okay it's a wild goose chase I'm going to ulti here I'm going to die it's okay we're going to go out as Champions here you yeah it's fine it's fine it's fine I honestly there was no reason to fight there I just felt like I was lacking a little action this game hold back like of course I can just sit here and farm the jungle and get really strong and fight on my power spikes right but like I mean do we really want to see a game end where I'm like two kills zero deaths and like five assists you know what I mean of course not I know let me see if he's doing what oh my God hasak Kei this B all right miss my this I see N I just wanted to give him a CS you know guy says he messed up his runes I conqueror is not horrible on rangar not that bad yeah I could keep farming but if I get one assist here we got Triforce let's just do that ibe they have no Ward here perhaps let's hex flash where sraa there we go oh that was actually a well played silence and I'm dead W they played that well well specifically kayin wow an ally has been slain all right I'm like lowkey half the team's deaths right now we need to stop dying no more dying no more five gold just waiting for this here 10 gold this guy needs some help here we go now I'm uhoh man he also snowballs so hard huh could be a Rengar in there he's got to be careful think they're non grubs let me just put a w here and then go mid oh they're here I'm intercepting we can actually fight this I think I think we can fight this wow we're actually so strong oh he got him the board got him let's go dude that's the thing with ad all this start oh that's a Heralds okay that's fine let's do it let's Tokyo Drift it yeah the thing with the ad All Star is you're so tanky cuz you have 55% damage reduction for 7 seconds so whenever they collapse on you I mean they're going to take forever to kill you Tokyo Drift time actually let's go kill top Tower oh oh that was close yeah I don't think the the charge mid would actually kill it so let's just kill this one instead oh hello that's a lot a lot of damage here we go got the stun got the PTA guys dead actually kill I think we're good oh my stun oh I was trying to get my stun finished there nice nice huge all right next let's go um navori quick blades here uh yeah let's just do that sounds good oh shoot uh-oh eny dou kill uh-oh their Kenan and their Caitlyn are kind of fed Rune check 328 PTA huge like if you see like because we're C seeing them for so long and they're standing in place while they're Knocked Up and stunned by the E like PTA always will activate and it's just going to increase our damage and always have that on what is it called the um adaptive damage really nice oh yeah because we have um Triforce now it's actually better we wait in between our abilities we can keep getting that bonus damage on the camps inrees increases our clear speed a little bit we got hex flash for the JS oh here we go does this work I don't know okay well hey you know what that's what I'm here for I'm here to test things for you guys maybe I wasn't like close enough to the wall or maybe it's just too fat I want to poke this guy see how much I can do I see don't judge me please please I'm telling you right now like I'm lagging all right like I'm lagging I must be I have to be oh she doesn't see me I don't think so here we go oh get him he got flashed though ah unlucky she got out all right let's see what we can do here wait she's come back oh oh oh kenan's here that's kind of D kenan's fed we got to be careful well maybe we can get Saka here looks like she might be coming this way yeah let's just you know what let's get rangar oh I queed too early though should be fine wow ETA hit there yeah I did nice o trying to kill me with ulti probably oh I don't Smite that was kind of Lucky oh please no cait lar please no cait lar please no be humble be humble I'm going back in Dy calls let's go SHO kill him Sho no way this works no we got to leave oh we're trolling we're trolling can I take this back no wait oh nice being here actually was good that's okay no let's see let's see let's see we're we're low we're low you must follow My Mind Is Telling Me No let my body now we got him for sure right he's gone can't escape the ad Ali ad Alistar all right 400 gold for navori what level is this Grump oh oh my this gromp is level one that was the first gromp I've done the entire game that's kind of sad actually have a little too much fun this game yeah I was re I realized I'm like I noticed that the Grump was dying so fast this is a level one wolf Camp as well you can see in the top left here what level the camp is that's why I died like immediately Baron on spawn no not yet sir I need to get stronger my friends those are my camps oh baring yet I don't want a baron yet man no we're going to lose it wow they're really forcing it huh I don't like this I mean dude it's like full HP still okay all right we're doing it not my call we both have a bad Smite all right we got it okay here we go 1 two three mhm wow I'll finish him what is that man yaso really wants to end this game as fast as possible brother how can I show them the theori quick Blade Tech if you want to end the game in 10 minutes oh be all right let's recall fast naori um I would go Bruiser items after this so maybe hex plate would be cool um let's get our boots finished though D just Swift these I think those are kind of fun all right here we go an enemy are they diving man and this he alsoo is he is doing some stuff right now oh wow wonder windower died your team shut your team has destroyed a turret so now that I bought navori quick blades our Auto attacks will actually reduce the cooldowns um uhoh I reduce the cool Downs of our other abilities a this is bad he's in deep oh can I last it it I'll just SM it yeah they they'll probably take it from me if I don't oh here we go The Blue Egg with the hex slash is actually so good for engaging oh I see oh man we did quite a bit actually we did quite a bit had to troll though shouldn't have done that all right's let's look at some numbers now PTA is on 818 at 244 Trin Force has done over a, damage already this is actually really solid on allar quite a lot you know someone said that I tend to die die intentionally in quotation marks um to uh you know like prolong the game but I'm not doing that I promise I I'm not dying on purpose what I like to do is I like to test our limits right we like to see what ad allar is capable of like who knows maybe ad allar kills all four of them there you never know right now we know he doesn't but we didn't know until we Ed I mean died I mean that we died yes look at look at the cool Downs of the abilities look at this a this is so good man this is um similar to the Bruiser Leona video we did recently that one actually did really well you guys seem to like that one a lot hello hello can you go oh ni in my sights wow get this blue buff oh oh let's kill the Saka get her how many times am I going to do man all right it's it's it's fine that's the last time that's going to happen I promise your team has destroyed AET she's laughing at me oh let's let's guys I actually didn't expect my w to reach her there that's why I wasn't ready to queue all right also uh I'm pretty sure the Moon is in uh retrograde right now and um getting windy out side pretty sure that's affecting my connection a little bit sorry about that sorry about that going to do like a a wind dance tonight to make it not windy tomorrow so I don't have this issue tomorrow let's finish this with FST before he comes he's coming I would love to One V one oh he has a thorn maill that's random must follow I'm not going to try to One V one a guy with a thorn mail no thanks I mean I probably would win but it would take too long and this team would come probably nice got the ward we we probably should end they do scale nicely well I mean I guess I do too that's a full AP Cannon oh my god he has a void staff already your turret has destroyed wow enemy Rampage who died uhoh I'm going to ult see what we can do here oh wrong way an ally has been SL all right we're out what help help help help Yas help get him wa does so much damage though get him dad get him no nice one wall clutch okay well g wow a jack an enemy has been SL all right we got a game on our hands we have a game on our hands we got to straighten up here you know I actually um I actually queed the rangar and I'm 95% sure y alsoo could have ultied off that not sure if he saw it I was pinging like um the assist ping I thought he would catch that but it's okay we get Soul here that's going to be pretty sick look at this look at these cool Downs look at this dude the word to W kind of lowers my DPS a lot as it runs away oh I should wait my bad I should wait for y alsoo to spawn right fores um dragon soul are they going to go for Baron it might I mean dragon soul is worth more than Baron anyway but prer not to lose Baron as well all right ooh sho's kind of being a menace we like that let's he flash going to ulti here so I don't die the stun the navori wait that was so good we hit him with double CC cuz of navori and our stun connected cuz the E on allar is crazy an enemy has been slain uh they might be able to go for an end let me see if I can stop this guy your team has destroyed just run under Tower in case he goes for us your team has destroyed an inhibitor oh wait I can stop him oh okay never mind my bad I should have stuck on him I don't want to die to him your team destroyed um man they got him okay I mean it's fine it's fine let's just grab this and then get ready for Baron it's fine it's fine I got hex plate now this is going to be huge so this gives us ultimate spell 30 ability haste 80 attack HP and then when we ult we gain 30% attack speed and 15% movement speed for 8 seconds wow 8 seconds yeah so when we ought here you're going to see some uh you're going to see some numbers me just get red buff for us so we win wait they're finishing it wait wait ah oh oh oh my God I thought they stole it cuz of Sho I thought Sho was them now we're good look at the numbers this is doing numbers pretty sure I win this yeah look at this wow wow dude it's not even close what this is actually good I mean like of course it's good I mean I'm not doing it like you know not doing bad things on purpose you know this is good a that was really in by him oh I don't have ult this could be bad yeah I'm dead yeah no ulti is going to be a problem 75% damage reduction for 7 Seconds when this is available I mean we're chilling but when it's not available and full AP Cannon rolls up yeah we're in trouble maybe should build a little Mr I don't think so I don't think we need it so here you could go even more Bruiser is if you want um sterox Cleaver Sunder excellent choices I would say uh I'm going to go for sunderer Eclipse could be good if you're snowballing really hard but I'm going to go for suer here let's give this one a chance here yeah that or CDR sounds fun all right let's see what's what's going on now I'm angry let's see what's going on then your team has destroyed [Music] um I know the way grab this real fast for XP it's a lot of XP wait I should be there I'm kind of trolling I'm on my way oh these guys are kind of low I'm going to go for it I think I win this oh my gosh the ulti the hex plate I think I'm good the stun that's so good oh yeah this is doing numbers man here we go let's just oh I'm kind of low this is rough I'm just going to W kenon the second he ult in just going to W him out I'm waiting for him I'm waiting where do I go into Caitlyn okay I don't want to go into that I Vol now I Vol okay we're going in oh oh I really I messed up the last combo vict all right GG that was fun man that was really fun ad Bruiser all the star give it a try it's pretty good all right all right let's check some damage we did pretty good damage 25,000 damage damage taken the most damage taken that's pretty good oh they're going to walk into US level one baby The Flash Q the PTA I'm dead no what is that an ally has been slain oh man man I tried to flash Q for some momentum you know I thought maybe if they're all knocked up maybe just maybe well not the best way to start oh my start impact did 21 damage there that's pretty good all right today's goal we're playing allar jungle we're going full ad well Bruiser ad and uh honestly I have a good feeling about this you know all the star Gs are pretty good what if you go ad smack them up a bit I noticed they pick quite tanky this game I might actually do a blade of the Run King that's like a third item this game we'll see we'll see how it goes oh we'll do e second actually does work on jungle look at that oh my God it's like he's made for the jungle man trying to kite that little guy around take a little less damage that way just a little bit boom beautiful could go for level three gank we don't really need a full clear I imagine they use quite a bit of sums level one too so nothing can me back there we go not bad not bad at all just stole a little bit for our e again here we go nice all right level three I could get like a w Q should be a kill oh nice the ad allar Rampage begins stampage yeah that's that's a better word he said it Stampede put a ward there see what's going on wa hold up kind of waiting for his Aftershock a little bit I got PTA I got PTA oh big damage oh get him allar I mean uh Yas get him y we got him it's worth baby all right it's not worth I'm coping I'm coping hard right now man I'm coping hard dude he had flash for the I don't know why he didn't just flash earlier he had flash he had the kill easy anyway um let's do this and and a control and move on oh H what the heck my mouse broken all right let's check some stats here uh 57 PTA there beautiful 57 on the Sudden Impact two eyeballs now uh 30 damage there pretty good these early game runes help off meta Champions kind of uh get through the early game if you will oh nice you know what this Gallo is playing quite quite disrespectful I think we should just kill him again wonder if hex flash would have been better here all right here we go got the PTA oh no he's kind of inate yeah we got to go we're out number now ah man this yaso is kind of running it man or am I the one running it or are we running it ah who knows man no it's fine it's fine it's okay it's all good it's good you know we need to give them a little bit of a false hope in the early game an ally has been slain uh-huh and maybe we're giving them a little too much false hope you know what I'm saying Ox just took the um he just took that crab I'm a little worried he has me warded here think I win this I PTA there we go look at that look at that trade I do need help though a little bit of help ooh uh WQ is coming up only need the W though we're good no nice we take those um he has my blue warded but I mean we have so many Wards I don't think he'll come right yeah it should be fun let's go over here all right you know I'm surprised no one really has questioned my uh Champion choice this game like very very uh surprised about that usually they're up in Arms by this time I actually think this has a lot of potential now like the reason it makes sense is I have a lot of crowd control which allows me to get PTA almost every single hit I mean every single engage and um we should definitely try to stop this guy Teemo comes again would be huge Gallo could come too oh he's getting low oh I accidentally wed it ah get me out man oh no way I'm coming back in oh that's crazy we're going to die we're going to die to this guy this is not good at PTA here we go I'm blocking my god dude there's just no way this is actually better than I thought it would be that's crazy uh kha'zix definitely is going to come back huh yeah yeah let's focus the same one I have Smite in two seconds here should be all good all right nice what uhhuh I see you know if you're ever worried about enemy jungler stealing your crab you could just go ahead and just Chuck it over the wall like that what the heck I never even I didn't even know you could do that never seen that before all right cool great start high action we love it all right let's look at the runes dude this is why you go PTA started impacts see 121 231 84 that's a lot of damage that I would not have had otherwise help us secure some kills here game plan here is I'm going to go Triforce and then uh navori quick blade so I get my abilities back faster so we can just Spam CC them and then this game specifically probably a blade of the Rune King wait why is there Dr Mundo have Mobility boots oh my God he's griefing I think he's griefing unless some sort of tech I haven't seen before yeah it looks like he's just running it down man some players mentals are so fragile Wilds nice he took a tower shot here we go have my ulti in case we need it I don't think we do nice that's big man more damage yeah I wed him under Tower and then um when he it's just good to try to get some turret shots on him seven out of eight KP so far this is really good now here's the cool thing if kha'zix came and invaded me right now I am a support Champion but I get damage reduction for 7 Seconds this guy would not survive my damage he would die you would die a big time uhoh oh let me see if I can help him oh they're over chasing big time here oh Dodge The Sweep here we go might come back no oh ah man I was hoping it would come all right I got it I got it thank you level seven big uhuh I need um a little bit more gold here this guy still has a Mobility boots has destroyed a tret uh I mean he does go where he pleases so oh no does he think he's slick does he think we didn't notice I've infiltrated all right let's just walk into here queue it h come on come on we got him and we get the grenade just for good measure that's kind of lame he's given up so quickly an enemy has been slain Triforce complete next noori quick blades yeah te was having a good time up there huh he killed their jungler too that is incredible what's mid doing he should be winning now oh his tornado crit for so much did not expect Gall to die there must yeah this looks like a type of game they're going to surrender I would say I mean unless they make it come back right now all right we have Tri Force we want to try to space out our abilities a little bit maybe not the W and Q but we can at least like not use our e like right away we go like this your team Destro okay and then and then e and then Q we keep using this thing oh I see nice very nice let's just Smite this one and team's attacking fast all right we're coming in baby no no we're not coming in all right I get these just make sure no one's coming in could we space out our e there so we get that Triforce proc um you know what I'm just going to wait for kha'zix I mean he should be topside eventually right rage get rid of that nothing can hold me back your team doctor's dead again um I mean if Gallo EAS in I'll go I know the way word there we got the flank all right nice oh wait KX is right here careful desty wait where's he going what are they doing man they're lost they're lost Yeah we actually took quite a bit of damage there full AP Gallo I think next time we'll have to ulti earlier get a little bit of crit before they surrender has destroyed an inhibitor actually don't even remember what all star's crit animation is dude they're just letting Teo ends just like that that's hilarious that's funny man like he died what twice he died twice in mental booms nothing back let's see the crit animation here what is it come on 15% chance come on your team destroyed there it is ah I see it's like a baseball bat swing oh my bad there it is your team has destroyed poor Teo goodbye I know the way you did your best soldier all right let's get this last jungle camp and just end it y there's a surrender okay we ended it gg gg WP ad all the star baby going make going
Channel: Nightblue3
Views: 91,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of Legends, Nightblue3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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