Alistair Begg explains the latest awful Evangelical trend

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there's a movement afoot and whilst we don't go hunting for every rattling in the bushes this movement appears to be growing and that is not a good thing mere christianity is what many people are calling it that christianity doesn't have to be this complex interwoven thing all that matters about christianity is that we understand Jesus rose from the dead you don't need to worry about inerrancy of the Bible you don't need to worry about all of those kind of hard to explain miracles like Jonah and the Whale and creation and the flood all that matters is the resurrection hold on it's gotten even worse than that many people now saying rather plainly without any semblance of blushing in fact the whole Old Testament quite honestly we don't need that well we can just unhitch that the whole Old Testament demands the arrival of Jesus there's no sense no sense at all when we read the New Testament that the writers were interested if you like in unhinging the New Testament from the Old Testament the Bible is a tapestry and the image is Jesus Christ you pull out the threads of the Old Testament and he becomes unrecognizable let's just say we present an unbeliever with a mere Christianity don't worry about the virgin birth forget the Jonah and the Whale business we're just gonna unhitch the Old Testament become a mere Christian so this fellow finds himself a Bible and he opens it up to Matthew 1 because well that's the beginning of the unhitched Bible then he starts reading genealogies what is he going to make of that I suspect what is this whatever reading here what is that what is the point of this so and so begat so and so get to the good stuff here it makes no sense to have a genealogy of a messiah if we pulled out the actual story of that genealogy perhaps think of it like this you like Agatha Christie novels we'll imagine why don't you just pull out like 70% of the book and just read the ending where the mystery is solved does it make any sense to you okay inspector Poirot why is he so who is on the train well wait a second somebody adopted some well who got kid who even got killed what if who's that person that you're talking about if you think that would cause confusion imagine unhitching the Old Testament from the new a concept that was unimaginable to the New Testament writers the fact that when you read in the New Testament it is not uncommon in the gospel records to come upon the phrase all this took place to fulfill what and or a where is he that is born King of the Jews in Bethlehem of Judea for thus it was written by the Prophet in other words constantly reaching back into the old to explain what is happening in the new when Jesus himself as recorded by mark steps forward the commencement of his earthly ministry his his opening line if you like is the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe the good news what time is at hand why do we even need somebody to die on a cross anyway unhitch the Old Testament from the crucifixion and what do you end up with well a guy who apparently was a martyr I guess some would suggest these days he was just an example a really good example of loving people and being self sacrificial he had himself killed to be an example couldn't have just like washed somebody's windows tied somebody's shoes to demonstrate that what is the point of the cross without the Old Testament without understanding the fall sin God's laws understanding his character and his nature that he is holy and high and righteous in the Old Testament without that knowledge the cross makes no sense it is absolutely pointless we don't need a mere Christianity we need a robust Christianity what Jesus does when he reveals himself to those whom he refers to as the foolish ones he reveals himself no by saying hey it's me but by doing a Bible study and by doing an Old Testament Bible study and by providing for them an understanding so that they would realize that the Christ had to suffer these things and enter his glory and that he was able to explain it to them by beginning with Moses and the prophets what what a Bible study that must have been how wonderful it would have been to be there that Bible study wouldn't have happened without a Bible which was the text that Jesus was using unhitch the Old Testament use the Old Testament oh I am so surprised that you are still here apparently you've got a lot of free time if you would like to get more wretched and who wouldn't simply like this video subscribe to this channel and we will give you wretched till it's coming out of your nose
Channel: Wretched
Views: 376,566
Rating: 4.8283529 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: kewkCrO12n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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