Alison Hammond's Funniest Moments | This Morning

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where are you today acid well today my darlings I've just literally left the Disney magic crews important Laverne oh of travel 45 minutes to Italy which is so iconic so we probably oh my gosh we haven't got a permit listen guys we're in Pisa we're not allowed to film here but listen there's a great great competition I'm gonna throw straight cents like it's 300 bags and pints are up for grabs I'm gonna get arrested I love you know I'm so sorry but the Italian police well we we've sent it to too many places but I think that is the first time she's got arrested she's not in hang are you okay I'm actually shaking listen obviously the biggest night of the NTAs we had access all areas take a look at our show anyone you fancy oh you do you heat bodyguard yeah I love the bodyguard currently everyone on this morning and who works behind the scenes got a picture with Richard muddy yeah I saw Ruth's earlier on I didn't I didn't get a picture I'm devastated they got two dongs last night well I'm sure bodyguard 2 which is imminent and we'll have to send you a set or something don't make a big deal that I fancy you well you don't make a big deal of it I cannot just say I mean I would say she's quite professional yeah just coming along with so many cr-z be nice exactly Tony see any of you married so far that's about five yeah Hollywood husband you see that's what you need because you are very popular yeah I need I need a baby's a baby senior probably not told you how popular you are or you might ask for an increase yeah I don't work for the BBC but that's fine TV that lied to go doc we're coming to my hometown but yeah yes but we're not performing I'm just coming to see you we're not gonna cut this I wasn't gonna tell anyone really oh they're already do you need to be like in condition for a show not yet I'm not using that for reasons singing and dancing is like you've got to be really fit is very long so all your lovers it's just cardboard buying it I've got the real thing right now so I don't need that but this is Angela's house and we're gonna give her a little bit of money and some festive treats I hope she's in she did write to us Angela let's see if she's in what could be about us take the glasses off into the same thing again you don't need glasses just a badass woman you're gonna be the next Terminator young lady I'm gonna give you some tough love step away from the popcorn immediately put that teddy bear down come on you're a whole lot of woman you've got a whole lot of love to give come on in it because we've got Vanessa Feltz on the show today because the show is you take some lines by the beach and then see those two cone hat and a shopping trolley it's morning for you okay last one favorite Christmas song I think I'll be home for Christmas is a great song what's your favorite Christmas song would you mind if it's not one of yours of course not are you sure yeah no I carry I love that song I never hear that on the radio okay guys my holiday has turned into the Bourne Identity I just have to go on the run I've just hired at this bedroom but check out the view you can actually see the Leaning Tower of Pisa for my bedroom you should have been credible sure I know but I stand out like a sore thumb out there but listen if I by the end of his shoe I'm telling you I'm gonna get a permit if it kills me and we're gonna be out there a little bit later but Lissa the really the main reason why I'm here is to tell you about this fantastic competition it's the biggest cash competition of the year so far three hundred thousand pounds you could win it in fact if you do win the three hundred thousand pounds maybe we could use it for my bail to bail me out of the Italian prison I really need to get back to the Disney magic cruise ship honestly guys get involved here's all the details oh my gosh the police have arrived there's that oh my gosh tonight is all about me I hope you realize that how are you actually I know you got see you in there I'll get excited thank you Oh put this in here this is where it sometime Oh this this this this is this is in kiss you this again you don't because you go off into your life and I go home and have my wife you deal with her okay let's do this all the time when I was a kid I wanted him in the Guinness Book of Records the Guinness Book of Records was it my brother and I did come up with the easiest way to get in badminton nonstop is about 54 hours so we both decided to stay up nice to see if it was possible it was a school night I of course fell asleep all the day through school I just loved that at that age we were thinking somehow that would work okay so I felt one your brother he's gonna be and coming in Craig because we've got Guinness World Records editor-in-chief cry Glenn die how are you man you nice to meet you nice to meet you too it's been a lifelong ambition I understand that's right for the next edition you have qualified once you are in there that's the longest serving my 16 years tube in 28 days you are officially amazing and you will be in the next edition no that is officially amazing we need a huge Ackman celebration [Music] [Music] you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 1,390,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this morning, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, this morning funniest, Holly & Phillip funny
Id: -pQB5p35y3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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