Alinity Explains Why She Rejected Bean For Cinna's Dad and Gives Him Dating Advice

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y y y y y what the did you do to Bean man oh okay so I just this is this is no I wasn't I wasn't trying to like like judge him or anything I was like actually trying to give some advice coming from a woman you know what I mean what what what what did you want to tell him let me guess hold on be less of a man you're too masculine no I your AA is too strong you have this resu magnetism I don't know how to look away from you no so sometimes you will meet a person yeah and this person mentioned something about themselves that is an insecurity that you are not even aware of but then the moment that they start mentioning it you start associating them with that more and more and more and more about halfway through you were like oh my God he's fat yes you didn't even know no I hadn't even thought about the fact that he was overweight you can say fat it's not to me he's not just a fat guy for me he's just a guy yes and he's actually pretty goodlooking I agree I think he's kind of hot and he is very interesting and he played wow and he was very passionate about it and so like when I saw him I was like wow this is like a really cool guy but then every single joke he made was about his poor health and about his medical issues and stuff and so like the more that he kept mentioning those things the more like all of the other exciting things that I felt about him were like getting pushed down and down and down and down and down and down and down until all I could see was this fat person so when he said he hasn't had sex for 11 years were you like I'm back in or was that too was that I didn't care about that when someone brings up that they haven't had sex in 11 years and they just mention that out of nowhere it tells me more about how they feel about that than how I should feel about that it tells me that that's something important to them you know if he's the one bringing that up it just doesn't matter to me I just don't really care how much sex a guy has had you just you just have [ __ ] tasted man I get it um so wait were you're saying ca's dad is bad taste s is freaking out in chat by the way s's freaking out in chat yes she's freaking out trying to get your attention s what are you doing what you can't decide where you are on this issue it's like half like stop trying to [ __ ] my dad and the other half is like wait but my dad is so [ __ ] what is your take what is it yeah do you like it or not I feel like she goes she goes from one to the other like it's like it's so confusing to me I thought you would be firm on the site of yeah what the [ __ ] going on but then anytime I'm like what the [ __ ] going on you're like hold on a second bucko what is it you know I'm just saying yeah if it's between your dad and bean I'm riding Bean into the sunset in every way cool something but don't try to [ __ ] him he's a cool okay well I'm not making any promises s all right maybe I end up liking him huh oh now we're on the other side of it you notice the Norwegian guys are here the Norwegian guys are oh I saw them but I I didn't see I saw them and I was like I'm going to go in the office
Channel: Wake Wilder Clips
Views: 10,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MrXI66tDpR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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