Mizkif, Fuslie, and Janet Make a Surprise Appearance on Wake's Stream

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women take gnarly shits just so you guys know they do it's have you ever been into a women's restroom it's it's a nightmare they are like I I don't know when they got no girls don't girls girls girls they don't poop they [ __ ] [ __ ] dude cuz they they they drink [ __ ] cold brew coffee and nothing else they'll they'll they'll do a coffee and in just like in like a brick of cheese and that's the entire day of food that is that is the daily that is a hot girl diet it is a brick of cheese and a cup of cold brew and then they're like why do I feel like fainting that's it that is what they do no it's not even eat Hot Chip I've just like I've never dated someone who was healthy with food ever they just it's like the most it they make decisions about what they're going to eat like San makes decisions about what he's going to wear he like [ __ ] that shirt and that and then you know that's it for like days that's all we get it's psychotic oh don't we just Grayson why are you in here cuz they knocked on my door so I was saying what's up are you afraid to like are you going to like why are wait you didn't let them in on your stream well Ang is sleeping right now in the room so I just I kept the door locked know I'm being nice to her I see what effing women are you talking about their bathrooms are pristine I'm talking about okay first of all cuz I had guys being like girls don't poop and I'm like no they women they [ __ ] I saw it the first thing I landed in the Austin bathrooms and I went to the women's bathroom and I walked in and you were like that is she [ __ ] airport bathrooms are disgusting it was horrible airport bathrooms are disgusting your dude what my wallpaperall why why is this my wallpaper that's a good angle okay because Nick gifted me this PC for training him and so I gave him a big thank you Nick and I think that's a good picture of Nick no because every day I whether I stream or I don't stream I have Nick reminding me that I could be working hard doing things you know he's like my he's my father figure that's sweet but not really that's that's a lot to give that's you met Nick do you think he's a father figure yeah in a ways can be that's he can be wait what's his what's his pnal Vibe hold on he has a paternal Vibe he's well he he gives a lot of advice and he takes he's very assertive and he has a lot to say yes you know he has a lot of input to give Chad do you agree that Nick is assertive I think so my Vib though I also only that was your first ever time I was nervous no one none of you guys have come to Austin I'm learning this do you like Austin yeah yeah it's nice I I feel like it's cozy here I don't know he's been pressuring I'm I'm loving it it's really cool to see all your guys yeah but like I like it's a good thing I pressure you you just going around I feel like I'm on I feel like I'm on what do they call it movie set see like zo 101 yeah but uh Victorious more I thought Zoe 101 was like FR like I thought I thought my wife you see me standing here shut up that's such a Zoe 101 slapped you don't think that slapped yeah I know it did gray but like you you singing it is creepy why what because you're a 30-year-old man like she's girl I'm 26 30 bro bro just you one of those you lied I lied you're not 27 this whole time I'm like I'm a [ __ ] old man Jesus Christ 31 you're 31 oh God I'm 29 Russell is Young time Russ's a baby they can't hear F they can't hear foosley [ __ ] up hello yeah there we go now singing zo 101 theme song no one cared anyway Everyone Cared that's what everyone cares about it's a banger I don't I just there's music on Lake oh God oh God Miz does not have an unlimited energy Supply he gives it all to you guys don't deny your own Supply what the hell how much did you guys drink did it get wonky I'm I'm I'm not kidding awake I'm I'm he's going to say he never gets drunk I I don't that's his classic like five shots not I don't get I I get even really yeah you did have the most and you're like relatively sober yeah watch qu me 4 plus eight 12 54 my God he's so clean 14 * 12 uh oh that's 140 plus 28 100 first of all it's 144 plus no it would' be 140 because you do 12 * 14 which is 12 * 12 no you would do 10 * 14 which is 140+ 28 which 168 my God is smarter than me 13 1 wait am I right CH 168 he does spaghetti math 14 * 12 or 14 * 14 yeah I was right watch alphabet backwards Z YX WB u t p o m m n l j f h e DCB shut up I'm feeling so dumb right now watch alphabet forward that's that's the Harvard entrance exam they get you out there they're like alphabet backwards the test yeah cuz you have to be a great drunk driver if you go to Harvard Chad I'm telling you I literally I'm I don't get wrong for some reason I could drink like 30 shots and I'll end up in the hospital but I won't feel it you don't even feel it after 10 shots he's so cool what the [ __ ] the first time I ever drank I was like I'm not feeling it yet my buddy and I we stole his dad's Jagger meister and we went into his room alone because we stole these little at home breathalyzers and we wanted to see if they worked we just we were like I'm not feeling yet we drank 12 shots of Jagermeister each and then I proceeded to call everyone in my eighth grade phone and uh throw up everywhere and it was the worst day of my life I have not drank I I literally to this day when I smell Jer I want to throw up that's how I have a fireball on Fireball is disgusting and and if you throw up on Fireball was it College well now you permanently hate it yes and I'm drinking I had a friend we in college we called him Fireball sedge because every other night he would put down a handle of Fireball like a full handle he would do it he had a problem yeah I mean it sounds like he might have had he went home spring semester he did not make it he was good but it's Barb Friday yeah that's what he said then we were like s it's not Friday like wasn't a good stream it was so fun aren't you streaming right now I am yeah you just leave it's not your room no I'm not seeing but like I'm just like why fley go stream for you I don't play while they're going to be like who's this no it' be so funny actually breaking she G oh wait why is why is she sleeping while you stream wait what if she says no words words wait if if an wakes up she's another girl there no no no I'm not she's one step ahead no no no no no no no no no wait you won school um I won my week of school but I did not win the whole thing win it all just take the show I don't want anymore I will be your ta if you if you were like I'll come here and do content with you guys and also do I would totally I want to run School IRL with desks yeah sure lost on that dude I'm I'm the most decorated otk game yeah you actually parti I've won every I've won every one I've been in I've not lost I won island of redacted too but I didn't get a trophy yeah won the whole for that yeah it's Pokey man Grayson I think you're poke hey guys it's me pokey anything no it's not is you guys want them to react to animal videos that's our content we react to animal videos yeah we learn about polar bears yeah so is she joining uh she joining The Guild know it takes many things uh no life really do you guys have hobbies in La what do you like okay that makes me feel better like TFT okay thank you so much best I like it's fun it's like is it better than League yes okay T is like it's like it get brain addicted so like if I were to take if I were to take the average League player and the average TFT player how much more likely is the average League player to groom than the average TF player to what groom what do you mean I mean groom like Minecraft wait wait what league players are groomers that's League of Legends higher okay so TFT people it's like T people are like pretty chill know they have weird ass names wait did you just run that back anal plower and stuff like I run all the time I see like weird on TF yeah they see you know that's the internet they're weird but like TF is a good game wait what's your name in TFT fley no it's it's foosley but L is my name was taken and I got hacked so it's actually F us s i capital i i e then no one thinks it's ever they're like it's got to F it's fake it's actually spelled wrong do people ever talk [ __ ] when they beat you CU they figure it out no I'm I'm not no name I actually feel you suck I'm gold to isn't that mid as [ __ ] like literally me not on see you guys you guys have a great gig though cuz you guys game wait Grayson died wait wait in what no way is he playing hardcore or something no oh [ __ ] away on hard no way I don't think he was cuz no one's playing hardcore right now Jesus oh no he's just molding yo chill buddy chill Jesus what is this damage I um oh my God that' be fun hell I won't lie I kind of wish he to that is one thing I did like to watch I didn't know people dying were you watching us yeah why did you say hi I don't know I like it's a whole ass thing Hi and then people are like hi like hi you message me off stream be like yeah I'm watching your okay do you want me to do that every time I watch I like that I I just want to know you're you guys are it's like game time for I'm always watching now he knows what what what did you do this morning because I've just gotten sent like 15 Clips what did he I was full on on head like I was in the mood to just I just did not care I was in the mood to just [ __ ] with pokey's chat and I went so hard it was so good though what did you say the most UNH like literally I was just trying to one thing it was just it was just obvious like you would think it's trolling because you know me but like I was like I was I was pissing off or CH on purpose like what you haven't given me one example play with my terter boy at one point like another part with like uh I was right-wing stuff like I was talk hunters and gatherers and that women should be gatherers and it's society's [ __ ] that's the 60s now is a better time it was so good it was so it was honestly I was probably my Peak me on that tree I know what you mean by that's how you describe your Peak full like dude that stream yeah cuz 90% of people loved it 10% of people hated it 90% of people were like he's got some points but those 90% of people that liked it or knew I was trolling loved it the lesbian was good uh I was just being very PR lesbi it was just I was trolling Pokey and and all of them for like but I can't do that to you guys not you can no wait on what what are what are you two oh I don't know I mean we YouTube oh God what is that is that a good or a bad thing it's a good thing why be on YouTube yeah be on the pit we're all honestly YouTube is like its own little island you kind of have your like you kind of chill over there it is a bit different feel like you're on like you're not on directory for twitch is like you click on it and you you see everybody you're not part of that anymore you're there you're out of the route race CU you're on a ladder you do feel a lot less like of that competitiveness which is kind of nice um I really like the playback and there you can schedule stream awesome and then you have like thumbnail I'm going live after themom there's are pre-o dance party and stuff oh yeah it I do like it a lot I would say um and the emotes and the twitch culture like the chat culture a lot but I like getting te about this my eyes are just red from alcohol it's just from drinking you miss spamming try hards so much um I'm like Tipsy but not like drunk you can go drink more of it it's already midnight wait is that how you guys are you guys on like really normal healthy schedule like are you like talking like bed at 10: kind of normal uh end stream by 10: in bed by 11:30 p.m. what the [ __ ] wake up by 9 dog wait wait how long do you stream in a given day probably five hours six hours I go live around 3 to she like a whole day before you go live yeah wake up go get breakfast go to the gym shower call my mom call my dad pet my cats take a nap cuz I like food coma like emails phone calls my C again bring about parents man you say what was your bar again 10 10 space to the St I said this fire bar during okay hold on drop it drop it you can drop it and he's obsessed with 10 bar 10 to the start I said 10 10 to the star to the star Chad what was it 10 to the star look my coin think they know they do look 10 to the star look at my coins 10 to the star okay one 10 to the star look at my coins hello J hello hello we just saw each other and you were using a that had yeah man I got here and everyone was like wake [ __ ] on a blanket and I was like what the [ __ ] is that mean I [ __ ] on a blanket then they show me there there was it was it was the puppy blanket with the [ __ ] on it I changed that was vile but we shared that experience and we're better for it well like I didn't I didn't I like lifted it and saw it before I put it on we didn't share that exp we did well you well I touched yeah I held it up you held it up that's as far you made it clear to me that yeah I made it clear at least I told you you got to like yeah well you you didn't tell me at all right right right I I actually I walked out and I found out way late that I was laying on [ __ ] I didn't tell you at all my bad that's terrible but I knew chat would tell you okay you so you relied on them I and they're very reliable Jad are you reliable clearly I mean clearly cuz they told you which is what I knew they would do yeah but they didn't tell me like hey you were on a ship blanket they were like wake took a [ __ ] on the blanket so it's like it's not the same experience of being like oh man I they did that I was being blamed for the poop um you know you just you don't feel guilty at all you're just absolutely yeah you know what I do I'm going to it's going to take me oh my thought you were going to pour this on me I don't know why gra you're like you know what and then you were I'm like am I going to again I thought it was just and and you didn't move your your thought was I was just like I guess I'm here this is the content like I just accepted it like I'm here for Content oh my God you just froze I I would accept it yeah yeah well I'm not going to so just know though in the future if I wanted to yeah you don't Janet I want you to know you don't have to accept that oh would for you you just met I know I know what I I just know your name is Janet that's like the extent my know it is wig yeah yeah that's my real name really even a fake one not C wig with two wig you think wait you think my name is a wig like like hair that's what you been saying wait so how do you spell your name it's not even the right word that's what I said and you would accept it it sounded so right wait just say it quickly say wi oh no okay so you hear it now it's wake my name is Wake like what you do in the morning yeah like wake Wilder is my name actual name like last name is also Wilder yeah CD they they cooked do you think they overcooked they it it is they bricked it it's it's way over big wait do you have siblings oh yeah I one of them that was a good one oh okay like you get that a lot I'm sorry oh way it could have been like sleep Wilder I I would have been okay perfect also do you guys have water I sent lesie to get water right here that's I did never come back back hold on actually it was yeah and I'm still tipsy are you feel sober up I'm not fully sober but I'm not like you know I had to sit I'm a little dizzy but I'm pretty goodon has water bottles but we don't go get water okaye good you absolutely take care we'll warn youly direct you warn me okay thank you [ __ ] H God now I have to chat hop into Grayson's stream it's so bad they're not going in there wig Wilder would be me I was wig Wilder here man wig [ __ ] Wilder that a wig just a wig just plain old wig
Channel: Wake Wilder Clips
Views: 27,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BqOWp9dPoIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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