AliExpress Wax Seal Stamp Supplies Haul & Tutorial: Wax Sticks, Discs, Stars & Seals!

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okay so today I'm gonna start this video on a bunch of things that I picked up Aliexpress that have to do with wax seals or stamps whatever you wanna call them I am getting things like the wax sticks the little stars the little chunks that they sell all and I'll Express and then a bunch of different seals and the reason I'm gonna go back into that is because I had seen a kit and I read hold it actually this one and it has a little Hogwarts sealing I thought that was pretty cute but apparently there are tons of my watch this video and this girl had this several of them and I'm like huh so I went back to look and sure enough they have like slow they're in all the different houses and you know the Harry Potter type books and then tons of other items but they're are not inexpensive so the Harry Potter ones are a little more costly than just like a basic design you might find that cost a couple bucks so this kit re called I don't have that information for anymore but it came with a three wax sticks it came with a spoon basically the spoon helps you melt your wax you can either take chunks of that off and well I'll try it out here too but you put it on here and then you have your little tea light lit and you let it melt that way then you can pour it or you can just put your flame to the end of the wax stick and pour it over you know burn it and keep turning it and let it drip onto your envelope that way I think it's better to do all at once though because it doesn't dry super fast but fast enough that maybe that's gonna take too long in your imprint won't be as nice that's how I would do it so let's get started so I've been getting tons of them in so I still have tons of things out on order or that supposed to be delivered but this is from our gift store it cost two hundred sixty-seven cents and this pack is just that what you see and I'm gonna get a little bit closer I do have some box sets that obviously I'm at the scoop out for but this one I was like a Sailor Moon design so cute oh I love it so my thoughts aside for now I'm not gonna put them back in here I was like hey start making this videos I can throw away all this packaging this is from best rose store is that right Miss Rose I think it is actually I wrote Beast Rose store so you can see if you find whether you like it I comes from a store called best rose or beast Rose store you know it mean it got delivered here really quickly that's the other thing these guys everybody shipped out super fast I ordered these things probably between August 4th and 6th and today's the 21st and I already had some of these things for a week or more so this one's super cute the little boy and little girl and you guys you'll see things like this Seldon stationary stores other things and they want like 25 bucks for one alright I mean this is crazy so how'd a nice weight just get it from the source I mean why I don't know obviously if you have a good deal you get it from here you know somewhere but bothers me when sometimes things are just like ridiculously overpriced because there you got it from the Chinese manufacturers you know so this came from Wisam official store it's whi SM official store the B cost 337 and then two more items so let me see what that means so I had it wrapped like this I write notes on here so I can you tell you guys and I just want to show you how a nice wrap the stuff was okay so no I know what this is so the B stamp it's this one and it's a really pretty I got two of them cuz I I wanted more of a sculpted B and then no one I have is more just like the outline this doesn't really have a lot going on but look how pretty this and it has a little circle all around and you don't have to buy them with the handles so this is case in point right here this was $1.99 and 288 and I'm not sure which one cost when I on which one costs 288 to be honest but these are just flat I don't know if you can see that they have no handles so you would just take the handle off of another way Yuri have or buy some handles they sell the handles too and then just screw it into the one you know it's actually going on even with the plastic they're the reason I got these guys is because I saw tutorial that was super cute where the person either put down a couple little things on their envelope like little flowers and then they melted the wax then they stamped it like this and then well with this one and so this just pushed it in there or they melted the wax and they put like little flower bits things on top of it and then they stamped in with this one so there is no design it just helps you flatten it out right so that the items that you want in there it will like stick into your wax and they're so cute so I got a square one because I hadn't seen a square one and they were sold obviously in the same store and then I got the round one they had these in two different sizes I don't remember which size I picked but they're always in centimeters and you'll see are millimeters even I think the other ones quite smaller is what I know yeah exactly because see this is more standard size this is a little bit bigger so I did that on purpose I wanted I chose whatever the bigger size was is what happened okay this is from lucky house store and it cost $8.25 okay this was supposed to be a set and you weren't able to pick the colors but luckily they sent the colors I would want cuz most time they send you silver gold and like black and I hurry have plenty of those and the kits right so this one was the pile and just so you know the sample stamps if you look for a pineapple stamp in there Vinson so there's certain designs that they know people are gonna want and they're not inexpensive okay so a lot of them are 2 or 3 bucks maybe even a doll or something but like this one like another one I'll show you in a minute cost 8 or 9 bucks but it did come with 5 6 so I really like that I end up with tropical color so that's what I wanted so those are cute no let's go show you how these look similar the handles so obviously they're not like chiseled but same time they aren't really that similar they're similar here but use a smaller is a little bit larger and then in the wood looks a little different I do not know if these are actual what it looks like they are to be honest but I mean I don't know they do fancy things nowadays with manufacturing this one is from happiness II households decoration store happiness II households decoration store and it cost $5 57 cents so again some of them were a little higher than others they wrapped it really nicely the box is not crushed or anything like some of the other ones sturdy box so it's kind of nice for a presentation if you were gonna give this somebody wouldn't just box on ice and this isn't just a letter V that has a cool like cross symbol in there thunk across but just like a plus sign but you know saying like that kind of cross not uh religious cross and it has my initial so that's what that is in here I just stuffed a whole bunch of stuff in the same bag this one came without any kind of wrapping just the box and this is from kitchen daily supplies store I don't know what I wrote kitchen daily maybe it looks like kitchen daily supply stores cost 556 oh and the reason I pay for this society did not see another hydrangea and anybody else's stamps and I love hydrangeas look how pretty that is so pretty and this is a little bit bigger you know compared to some of them a basic size so hope you can see that like this is the classic side that maybe that's why these other ones cost a little more right these are a little cheaper this one cost more just like this one cost more and these are bigger the ones that were more expensive so maybe that has to do with part of it okay this is a whole set of things I got from these people from CY and warm house syn warm house store so Cyn W ay RM house store some things 48 cents something was 326 that something was 289 let me just dump this out so these were 58 cents I know that and I was able to choose a color so I want these do come with a wick some of them don't and I'll be honest well like this one does but the ones that were in the other box didn't and I kind of like those that don't cuz you can just chop off pieces this you it's gonna make a little more difficult right cuz there's a wick in there but you can still chopped pieces off if you need to or want to therefore the eight cents each stick and what's cool or interesting no no that's cool these two I ordered two pink and I don't know if you can see they're slightly different colors can you see that one's more purple tone and these are supposed to be the same that I had a purple a teal and two gold that's what I order from those people and so like I said some of these were a couple bucks and some were a little more and they were completely like smashed but I mean they're heavy-duty products not gonna get messed up so this is a cool Pegasus and after I order this one I realized they're cooler Pegasus and unicorns so I went and bought a few more so are the ones that are kind of waiting for still about those like last week like this one this one wasn't a verbal price I think this is the $3.00 one I think I mentioned the prices from this store look at that I love the moon and the Sun and that middle thing and I told my husband I got a I'm like this is a pentagram so it's laughing he looks at it cuz there are some with pentagrams and things like that but I thought it was just cool celestial design kind of time I don't know it's just awesome I love it so there's that one it look how big that is so pretty again that one was not eight bucks though even though the size is bigger like I said it was like three something and then they had this one in my last name is Luna that's why I kind of like the moon thing so in Spanish is when that means moon and actually my kids we all have the same last name because we like it better than Hubbard my husband's last name so he kept Hubbard and we're all Luna but there's this what a great guy he didn't care he's like yeah whatever when I get out of military I'll change my name to Luna I was like it sounds good alright and then we have our B here and this is a slightly different B that I showed you guys earlier and actually this is what I order first thing over there one second cuz that one was more a little more intricate and I thought it was prettier right like I think it's gonna make it more like fancy design hopefully you can see it kind of yeah I do like it somewhere okay where's those guys what is this this is from seven leaves store seven leaves store it cost eight 5000 and see this one cost 850 it was in a bag in this bag and it's only the head but this one I love it I love it so much hopefully you can see that it's like oh my gosh I'll see the signs mister I think of the name anyway your astrological sign right look how pretty and they had one that was just Leo which is you know my sign but like it was kind of lame like unless you really know stuff about it you're not gonna know what it is and the lion one was like blame looking other than just the symbol but I will definitely try this one out here in this video for you guys because it is very intricate and I am very curious to see what it actually does has a little bit of rough spots by touch it's crazy but it's because there's so much I think it feels a little rough only two more things today and then up maybe I'll try out some of them so this is from home feeling store home feeling store and these were two thirty eight and twelve feet so I know for sure this was a two dollar 30s and thing you'll see these all over Aliexpress and I also get coupons or like whatever store coupon has a little coupon at it so this might have been less expensive than when I just mention the to something and twelve something this is a hundred pieces of wax now you see that it's tiny I mean see how fits in my hand so when you order you're like oh 100 but it doesn't look like a lot but they're I mean even right here in this area there's 10 right here so you can see that there's about ten in this area it may it's a hundred so some people in the comments say one is enough to do like the smaller stamp I don't know about that I think your price Lily to some people say they use two or three of them just to do the stamp so you might want to collect two or three of whatever a little color or even a mix of colors and we'll probably try these out today and we'll do a stamp just to see how many it takes to get a good sample and then with that I also ordered this sometimes it was like a better deal just to get kit is something I'm telling some of them are a little more expensive gonna be Sam just let me see okay and this one was twelve fifty it like I said again the silver gold in the bronze or kind of bronze this color and see like this one doesn't have a wick so you can just cut this in pieces like you with those little tabs and melt them that way another spoon now this going I did order from a company where you chose the colors you chose the handle you chose the design and you would choose I think that's it so I thought that was kind of interesting because you're supposed to leave in the comments you know when you order what you want so I will see how that turns out and hopefully they did it correctly right so this one I didn't choose all I just chose the design so this is a V just for VNA again and this one has more of a fleur-de-lis pattern in the background it's pretty more basic and so we have your box and at that I'm pretty sure I use a coupon for that cuz I wouldn't have paid they say it was 12 bucks missing yeah 12 bucks yeah that's a little high for me okay this one is moonlight houseware moonlight houseware 1388 now this one there were plenty of companies selling this exact same thing I just want to show you it's actually a paper box so they do have them in wood boxes and different things so this one has a quill not that I use quills very often I'm like that's not you know what you might as well get a quill at least have one because if you're like put your few pens you guys know I have tons of fountain pens but this one slightly different the box is a little bit damaged which is kind of a bummer because some of the sets they sell are they gulp and price depending on the Box you choose that they should come in so I think this is one of the more basic boxes but still paid a little extra right and then it has this in the way and I opened up because I had to kind of see what was in here just I can leave my feedback before I show to you guys I was like wasn't she thinks they put this little plastic here to protect something but it was just like here okay so the other thing I noticed that I was like what's this I didn't forgot that it came with a bottle it's empty so it doesn't say that there's ink in it I guess if I go in back and look at the thing it's an ink bottle so which is kind of good for them because if it explodes it's gonna mess everything up at the same time you can put the ink you want in it right and it's a pretty bottle that it's fancy so you can get your beautiful pen oh I'm afraid let me show you the pen the way it's tied down I thought it was really nice the way it came in because all the way from China and it wasn't damaged it wasn't messed with it was just really nice beautiful pen nib that is a really pretty noob and it's a dip pen so there is no cartridge or area back here right so you keep your pen in your little quill the holder here and then you dip it in there when you go to write really pretty and it comes with a ton of tips now this one's probably the one I would use the most is just like a regular writing tip super pretty very very pretty though was this called the feather is just beautiful and I think they cut it in a way because it looks very filed here and it tells you there like it's very delicate and if you mess it up like to just pinch it together it says if it ends up like fraying but look how pretty that is I think they put some kind of new on it to try to keep it nice but really pretty and then it comes with a scroll to write on I suppose it has a spoon it has the sealing wax and this one has again same silver gold those kind of standard things and then if fleur-de-lis so a pretty basic guide you know I just got it for the writing set really not so much for the stamp but fleur-de-lis stamp is always nice so let me get some things together and we will try out some of the stamps okay so I have a couple craft mats here now you didn't do this on wax paper you can do it right on your envelope but I don't have it envelope to use right now so I'm just gonna get this smaller one I think one's Tim Holtz and one it doesn't matter this is just a craft my it's just like a waxy surface but I guess that you can put our wax paper something that where it's gonna let you X go so you can then glue it down to your envelope if you want to do it that way and I think like I said we're gonna do this for sure the zodiac one so we're just gonna go for it let me see which one of these handles I'm gonna take this on and put this handle on and I mmm I'm just gonna get it from that set that had the fleur-de-lis mistake you have a little spoon and you see the spoon off that big it's basically like a teaspoon this looks just like a teaspoon in the measuring spoon so since I have tons of them maybe I'll put it in my kitchen but who knows if it's food safe right and then a tea light now I mean get tons of tea lights I have ridiculous amount of tea lights from Ikea they're like 2 bucks for a pack of like 50 so at least they were back in the day I don't know let's see it smells just like wax there is no scent to that so there was that and I can just burn it here obviously it's not gonna hurt anything but it's a Dollar Tree I recently picked up just this little holder just so I can hold it at war like this one and you place it down in there but this one's a little deeper I probably wouldn't go with this what's kind of funny is that the burners that they sell on Express are so expensive they want like 4 or 5 bucks for them and then they want like a few dollars shipping so to me that's so expensive cuz it's literally just a little piece of wood that you put this in between and then you can actually rest your spoon in it it has like a little opening that you can put the spoon down right so it won't fall through so which is nice but that's okay so I'm just gonna again you can just put on your tabletop or a lot of times I have like a a tile or like a trivet or like from the dollar store that you can do crafty things on like if you need it for like a pellet to use for paints you can put it on that something just to keep the heat off if it gets low right for me I'm just gonna put it in here I'm gonna wait till I have everything ready oh this is crooked yeah okay so we have that we have our little guy my camera needs to be plugged in bummer let me go ahead and plug my camera in before it dies that way I have to stop in the middle so hot they're kind of a fun that news right now that homemade spice is coming out and it's still like humid and hot and I'm talking about eighty-three degrees it's just the humidity kills me okay so we have that um let's do something fun okay so I've never even tried this in like years it's been since I've actually done some things but let's just make a mixture of colors and I don't know if that's a good idea or a bad idea but I'm gonna put some green and some blue and purple those are pretty colors how about some white wait I don't want to put too much I think I just feel like you need more wax than you know I'm saying this is a big guy this is looks like nothing let's just do that I used four so now you guys know there's a hundred here I just used for right okay so let's put that there let's light our candle and I guess we could use any candle I mean doesn't have to get a little tea light but the probably cheapest ones right and you're just going to keep this I have it like maybe half an inch or so above the can't the light I know it's hard to see it cuz now that's just sitting there is it melting yet I might touch this oh yeah it's melting I can feel like it give me some resistance wanted to push it so again the other thing just kind of holds it there and it has like a little tiny opening so it's metal so it's not it gets hot it's not gonna burn them but it is like a wood base you'll pie see them if you're interested on Ally you'll see them there and if you can see that it's melting down a little bit let me get a little bit closer and the center of the frame and yeah I live next to a firehouse subsidized ambulance leaves from here or maybe you know look at that so cute and I'm doing this in real time guys so you can see how long this takes it's not taking too long but long enough I don't even know for is gonna do it look it's moving around already we're just waiting waiting and hopefully I don't pour it too early because if there's still a little clump in there it's gonna make a problem how cool though I mean this does melt down really nicely okay the whites pretty much melted and now it's bubbling so I'm gonna get away from that that's that blue in the green right in the center that still has not completely melted so I'm gonna start running it back and forth just in the center try to get some sure I get that going hopefully can you see that you can see that little great on blue still have like a shape to it I want to get rid of that I don't know if you can take it too far like if you can scorch it so I do want you to notice that the green and the purple have a really pretty shimmer in them I don't know if the blue I can't tell from this angle okay now I'm just gonna pour it just straight down try get as much out as you can at least I did you will because I'm again very thrifty this is already not pouring anymore so I'm gonna put that on here I'm gonna take this guy and put it right down the center hopefully to be honest I think if I could have used the fifth one I'm just gonna leave it I didn't push it down I just let the weight of the stamp go down into that wax I am gonna leave it alone and if you want you can add more you can clean this out now that it's kind of you know I'm saying like moist you can kind of wipe it but why is there have to be delivery just a big truck out in front right now you can just clean it off or you can leave it for the next time if you don't care if you want it to be kind of wild the next time you use it just leave that color in there and you know it'll make something fun I was gonna go off camera and just wait for this to dry but it's pretty dry already let me turn this off the other thing I do want to try for you guys is glue sticks and a hot glue gun which I got it died so recently the glue gun was you know a dollar fifty or two bucks I guess but you have other dollar trees sometimes they have them and then the glue sticks were a dollar fifty for like 40 of them and I grabbed white black they have little in the dark but maybe I'll use the white or the black let me see that feels pretty ready ooh popped right out didn't hold on to it hopefully you can see the symbol we're gonna get this off I don't want to I don't know how delicate or not this wax is so I guess we can test that out - it has a very nice waxy feel it is very light this doesn't have a lot of weight to it and you can see that in there that's really pretty more purple next time the purple end up at the bottom ships at the white more towards the bottom and then one little trick that you can do oh I have some oh where are they I have gold and silver BIC markers and I was like oh I'm gonna use that but I hold on let me see they have to be in here somewhere I'll leave you guys looking at that while I look for those come on cuz Vic's are cheap and I know you can find them they were here not to here they are I know I just saw them actually he's not even BIC so that's kind of a bummer these are hey you know there's a die so either way they're just like Vic's right let me make sure this thing even has right now okay it does so you can do is take you know how big sells the silver and gold ones and just kind of run it across the top I'm not digging in cuz I don't know where that ends but I'm just running it that's awesome you can also use if you have gilding wax which is if you burn myself in that spoon it's still pretty hot so real time guys trying this out that's cool so if you have gilding wax which is a little bit different thing you pipe it's harder to find look at that so cool okay let me go grab the seam so wax sticks also on aliexpress I don't know oh this thing's still kind of warm I put it down my craft mat and it seemed like it's stuck there but it's a little bit warm stuff um okay so I'll put this to the side and we'll have pictures later so again I just pick this up a day so like today so it was 2 bucks again the Dollar Tree Service has glue guns or you can find but that's pretty cheap so especially because this color stuff I assume is gonna get stuck in the barrel so I have white glue stick here and they're showing it to be used for like decoden which would be really weird cuz the tip is just I'm assuming it's just a barrel but anyway let me use the black one cuz wayna 24 pieces sorry I said 40 but is I do have other glue guns but I did not want to mess them up by putting in black glue that William blue in there and then having it's stuck in there possibly I'm assuming you can clear it out but after a while I'm just kind of using other glue colors right but kind of limits what you're doing so okay let's take this okay this is the smallest extension cord is like a foot and a half long so let me try to get this plugged in I'm gonna let it charge up obviously the heat when it's ready we will try it out so you just load it up like any other glue gun and I'll get this was ready I give it a little squeeze it didn't take too long to heat up but I'm trying to okay so I go give it a squeeze and a little bit came out here so let me I can make a nice little Mound squeezing the trigger trying to make it into a circle this stuff is really chewy those worried that maybe maybe it's not hot enough yet but let's I'm using a Sailor Moon I would have shown it to you guys but I need to get it going so I'm just gonna press it down in there and maybe well that's the waiting we'll do another one I wanted all this to melt right so it was barely coming out try again that's a little tricky so you just wants to come out but at the same time it's not quite ready come on oh come on [Music] okay that's a bigger pile of it I'm gonna trim this off because it keeps coming out all right and then maybe this one I'll use a little boy and girl one I don't know okay that's a better one cuz I had enough now this one I did have to push down a little harder let me see what this looks like see it's stuck in there that's not well it's not stuck in there I mean it is but we'll be able to get it out I'm not afraid of that it didn't even a bigger dollop of the stuff though look at that oh come on it's too small but hoping you see the little Sailor Moon and again I can take this stuff let's make sure that one let me get this pen I'm trying to use the very edge as you can see I'm kind of getting somewhere I don't want it but that's good so if I was able to get a bigger dollop down I think that would have worked out just fine but too bad so there's that one and you can even clean up oh I can clean up the silver I got in the wrong spot you think this one's ready they always wants to come off again if this was paper you might end up ripping it off so definitely maybe you want to do it on wax paper and then adhere if you're using something like this but it's hot glue do you think the paper would stick down but it's a little stuck in there I would rather not I don't want to be careful okay so cute and this is would probably be harder to fall off your envelope if you were just to put it on throw it in the mail because there's other one it's a little bit crispier you know I'm saying the wax isn't as supple but this is pretty good I mean it has some give some wax might be brittle glue onto your card and it should make it to its destination or you can put your envelope in a clear plastic envelope that way it's there when they actually open it and you know the paper envelope and then you have to put your stamps on the outside of that clear plastic envelope so that way they won't deliver it but um that's cute you can see it already by me just go over with a little this no it's that's adorable all right well let's see what else we get in the mail in the next coming days I basically want to show you guys the little little star waxes which are basically like these little things like this but they're stars and then maybe we'll try the wax sticks but it's basically the same stuff you just chop it up before I put these things away because I guess I had to wait a few days for the other stuff to show up I wanted to show you that I got this recently at Hobby Lobby and I basically got it so I can put all these things in it so it's a big case you can see all this stuff is fake it's just a little picture but it was only $9.99 I got it with the 40% off coupon and if you open it up you can hold all kinds of things in here and basically that's what my plan was to put all the little you know my wax seals here and there the stamps in a different section cuz look how cool I has like bigger section small pieces big almost like sandwich looking sized area here so definitely I'm gonna put this will have all my Wet Seal items in it and it'll be a nice easy way to keep everything together and even the little seals that you make that you aren't ready to use you can just throw them in there and you have those things that just came in today funny enough the you know I told you I was waiting for like a Harry Potter like stamps I mean they were not cheap they were like seven eight bucks each it was like $60 order it has not moved since like four or five days after I ordered it supposedly it was said but there's no tracking it's been like a couple weeks now so I contacted the store we will see I forgot to write down what's throw this was because I didn't check it in I just wanted to show you guys this package was so funny it was barely holding on like it's very topical it's just kind of holding on there like that I was like oh no so good thing it didn't I don't think I think I did open up I don't think I purchased a wood handle separately because you've seen I have tons of wood handles so one of these probably goes along with one of these heads but that's what I have so as far as pricing I'm not really 100% sure what the pricing is about any of these things like I said I didn't check it in for a sec for totally forgot but again these are just a little chubby pieces I ordered some white this is y cap Earl I didn't see that the difference they're black all purple and these are all 100 and each one of these and these are usually what I've been paying is like a dollar fifty two dollars so that's a good roundabout estimate of what I paid for this this kind of pink rose pearl and then this beautiful red Jack that was classic right so and let me close up a little bit cuz let's see what we got here so at these heads like I said one of them probably came with a handle I don't think I ordered a handle I'm pretty sure I didn't order a handle but um so these are so cute oh gosh okay let's see this one just says and Merry Christmas it looks like a wreath like a really fancy wreath so I thought that was really pretty and I think these two are the Alice in Wonderland yeah so I don't know if you can see let's let that focus there's a little girl right here I know it's hard to see there little girl and the rabbit so it's more of a Alice in Wonderland feel I think there were two of them this is the other one that a lot of people are selling on Aliexpress what I just showed you was a little harder to find I just came across when I was leaving for the better price on this one so it's Alice with a clock or whatever there behind her and then distances made with love and you know I was making things so really cute made with love with a little heart so that was whatever company that was if I remember I'll try look it up and post it here for you guys and this one just came in the plastic bag and it's really wrapped up but I know this is another box set like I said I was waiting for some box sets I had just a couple of them I am not sure which one this is at all so again I guess I didn't check it in whenever you order Aliexpress they want you to leave feedback or to check it in right say it you got it cuz I guess what Aliexpress does is holds on to the money that you gave them when you place your order and they don't release it to a seller until everything is good and done so that's why a lot of times when you file a complaint with them it's pretty easy to get your money back because they have the money it's not gonna have to get it back from the seller that you didn't pay them yet yeah mm-hmm I've never had a problem with Aliexpress where they sided with the seller so and my problems are usually I didn't didn't show up or they're taking way too long the ship and they're not responding to me so you know they just cancel it kind of thing there's only issues I think I've ever had and really okay so here's this see what we got I was like in the other box like why did I order that I don't know but let's see what's in this one okay add some little pieces here just kind of ripped up some okay another silver and like burgundy ish mahogany color stick and a gold one the candles oh I was gonna mention this little guy when I you said it didn't get hot or anything in my hand but they do sell ones with wood handles they're a little fancier or in your kit you can see that's what you want so I think this is the kit that I told you guys I had to select what I wanted I don't know I had to cut I think he just had to do with the handle and the stamp head yeah so this is a handle I chose and it looks like the color I chose I think the one I chose is a little bit more brass colored you see this this looks more like an antique doesn't it and the one I picked was like a breast if it's not a more costly for this for the other one I'll leave it alone I don't care but if I paid more cuz I know someone with the different colors some cost more than others so if they sent me one that's cheaper for the one I did ask for then I'll go ahead and do a little complaint there and then here's the Pegasus so I'll try to remember to find the store names for you guys like I said cuz um this one's really cute and they had like 15 different unicorn types and I thought this is screwed yeah the same thing you can still put this on any of your other stamps okay what I'm trying to do is wait for the little star ones to come in and we can review those and then maybe one of these thick ones and that'll be it okay guys did you get one thing today over the weekend this is from B butterfly store and they were 294 so like I said I was paying like two bucks for these this one I paid a little more I'm not sure why again 100 pieces of wax they looked a little thicker to me than the other ones but let me compare but I think that's just my mind to be honest look I'm like well these are kind of thick they're exactly the same thickness this is just the set that I showed you previously and oh I contact the company they did send me the wrong handle and sometimes the handles is depending on which one you pick cost more or less but they went ahead and just credit me five dollars which is like a third of the price I paid 15 bucks for that set and I just showed you guys with the unicorn really cute stuff they offer but they were great so that was cool and I was gonna go follow up with the names of the store so it was sun-maid official store with xu n ma de official store was one of those stores that i just bought those last two items from remember I said I'd fall out and Chinese traditional crafts work is the other store Chinese Trish I think the Chinese traditional crafts work is the one that I bought the kit from because I feel like I remember that being who I had to do a dispute with so okay I'm hoping today I'll get the little stars and then we'll finish this up let's see okay guys so I just got the last of one that's how she was all the last other things for the wax kits I'm waiting for all the Harry Potter seals so they were really lagging and I contacted them because if suppose II was stuck in one part which hadn't even left the country and like leaving China or wherever it's leaving from Suez Malaysia or other places I'm gonna have things from Poland even though it's Aliexpress that anyway and the company says oh sometimes it takes time don't worry it's coming and then all of a sudden like two days later oh there's movement you know so I don't know you think they sent it to me to be honest they were just sitting on it or had even processed it yet so I did get the little star wax seals I was telling you guys about so let me show you this is from wy SE official store I think it was a dollar off of five so this is $4.99 but this was 38 cents I just added something super cheap so I can get the dollar off so I paid less you know with these things together than I would have just if I bought this by itself and this is just a little like toothpaste to manipulate your thing so I'll put that in the kids bathroom but this was kind of interesting because it said ten piece - wax sticks I'm like cool and I'm like oh I guess they give me a little spoon and then this messed up Canela is like super tiny but no it's ten pieces because it includes the spoon and this weird candle so it's only eight wax sticks okay so this page to the wording even though the picture showed 10 wax sticks but if you click on the next to the next picture then you saw the other thing so I hadn't gotten that far obviously this is really small compared to even what came in those kits this is one came in kit this is this tiny thing so little kind of worthless candle the little spoon is super cute has a little wood handle it's already oxidizing but you know it's cute and has a little pour spout which doesn't really matter it's not like it really follows that like it's just gonna pour off that but it's cute and then I got eight random sticks so I do like these colors they came with gold black purple like a shimmery purple a matte pink kind of matte green shimmery blue of red that's kind of translucent looking so it's not like a super rice kind of a raspberry and then a silver metallic and I didn't tell you guys I was gonna try out the kind that you light up so maybe what I'll do is I'll kind of chunk off of this and we'll review this and then I'll use the little star one and then in the Harry Potter one I will use the one with a wick that you burn as you're going and you just kind of have the drip drip drip drip okay that way there's something else to look forward to on that and these guys I've been dying to see these so they're just so cute look at that these were from pick up pick up it listen a mist or PI CK UPI T they're each two dollars and four cents and there are just little wax bits that are in little star shape and these are 100 in each and this looks like more than the other packs let me get that's weird let me grab a here like this one right this is 100 and so is this look how much they're basically the same size this is just much more dense and they look cuter way cuter so much of these are bigger too so they might just have more wax in them than the colorful ones then those other sets so I got purple I have like a teal set and then I got just mix of colors which are more of the same colors i order two separately put plus a few other ones super cute so let's try these out again let me get this wax thing oh I didn't get something to actually step do I let me choose one of my stamps and then we'll get going okay so we'll do the unicorn seal cuz that's adorable is the one in the kit where they sent me the wrong color handle and then we'll do the square one I'll show you how you can melt some wax and then push in like little flowers so if I can find a little flower some put that to the side we're gonna do like this and be very careful I'm using the little junky one that just sent me has a very long wick because I'm sure they couldn't make it much shorter to go with this candle I'm just gonna drop it touching it okay for this one we will use pieces of this guy because for the other one I kind of want to use like a white background so I'll use little white stars and then we'll go from there so let's keep this here keep this here for now I'm just gonna cut pieces off of this I don't know um unicorn let's do this bubblegum pink and I would use a knife but since I'm in my craft room oh goodness I don't know if I can cut this or not oh that's probably not great for the scissors that's okay it also kind of lets me know this thing has that's a nice wax I like that because it's it's not brittle as you can see it took me a minute to cut it I'll use that plus a little bit more these are the worst scissors in the world anyway so I'm not really too upset if they get kind of messed up so I'm taking chunks that are about that size I don't know if you can see that again you can cut it with a knife I do like that it was not easy like just brittle and broke off it shouldn't be right with the wax seal it should be a little and I'm just gonna sit this in here right over that flame I'll get a little bit closer for you guys I'm gonna touch it be patient but melting pretty quickly this flames seems to want to run away it's getting like smaller and smaller already it's probably cuz the wax is that candle is so shallow oh my gosh this thing's worst that candle is not worth it okay obviously I wasn't trying to buy a candle I thought it was ten wax sticks it's like I said you can get your candles super cheap somewhere else ooh I see like weird burning that I didn't see before I'm gonna tip this a little bit because I can't keep this tilted the way it is there else that wax is gonna fall off so I'm just tilting this looks pretty cool doesn't it melting they're just melting away so cute this one's super basic you can probably sprinkle some glitter or something cute to make it a little more unicorn EEE before you would have to have that ready right get this ready have your little glitter and then go right in with your um with your seal this stuff is like trying to burn I don't know if it's the spoon or what you see the thought of you can see I can see it it's like smoke coming off here in the wax is really in bubbling this seems very very hot so I'm gonna pour this lots of bubbles in this wax yeah what it smells I don't know I don't know about this one guys I'm gonna let it thicken up a little because it seems very liquidy for me to go ahead and go right into this so maybe okay not all like this okay I'm just gonna give it a second I'm gonna go in and just drop that down all right it has a really nice weight obviously cuz it's like a metal let me and we're gonna let that sit like we do I'm trying to to have little flowers or something cute something small I got some flowers in the dayit thing Hobby Lobby I wanted to be like baby's breath like something jet like delicate like that something cute I did order some well I guess I'll have to put that in the next video I did order some off of Aliexpress but they're not in yet I'm just looking around cuz I always have tons of things maybe up there I'll find something we'll find something let me let that sit and I'm gonna go look for some kind of fun stuff that wasn't what I had in mind at all but we'll try to make it work so let's take this up here whose wax it's interesting Oh Cal pretty oh my gosh come on focus sorry guys that's the wasting time there we go hope you can see that really cute little unicorn there again you can take your metallic pens anything else kind of go on there and make it pop more but that's pretty good I can see that pretty well okay I should show that candle because it's just going going so okay what I was thinking about was doing your wax putting the little flowers and then pushing it into the wax Center with this now let me switch this out and you can still use a seal if you're gonna like put flowers down or like a little spray of flowers and then put the wax on top of that and then seal it down like stick it down you can do that that's a cute idea I'll just tell you what I mean by now so this guy is kind of big bigger than that I'm gonna use three of these and I'm gonna leave this pink stuff in here see the spoon was burning this one taste something was like it was making ash from the spoon that is crazy I don't know the spoons big enough for what I want maybe we need to use and I'm saying cuz look how that completely takes up that whole space let me get a spoon from the other kit which I'm sure where it is so I'm just gonna open up another spoon this is a different kit you know I ordered several kids okay so we're gonna put these in here yeah this is oh nice good job I got some of that okay so my initial thing was to put a glob of wax and then push the flowers into it which is what I'm gonna do I did find this little kit that again came from Aliexpress my card kit and it has like little tiny flowers but what I wanted was like little flowers that you get from like the you know craft store where they're kind of delicate they have like a leaf on it or even fresh flowers like dried flowers that you would press in a book that would be really cute but this is gonna be a little bit different so I'm gonna grab one of each flower out they in here just to make it a little more interesting so we'll use a green flower use one of these yellow flowers and one of these little pink flowers and my other idea of what I was like if you had a flower like this these old paper flowers you can put it down put a little spray maybe a little tiny spray with it put the wax over it and then put your seal and I'm talking about like on me this area so if I have one sprig and little flower and put this down and then wax will hold it down to your card okay so we're not gonna do that right now hopefully this is gonna work alright let's melt this and I'm not gonna bore you with this sitting here actually it's kind of cool I know to watch that candle is almost completely gone look at that yeah so junky but I'm gonna heat this up it must be that wax from this candle or the way this candle burns cuz I already have sit on the bottom of my spoon in the other one I burned that he did a couple tutorials with it right earlier in this video and that was perfectly fine but I'm gonna let this sit here until it starts really melting and I'll be right back do you want you guys to see how cute these little stars are as they melt and the three makes a good amount and they are I would think they're bigger they have more wax in those little circular pieces it seems like I'm just thinking this little movement just to get that going and you see this is not bubbling the other one started bubbling I think really crazy I mean it works it looks great but you'd be more careful with it I think these are just being a champ I cannot believe the way this thing burned so funny we're almost there doing a little bit of movement sorry I know this video super long hopefully you find some products you wanna go check out or just pick up super inexpensive maybe one or two little wax seals and some sticks and you're good to go and like I said some of the kits are you know six dollars eight dollars all the way up to in the 30s and 40s but you don't have to go that high let's sit here okay I'm gonna try this candle off okay all right guys let's pour out our wax and what I want to do is quickly just throw on like a little flower here a little flower there and another one here hope you set and then we're gonna take this guy and put it right down in the middle okay and again we'll wait until it hardens and I will be right back okay guys I'm sorry I got impatient just so wanted to see if it was ready and I touched it and I kind of smashed that down but sorry I should have just waited but let's see Oh so as you can see you smashed your little flowers in there I feel like it's still hot it's hot today so it's like this stuff is taking a minute to firm up i'ma leave that there for a second I was gonna show you some of the other to recall some of the other things that we made together and then I was like were they well I know where they are they're in that kit that I showed you I got from Hobby Lobby look there's my wax seals I have plenty of space to put those little wax guys in there the sticks are in there I even put the metallic pens in here so everything's together and these are the ones we made previously I think we have made a couple more that remember it will hear this so this is again these are made with the hot glue gun we just made this one this one was made with just a mix of the little round pieces and we just made the ones we just did well let me try and get this off of here yeah this stuff is interesting whoo okay here we go here we go there it is and like I said if you had cuter flowers I mean I couldn't find what I was looking for but if they had dimension but that's cute I mean it's just give me an idea she even had a little sprig coming out it would just it would be adorable but hopefully you guys understand kind of what I was trying to get out with that one but there they are keep an eye out for the next one where I will review the wax sticks with the wick and hopefully the Harry Potter design items okay thanks for watching and I'll see you the next one bye now [Music]
Channel: VianneyCreates
Views: 26,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: papercrafts, close to my heart, CTMH, nail art, VianneyCreates, aliexpress wax seals, aliexpress wax stamps, aliexpress stationery haul, how to do artistic wax seals, how to make artistic wax seals, aliexpress wax stamp review
Id: n8SN4q24Obg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 45sec (3045 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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