Tonic Studios Designer's Choice: "Bunnies & Blooms" Dies Set Review Tutorial! So Precious!

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hey everyone so recently i picked up the um designers choice from tonic studios the i think it's called bunnies and bloom and blooms a designer's choice really sweet one so uh if it's still available i'll have it linked in the description box that would be an affiliate link which means i'll make a small commission if you're purchased items those links so this came out um a few weeks ago i just picked it up on my own since i did not receive it for a review so i was like oh i gotta grab that so um i hauled it not too long ago uh and now i have a chance to play with it so i really love it i love like okay so on i mean it seems like two separate sets of dies right really you could just separate those out but they echo each other in a way so this one here has this outer um die so your shadow or outline die and then this guy cuz its own frame so although it's delicate and lacy and all that it's not an inlay it's just gonna do its own little frame that you can just lay over the top um oh i was going to say where's that kind of like uh this card where it has that outline and then i popped on that beautiful little layer look at that so pretty love it still just looking at it there um so that's what that does right it's its own thing and then we have this little scalloped oval and then that does its own thing because this is not an inlay it does it has its own cutting line so you can layer this over that on top of these things you know however you want to do it and then as has this inlay says happy easter with like a little ray of sunshine little butterfly really sweet really cute oh look at the little tulips down here i haven't noticed that um but it's not necessarily easter right so today i think the car i'm going to make is probably going to be geared toward not so much easter but i'm probably going to use the bunnies i don't know we'll see but um on this side uh we have this outer scalloped die that would just cut a mat just like this like this has a would be like a matte layer but you can also pair it with this guy and now you have this uh frame this really sweet frame that you can just pop on top so what i would do if i was gonna do something like that is i would cut this on a solid piece of paper and then pair these two together cut it from another paper and then put it on top of the solid one right or you just have a little frame like that on your card base all right but that's how i do it and then this inner one again it has that outer frame so you can cut this by itself and it would have a whole matte layer because the paper is still attached on the middle area and then this one is its own dye layer that has a straight edge with little stitching detail where this one has a straight edge but has little dots and these are the same size i believe so um they're mixing matchable that way okay so then this inlay says hopping in to say hi which i think is the one i'll use today but if you don't want to use this and use like the florals and stuff like that as far as like the easter or even the sentiment then don't use that you can just you know cut this out do your own stamping whatever it is you want your sentiment or die cut on top of that right so there's still tons of ways to layer this up and not necessarily have to be easter or even spring just a pretty lace frame or whatever and then out here we have these little flowers so we have little pointy flowers that are super cute and then this little guy is a little more stylized a little rounded little point there um it's another flower okay then it's this i don't know if there's a flower center or flower on its own but you can do whatever you like of course so whatever you want to do and then we have a little egg that has an inlay of like little dots so you can layer them up with these little cute eggs and this one has like little swirl kind of going on here and then a little tiny egg which is super cute and then we have a little butterfly and a rabbit that's facing one way kind of on four feet this one is kind of standing up a little bit facing the other direction and then they have these little areas that you can emboss into or ink into if that's what you like to do to give a little something so i'm gonna just grab some papers and we'll start layering up so i have a few ideas i don't know let me see um oh i have this piece of paper i was like i'll use cream color because i like the kind of spring and cream and pinks and stuff like that but then i thought well i got out this white wash paper pad uh distressed floral from hobby lobby and i really like this i just flipped open like literally you know however many pages in and i was like oh that's pretty i like that for a background you know um so let's say i went with this okay and it's kind of card stocky it has nice weight so i went to grab white paper because i thought okay distressed you know white you know that'll be good i do want to point out this is the white heavyweight extra heavyweight paper from hobby lobby and what's driving nuts around this time is that i don't know that it's even white let me show you like uh maybe you've seen this video already this is a white tag can you see how it's not white like this is a white card base it's like beige-y it's a little creamy and it's like what because every time i put this to with something white it just drives me nuts because like you can see the difference like big time and maybe it's not picking up on camera as well but you can see that maybe they're like it's creamy and then i went to look i was like maybe i'm grabbing the wrong paper but no the paper because i left the tag you know it's their white paper so i don't know kind of weird okay so i'm going to start off with this guy and i'll probably trim this down to four and an eighth by five and three eighths this is a standard a2 size card and that's what i like to do um of course i have my little um sorry this um die set from spellbinders and i have set a and b and just looking at it i probably should mark them but i know this is the b set because it starts with a smaller one slightly smaller than this outer die this outer die in the a precision set is gonna cut you four and a quarter by five and a half perfectly so i mean i could take like this guy and you know obviously you can just cut it down yourself but if i was take this guy it's gonna be the one that matt's just a little smaller but you can barely notice i mean you won't see that on here so i would just kind of line that up wherever it is that i want like right there and just run that through right quick and i'll have a perfect matte layer and i'm in the meantime also i think i really i want this to show this pretty paper right because if i use this whole background layer it's going to cover up a lot if i just did a color of paper with that so i think i'm going to cut this one out of that white paper and we'll see how that looks just with that little frame and then we'll go and layer up from there so i'm gonna cut this from the white paper for this one here i'll be back kind of funny now i think i remember there was a lady here that told me that she doesn't buy the hobby lobby black paper because it's not black or like deep dark black enough i suppose and it's funny because now i'm like oh this white paper is not white so that just reminded me of that actually because i was like oh okay you know that i didn't know she meant but i have a feeling which means maybe it looks a little dusty or whatever and now i'm having that same issue but with um the white paper so anyway i'm gonna pop all these things out oh look at that's like a butterfly oh that's so pretty okay so i'll clean that up and then we have our perfectly precisioned matte hair i'm going to be very careful with the glue that i glue the tape that i recycled and i'll be able to take a moment to clean this out but honestly if you want to leave those in there and just leave that texture you could totally do that just make sure to put glue all along the back so i'm really popping these out but like let's say you like that look um just leave them okay but for now i'll do what's normally intended which is to pop them out okay i'll be back okay so i'll bring this guy back yeah i mean it's just it's just not white that's all um and you know this is a little bit shabby chic if i wanted to do a little more distressing or whatever you can definitely do that and i think yeah see that way the paper just kind of pops and honestly i would love that just like that and then put some flowers and something else you know whatever it is but um let's think do we want the next one to be like this or is that too much going on maybe i will go with the flatter the little scallop okay so let's do that so i gotta think about what color i use for that and then they hopping in to say hi whoopsie so let's think i do like pinks you know me um okay let's use like a very very very soft pink if i can just enough on here if there's not enough paper here because i'm just grabbing my little scrap bin uh oh look at that that is like exactly on but okay i'll run that through and then um i'm gonna run this through again you know what out of gold let's do that to bring some gold in here and just make it really pop so um i'll grab a piece of probably not this one but some gold paper and when i do that i always tape these together so that they don't move your dies don't want them to move i'll just run them through the marquee right quick and i'll be right back okay oh my little scraps of stuff here and there oh lovely so just clean that out just a little bit i have a few little bits in there oh my gosh look how delicate that is hopping by to say hi i think i might back this with another color too so uh what i will do for that is um take this little guy and also run it through um just white i suppose some white paper actually i can even run through this little piece that came out of the center of the other one and i'll start putting some things together so i'm gonna glue those together and then i'll glue this let's see if i want to pop this up well okay let me just glue these together so i'll put glue on the very edge because it has a nice edge there and then wherever else i can and then put some glue in the back of my hand and just make sure to get that kind of pushed into the glue so those fine areas will have a little glue oh i don't know if i was in frame since i'm kind of closed up close up okay i'm going to hold that down for a minute uh when i come back i'm going to have glued this down because i just want to glue that down straight and this too because obviously it's very fine i'll just pat it on the back of my hand and glue that down okay and i'll just cut that down and i glued it in a way that's kind of straight up and down if you look at the oval sides but if you want to turn it you know whatever you like whatever angle you want to put that down really sweet again i don't do a lot of inking but this will be a nice one to ink up i'm just trying to see if i want that flat and then this popped up you know what maybe all flat because what i think i'm gonna do is just make our little bunnies in like silhouettes like black so if i had a little bunny right here and this little guy you know um and then just in silhouette colors which would be like i said just black i think it's gonna be very stark but i think it'll look nice um so yeah i think i'm just gonna glue these down straight then and maybe i'll even include the butterfly at the top we'll see i'll grab the butterfly one too and so there's that maybe i don't stick this down quite yet but again if you wanted you know to pop this up you'll have a little something i might so right now i haven't glued that down what i'm going to do is run all three of these guys through um some black paper and actually what i'm going to do is run it through the marquee and i want that embossing so what i'm going to do this is weird i know i'm just going to stick these guys together like this and i have this and i'm going to just real quick show you my thinking on this one since i'm using the marquee i have these guys on here and take a little piece of foam oh i actually have some black foam it doesn't matter but if you wanted to keep the black foam or whatever foam behind your characters to help give you some dimension you can definitely use foam that's the same color i'm using it right now just for the embossibility of it and i put that together like this and then we run it through and that foam helps push into the little embossed areas of our little creatures and you can also use the foam if you want i generally don't i generally just leave it there and next time around i can still use this piece of foam so that's how i do that but look at it hopefully you can see all the embossed features so cute okay i'm gonna go wash my hands and now if i wanted to bring it out look like i was saying since they're the same color and that gives you some dimension just glue them together and you have something that's more dimensional but that's not what i was going to do so i'm going to go wash my hand and i will be right back i'm editing another video right now actually the one for that flower that i showed you and um bummer i switched out the uh hd quality um whenever i did the reveals the soft wheels because those videos are so long i was like i had to bring it down so i did standard hd you know which is like 720 or whatever but i like 1080 because it gives you a higher resolution and i just realized i didn't change that setting so now i have another video going out and just standard which is fine still hd is just not like the most wonderful [Laughter] hd so yeah i'm still debating do i want to pop it up i guess i'll pop it up okay so i'm gonna put a little bit of dimensional adhesive on this and sometimes when something larger like that i'll just do this kind of thing even though foam taped for me is really reserved for shakers oh you can definitely make shakers out of this now that i think about it um great set for that uh let's see here yeah for sure how cute just kind of looking at the different pieces the options they have on there um okay oh i love the words on this paper but we're going to cover it just a little bit there's that and then this guy of course since it's a butterfly i'm going to flex its wings a little bit and only glue it down the center or down this area something like that hopping by to say hi and i'm trying to debate how many bunnies are what i'm doing with these little guys oh like this is like the way he's kind of like reaching up huh so cute i don't know if i want to put them back here or just bring them up here let me see about my placement where i want to put them and i'll be right back and then this guy i'm just going to put him straight down he's trying to peek in there that's so funny and then this one i'm just going to put dimensional adhesive on him and generally i put another little piece behind his head let me see if i can this adhesive is thinner than like this foam roll that i used earlier so lots of different layers or levels on this card which is nice so cute and there it is just a sweet card again more springy than anything but you have that hopping by to say hi and we have our little silhouettes with that stark black i really like the pop of that color and then all that sweet uh white wash kind of background so all right guys thanks for watching i'll have the link in the description box i'll have some images coming up and i will see you guys um at the next one bye now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: VianneyCreates
Views: 1,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: papercrafts, nail art, VianneyCreates
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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