Aliens Mission 2 Part 1 Escape

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greetings i'm berent and welcome to meet me at the table today we're going to be continuing our playthrough of aliens another glorious day in the court we are entering the reactor room this is like the key pivotal moment in the aliens game that i'm just excited to get to not to mention it's one of my favorite parts of the entire movie so we're going to go ahead and see the mission set up for this one we're going to look at our characters and then we're going to go ahead and delve right into this mission now in this mission we're going to try to rescue the people that have gone in here these poor colonial marines have basically been sent in by gorman who doesn't have a clue as to what's going on ripley's telling him to get out of there things go out of control nothing's what they're expecting and the next thing you know the apc comes crashing through the wall and we have to get our marines safely back to this apc and out of here before the aliens take them out now of course the movie it didn't go the greatest for him hopefully we can do a little bit better at least that's our plan and if you're excited to see if our characters can do that then i need you to meet me at the table [Music] the sound of your voice is still keeping me awake let's rock the last time you will [Music] this second mission is called escape so like i said we have to get our marines out of the reactor room before more of them die let's go ahead and read through all the different parts of this mission so that we know what we're facing our mission goal of course is to win and to win this mission the trap marines must get back to the apc and exit the board at the extraction point the extraction models can exit the board at the extraction point at any time now there is a computer token this token indicates a computer that characters can interact with on the board and just like our previous mission a character any space next to the computer token may take an interact action perform a tech test if they pass they may look at any one face down blip token there of course is a failure action it says game over man the mission ends in failure if all the trapped marines are killed or captured once all surviving characters move on to the exit token the mission ends if at least one of the trap marines exited the game board the mission is successful otherwise the mission ends in failure similar to their last mission we have a motion tracker deck and we're going to shuffle three random threat level one and three level threat two cards together and set those six cards aside for the moment then we're gonna shuffle the rest of the motion tracker deck together and we're gonna place those six cards back on top so it's very similar we did the first one but there's less easier cards on top then of course drawing motion tracker cards we're not going to start that until turn two now in the last one we at least had three turns the campaign notes are pretty much exactly the same as our first mission if you succeed in the mission you can continue the next mission however depending on how things went in this game you might have fewer resources to work with follow the instructions below prepare for the next mission so we're going to go through those once we succeed with this mission you like how i said once we succeed i guess i don't plan on failing that's for sure there is one additional rule for the mission escape it says normally a character must immediately stop its move action if it enters a space next to an alien model or a blip token however in this mission you can move past alien models as soon as a character enters a space next to an alien model and wishes to continue moving roll a marine die on the result of 6 or lower the character may pass by unharmed and complete the rest of its movement otherwise the character stops and loses all further actions this activation you only need to make the roll once per movement action no matter how many alien models you are moving past during this action so if at least you roll it once you can run by as many as you want which is actually not a bad strategy we'll see if we put this to use during our game now at this point i have panned out quite a bit because i just wanted to show you the characters really fast because a lot of it hasn't changed i did make a few modifications hicks is exactly the same as he was vasquez is a little bit different i took her arc welder off i don't think she's gonna be using it while they're in the reactor room i've kept hudson the same except i did give him some grenades frost is exactly the same i switched up gorman's main weapon he no longer carries his pulse rifle because he only has a four aim dial that pistol is actually pretty good for him it actually says as a backup weapon this weapon always hits on a roll of three or less so after he makes his first action attack action he's already at a three and if you have to go any lower than that with a pulse rifle it'd be even harder to hit so instead i can go ahead and always hit with less than three with this weapon also it says after you take an attack action with this weapon you may exhaust a card to make a second attack with this weapon so unlike full auto it can at least do it i guess you could say kind of a burst attack and then other than that the only other things we have is ripley ripley has taken the arc welders up here because she might use that and newt doesn't have anything though if we wanted to newt does have two spaces for equipment if we want to equip them on there but remember the more cards we equip on our characters the less we have in that endurance deck and if that goes out into the discard pile the entire endurance deck and exhaust pile we lose the game so i don't want that to happen so again there are spots on these guys where i probably could put something but decide against it i guess there is one other thing i want to say i did give two flares to gorman he has two of those flares in case we need to manipulate that deck the flare actually worked out pretty good so we're going to go ahead and keep two of them on him now i do want to explain the board a little bit this is the reactor room these are all our spawn locations for our aliens when they come in as blips from the motion tracker cards we also have our apc up here there is a computer token right here that computer token is the one that allows us to look at blips on the map now we're gonna go ahead and set up our characters and our characters are set up very interestingly we're gonna be putting the marines here but over here newt ripley and gorman they're actually in the apc along with burke but he's not in this campaign as a character they're actually in the apc all the marines are over here so we're going to set our marines over here and then newt gorman and ripley are going to be placed in there also we're going to place random blips right in this area here these are the ones that hicks and hudson were seeing on the motion tracker but they didn't know where anything was and of course here's the stairwell in the movie again if you haven't seen aliens stop this right now go watch it right now it's a fantastic movie and i'm going to say it in every video this is where a lot of action happened right at the beginning and then things really started heating up and now they have to get out so there's a little air shaft here or stairwell which is pretty cool that they actually have our marines starting right next to that stairwell the action really started in the movie so let's go ahead and set our map up very much well actually exactly like it is on our mission sheet we do have ripley gorman and newt we're gonna go ahead and set them here gorman is watching all their vitals and everything that's going on on this view screen here ripley is pretty much right next to him telling him hey you gotta pull your team out but he's not listening actually they've got to move him over here sorry i had them over one square too far you got to pull your team out but he's not pulling them out fast enough and now they've figured out that they're going to retreat so worse and see if they can make it and we have newt here of course she was actually hiding in a little cubby hole the whole time on the apc and as you can tell she's as close as you could possibly get that exit square without actually standing on it which is pretty awesome now in first turn i could just walk her right off if i want to but she could do some actions for us so i am going to keep her out for quite a while now of course we do have our four marines we only have four this is gonna be pretty tough and that's all you're ever gonna get in this scenario it's sad that three of them start up there but you only ever get a group of six whenever you play the game no matter what of course the expansions do have the ability to add eight people but that's only for certain scenarios not for the main campaign we're going to go ahead and place our characters i'm going to place vasquez i think i'm going to place her right here i think that's where i can place her no i have to place it within three squares of this one two three so to place her right there bass cast is going to go right there i'm going to throw hicks i think right next to her and then we're going to put oh no i actually put hicks behind i'm going to put hudson behind him and i'm going to put our flame thrown up here as well just in case some aliens get pretty close he can flame them so there our marines are all set up we have our characters in the apc i did have to move this over one i had it placed incorrectly and i think we're going to be all set to go all we have to do is place our blip tokens so i'm going to randomly grab some blips from our blip pool and place them out here i'm going to place one here one here then we're continue placing our blips we're going to place one i think right there and we're going to place some right behind this wall over here i'm going to go ahead and check this as soon as i get these all placed all right there we are i did pretty good i actually only misplaced one i misplaced this flip that blip goes right there all right our blips are out our characters are placed and we are ready to start our mission and of course we are going to start on turn one and hicks is going to go ahead and grab the token and decide who he wants to go first now of course we can't get too ahead of ourselves before we move into our first turn i do have to create a motion tracker deck so i've taken three of the level ones and three of the level twos and we're gonna shuffle those together and then we're gonna place them right on top of this other deck here that i've already shuffled up so let's go ahead and give these a quick little truffle shuffle here and put them right out on top of that deck and they're all set to go now we're going to go ahead and take our first turn hicks is going to go ahead and pass this over to vasquez i've got a plan we'll see if it's any good the first thing she's going to do is on activation she's going to reveal a card and see what happens of course she first gets to set her aim dial but it already starts at 8 because of the first turn so we're going to go ahead and reveal a card we have found a weapon oh my gosh that's perfect we get to go ahead and take an aim action which means we get to move our aim dial up one and since we revealed this card we're going to put it back underneath the endurance deck underneath that reshuffle card because all we do is reveal it we're not exhausting or anything we're just revealing that card with vasquez's first action she's gonna go ahead and move one two three four right to here and as she gets that location she's going to be able to see some of these blips so let's go ahead and take a look and see what she can see remember line of sight is from any part of your square can touch any part of the other two squares and i think she's able to see both of these squares yeah she can see both of them just from that corner and that's fantastic now blips and aliens do not block line of sight when it comes to seeing or shooting or anything like that so in in essence i could take out this token if this alien group if i wanted to firing straight through that one but we're going gonna go ahead and just reveal what we see first we have found one alien right there and our second one is oh wow look at that two one aliens right off the bat wow i can't get any luckier than that that was pretty awesome sadly i was planning to mow down a whole bunch of aliens with that smart gun but that's okay two is better than none i'll take it so we're gonna go ahead and put these back into our blip pool and then we're gonna go ahead and see if we can take these aliens out with that smart gun now the smart gun of course itself has to exhaust three cards when you take the attack action with this weapon now of course vasquez doesn't have to do that her special passive power allows her to only have to exhaust two cards from the endurance deck instead of three so we're gonna go ahead put those in the exhaust pile now of course this weapon is allowing us to roll two dice and you get to discard the highest results i can't also equip a backup weapon with her which is why i don't have one but that's okay we're gonna go ahead take our two dice and see how we do now normally i roll like in a dice train or anything but this game only has a couple dicey rolls every once in a while so i'm just going to go ahead and roll them right here we were able to take out the first alien and this gun does have full auto which says that i can exhaust another card to take another shoot action if i want to another attack action now before i do that i do have to take her dial down to eight so now she has to get an eight or less in order to take out one of these aliens let's see how she does she got a five and a five i can discard the highest either both the same and we're gonna go ahead and take out our second alien that was a really good turn she took out two alien blip swarms already before anything really happened to our guys that's the end of her activation we've exhausted three cards but that's okay that's what they're there for she now gets to activate another marine she's going to go ahead and activate frost because she's only a private she only gets to activate one grunt one two three oh i have to go one two three four and then one two she's he's gonna go ahead and move up to there that's gonna be where he is because of course now i think he can see this blip token right here yes he can so do i really wanna do that when i do this blip token is gonna turn an alien group and it's gonna move six one two three four one two three four five right up to us so maybe it's not wise to see that blip token yet but we have to get moving we have to get moving so we're just gonna go ahead and do it he's gonna go ahead and reveal the blip token come on be a one oh it's a three all right so we're gonna have a lot of aliens coming at us but that's okay i'm gonna go ahead and place them down right where that blip token was we're gonna put them right here of course i've put two tokens and then put an alien on top to symbolize the alien swarm that is standing right here that's the end of vasquez's activation we're now going to move over to kicks moving the token over to hicks now of course if you're playing more than one player game or two players even this would be passed to the left sadly since i'm playing two players the left doesn't really matter it's always going to go back and forth between these two characters but we're going to go ahead on activation you may draw an endurance card and you bet we're going to draw an endurance card because it works with his passive power let's see we have found we have found or hopefully something else just deal with it because she's sick of hudson goes pull up a map or something discard a card from the top of the endurance deck to shuffle a hazard card on a character into the exhaust pile oh wow that's really good okay hazard cards are absolutely terrible and we don't want to deal with them so we're going to go ahead and keep that card hicks is going to go ahead and perform his actions he gets two we're going to go ahead and move him one two three four and then he's going to move again one two three to right here i sadly can't shoot the alien because only have two actions which is sad news but that's okay we're going to go ahead and activate two grunts we're going to start with hudson one two three four one two three he's going to move over to right here i have a plan it's probably pretty terrible but i still have a plan and just to be on the safe side i don't think he's able to see any blips now they're way behind this wall he's not going to see any of those blips now if you notice this map actually doesn't have too many things that protrude around it so it's pretty easy to navigate this map compared to the first one with the protruding walls that we that you need to make sure you can't walk diagonally through and this one we can move diagonally because this is a solid line right there so we wanted to we could come across this line all right that's the first two or he moved his first marine and or grunt i should say i'm sorry we're going to go ahead okay this guy's got to stand on here better come on stand there there we go we're going to go ahead and activate our second grunt the first ground he's going to activate or the second one i should say is going to be newt but before we do that we do have to take vast gas's tactile and move it down to seven i have to remember to do that that's one of the things that could be easily forgotten this game is when you take an attack action to forget to move your aim dial so that's one thing i have to keep on remembering about my to doing and also the other thing is exhausting the right amount of cards when you make attack actions another one i have to work on those are two of the hardest mechanics to kind of keep on remembering over and over as you get into the fray of this and the fun of this so i'm going to go ahead and use newt she is going to do a rest action now if a hero character takes a rest action i can draw up to two cards and then i can recycle up to three cards now those are two cards from the endurance deck you draw and then you can recycle up to three cards now if a grunt character takes a rest action they recycle three cards from the exhaust pile but do not draw cards remember grunts are not able to actually have cards in their hand now we only have three cards in our exhaust pile so we're going to go ahead and recycle all three of those cards that's a great way to keep this endurance deck from running out so that's her first action sadly for her second action again i don't really have anything i think she's going to do i think she's going to wait right there gorman on the other hand since there are no cards in the exhaust deck to go ahead and recycle he's not going to take a rest action he is going to use this computer and he's going to go ahead and do a tech test to see if he can see some of these awesome we call him blips so we're going to go ahead and look at him he's got a 5 tech i'm going to do this twice so i'm just going to go ahead and roll these two dice i should do them one at a time but for recording purposes i'm just gonna do all of it right here and then we'll go check out the blips for every one i get i got well i got none so we're not gonna check out any of them two sevens all right ripley is gonna do a move action up to this computer and then she's gonna go ahead and do a tech test as well her tech is also five so we're gonna go ahead and roll she at least got one so apparently she can see what's going on in the screen but you know that kind of makes sense gorman has no idea what's going on he's pretty much just a bowl of jelly right now trying to figure out what's going on inside the reactor room and what's going on with his marines but ripley knows what's going on and she's going to go ahead and take a look at a blip now which one of these blips should i look at i'm going to go ahead and look at this blip right here oh wow we got to prepare for that alright that's five aliens oh my gosh i don't even know what these are yet but we're already dealing with five now that marines are done we're going to go ahead and activate our alien phase so first we're going to activate aliens we only have one out there but of course it is a group of three and it's going to move towards the closest marine one two three four and then it's gonna stop right there as soon as it gets to him right in front of hudson now that this alien has landed in front of hudson i am allowed to make a defensive fire action this allows all characters that are up to four space in and within line of sight of the alien i can go ahead and shoot with defensive fire starting with the character closest to the alien which is going to be hudson we're going to go ahead and start taking normal attack actions against these aliens now of course i still have to exhaust the cards and i also have to go ahead and move their aim dial so since it's landing in front of hudson hudson is going to go ahead and take his first attack he's got his m41a pulse rifle so i exhaust a card when you take an attack action with this weapon so we're going to go ahead exhaust our top card from our endurance deck and we're going to go ahead and roll a die his aim die is at dial sorry is at six so we're gonna roll it up i need a six or left wow a ten all right so he has failed so he did not hit this alien that's terrible oh come on if we don't get this alien out of here i guess hudson might be he might meet his fate here the next person i'm gonna have go is gonna be hicks hicks is also able to see within line of sight and he can go ahead and make an attack action because he can attack from right there to there so we're going to go ahead and do that now frost of course is not able to make in a defensive fire but that's okay because we look at the flamethrower his flamethrower is actually cumbersome which means he cannot use this for defensive fire of course he did have his pistol in his back up but i really thought hopefully these three people can take this this alien out or else we're in big trouble now i do have to take down hudson's dial to fives because in case someone killed these and some more up here which i don't think is going to happen to get us i still have to do that we're going to go ahead and attack with hudson hut or hicks sorry hicks has his m41a pulse rifle he is also going to go ahead and take an attack action with this so he's got an aim dial of seven we're gonna exhaust a card and we're gonna roll our die and see how we do against this alien oh my gosh another ten oh that's amazing all right so we again have failed to hit this alien oh my gosh these dice are like totally against me all right this is absolutely amazing we're gonna go ahead and put this down to a six and then we're gonna go ahead we have one person left and that's vasquez vasquez is gonna also go ahead and use her smart gun now i have to exhaust two cards when i attack with the smart gun in a defensive fire and she at least gets to roll two dice and she needs a seven or lower in order to hit one of these aliens and she got a six or a two so i can remove the highest die she's going to go ahead and take out one of the aliens from the swarm at this point i can continue firing at this the defensive fire is firing an attack action which this gun has full auto so it's going to go down to a six i'm gonna go ahead and exhaust another card to activate my full auto roll two dice with my smart gun i got a star and a nine we're definitely getting rid of nine and we're gonna go ahead and remove this alien token from the board i'm gonna continue with my full auto by dropping our dial down to five okay come on bass guys let's take them all out exhaust a card and see what we do we are able to no we did not take him out he got an eight and a seven she has finished her actions that's it so we're gonna drop her dial down to four and at this point now the alien gets to make an attack so at this point we are going to roll our marine die and go against hudson's defense value of five so he's got a defensive fine space for only five or lower on this die and if it's any indication of how he just shot the gun i'm kind of worried oh he got a one so he not only defensively rolled he was able to dodge out of the way of the alien now if the result is actually equal to or less than my melee skill i'm actually able to kill the alien so somehow i managed to dodge out of the way and i must have stuck my pulse rifle right in his mouth and got him so we actually killed the alien even though it was coming at us oh wow way to make up for your failed attack hudson that was an amazing defensive roll now if we had not killed any of those aliens and that was still a group of three i would have had to add three to that that defense role bring it to a force of course that melee wouldn't have happened but even if we would have been able to melee that group of aliens you still would only take the one of the tokens off you wouldn't remove the whole group every time you actually hit an alien just kind of remove one of those that's the way i think about it so he had he did phenomenal we're going to go ahead now and move our blips now all these blips are on this tile over here so i'm only going to roll one alien die and we're going to move all the blips with that alien die so let's see how this goes we're moving them one square oh i want them to move way farther than that all right so this one moves one one and this one just kind of stays there because you can't move past them it's kind of they're kind of stuck maybe i can move a little bit better than that i can move this guy down here this guy right here and this guy over one well that's not going to be fair all right we're just going to keep it like that and now i mixed them all up i mixed up all the tokens all right we're just going to keep it like that we're good all right but i don't know if this one should have moved down here because of course they do try to get to the closest marine so one should have just moved up the other one should have moved over or down and that should have been about it but we're gonna leave it like that for now since i have no idea which one even the five is so i'm glad to look at the blips oh that's awesome all right those blips have moved they're done totally wish they would have moved a lot farther than that but they did not they have failed me thank you very much blips we're now going to go ahead and move into drawing our motion tracker cards remember we don't do that until the end of turn two we're then going to go ahead and resolve any finished effects we don't have any we are not victorious but good news we're not dead yet and we're going to go ahead and do our cleanup which really means we're just going to go ahead and move our dial to turn two which means now at the end of this turn we will be drawing those motion tracker cards wow which could be pretty bad moving to the beginning of our turn hicks is actually going to keep the token this time he is going to go first he's going to first go ahead and reset his aim dial to seven then he may choose to draw an endurance card and he is going to draw an endurance card he has found go to sleep and don't dream that sounds like a plan especially in this movie recycle up to six cards from the exhaust pile recycle up to one card from the discard pile draw up to two endurance cards oh my goodness this is an amazing card these cards are all really good all right we're gonna go ahead and keep both those cards and we're gonna move into our actions now he does get two for his first action hicks is going to move four spaces he's gonna move one two three four to right here i think that's gonna be his plan nope i think he's actually gonna stop right here i've got a really good idea it might not be the greatest idea but it might be a good idea we're going to see now of course he does have line of sight to both of these blip tokens we're going to go ahead and see what these are it's a 2 and one of these is supposed to be a 5. there's our five i knew it was somewhere i couldn't remember exactly where it was gonna be one two three four of these are gonna go here and we're gonna put one of these right here and then we're gonna go ahead and place our alien models on top of those they are ready to go ahead and eat us that's going to be fun now i am going to go with my second action and we're going to make an attack i'm going to make an attack action with my m41a pulse rifle i can exhaust a card and take an action with this weapon now of course he does have a passive power where i could go ahead and discard a card to go ahead and let him reroll his die once per turn i could have done that back here on this defensive roll since i hadn't actually done anything and i'm also going to realize now that i should move hicks and not hudson one two three four to right there all right now it's actually hicks not hudson maybe i should just read the bottom of their bases okay there he is and he's gonna go ahead and take a shot with his full auto m41a pulse rifle by exhausting one card and making an attack roll he needs a seven or less and he got a two we're going to go ahead and start taking out this giant swarm that's going to be our plan so i'm going to go ahead and remove one token from it this is full auto so i'm going to go ahead and make another attack dropping my aim dial to six exhausting yet another card and see if we were able to hit it i need a six or less this time i got a four so say we'll take out yet another token remove that one from the board as well then we're gonna drop this to five continue our full auto attack i don't see why not exhaust another card and see how this goes we're gonna go ahead and roll the die we got a nine okay so we missed now i could choose if i wanted to to discard a card to go ahead and reroll my dive but i'm not going to i think we're doing okay we were able to kill two with that pulse rifle which is pretty good it's better than any of the other pulse rifles in the reactor room because nobody had access to a pulse surface drill but that's okay we're gonna go ahead and put this back they actually stole all the armor all that actually frost was carrying all the magazines we do have to take this down one more time that's the one thing i have to remember to do usually i forget about the last attack action that i fail on i forget to move the dial he has finished one of his moves he has finished his activations he gets to activate two grunts the first grunt he is going to activate is frost frost is going to come one two three four to right here and he's going to knock down vass gas on the line and he's going to go ahead now with his second action and activate the flamethrower and i would like to discuss this flamethrower there's a lot going on on this card and i want to make sure you understand how this works it says exhaust two cards to make an attack with this weapon choose a space that is two spaces away from your character and in line of sight it's a space not a a character if i was here i could choose to attack this space if i want to i don't have to attack a model on a space it says a space then it says i'm gonna and of course this space has to be two spaces from your character and in line of sight i'm gonna roll a die for each model and token in that space and within one space of it this is going to probably be changed to and all adjacent spaces because one space of it kind of made it feel like you only get to shoot one other space to some people including myself this weapon always hits on a roll of seven or less this weapon is really really good so we're gonna of course but you only fire it two squares away so you have to get close to these aliens to do it and if things go bad that could be really bad he's going to go ahead and fire down with his second attack and he's gonna need a seven or less to we're gonna start here at this space is where he's gonna target which means he'll be able to hit this space and the blip behind it and from what i understand you're gonna go ahead and reveal that blip if you're hitting it because you have to know how many aliens are there now on top of that i do want to mention one more thing if i had moved hudson down to here or sorry hicks he had been down to here and i would have chose this space he would have been hit i mean he is within he would have been all adjacent spaces so he would be actually attacked by the flame unit which would be pretty bad so i don't think i'm ever going to put a person next to that so we're going to go ahead and roll our dice he gets to roll a ton of dice and he making an attack action i have to go ahead and exhaust two cards so we're going to exhaust our two cards and on top of that i do have to move his aim dial down from five to four because it's still an attack action meaning i do have to lower my dial now let's go ahead and pick up our dice and see how we do we're gonna attack this one first there are two aliens there i'm just gonna roll both dice and hope for a seven oh we only got one of them that's no good all right so there's one alien left there then we're going to go ahead and attack this swarm because it is adjacent to the space that i chose and i've got a seven and eight oh no i'm not doing good at all we only got one of these guys we get to roll one more time to see if we kill that last alien in the swarm it's always a seven or less so let's see we got a seven wow i can't believe how high these days are rolling all right now i do get to reveal this blip from what i understand to be able to hit it because it is adjacent to that space we have found another two aliens so we're gonna go ahead and place them on the board i hopefully i'm not gonna be having them there very long hopefully they're gonna be incinerated by our flame unit let's go ahead and roll two dice and see if we can get a seven or less for these as well we got a four and a six we were able to destroy that entire swarm so we're gonna get rid of it oh the flamethrower is awesome all right but of course look at him he's now in harm's way both these can come and attack him and on top of that he doesn't have any way to do a defensive fire with this flamethrower all he has is a pistol so there is some drawback to this weapon if you're not able to take everything out that flamethrower it can be bad news city for you but that's okay with activating my second grunt i'm gonna go ahead and activate hudson one two three four to right here and he's gonna go ahead and use his m41a pulse rifle as well and he's gonna go ahead and take his dial which is at six right now and he's going to exhaust a card and make an attack action so he's gonna roll up one die he needs a six or less in order to hit he got a four so he was able to take out let's take out this one i should have probably said who has firing up before i fired we're gonna go ahead take this down to five this is a full auto weapon i'm gonna go ahead and exhaust yet another card to take another shot with this pulse rifle you need a five or less oh we got a six that's terrible all right sadly he has missed that's the end of his actions he's gonna go ahead and take this down to four and we're gonna go ahead and move into vasquez's turn because we have activated both of our grunts and we have activated hicks but i don't think that was too bad look we took out a whole bunch more blips fastcast is going to go ahead and take the token she's going to go ahead and reset her aim dial back up to eight and we're going to go ahead and reveal a card from our endurance deck and see what we get we have got a piece of equipment which means we are going to be able to recycle a card and draw a card so we're going to go ahead and put this underneath and do some cards we're going to go ahead and put our revealed card back on the bottom of the endurance deck we're then going to go ahead and recycle a card from the exhaust deck and we're going to go ahead and draw a card we have found we found a pistol all right sadly i wish when i got on the reverse order i would have liked having the aim dial but that's okay we're going to go ahead and put this in her hand we're going to go ahead and activate her she gets two actions she's going to move one two three let's here one two three right here then she's gonna move one two three to right here and she's gonna try to run past that alien remember according to this mission scenario i can roll a die and if i'm able to get a six or lower on my marine die i can actually run past these aliens i got a one so i can go ahead and run past him i know it's not too far i've only moved right here but it's a little bit farther than where she was so she was able to move one two three and then one two three four to right there those are both for actions we now get to move on to our grunt that she can control and our grunt is actually just going to go ahead and rest twice one two three four five six we're going to go ahead and recycle one two three four five six cards right back into our endurance deck which is awesome all right that's the way to keep those out of this card pile we now get to activate our last two grunts and corporal hicks gets to do it because he is the ranking officer and he's going to go ahead and start with newt i should have actually said that ripley was the one doing that one and the newt is going to also take two rest actions she's going to go ahead and recycle the last set of our endurance cards back in to our endurance deck or sorry exhaust into endurance there we go our deck is actually fully back to full power again which is pretty awesome but of course i'm going to be starting to draw blip cards pretty soon and some of them can even go attack that apc which would not be any good we are now going to move into our alien phase so our aliens are gonna go ahead and activate now that's the only one there and it's not a swarm or anything it's just by itself and before it does and actually i have failed miserably i am a terrible person normally you get to make your defensive fire but i moved vasquez right next to him which was actually a really really bad move on my part i totally failed to do that this was a totally bad move you don't get defensive fire if you're actually next to the alien when it activates that's just how it works so this was a bonehead move i'm going to go ahead and roll up our die we're going to go ahead and look at her melee or her defense value which is a 4 but she doesn't have a 2 melee value so there's a chance we'll see how this goes we're going to roll it up and we got a 7. so we have failed our defense roll now bass gas does have body armor if you fail a defense rule reveal a card so we're gonna go ahead and reveal our card we have found an event so if we look at our body armor it says an event we get to re-roll our defense die and we don't have to exhaust this that would have only been if we actually got a weapon card so we get to do re-roll this die come on we need a good number okay let's roll so we can actually see it oh no we got a six we failed again so that means vasquez is going to be knocked down and if she is not brought back up by any other means she's going to stand up at the beginning of the alien phase unless there's an alien next to her if it's the alien's turn and she is downed next to an alien she's going to get carried away now at any time if i would actually roll a 10 with this die or with any number of additions to it that character would have been flat out dead now i do get to keep the body armor sadly it just didn't help me for this one and we revealed this card so we're going to put this back underneath our endurance deck and continue on that was a terrible terrible terrible strategy but my fault totally my fault i was just so anxious to get towards that abc i totally forgot that i don't get to take defensive fire when you actually start next to an alien all right we're gonna move into our drawing motion tracker cards because there are no blips on the board now i could have manipulated this motion tracker deck but this motion tracker deck is rigged with six two three level twos and three level ones and i feel being able to draw those first would probably be a better plan than putting even some of those on the bottom and putting up even harder cards up there we're now going to go ahead and reveal these cards and in a two-player game each character is going to reveal two cards so i'm going to go ahead and take the top two three four and reveal them one at a time the first one is alien drones starting in number one player must either discard one barricade in play or place a second blip at spawn one if there are no barricades in play the players must place this the extra blip okay another critical error on my part sigourney weaver ripley maybe should have barricaded the apc and i would have been okay with this card that was another blunder on my part all right learn and learn and learning all right next one is inside the perimeter place a tunnel token in the square that is within line of sight of the next and next to this character reveal a card place one blip on the tunnel token place two blips on the every tunnel token all right that's terrible maybe i should manipulate this deck this is all really bad stuff alien assault if the spawn point already has a blip or alien model this flip moves forward four spaces towards the nearest marine all right and last but not least come on something oh my gosh they're all aliens here they all come well what do you expect i'm in them i'm in the nest it says if the blip is not placed in the spawn point within line of sight of a character it immediately moves four spaces so we're gonna go resolve these in the order that they were drawn our first one is our alien drones card i don't have any barricades in play which is a blunder on my part so i'm gonna go ahead and place one blip here and one blip here in number one that takes care of that card the next card drawn is there inside the perimeter place a tunnel token a square that is within line of sight and next to this character now which character is it that's a great question i should have actually been saying which character is drawing which cards because of course when you're playing with other players each character player is going to draw their own cards but since you're playing solo you have to remember which characters are actually drawing these cards because they can affect you so instead what i'm going to do is i'm going to roll a die to see who drew this card even it's hicks odd it's vasquez let's see what happens here even it's hicks so we're going to go ahead and take a tunnel token and we're going to place this adjacent to him in other words they've come up right next to him very similar way hudson met his end in the actual movie inside the was it the med lab or whatever all right we're going to go ahead now and reveal a card all right i actually was in operations is where it was all right we're actually trying to get to medical it says building better worlds don't care about that all i care about is that it is an event so we're going to go ahead and put this on the bottom of our card because we are just revealing a card putting at the bottom of the endurance deck we're going to place one blip on that tunnel so we're gonna go ahead and put it right here it can now see everybody so it's gonna go ahead and reveal itself oh good it's only one alien all right that's awesome oh so worried another five popper would come out there that'd be terrible all right we're gonna put that one right there that's the end of this card our next two cards are alien assault if this spawn point already has a blip move the blip but it does not we're gonna go ahead and place the blip right there now the last one is going to be our alien lurker card if this blip is not placed in a spawn point within line of sight of a character it immediately moves four spaces so we're going to place our blip right here and it is going to move four spaces towards a character now you have to remember these characters have a long way to go around so it's actually gonna go straight at this apc which is absolutely terrible one two three four this is the one thing i was hoping wouldn't happen because i really don't know if i equipped these people up here well enough i don't think i did and that's probably going to be real bad for them i'm going to have to maybe barricade this door and hope for the best with baskets being down hicks is going to go ahead and of course take the first token i've got a plan we're going to go ahead he has his aim dial set to 7 and we're going to continue on he could draw a card if he wants i'm choosing not to draw an endurance card i've got a better plan with these endurance cards they might be if i start using these to actually reroll my dice i'll draw more of them but there are also some really bad cards in that deck so drawing all the time sometimes might not be the best plan we are going to be moving into turn three i should also have mentioned that so there we are now of course this turned out only is really just telling me the turn now after we have started drawing our motion tracker cards there's nothing else to turn dial is doing during this mission hicks is now of course gonna have to probably take out this alien that popped up behind him he does have an aim dial seven and he's got his m41a pulse rifle so he's gonna go ahead and take a shot with this he's gonna go ahead and exhaust one card to see if he can take this alien out we're gonna go ahead and roll our die we need a seven or less and we got a six so he took out the alien that's awesome that's his first action his second action he's gonna move one two three let's here one two sorry he's moved one two and now he's going to try to run past this alien if he's not able to this could be a real short trip all right he did it so he goes one two three four i can move through marines i just can't end my activation on them he's gonna put his aim dial to six and that was a fantastic turn for hicks i'm real proud of him good work hicks now he can activate two grunts the first grunt he's gonna activate is ripley ripley is going to play her motion or medical scanner it's going to cost zero cards to play action exhausts this card to stand up a knocked down character so we're going to put this into the exhaust pile and i'm going to stand up and knock down character because that was a bonehead move on my part i totally screwed that up that's her first action her second action she's going to move back down adjacent to this door we might have to barricade that door because his blip is coming the second marine that he is going to activate is going to be hudson hudson's going to go ahead and he's going to try to take out that alien he's got a aim dial of 5 and is also carrying a pulse rifle so we're going to go ahead and exhaust one card to make our attack now of course picks being up here couldn't use his full auto because he can't fire through friendly and friendly figures we're going to go ahead and see if he takes him out he's got an aim dial 6. i'm sorry i forgot to reset that and let's see how he does well got a 10. didn't matter totally missed all right he's also going to try to attempt to run past this alien one and he's going to go ahead and roll his diet into six or less he made it two three four down a little bit off screen so he's gone a little bit farther now it's going to go ahead and move into vasquez's turn who's actually up thanks to ripley oh what a great turn that was for us in a way which would have got that guy dead too last guesses aim dallas reset to eight she's gonna go ahead and reveal a card and see what she got she has gotten just an event which means i'm going to recycle a card and draw a card so the one that we were able to show is going to go right there the revealed card then we're going to go ahead and we're going to recycle a card by putting it underneath then we're going to go ahead and draw a card and we have found just a pulse rifle again i wish they would have gone in the other order while that's hilarious bass gas is going to use her m56 smart gun first here she's gonna exhaust not one but two cards to fire this weapon and she's gonna roll two dice and hope that she hits she needs to get an eight or better that is where her aim dial is at she got a seven and two she has destroyed this alien now of course the aliens do have acid for blood but talking to the creator he did mention that they tried to work with elizabeth acid rules but it just didn't work out the best they were did so how they did it they kind of incorporated them into that defensive role that we make now the expansion does have rules for acid for blood just so you are aware that they did take that into effect when they created the game also we're gonna go ahead and do our second action and that's gonna be move one two three four there we are we're right there now we're going to go ahead and activate two of our marines the first one to do is frost one two three four and one two three four i'm gonna go right there just in case something spawns in this area right here i want to make sure basscast can shoot it without actually hitting frost all right yes she can perfect all right we're now going to go ahead and activate the grunts that we didn't do during this turn now the only two left are gorman and newt we do have four unexhaus cards in our exhaust pile i'm gonna have newt take two rest actions she's gonna go ahead and put those back under the endurance deck recycle those two cards gorman is going to use his flare i think after seeing what happened last time it is time to start using some of these things that can help us you may discard this card to look at the top four cards in the motion tracker deck you may place one of those cards on the bottom of the motion tracker deck place the rest of the carts back on top of the motion tracker deck in any order so we're going to go ahead and look at the top four one two three four and see what we have found and then our flare is going to decide what we can keep and what we don't overwhelming horde guess which one we're not keeping each character in line of sight of one more aliens just yeah that one's terrible alien vanguard what's this reveal a card place another blip on one or another blip on four okay it's not too bad four's right here i think right i think that's where four is yeah that's totally fine we'll keep four the next one is alien vanguard at one all right one is over here i'm okay with that one and the last one is oh false alarm this one's totally going on top we're gonna put this one on top and we're gonna deal with these two this one is getting totally put at the bottom right let's see it says put one card on the bottom and the other one's on top in any order yeah this one's going to the bottom really this is a medium card look at this thing yuck all right we're going to put that right at the bottom of this motion tracker deck and we're going to put these back on top it doesn't really matter what the order is because i'm going to be drawing all three of them anyway all right but maybe it will let's see here let's look at these again i don't think it's going to matter too much i'm just going to put them back up on top in that order we're going to discard this flare now that one i can't come back through recycling so we're going to go ahead and move into our turn i may put the wrong space i'll check the board gorman still has one more action and the action he is going to go and perform is he's going to go ahead and do that tech action to see if he can look at a blip nope he's not smart enough looking like wow he has no idea what's going on in here moving into the alien turn there's no aliens to activate so then we're going to go ahead and just move on to the blips there are a million blips to activate on this board because nobody actually has line of sight actually now they think about it ripley may have lined a sight to this blip nope she doesn't it's still behind this wall got lucky on that one we're gonna go ahead now and move the blips we're gonna start over in this quadrant right here we're gonna move these two blips five spaces one two three four five around that corner because they're not protruding one two three four five just like that those two have moved like that next we're going to go ahead and move the blip in this coordinate quadrant of map over here and see how far that one moves that moves two one two now at this point i'm sure she can see that alien blip she totally can all right let's see what it is oh please don't be a five or this could be a real short trip it's a two all right that's a little bit more doable all right we're going to put that back down here now you remember where that token was i think it was right here if it's not i'll make sure to put it in the right space in just a second we're going to go ahead next and move that one let's see how far that one goes one yeah he can keep moving one that's just fine okay i did put that one in the right spot we're gonna go ahead and draw our motion tracker cards and we have four of them and remember i have to actually pick who's drawing these cards this time i'm gonna have vasquez be the first person to draw the cards the first one she's gonna find of course is our recycle a card false alarm fantastic i don't know any cards to recycle totally fine we're gonna go on to the next card we have found alien vanguard reveal a card and if i place another blip at the spawn point two or place another blip at spawn point one we're going to go ahead and place a blip token on one we're gonna reveal a card and see where our next blip token goes we got a weapon so sadly if i got an event nothing else would happen but it didn't we got any the weapon so we're gonna place a blip at spawn point two just gonna go ahead and take a blip from our blip pool and put it right there now we do have line of sight to this so we're going to go ahead and reveal this blip token we have found two aliens wow that seems to be the name of the game two aliens all right we're gonna put them along so if we have group of five that was pretty massive and we're gonna put that one right there we're gonna go ahead and put this at the bottom of our endurance deck because we were just revealing a card that one is done we're gonna go ahead and move on to our second one hicks is drawing these cards he has found that other alien vanguard where we're gonna place one token in number four and then we're going to go ahead and reveal a card i want to see an event come on event or equipment yes equipment so that means nothing happens because that is not part of this card we're going to put this the bottom of the endurance deck discard this because just the one blip showed now this is the one we don't know what it is this could be bad news city let's see what it is alien drones three we're gonna spawn one at three that's not a big deal players must either oh no discard a barricade and play or place a second blip at spawn point one all right we don't have any blips we're going to place another one at spawn point one so let's go ahead and grab this put it here and then we just place the second one players must place the extra blip yep we're gonna place an extra blip over in spawn point one something tells me i may have played the last drone card incorrectly let's go ahead and look at that and if i did we're just gonna keep going okay no i didn't it said spawn point one and this one did say spawn point one all right i just want to make sure because this one is a little bit different it's spawned at three and then it's spawn point one so we're gonna go ahead and discard that we have gone ahead and revealed all of our motion tracker cards we got a lot of blips out here a few aliens ready to go and we're gonna move into our fourth turn this is pretty awesome really digging this scenario so far this is really cool trying to get these guys back as fast as i can and these monsters are just going right at that apc i'm really worried about what's going to happen up there hicks is going to go ahead and choose to have bass gas go first because well i have a plan she's going to shoot an alien and start running so she's going to go first she's going to reset her aim dial it's still at 8 but now she does have to do her on active ability she's going to go ahead and draw an endurance card from reveal an endurance card and see what it is it's a hazard oh no we haven't had any of these and it's finally time one day it says place on your character each time your character activates reveal a card lose an action this turn exhaust four cards or discard two cards and shuffle this card into the exhaust pile oh this is terrible so this has to be on her it's not equipment but i'm just going to put it there so it's in the shot this is actually you know what i am just going to go ahead and put it right here so it's not mistaken as an equipment i'm going to put right there so every time we activate her she's going to go ahead and have to reveal a card now lucky for us she's already activated she's set on activation reveal a card so she's already activated so i don't believe i'm going to be doing it at the beginning of during this term but any other turn from here on we're going to have to do that now since we've gone ahead and reset our aim dial resolved on all on activation abilities and equipped our endurance cards which we don't have any to equip or give to other people we're going to go ahead and perform our two actions i think the first one we are going to do is we are going to attempt to destroy this alien so we're going to go ahead and see if we have line of sight and we have to have any of our square touch any of that square without actually going through another marine square and we do so i'm going to go ahead and see if we can take this guy out i'm going to go ahead and exhaust two cards and we're going to see what happens we're going to roll two dice and we need to get lower than an eight and of course we can discard one of our dice our highest dice oh goodbye discard this one and that one is gonna hit so we're gonna go ahead and remove that alien token and then we're gonna move her aim dial down to seven at this point we are now gonna enter full auto mode and we're gonna go ahead and exhaust another card to go ahead and roll two dice and see how we do when you get lower than a seven on two well that's not one oh we got a five though so that's really good we were able to take out this alien he is gone she was able to take out both of them so she is now able to do her second action she's gonna move one two three four and now we're gonna go on to our go ahead and resolving our grunts now of course i do have to go ahead and clip this to a six and she's done she can now activate one grunt before we activate our grunt i did realize that i have moved these blips wrong you may have noticed this as well it actually is faster for these blips to get over to these marines than it would have been to get all the way up to that apc so instead these blips are actually going to move one two three four five down this corridor and this one's going to go ahead and follow so these two are right there and with the change of these blips and where vast gas is i believe she might actually be able to see these at least this first set of blips if we can draw any part of our square to any part of their square we can see the blips actually might be able to see both of them i think we do i think we see both of those blips wow talk about real interesting line of fire all right well this board might not be a little bit centered there i'll try it now it's more centered probably gonna be the same outcome but i'm gonna check anyway we see one we see two i would say we see two blips all right we're gonna go ahead and reveal our blips we have a two and we have a one all right so we're going to go ahead and put those aliens out on the board here's a alien with a one token so that's a two and then we have another one that's just hanging out that's a one oh no his tail fell off oh this happens all the time i've noticed these tails do fall off quite a bit i'll just have to glue that one back on not the end of the world i've got more aliens the same came with a ton of them so we're not too short on aliens i'll tell you that all right those two guys are ready to go she's gone ahead and moved so now we're gonna activate our grunts and i think it's gonna be hudson hudson's gonna do a double move action one two three four one two three four down to here these are gonna move six squares one two three four five six so we're totally fine we're safe from them we're gonna go ahead now and move into hicks's turn hicks is going to go ahead and reset his aim dial back to seven and then he may on his turn go ahead and draw an endurance card he is not gonna do that he's gonna go ahead and perform his two actions he's gonna do a double move one two three four one two three four down here with the rest of us with the rest of those people now of course he can perform two actions with grunts he's gonna go ahead and use frost first one two three four one two down to here so we're all kind of out of each other's line here in case you want to try to hit all these aliens one two three four five six oh that's gonna be bad it's gonna be able to attack frost so we're gonna back frost up to there see got a little bit smarter this time i didn't stop next aliens this time all right that's the first grunt we're now gonna go ahead and activate another grunt but before we do we're going to go ahead and play our event just deal with it discard a card from the top of the endurance deck to shuffle a hazard card on a character into the exhaust pile so we're going gonna first have to exhaust two cards in order to play just deal with it now we've played our card we're all now going to go ahead and discard a card from the top of the endurance deck so this is discarded did the iqs just drop sharply while i was away it says play after a character fails a tech test re-roll the test if they fail again exhaust two endurance cards if they pass drop to two endurance cars all right instead we have to discard this card but that means we can go ahead and shuffle this back into our exhaust deck here so this is gonna be shuffled into our exhaust deck and that's where it goes that's the end of that he has played his card this now gets put into the exhaust deck we're gonna go ahead and place that there the only other thing i do want to do that i should have done is hudson does have his motion tracker i should have done this on his turn and we haven't done too much more so i'm going to go ahead and do this i'm going to go ahead and reveal a card it's a free action we're going to reveal a card and see we have found we have found an event okay we've got an event which states that i am allowed to look at the top two cards of the motion tracker desk place one of these cards on the bottom of the motion track and one of them on top let's go ahead and see what two evil cards befall our heroes we have intelligent foe there's two of these what's this if there is one or more cards in the discard pile that are hazards randomly select one card and shuffle it back in the exhaust pile and two of these things are going to spawn at number two which is right here that could be pretty bad then oh my gosh alien drone players must either discard one barricade and play or place a second blip spawn at one which i believe is right here is this number one no this is number one way over on this side over here all right this one's not too bad we're going to keep other both it too though all right but there's only one blip here we're going to go ahead and keep this one on top we're going to put this one on the bottom our revealed card is going to go on the bottom of our endurance deck just like that and we're going to go ahead and keep our motion tracker i don't have to exhaust a card because i was able to do the top action so that was good work hudson you were able to take care of that i still get to go ahead and activate another grunt hicks is going to choose first to activate newt and newt is going to go ahead and do a double rest action so she's going to take the top six one two three four five six cards leaving only one in the exhaust deck and recycle them to the bottom of our endurance deck all right now we have to decide we're gonna do with the other two grunts and of course hicks gets to make this decision and it's not going to be too tough because we are actually working together because i'm one mind and one body we're going to go ahead and we're going to probably use her first she is going to we need to barricade this or i have to shoot this guy one of the two i have two options i don't know which one to do i think what we're going to do is we are going to use our arc welder this is going to cost us one card i'm going to go ahead and exhaust this card from our action endurance deck and then we're going to go ahead discard this card to barricade a door within one space of your character all right we're going to go ahead and probably do that i think that's our best bet because that way at least we're saving ourselves from this alien and i'm now going to do a move action to move over here i'll try to explain why i did this if i would have left her right here and maybe try to fire action and failed and then do the barricade that's great but he could have ran up here and basically broke through the barricade and i would have had almost nothing i could do about it she could maybe take a defensive fire shot but it might not have been that great from this point if he breaks through this barricade he's not adjacent to her so he actually has to step into this room and at that point he could attack anybody and everybody would be able to take a defensive fire shot against him so that's the reason i'm doing it the way i am i'm going to go ahead and discard our arc welder and that's going to be the end of her turn gorman i guess he's going to go ahead and do one rest action which will take the two cards in our exhaust pile and put them at the bottom of our endurance deck and notice our endurance deck now says reshuffle so we're gonna place the reshuffle card down on the bottom the endurance deck and we're gonna shuffle this endurance stack up because well that's what you're supposed to do so we're gonna give it a good old truffle shuffle now we're gonna go ahead and just give it another couple cuts there and place it back down on top of our shuffle card with his second action we are gonna go ahead and do a tech test to see if we can take a look at one of these blips that's really all we have left to do we got a six we have failed he did not do that but he does have three actions he's going to go ahead and use his flare is this a good idea i'm not really sure but we're going to do it anyway of course i am discarding this card and i don't know how many cards like this want to discard now at the end of our mission we're gonna be able to pull two cards back into our exhaust deck but then only half of the cards after that are gonna come back so this might never be seen again but we're gonna go ahead and discard this card look at the top four cards in the motion tracker deck i know we've already know what one of them is but i am really doing my best to try to make nothing come out of this spawn point because it's gonna go racing towards that apc until i can get my marines around to about here so we need to keep this as spawn free as i can so let's go ahead and look at four i'm going to keep three put one on the bottom let's see here place one on the cards in the bottom of the motion deck and place the rest of the cards on back the motion deck in any order let's go ahead and look at the four cards that we're about to have to deal with hopefully i'm really hoping that none of them are going to be coming out of spawn number three now of course we know what the first one is we already put it there that's that alien drone so we're gonna put that one aside because we that one we were okay with oh look at this one's got two blips i'm a big fan of this it's a lurker at number one which is over here it says this if this blip is not placed on a spawn point within line of sight of a character it immediately moves four spaces okay that's not the end of the world again it's only one oh no this one might go on the bottom let's see what's happening here two players must choose to either exhaust four cards or place one more blip at spawn three that's three blips that one might be going at the bottom not to mention it's coming out of number two which is over here okay again that's not too bad though if this is a three i might have to keep that false alarm recycler card oh we know which one we're getting rid of this one is going away because two and one is okay three is bad so we're going to go ahead and discard put this one sorry we're not discarding it putting this one at the bottom of our motion tracker deck and now we get to put the other ones back in any order again it's not really going to matter too much i'll just put them in that order just like that now of course i i'm going to have drawing that card and i don't even know what it is so that could be really bad go ahead and put those out now if i'd have been smart about it i would have played my flare first no i guess it wouldn't matter and then the motion tracker only would have saw the for top two cards all right we're gonna go ahead and get discard our flare that's the end of our flares we don't have any more flares so that's kind of bad i just hope that last card isn't gonna affect us too badly our marines are done we're gonna move over the alien phase the aliens are gonna activate oh no here we go this one's gonna go six spaces one two three four and it's going to try to break through the barricade now to see if an alien breaks through a barricade we're going to roll that alien die one two and three it does not four or five and six it does now it does state here when it tries to break through a door the alien models and blip tokens that must go through a barricade door in order to reach a character will stop in a space next to the barricade and will try to tear it down so it has technically stopped moving it's not going to move anymore even if it breaks down that barricade let's go ahead and see what happens we're gonna roll our die it got a two it did not break through the barricade oh that's awesome all right that's fantastic it's stuck right there i am still safe inside my apc come on marines you gotta save those three but of course these marines have their own problems here they come one two three four five six to right here this one's gonna move one two three four five six right in behind it all right that's the end of our alien activation now we're gonna go ahead and move our blip tokens we're going to start with this map quadrant first we're going to roll our die they're moving five one two three what's here one two three four five and one two three four five i am going to reveal both of these bliss because they are in line of sight of some of my marines we have another one all right we're going to put that guy right here and then we have a two wow unbelievable all right i've only seen that five one time and i hope i never see it again all right we're going to go ahead and put this guy right here so we have more aliens coming at us let's continue moving some blips the next set of blips we're going to move are going to be on this map tile over here let's go ahead and roll it up another five oh terrible all right these are going to move one two three four five one two three four five they're coming after our marines but they have to go up and around and down so i got a little bit of time now this one on the other hand one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yeah way too many one two three four five it's going to be going this way straight up that way now ripley doesn't have any line of sight because that barricade is there so the door is shut so this blip is still a blip and that's the end of our blips now we have to deal with those motion tracker cards and of course we know what three of them is are which is fantastic we just don't know what the last one is so let's go ahead and take a look our first one of course is that all clear false alarm we don't have any cards to recycle so we're just going to discard that the next one is going to be our alien drones we're going to put a blip at two players with either discard a barricade i am not going to discard a barricade i'm just going to place another blip token in number one so we're going to place one here and two and we're gonna place another one over here in one which is just kind of right off screen over here the next thing i'm gonna do is draw my next card of course i do have i can see that blip so i should actually activate it i'm gonna go ahead and see what it is oh it's another one yes all right we're gonna put this alien down right here he is there another one wow lots of ones i think next one is our alien lurker if this blip is not placed in a spawn point within line of sight of a character it immediately moves four spaces all right we're going to have to do that we're going to go ahead and take our blip token it is going to go ahead and spawn just right over here one two three four it is standing right behind our second alien back here i didn't move the camera but i just want to let you know that's where it is our last card this is the one we don't know about look at all those blips on there we found hidden attack here it comes if this card's blip is placed on spawn points in line of sight of characters discard four cards oh no if this card's blips are placed on a spawn point in line of sight of a character discard four cards yes it is in line of sight to a character that's terrible it's number two which is right here so first off to place two blips it's gonna be here and here actually i can choose where they get placed i'm gonna place them back here i don't really need to see them if i don't want to but now i get to see if i can see them i bet i can see both of them yeah easy boom boom we can see both of these we're going to go ahead and spawn two sets of aliens the first blip we're going to go ahead and look at is this one it is one all right we're going to go ahead and place our alien there and our second one is come on something nice now one or two would be not oh what four here they all come okay now we've got a lot of problems we've got aliens everywhere they're starting to swarm us all right we're gonna go ahead and put our leg our tailless one right there all right and that's the end of the these evil tracking tokens or these motion tracker cards these are the bane of my existence right i do have to still complete this though if the cards blips are placed on a spawn point in line of sight of a character discard four cards so this card is terrible not only is it probably one of the most iconic moments in this entire movie because right this is right after she says maybe they don't show up on infrared at all and then look what's right behind her yep not good for dietrich all right but that's beyond the point this does say if this card blip is placed on the spawn point character must discard four cards now when you have to discard four cards just d words discard four cards these four cards can come from either your hand or your endurance deck the first two i'm going to discard is i am going to discard the pistol and the pulse rifle we're going to discard those from vast gas but we are going to keep hicks's card and discard two other ones that's the way that this is played now if it did say if the discard from your hand then i would have to discard them from my hand no if ands or buts now if at any time there were no cards in the endurance deck and there were no cards in my hand i would have to discard from the exhaust pile instead and as i discard these cards i'm just going to cry and i'm going to cry even more oh no all right now when you're discarding cards if you discard if you reveal a hazard while you're discarding you have to actually go ahead and abide by the card so we're going to reveal a card and see what happens and guess what there aren't many of these left so i'm sure it's going to be the top part so let's go ahead now and reveal a card we have revealed a weapon that's awesome so this card's going to go on the bottom and we're going to do what it says for burke's treachery oh this guy okay burke is a is the corporate guy who's he's all about taking the aliens home he has to exhaust eight endurance cards and then discard this card so we're gonna discard it and exhaust eight cards that's terrible one two three four five six seven eight these eight cards just get exhausted i still have to discard one more card we're gonna discard grenades all right those are gonna be discarded the exhaust piles there are endurance piles here things just got a lot worse just from one card that one card totally wrecked me but that's okay we're going to keep on going hicks is going to go ahead and retain his activation token he's gonna be the one that goes first he's got his aim dial at seven i can choose to draw an endurance card at this point i am going to draw an endurance card maybe we get something really good we have found a flamethrower that's not as good as i was hoping flame doors are really good but i don't want to equip it for four that's quite a big cost to do it i was hoping for a really cool card that i could play as an event that's okay i can use this one to activate his passive if i need to now there's a lot of aliens in our way that we have to take care of and the first thing i have to do is i failed to realize that when i spawned the blip and brought it down i was definitely in line to say to all my guys so we have to go ahead and reveal this token there is only one oh that's awesome all right so we're gonna go ahead and place one alien right here he's good to go that's awesome and then we're going to go ahead and probably start taking some attack actions the only thing i really think i can do here we're going to use our aim dial and he's actually going to start taking out aliens down here i have faith in frost frost spoiler alert i'm going to be activating him next he has that flamethrower i'm hoping he can take all of these aliens out that's going to be the plan so hicks is going to start by first trying to take out as many as he can from down here so let's go ahead and start shooting he's got a seven for his aim dial and he has to go ahead and exhaust one card to fire his m41a pulse rifle let's see how this goes into seven or less i got a seven or less i'm gonna take the one from the front whoops i'm knocking them all down we're gonna take that one first and then we're gonna go continuing to fire i'm gonna go down to six and we're gonna exhaust yet another card from our endurance deck this is gonna be a pretty expensive turn i think i'm gonna roll this up i got a nine i have failed once during my turn i can go ahead and once exhaust a card from your hand to reroll hicks's failed attack roll we're gonna exhaust this card to re-roll his failed roll and we're not gonna use that die we're gonna use this die oh it was equally bad they're both nines that stopped his first attack action he doesn't have anything else he can do unless i want him to try running up but i don't want to run up i have to take all these aliens i don't know how we're gonna do this it's gonna be bad news i'm gonna go ahead and do another attack action and i'm gonna exhaust another card from our endurance deck and we're gonna go ahead and take another shot down the corridor at these guys and let's see how we do we got a one we did take out one of the swarm we're gonna keep on going this is gonna go down to a five nope let's make sure i do this correctly our first shot was a seven we failed or he got it six was a fail then i rerolled the die still failed it should have gone to a five then i'm starting my attack action second one notice that's one of the hardest things that i think is to remember is when you fail to keep moving that dial now we're going to go down to four and we're going to see if we can keep on this streak of luck we are going to go up we gotta roll down i got a seven it did stay in the picture i didn't think it was going to all right we have missed he's done all right that's the end of x6 is finished he's going to go ahead and put his pulse rifle here he gets to activate two grunts first grunt he's activating is he is going to activate frost frost is going to use his flame drawer he's going to go ahead and his dial has been reset so i haven't actually fired anything we are going to take it down one for doing an attack action with his flame thrower i have to exhaust two cards to fire this flamethrower he's going to go ahead and dis card two cards into the endurance deck now he is going to go ahead and be able to target a square i'm going to target this square within two squares of me and all adjacent squares so we're going to hit these two right here and i just seven or less oh my gosh that's terrible all right he still gets to fire at this one over here oh wow that was poor all right he's gonna go ahead and do that again we're gonna go ahead and exhaust two more cards wow that was something else and we're gonna go ahead and try the flamethrower again see if we can get those two aliens all right let's see here an eight and a four but i got one that's half the battle i guess and then we're going to go ahead and see if we can get the last one over here we did we got the last one oh my gosh that was something else all right i'm gonna put these guys back here i knocked him over all right there they are now that's the end of his turn he has activated frost is done now i do get to do my passive power after shooting an m240 flamethrower reveal a card i can go ahead and recycle it if i get one of those now i fired twice so we're gonna go ahead and resolve the first one it is an event i get to recycle a card that's awesome i'll take the top card off the endurance deck and put it into our the bottom of our endurance deck sorry exhaust deck bottom of the endurance deck there we go now i get to do it one more time because this is our second attack we got another event so we're going to recycle a card so i'm going to put the revealed card underneath and then the one from our exhaust deck underneath as well frost is finished he has done everything he can wow and it was not the greatest all right he took him two turns to take out two aliens the flamethrower needs a seven or less wow unbelievable all right that's the end of that action now i've got another person that can attack and that's gonna be how i can activate one more grunt the second grunt that hicks is going to activate is going to be hudson he's going to go ahead and move up to here and being there he has clear line of fire to all of these aliens so for a second action he's going to go ahead and use his m41a pulse rifle he's going to go ahead and see how he can do with this his aim dial set at six and we're gonna see how good this can go i need a six or less oh my goodness this is terrible all right he totally missed we're gonna go ahead and put this down to a five and now it does say on my m41a pulse rifle after you take an attack action with this weapon you may take an additional attack action using a grenade weapon equipped to this character so i can go ahead and use the grenades equipped to hudson so hudson's going to go ahead and use these grenades let's go ahead and read it discard this card to make an attack with this weapon choose a space within line within four spaces of your character and line of sight roll for each model and token in that space and within one space of it very similar to the flame unit so it's all adjacent squares this weapon always hits in a row of six plus so from the way i've been rolling i should maybe take out two if i'm lucky all right we're going to discard this card so i'm not going to have this anymore but we are going to go ahead and fire these grenades we're going to go ahead and start right here there's only one alien there so we're going to roll up oh here we go we're going to go with the ceiling you know i wonder if they waited these dice in the alien's favor when they made this game all right we did take out that alien that's awesome now we have a stack of four one two three four aliens here let's see if we can take some of these guys out we're gonna roll up two we hit two of them that's awesome one two dead we're gonna keep on going come on hudson let's take out the last two oh at least you got one of them that's something all right he is done he used his grenade and he used his pulse rifle and he moved that was his two actions he's done now we're going to move over to vass gas she's going to take our activation token and continue on with this attempted way of she has to take out these three aliens or we've got big problems all right let's see what she can do we're going to start by resetting her aim dial to 8 and then we're going to go ahead and see what we get we have to do our activation card so we're gonna reveal a card from our endurance deck and see what it is come on a weapon yes that was exactly what i needed okay we got a nine now she gets to take an aim action and i have to go put this on the bottom of the endurance deck and we get to continue all right let's see what we can do with her vast gas has two options she can use her smart gun which is the only option really she's going to use that for sure we're going to go ahead and just exhaust two cards i'm just gonna do that right now because i know that's my plan we're gonna exhaust these two cards to fire now she has two options one she could move over here and take out this alien and potentially the other aliens down the road over there or i can stay right where i am and make attack at both of these targets because if i look at my little line here i do have line of sight to those two targets so i could take out both of them i think the best plan is to take out both of these and hope that when this guy comes up here not only frost but hopefully hicks can maybe take this guy out here's hoping all right we're gonna roll our two dice with our smart gun i need to get a nine or lower and i'm not going to say that's a given because i could roll two tens let's see we got a two and a one we were able to take out one of them i probably should have said which one i was firing at first that's my mistake i am going to go ahead and tick this down to an eight and we're going to continue firing i'm going to go ahead and exhaust one card to activate our full auto let's see how that goes we were able to take them both out all right vasquez lives up to her name here taking out aliens that's awesome she was able to do that with her first action she does have another action oh this is tricky i could go ahead and move i'm going to move right here that's what i'm going to do so when this alien moves up she could also help in being able to do a defensive fire against this alien when it attacks she is now able to activate one grunt and you've got it this grunt is going to be newt newt is going to take a rest action she's going to take one two three four five six cards from the top of the enduran or exhaust deck and put them on underneath the endurance deck that's going to be her two actions now of course i've got my last two characters here he doesn't care about blips one two three four five six he's gonna do that and ripley is also one two three four five going to take a rest action so all of our characters have taken rest actions and three i should say up here so we've got our endurance deck back of course minus the cars i've had to discard during our game so far with the marines completing their actions we're going to go ahead and move into the alien phase so we're going to go ahead and activate our aliens you may have noticed that these aliens were here i had misplaced them when they kind of fell off fill around a little bit i did put them back where they're supposed to be we're going to go ahead now and move this alien first he's gonna move up and attack frost well frost is not totally defenseless he's got an aim dial of three he cannot use his flamethrower because this flamethrower is cumbersome it cannot make defensive fire attacks but he does have his pistol so he's gonna go ahead and use this this weapon always hits on a roll of three or less after you take an attack action with this weapon i may exhaust a card to make a second attack with this weapon so he's gonna make an attack action with this he needs a three or less now notice this is different from the pulse rifle the pulse rifle states exhaust a card when you take an attack action so i'm not exhausting a card when i shoot the first attack with the pistol but if i want to make the second attack that's when i have to exhaust a card so let's see how this goes i'm going to go ahead and roll i got a four i failed this is going to go down to a two so now at this point he's going to go ahead and exhaust a card to make a second attack with this weapon and see how he does this time he got a star he was able to take out the alien way to go frost he didn't even need the help from the rest of his team he can do it on his own his aim dial is now going to go to one your aim dial can never drop below one it can never go higher than 10. just want you to make sure you realize that now we're going gonna go ahead and continue moving the rest of our aliens one two three four five six these are moving up here and now let's go check on that one that's next to the apc this one's banging and clawing and trying to get into this room and let's see if he does newt's probably screaming right now and he got a six he broke down the barricade that's terrible all right he's able to get rid of that barricade a couple things are going to happen now that the alien has broken down that barricade the first thing is ripley does have line of sight to this blip so we're gonna go ahead and reveal the blip and see what we get oh it's in two aliens all right that's gonna be okay all right we got our little standy here with our extra alien we're gonna put them right there it's better than five now the other thing that's going to happen is this is i'm a little not exactly sure if this is exactly right please let me know in the comments below how this works he broke down the barricade now in the rules it says that if he would end his movement and try to break down the barricade but he's doing his activation next to the barricade i don't see why this alien wouldn't be able to then move into here to be able to start tacking these characters the reason i say that is because otherwise i could have just left ripley here and rip or actually i could have left her right here ripley could have moved over next action and just barricaded the door again if i'm wrong about that please let me know in the comments below but it i could very well be wrong and but i'm going to move them in because i think that's way more fun not like that it's a little thematic he breaks through the thing and jumps into the apc where all these marines are oh look gorman's pretty upset he's gonna go ahead and turn around he might even shoot his pistol we'll see how it goes all right that's the end of our alien movement except for one thing we have now revealed a new alien and he is going to activate as well i believe he's going to go ahead and move six spaces one two three four five to right here of course he can't move through aliens so he's gonna stop right there oh we got a lot of problems to deal with in that apc next we're gonna go ahead and activate our blips we're to start with this one over here he's going to move five one two three four five that seems to be the magic number hopefully this is not a five oh it is a five wow [Laughter] all right we're going to go ahead and take five aliens here and place them down the board one two three four five it's right here i put a stack of four with then a big alien on top wow unbelievable all right we're gonna go ahead and move our next set of blips which are these two right here let's see what date five wow the magic number okay this from what i can tell the way this is drawn this does protrude so they do have to move around it one two three four five one two three four five they're coming up slowly they're gonna be able to see pretty soon oh no i don't want more aliens when i moved the aliens into the apc i should have actually done the defensive fire right then before i moved any of the other aliens it's my fault but that's okay we're going to go ahead and see what we can do about this alien in this apc he's going to i'm gonna have him attack gorman he's gonna go after gorman that's what this alien is gonna do so gorman gets to make a defensive fire now the only gun he has of course is the pistol so he's gonna go ahead and see if he can take out an alien he has a four on his aim dial so this thing always hits on three or less but it still gets to fire at the aim dial so let's see if we can take out this alien he got a four yes he was able to take out one of the tokens here so the swarm is no more it's just a single alien and this dial is gonna go down to a three but that's okay this pistol always hits on a three and when it makes its second attack it exhausts a card so we're going to go ahead and exhaust the card and see if we can take out this alien in the end we got a one he did he took him both out wow great shooting gorman i guess being staring at the computer model long enough made you actually go ahead and attack now that's kind of cool because we might be able to go ahead and take this guy out on our own and then maybe we can barricade that door again next turn we are going to drop his dial down to a two we have to do that but i think it's going to get back to where it is before anything else happens to them we're going to go ahead now and move into our motion tracker cards the bane of my existence and in all the commotion and fun that's happening inside this complex i totally forgot about hudson's motion tracker i guess he was just too busy trying to fire off that grenade all right we're going to draw four and this first one i'm already pretty scared of it's a false alarm oh my gosh that's awesome all right we're going to go ahead and recycle the top part of our exhaust deck back into our endurance deck that's our first card our second card look equally bad oh you can't get lucky twice they are coming after you place this card's blips move all blips and aliens four squares towards the nearest character that's going to be very very very very very bad very bad okay that's a terrible card alright that's our second one we have to draw two more still we found a lurker if this blip is placed on a spawn within line of sight of a character it immediately moves four spaces oh sorry not placed all right i'm going to put that one there and i get one more please i want another false alarm false alarm false alarm they're mostly come out at night mostly place two blips on each tunnel token and and spawn space oh man i think you think this is game over man all right we're gonna go ahead and see what we can do about these cards the first thing we're gonna do is go ahead and spawn two blip tokens on number four so we're gonna put one here i'm gonna put one back here and we'll be as far away from you as possible at this point now of course the rest of the card is absolutely not just terrible all right it's a barf card this card is all barf it says place or i have to move all aliens and blips four squares toward the nearest character i don't know how we're gonna make it out of this this one's gonna come one two this one's become one two three they're both gonna go after frost we now have to take our defensive actions against this again we're gonna go ahead and first start with frost since he's the one being attacked we're gonna start with this alien right here he's got his pistol his pistol is gonna go it's already out of one so it doesn't matter there he needs to roll a three or less to take out that alien let's see how he does he did not do it he can exhaust a card to make a second attack action with this pistol let's go ahead and do that we failed again now at this point we could go ahead and have the other two try to help with defensive fires we're gonna go ahead and start with hicks hicks is gonna use his shotgun it go ahead and hits on a five or less oh i'm sorry i think it has to be vast gas next because she's the closest one but is she gonna hit frost with her gun no she's not she can actually aim at that back end of the square and there so she's okay she's going to have to exhaust two cards to fire this smart gun so we're going to go ahead and exhaust the two cards she needs a seven or less in order to do it let's roll up two dice come on vasquez you can save your friend you totally saved your friend that's awesome all right we're gonna move our aim dial down to six there we go now we're gonna go ahead and we have to do another defensive fire against this alien so we're gonna go ahead and roll our pistol we got it and we were able to take out that alien as well oh man all right we took out both of those guys his aim dial is not gonna move at all it's already at one sadly there's some real bad news up here in the apc this alien is going to come in and attempt to take out gorman again gorman does only have a two on his aim dial but that's okay he's firing that pistol he's gonna roll a three or less he got a ten totally failed we're going to go ahead and exhaust the card and see how he does we're gonna go ahead and roll again he got a two all right he was able to take out one of those that's the end of his defensive fire his dials at a one doesn't matter though because his pistol always hits on a three or less now we have ripley ripley can do a defensive fire attack and she might as well she's going to use her pulse rifle which means she is going to exhaust one card and then she's going to go ahead and make the attack she needs a five or less let's see how this goes she got a four she was able to take out the alien all right actually tell the truth all those aliens moving up and attacking wasn't the end of the world because we actually cleared out a lot of aliens and we didn't actually lose any guys so that actually helped us out that card now of course we still have to continue moving the rest of these aliens and stuff this swarm of five does move six one two three four five six just out of reach of that flame thrower so i'm gonna have to move with him first to flame something that's too bad all right one thing i've learned about this flamethrower it wouldn't be a bad idea to actually have your hero character holding onto this flame unit because i always have to activate one of them first they might shoot a couple of these but then i can activate the flamethrower to actually go after them so maybe in our next scenario i might give one of their heroes a flamethrower and see how it goes we do still have to move our blips because that's also part of this card it does say you have to move all blips and aliens four squares towards the nearest character all right first off did this wrong it's only four squares not six there we go so he's right there now he's not even close enough for that flamethrower to even be a matter all right and then we're going to go ahead and move the blips four spaces these blips move one two three four and one two three four all right then we're gonna go ahead and move the other two these are gonna move four one two three four and one two three four and of course they're both gonna be revealed because they are able to be seen by hudson so we have an alien group of two we're gonna put those down right here and then our second alien group is one all right oh good a little bit less than five that five is just out of control all right that is the end of our first card that was just the first card we're gonna get rid of that it might have been the second the first one might have been that all clear card our second card of course is our alien lurkers we're gonna put one at two if this blip is not placed on a spawn point within line of sight of the character immediately four squares so number two we're just going to get a blip good news for us it is placed in a place where there is a line of sight so we've gone ahead and four aliens oh wow okay we have four we need the grenade back i need to shoot with a grenade i got one two three almost put an extra one on there and we're going to go ahead and place an alien figure on top that is a swarm of four oh man all right that is the end of our third card that one is done now we're going to go ahead and resolve our last card which i think is probably going to kill us place two blips in each tunnel token and spawn point barf all right let's go ahead and place two right here there we go and four we're going to place two in three we're going to place two in number two which is right here which i'm going to just go ahead and reveal three and two i was going to put them in that order so we're going to put three right here let's go ahead and put those aliens down one two one two and the other one dice as four it's not two okay and one right there put a couple aliens on top of those oh my gosh there's aliens everywhere oh my gosh they're coming out of the walls they're coming out of the walls let's book all right then let's see what else we have to do we have to also play oh we have to place them in number one as well two blips in one and they do have that pit or that was it the tunnel token we have that as well we have to put blips in here's that tunnel token that was right next to hicks we're gonna go ahead and put one here i'm gonna put one behind it now again when i'm drawing these cards i should have remembered to say who was drawing which first because you never know they could have actually played a role into what have happened to one of our characters i have to remember to do that hicks is going to go ahead and keep his activation token we're going to reset our aim dial to 7 and then he may draw an endurance card he is totally going to do that let's see what we have found we have found an m41a pulse rifle also known as something that i can discard to make myself re-roll my roll that's awesome we're now going to go into his activation his turn his actions but now remember i could put this on any person within two squares of me that needs a weapon let's say for example but i'm not going to everybody's doing just fine we're going to continue on hopefully we can get through this we're going to say this could be pretty interesting i've got a plan but it involves being lucky and in this game i've so far noticed those dice aren't exactly on my side our first action with hicks is we are going to move that's right one two three four to right here and then we're gonna go ahead and move again i know this could be pretty bad but i've got a plan it's not a great plan but it might be a plan one we're going to move up here now according to scenario i can roll a die and see if we make it past this alien we got a six and according to our pass-through rule here on a result of six or lower the character may pass and by unharmed and complete the rest of its movement otherwise the character stops and loses further actions and activations which have been terrible so he's gone ahead and moved one two three four one two three four he's gonna move all the way up to here totally running right by that alien the reason i'm doing this because there's a whole flood of aliens just right there which are bad news we're gonna go ahead and activate two grunts he's the first grunt i've got a plan one two three four he's gonna move right there he's going to move right there and now what he's going to do is he is going to actually activate his m240 flamethrower he can go ahead and do this he's going to exhaust two cards to make an attack so we're going to go ahead and take the top two cards of our endurance deck and exhaust those cards and now i may choose to make an attack with this weapon you can choose a space that's two spaces away from your character and in line of sight remember these guys do not block line of sight the space i'm going to choose is this one right here i'm going to choose that space and engulf everything in this area in flames including one two three four five aliens all right only into seven or lower so the way these days are rolling for me i'll probably get one of them let's see how it goes i got a six and a five oh we've already beaten the odds we got two of them already all right now as i say beat the odds i say beat these dice odds all right let's see how it seems i'm going oh we got a nine and a three so one of them's still alive and there's only one left to fire at i've rolled four times you get to roll one more time oh no i got an eight so i did take out three of them that's not too bad and that's the end of his turn now he also has that ability that allows him to after shooting the flamethrower reveal a card and he also resets his aim dial to five but it goes to four now they just fired his flamethrower let's reveal our card we revealed an equipment card which means i am able to recycle a card so we're gonna stick this one onto the bottom of our endurance deck we're going to recycle the top part of our exhaust deck onto the bottom of our endurance deck or at least we're able to keep our cars cycling pretty much this time which pretty cool we're going to go ahead put that back he doesn't need his aim dial anymore because well he's next to this alien all right we're gonna go ahead and move the rest of our guys it's gonna be absolutely terrible i i was really hoping he would take out every one of those guys i get to activate one more grunt i'm gonna activate hudson he's gonna go one two three four one two he's gonna attempt to run by the ceiling and see if it works yes it does three four though he's still right next to him but that's okay i need to get one two three four five six i need to be in that square for these aliens on this side not to attack me but that's not going to happen now because this alien's still here and he's going to do something to somebody because unless i have vast gas fire but that's not going to work all right i got a plan we're going to leave hudson right here that's going to be the plan one two three four he can run up to here she can run over here and attack that alien i think that's what we're gonna do hudson's gonna move from here all the way to here with his two actions now we're gonna move into vasquez's turn bass gas is gonna reset her aim dial to eight with the dial reset she's going to activate her on activation ability which means she's going to reveal a card she has found and a weapon card that could have came at a better time we're going to go ahead and put that at the bottom of our cards we have the reshuffle card that has appeared again so we're going to go ahead and give these cards a good old truffle shuffle with these all shuffled up again we're going to continue on she's going to go ahead and get her aim dial to go to 9 because that is that weapon card we revealed is allowing us to give ourselves a free aim action she's now going to move one two three four to here and she's now going to activate her m56 smart gun she's going to go ahead and attack with a nine or less but first she has to exhaust two cards to fire the smart gun she needs a nine or less she got a nine and a one she took out one she's now going to activate her full auto by exhausting yet another card and roll two dice and see how this goes yes she took out both of them all right they're both dead now of course we have a lot of big problems coming up behind us but that's the end of her turn she gets to activate now up to one grunt and i think she's going to activate newt yet again she's a big fan of activating nude and newt is gonna go ahead and rest one two three one two three two actions of rest gives us six cards back into our endurance deck which is pretty good now we do have two more grunts we have to activate we're going to activate gorman next he's going to do a double rest putting the last four cards from our endurance deck into or sorry our exhaust deck into our endurance deck and we're going to go ahead and put the reshuffle card down as well and that card should have gone in before those other exhaust cards so a reshuffle card goes in there and the 10 cards from her exhaust deck go on the bottom now we're going to go into ripley's turn she's going to move over here and again attempt to barricade this door i think that's awesome she's got a tech skill of five let's see how this goes she got a five she was able to barricade the door yes all right we're gonna put this barricade back in front here super excited to be able to barricade this apc it's keeping these people alive oh my goodness all right that's the end it's going in the alien's turn and this is gonna be a really interesting turn we've got a whole bunch of aliens coming at us and before i do anything i have to take vasquez's dial down to an eight i forgot to do that after she fired her second shot at this alien group over here we're gonna move this one first it's the closest one two three four five six it can get to these and there's one two three four of these aliens we're gonna see how this goes this could be really bad all right this is going to go ahead and attack hudson i'm going to have it attack hudson hudson's going to be able to use his pulse rifle and again i have i failed to remember to use the motion tracker card oh i'm real bad at this oh there's just so much going on and i keep forgetting about the equipment everything these characters have that would be really fun all right we're going to see what we can do we are going to exhaust a card in order to fire our pulse rifle he's got an aim dial of six we're gonna see how this goes fire it up he got a two he took out one of the aliens we're gonna keep this going with full auto he's gonna exhaust yet another card tick this down to five and fire again oh he got an eight he missed that's the end all right he's only gonna take out one that's okay we have vast gas now bass gas is going to save the day come on vast gas save the day she's got her aim dial at eight she's gonna be firing her smart gun so she's gonna be exhausting two cards in order to do this she's gonna roll up two dice see how she does she got a star and a seven she was able to take one out she's gonna drop her aim dial to a seven exhauster card just turn this gun into a full auto gun see how she does here oh yeah i got six so i thought there was a nine i thought there was a nine all right she was able to take out the second one we're gonna continue on take our dial down to six we're gonna exhaust another card for a full auto roll two dice see how it goes we gotta start yes we took all of those aliens out i have to tell you this is really really it most of the time in dungeon crawlers in games like this you try to actually take these things out at a distance so that you don't have to worry about them running up and maybe getting you but in this game it's so hard my heart is just thumping whenever these things come running up and there's nothing i can do against the hope that i'm able to take these guys out with my guns and but we were able to do it oh that was so good all right and we're going to move the rest of our character aliens here since we move one two three four five six it's not gonna be able to get us thank goodness this one moves one two three four five six also not gonna be able to get us that's fantastic these up here gonna move one two three four five six right around the corner where's that grenade again one two three four five six right to here wow maybe i could do i could do the sacrifice frost maneuver where i move him here and target here and here i hit all these guys and if he doesn't kill him well you know you sacrifice for us the rest of you guys run this way not very noble of me and i'm probably not gonna do that but look at all of these blips that have to move now and we're going to start on this tile since it's already ready to go let's see here we're going to see how far these move come on one oh yeah two that's pretty good one two and these are going to move one two one two these can't move through each other i should move that one first before that one so just to do that to make sure i do it right one two and one two there we go these are gonna move two one let's see it was the closest marine now one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven to get to the apc one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen to get the hicks i was so close one two and one two they're moving up now these of course are gonna move one two and one two i'm a little scared of those because those are gonna turn into aliens next turn and they might be able to get us but of course they don't move too they're on their own separate tile i have to go ahead and roll and see if oh they go six one two three four five six they're gonna move up here one two three four five six wow okay they're going to totally be in adjacent to head to hicks here he's gonna be very sad now the way this works is these as they come running out of here which is six this is just terrible one two three they are now spotted by hicks one two three these are spotted by hicks all these are gonna be spotted by hex they are actually reveal themselves let's see what we found we found a group of three here i needed one ones and twos not threes there's a group of three right here here's another one it's a group of two terrible all right here's what's gonna happen these are gonna continue their movement with their sixth movement according to their blip dye and as they move they are gonna actually kind of become aliens now well not that they weren't before one two three four five six this one moves right to here one two three four five six this one's going to move to here this one is actually here but they still both get to this place no matter what and it does say that when after a blip has been spotted and resolved the alien model will complete its movement and attack if possible just like during the alien step so this thing is going to be able to attack kicks all of these aliens are this is bad news hicks is able to use his gun to do some defensive fire here but this could get really bad really fast we're going to go ahead and exhaust a card to fire his m41a pulse rifle at this group of three that's going to be who he's going to go after first because that would have been the first revealed token and then the second oh my gosh i don't know what to do about this all right we're going to go ahead and roll see how we do we got a seven all right oh just enough we were able to take out one of them i'm going to contin i'm just going to full auto till i can't anymore we're going to go ahead and go down to a six and we're going to see what happens exhausting yet another card to see if we can defensive fire again we got a one we took out another one we're going to defensive fire tick the dial down to five defensive fire again we have failed he's going to go ahead and exhaust this m41 a pulse rifle once a turn to re-roll his attack die and he got a two he was able to take out this entire swarm of three that's awesome now of course he has this swarm of two he has to deal with so he's going to continue his defensive fire he's going to exhaust yet another card to fire his m41a pulse rifle and he got a 10 and that's it that's all he can do oh no all right we do have to take his dial down to three though even though he's just pretty much gonna be bad news now i have to go ahead and do a defensive against this thing let's see how this goes he's got a six defense against this swarm of aliens who are going to get plus one he also is carrying his shotgun and for the first time this shotgun is going to be bad news for him and now i think about it i probably should have used the shotgun now that i look at it this weapon may only target model as within three spaces of this character this weapon always hits only five or less exhaust one card when you take attack action with this weapon now well that was my fault i maybe should have used the shotgun though the pulse rifle does have full auto so i would have been able to maybe take out both of them that's okay this is going to attack him we're going to roll our defensive roll we got a four now i have to subtract one from my defense roll so you gain negative one to your defense roll does that mean he goes to a three i think it goes to a three because like negative one so it's gonna go to a three then they're going to gain plus one because they have an extra token so that's four so i got a four so my defense is six it didn't hit me it missed it still stays right where it is but it did miss its attack wow okay that's the end of those blips we're gonna go ahead and we have a couple more blips left to move these are the last two blips let's see how far they only go one square they're my favorite blips ever oh i love these blips these are my favorite blips they're going to go ahead and move just like that of course i forgot to use my motion tracker and that first card does not look fun now i have to remember i have to choose who is drawing first i'm going to go ahead and have vasquez i think draw her cards first she's going to go ahead and see because these look really bad and if anything is next to her that's okay because i got a whole bunch of people around her not around her hicks what have you seen we have found they're in the ceiling oh man here they are okay it says place a tunnel token in a square that is within line of sight and next to this character reveal a card place two blips on this tunnel place three blips on all tunnels barf all right we're gonna go ahead and put two in number three then i'm going to place a tunnel token down okay we're going to put this card aside we'll do all these in the right in in order but i want to see what they all are first our next one turned off the lights how could they turn off the lights man they're animals players must choose to either exhaust eight cards or discard a shoulder lamp or flare equipment card equipped to a character i totally wish would have kept a flare alright we're gonna have to deal with that now it's hicks's turn oh hicks has a nice card oh you got a false alarm good work kicks all right we're gonna go ahead and recycle a card that is awesome now i could choose so you do one for my hand if i want no i have to do it for the exhaust pile unless it actually says i can do it for my hand all right let's see if the next oh what another false alarm okay we only got two really bad cards they're both for vazquez but that's okay and it only is going to affect her because that tunnel token is going to come out let's go ahead and look at the tunnel token really quick it does have say that i'm going to have to draw a card let's go ahead and draw a card and see what happens well something's going to happen because those are the only four types of cards you can draw let's see what happens i have got an event all right we're going to go ahead and said to reveal the card so we're gonna go ahead and place it down now if i were to be play revealing cards with the motion tracker deck and i would have got the hazard you do not resolve the hazard instead this is the only time you don't but we're gonna go ahead and place two blips on this tunnel and two blips on number three oh yuck and of course we do have to deal with this lights out one two we're gonna place our tunnel token i think we're gonna place it right i don't know where to place this this is gonna be bad news not where i put it's gonna be terrible put it right there i guess that's gonna be the plan we'll place two blips which means to put aliens there yeah or i could put it here i think i like it better here all the aliens are back there then we'll just do that it's not the greatest plan but it's a plan nonetheless all right we're going to put that there we're then going to put two blips on the tunnel token which means we're going to reveal them and the one on the tunnel is going to be one and the one next to the tunnel is going to be two all right we're gonna go ahead and place those aliens so we have a one here and we have a swarm of two right here this is absolutely epic not only where you have all these aliens chasing us down these aliens have come from underground and above us too as well and they're coming out of everywhere they're in the ceilings they're they're coming out of the walls oh my gosh all right we're gonna go ahead and discard this one oh i do have to put two blips at number three as well so let's go ahead and place one here and one there now we have to place this one turn off the lights players must choose to either exhaust eight cards or discard a shoe okay i have to exhaust eight cards let's go ahead and grab eight cards one two three four five six seven eight we've exhausted eight cards that was kind of brutal but that's okay so far with those guys in the apc i'm able to get some of those back i do have to put two blips though in area number one now we know that area is just off camera but i'm going to go ahead and place them there and that's it that's the end of our motion tracker cards oh i don't know how it could have gotten any better than that that was actually not too bad there you have it i think before we move into the next turn i am going to stop the video right here i know huge cliffhanger look at all these aliens coming out at us it's going to be absolutely amazing now i do want to clarify something before we get too much further from what i understand when these blip tokens come out of this tunnel they're not actually going to attack our characters down here like this one did as it ran around the corner the difference is the blip movement has already happened and the blip tokens are spawning based on those motion tracker cards i'm wrong about that please let me know but that's i believe how this is played so we have a ton of aliens down here just basically ready to maul our entire group hicks is out on his own over here hopefully he can come back and maybe save the day but there's such a big choke point here it's so hard to get a lot of shots going down this corridor all right we have a blips everywhere of course our apc is actually somewhat safe right now though these blips are probably gonna start coming that way yet again we'll see if they can hold their own while the marines come around what an amazing game i just love the claustrophobic feel that i have trying to get through these and the heart pounding whenever these aliens actually land next to you and all you have left is defensive fire to see if you can actually hold your own if you did enjoy the playthrough don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell symbol so you know when the second part of the mission comes out so you can see if our marines make it or are they going to lose to these aliens it's unbelievable how many aliens just keep coming and coming but well after all i am in their their lair so i guess they're going to be everywhere also please feel free to leave anything in the comments below i would love to hear from everyone again thank you so much for watching and if you're excited to see the conclusion of mission 2 and even going into mission 3 then if we make it through mission 2 who knows we might not make it out of the reactor room then i need you to meet me at the table [Music]
Channel: Meet Me At The Table
Views: 7,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 41nTW0EYqks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 2sec (6602 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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