Aliens - Get Away From Her you B***h! Expansion!

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[Music] hi everyone john here all from all miniatures grain small and today we're going to be looking at the aliens get away from her you bleep expansion for the aliens another glorious day in the core gale force 9 game so this is the second of two expansions that they are offering for that base game now the first expansion the ultimate badasses that one came out at i think thirty dollars u.s this one is like twice the cost sixty dollars u.s so it's much more comparable to the um base game so you know this is running the same cost as the base game why is it so expensive what does it have well let's flip it over and take a look here so contents we got four double-sided game boards you get five plastic miniatures 21 willpower or 31 willpower cards six hive hazard cards 25 motion tracker cards 25 endurance cards two character cards one rulebook one card dock 11 mission cards three dials and 63 tokens so this box is much more jam-packed with things than the than the other expansion the miniatures you get look uh look really cool at least here on the back you have the alien queen ripley in a power loader ripley and newt bishop and then poor torn apart bishop so let's go ahead and open this up see what kind of cool things are in it i always love the smell of brand new board games all that ink and cardstock all right you've got the instructions so here is i'll put that to the side for a moment here are our components it looks like it has a lot of additional cards like endurance cards and motion tracker cards to maybe add to the base game to give it more variation although we do have this will power dial and hive card organizer so that's very interesting i think what that does if i remember correctly is what it's doing is it allows a player to play as the aliens whereas in the original game the aliens are basically uh ai they you know they it's a cooperative game and all the players play as humans but here this is giving you a completely different way to play in that someone can take the aliens so it looks pretty cool the instructions look good i mean gale force 9 always has good instructions lots of graphics but still not overwhelming so you don't lose what uh you know that you're supposed to be learning how to play in these books but it makes sense um they often have good examples like they're moving a large model example and so on looks like you can play with the armored personnel carrier that's kind of cool new characters so that's bishop the synthetic enraged ripley you may replace the ripley character with the enraged ripley character at the start of any mission you may not have both ripley and enraged ripley in the same fire team well that makes sense okay so very cool uh looking rule book not a lot of stuff there so once again we get this glare off my lights so nice big cards for the missions so this looks like mission one newt but this is kind of an expanded version of it like in the base game these two are here and here i think or maybe the base game does have four it's got that one that one that one that one so this game is adding another four so half twice as many cool and then on the back of each one of these missions it's got uh you know all the special rules and goals and all that for that particular mission so it looks like you've got newt mission 2 escape mission 3 survive mission 4 retrieve mission five the sulaco mission six the apc chase so basically it's a scrolling mission it looks like that's kind of cool we've got the queen hunt queen's gambit anyone see that netflix show it's pretty cool barracks separated and evacuation so it's almost like this game is giving you an alternative or more advanced uh campaign and then i guess you treat the campaign in the original box the main box as kind of a beginner or um you know introductory campaign because these are a lot of the same missions new missions um that use a lot more of the boards and uh i think it'll be a lot more fun that's interesting how they they did it but very cool always always like the option for more missions alright so then we've got our alien queen assembly guide so she has quite a few parts nothing too bad then we have power loader assembly guide the bishop assembly guides and the array enraged ripley assembly guide so again looks like more parts to these but um no nothing too bad bishop's all one piece and i do know that uh i think they are i don't know when they're coming out or if they're out already um they have some assembled miniature versions i know i saw some comments in a couple of the aliens videos that i did and i've read on facebook where people are complaining about having to build the miniatures to play the game and uh you know if you're a board game player and you're used to playing with meeples or whatever and not have to build anything i can understand that complaint completely that you know because it might take a couple of hours to build your models and if you're a first time model builder putting those aliens together can be a little bit of a challenge their tails are a little fiddly putting the two body halves together in the head nothing too bad for an experienced model builder like probably most of you guys watching but it is something to consider and the fact that they're releasing pre-built ones pre-built model sets might be something you want to look at if you uh you know if that's a concern for you all right so you've got uh character cards some more blip tokens there's a dial for the alien some egg tokens i'm assuming this is acid or something like that here's the apc and then here are the four double-sided boards as soon as i open the box and unwrap it these things start to bend a little bit but that's just the difference in you know the atmosphere and where it was packed versus my climate basically i have uh some weights that i put on top of these and gets them pretty flat so you have two sides though this is looks like the atmosphere processor the alien hive and then obviously this is hadley's hope the you know the where the colonists live that's pretty cool you have the drop ship right there this looks like it could be outside another dropship i think this is where the apc drives or can drive very cool so that's the board next up let's take a look at the plastic i mentioned in my guide where i'm just looking at the miniatures that painting these i find painting aliens just very challenging to make them visually interesting giving them a blue or gray highlight gloss but you spend a lot of work and then it just looks like a you know it's based in black from three feet distant um but overall i mean detail's really nice then we've got the humans you got bishop there torn up bishop power loader parts lots of power loader parts the enraged ripley oh two better bass doesn't say enraged ripley um there you go all right and then the rest of this box these are the caps for the dials you've got additional motion tracker cards you've got the deck of aliens cards this one play when an alien model is killed place an acid blood card from the hive hazard deck or discard pile on a character that is within a space of the alien just killed that's pretty cool you splash those marines with acid and then you've got the more endurance cards with the ever popular m41a pulse rifle did i mention before that's like my favorite sci-fi gun i love the pulse rifle all right guys there you go that's a look at what you can expect when you pick up a copy of aliens get away from her ub it looks like a great expansion for the boxed game i mean if you like the original you've got a ton of content in here some that expands upon the um you know the stuff that's already in the main box you know upgrading those basic missions making them more expansive adding the alien queen so basically with this box with the ultimate badasses box you have the ability to play through the entire movie because you can get to the drop ship you can go after the queen you can fight on the sulaco you can do pretty much the whole movie now which is cool i like that about this uh this set so all together um you know like i said this box is running you sixty dollars us similar to the base game and then the ultimate badasses or bad bleeps as my daughter calls them uh runs 30 us so all committed you're looking at spending around 150 or more dollars on the entire experience if you will is that worth it well that's ultimately going to be up to you if you're a fan of the aliens property if you like the um the another glorious day in the core game and mechanics then i think you you want this um the nice thing about these things being separate is if you buy an aliens another glorious day in the core and your reaction is lukewarm or you just don't like it then obviously you don't need to spend additional money to get the whole experience you've only spent you know fifty dollars sixty dollars whatever that is instead of a hundred and fifty dollars so buyers remorse will be a little bit less if you don't like the game but again for those guys who do like the game do like the aliens property i think this gives you um the entire way it was meant to be played so there you go guys that's a look at aliens get away from here you beep from gale force nine i hope you enjoyed this if you did let me know down in the comments below what do you think of the aliens game have you played it what do you think of this expansion i'm looking forward to trying it out i don't know about you guys we do appreciate you watching please do give us a like and subscribe that helps so much with the channel also click that bell to receive notification when we publish new content that helps a ton as well and you can also check us out on facebook at all miniatures great small see what we're up to there we do appreciate you guys watching thanks for watching and keep on wargaming [Music] you
Channel: All Miniatures Great and Small
Views: 5,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B2O3JFP7jjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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