Aliens additional Mission 1 Newt l Playthrough l With Bairnt

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greetings i'm berent and welcome to the one stop co-op shop today we're going to be starting our playthrough of aliens another glorious day in the core cooperative survival game by gale forest nine we're going to be taking our marines down onto lv426 and try to rescue the colonists that are there but of course things might not be as they seem for those of you that have not seen movie aliens stop right now do not watch this go watch the movie aliens because it is the greatest movie of all time then come back and watch the playthrough for those that are returning to my channel to see aliens another glorious stay in the corps i have already done a playthrough of the first mission and that is actually we're going to do the first mission again the reason i'm doing that is in that playthrough there are a couple areas i made that will be affecting the second mission and i want to make sure that we get a playthrough that demonstrates this game in all its full potential so in order to do that i want to go back and replay the first mission so it's going to show you maybe a little bit of rebelly value of this game and yes there is i'm also going to use two different characters this time i might at least maybe use one same one and i might use a different one as well but that's another reason i would like to redo the first scenario i want to make sure that everybody understands how aliens another glorious day in the core is played because it's been such a fun game to play playing and i want people to see it in all its glory now i've been doing my channel since february of 2018 and i have never redone a playthrough but this one i feel deserves to be redone and that's why we're going to do it now of course i'm going to film this back to back with the second one and they're going to be coming out at the same time so if you don't want to watch the first one again because you saw the original play through that's totally fine and go right to the second one that'll be great now of course if you want to see the first one again please by all means do and i'm going to put some timestamps in this video so that if you'd want to skip through the intro and character setup you totally can and just start at the first turn and see how this game evolves and changes based on the different characters you take and basically how the cards interact with each other it's pretty cool now i do want to thank the community that helped me out with some of the rules from the original playthrough explaining how this game fully works for a few things i did make a mistake too and i do want to thank the community in all their help that i got now i do hope that's okay with you again i apologize for putting a play through that really wasn't up to the best quality of my playthroughs and i was really upset with myself and so i want to make sure that we get this game perfect now if you're excited to see if our marines can take on the aliens in lv 426 and make it off of the colony then i need you to meet me at the co-op shop [Music] the sound of your voice is still keeping me away let's rock the last time you will [Music] [Music] since we'll be playing through the campaign our first mission we are going to do is going to be the newt scenario so we have mission goals extraction computer tokens game over man motion tracker deck drawing motion tracker cards campaign notes and some special rules on newt let's quickly move through some of these and then we'll go ahead and start setting up the board of course some of the rules on this card may not be perfectly clear until you actually start seeing the game in motion but i do want to roll through them so you can hear and see what they all do so our mission goal is to win in order to do that you need to locate and recover newt and then escape the board with her alive in this mission newt is not part of your squad instead her token and the three other mission blip tokens are flipped face down shuffled and placed where indicated on the board extraction models can exit the board at the extraction point after newt has been recovered next we're going to be placing computer token down on the map and this token indicates a computer that a characters can interact with on the board a character in a space next to the computer token may take an interaction and perform a tech test and again we'll see that how that works during the play through if they pass you may look at any one of the face down blip tokens which could help determine if you're able to see or find newt easier or harder because of course there's those four face down tokens and this computer token might be able to help us out of course we have a game over man situation the mission ends in failure if newt dies at any point once all surviving characters and newt move on to the exit the mission ends if newt orr and two or more other characters survive the mission is successful otherwise the mission ends in failure another deck we'll be seeing is our motion tracker deck and for this deck we're gonna be shuffling five random threat level ones and five random threat level two cards together and set these ten cards aside for the moment shuffle the rest of the motion tracker cards together and then place the ten cards on top of the motion tracker deck and when drawing from the motion tracker cards we're not going to start that until turn three and our campaign notes say that if you succeed in this mission you can continue to the next mission however depending on how things went in this game you might have fewer resources to work with follow the instructions below to prepare for the next mission if we're able to succeed the first thing we're going to do is each player search the discard pile and selects one card to return to the endurance deck then we're also going to return all hazard cards in the discard pile to the endurance deck the third thing we're gonna do is shuffle the discard pile and remove half rounded up for the cards from the game these cards may not be used for the remainder of the campaign and the fourth thing we're going to do is returning the remaining cards from that discard pile that we split in half to the endurance deck to be used in the next mission so as you can see if we do make it out the what happens during the mission will affect the missions that we're playing after this one now of course this is all about rebecca aka newt newt is hidden among the four mission blip tokens these blips are spotted like normal but unlike regular blips these do not move during the alien phase when you flip a blip token to reveal newt place the newt miniature there she is now a character in the game until she calms down she activates after all characters have activated each turn each turn she takes two move actions taking a path that will end her movement as far away as possible from any marine but not ripley in case you don't know how this actually activates if you have not seen the movie first off stop right now and go watch the movie newt is a character that is from the original colony that was on the planet and they actually find her but she's obviously not wanting to trust any people or obviously the aliens so she's attempting to kind of stay away from us and live her life the way she's been living without any help so that's why it's talking about how she's going to be running away from us now of course we're going to try to calm her down and any character that is within two spaces and in line of sight of newt may take her an interact action to calm her down an interact action is one of the actions a marine can perform on their turn or of course ripley can as well to calm her down to do this role a marine die on a four or less newt calms down and joins your squad and if ripley is a played as a hero she can add her character card as a hero otherwise she's added as a grunt and of course i'll just demonstrate how all of that works during our setup having read through the mission we're going to go ahead and set up our board but i'm just going to quickly point out a few things as we do this these are our mission blips down here that i'll be placing down these are just random blips these are just going to be aliens that we don't know about running around inside here this is where our characters are going to start and these numbers here are potential spawn points from where future aliens may enter the board and right up here is going to be where our computer token is that we talked about so i'm going to go ahead and set our board all up and of course this is our turn dial i've got our board all set up just like our instructions have told us we have our spawn points down in each of these locations i've also placed our computer token up here there's just a few more things we have to do one is we have to randomly take two blips from our blip pool and place them down on the board also we have to take the four random blips one of them of course being newt and mixing these all up then we have to place these down on the board in the locations it tells you to now these blips are kind of sealed off by all these different doors so hopefully we only have to see a couple of these and we find newt and we get out of here that's hopefully it could be the best plan if we have to go through every one of these blimps wow it's going to take forever now of course don't forget we have this computer up here where we could check some of these blips if we want to next we're going to go ahead and select our heroes we're playing a two player game which means we're going to be controlling two characters now in this game you do actually have to play with all six characters so even though i'm only controlling two the other four will be grunts now what do i mean by that let me show you what i mean for example here is dwayne hicks he is going to be controlled as a hero because i'm a huge fan of hex so he's going to be in the game as a hero he's going to have these powers so on activation he's going to draw an endurance card and as a passive i can exhaust a card from my hand to reroll one of his failed attack rolls of course he has this neat thing down here that says we're all in storm out shape but stay frosty and alert he says that in the movie it's pretty cool they have a lot of awesome movie quotes though he's also got four speed six defense and three melee he's got a five text core and a seven aim which is going to be where you're gonna set his aim dial at at the beginning of his turn before he and before he activates now these are his powers as a hero player now of course we decided not to use hicks as a hero we would use him as a grunt which is right here notice he lost all of his powers and his stats are just not as good so your hero characters are going to be a little bit more powerful and they're going to be controlled by the humans now of course depending on your rank that's how many runs grunts you can control on your turn and if there aren't enough rank points to be able to control the grunts at the end of everybody's activation you can then control some grunts based on your actual leadership value so we've got hicks out here we're going to go and equip him and we're going to grab cards from our endurance deck now of course here's our endurance deck it's filled with all different things like events it's got weapons it's got hazards it's got equipment and you're going to go ahead and take whatever you want these marines have landed on lv 426 and they mean business they are down here and they are equipped to the hilt they're ready to go ahead and see what is in what is actually in the colony now the only drawback to that is he can equip a weapon sometimes they can quit backup weapons you'll see how that goes and i can have up to two equipment cards now of course every card i take from this endurance deck is not going to be available for me to use and this kind of becomes like your life total it also becomes like your ammo and your guns there's a lot of different things this deck represents but as this deck depletes you're going to become less and less effective so the more cards we give our characters the less that are in the deck so it's something you have to think about when you're equipping now of course this is our hero character so he's going to go ahead and grab an m41a pulse rifle this is a fully auto weapon now this costs three but that only is if you try to equip it onto somebody if you come into the game with it that's what this cost is for now of course i can exhaust a card when you take an attack action with this weapon then after you take an attack action with this weapon you may take an additional attack action using a grenade weapon equipped to this character now we're going to go ahead and put that weapon here now we're not going to give him any grenades instead in the movie he was carrying in a thakf-37 shotgun he likes to keep it handy for close encounters now again this would cost two if i had it in my hand and i wanted to equip it onto somebody but coming into the game he's just gonna go ahead and have it now notice it says backup so it can be in the backup slot now this is also a close range weapon and i gained negative one to my defense rules so instead of rolling a six i'm only rolling five on defense now i'm gonna exhaust one card when you take the attack action with this weapon this weapon may only target models that is within three spaces of this character this weapon always hits on a roll of five or less now you may think well that's not a big deal he has a name of seven why would you ever use that gun well every time you go ahead and make an attack action you're gonna lower your aim that value and at some point it might actually get lower than a five which then this gun would maybe be more beneficial to fire but as we stands now he starts with seven of course we're gonna go ahead and put that right there i am gonna give him a couple equipment cards he's gonna be equipped with body armor which says right here if you fail a defense roll i can reveal a card if one of these cards is revealed from our endurance deck for example i got the equipment yay then i would reroll that defense roll or i would exhaust a card if i pulled this now of course if i pull something that's not on here then nothing happens next we're going to go ahead and look at our helmet it says you fail a defense roll again i can reveal a card and if you this counts as passing defense rule and this means i'm going to exhaust this card so again i've got a couple ways to hopefully help protect hicks from the aliens as they come at him our next hero i'm choosing to use is private vasquez she's amazing i'm really big fan of her i can exhaust two cards instead of three each time you fire an m56 smart gun for those you don't know she was the master of the smart gun this was her main weapon when she was in the movie now it says on activation i'm gonna reveal a card if i get a weapon i take an aim action and if i get one of these two i can recycle a card and draw a card now if you have a four speed for defense two melee five tech and just with an eight aim value that's amazing and if she gets this action right here she gets an aim action which means that would go to a nine your aim dial can never go above 10 and can never go below one so having a nine right off the bat be amazing now we're gonna go ahead and give her some stuff the first thing of course we're gonna give her is her m56 smart gun why not she's in the picture which is amazing this is also full although and it's bulky so i'm gonna exhaust three cards when you take the attack action with this weapon but of course she gets to only have to exhaust two but when rolling for an attack with this weapon you roll two dice instead of one to discard the highest result that's so good you can't equip a backup weapon so she will not have any backup weapons equipped she can't have them even though in the movie drake actually carried a flamethrower around him to the reactor room but that's beyond the point maybe he's maybe who knows he's actually in one of the expansions and that might be a power he has i don't know we're going to go ahead and take a look at the other card she's going to take an arc welder she actually was carrying one in the game or in the movie i mean and she's going to go ahead here it says action discard this card to barricade a door within one space of your character that's going to be awesome we're going to put that right there and the next thing we're going to do is look we've got body armor for him if after all this thing is pretty much all connected to body armor which is pretty awesome this is big giant smart gun's pretty awesome looking you should go we'll see if you haven't seen aliens go see it right now she carries around it's pretty awesome body armor okay we've already seen what this is i'm gonna go ahead and put it down now of course you can't get a backup weapon so those are our two heroes let's go ahead and just look at the grunts and what i've equipped them with but before we do i'm just gonna grab her aim dial put it to eight and place it on her character so she is all set to go next we're going to go ahead and look at our grunts we're going to start with gorman he is their esteemed leader he is the commander in charge of all of this he's going to make sure everybody does everything they're supposed to he's a great leader not really a great leader but you know he was kind of a rookie there's only a second combat drop so sadly he kind of learned on the job a little bit but no it didn't work out too well for him but that's beyond the point he's going to go ahead and equip himself with a pulse rifle and he's also going to give himself some m40 grenades in the movie actually had these so i'm going to go ahead and give it to him it says right down here weapon grenade backup it is a backup weapon and it's close i can discard this card to make an attack with this weapon choose a space that is within four spaces of your character and in line of sight roll for each model in and token in that space and within one space of it this weapon always hits on a roll of six or less so in order to use this i have to go ahead and discard a card to make an attack with this weapon now i believe that it's gonna be a little bit different because of course this says after you take an attack action with this weapon you may take an additional attack action using a grenade weapon equipped to this character so that pulse rifle allows us to fire these grenades he's going to go ahead and also grab a flare it's an equipment it costs zero to equip but he's going to have it from the beginning i can discard this card to look at the top four cards the motion tracker deck which is how the aliens are going to spawn into the game and you may place one of these cards at the bottom of the motion tracker i can place the other on back on top in any order so that will really help us at least be able to manipulate that tracker deck because being able to at least control a little bit of the spawning of the aliens might really help us out in the long run moving over to our next grunt we have frost frost is awesome he has a actually a passive power even as a grunt it says after shooting with an m240 flamethrower reveal a card and if i get one of the symbols i can recycle a card which kind of brings a card back to your endurance deck so that you are not depleting it as fast and of course since he has that power i have given him the m240 flamethrower it's a cumbersome close weapon i have to exhaust two cards in order to make an attack with this weapon and i choose a space that is two spaces away from your character and in line of sight roll for each model and token in that space and within one space of it this weapon also always hits on a roll of seven or less so he's gonna flame an area and all the stuff around it and be able to hit on a seven left that's pretty good now of course he also gets to help by getting some cards back after he fires it so i think he's gonna be perfect for this now sadly he didn't get to use it in the movie because opponent took it from him right away in the reactor and instead he was walking around with this vp70 pistol which is why he's holding it in the picture anyway this is a backup weapon and it says this weapon always hits on a roll of three or less after you take an attack action with this weapon you may exhaust a card to make a second attack of this weapon this is not full auto i can't just automatically keep on firing with it at least gives me another time chance to fire it i'm giving him the backup weapon because of course this can only attack up to two spaces away and i want to make sure i can shoot farther if i need to i'm going to give him a couple things equipment cards i'm going to give him pretty much the same thing i gave hicks i'm going to give him body armor and a helmet because if he's with this flamethrower and he's close enough these aliens and actually fails miserably he might have to make some defensive roles so it's good to hopefully have him equipped with some armor that can prevent it our next grunt is going to be hudson he also is going to join us he has body armor a pulse rifle we've seen both of those i'm going to show you the motion tracker though because he was carrying one of the movies so it's hicks but he didn't have it he might even have enough spots to give him one i'm going to give him one though so as a free action i can reveal a card if i get one of those two symbols i can look at the top two cards of the motion tracker deck place one of those cards on the bottom of the motion tracker deck and the other on top again it's going to help us manipulate the deck if i draw a weapon card though i have to exhaust this card and it goes away so that'd be really sad and that's hudson for us and lastly you wouldn't be able to have an aliens movie without sigourney weaver we have ripley here she is joining the fray with again grenades and a pulse rifle that's awesome oh i hope there's i'm there maybe there could be a rule somewhere written where she could actually put a pulse over the flamethrower together because she does tape them together with duct tape at one point or is it gaff tape one of you anyway she's got a medical scanner she's got equipment it says action exhaust this card to stand up a knocked down character that's going to be good in case we fail our defense roles she can then use this to help us get back up and join the fight so that is ripley she's all set to go now i do want to mention that this is just the base game there are two other expansions for this game that add extra rules extra scenarios and extra things to the game which is really cool i sadly do not have those i just have the base game but i'm really excited to show you exactly how this is played now of course i'm gonna set her aim dial to five and all the other grunts are also going to gain their aim dials and i'm going to put them exactly to their aim total that they have the next part of our setup is to set up our endurance deck on our motion tracker deck so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to place this shuffle card down so when we this card appears we know to shuffle the deck that is underneath it of course it has an awesome line from opponent in the movie it says another glorious day in the core a day in the marine corps is like a day on the farm every meal a banquet every paycheck a fortune every formation a parade i love the core he says this in the movie raise they wake up from hypersleep it's a pretty good line we're going to go ahead and put that down actually about every line from aliens is amazing all right we're going to put that down right there and we're going to take the entire rest of our endurance deck that we used that from the rest of the cards and put them right here now of course all the stuff that we have equipped to our character starts out of this deck so our deck is only this big and as we use it it's going to go to exhaust piles they're also going to be ways of discarding these cards of course discarded cards are really bad you're never going to get them you're not going to get many of them back but the exhaust cards you could eventually get back and you're going to see how this works it's really kind of cool how the system works where it kind of goes from this deck to this deck you can come back here you can go back there it's really a neat way to do it now of course we have to set up our motion tracker deck as well now according to the setup we're going to go ahead and take five random level one motion tracker cards you can tell because one has two blips on it and we're also going to take five random level two motion tracker cards again you can tell because it has just a few blips on it and by a few i know that still looks like a ton but if you look at the actual expert one or the one that is the level three cards there's an absolute massive amount of blips on these cards so you know that's a level three card look at all the blips i hope those aren't all aliens all right we're going to take both of these two cards decks and mix them together to form the top of our motion tracker deck so we're going to take the full deck of cards place it here and then we're going to take the 10 other cards and place them right there and there we go we have our motion tracker deck ready to go along with our endurance deck the only thing left that we have to do is set up our characters so according to our setup we're going to have to place our characters right here so we're going to go ahead and start with hicks i've got him right here i've painted up our characters they look so cool when they're painted up they actually really do shine and of course their names are right there as to who it is so this is hicks he's pretty awesome i'm going to go ahead and put him right there next we have ripley she is all set to go she's got her pulse rifle she's perfect and awesome she's going to go right there then i think they're also going to take with them frost frost is right here he's also going to stand next to him and painted him up as well these are all painted miniatures now this is so good the cell beats they were cool looking when they're green but now they're all painted up i have vast gas she's all painted up with her giant smart gun so you know she doesn't have a helmet on so i didn't give her home it's pretty awesome all right we're gonna go ahead and put her right there we also have hudson hudson's also here he's got his motion tracker he's holding on right there i'm going to place him right there our last marina is gorman of course he's right here we're going to place him in the middle he is going to be kind of leading from the middle here there we go so of course we have our characters ready to go we are ready to start our first turn let's go ahead and start our first turn so we're going to go ahead and take our activation token and the person that has the higher rank which in this case is corporal hicks is going to go ahead and decide who activates first he is going to choose himself so the order of what we're going to do is the first thing we're going to do is turn his aim dial back to 7 which we have already done the next thing we're going to go and do is we are going to go ahead and resolve all on activation abilities and he does have an on activation ability it says right here you may draw an endurance card and i am going to draw endurance card just because his passive power of course allows me to exhaust a card in hand to reroll a failed attack roll so it's good to have a few of these in hand so we're gonna go ahead and draw our first endurance card and we have found do it fast whatever you're gonna do do it fast that's what she says and it's here it says choose another character that character immediately takes an action so that's an event and it's gonna cost me two cards i'd have to exhaust two cards to be able to use this card i'm gonna go ahead and put that right here now after i've done all my activation abilities i can then go on to equip endurance cards this is where i can choose to unequip or equip cards that i have for my hand if i wish to also if i'm within two squares of another marine i could also equip cards to them as well but we're not going to do that we have we're all equipped and ready to go now i'm able to perform two actions and the actions i can do and it's up to two actions you don't have to do two the first one is move everybody does have a move stat his move set is for his speed and then i could also choose to attack i could barricade if you're next to a door you can choose to roll your tech skill to try to barricade the door on a roll of that or equal two or less than that score you have barricaded the door hopefully blocking the aliens for a while you can choose an aim action where you're able to tick up your aim dial giving you a better chance of shooting in the end then of course i can also interact with anything on the board for example that computer i can go ahead and use card actions or i could rest and rest is an actually pretty important action taking a rest action a hero character can go ahead and draw up to two cards from the endurance deck and then i may recycle up to three cards from the exhaust pile or their hand so this would be very good at getting cards from the exhaust pile backed into the endurance deck so it's not going into because eventually once the endurance deck runs out you'll be moving exhaust cards to the discard pile and that's bad news you don't want cards in a discard pile now of course it says may draw up to two cards so you only have to draw the two cards you could just go ahead and recycle three cards from your hand or the exhaust pile back into the endurance deck so those are the different actions we can do of course since it's the very first turn we're probably doing a lot of moving so let's go ahead and move over to the board and see what happens our goal is to find newt and she's gonna be one of these type of blip tokens we don't know which one it is now of course his speed value is four and he can take two actions so he's gonna go ahead and move one two three four and his second action here again is gonna move one two three four he's going to go ahead and move right there now he whenever you become adjacent to a door that's when these open and you have a line of sight to the blips now of course if i would have been here that means i'm still not adjacent because this is not connected to this door in any way you can only activate that door by being adjacent to it so from where he is right now he can't see into that room and i'm actually going to put him over there now those are his two actions with the two actions complete we're going to continue on we're going to go ahead and resolve all end of activation abilities he does not have any all of end of activation abilities then i can use my rank to activate grunts so at this point i have to just figure out what rank he is he is a corporal so he's able to activate two grunts a private only activates one and any lieutenant gorman can activate up to three so that's one of his bonuses he can activate a lot of grunts but corporal hicks is only a corporal he can activate two grunts after his turn has come to an end here so his and he's resolved his activations we're going to go ahead and activate a couple grunts so let's go see how to do that so when i choose to activate grunts i can choose any of the grunts that are out there now that means i cannot choose vasquez because she's another hero i'm going to actually choose to use frost and ripley those will be the two grunts i'm going to have corporal hicks activate and they're just going to go ahead and probably do some move actions first let's make sure that they don't have any activation abilities or anything if we look at ripley's card she does not but she has a speed of four so we're gonna go ahead and move her four one two three four one two three now if you notice this white border right here around this you cannot move diagonal through that because of course this protrudes past that into the next room so you have to actually move completely around it so she's gonna move to there i'm gonna have frost move up one two three four and then one two three he's gonna go ahead and move there marines can move over other marines but they cannot end their activation on a marine so i could have actually moved him one two three four one two three four but if i did i would have looked at the split and if it was an alien i would have really no way to do anything because i've used both my actions so i think it'll be safer to stand outside these doors and look into the room's next turn now of course he's activated his two grunts so we're going to go ahead and move to the bottom part of the card which is i'm going to go ahead and pass the activation token to the person to my left now of course i'm playing a two-player game so the only person is vasquez but if i was playing more than two players i would pass that token to the left fastcast now gets the activation token and we're gonna go ahead and go down her steps as well now a lot of these of course aren't really going to happen because we have it's our first turn reset the aim dial it is already at eight we're then going to go ahead and resolve on all activation abilities she doesn't have an activation ability on top it's a passive ability but her bottom one is it says on activation reveal a card so we're going to go ahead and take the top card from our endurance deck and we are going to reveal it it is an event so we're going to go ahead and check her power out it says if it's a equipment or event recycle a card and then draw a card well we don't have any cards to recycle because we don't have anything in the exhaust deck so that's fantastic so instead we are going to put this at the bottom and draw a card so we do have that shuffle card we're going to go ahead and place the card she revealed underneath that shuffle card and since we have nothing that we can actually recycle we're going to go ahead and just draw a card and we have found a pistol oh i wish those would have been the other order she could have been even able to do an aim action first but that's okay she's going to take this into her hand at this point she is now going to go ahead and take her action she gets two of them the first one she is going to do is she's actually going to go ahead and i think she's going to try to get up here so she can check out that map up here and see where those blips are and what's under them so she's gonna move one two three and four to right there and then she's gonna move one two three and four to right there now at the end of her activation we're gonna see if she has any end of turn activations she does not have any end of activation abilities so we're going to go ahead and use rank to activate a grunt and she is a private so she can activate one grunt she's going to choose hudson hudson is going to move one two three four to right here and for his second action he's gonna try to barricade that door now to barricade a door we're gonna check our character's tech stat he has a six hudson has a six text gat so he's gonna go ahead and roll his die and if he gets a six or lower he is able to barricade that door he got a seven oh no that's not enough so he was not able to barricade that door that could have helped prevent some of these aliens from running through here they would have had to try to break down that door in order to get to us but sadly he has failed that's her two actions and also his two actions of course the grunts do follow the rest of our activations just like everybody else so we would be resetting their aim dials resolving activation abilities and equipping endurance cards now of course the grunts do not get cards and none of them that i have except for frost actually has any type of abilities on their cards at all so that's why i'm just moving straight to perform actions and then we're going to go ahead he has none of these he can't activate a grunt because he's already grunt and he doesn't have the token so there we go he's gone ahead and activated and that's how all the grunts are going to activate we do have one more grunt left and since we have finished our turn with bass gas we do have to pass the activation token there's nobody else to pass this activation token so he actually didn't get to activate this turn so at the end of the turn the person who is controlling the highest ranking character then gets to move the rest of the grunts that weren't activated so he's going to go ahead and take command of gorman so this works pretty well while you're playing solo but of course in a multiplayer game you could all talk about kind of what you think we should do with this person but of course the person with the highest amount of rank actually gets the final say in how this works so he's going to go ahead and move one two three four and then one two three four these two together can maybe work on figuring out where newt is by activating this computer next turn that will end the marine phase and we'll be moving into the alien phase now so we're gonna go ahead and go down our card here we're going to activate aliens there are no aliens in the board there are blips on the board there's two different kind of lips there's these blips and the blips that are the ones that could potentially be newt the ones that are potentially newt do not move in this scenario but these will the way that blips move in this game is they move by map coordinates so for example this is a map coordinate ray or map right here so we'll roll for those blips separately from the ones that would be on this map over here since there's only one set of blips on one set of maps we're gonna roll our alien die and we're gonna see how far these aliens move they've got a four so we're going to move them four one two three four and one two three four since that's as far as they can go alien blips cannot land on top of other alien blips but now we have to check our line of sight to see if we actually can see any of these blips so the way line of sight works in this game is you are able to see the other place if you can draw a line from any part of your space to any part of the target space without passing through any other character wall or closed door so we're going to go ahead since this door is open because i'm adjacent to it and this door is open because the alien's adjacent to it we're going to take our little magic little pointer here and see if we can see that of course we can see that one let's see if we can see this one over here no we can't i don't think all right if i'm wrong please let me know but i believe all we can see is this one right here so we're going to go ahead and reveal this blip token and see how many aliens are there we have found three all right so we're going to go ahead and take our aliens and put them on the board we're going to put one two of these alien tokens down and then we're also going to put an alien miniature on the board as well and they're right here super detailed and awesome looking miniatures they're really cool i have to admit these tails are a little tough to glue on there but i got them on and they look really awesome so we're going to go ahead and put our swarm of three aliens right here now of course they've already activated so they're not going to attack anything from where they are we're going to continue on down we do know now that there are three aliens there and we'll probably discover what that blip is next turn i'm pretty sure we're going to go ahead now and draw our motion tracker cards now in this scenario it did say not to draw motion tracker cards until the end of turn three so we'll not be doing that instead we'll be going to the finish phase so we're gonna resolve any finishing phase effects i don't have any and we're gonna go ahead and check victory and defeat well i've definitely not been a victorious and i have not been defeated yet we'll see which one happens and then we're going to go ahead and clean up and that means we're going to go ahead and take our turn dial and move it to turn number two and we're going to go to the beginning of our turn moving into our second turn hicks being the person with the most seniority of the highest rank he gets the activation token he can choose to give it to anybody he wants he is going to choose to give it to vasquez i'm going to have her go first so she of course her passive power isn't going to activate because it has to do with shooting this gun but she is still going to reveal a card on activation so we're going to go ahead and reveal a card from our endurance deck and see what it is i'm really hoping we get a weapon that'd be awesome we got a weapon we've got the m40 grenades that's fantastic now i don't get to keep this card i am just revealing this card and that allows me to take an aim action so her aim dial goes to nine you i only need a 10 in a minute so i can't miss if i get a if i get a 10 oh that'd be terrible all right we're going to go ahead then and now i have to put this on the bottom of the deck because all i was doing was revealing a card so this goes to the bottom of the deck underneath that shuffle card then we're going to go ahead and continue on down resolve uh the equip endurance cards um perform up to two actions as next now of course i didn't reset my indexary at eight but if i don't take a shot this turn i will be resetting the same dial back down to eight again at the beginning of return so let's go find some mounts and shoot them we're gonna perform up to two actions so the two actions she can perform she could perform a move action or shoot action but sadly one two three four she's not gonna have line of sight to these aliens so sadly it's not gonna happen i'm gonna go ahead and just i think we're gonna do we're gonna do that tech test to see if we can actually activate that computer to see if we can look at some of the blip tokens so we're going to go ahead and look at her tech skill it's a 5. so we're going to go ahead and roll that dice now of course she does say i see we roll them in there and nerve gas the whole nest oh i remember that part in the movie that's pretty good they don't even know if that's going to be effective all right we're going to go ahead and roll a die and see we get we need to get a 5 or less to see if that computer is going to be on our side it is on our side so we can go ahead and reveal a blip token which means if i wanted to i could reveal this flip token but i don't think that's going to help us too much we have a one in four chance of picking the right blip that might be newt so i think we're gonna start with this one right over here let's see what is behind door number one oh it's one alien okay so that's not too bad if we had to go into that room that'd be okay but i don't really want to there's another way of getting to know it so we know this is not newt let's go ahead and continue our actions with vasquez we have located what one of those blips are let's go ahead and see if we can find out what some of the other blips are let's go ahead and interact again there's nothing that says you can't do the same action twice we're going to interact again with this computer and we got os7 it didn't activate so i mean she's going to be able to now activate a grunt and i'm going to have her activate gorman again because he's also standing next to this computer now of course gorman is equally bad at tech than as vasquez he's only got a five so we're going to go ahead and roll and see if he is able to activate this computer as well he got a nine he did not activate the commuter come on gorman and he'd do better than that and he got a seven oh my guys are terrible hicks is now going to go ahead and take the activation token and he on activation may draw an endurance card he's not going to of course his aim dial is already at seven i'm not gonna even draw an endurance card he's already got one in case he needs to reroll a die and it can only do it once per turn so i think that's the best way to do it just kind of keep one card from if you need to so we're going to go ahead now and move into the rest of our activation so we're going to go ahead and equip endurance cards we're not going to do that we're going to perform up to two actions let's go ahead and do that with the two actions we know one of the actions is not to go and check out this blip it's an alien we don't know what the rest of these blips are so i think we might as well start looking at this one i was really hoping our computer team of vasquez and gorman would be able to figure out the blips but well sadly gorman's not that he's not that good but so hog hicks is going to go ahead and move he's going to take a move action the first actually move right here which will now he has opened the door which gives him a line of sight to this blip we're gonna go ahead and see what it is oh it's nude all right we have found nude so we're gonna go ahead and take the new character and place it down on the board here is her miniature right here she's all painted up and ready to go she is right there now she is not one of our characters yet we actually have to calm her down to calm her down we have to be within two squares and we have to roll a four or less if we're not able to calm her down by the end of our activations she is going to run from us in the movie she's not exactly thrilled to be in lv426 her she's seen horrific things she doesn't trust people she doesn't trust alien she doesn't trust anybody she's been living here longer than 17 days because they were thinking of putting her in charge but they didn't anyway we're going to go ahead and move hicks one more space so now he is within two spaces of newt that's his one action to move now he's going to go ahead and interact with her so we're going to go ahead and roll our die and see how this goes we need a four or less and we got a three wow he calmed her down immediately that's amazing all right way to go hicks you know in the movie he actually grabbed her and she actually bit him and ran away but that's okay then this time she didn't she did not bite him and run away which is fantastic now we're going to go ahead and take newt's card now there also are two different types of characters in this game that i didn't mention one is she's just a member of the whale and nutanix she's just a civilian so when you go to activate grunts or not grunts but if there's if something has to do with marines these are marines these are civilians so i wouldn't be able to activate them at all with those cards from what i understand she is now part of our group i can go ahead and activate her as a chosen grunt if i want because she's still a grunt even though she is a civilian but that's his second action he is out of action so we're going to go ahead and continue on down our card which means we are going to go and resolve all end of activation abilities now we get to go ahead and activate two grunts and we've got some grunts to activate we're first going to activate frost frost is going to move right here and when he's there he's now going to barricade this yes not only can you barricade doors you can barricade spawn locations as well frost has a tech score of five he also has an ability that i haven't been talking about but it has to do with the m240 flame thrower and he hasn't actually used it yet but when he does that passive power will come into play but his tech score is five so we're gonna really five or less and we can block that oh yes we got a four we can barricade that door so i'm gonna take a barricade token here and go ahead and barricade right on there and that means if an alien tries to spawn in this location has to break through the barricade in order to actually spawn there which is pretty cool so those are his two actions our next action i'm gonna go ahead and activate newt as a grunt she's gonna go ahead and move one two three four oh she can't move on to him her so she's actually i'm not going to activate her we're going to activate somebody else i'm actually going to activate hudson now sadly if i would have been smart i maybe would have had her go over there to because she was actually holding an arc welder which means she could have barricaded the door but i was really hoping this tech score said i did it and which is why i didn't have vasquez do that i should have maybe had her do it but that's okay he's going to go ahead and move he's going to move one two three four now he if you ever have your movement go next to an alien or a blip of any kind you have to stop i don't have to stop because i'm not going adjacent to it but when i get to here i do have line of sight to this blip so i do have to reveal this blip token and it is two aliens so we're going to go ahead and put down another token and another alien yes you do have line of sight through other aliens you can see through other aliens we're going to continue moving one two three four and then remove again one two three and we're gonna move down here to four i'll move differently one two three four one two three no i like right there four is going to be just fine i think that's going to work real good i actually want to move him down here there we go what i want to do is i want to vast casper i'll see his aliens and i want to have her just be able to take them out that's my plan so these i have activated him him and her you can only ever activate a character one time during your during the turn you can activate grunts multiple times you can only activate every each character will be activated once so these have activated there are still a couple that have not activated and we have finished hicks's turn and we have activated two grunts using his rank so there's only two left so the token will stay with him and he will be able to choose what to do with the last two remaining grunts the two remaining grunts are ripley and newt i think it's time for just them to move one two three four one two to right about there i want these aliens to go after them so if i get too close to them they might come down on ripley instead of going up and around to go after characters up there which is what i want so she's going to stop right there and then newt's going to go one two three four one two three four kind of hanging out next ripley because you know they're pals they're pals in the movie they're gonna stay pals in the game all right those guys are all done that's the end of our turn we are gonna go ahead and move into our alien turn so the first thing we have to do is activate the aliens these two aliens are going to move six spaces towards the closest marine which is going to be hudson i've made sure these two didn't get too close so we're going to go ahead and move one two three four five six now of course it can't go diagonal here because these protrude from the wall and if you look over here they can't go through this square either because this protrudes out from the wall as well so it can't diagonally move that way so it's going to end its turn right there which is awesome and then of course the other alien is going to come up behind it if i can get these guys to stand on there there we go one two three four five six it's sitting right here oh they are ready hopefully to get shot that's my plan all right those aliens are in a good spot i'm pretty excited about that that's the end of their activation we're going to go ahead and activate our blips now of course we don't have any blips to activate these blips do not count we do not activate them we're now going to go ahead and draw our motion tracker cards and again since we are only on turn two we are not gonna be drawing motion tracker cards so we don't have any finishing effect phase we also are not victorious we have yet to be defeated which is good so we're just gonna go ahead and go to turn three which now at the end of this turn we will be starting to draw those blip or those motion tracker cards when they come up in the alien phase moving into turn three i'm going to go ahead and give vass gas the activation token fix is going to let her go ahead and go first the passive power is not coming into play but it will real soon we're gonna go ahead and on activation reveal a card so we're gonna reveal a card from our endurance deck and see what it is it is oh it's an equipment i was really hoping for a weapon card because then i could do an aim action i do have to go ahead and reset my aim dial down to eight because well that's the deal that's the beginning of the turn you have to reset your aim dial then we're going to reveal a card i have to recycle a card and draw a card i'm going to place this at the bottom of our deck and draw another card we still don't have any cards in our exhaust pile so i don't have to i'm not able to recycle a card so we're just going to draw a card and we have found a flare this costs nothing to equip but she has both of her equipment slots already full now gorman is next to her and gorman actually has a flare already equipped but he does not have another thing in his equipment slot so maybe equipping another flare to him wouldn't be a bad idea let's go ahead and take a look at our card here so we've gone ahead and reset our aim dial and we've resolved all on activation abilities now i can equip endurance cards if i want to so i can clip anything on her anything on anybody within two squares and that's what we're gonna do since he is within two squares of me i'm going to go ahead and equip the flare on him he now has two flares in his equipment area which is pretty good he can use these to manipulate the motion tracker deck which would be a very good thing that's going to be that part of our turn we're now going to move into step four which is perform two actions i'm gonna take a wild stab in the darkness you figured out exactly what action i'm gonna take you're right i'm gonna take the actual fight and attack action so we're gonna use our m56 smart gun which is fully auto it says exhaust three cards when you take the attack action with this weapon when rolling for an attack with this weapon roll two dice instead of one discarding the highest result i cannot equip a backup weapon so let's go ahead and exhaust two cards so the smart gun says we have to exhaust three cards but vasquez's passive power that she has states that when you exhaust or use the m56 smart gun you exhaust two cards instead of three each time you fire it so i'm gonna go ahead and exhaust one two cards that means you take two and you take cards off the top of the deck without looking them put them in the exhaust pile which is fantastic of course you never know what these are now if there ever is not any cards in the endurance deck and you have to exhaust cards you have to move exhaust cards to a face up to the discard pile so you don't want any cards to just card pile because a lot of times those cards are gone for the rest of the game and of course being your endurance and aim and ammos and all that stuff that this card deck does the more you can have in here the longer you're most likely going to survive in the game looking at vast gas's aim dial of eight she's going to go ahead and now start attacking these aliens it's going to be awesome she's going to go ahead and roll she just roll two dice and she gets to drop the highest die they both were two so that's awesome she has hit this alien swarm she's going to go ahead and remove one alien from it now of course you remove the tokens before you actually move the aliens i now have to move her aim dial down to seven now this gun is full auto and full auto states that i can go ahead and continue making shots until either i miss or i want to quit of course every time you fire a full auto shot you do have to exhaust another card so we're going to be exhausting another card to go ahead and take another shot with the smart gun and we got an eight and a nine oh we missed that's it she cannot go ahead and fire again unless she wants to take another attack action and i think she's gonna go ahead and do that she's gonna exhaust two cards to continue firing at these aliens we have to try to take these aliens out she's going to go ahead and roll two dice she needs to get a oh i'm sorry she did fire so her dial has to go down to a six so she's gonna need a six or lower on one of these dice come on six or lower wow two nine i got two nines all right those are her two actions she is done she does get to go ahead and activate another grunt i think the grunt she is going to activate is hudson hudson does have line of fire to this alien he's going to go ahead and fire his m41a pulse rifle that states exhaust a card when you take a an attack action with this weapon so he's gonna go ahead and exhaust his card to take an attack action with this weapon now he's gonna get the roll two dice he only just rolled one we need a six or less and he got a six so he was able to take out another alien part of the swarm right here so this is gonna be discarded his thing is gonna go down to five and again hicks does have the ability to do full auto and he is gonna do that so we're gonna exhaust yet another card and take another shot and hopefully take out another alien that's our plan oh we got a star now the star we might think is a 10 but it's not the 10 is actually over here that's a one so we were able to take out this alien he is totally dead which is fantastic now of course i could keep firing if i wish to and i probably will this is going to go down to four he's going to go ahead and exhaust yet another card to take another full auto action oh no i don't think he can actually i'm pretty sure i actually can shoot this alien because our full auto rule states that after you successfully hit with a full auto weapon you may exhaust a card to make another attack against an alien you may continue making attacks until this weapon misses or you decide to stop so it doesn't say anything in there about having to you can't switch targets so i believe he can keep just on shooting so we're going to go ahead and exhaust yet another card and go ahead and fire at that alien let's see how we do i got i got another one so we did take out another one of this swarm we're gonna go ahead tick this down to three and we're going to continue firing on three or less this will be kind of rough we'll see how this goes i got a i got a nine so i missed so his pulse rifle has ended i could use his second action to take a shot again but look at this i'm down to two i need a two or less i don't know if that's going to happen i think at this point what i'm going to have him do is i'm going to have him go ahead and he's going to oh man this is tough i think he's going to move he's going to move one two three four down here that way if the aliens go after money it's going to go after these two which is just fine because we still have vasquez sitting at a six if she wants to do and a close combat firing attack which you get to do with the aliens attack but hopefully we don't have to see that that is the end of those two characters she has done something and she has activated her grunt we're going to move down to our other group here hicks is going to go ahead and go next he is not going to draw a card on his activation his aim dial is at seven so we're going to go ahead now and perform just his two actions and you probably got a pretty good idea these actions are they're run one two three four and then he's going to go ahead and move one two three four to right there he's gonna be able to activate two grunts now actually he's gonna activate gorman that way gorman can try to take some shots of that alien if he kills it that's fantastic if he doesn't well at least he tried so gorman does have his m41a pulse rifle looking back at this this probably wasn't the best equip he's holding a pistol maybe that should have been my cue because a pistol on him is actually probably a little bit better because as his aim dial ticks down he's not able to fire too many times with this at full auto where the pistol never misses only three or less but that's beyond the point we are going to exhaust a card and before i exhaust this card i do want to say that i actually exhausted one too many when i fired with hudson so instead of exhausting this card we're just going to go ahead and fire our weapon when i checked to see if i could hit that alien i'd already exhausted a card then came back and exhausted another one so instead we're just gonna go ahead and leave that card there and fire with gorman now of course gorman's aim dial is a four he's got a four all right gorman make us proud you have made us proud he got a one he has killed this alien oh wow gorman fantastic work wow you're gonna get promoted for that that's amazing now of course his aim dial does have to go down to three but i'm actually pretty excited there's no aliens on the board he does get to perform another action one two three four he is going to go ahead and move now that is the two grunts that i was able to activate with hicks we're going to go ahead and activate all the other grunts now for the end of the turn actually i lied hicks has only activated one so far he's gonna go ahead and activate frost one two three four one two three four for us just be running on down the road our goal is to get to this exit over here so we're just gonna keep on trucking now of course we're gonna have to start spawning some of those aliens pretty soon so this could get sticky we're going to go ahead and move ripley one two three four one two three four she's gonna be really close that i'm kind of worried but we gotta get out of here that's our plan so she's gonna go like that at this point i'm actually gonna play an event i've got an event that says whatever you're gonna do do it fast i can do this at a cost of two so i can exhaust two cards to choose another character that character immediately takes an action so i'm gonna go ahead and play this card exhaust two cards off of our deck and we're going to go ahead and activate vast gas she's going to go ahead and move one two three four down to here that way at least we got our group kind of together i'm going to go ahead and put this in to the exhaust deck whenever you're playing the event you discard it into the exhaust deck so that's where that card goes that's the end of our marines turn there are no aliens on the board there are no blip tokens on the board so we're just gonna go right into drawing our motion tracker cards how we got really lucky taking out all those aliens let's go ahead and see what we can get when you draw motion tracker cards you're going to draw one for each person playing the game but when you play one or two player game each person is gonna draw two so we're actually drawing four of these motion tracker cards so the first one states alien scout we're gonna have one come out at number one exhaust one card for each character within line of sight of this blip when it spawns oh that's going to be terrible all right i'm going to put that card right here we're going to continue drawing we've got our second card it is false alarm recycle a card that's awesome to put that into the discard pile we're going to go ahead and recycle one card from our exhaust deck into our endurance deck and put it on the bottom we're going to continue on our third card is an alien lurker if this blip is not placed in on a spawn point within line of sight of a character immediately move it four squares oh that's gonna be bad news all right and our last one i like this one let's get another false alarm that'd be great nope overwhelming horde oh my gosh each character in line of sight of one or more aliens must discard one card wow all right we got a lot of things going on let's go ahead and take care of all these cards individually out on the board in this order our first motion tracker card was our alien scout so he's going to come out on number one well lucky for us we have barricaded that frost barricaded this up so in order for this blip to spawn he has to roll an alien die on a four five or six he's gonna bust through this thing and go ahead and spawn as normal if he gets a one two or three he fails and we discard the blip token now if there were two blip tokens on this and the first one failed you would roll for the second one we only have one blip token on there so we're gonna go ahead and roll it got a two that's awesome it totally failed so this card just gets discarded because that blip did not actually spawn we're now gonna go ahead and do the other two the second blip was our alien lurker he's gonna go ahead and spawn at number two and if this blip is not placed on a spawn point within line of sight to a character it immediately moves four spaces we're going to go ahead and grab a blip token from our blip pool and put it down on number two now we're going to check for line of sight pretty much every one of us guys see this thing so we're going to go ahead and flip over our blip token we have found one alien oh that's pretty good i'm glad it was only one all right we're gonna place it right there and now it doesn't move it just gets spawned this turn our third card is overwhelming hoard it's gonna go ahead and place two blips on number three and each character in line of sight of one or more aliens must discard one card so we are actually in line of sight to an alien each character in line of sight of one or more aliens okay i don't think it's talking about the aliens that come from this card i think just talking about aliens in general so i'm gonna have to discard some cards vast gas is the only one with cards i actually don't think she has line of sight to this alien i'm gonna go ahead and check i know it's way up here but let's see what she can do she is i think she actually is in line of sight of that alien i know it's really weird the line of sight in this rule is pretty much you can draw any corner to any corner any part of your square to any part of their square you can see them so i'm going to go ahead and discard my pistol which is too bad and that goes into the discard pile because i did say discard a card so she's discarded card kicks doesn't have any cards so he can't disconnect anything now what i have to do is i have to go ahead and take two more blips from my blip pool now i do want to mention that every time that you take a blip token and put on the board and it is removed from the board those go back into the blip pool so the pool just automatically keeps on refilling with these blips i'm going to go ahead and place the first one here and you can never put more than one blip token in a place so you can't stack these instead the person with the highest activate or the highest rank is allowed to choose where to put it i'm just going to put it right next to it over here so those are all set to go we're going to go ahead and continue on we've drawn our motion tracker cards we have resolved any finished effects we're going to check for victory we have not we're not victorious and we are not dead yet and we're going to go ahead and clean up and go to turn four now this turn dial is really just going to show me how many turns we have left or how many turns we're playing because once you get to turn three there's nothing in this scenario that's going to affect what happens with this turn dial but i'm still going to use it because i like to use turn dials moving into the marine's turn i'm going to go ahead and hicks is going to keep this token this time so hicks will be going first and on activation he can choose to draw an endurance card he is going to draw an endurance card so we're going to take the top card and see what is we have stop your grin and oh that's awesome drop your linen and stop your grin and we have found them they found the colonists that's awesome well they said what happened in the movie we're going to go ahead and see what this says it's a cost of zero i can reveal a card and if i find the equipment i can search the exhaust pile for any one card and add it to your hand well that sounds really good i can also look at the top five cards the motion tracker deck choose to put them in any card any put any of these cards on the bottom of the deck returning the rest of the top of the deck in any order wow that's really good all right he's got an awesome card hopefully he doesn't have to use it for actually shooting because that's would be terrible he's going to go ahead now and take his two actions of course i'm not going to choose to equip any of our endurance cards they're totally fine so we're going to perform our two actions our first one is going to be to move one two three four and now he's gonna go ahead and take a shoot action with his m41a pulse rifle he's gonna go ahead and exhaust a card and take a shot his aim dial is sitting at seven so we're gonna take the top card off our endurance deck exhausted and roll a die and let's see how this goes i need a seven or less that needs to be a little bit more in the screen and we well maybe get in the screen here yes all right there we go i got a six all right we're gonna go ahead and take this alien out and then he is dead we're then gonna go ahead and that's the end of his activation he has moved any a shot he's going to go down to whoop six on his activation now as i shoot that across the board wow these things fly and that's the end of his activation he can now activate two grunts i'm actually going to choose ripley and i'm also going to choose newt because after all our goal is to get them out one two three four one she is out one two three four one two she is out both of these characters have made it to the exit they are safe for the next mission moving over to vast gas we're gonna go ahead and reset her aim dial to eight then we're gonna go ahead and reveal a card and we have found an in we have found an event and that means for her she is going to go ahead and recycle a card and draw a card so since this was revealed we are going to put this at the bottom of our endurance deck we're going to go ahead and we can recycle a card so i'm going to take the top card of the exhaust deck put it underneath our endurance deck and she's going to draw a card and she has found what she find we've got knives we've got sharp sticks event cost of two search the exhaust pile for any one card and add it to your hand wow those are really good cards all right we're gonna put that to the side she now gets to go ahead and activate her and up to one grunt she's going to activate herself one two three four one two three four she can move through grunts or sorry through character she just can't end next to him she's gonna activate frost as the grunt for herself to activate one two three four one two three four i'm really excited where he is if any alien comes out of there it's gonna be in big trouble i'm pretty excited actually he's gonna stop right here i lied i've got a better plan he's gonna be right there now there are two grunts left that haven't been activated hicks is gonna be the one that activates them hudson's gonna move four one two three four and then four again one two three four down to here that looks good and that gorman's going to come one two three four one two three four two right there our marines are slowly making it out i think we're doing really this is the best i've ever done in this scenario so i'm really excited for this now of course i say that now and then all the others come pouring out of this we'll see how that goes now that's the end of our turn but before we end i am going to go ahead and play stop your grinning drop your linen we're going to go ahead and pay it it's a zero cost card to reveal a card and we want to see an event come on event it is an event yes okay since we revealed it we're going to go ahead and stick this on the bottom of our endurance deck we're going to put this into the exhaust pile but before we do i get to go ahead and look at the top five motion tracker cards and choose to put any of these cards at the bottom of the deck and return the rest of the top of the deck in any order so this is awesome i get to look at one two three four and one more five all right let's see what these are we're gonna go ahead and go through them individually we have found alien drones it's gonna spawn at number one which is way over here it says players must either discard a one barricade in play or place a second blip at spawn point one if the no barricades in play place another spawn that's no good gets rid of my barricade all right oh we got real sus horde exhaust exhaust six cards oh that's horrible all right we've got driven by purpose after you place blips move each blip in play three spaces okay that's something actually it's not too bad alien assault if this spawn point already has a blip on blip or alien model move this split four spaces towards the nearest character that's actually not too bad either i like that one and alien drones players must either discard another discard barricade card all right i'm gonna have to draw four of these cards i have to put up to three i can put as many as i want sorry onto the bottom of the deck and i put the rest on top these are awesome i'm going to keep both of these and just make sure you put them in the right order if this spawn point already has a blip or alien model move it and i want to do this one first so these two are going to go like that that's awesome now we gotta see if we want any of these out here now of course these are get rid of my barricades this one might be interesting i have to exhaust six cards but i might not be able to get them all these two blips i'm actually gonna discard all three of these and we're gonna put these two back on top of the deck now is that going to be good i don't know but i think it should help us a little bit so we're put the two on top and then we're going to go ahead and put any of the other cards on the bottom of the deck so we're going to take our deck and we're going to put these right on the bottom and hopefully that doesn't come and bite us all right that is the end we're going to go ahead and move into the alien turn which of course we start with activating the aliens there's none to activate we're going to activate blips there are some blips to activate so we're gonna go ahead and move them the blips on this board are gonna go ahead and roll their alien die and they got a two so they're gonna come one two and they're gonna apparently take the small point with them they're gonna move right up to there and now we have to draw those motion tracker cards and we're going to be drawing four of them now of course we know what two of them are the first one is going to spawn two blips in number four and after you place the blips move each blip three spaces so we're going to go ahead and place these here and here and move them one two three one two three up to there they can be seen by both frost you know pretty much a lot of these people up here so we're gonna put two aliens out there for each of these okay we're gonna put two right there and then we're gonna put two more over here okay and there's two and two those are done we're gonna draw our second motion tracker card and it is another one and four again if this spawn point already had has a blip or alien model move this blip four spaces toward the nearest character it does not have a blip or something so we're going to go ahead and first return these two back to our pool mix up our pool a little bit and we're going to grab another blip put it out there and reveal it we have found three this time so we're going to put three of these guys out here we have one two and then three is our alien so there we go we knew what those cards were we have to draw two i don't know what these cards are these can be really really bad all right good news this one has two blips on it so hopefully it's not too bad it says oh number three it's a lurker and it says if this blip is not placed on a spawn point within line of sight of a character immediately four squares all right we're going to take a blip token and move it for squares unlike marines that actually are able to move around themselves aliens can or blips cannot move through other aliens or blips so he's gonna actually instead of being able to move four he's just gonna move one up we now have one more card we have to draw and it is it's a false alarm recycle one card oh my gosh i think we're gonna make it out i'm gonna go ahead and recycle this card from the exhaust deck putting on the bottom of our endurance deck and that's it we're gonna go into turn five which is awesome we i think are going to get out of here without much problem oh this is awesome all right hicks is going to go ahead and go he's right here he's going to go one two three four one two three four he is out he's gonna go ahead and take him out of two grunts frost go one two three four he is out and he's gonna use gorman one two three four one two he is out vass gas is going to go ahead and activate one two three four and out and hudson whoa i can't before i activate vast gas i have to go ahead and reveal a card and let's see what we have found we have found a weapon so that increases her aim dial to nine i almost forgot to do that the reason why that is important is there are some pretty bad cards in this deck and i could have maybe drawn one of those since it's revealed it's going to go to the bottom of the endurance deck her on activation ability has been performed now she can go ahead and perform two actions she's going to go ahead and get out and she's also going to go ahead and activate hudson he's going to get out we have successfully made it through save newt and actually made it through this entire mission without much problem to our characters that was awesome we had a very very good game this was amazing super excited for how this turned out there is only one card in our discard pile so i'm going to go ahead and add that back to our endurance deck we don't have any hazards in the discard pile so we don't have to add them back to the endurance deck also we are then going to have to shuffle the discard powder and move half that isn't going to happen because of course we don't have any in the discard pile wow this was such a good mission we did fantastic and that's it we're going to go ahead and return the remaining cards to discard pile to the endurance deck to be used next mission and since we don't need the discard pile we don't have to even do any of that we went we didn't go through the endurance our endurance deck one time here's our reshuffle card such a good we did characters did such a good job thank you so much for doing so well guys and there you have it we were able to rescue newt in mission one we are now gonna be moving into mission two and i'm excited to say that we're moving to mission two with our entire endurance deck that's absolutely fantastic we're gonna be moving down into the reactor room and see if we can actually find the colonists and maybe save some spoiler alert there aren't many there again if you haven't seen the movie aliens please go check it out it's one of my favorite movies of all time if not my favorite movie of all time it is a fantastic movie once i got this game i actually watched it another couple times just because it's so good but that's beyond the point thank you so much for watching this playthrough i hope you enjoyed it and if you did don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell symbol also please feel free to leave anything in the comments below i would love to hear from everyone i'm excited to hear what you think of this game if you had a chance to play it yet i know right now at the time of this recording it's being shipped to many different places so this is a really cool time for aliens fans to get really psyched up for some good aliens game thanks again and if you're excited to see if our characters can get down into the processing center and take out the aliens inside the reactor room and maybe escape from the reactor room then i need you to meet me at the co-op with all shop energy
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 3,913
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: qQGAw-8Txh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 21sec (4101 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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